tv [untitled] October 18, 2021 5:30pm-6:00pm AST
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being a member of the dialogue, commission and lexical alec saab was a moral stab in the back of the dialogues and negotiations and mexico. the u. s. government music and act it was if they knew it or if they do not want dialogue, they do not want piece foreign as well. are also they do not want democracy in progress for venezuela? no kidding. ah. on al jazeera, these are the top stories for me you a secretary of state, colin powell has died from cove at 19 complications. he was 84 years old. powell served in top diplomatic and military posts for nearly 30 years. in addition to his time at the state department, he also served as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and as national security advisor. the u. s. secretary of defense, lloyd austin, has paid his tributes to come into the world, lost one of the greatest leaders that we have ever witnessed,
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almost lost a great husband in the family was a tremendous father and i lost her a tremendous personal friend and mentor. he has been my mentor for a number of years. i always made time for me and i could always go to him what, what tough issues he always had great break counsel we. we will certainly miss him . i feel as if i have a hole in my heart just this morning of this just recently. in other news, a special session of the u. k. parliament is underway to pay tribute to sir david amos following the conservative emp, his death on friday. members of parliament began with a minute's silence for they colleague said david was stabbed to death while meeting members of the public in his constituency. east of london, they said, 5 people have now, di, did you to floods in landslides triggered by heavy diamond, southern india. thousands of people had to be relocated as well. china's economic
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growth is flowing as its post. pandemic recovery loses momentum. the world's 2nd largest economy grew by 4.9 percent in the 3rd quarter, still strong thought. the weakest figure that we've seen in here. if you're a p, as military is denying carrying out as strikes in the northern to grow region local hospital officials say 3 people were killed. and the attacks on the lay, the regional capital, a television station controlled by the ticket people's liberation front also reported. those strikes and thousands of sudanese holding a sit in protest in front of the presidential palace and to a demanding prime minister. a bela hummed up step down, protest to say his economic policies have negatively affected fair living conditions and it's made up today. thank you for your company, fully about the bose with you for the news hour in about 25 minutes time. continuing coverage at the death of colon pal on counting the cost, the battle for influenza in latin america. after seating round to china,
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the usb still went over its neighbors, with billions of dollars in investment and online learning took off again a pandemic back. any application not turn a profit. counting the cost on colleges here. all blue hungary joined the european union in 2004. it was one of 8 nations in central and eastern europe, which agreed to be gotten done, the e u laws. but in recent years, brussels and budapest have not seen i to why the hungarian prime minister, victor, or van says his policies are based on conservative christian and patriotic values. while many in the e u and elsewhere say his government provokes hope of whoa big xenophobic. and anti democratic even authoritarian values, the european commission, president ursula on the line. this call hunger is new law on l g b t q writes shameful. the dutch prime minister mark root her says hungary has no
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place in the e. u. any more, while luxemburg foreign minister has called for a referendum on why the hungary should even remain part of the you. but what's been the response from the hungarian government? it's foreign minister says these remarks are fueled by what he calls hunger phobia . so after the u. kay's exit from the european union, could there now be a huck sit the hungarian foreign minister peter c. otto talks to al jazeera peter c, otto foreign minister of hungary. thank you for talking to al jazeera and talking to us again. this is the 3rd time i've had you on this program, and it seems that every time that i sit down with you, your country is involved in a major route with the rest of the european union. right now it's about teaching of l g b t q issues in school. we'll discuss that in a moment. but 1st,
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why does hungry always seem to find itself in dispute with what supposed to be your closest allies? look at the european union has been phase 3, the tremendous challenges in the, in the recent years. because of many reasons, because of the migratory pressure because of economy issues. because of the answers to the panoramic because of the different approaches about how the future europe in union should look like whether it should be a federalist. take one or more bases on strong member states. so it's kind of natural currently in the european union, there are debates going on. sometimes the bates are more emotional than a should be. it has personal reasons. it has structural reason bought. you know, you say that we are in iraq, been brussels with the european. the institutions of the thing is that there's, there's a procedure in the european union which is called the infringement. which means that if you are not aligning with some common regulation, then
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a procedure is being launch their gay issue. and we are some very in the middle in the european union regarding the number of these procedures, if i'm not mistaken, even germany thus have more procedures going on with somebody speeds that you're involved in seen by some of your other mistakes as more serious . so i, that can be one reason. the other reason can be that these issues very are in such a debate, are, are more, more symbolic, more ideological, let's put it this way and you know, you know me very well. we have met a couple of times. you already mentioned that you know, our government, we have been in office for 11 years, 911 and a half. so everybody knows us. everybody knows that we are a very conservative christian democrats, patriotic type of government, which definitely goes against the international liberal mainstream. and i think the
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fact that we go against the, or opposite to the international, liberal mainstream puts us in a, in a focus of the tension. and, and then maybe this is the reason why why the, the bays between brussels and bars are being highlighted so much by some actors. okay. latest dispute concerns, legislation. finding the depiction of homosexuality, engender transition to those on the 18. why do you need this law? it was not the full spectrum what you have quoted. so we made the regulation. we says that the education of the children under the age of 18 regarding sexual orientation on sexual issues is the exclusion, exclusive right of the parents. this means that the direct, sexual and pornographic content, homosexual promotion of homosexuality promotion the pony was
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a common so direct portal graphic, direct, sexual content, promotion of homosexuality, promotion of changing gender. these are forbidden when it comes to children, because, you know, we think it was unacceptable that certain n g o was g beat. the activity just simply went to school and kindergarten and started to explain things to our children, which the parents wanting to do themselves. you know, in a way which is suitable for their children at an age when it's suitable for their children. so no one knows. busy better are children than the parents, right? there is no compromise for marseilles. so we will never give up this exclusive right of the parent despite the comments that have come from senior figures in brussels, the european commission president of underline, shameful, the netherlands prime minister mark router said following this, your country has no place in the european union. what's your reaction to that from one of the founding members of the you, one of the biggest economists in the micro suffers from very serious hunger for
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b. this is very clear, would be into consideration his former statements. it is not market that to say who is a member of european union, who is not a member of the european you in the 1st he should deal with his own issues. back in the netherlands, he proved to be unsuccessful in trading government for a long months. so 1st, do his own job back at home and then comment issues of other countries when it comes to mrs. funder lion. you know, i think it is shameful that she speaks about hungary legislation. this way. european court is about to look into this law because european commission lines procedure against us. they are and, you know, announcing the result of a, of a procedure which has not started yet. goes, brings us back to the old dictatorship of communism. so i think this is shameful. how she behaved. regarding this issue. it seems now that you are going to have
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a referendum on this next year, and that seems to be a patent, doesn't it? that your prime minister picked up or bon pushes things, he pushes things right to the edge, then perhaps he gives a little at the end, but takes the games that he's got in the meantime. that's his way of operating, isn't it? you know, when you mentioned our debates with the european union and the criticism of other members things towards us. one of the major criticism is of course, has no blizzard bases, but that the hungarian democracy is not functioning. now, what is the meaning of democracy? it is that the people, the people do have the rights to make their own decision about the future of themselves, future of nation future of the country. and one of the most direct way of expressing their opinion is referendum. so you know, a child the right of the hungary and people to go on the referendum of such an issue is very anti democratic. so please respect,
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please respect the decision and the right of the hungarian people to decide. and when you say that the referendum will have leading questions and let me just put this point to you about, agree with it. let me put this point to you about democracy. the night or the 2020 annual report of freedom house, the influential n g o. concluded that being so many steady incursions against hunger and freedoms, the country no longer met its definition of a democracy. to be honest, i don't care because it's not the freedom house to judge the hungary on the democracy. none of the freedom house activities have fought for our independence for our school. it was us. it was us to fight against to occupy there is it was us to fight for freedom. it was us to fight for the serenity of the country. the prime minister was leading not the country was the 1st political person to be brave enough to to urge the saga troops to leave our homeland. you know,
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so judging hungary and democracy is not the job of freedom house activities. and by the way, this organization you mention is a politically biased organization. so their statements made no sense because they are not based on a fact. those are based on the political ideology. they are super liberal and they hate what we are doing in our country. but since they are not registered to the hungarian for voters catalog, doesn't really matter what they said in terms of code 19, the european commission is giving funds to you. countries from the pandemic recovery fund, about $950000000000.16 member states have had the plans approved 7 to still being evaluated, including hungary and poland. do you think you'll being punished 12 years? so this is a political issue. we were really at the edge of the agreement. mrs. also off on the lion has asked for a appointment in budapest. she wanted to come. so she was looking at the dates
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where she could have come to announce the approval of our recovery plan. we were at the edge of the agreement, but then the hungarian parliament has passed the law on the protection of the rights of the parents in order to teach their children already educated children regarding sexual orientation. and immediately after that, you know, they pulled the handbrake and they said ok, then the recovery plan is not going to be approved. so it's a clear, clearly a political move, 7200000000 euros, which is our money is being being withheld by the, are held back by the european commission. poland is in the same kind of shoes. what we went on the bond market, and 4200000000 euros. you know, we issued bonds for 24200000000 euros. so it doesn't make sense to blackmail us because we have our own funds, our own financial lessons. but there's a u r. i, this is purely a political issue, and there are so many issues that hungry in the us clashed on in the past. whether
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it be media, freedom, rule of law, judiciary, you've got article 7 procedure even against you. now let's just explain article 7 proceedings. potentially the sanctions could include having your voting rights often fall on the withdrawn. but, you know, the, you, this is a very, very slow convoluted process. is that the advantage you have, you know, that the processes take so long, they're never going to go and we had the different initiative. we have asked the presidency to go and vote finally. because all questions were raised. all answers are given. we know the motivation of the questions, we know the answers that we've been, no new things popping up. so we have as the former presidency, portugal you know, to go on a vote and close this whole issue, but they didn't do it. and i know why i know why you need the unanimity industry got. and they know that there will be at least one or even more member states who
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would not vote in favor of the article 7 procedure to to pass against hungary, and in case of poland. there will be a couple of countries voting in favor of poland as for example, us by the way. so. so the reason why these procedure is not being close is not only that the european union is generally slow, but because they don't want to close it because they know that it will pass as turn to the media. and most of the media in hungry is friendly to the old man governed. oh, i wish it was the case. i wish that would be really great. that would be really good . unfortunately, there's not a while. let me bring up a new allegation about media, which is that hunger is been using spy software from the israeli company, and s o and it's been targeting for example, that one investigative journalist had 2 of his phones that were hacked. he was someone who was investigating hungary, the richest man just happens to be a childhood friend of victor or bon,
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why did the authorities spy on this journalist and who else is spying on? look, i think it's obvious that all security services a war countries use different technological applications. let's put it this way to conduct their duties, namely protecting the security of the country and security of the citizens. so watson, the fine. yeah, i'm going to do is i'll just, i'll finish it. i. so of course i will never comment on what kind of technologies we are using because there is no country who would reveal what kind of technology is there. security services are losing because then the, you know, it would be a national security kind of problem. the question is always whether these kinds of equipments, whether these kinds of technologies are used in line with the regulations and the laws or not. and what i can tell you is that since we have been in office, so for the last 11 years, we have used all these kind of applications and technologies in line with the regulations. everybody can be sure about that. and i can also tell you that we
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never, never wire tape or bag any bug anybody because of professional. so being a journalist is not the reason to be to be violated. i don't know whether these guys have been via tamed or not because i'm in my, i don't have information about that, but i can assure you once again, that just because of being a journalist, you will be bogged you women not why. let's move to an issue for which your government is certainly known, which is the issue of migration. we've talked in the past about 2015 and people leaving syria refugees leading syria and hungry, very keen for them not to come to hungry. people have now, in recent weeks been leaving afghanistan after the fall of the government there. and the takeover by the taliban, hungary accepted 540 africans when you closed the door. why? why?
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first of all, regarding the evacuation, you know, it was our moral obligation to evacuate those who have worked with our troops who have helped our troops. you know, we had hundreds of troops in the framework of the resolute support mission. the not going to stand you were in cobble and you will simply committee yeah, yeah. and different lines and, and after the americans made a decision to pull out, we of course, acted accordingly. so we have pulled out our troops but, but there were a couple hundreds of of guns to have help us during our stay there. so it was a moral obligation. evacuate, and we did it. we did it, so they are hungry. but we don't want to take any, any more guns in hungary, we will not take anymore guns. and i, you know, i really regret that the similar kinds of mistakes have been repeated, which have been committed back in 2015 when there was a kind of open invitation on behalf of europe. and we have seen the outcome. and the border guards who are protecting the southern border of hungary reporting that basically everybody who appears at our border and would like to while laid down
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dozens of attempts on a daily basis to violate the border. they are, they all considered themselves all comes, of course, they don't have any trouble document, but everybody considers him or herself as africans the similar situation back in 2015, everybody considered him or her as a serial. at our border, of course no documents, no papers, nothing. so i think that the, the mistakes of 2015 should not be repeated and i, and i hope that they will not be repeated on behalf of the european union. another controversial issue from the past was your education law targeting for unknowns, universities the central european university had to relocate most of its operations to the past. most of it's no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, very, very small slice they'll do reparation. you know, we have, we have passed the regular parliament has by the regulation regulations as i think it's fair that 40 and universities can only can, can issue
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a graduation on behalf of another country, only in case they have a school there also. so regarding the hungarian accreditation of the central european university, there was never a problem. they could always operate according to the hunger and accreditation. they could always issue hungarian graduation. what they can do under the new regulation is that they, that they can't issue american graduation. but you know, you know what people say, they say they say that you've targeting the central university because it's backed by george soros, the philanthropist, whose hungarian born, who is someone who seems to be a particular enemy of your prime minister. he's very heavily against us. that's right, yeah, very have like a regulation to them. some say it's double standards now that you're inviting in a chinese university food on university by and to be honest it's, i don't know why these 2 issues are confused. i don't know what, what was the common in these 2 universities operating?
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you seem to be a very unhappy one. welcoming in the chinese is, you know, this is the biggest sort of higher education operation, anywhere in the u. that's coming, talked to, to, to hungry regarding food on university for the university is among the best universes of the day. have very strong cooperation with the american universities. many of them. so my question is that the, if the american universities cooperate with will done is fine. if we would like to establish a school in budapest as a problem. it's part though, of an outreach to china that seems to exist from hunger. you seem to be pretty friendly to china, where you bought the vaccines from china and i'm not made a necessity, but since the fall vaccine. also let me take you back to april when the european union was trying to put forward a strong statement on the new security law in hong kong, a place where media freedom has been curtailed. demonstrations being contained
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democracy is under threat, was hungry that blocked it. why are you supporting china so strongly, particularly on hong kong? first yes, we would like to have a good cooperation with china weaver lot on that. it is very beneficial for us to have a good cooperation with china. we could increase our trade, our exports by 50 percent during the 1st half of the year last year, china brought the most investments to hungary representing high technological standards on the high rate of added value. so we are happy with the cooperation. on the other hand, while i see that the western european countries make much bigger deals with china than we do. so whenever western europe leaders meet the chinese leadership, they're always contracts to an extent of tens of billions of euros or dollars being signed. so please do not portray us as if we were the only ones who wants to build a good cooperation, be china, oil rock and i'm most of the local countries do it,
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especially the big western european ones now and on the statement. you know, i think europe in union should not make itself ridiculous, but you make yourself ridiculous when you pass resolutions on the same issue in a very unsuccessful manner. so we have baz 8th 8 resolutions on china in the recent one or 2 years. always with the same result which was 0. so my question was that isn't really the foreign policy of european union that novel issue, the 9 statement on the same issue without any kind of, without any kind of outcome. so i said let's, let's me more some digitally about our relationship to china. and let's postpone a little bit, you know, issuing resolutions because it's obvious that it doesn't work as things stand right now. it is hungry. have better relations with china than it does with some of its partners that you know, it's on comparable because we are in the european union to be
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a very tight relationship with all you member states. we meet once a month, always, but we have a very, you kicked out sort of some of them what you what about mystery? but it's not. it depends on what they want, what we have a very fair and very good cooperation with china also and, and i know, and i personally work on the, on the enhancement of this relationship, obviously because we take a lot of profit out. but we one of the newspapers in hungary recently in the last month or so. put out an editorial. it's time to talk about hucks it. this is a newspaper that's normally seen to be on the government side. is there any discussion about hunger leaving the, you know, because you have so many problems with the no, obviously there's not such a discussion. hungary is interesting european union to be strong. you know, we are having the 11 most open economy of the road or export over g d p ratio exceeds 83 percent and,
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and 797079 percent of our exports are heading the european union. so it's obvious that we want you to appeal in union to be stronger gate. yeah, i get the economics. you love the, the single market that you don't seem to stick to the rule. so share its values. yeah, we, we do share the value of the question is what are the values because we are sharing the original values of the founding fathers of the european union. we definitely don't share some values which are not being put forward by the liberal mainstream. for example, we will never support the so called the concept of the so called united states of europe, because this is something that we want like we want a strong european union to be based on strong members. some people who do seem to show your values right now are here and we speaking in new york, the republican party in the us seems to have a love in with hungry right now. the letter to prime minister or ban from donald trump in august. i'm grateful for your continued friendship and enduring commitment to fighting for the ideals you and i cherish freedom, patrick, pride,
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and liberty. why do you think there seems to be this right now in the last few months, this outpouring of admiration, feel country look prime minister or been and presidents from really made friendship when it comes to major issues like migration christianity, protecting the christian communities, the values and family and those kind of stuff. president trump and prime minister or by had the similar kind of approach and that made made them friends and friends . i mean a very good relationship in jared cushion there. i will meet him in new york during the week and, and we are very happy about this, this, this is make your relations difficult right now. then, because the occupants are the white house president joe bite. now of course, you know, we respect the decision of the american people. i mean, we work together with the administration which is empower we. we hope that this administration, we respect the cooperation, we'll be hungary,
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and then we'll have the willingness to upgrade this relationship. we are definitely ready for it. our troops are fighting shoulder to shoulder in many parts of the of the world when us establish the anti scholarship rejoined. immediately we are there on the western volcano, we are reliable. nato partner us has the 2nd largest invest in community in hungary . us is the number 2 trading partners outside of the rope in the union. so it's a robot's relationship. only one part of it is in relationship in direct politics. you have an election coming up next year, as you say, mister oberon, this time has been president for prime minister for 11 years. the opposition, 4 years before, before the opposition parties are all getting together. yes, time there you are facing a more forbidden for bootable challenge. we're not clear and tardy who is going to be the opposition candidate for prime minister. although the marable to put a passcode gallery crash on is one of the possible is seen. it seems quite a full,
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formidable candidate given what happened in the us and your friend on the trump didn't seem to accept defeat. is this going to be a fair election in hungary? and if you end up being beaten, will you accept it? you know, since 1990, since we have a free and fair elections, we always had 3 unfair elections and these will be the case next year or so. and let's leave it to the voters to decide. peter c auto foreign minister of hungary. thank you for talking to out there. thank you. i oh, the world is warming. green lens ice sheet is melting, which is changing everything from sea levels to the way people live. and now even exposing the remnants of a cold war pulse greenland the melting of the frozen no on al jazeera.
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around 200 wildfires have struck turkey in recent weeks and also support has how to bring them on the control. almost a decade there go west spaniel. glad martin was an exchange student. if turkey's booster provence, she had no idea she will be flying plays over turkey's agent, coastline to have combat wildfires. blood is one of a dozen firefighters who everite from spain to counter fires. that have eaten abra forest and pastures along turkeys, a gym and mediterranean coast in the distance headquarters refilled their camp to buckets for another. go at the fires though many are now contained. others have stubbornly spread due to change in ruins. aircrafts how blade or white to roll in these operations because they can cover long distances in a matter of minutes, especially in mountainous terrain. the long term case, autumn coast frank assessments is okay. likely to change biking behavior at all.
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it's not gonna change their behavior. they're going to continue to do what they do and in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah clara, i'm fully back to bo, this isn't use our life or my world headquarters in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. i trailblazer and trusted advisor to several us presidents, colin powell, the 1st black secretary of state as died.
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