tv [untitled] October 21, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm AST
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some analysts think the issue is being used to advance political ambitions. i think it's more of a reflection of insecurity or 6 mentality by the perpetrators. and also the target group target audience group that they want to win over. the understand the psyche, the mentality of the electorate base and they're trying to exploit that again for poly pill mileage. so it can be either religious or racial. political parties have in the past portrayed themselves as defenders of a faith or race as a tactic to gain votes. the next general election has to be held by mid 2023. the controversy about t martha whiskey isn't going away just yet. reports have been launched with malaysia domestic trade in consumer affairs, as well as home ministries to investigate the matter. florence louis al jazeera
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kuala lumpur. ah, hello, now this is the al jazeera and he is the headlines. tens of thousands have joined rival demonstrations across to dan's capital cartoon as tensions grow about its political future outside of the capital and under man tear gas was fired at protesters, calling for greater civilian control over the government. and morgan is in cartoon . the interior ministry and i was that it has already put police around the main vital facilities of the government, including the national legislative assembly which is currently vacated because there is no functioning legislative assembly as part of the power sharing agreement that's yet to be formed. but nevertheless, processors took to that building to show that they wanted these government to be formed. their reports of not appeared as being user on processes, but live ammunition as well. hospitals has are,
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we have already been listed for injured people to go seek treatment path. but they'll concerns that because there are 2 opposing fights here. calling for protests there will be by, as the day progresses, libya's unity government has stressed its commitment to a cease fire and presidential elections in december. as an international conference in tripling, it's been hosting delegates from the u. s. at russia to he france in egypt as it seek support, a head of the vote. a plan to parliamentary paul has been delayed by the direct based house of representatives. the un says that set up a special trust to supply afghanistan with urgently needed cash. the head of the agencies development program says it will be tapping into funds that were frozen after the taliban took over. india is celebrating, administering 1000000000 coven. 19 vaccine doses. around 75 percent of adults have now had at least one shot, but just about one 3rd are fully vaccinated. well, those are the headlines. i'll have more news for you here on al jazeera after
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planet s o s. tuesday with us. ah ah ah ah ah, never before in human history has the once pristine environment of the arctic been in such peril on the clock and we're here in greenland to discover what those epic changes mean, not just a here, but to the rest of the well. with cop 26, the you and climate summit just weeks away. we visits a remote community struggling with the challenges of
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a warming climate. we'll find out how nuclear waste from a 19 fifties u. s. military base is in danger of being exposed by the retreating ice cup and explore the debates of agreements rich results of rarer metals that a critical for cobb and mutual future time in change in and a little more conversation about climate change plays the masses. sanchez, who's got a novel approach to getting his message across the door. mm . we're here on the wild remote east coast of greenland. to me, this is nature at his most imposing. we've nosed our way up the yet hon peterson field is one of thousands of fields and inlets that stretch way beyond the arctic circle. and that is the greenland ice cap. and we're here because the arctic is changing and this year is changing faster than ever. events never seen before made
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headlines across the world. the ice cap melted at a record rate, the water it created in 24 hours enough to entirely cover an area. the size of florida in 5 centimeters of water. great chunks of the she collapsed and drifted off into the open ocean and it's been so warm. there's been rain, not snow on the summit for the 1st time on record. but what does it mean and why does it matter? and what is what happens on the ice sheet has global implications, where the ice capsule part of the planet natural system. and that system has been breaking down. we use this iceberg as a kind of canvas and put a map of europe on top of it. and then super imposed greenland, you can see what a colossal land mass it is. and then if we put the ice cap on top of that, well as the vast, it's more than a 1000 kilometers from east to west and move in 2000 kilometers from north to south . it is colossal and it is retreating. in fact,
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the amount of water that pulls off this ice cap every summer is responsible for more than 25 percent global sea level rise over the last few decades. and it's also responsible for impacting crucial ocean currents. we all take us moving twice as fast as the rest of the world, and that's having a profound effect at the local level. well, communities that live along the edge of the ice cap, the village of coolness hook is remotes wild and still in touch with the old ways. ah, just 200 people live here. even so it's one of the larger communities on the thinly populated, east coast of greenland. sled dogs is out. the end of summer iga for the winter snows. humpbacks below is one of the wales species at feast in these rich scenes. here to a degree life still depends on the yield of the arctic waters,
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as it has done for thousands of years. eustace artwork still hunts and fishes for a living. i have a 6 hooks we bought to water and returned with kitch 6. a fish. 6 hope 6 fish the return bought things it changing on multiple fronts. after millennia of subsistence living in you, it's are in the middle of a social and cultural transformation as greenland seeks its place in the wide world . and it's happening at precisely the moment. climate change is appending the environment. these empty houses tell a story of a population that's pretty much harvey in 20 years or so. and those that have gone have either moved to the nearest town of chassis i care on the east coast or even further afield to the capital nook on the other side of greenland. and for those that remain while they live in this warming world of oz. and it's a world that the ancestors which scarcity recognize mountain guide. matt spencer
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has lived among the annuity connoisseur for 20 years. working with tourists, you've come for the adventure of the wild. he's seen 1st hand how fast things have changed. i think the cursed the that the year and on the rhythm of the seasons is so important that people here in the sense that the ice columns and in early winter breaks and in early, early, june, usually. and then that's tied in with all the animal thriving as a fish and seals the whales. when all is patton's, become gonna mess up and i sent you that, that is the case with people who don't recognize the name of it yet. i think the realtor is huge challenge for people's way of life. everything is on an epic scale here with 30 meters under the glass. yeah. those are driven. oh i thought i would fight by mel water in the spring. in this gives you a perspective of the enormity of what's going on in the arctic
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a threat. the case is on the glass. yeah, absolutely. say anywhere the males is going on and that's a fairly person. this. some of us us oversee all south and even from the summit to the ice, gaffer over 3000 meters that melts. happening in that water has to go somewhere across greenland. that's the same story. the cultural and the natural environment to being radically reshaped. changing ways that have been sculpted in the frozen north, over thousands of years. here in the outtake, the old and the new anal side by side. the future for both in these changing times is hard to discern what is certain, is the wonder and the power of the natural world. and the real and present danger created by upsetting its balance. the know the lies, of course,
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very much part of the spiritual connection the in you have with the environment and with that environment, continually changing. well, it's a hard transition to make. we spoke to bent ableton who's 58 years old. he's the former mayor of classic and comes from a long line of hunters stretching back hundreds of years. deep in an ice showed the majesty all around belies of frightening truth, bent ableton. this is an uncomfortable reality. before i hear from news shooting and warming, i don't believe to put no, i she i sheets quick tick through these icebergs of car, from glasses that are receding fast. and the sea ice in winter is thinner and loss for less time, which means the annuity called use at doc sleds across a fuels like they used to. now far fish fury which open and in winter in winter. before we can go doctor, to see no, no,
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move it changing a share for me. i think it's quick. it's too quick. it warm? no. then you it's have a visceral connection with the land and that connection lives through their sled dogs. but sled dogs need ice in winter and the ice is diminishing. it chair. oh, i can not think of going to it. what connection with beach cree, she to? i can nurture go to hunting, my fringe, thought and mother and generations yak, polish, talk. irish talk and hunching talk, but for me it will be a shared for each quillen to pupil what we do in winter. what can we do in the income for bent the fear is that community will
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continue to disperse. now many is leaving because he can she shante lee can feel something. it's go down, my son shun. or they do maybe the more through denmark to move to europe. i know if i go away no more, she no more animals. so if i leave, you can fish. if i move to dinner because we're going to go to here. lucy and we are on our way to see something that really demonstrates greenland loan standing strategic importance. during the cold war, the u. s. a dozens of military bases right across the country. and in places they now presents a highly toxic thread. as the ice cap melts,
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we had it for acre tech, hidden away up a fjord on the east coast have made the wonder of the arctic. was hard to know what to expect when we finally made landfill, what we found was jaw dropping. a vast, rusting dump that has been left to slowly decay for 7 decades. ready ready during the cold war, american command is ordered that military bases should be built across greenland. in fact, more than 50 were built. now any one remains in the rest. like this one were simply abandoned. amongst it all more than 200000 to aviation fuel drums. many were full when they were left behind. the rusting orange barrels reportedly called american flowers by the local inuit about. they were flowers at leach toxic contents into the soil and waterways. no one knows how much environmental damage they caused code named bleary east to the base was actually constructed in the 2nd world war. the
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continued operation into a time when russia and the united states was standing toe to toe when it was eventually decommissioned, the abandonment was total. you know, this is really quite shocking. you've got to remember that this is in the heart of this pristine wilderness. what is a, a wonderful environment, and yet all of this it's just effectively been dumped. and if you think this is bad, there's a lot worse on the other side of greenland. for a huge u. s. base was built into the ice cap and that one was powered by nuclear reactor. ah, on the top of the moon, below the surface of a giant ice camp, the united states army has established an unprecedented nuclear poet, arctic research center. construction on come said tree started in 1959. it was completed inside 2 years, housed up to 200 men in a network of tunnels who live to pretty much as they would above ground. officially
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a research station. it really was to launch nuclear missiles against the soviet union in the events of war. but it seem became obvious. the shifting greenland ice sheet made the site dangerously unstable and it was abandoned in $967.00. we contacted the team now continually monitoring the site while we can tell from our eyes penetrating radar survey is the sort of magnitude and spatial distribution of the debris. and we can see, you know, how the tunnels have closed and they've, you know, smushed completely closed. they have no more air space in them. the monetary must continue because although the nuclear reactor was removed, unknown quantities of radioactive waste plus 200000 liters of diesel were left under the assumption they would be buried forever. but now because of climate change, they could be exposed to the environment, possibly within 80,
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is the rain of warming that the green the nation is facing today is pretty unprecedented in the last 12000 years. just how fast is warming and how fast? yeah, she does retreating. so camp centuries now experiencing more mouth than it has in the past. whether or not come century is exposed in the future depends on whether we reduce emissions today. i greenland prime arctic position means all this could happen again. all back in the crosshairs of several nations vying for arctic dominance, including russia, china and the united states with donald trump famously wanting and failing to buy greenland while a lot of things can be done. mm hm. essentially it's a large real estate deal. lot of things can be done, but perhaps a country can benefit in some way from the legacy. if someone else is war. denmark is funding a $29000000.00 clean up of u. s. military installations in greenland. and now there are even plans to turn this rusting legacy of the pass into a tourist attraction,
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a contrast to the regular guide, but greenland, to say the least. so we've come here to the south to find out more about the science behind the arctic. mal, profess, we're heading for iglesia, and andrea here is ask every she knows these roses very well. where are we heading and what are we hoping to see? where to rental collateral iglesia, an essay. we adeline that right? the she egg calvin, a new iceman. but it isn't really active this year, so on the way we can already see here at the end of some of the sea ice, the wind to sea ice beginning to form a thin layer on the surface, the fuel. but it shouldn't stop us today. it we went to play to the movie in between the i slowly the arctic is booming, twice as fast as the rest of the planet, which means the sea doesn't freeze as much as it used to. unless sea ice means more sunlight is absorbed into the ocean, warmer ocean melt,
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the glass is foster from below, while womb at temperatures mel the glassy as an ice sheet, fasted from above. meaning more icebergs carved into the ocean. the ice sheet diminishes and as own going sea level rise around the world. this is how it sounds and how it looks when the ice cap meets the sea. to see the as jo, blue, as the i said, it's caused by the great pressure of the glassy or above it. the ice cap is weighing down on the ice. and these continual cracks, izzy ice falls and collapses off into the water. and he see birds is wheeling around, feeding off these rich nutrients that a churned up by this continual flow of melt water that's coming off the glasser and vast quantities because ah, just the greenland ice sheet and the effects
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of it melting assert important to us all there's a huge amount of scientific research going on. deep within a few, ord, oceanographer, lawrence math uses approach to gather data from the water. in terms of climate change to with this, we may measure how much fresh water is actually coming from the eye sheet. so we see in recent years, the amount of fresh water has increased strongly because the melts has increased, strongly, de know, so we measure temperature of the ocean was ocean in many parts of creedence in direct contact with the i should. so to ocean warms up, than that, the places will melt faster and faster and that's something we actually see. it's also important to take core samples from the fuel bed. everything that happens in water column at some point and so at the sea floor, any spite of yard ecosystem love to footway in this feel. and so at the end, you're interested in how climate change true. in fact,
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the food with shorts at the end of every summer satellite track has established how much arctic sea ice has been lost. this year it dropped to an area of just 4720000 square kilometers. it's 12 last extent on record. so sea ice is currently declining at a rate of around 13 percent each decade. the to put that into spect, if an area of sea ice equivalent to a country, the size of austria is being lost. each year. the arctic is complex and hard to predict. but we do know sure things are going in the wrong direction and it's having global consequences. there's another big research program called the o. m g project which actually stand for oceans melting, greenland, it's a nasa project which maps the ice melt to better understand how warm oceans effect the melting of the ice sheet. we spoke to the principal investigator josh willis. it's going to cure the wave, engaging people in climate science. for the last 6 years,
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we've been measuring how the oceans here change, and also watching the ice as it grows and retreats. and by relating the ocean changes to the ice changes, we're hoping to get better in predicting just how quickly ice here is going to melt . and sea levels are going to rise all around the world. for several years. we've phone an airplane with a radar to measure the ice. what we're doing here right now is we're measuring the ocean. so we have an old d, c. 3 aircraft that was built for world war 2. her re purpose per science about a decade ago. to why and we've been flying around dropping sensors into the oceans to measure the temperature and the softness, not just at the surface but all the way down to the sea for what happens in greenland does not stay in greenland. ice lost here raises sea levels all around
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the world, across europe, across the united states, all the way to australia. so our global ocean is shared between every country that has a coastline and when ice here melt, it affects them all and we are approaching the top 26, the you in climate summit. it's being billed as, as the most important one. yet. what's your sense of time is running out if we want to avoid the worst consequences of climate change in planetary warming, we have to start reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and find the alternative energy as fast as we can. and finally, josh, you have a kind of curious way all the engaging people with climate science tell us about that. well, it's a scary thing to imagine that we're re shaping our planets climate. and so i find a joke here there occasionally a song or maybe even an eldest impersonation has
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a really great job of connecting with people real time in change in the green. a few years ago i wrote a song about climate change to sing as elvis called the climate rock. i find that perform in gauges, people in a way that's really meaningful and they really enjoy it. and, and plus, i'm a big him and i love it. well together and you do in here on the southern tip of greenland, the frozen north gives way to something altogether more lush. it's why the vikings came here a 1000 years ago. and date is why eric liking called it green land in the 1st place . their old north building scattered around the area and they came here to farm, which is something that still goes on today. but is what lies beneath this ground that is now causing up people. the whole reason is rich and rarer minerals and
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international mining companies want to get at it. but many greenland is not happy ah, a statue of leaf ericsson, the viking, who said to have discovered america 400 years before columbus gazes out overseen. that might surprise you when you think agreement, this is probably not what comes to mind. but the end of summer and the sheep had been rounded up for market. farming is part of the way of life in the south. almost as much as hunting is elsewhere. but these lands also hold new possibilities. i headed up a mountain valley near the town of nasa. the rocks here hold some of the world's richest deposits of rare earth minerals. this is the site of an old uranium mine. it's long been decommissioned. but now international mining companies want to dig deep again the rock we see all around us. it was for 3 or 4 kilometers beneath the earth's crust. and then about a 1000000000 years ago,
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these mountains just rid up. and they reckon that within this area alone, there are one and a half 1000000 tons of rare with minerals, with another $26000000.00 tons at a site nearby. and all of that combined is enough to supply the wealth total need, a rare earth minerals for a 115 years, which is why this whole area is just so valuable and has so much attention. so what exactly are the results is here? well, the main mineral mining companies want to extract from here is called ledger right . it contains uranium, zinc, and most importantly rarer metals, rarest metals are a group of 17 elements, and once refined, they possess unique magnetic and electrochemical properties, which could be used in electric vehicles. wind turbines, smartphones, even combat aircraft. the problem for locals is the uranium byproduct of the mining process. this is my mother's father. i met with neil secaria son who's been
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fighting the proposed mind for years. man, i saw so if i'd like to ship, if the mind gets to go ahead, the 1st thing that will affect us is dull and followed by radioactive radiation. those things will start from the 1st day of production. that's going to affect our water supply and it's only 3 kilometers away from the mining site. meaning we won't be able to continue living in nor sac palate meetings were held earlier the year with the mining company involved, although they didn't attend the most recent one us much. i agree, minerals, australian, and part chinese owned a c o. told al jazeera, they spain misinformation about the project in the community that does not accurately reflect the impact assessments and his course concern among local stakeholders. this is unfortunate when the project is met. stringent environmental standards mining would bring jobs, business opportunities and economic stimulus for the local community. ah, but many fear the majority of those jobs will be given to foreign workers across
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greenland. the issue is so controversial, it toppled the national government and in came the indigenous into it party who have promised to stop the mind. but they recognize a future government might reverse that. i do not think it's fair to put on the landing people to accept mining of uranium because of one commodity. and that can also be found other places in the region. also keep in mind that reads are not only used for the good. they can also be used in the weapon street. i will put a builder in front of the parliament at banding uranium mining. and if that goes through the crane, shared project will have a difficult time obtaining asportation license. as the day draws to a close more, she could be rounded up. the farmers have grave concerns about the impact of toxic waste on the land and both ways. the sheep thrive on there was so when feed process and the sea will be price and then we will be price if i,
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when that never it except the mining the queen, lengthy coded to have been keep going in 1000 years and that many people could survive here and that says be strong to leave here in greenland. that money will attest good to their company. not so much to the air people then leaving here long ago the viking saw the potential of this policy agreement, the 1000 years on outside as a once again i'm the countries possibilities and as the ice sheet melts, making more mining sides accessible. interesting, green and rich result is will only increase so that's it for this planet as to where special is made a trait where we seen all too clearly the urgent need for action. the importance of this pristine environment and the critical need to protect it from the busiest cities of the well to the remote as part of our planet. all eyes will now be on
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that crucial you and climate summit in glasgow in november from greenland. escobar with most people will never know what's beyond these doors. the deafening silence of 100000 forms. how it feels to touch danger every day. most people will never know what it's like to work with. every breath is precious. with is not an option. but when not most people in the country with an abundance of resource trade far and walk indonesia
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whose firms forming we moved full to growth and frock. we balance for rena economy, blue economy, and the digital economy. with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs. invest. let's be part when denise is growth and progress, invest even easier now. ah, tear gas fired and protested calling for greater civilian. rural ensued on as rival demonstrates as take to the streets. ah, hello there, i'm associate a and this is al 0 life and our ha also coming up libya is government confess.
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