tv [untitled] October 20, 2021 7:00pm-7:31pm AST
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ah risky needle. when l g, we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter where you call home will but you can use in current affairs that matter to years ah, accused of crimes against humanity. a brazilian senate committee concludes, present balsam arrows should face criminal charges as handling of coven 19. ah! but again, i miss darcy. hey, this is out of the our ally from durham, also coming up. the taliban calls for global recognition to overcome that challenges at the 1st international conference on afghanistan since taken charge. an attack in the heart of damascus and bonds destroy
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a military bus killing at least 14 people. and the gunman who carried out the park and school massacre and florida 3 years ago now, has pleaded guilty to murder. ah, well, he downplayed the severity of coven 19 and ignored international guidelines to contain the pandemic. and now an investigation by brazil, senate is recommending that president shire bull scenario be charged with crimes against humanity for his response. the parliamentary inquiry committee is accusing him of pushing brazil's death toll to the wild 2nd highest. more than half a 1000000 people have now died from the virus in brazil, the draft are brought still needs to be voted on by the senate committee, where it could also be vetoed and altered. well, let's find out more with monica and a cab. she is, and what is aries for us amana? how damaging all the findings of their support? i mean, you sound like very serious charges. indeed. yes,
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they are on i. we just spoke a few hours before on the report started to be read. it's being read right now this very moment in congress. we spoke with the president of this 11 member, our senate panel that has been investigating the government's handling of the pandemic for the past 6 months. and he said that if both so matto is, is being charged with ah, 9 crimes. and if justice were to take them all seriously, he would spend at least 80 years in jail. that is probably will not happen. ah, but this report will be voted and probably approved next up on october 26th. because 7 of the 11, a members of this panel are in favor of this report. they have already said that they were going to try to make people of all the government officials which are
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also being indicted. there's 70 people, i mean a 60 people including the president, his 3 sons, and um, 4 current ministers, full and former ministers as well. all these people they're being indicted as well, so it's, it's a huge investigation and they will try by all means to bring them to justice. in other words, they're going to try to go to the supreme court and even bring both scenarios, charge of crimes against humanity to the international court at the hague. monica, what does this then all mean for both scenario? personally, there's obviously elections next year. could he potentially even face impeachment ahead of that time? all impeachment is unlikely because it needs some time and need some political consensus at this moment. bull. so not all has still has support in the house of
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representatives and is the president of the house of representatives that has to accept an impeachment request before it is even being considered there already. $130.00 impeachment requests which are just sitting in his drawer so. so far this, it's very unlikely the people that from the senate panel that are investigating that have just finished the investigation of the government's handling of the pandemic. they also don't believe there will be an impeachment, it's, it's, there's very little time the elections will be in the year. but this is damaging for both scenarios. popularity, more than half of the brazilians are now reject his government. this doesn't mean that things can change because right now, like today, 50 percent of brazilians have been vaccinated. that's a 105000000 people have finally been vaccinated. the senators that investigated the government's handling of
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a pandemic say that this happened because of their inquiry because of the probe which forced the government to take measures until the prob started. it was present balls and out a was, is denying the pandemic and delaying vaccines. monahan account there with all the latest force across that for us from one is aries. thanks monica. now moving on and the afghan taliban says it needs international recognition to ease the countries, humanitarian crisis. representatives were speaking in moscow after an international conference with regional powers. there, including china, india, and pakistan and cotton's after russia said the group would have to uphold a basic standard of human rights in order to get recognition. the taliban also promised to address ongoing security concerns. well, let's now speak to charlotte dallas. she's across this forest from the afghan capital cobble. charlotte, this is a quest on the part of the afghan taliban. it seems for both legitimacy and money.
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yeah, those were those, were they 2 biggest demands today? those were the 2 big things that they kept bringing up there. she just held a press conference and in it they said, primarily they won't the us who wasn't there today. they want the us to release $9000000000.00, which is being housed by america, which is afghan reserve bank funds. so they want that release. they say they want to use it for reconstruction, but guess they did talk a lot about a they said all the countries in these talks in moscow today we're all on the same page when it came to aid and they said that they supported the taliban and the taliban, so they'll very appreciative of that. but the main takeaway was, there was a call to action if you will, with these countries said look, we're going to contribute to monetary and aid. and we're talking china, iran, india, pakistan, central asian countries. but we also want the, you win to convene during a conference, so it's more of a global effort. so they're really pushing for the you and to kind of take the lead on this and keep channeling and fun and pushing as much humanitarian aid into
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afghanistan as possible because it really is a di situation here and when to is on the horizon. now the taliban also under quite a lot of pressure to day when it came to suppressing, quote, terrorism, the russians was saying that were very worried about groups. like i saw a staging attacks inside afghanistan against neighbors against rusher itself. and so they were really looking for reassurance from the taliban that they can essentially keep a lid on groups like iceland. i so has been a, has kind of be quite effective by having 3 quite large attacks since the taliban took over in various parts of afghanistan. so the taliban had to really reassure some of the neighbors and countries like russia that they can keep control of groups like iso. and finally, like you said, they were talking about legitimacy. they won't recognition as a government. russia in particular said, we're just, we're not going to do that until you on a some of the promises that made in the beginning of taking over. one of the
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examples they gave was having an inclusive government taliban pushed back on that saying as far as we're concerned are acting government is inclusive. so some discord on that front, but everyone that was there to day we're on the same page when it came to one thing . and that was the need for humanitarian aid. charlotte dallas, there for us on the ground and cobble, thank you so much hung now 2 bombs have exploded on an omnibus and the syrian capital killing at least 14 people. that's the worst attack in damascus in years. several others who have injured and a 3rd bomb was dismantled near by. santa houghton has the latest rare attack in the hard to the syrian capital. a military bus was the target. many were killed and injured. when, according to state media to explosive devices went off. the bus was at a transport point under the bridge and damascus. these kind of attacks haven't happened in years, particularly since 2018 when government forces clear that the armed opposition
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strongholds around the city. though there has been no claim of responsibility. but the syrian regime is facing threats on multiple fronts. i remain on the end of the declared candidate in syrian early, 2019 by the joint forces of the us. and as the f did not mean the end of the year had this organization, which was the threats and the great the challenge, especially after the change of statutes of the islamic state, which is largely focused on the site attack. the country remains divided along front lines and millions remain displaced. and while some host countries are starting to promote their return, human rights groups are again warning. it is not safe in the absence of certain conditions. in a report, human rights watch said it interviewed 65, return knees or family members, a documented 21 cases of arrest, an arbitrary detention, 13 cases of torture. 3 kidnappings,
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5 extra judicial killings. 17 enforced disappearances. and one case of reported sexual violence. this includes people that had clearances, supposedly before they return, they assurances that they would not be persecuted, a reconciliation agreement since they are called and no were given documents to say that they would not be hunted down. but in fact, that's exactly what happened to people visited the charlotte. such forces now controlled much of syria after military help from his allies, russia and iran help tip the balance of power in his favor. but wednesday's explosion was a serious security breach. and it shows, once again, syria is still in crisis than a hunter, l. shahita. how soon after that explosion and damascus government forces bombs, the rebel held city of a rehab. and in that province, at least 13 people were killed there, including children out there as me, lad,
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fidel is that i shall don't buy nothing more than a dozen people have been killed and others injured. here in ari has city in the it live province. a syrian government forces targeted the city with nearly a dozen artillery shells about a body of the shelling came on the early morning hours when children were on their way to school. as a result, majority of the victims were young children, a less butler or the highest considered one of the most densely populated cities in the opposition held area state policy. as you would expect, most of the residents here have been displaced from other areas within syria. it might be very hung up on the la following. the recent bombardment, residents have started to leave the city which is situated on the south end of the aleppo le takia highway. it is a strategic geographical location as it is the connecting point between the opposition held areas in the north with those in the south of it lived dental min.
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now, i still had here on out of the air. negotiations for the release at 17 kidnapped missionaries, dr. on in haiti and lost child had concerns about horizon, the number of young people joining armed groups in the king of fafsa. ah, it's another beautiful sunny day, a 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, voted world's best air line of 2021. hi there, here's her weather update in a minute 15. we're beginning in asia and we've got rain falling in all the wrong places. so southern india where of course we've been dealing with that flooding and careless state. and look at this about another $100.00 to $200.00 millimeters of rain to come in the next 48 hours. not only for carola, but also into time on the due and sort of like switch toward the north. we've turn
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the rain off across india and bangladesh. but still the northeast of india through baton, and just a scattering of showers in nepal, cap and do getting up to a height of 23 degrees celsius stages. fill concentration of rain over borneo western portions and the north of the island. and for indo china, more wet weather on the way for northern and central parts of vietnam, where we do not need it. we've seen landslides, there more than 1300 homes destroyed in heavy pockets of rain, also for southern vietnam, plaguing home and city. central and eastern parts of china, dealing with this batch of what weather, some bursts of rain along the pearl river valley can be expected. and also some heavy bouts of rain for a whole kado island in japan. and there are weather alerts in play here, flood advisory, and even the risk of some land slides for southern portions of whole cargo on thursday. that's it for me. see again soon. the weather sponsored by cattle airways voted world's best airline of 2021. joint africa's largest trade and investment in
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south africa into african traits. they gives you access to more than $1100.00 exhibitors and $10000.00 visitors and buyers and more than $5000.00 conference delegates, more than $55.00 countries, participate in trade and investment deals with 40000000000 dollars as business and governments come together to explore business and networking opportunities at the international exhibition brought to you by the african export import back at the premium partners, the i h t of 2020 was transforming africa. ah ah, logan, you're watching al jazeera. let's remind you of our top stories here in the south. a brazilian senate committee has recommended that president gyal scenario. he
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charged with crimes against humanity, his handling of the coven, 19 pandemic. it's accusing boston or of pushing brazil's death told to the world's 2nd highest. the taliban says it needs international recognition to ease afghanistan's humanitarian problems and insisted it will address ongoing security concerns. representatives was speaking in moscow after an international conference with regional powers. at least 14 people have been killed in an explosion in the syrian capital. the worst attack and damascus in years 2 bombs went off on an omnibus. now the man accused of killing 17 people out of florida high school in 2018 has pleaded guilty in court. nicholas cruz was expelled from marjorie stone and douglas high school days before the shooting. a jury will now decide whether he should be executed or sentenced to life in prison. and gallagher is falling developments for us from miami. essentially by pleading guilty to 17 counts of murder and 17 of attempted murder. he's given up his constitutional right to
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a jury trial. that means in the next few months, he will face a jury of his peers. and they will decide between 2 options, which is life in prison and in florida, that means you die in prison and the death penalty. but during this trial you could see the relatives of those that were lost. busy 3 years ago on february, the 14th, it was a very emotional time for them, people were wiping away tears, but nicholas cruz also gave something of an apology to the families of people that were last saying that he has to live with his every day that he cannot sleep, but even more bizarrely he asked the judge and the court to let the victims families decide his fate. that is not what is going to happen. he has to go before a jury of people that will not be related to anyone that was killed in what was one of the was us school shootings in history. and i'm pretty sure that apology at will bring scant comfort to those who lost people. this was one of the worst my
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shootings in u. s. history and nicholas cruz took an assault rifle into a school he'd been expelled from an open fire. we saw those pictures around the world of those children running away from that school, but he now faces 2 choices. one is that he goes to prison for life until he dies all that he's executed under florida state laws. so i think for the parkland community this may be the beginning of something like closure, although it's hard to imagine if you lost a child, whether you can ever do that. but incidentally on this day as well, the broward school board awarded $25000000.00 to those people that lost children and loved ones. and also those that were severely injured at money that i don't think will make up for what they lost on that day. i hasten gang that kidnapped members of a us based christian missionary group is demanding a $1000000.00 for each person. 16 americans and one canadian was taken while returning to the capital portion. prints, from an orphanage east of the 15 at the latest and increasingly violent ways of
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kidnappings. in hazy, neuropathy has worn out from po to prince. u. s. federal agents continue to work in close collaboration with local authorities. here in puerto prince, there is no update as far as where that ransom goes. we know that the gang $400.00 mo, also has asked for $17000000.00 in exchange for the 17 hostages. 16 of whom are american missionaries and their families in one and one canadian. the u. s. government has also acknowledged at the worsening security situation here in port a prince and in the rest of haiti is a major obstacle in, in these efforts to free the missing missionaries. we should also note that since july of this year, the assassination of president jeff now boys followed in august by that devastating earthquake has sent crime, just skyrocketing kidnappings. extortion are all very much out of the control of police or overwhelmed. they are under resource in many cases that they are corrupt
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. so what we're hearing from people attitudes that suggests that there's a lot of tension, a very charged atmosphere. people are calling for the release of these, kidnapped missionaries. they're also saying that while the international headlines have been focusing on the fact that these 17 individuals that were kidnapped, most of them americans is sort of got the eyes of the world on the situation. here in haiti, many people are hoping that the case of these kinda kidnapped people will sort of force the hand of authorities to finally do more. to get the security situation here in the country under control. our air strikes have hit the capital of ethiopia as t gray region. for the 2nd time this week, the government said it was targeting facilities used to make and repair weapons. but a spokesman for the rival to grind forces deny bat. at least 3 people were killed in those stripes. on medically, on monday, the conflict has been going on for a year. now thousands have been killed. rights groups say the number of minors recruited by armed groups and became a faster,
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has risen at least 5 times just this year. and among the 1000000 people displaced, most of them are children. nicholas had reports from lack of do on the outskirts of bikini foster's capital. walker duke, who are the few remaining residents of the village of town by in the north, huddled together still in shock after an attack by the ice al affiliate. these slamming state in the greater sahara. the men and boys of the village are gone. either killed or missing. one is baba still alive, asks our deco. she misses her father. her family had been warned. the only men in the village to know how to read and write into simple mouth i was, father knew too much. this made the fighters uncomfortable and suspicious of him. so they took him away and killed the rest of the family. i was survived because of help from her neighbors. she was brought to the capital. this is her home for now. but for how long she wonders in a few minutes. oh, why don't go to school here?
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i sweep i bring water. i clean. that's all i do. this is become my life. repeated foster's army is overwhelmed by the increasing number of attacks by arm groups linked to isolate in al qaeda, the government has called on its citizens to take up arms. the u. s. based on conflict locations and event data projects recorded 8650 percent increase in civilian deaths last year. according to the u. n. 1.3000000 people in brooklyn of foster have been displaced because of the fighting between arm groups and government forces. most our children government schools are systematically burned down. teachers are killed according to children's rights groups, the slimy state and the greater sahara wants to see children not holding a pen in school, but rather holding a gun fighting for their cause. future old english,
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his father was killed after he refused to hand over his child to arm groups. he was spared, but not the others dresser whispers to me. i saw them slip the throats of my friends. if it did, yes, an orphan children armed good. the potential fighters, the government says children armed with guns and machetes, age between 12 and 15, killed a 160 people in the village of poland in june. it is a real talent and conflict that the children are that they are trying to recruit children. and one of the biggest things that we can do, or one of the most important things we can do to try to protect them is to offer them proper education. because that is something that will keep them protected and have them being able to focus on something else. the conflict in burkina faso has left young our scared and looking for answers questions only her father has answers to nicholas hawk al jazeera was due to at least
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18 people have died in india during heavy flooding and land slides. fair rescue efforts are underway to reach those stranded consecutive days, a relentless rainfall of inundated farm land and slept away. houses in the northern states of america and the southern states of carola has also been battered by flooding. correspondent elizabeth brandon has more from courtney. i'm not in canada . there is no more bad news after a few days of respite from that heavy rain, the rain has started again and kettler adds projected we are in what was probably the worst affected village of cookie car. one of the worst affected districts caught them in kettler, and up until a few hours ago, before the rain started, the clean up operation. going on. many of the homes here, the ones along the river have been destroyed, but the ones that are left standing, they are covered in mud and people were trying to still, you know,
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3 days after the work and they were trying to clean up their home. so that's the situation a little bit. let me tell you what's happening in my car because that is very much an ongoing situation as well. another body has been recovered the worst to pick. the district may need at least 4 to 7. people have lost their lives there. the state leader said that it's going to take a very long time to recover from the district. thousands of people to remain cut off after land live blocked roads. a lot of farmers lost their livestock for very worrying situation there as well. and a neighboring appall, nearly 50 people have died and now 30 are still missing and flash floods their heavy rains and the mountainous country also hampering efforts to reach villages that are trapped by flood waters. as you can see, overflowing rivers have flooded several districts, landslides of buried homes overnight or 30 is also wanting of even more rain form
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in the coming days. now the un security council is due to hold an emergency meeting on north career a day after young testified, a ballistic missile from a submarine. it's the 1st underwater test on 2 years, washington soul and took care of all condemned it. katrina, you reports from beijing. these are images of the new ballistic missile, which north korea state media says were successfully fired from a submarine. at least one was launched on tuesday morning in the port city of saint paul. off the country's east coast, pyongyang says the weapon has guidance technology, which could make it harder to track and intercept the advancement towards a submarine launch missile is actually a pretty big step. i mean that the most obvious thing it gives north gray is tremendous. rain, right, and you could send some rain basically anywhere in the world as long as remains undetected, which is something of a challenge depending on the subs. agent engine type, what it means longer means under tech. them, you could effectively launch from anywhere. but south korea and japan say the test
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was deeply regretable. he, the u. s. has condemned the launch and repeated calls for a meeting with pyongyang. we call him anti pierre k, to refrain from further provocations and engage and said, stand and substantive dialogue, and our commitment to the defense of the republic of korea and japan remains ironclad. ah, these launches also underscore the urgent need for dialogue and diplomacy. our offer remains to meet anywhere any time without preconditions north korean leader kim duncan has accused the u. s. of hostility and says his country must defend itself against its enemies. kim young has conducted 8 miss al, test this year. some in breach of un sanctions. in september, it claim tough lodged hypersonic missile. south korea is meanwhile building up its own defenses. on wednesday morning, president wood, diane spoke at the opening of a weapons fair in soul. come running to bring your v a strong
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d 1st. capacity is always aimed at any sure in peace of the republic of korea seeks to build a smart and a strong armed forces. hm. based on the state of the art technology on a will you sure a piece with the world us envoy soon kin is expected to travel to sol for talks japanese and south korean. a shells later this week. tomorrow intelligence chiefs from the 3 countries met on tuesday, china no curious, closest ally, an trading partner to school for all parties to exercise restraint. but it stops with condemning the tests they doing has been accused of hindering the you and report to plugins response to the sanctions. in early october, north korea reopened communications which sol for the 1st time in months one diane is pushing to formerly and the korean war which has technically been going on since the 1950s. an act he hopes will help bring pyongyang back to the negotiating table
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. katrina, you out a 0 beating now germany says it will not close its border with poland as eastern europe faces what's been described as a man made migrant crisis. berlin has proposed joint patrols with poland to contain the number of people crossing. the european union accuses by the roots of allowing migrants mainly from rock in syria to freely cross into poland. the block says it's in retaliation for sanctions against the government of alexander lucas shanker or stub batson is in berlin. she says the crisis has become a headache for europe. it was high on the agenda here at the covenant meeting in berlin, the influx of migrants into germany, from others, now to route through barrows, after poland and lithuania. now germany is also struggling to find an answer to where it's been described as a man made migrant crisis, created by pollution leader alexandra lucas shanker. look a shank, i've been accused by european leaders as using migrants as a political weapon. modern 4500 microns have arrived here in germany,
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mostly from iraq, syria, and most recently from turkey. germany has not offered to poland to have joined border patrols and increased checks at the border. and also one sanctions against airlines transporting migrants into bellows. interestingly, at the press conference, interior minister jose harper said that the key to this problem lies in moscow. alexander lucas shanker, is c as a protege of russian president vladimir putin. this migrant crisis in is increasingly becoming a headache for europe. on the one hand, european nations don't want to be seen as boeing to prussia to look at shanker. but also on the other hand, poland and lithuania have been accused of abusing the rise of migrants by pushing them back into barrels or leaving them stranded in the forest. now the u. k. is competition. what stock has find facebook nearly $70000000.00 during its
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investigation and to the companies purchase of the website goofy? the competition and market authority says facebook deliberately failed to supply information on that acquisition. the regulation says it's the 1st time a company's been fined at such an early stage investigation. facebook says a disagrees with the decision and will now consider its options. well bad headache is no longer exist in a small town in northern india and that's thanks to 2 brothers and the state of punjab who are turning heads with their barbershop. as you can see, the pair can replicate the taj mahal we even michael jackson's face using their customers heads as canvasses. they're hoping to cut an opportunity to make their business international. ah hello again. this is al jazeera and these are the headlines. a brazilian senate committee has recommended the president.
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