tv [untitled] October 21, 2021 10:30am-11:01am AST
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i think an additional measure would be an increase in a green energy investment policy over german government on the production of grim hydrogen. this is already a topic of serious discussions within the german government ross at verizon federation, saudi arabia, nigeria, major energy players are on the planet. and i think that this phenomenon ver, eyes of area of natural gas prices are only points more in that direction. all of schultz was seen as the lightly successor of chancellor unglamorous cle, as made it clear that a new government is unlikely to create new hurdles to north trim to, despite earlier opposition from the green party to smooth his ambitious transition to clean energy. gas is seen as essential step, fasten al jazeera in berlin. ah clare again i am fully rateable. with the headlines on al jazeera,
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india is celebrating, administering 1000000000 covey 19 vaccine doses. it's a 2nd nation to reach or achievement after china. india suffered research in cases earlier this year, bringing the health care system close to class elicit platinum has more. from the southern state of carola, undine has administered 1000000000 close and 19 vaccine doses. that accounts for 75 percent of the adult population between the 1st dose and around 31 percent receiving both doses. and they also hope to start elation people over the age of 12 soon. and that is seen is really important to get the overall numbers up because 40 percent of indian population is actually under the age of 18. shares in chinese property giant ever grind have plunged by more than 10 percent. that's after the purchase, part of the world's most indebted develop a south through us or in joe biden says he's concerned about chinese hypersonic
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miss on technology after reporting test. and they found apparently circle the glow before descending on its target. they g denies the report. dozens of pro democracy protesters have been injured in a security crank down in s. what teeny demonstration is broke out in 2 cities with actors demanding an end to the monarchy. the kingdom formerly known as was the non shut down access to the internet after images of the violence began circulating on social media. and in sudan, protest is gathering once again in the capital to demand the transitional government to be dissolved, have been holding a, sitting in front of the presidential palace in cartoon for days. now counted demonstrations are expected on fe state. you're up to date with the headlines on al jazeera, i'll have one useful you after inside story, stay with us. talk to alger see room. we ask, how would you describe taliban relationship with the us?
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we listen copies 90 to is not told for coffee. 19 has been terrible demonstration of the failure of human. so we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter. on al jazeera, a criminal gang, and haiti has abducted 17 american and canadian missionaries. the case highlights the lawlessness and chaos in one of the world poorest countries. so will this spur, international action to help patient officials bring control? this is inside story. ah hello, welcome to the program. i'm how much of jewel $1000000.00 for each hostage. that's the ransom demanded by a criminal gang in haiti for the release of 16 americans and a canadian,
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abducted near port a prince last saturday. the youngest hostage is just 8 months old. it's the latest in an increasingly violent wave of kidnappings in haiti, and has drawn international attention to the instability which has worsened since the assassination of president jovan l. moyse. in july, he has lurched from crisis to crisis from natural disasters to lawlessness and poverty. will bring in our guests in a moment. first, this report for many while were apollo in puerto prince. ah, brutus and hades, capital puerto prince. o, demonstrators chanted liberation as they marched on the streets, just north of the city, calling for the release of christian missionaries. this boy, this has been made for the americans that the kid not in the comes hammered him because they can not them because of them we can do everything like they build their school night abuse. so they do everything possible. now right now, did you not get there with anything big?
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if not, then the kidnappers are demanding $17000000.00. in exchange for 17 hostages, which include 5 children, the abduction of the aid workers, one of whom is canadian, is the largest of its kind in recent years. ah, we on tuesday, you a secretary of state antony, blinking, told reporters washington is doing everything it can. people ah, we have ah, in the administration, ah, been relentlessly focused on, on this, including a sending a team to haiti from the state department in constant communication with the the haitian national police. the church of the missionaries on belong to as well as to the, the asian government following the assassination of haitian president of nell marines in july and then a devastating earthquake in august. crimes like kidnappings, extortion and violent attacks have intensified more than $600.00 abductions were
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reported in the 1st 3 quarters of this year. though a joint effort by u. s. and haitian authorities continues issues like the worsening security situation. widespread fuel shortages, a lack of clear government leadership and growing social on rest, are proving to be major obstacles against efforts to free those kidnapped manuel, rapids of al jazeera, puerto prince. haiti has the world's highest number of kidnappings, per person. and abductions, have surged 300 per cent since july. there have been at least $628.00 kidnapping since january, compared with $231.00 in the same period last year. the $400.00 my was a gang is believed to be behind nearly 80 percent of the abductions. in the past 3 months, the group kidnapped 10 people, including members of the catholic church in april. and it's been growing in strength for the past 3 years. it now has nearly 150 members. ah. all right, let's bring in our guests in washington
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d. c. eugenia charles, a commentator and executive director at fantasy on my pu, which promotes haitian culture education and human rights in doha francois g. e on the 2nd ambassador of haiti to other also in washington d. c. jake johnston, senior research associate at the center for economic and policy research. a warm welcome to you while thanks for being with us today on inside story abbas regina, there's been this huge surge in the number of kidnappings in haiti from last year to this year. and just in the past few months, why have kidnappings become so frequent? there what are the factors that have led to this? well, 1st of all, mohammed thank you for inviting me to insight storage. and i'd like to start off for sy. expressing my heartfelt sensitive mental facility id to the families not are impacted by this horrible ash as this is, as it is for all the asian families. and this happens, it from a 1000 that,
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and it is not just a mom who door must be pamela g. make sure all people. oh wow man, this is really true from ish. one obviously is a security issue. and the other one is a social economic h. in terms of security, we have to bear in mind that shady for the better part of the last 20 years has had a international militarize force under the office of the united nations. now for the most part, there are the united nation supported variation government in stabilizing 80 years of stability in the past. what also the prop our haitian national lease. now that military president, that you are going to present, ended in 2017 and it was supposed to be handed over to the haitian national
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lease to take over and secure the entire nation. now my, one of the reasons why we have to have support from the international community because our army, our minister on it was, we spend it in 1995. there is a national lease was left by itself to really installed in 17 to secure the entire mission law. as the robberies heading robes. everybody's realizing that our national police needs additional resources, new additional support, but also support from perhaps another fcc that gives that the swiss is presence of criminals. so this is one of the other. so show economy issue is the fact that was a bigger issue and it is we found that katy of the h t s box. what i call the x box is no human. there are syndrome box tickets
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out of the box. we need to have our international partners, the more mindful of the need for investment and market capital finance. because haiti cannot be constructed, which you may not human monetary and would be calling you my my, we are very brief. so all partners in times of mine needs especially now in order for have to have sustainable, equitable economy development. we need to have a mindset shift on the part partners and health was permitted shops because those young men and women that are joining games right now are young men and women that have dreams and that want to be able to work and, and need to find out try to to, to women not to, to crime activities. you jenny charles,
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let me ask you how much territory exactly do gangs control in haiti right now, and what exactly do we know about this gang that's reported to have abducted the missionaries. i believe the name is $400.00 my was i don't know will be in the whatever. okay. yeah. and all of you got here, but not a few months ago, last year when the move a and he's in a few branches in the moods with a different area monitoring for them. what's going on in the community. i think
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even in which he to go to the o. as in the us government has the ability to say that the incoming jake johnson moment ago ambassador beyond was talking about how he believed that the the concept of international aid, when it comes to haiti, really needs to be rethought. now i want to ask you about this because you've written before about this. you've talked about how haiti has become, i believe your term is an aid state. meaning that haiti has continued essentially to go on by getting billions of dollars from the international community. but that, that hasn't really helped situation, it's further complicated that could you expound on that yes or thing. i mean, i think, you know, as investors talking about this is also a socio economic issue. right. and you know, we're looking at the root causes of this sort of insecurity if the total absence of
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the state from huge parts of the country, the lack of opportunities that exist for people in haiti. and so when we're talking about that, we have to talk about the role of the international community and the role for an aide. and this has been a pattern we've seen over many decades where traditional forms of assistance have actually hollowed out the state and undermine the ability of the state to provide for its citizens to be president of citizens lives. which i think is hugely important factor in sort of explaining all of this, but also goes to what eugene was just saying around the need for asians to sort of take their own destiny into their hands. and that also involved the role of the international community and choosing haiti's leaders and over throwing haiti's leaders and, and not allowing a sovereign democratic process take place, which also undermines the government right. and contributes to this. and so i think, you know, moving forward, those, those are going to be hugely important things to look as is this not just an issue for patients already in haiti, but also the role of the international community, specifically united states and best there has been discussion in international
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circles over the course of the last couple of months about the possibility of perhaps another peacekeeping mission. returning to haiti, this is an idea that seems to be floated in diplomatic circles. do you think that's something that would be acceptable to the government and to the people of haiti at this point to the people? it's for haitian people. and i think miss charles, just as we would really like to be able to have our own best and, and how on hands we would rather have the support of international community help us when force our police force and also our army that can also help in terms of dissuade exports because power on the sweetness is incredible. they don't have to necessarily be actful on every mission, or the mere fact that they are there is important. it hasn't been so far for
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the entirety of our history. haley was born out of the lucian of armies to get our independence. so i know that the united nations mission has renewed its mandates on october 6th. and within that mandate, there is a language about supporting variation and helping a t support itself in terms of government and security. we are hoping that some of those initiatives that we just spoke about about the reinforcing the lease and we are forcing other security are just stuck with us would be part of that. eugenia charles haiti was already faced with a very precarious security situation even before the assassination of president. always. how much worse? how much more has deteriorated since he was assassinated?
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yeah, this was a notice in the united nation hunter in 2004 during the residential. it's on the 17. ready year every time there's going to be a renewal for many of the un mission b wednesday, always an increase from security issues. a lot of it in a. ready 70. ready year nothing has been done to help a raise the federation of the car, so after 17 years, billions of dollars have been spent in being in the nation. we do not want that.
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i wish them the one before the human rights situation has become deplorable. a country in the nation, they are not assisting with government a . ready continue to maintain control. i need to move forward with a mouse, but we only get people coming in come to a solution. so they're going to need to be my
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a b situation. we have a weapon with them accountable at the same time, the united nations with that is coming from the united states. and we need to be able to look at the challenge with the current institute when we can. and then with johnston, you know, this is in the news right now because you have many americans and one canadian who
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were kidnapped. but this is a daily reality for haitians. is it not this issue of kidnapping? i mean, more and more haitians have to deal with this reality every single day, correct? yeah. of course and how to be there for that? i think. sorry, go ahead or go for. well, i just want to pick up on this, this idea of international security assistance, right? and i think, you know, regardless of whether, you know, this is not an issue that's solely going to be resolved through security. whether it's, you know, a new multinational force or even support to the police. and when you talk about what's happened over the last number of decades, you see billions of dollars spent by the u. n. in the us to train the national police. and you know, it's a bit insane to think that more money going to the haitian national police alone is going to solve this problem. and to get your genius mentioning, you have to get to the sort of roots of the problem here, which is that these are not necessarily independent actors. you know, arm groups have political patrons, they've got private sector patrons, they get their guns from somewhere going after these networks of support. you know,
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would be a far more effective way than simply, you know, funneling more resources into a police institution, which itself has been part of the problem right into that. that's exactly the issue here. we've had a police force that's been politicized, and still receiving millions of dollars in the national community. that model has failed. and jake, just to follow up with you, how big of a problem is guns coming in from america? oh, it's a huge problem. i think there is very little data, but i think it's pretty clear that the vast majority of weapons that are entering haiti are like becoming from the united states. we've been a number of cases, but again, control of the ports. and i think when you're looking at what the international do, what the us can do, enforce its own laws, right? like using a stand crack on the arms trafficking, investigate the financial type, whereas all this money going, what about the private sector actors? you all have assets in the us that are funny money and giving money to these things to carry out some of this activity. so looking at those areas and holding people actually accountable, you know, i think could be a far more effective approach. ambassador jake johnson just alluded to this about
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the billions of dollars that have come in in 8 to haiti. we're not more than $13000000000.00 of a that's flowed into haiti since 2010 since the earthquake in 2010. but there has been so little development to show for this. in the meantime, you have the police force that many say is weaker than the gangs. you have a government that's in a very we can state why is this the case and what can be done to turn things around while mom i want to keep in mind that out of the 13000000000 ledges it's not actually been and that was the 1st of the back can be in the ledges after the earthquake are minority or very small percentage was to was given to the asians often met our artists to win for the passage. the majority of it was too much needed. monetary shelter and smoother and medicine . but we're not going to hashed out all the mistakes that were done after that
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doesn't burst. but there was quite a bit of duplication of n g o is doing some things but not needed to be done. the government had very clear construction plan and it was very seldom taken into account by both donors and n g 's when disbursement funds. so again, i'm going back to our security. if we had an internal security that would be better able to control our borders should. that's the influence of illegal arms would be per pills. and i'd like to bring up another new decision on certain factions. there was a know, as a box, the brenda was a box was open in terms of the political politicized of criminal criminal actually. and it's been opened in
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a period where there are some political cleavages that are being mended, having been trying been manage for the years. and all of this in the context of a olympic call, and we borrowed that hasn't been con, just solving those political pivots. so when you have the, when it is 5 years of all the criminal activity that ultimately led to the submission of a sitting president. now you have the only force that with all the efforts is not really to truly take care of the problem correctly. then we really need to with bank, how we invest the owners of dollars. and we need to, most of all, we need to listen to haitian people, whether it's the haitian government or the haitian people that are telling international boomers this is what we need when we say this is what it is. because
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we have 1st hand experience and knowledge of the market. so i hope that is the same mistake. i wonder public sector is the 1st things that you need to pick it and your tenure, charles, you heard about ricky on there talking about the political situation in haiti. let me ask you about the political environment in the country. just how volatile does it remain. and are the police, they're completely powerless at this point. a citizen, no one a 2nd . the citizen, a
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kind of situation, in terms of the lease we understand a crew that individual. so really, how can we be stuck with when our police director can be selected? by the way, when you have a police director here, they are responsible to respond to what happened to me with a security we there if you. ready to the citizens one on
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a regular basis. so the government, a citizen with the resources and we are a all right, we have run out of time, so we're going to have to leave the conversation there. thanks so much to all of our guests. eugenio charles and besser francois on the 2nd and jake johnson. and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website at 0 dot com. and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is at ha, inside story for me. how much am jerome and the whole team here, bye for now?
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ah. on air or on line the part of the debate or pacific people, the ocean is our identity and the source of well b, we avi ocean. when no topic is off the table, it's as children side atmosphere, people are demoralized. they're exhausted and many health care workers are experiencing p t s d like symptoms jump into this dream. and julian are global community of her on line on youtube right now. you can be part of those conversations. wealth this stream on out is era, a small closed middle east and community whose history goes back nearly 3000 years . with a population under threat. when men out number women, 3 to one, out as they were well meet,
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ah ah oh, ah, a mind stone in india is fight against the pandemic. it's given out a 1000000000 doses, of course, 19 vaccines, but concerns remain about a drop in inoculations. ah, no, i'm fully back to boy. you're watching al jazeera live from doha also ahead. the song, one of china's biggest real estate developers plunge after a deal to sell part of it services fields. another day of protest seems to don supporters of the transition.
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