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tv   [untitled]    October 21, 2021 12:00am-12:30am AST

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phone lines investigates the gaps in the system that allow the law to go unenforced . and the deadly consequences that ensued we shouldn't have laws on the books that are just for show on, relinquished on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello, i'm lauren taylor. this is the out there. news are live from london coming up, accused of crimes against humanity and his handling of the corona virus pandemic. a draft report says brazil's president is to blame for the deaths of thousands of people, an escalation of violence in syria. a military boss has targeted and a marketplace shelled the u. n. so civilians must be protected. taliban officials
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push for recognition that talks with regional powers in moscow, but human rights concerns continue to stand in the way. and the arctic is heating twice as fast as the rest of the world. are report from greenland we're in europe. people are struggling to adapt to the changing climate about be the same as in dough with other schools news, christiane, and with all those schools of majesty you might have better skimming 3 to come back when over atlanta, in new tampa leslie. ah, we begin in brazil where reporting to the countries karone of ours response has pointed the finger of blame at president jacob, also narrow and recommended. he faced criminal charges, including crimes against humanity. the draft report followed a 6 month investigation and still needs to be voted on by the senate committee and could be vetoed and altered emitted from the document is an earlier recommendation
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to chargeable to narrow with genocide and murder. the senate to say the decision to change their recommendation to accuse him of crimes against humanity isn't political, but technical aimed at preventing a judge from throwing out their report. genocide charge would have related to brazil's indigenous population, including the devastating shortage of oxygen in the amazon or state in may. 2020, and again in january 2021. from the start of the pandemic, bolton are railed against locked downs, frequently refused to wear a mask. and recommended remedies proven to be ineffective, and also says he turned down early opportunities to acquire vaccines, costing an estimated $95000.00 lives. and the senators want to charge a 3 of both scenarios son's alleging they spread misinformation which encouraged people to ignore measures like social distancing. all the 600000 cov deaths have been recorded in brazil. the 2nd highest hole in the pandemic must go live to
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monica, yanna care food, whereas ira. so how likely is it that president bolton are or will face trial? and if he doesn't, does it doesn't mean the end of his political career? well no, we're far from talking about the end of present rateable sonatas political career. he's up for reelection next year in october. now this saw inquiry has taken a toll on his popularity. more than half of brazilians reject his government now, but he still has the support of around 25 percent of the population. now what this inquiry did was it did force the government to start the mass vaccination campaign, which had had been delayed. it did make people more aware of what was going on because we had, ah, as you mentioned before, the president giving different information from the doctors and scientists,
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not encouraging masks, encouraging mass gatherings. so this inquiry was entered the house of brazilians every night. they were watching it live on tv. so in that sense, it was very important and it was also a response from an institution to what the president was doing or not doing. in this case, his emissions and regarding the pandemic, but both sonata still has, ah breath to go ahead for, for the his re election. and in terms of the korean of ours generally, what, what public opinion like on that subject? well, there are in general, well not to now to day. as a matter of fact, 50 percent of the resilience our population has been vaccinated. many people are aware they're there, they want to be vaccinated era, they're aware of the importance of vaccines. now, on the other hand, ball,
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so now to supporters, while they, they believe that he is right, that the vaccine is in a remedy. the still things that people can take these unproven. ah, this unproven medicine and many have who have supported him and have not been maxine to have died to. so the, but the public opinion in general in brazil about the government's handling of the pandemic is not good people are, are very much angry at it. there have been more protests in the streets as the number of vaccinations have gone up, then people have been less afraid of going out and they've taken to the streets to protest. wanted communicate. thank you very much. indeed. europe saw the world's highest increase in code infection last week with cases rising 7 percent. and in the u. k. russia and turkey making up the bulk of that russia is giving workers a week off with pay to curb and alarm in rising code $19.00 cases and deaths at the
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increase is blamed on vaccine hesitancy. only 32 percent of the population is immunized. despite the availability of these picnic v vaccine, little soon, the situation related to the crone of ours pandemic is difficult in our country. the pace of the spread of the epidemic in many regions has significantly increased recently. you do colleagues of just told me the statistic numbers in the meantime, the vaccination rate of citizens remains low. unfortunately, low levels of vaccination are also a concern in romania, where one person is dying of coven, every 5 minutes? only 36 percent of adults of inoculated in the u. k. despite the 79 percent vaccination rate cases have hit an average of $44000.00 a day. the health minister says that could climb to 100000 and that they are tracking a new variant in the country. world health organization has warned against relying on vaccines alone. that's where we really need to come back to the forgotten child
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of the panoramic response, which is the public health measures the contact tracing, the testing, the isolation, and i think we, we tend to get so focused on the vaccine uptake that are, that we do forget that in these current context, regardless of the reasons for mo, vaccine take, we still need to put a lot of attention on those other components the response. meanwhile, the white house is unveiled plans to vaccinate 28000000 children between the ages of 5 and 11 against coven. 19 a centers for disease control and prevention advisory meeting is scheduled for november. the 2nd. once the panel gives its formal approval, vaccines shipments will be sent out with an hours. they'll include smaller needles needed for injecting young kids still to come on the use, our nicholas cruz pleads guilty to murdering 17 people during a rampage at his former high school. when parkland with florida, dozens are killed and devastating floods in india's inter account with cara state
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and so on. high alert for more heavy rains. and what i'm, when is a returned to victory in the champions league, it'll have all these houses. ah, as be the attack on a u. s. outpost in southern syria, with no reports of casualties. it struck a base in al tanf in hans governor it one of the countries last rebel held territories. u. s. officials are told reuters news agency that it's too soon to determine who's behind the attack, but they believe it was from a drone. as the 1st time this military base has been targeted. and earlier, at least 14 people were killed after 2 bombs exploded on a military bus in damascus. the worst attack in the syrian capital in years. and shortly after government forces sheldon market place in the rebel held province of it live. the u. n. has condemned the violence calling on all sides to ensure the
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protection of civilians taken. honda has the latest rare attack in the heart of the syrian capital. a military bus was the target. many were killed and injured. when, according to stake, media to explosive devices went off, the bus was at a transport point under the east bridge and damascus. these kinds of attacks haven't happened in years, particularly since 2018 when government forces cleared the armed opposition strongholds around the city. though there has been no claim of responsibility, but the syrian regime is facing threats on multiple fronts. i remain to the end of the declared kenneth in syria and early 2019 by the joint forces of the us. and as it did not mean the end of the year had this organization, which was the threats and the thicker, the challenge, especially after the change of status of the stomach state, which is largely focused on the site attack,
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are not long after the explosion syrian government troops heavily shell the town in the northern provinces lib civilians were killed or injured in a re how many of them children who were on their way to school. the area is regularly targeted by government troops despite last year cease fire agreement. but wednesday shelling is being seen as retaliation to the damascus attack. this attack will play into the hands of the regime by using it as another evidence that he's facing at some sort of terrorism actions. and that he is trying to blame the opposition, particularly in lip for, for the attack in an attempt actually to framed opposition. much of northern syria is under rebel control. the country remain divided along the front lines and millions remain displaced. and while some host countries are starting to promote
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their return, human rights groups are again warning. it is not safe in the absence of certain conditions. in a report, human rights watch said it interviewed 65 return knees or family members. a documented 21 cases of arrest, an arbitrary detention 13 cases of torture. 3 kidnappings, 5 extra judicial killings. 17 enforced disappearances. and one case of reported sexual violence. this includes people that had clearances, supposedly before they return, they assurances that they would not be persecuted or reconciliation agreements as they are called and were given documents to say that they would not be hunted down . but in fact, that's exactly what happened to people. president bashar assad forces now control much of syria after military help from his allies, russia and iran help tip the balance of power in his favor. but wednesdays
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explosion was a serious security breach, and it shows once again, syria is still in crisis that other al jazeera. a taliban says it needs international recognition to ease afghanistan's humanitarian crisis. representatives from the group were speaking in moscow after an international conference with regional powers including china, india and pakistan. comes after russia said the group would have to uphold a basic standard of human rights to get recognition. a taliban also promised to address ongoing security concerns. we had very good meeting all the participating countries. they supported unfreeze in the assets of one of san central bank, which is actually the assets of the avalon people. and it should not be connected with political issues. and also all the but the bidding countries this supported close engagement with the new islamic government and of honest on and overall
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the stomach emitted appreciate the effort and the positions mostly expressed by different countries. and today's meeting, charlotte bennett has nations from the afghan capital cobble, primarily, they want the us who wasn't clear to day, they want the you waste to release $9000000000.00, which is being housed by america, which is afghan reserve bank funds. so they want that release, they say they want to use it for reconstruction, but guess they did talk a lot about a they said all the countries in these talks in moscow today are we're all on the same page when it came to aid and they said that they supported the taliban, and the taliban said they were very appreciative of that. but the main takeaway was, there was a call to action if you will, where these country said look, we're going to contribute to monetary and aid. and we're talking china, iran, india, pakistan, central asian countries. but we also want the you, when to convene during a conference. so it's more of
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a global effort. so they're really pushing for the way to kind of take the lead on this and keep channeling and fun and pushing as much humanitarian aid into afghanistan as possible because it really is a dire situation here and winter is on the horizon. now. the taliban also under quite a lot appreciate today when it came to suppressing court terrorism, the russians was saying that were very worried about groups like i sal ah, staging attacks inside afghanistan against neighbors against rusher itself. and so they were really looking for reassurance is from the taliban that they can essentially keep a lid on groups like iceland. i so has been a has kind of be quite effective by having 3 quite large attacks since the taliban took over and various parts of afghanistan. so the taliban had to really reassure some of the neighbors and countries like russia that they can keep control of groups. like i said earlier, i spoke to our men, rashid, and also who's written extensively about the taliban in afghanistan. he says the
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countries in regional watching developments closely there is a big play going on at the moment between all the neighboring states of, of sun. and the most important of which is, the plane between russia and china. russia does not want to give china the complete edge of the future of the future. we're going to some of the chinese have been promising. hey, the money and infrastructure development. the russians also want to protect central asia from military groups who are still living in a kind of quiet operating quite freely. and at the same time they, they, they want to have a better position than to west some countries and the united states, the world, the taliban. so they promise you monetary and a they're good, but they're not going to recognize the thought of on until they say the thought on make. and i think it includes minority women and
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the politic but they have no money at the moment. and money about $9000000000.00 of the state are all in american bank in the web. and the, nobody's going to open those bags until until the tyler bond had sent to the government. i mean, do you think we talked about it in any way shifting position? are they going to move at all on, on those issues that you mentioned? and unfortunately, there's no sign of it yet. and you know, the cabinet includes a loaner lod line from the, from the 1990 s. and the great fear that the so far, at least of them given into anything they're not accepting western demand for they don't seem to be really accepting. even the demand made at the conference. and what about i saw in a moment, we've seen several tax recently. how much of a threshold
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a television? well, is the atomic stage chorus on which is the name they go on day in. i've got it on me. but i have some really devastating suicide by the minority group on those who got me and they be talking school the really target really frightening the population of the taliban don't seem job a grip on this yet, even though they are pledging that their security is very efficient and that they're doing their best, but they don't seem to crap open where all the extremists id, which countries do you think might break ranks with others and recognize the taliban. and what would the effect be if they did that?
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well, i think that, you know, the 3 or 4 countries will banded together about recognition back in russia, china, iran. and then what day i'm say in boss statements, but not meeting well they're there and thought statements is that they would like to recognize the bond as a block of countries, rather than do it one by one. and but you know, we, but they don't think that on a yet ready, and don't fulfill the wishes that conference demanded. they really haven't made any move either towards improving the state of the dublin and bringing in the minorities or it creaking women, allowing women to go back to work at all levels. women teacher, but bad be needed in the school. maybe after this month go meeting the fact the potential allies like done in iran and cut and
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the russians. they're all involved and trying to persuade the chinese, the taliban. maybe this will create some dead. but so far we haven't seen anything un is reducing its presence to drive by more than half of the government's blockade continues to harm humanitarian aid. if it's in a region, the reduction comes as, as trying to hit the capital of to grow on wednesday. the 2nd time this week, the government said it was targeting facilities to make and repair weapons, which, especially if the rival to grow and force is denied. at least 3 people were killed in strikes on mckelly. on monday, at the completion, the north of the country has been going on for nearly a year now, and thousands of people have been killed. during this time, we will get out. she says it's difficult to confirm details independently because of a communication blackouts in the region. from the images were able to watch but cannot verify. it seems to be a heavy target and there will be many,
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many victims from this later strike. so happened then. they took the government on monday, denied it, and they confirmed this, but the target, this head is communication equipment to try to perhaps slow down the success that we've been watching left in terms of capturing towns outside of to go into the horror and the party from the get go, the ciocca and government has been clear in terms of pointing their fingers against that. they've been saying that the money that has been stealing resources and using it or to perhaps provide support to their soldiers. that's the persuasive of getting to the part the t p i left, they would say the opposite. so this is a conflict of bait in a challenging position to verify what's being said. because we have no access of the state of a man accused of one of the worst mass school shootings in us. history has pleaded
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guilty to killing 17 people. nicholas cruz also admitted the attempted murder of 17 others and will not face either the death penalty or life behind bars and gallagher reports. on the afternoon of february, the 14th 2018, then 19 year old nicholas cruz walked him to marjorie stone. douglas high school in florida with an assault rifle. the expelled pupil fired indiscriminately killing 14 students and 3 staff members are worth my shootings in us history. it took him just 6 minutes to devastate an entire community. 3 years later, cruise appeared in court as victims families watched waving his right to a trial here. how do you wish to play dick? instead, he pleaded guilty to 17 counts of murder in 17 of attempted murder. now face either life behind bars or the death penalty and offered this apology to those who lost
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loved ones. i'm sorry, and i can watch tv and more. and i'm trying my best to maintain my composure. and i just want to know, i'm really sorry. and i hope he give me a chance to try to help others for those that last children and the shooting, watching the proceedings was heartbreaking. was probably the most uncomfortable thing. well, chicken, most uncomfortable thing we've ever had to do. first one would be hugging our daughter's lifeless body. in the aftermath, a student led movement calling for gun control found wide support across the world . you generation of advocates pushed for several restrictions on guns, including raising the minimum age to buy an assault rifle in florida. that effort succeeded survivors say the measures don't go far enough. no one could comprehend the devastating aftermath or how far this would reach or where this would go. for
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those who still can't comprehend because they refused to, i'll tell you where it went right into the ground 6 feet deep. cruz's guilty, please will do little to heal this community but with a trial and sentencing pending. it may help jury selection will begin in january, but the best case scenario for nicholas cruz is dying in jail. that was left behind se they'll only be satisfied when children are long after live with the threat of gun violence and the gallagher al jazeera miami, florida. at least 46 people have been killed after flood. swash through mountainous areas of northern india is told that number could rise with thousands of people cut off in utter can state and to landslides blocked roads in the south of the country, careless on high alert for more heavy rainfall after a week of devastating floods. as elizabeth per annum report, an aerial survey of the northern state of orthodox shows,
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large areas of farmland submerged heavy rain in the past 3 days has led to flooding and lance lives which have destroyed homes and bridges and killed dozens of people in northern and southern india, more than 300 people have been rescued and 1000 relocated in north america, and all our rescue forces have been deployed to several defected areas on draft. andrew, the national disaster response force, has also deployed several teams. we are working on clearing several roads that have been closed due to flood damage. thousands of people remain cut off in the districts of motor, and ronnie kit asked landslides blocked road. the was defected region of camara. look what it's heaviest daily rainfall since records began a 124 years ago. the coma is on the border with maple way around 50 people have been killed and 30 and missing after flooding and landslides. there. meanwhile, in southern india cleanup operations are continuing and kettler were dozens,
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have been killed during the past weeks to wrench rain. local authorities have been releasing water from dams, which were nearly full 3 days since the worst of the flooding and cadillac. thousands of people are staying in relief. camps like this one. the government has also doubled the number of shelters since sunday, as it instructs people living in low line areas to move. flooding from monsoon rains is an annual occurrence in canada, but people living in one of the was defected. districts goddamn told al jazeera, they have never experienced anything like it. but amateurish is one of many people living in relief camps after the haunts were destroyed. and i'm ready to learn a bar in my life. i never thought something like this could happen to was because our house is on higher ground was a little safer than the people living further down. earlier when there was a small flood of the water level rose, the neighbors used to come to our house to stay there until the level went down. that's how safe our house was. so i have no idea how this happened. we'll try
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camden cadillac or an opposite ends of india, but climatology say both states are experiencing more extreme rainfall events because of climate change. they're also an ecologically fragile regions. with that i kind of the himalayas and kettler and the western cuts, mountain range, environmentalists say meineke construction projects and deforestation in mountains which are prone to landslides and leading to more disasters. elizabeth parent, m al jazeera, khattab kettler, and he 77 b, but have died and more than 25 are missing in flash floods in nepal. heavy rains and the mountainous country hampering efforts to reach villages trapped by flood waters. rivers have overwhelmed several districts and landslides buried homes over night, with ortiz, a warning of more rainfall in the coming days. this is the news at london still ahead. europe's man made migrant crosses germany office and help to patrol the
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border with ben bruce. when he is incidentally crackdown on protests against police brutality nigerians accused government an empty promises. and because you got from united are looking for a new manager to parting ways with steve bruce, we don't have any just ah with either thanks for joining in. we've had a game changer across north western europe. let me show it. i mean, the wind is now coming out of the north. so that's dragon down temperatures at cool air. really dig in in london, 12 degrees. brussels 11. yes. started the week in the twenty's. and then we have a run of rain through the low countries, the baltic sea, and it's going to knock on the door of helsinki will squeeze out one more day. stay here is a 3 day planner for you. there's the rain on friday and winds up to 75 kilometers
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per hour. the cool pool of air, just a high of 5, a low of minus 2 degrees off toward iberia, which is got clouds drifting in and out here madrid 21. seville stell, hanging on to the 30s as we had toward thursday. central southern parts of europe. right now we do have some clouds, here is ball in there carrying some rain with it belgrade 23 degrees next 3 days for you looks like this. we go from $23.00, down to 15 in the span of 48 hours turkey's northeastern black. c region was being dallas with heavy rain, but on thursday it dries up full on sunshine, right across the country. we're going to end this weather broadcast right now. as we head toward africa, we've got our storms along the gulf of guinea, but also western portions. so sierra leone as we had toward guinea guinea be south as wall free town has a high of 28 degrees on thursday. bye for now. ah . the latest news, as it breaks the president is allowed to impose
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a state of emergency for 15 days, with the option of extending it for another 15 days without congress's approval, with detailed coverage for his rights group in southeast asia fe, bacon phoned about the arrived in reported cases of working conditions from around the world, government, unsecured agencies up, described orders, some answers as well. and with the a more please stay below the country. most people will never know what's beyond these schools. the deafening silence of 100 goals and forms how it feels to touch danger every day. most people will never know what it's like to work with. every grip is precious with northern. but we're not most people lou
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ah, remind her top stories here in georgia 0. brazil's president has been accused of crimes against humanity by senators investigating his handling of the pandemic. half 1000000 people have died. undeniable soon. ours leadership. the taliban says it needs international recognition to ease afghanistan's humanitarian crisis. representatives were speaking in moscow, often international conference with regional powers has been an attack on a u. s. outpost in southern syria. it struck a base to now tongue.


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