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tv   [untitled]    October 20, 2021 4:00am-4:31am AST

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when an ethiopian mother put her daughter up for adoption, she knew little of what was to come. with family bones severed the traumatized child, torn between 2 worlds, struggling to return home in a profoundly human story, exposing deep floors in denmark's adoption system. a girl in return, a witness documentary on al jazeera. ah, hello, i'm darren jordan and doug, i'm with a quick reminder at the top stories here on al jazeera. north korea says it's testified a new type of ballistic missiles from a submarine a day off to south korea and japan detected weapons launch. north korea made the announcement through state run media, which also released these pictures. it last tested such a weapon in 2019 washington urged north korea against when it cools further provocations and says it's still open to restarting talks. these launches violate
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multiple un security council resolutions and are a threat to the region. we call m and t p r. k, to refrain from further provocations and engage and said, stand and substantive dialogue and our commitments at the defense of the republic of korea and japan remains iron clad. these launches also underscore the urgent need for dialogue and diplomacy. our offer remains to meet anywhere any time without pre conditions, a haitian gang that could not members of a u. s. based christian missionary group is demanding a $1000000.00 for each person. the 16 americans and one canadian were taken while returning to port a prince. from an orphanage and the town of gun thea, east of the capitol. the christian aid ministries, workers at 5 children with them, including a baby. only 8 months old al jazeera was manual rapid as more from puerto prince. information on the status of the 17 missionaries is quite limited. we don't know if those $70000000.00 is going to be shelled out by the aid organization. a
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$1000000.00 per head as the gang has put it. but local authorities here, port prints are working hand in hand with us of federal agents to find a resolution to the case of these. 17 missionaries, we know that this gang 400 of mulatto is very well known here in port a prince. they are, are known actually for these types of brazen kidnappings. just in april, there was a kidnapping of a catholic clergy by this same group. now we can also tell you that the attitude from people here in puerto prince is the day that we arrive have been quite tense people are. people have been protesting who are protest on monday, there were protests on tuesday. the day that we arrived, people calling attention to violence, calling attention to this worsening trend of kidnappings. and we should note that while this specific case of the 17 missionaries, whoa, as sort of captured international headlines for the simple fact that 16 out of the 17 missionaries are us citizens. in just the 1st 3 quarters of 2021. there been
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more than 600 reported it kid nappies. this is a very serious problem here in haiti and people are calling for accountability. people are quite angry with the government, but more so than anything else. people are afraid and simply because in the wake of the assassination of haitian president of nell noise in july of this year, there has been this spike in violence, the spike in fighting between rival gangs seeking to control different areas of puerto prints. and people are scared that they're going to be caught in the crossfire of this, of this turf war here in the haitian capital. a mutation that the cobra 19 dealt of air and has been closely monitored in the u. k. it's genetic sequence has been detected in a growing number of new infections. but as yet there's no evidence to suggest it spreads more easily than the original delta, which is already highly contagious. u. k. infection rates have been growing despite
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strong vaccination numbers. dozens of palestinians have been wounded and arrested in scuffles with israeli forces and occupied east. jerusalem must 1000 celebrated muslim holiday is ready, forces moved in on damascus gate in the old city outside the alex, a mosque compound for the 2nd, dana ro, events have been held around there to mark the prophet muhammad birthday. support as the pro rainy infections in iraq have been protesting against the results of last week's parliamentary elections. parties linked to the paramilitary group known as the popular mobilization of forces. so big losses. crowds in bagdad gather, to demand a recount. and a u. s. congressional committee investigating january's assault on capitol hill has voted unanimously to approve a contempt report against steve bannon. he was a long time aid to donald trump and approving the report. the committee said it was shocking that bannon refused to comply with subpoenas seeking documents and testimony. well, those were the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera,
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after blood and tears station. thanks for watching by phone. ah aah! france once had a vast empire covering over 11000000 square kilometers of the world. by the 19th thirty's, it comprised over a 100000000 people. but after the 2nd world war, national independence movements rule and pressure mounted on france in asia, africa, and the americas to let go of many of its colonies. pressure that it resisted
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often violently. uprisings in algeria, the middle east and madagascar were subdued with brutal force. trouble also similar in the caribbean and ivory. and in indo china, full scale war broke out. how long could france hold out against the tide of history? it was living in a new world now, in which the new global powers of the united states and the soviet union were locked in the cold war. and in which old empires, what crumbling. this is the story of the collapse of one of the biggest empires the world has ever seen. and how the blood dent is shed decades ago. a still felt in the world today. ah
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ah ah, the war in indo china began in december 1946. and after 4 years stuck in the quagmire of vietnam, the french were forced to take stock. they sent for reinforcements. from now on half of their troops would come from morocco synagogue. and even algeria, as in 1939, the colonies had to come to the rescue of the colonizing power. and as in madagascar, 3 here before, they were forced to fight other colonized people. little bit lighter voluntarily. it showed that i'm if one says papa turning bushy. little admit is that because it's we volunteer should divulge if is like saga is what it is for home for sure.
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was as long as the landman is an unto it comedies im of fissile a propaganda faucet is to come in for one of the buses. it's you delacour quinn aliya ganga noodle to lee good because it emblem on julia and bob plump. will it bois, timothy his id? young french volunteers did not necessarily commit themselves out of patriotism for marty azako. great. are they? they fall on a feller? no, not yet. go yes or say they truly could you? she a b j no particular level, you level keel eric and i'm a huge goose nestle's usa. despite military inferiority north vietnamese leda, hoshi men, stuck to a simple but effective class guerrilla warfare. he compared his army to a tiger facing an elephants. the cat needed to strike fast and hot before
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disappearing back into the undergrowth. grenville luca where we're at or if you're miss nasha nash casual nash currently is, you know, critical imminent jabal out of her. i'm going to meet your proctor and get it on paul shortly and finish. unfortunately, i lost my camera shooting dope, ga, from the right to defeat the french. the forces of the north vietnamese coalition, the viet men had conventional weapons at their disposal. as well as newspapers. propaganda was everywhere than the uncle was a clearly, even gay to play may believe a year. love like ghost. yes. the, the, the so love jose also may, i was a boy. am you fan play because you open to you up. they play live and they be
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segment. he said there live noel. so they, they young no l song, gary, you said la, thought the nicole on a deadly c a t a, a new build this on there is on keep a live on the they've jose is all again the whole same. i've got me luck in the north of the country, the situation became more complicated in china, the communists had ceased power. so now who she mean had the support of a much bigger and more powerful neighbour. in response, the united states decided to support france. indo china was no longer a simple colonial conflict. it was a new front in the cold war. in
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october 1950. the fighting on the chinese border. it's new levels of intensity. the french army lost 5000 soldiers. but above all, they lost their sense of their own invincibility. of yet mean took control of the north of yet nom way chinese aids now arrived unhindered caught by the throat, the french government despatches most prestigious, general john de latrell, this destiny hero of the liberation of france in world war 2, they called him king ashanti, and in january 1951, he swung into action, and the french army inflicted successive better defeats on the north vietnamese.
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in the thick jungle, the french used every means at their disposal, and that included a highly flammable petrol jelly. maple whose only less than those of you last o. yeah, b b will lady bully, lady will lay it, goes georgia. eliza up there and couldn't up out recently. and then seen deadly now . ah, i really young viet nam laura if there are no hulu. live li. toro renee, norah take or dead thought. the normal and i no later than yeah, right there. he should know like why another lovely now he's in take i kill tolkien
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or young or heated but back in france, most people appeared indifferent to events in indo china, only a 3rd of the population supported continuing the war in order to preserve the empire. the french communists campaigned fiercely against what they called, quote, a dirty imperialist war. their slogan, was not a man, not a penny for the war. in indo china at the ports, their cameras secretly filmed what no one wanted to see the coffins of growing numbers of french soldiers stocking up on the key side. the m p. p. r mendez pulse was one of the few to foresee the tragedy that lay ahead . he called for the start of negotiations. but the government remained
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blindly stubborn. the empire must not be sold off, and communism must be prevented from spreading. by the spring of 1951, the number of troops sent to vietnam had grown to more than a 140000. the war continued regardless. oh, francis problems in indo china were married in north africa. in algeria, morocco and tanisha. people demanded more and more freedom, while the colonizers living there, looked the other way. the whole problem is and i don't, i don't. oh, larry did actually communion, did you moist claim located, viv? diffusion. ill assure them as reuters, your man literally tell her to bill mill falsely with us as well. your infirm mobile milner small entity. oh, she says it was in your proposal. the 2nd message in truth,
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as purely unadorned. if all english was to the above she dr. wilson, while the local colonizers averted their eyes, people's misery fed nationalism, indonesia, the pro independence liter happy bore gibber had continued his fights. since the 1930 s, a young lawyer had come, a long way, had been arrested several times, but continued to demand his country's independence. his public speaking electrified large crowds. but the colonial authorities here were no more disposed to grant denisia autonomy than anywhere else in the empire. and france then made a bad mistake rather than negotiate with bookkeeper. in january 1952, they arrested him and imprisoned him on the island of like elliots. far
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from calming tensions, this simply exacerbated them. anti french attacks increased that initial reaction was swift. the situation quickly became explosive and the army and police intervenes. there were many deaths, and these enraged the arab world. the protests quickly spread to morocco, langon, musk it will apply clinic as i'm not out ill, keep it, alice austin, you mentioned a lot. ah, if you're the day that good on is also the deluxe, known as, as you don't know what of you might w. so like, will use your to, to live animals exclaiming, lemonade or that was usually, these are the normal, you know, it's more solid, it emerge, or the de blasio has, you know, sauce it on a should. malcolm will feel like the only thing if it isn't puzzle. no. so did you
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draw autopay? don't be thought that this have caught up. it can be crimea. give you the what do you want to see to do football? if i did do you do for yes, quality video, but even though he did, he, he shot to real for, for you to shoot nocka dodgy missile room due to new birth. the french authorities wanted all the independence movement leaders gone after bookkeepers, exile. they put his moroccan counterparts under house arrest and then removed the sultan of morocco. a future king hammered the 5th they replaced him with a weak old man with no political legitimacy. but by attacking the sultan france created a motive. the initial moroccan wives turned into a major armed struggle. crowded marketplace of casa blanca as
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a scene of horror. as a bomb explodes in a dense crowd of the height of the business day, 19 were killed instantly. as in denisia, the french were unable to deal with a crisis other than by force at the united nations in new york, france was immediately put in the dark 4 years earlier, the french foreign minister habash man had affirmed frances commitment to the un declaration of human rights this time he ignored them and said the un should not meddle in an internal french matter. luggage is rather the less, oddly good also, yes. and so the mcneil donna, you need to submit you. they can append south lavish more savvy to perform at the bath tub it. well,
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if you have 2 left was out of the lead on up. if you know the french colonial issue had entered the public arena and a new front had opened up over north africa. in early 1954, france froze, the catholic priest abbey pierre launched a major appeal for the homeless, torn between a domestic housing crisis and imperial conflict abroad. the french government needed to act decisively after 8 years embroiled in indo china, it sent in a new commander general off he never with a plan to strike a major blow against of yet mean
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his forces in stole themselves in the den, been full basin, a strategic position surrounded by mountains, his objective to force the enemy out of the jungle and engage in direct combat. the french still considered themselves invincible, but they would be proved wrong. ah . the french army was unaware that in the silence of the hills, the north vietnamese coalition forces have yet main. where preparing a major assaults, they carried tens of thousands of tons of equipment and artillery to the top of the hills overlooking the french camp. while trucks carried the majority of the heavy weapons, 2 wheels also came in useful. or about gar, garcia, i have
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a great that are power. i said, i over ah, the possible thief lit plus also sankey law, duly liberties up they say. so cylinder bushel cinema. yo liberty z b a c. live know it. glad to. but will i will those seniors on, on that by the book? will they body a lot of olive it more ill know, hold or to the level of bust after 3 months of preparation? on the 13th of march, 1954, the battle of gen gainful began hidden deep in kay's, they've yet mean artillery was invisible and the shelling, relentlessly powerful. despite being protected, even the medical teams felt the full force of this barrage safety 10 more bulow
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too. but so do so to disobey what his tilly kula or silver do about her. oh, just a boy. you love. i know she really seek eva. vio attend, if with love your fuss you does she feel hubbard cheek basket. oh, queen. but to sleep in albertville. ah several french battalions were soon put out of action. there was no hiding place. the french were tramps stuck deep in the basin. the wounded could not be evacuated.
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on the 7th of may 1954. after $55.00 days of fierce resistance. the last ranks gave way. lou city for you? she i told you she better. she just took the place, diaz. maybe she just city fiji. he said to pu will could please test. will she are put suitable to pussy? she do. you have probably she pre the wolf no, we're good, i'm the act on you're going to come got go. jamila really are so be just a way we forgot to really been mom co, ashby jack de la la marquee. he go walking. i did time. you do, my thought took in my doctor all ah
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yes okey mom do. they need only fear zavala but the he b as, as they're gone, move one to most as if they damaged the last name. let thong. there's just some i saw presented land be daunted. in the info ran, i know he moves up to you from korea to where your nova get dead all. hey, dante cordova, when crumley petroleum wiegand, otto, ah, on the french side, the disaster resulted in more than 3000 dead. and 5000 wounded. the viet mean captured nearly 11000 troops. france had suffered
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a humiliating defeat, the worse since the dark days of 1940 the cedar gonna kasheila should of afternoon given me as comrade omit, i'm here till flushing g filiano lucian sha motion will come up ah, on that window. manuel cornelius implemented a prima it to says an essay of yeah, yeah, she come in to see this be up, you media osi escalade. he gets gummed in new food, la. ah, the military crisis soon became a political one. pm in this house who had been advocating negotiations since 1950 became prime minister on the 20th of july 1954 in geneva. he succeeded in negotiating
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a ceasefire and pulled france out of the indo chinese quad. my. ah, vietnam was divided into 2 separate states. the north returned to the viet mean while the south became a republic placed under american protection. cambodia and laos saw their sovereignty recognize it was the end of french indo china like domino pieces falling one after the other. the loss of indo china had immediate consequences. it force france to give back to india trading post. it had administered for nearly 3 centuries in ponti chevy. my god, i can. and yeah. now in october, 1954, france withdrew from asia to the apparent indifference of most french people. france
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had lost nearly 80000 soldiers. thousands remains to be evacuated. fighters from the 4 corners of the empire, prisoners, the wounded, damaged for life. ah french citizen suit settled in indo china plus thousands of indo chinese auxiliaries who had chosen to defend the french where repatriated to france often endeavored off condition. ah, they'd lost everything. ah reports of the defeat echoed across the whole empire.
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soon mother, she's ill need to dollar cool electrical mall agnew this so hey, paul, ill forgot date a pano could to to her nose. i needed to use one blade. no. these jo, east she lives handle. she knew i forgot that he me ah ha! back her locksmith is what i know the in part 2 with francis destiny turned upside down. the authorities still strive to preserve their colonial power at all costs. more conflict approaches. but the fall of the french empire is not only a matter of twos.
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a small closed middle eastern community whose history goes back nearly 3000 years with a population under threat. when men out number women, 3 to one out as they were well meet, the men have decided to break with tradition. and married foreign women. samaritan weddings signed sealed deliberate. on out his era compelling journalism we keeping our distance because it's actually quite dangerous . ambulances continued by about the explosion inspire program making. i still don't
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feel like i actually know enough about what living under fascism was light. how much money did you make for your bro in deliverance? i made that al jazeera english proud recipient of the new york festivals. gold coster of the year award for the 5th year running. ah ah. hello, i'm darn jordan doe. the quick reminder, the headlines here in al jazeera north korea says it's test fired, a new type of ballistic missiles from a submarine a day off to south korea and japan detected a weapons launch. north korea made the announcement through state one media which also released these pictures. it last tested such a weapon in 2019 washington urge north korea against recalls for the provocations and says it's still open to restarting tools. these launches violate multiple un
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security council resolutions and are a threat to the region. we call the d p r k to.


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