tv [untitled] October 22, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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talk to al jazeera, we always ask how would you, these like tiny bugs, relationship with the us? we listen copied, ninety's, nato, for coffee. 19 has been terrible demonstration of the failure of humans so that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on al jazeera. ah, ah, this way now calls for a new european packs on migration and a fence along the blocks border to tackle the influx of arrivals from bella, luce, ah, we are watching al jazeera life from a headquarters in del heim, daddy navigator also coming up millions or force from their homes as climate change,
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fuels, hunger and conflict in africa. so ho, region, hollywood, dr. alley baldwin fires a malfunctioning prop gun. a crew member is killed and the films director is wounded. a new school of thoughts. we look at why students in hong kong will have to start taking part in chinese fly grazing ceremonies. ah, thanks for joining us. your leaders are grappling with how to respond to the growing number of migrants and refugees entering the block with non members state beller. bruce accused of helping them lithuanian president has called for a new migration packed on the final day of the leader summit in brussels. and he says, a fence on its border with bell roofs as needed to stop people arriving. the you
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accuses belarus of deliberately letting migrants cross its borders in retaliation for european sanctions on the government of alexander lucas shanker. lived in natasha butler. she is joining us from brussels, so that summit is wrapping up soon. natasha. what more can you tell us about the focus on, on the 2nd day? yes, focus very much on migration with several you leader said you don't. holding back in that criticism over belive rowse and the government of alexander lucas shanker. being accused by psalm of running a human trafficking ring by enabling people to cross the border with poland, lithuanian latvia from paris into the european union, and actually flying people from countries mainly in the middle east, into mints, and then pushing them on across those borders. well, the latter lithuanian president is basic he said that been
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a vs weaponized migration. the see the hybrid to tech of belarus regime, which has continued, which is becoming more and more aggressive receive is of her salvation efforts v c a prior try. soft bar ocean regime to find new connections, new destinations from middle east, east countries. so the number of potential migrants which could cross the border of europe in union unfortunately, is increasing. under current circumstances, we need to very clear actions. ah, was several, you leaders are absolutely furious with the situation. they said is unacceptable. at least 10 countries all suggesting that they, you fund the building of a fence along the border. that is of course, seen is very controversial by others. others are cooling a full sanctions, particularly against a bell races, natural national carrier,
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but below via they are also saying that they need to make it more difficult for the airline to be able to lease planes from countries within the e u. there are other voices, though, also calling for a closer look at what poland lithuanian latvia are actually doing when my grants managed to cross into their countries of the battle. the prime minister of luxembourg says that the situation of those borders is terrible, migrants living in a humane in humane conditions. ponens already been under some criticism for its treatment of migrants on that border. and it was just a thursday that a syrian a man died on the belly, russian polish a board. he is the 8 person to die that ah, in the ever since the european summers. as i be a battle, a says that more needs to be done as well, to be not any tough on bed rest, which is absolutely essential, he says, but also to make sure that people, if they do end up entering the block, at least they are treated humanely. okay,
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thank you so much. natasha. about the reporting from brussels? well let's take a closer look at migration in the you the number of refugees and migrants crossing into the european union from belarus surge in recent months. thousands of travelled into poland lafayette lithuania and they accuse bella russo sending them to destabilize their country's. european union is called it a form of hybrid warfare, launched in retaliation again sanctioned it imposed on men. the measures were responds to a crackdown on the sand by the beller russian governments, and that led to thousands of people being detained since last year. peter clap is an editor of brussels report thought you, he says, this has become a defense issue for the block. well, when you're talking about a bill or is indeed already, sanctions are in place. but i think we have to distinguish the situation from other context. where do you as imposing sanctions, which often have to do with sort of trying to punish a country for,
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for internal oppression. a, this is different. this is actually more into defense logic. if you look at sort of the stress that these, this hybrid warfare by billers is imposing on the you, i think it's quite considerable already. for example, the, the bavarian regional government in germany, the state government raised the alarm because many people are apparently entering in, in bavaria and quite a few are coming from billers. of course it's through with, with looks and burke has said that we always have to keep in mind that these are human lives. but i think we're in defense logic and then actions like no longer allowing boorish and airlines to, to fly to the you being very tough on the visa for the russian regime, numbers, things like that should all be i'll be considered. the ones were all she program is
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warning, global hunger will rise exponentially due to climate change. the agency says extreme weather will lead to displacement as people search for food. it's already happening in parts of africa, where drought and land degradation has led to arise and armed conflicts. nicholas hoc reports from central burkina faso. it's only un helicopter that we travel to the city of kaya in central burkina faso. the to our road journey from org or do has become too dangerous even for humanitarian workers. the threat is the arm group, the slamming state in the greater sahara. under escort and bulletproof cars, we travel to siri, a village that has something armed groups, wants and villagers need a well abundant in water. the height of the harvest season kinda error, more dose village in the north of the country was attacked by members of the ice al affiliate. they killed farmers and herders and stole their projects and animals.
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she fled south, but then came a series of droughts. she fled again following the clouds, hoping for rain and searching for a place to plant her crops, less sad when the rain never came. the season hasn't brought what we expected. i'm more worried about the climate because if there's less rainfall and groups will attack for our crops. more than a 1000000 people are displaced in burkina faso after fling both arm groups and the changing climate. the temperature in some areas has reached a record 50 degrees celsius. a tiny rise in temperature has a devastating impact on production. look at this, this is sorghum, normally considered a resilient and strong serial. but where the end of the rainy season, it still hasn't reached maturity, this has an impact on people's ability to feed their families. the world food program is digging what they call half moon small pits from the ground to try to retain what little rainfall there is. more than 10000000 children in the cell are
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experiencing acute malnutrition. most are displaced over the minister of environment, says climate change is fueling the conflict. both aren't routes in civilians are seeking refuge in terrible areas. this is affecting our ecosystem already under pressure from rising temperatures. we are not a polluting countries. they got rich wants me to pay because we, they need to help us find the solution. so we can live and resolve this problem, doubling while world leaders gather to discuss climate change at the club, 26 conference in glasgow to keep their room. waldo will be on the move for her. fighting hungry means walking hundreds of kilometers and breathing. the threat of arm groups in soaring temperatures for this water in this changing climate and the hell is become a resource. people are ready to die for nicholas hawk al jazeera gere. ricky nathan
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on the u. n. is blaming south sedans worth floods in 60 years on climate change. for some areas, it's the 3rd straight year of xtreme flooding, endangering livelihoods in the world. the youngest nation, the refugee agency, says 700000 people have been effected. entire villages have been swept away. i lunacy, i was seeing these as intensifying effects of climate change. so today has been very prone to cyclical drugs and floods, sometimes happening the same time in a year. and this is nothing but just the effects of attention climate. so structure was like roads and bridges have been washed away or have been destroyed by the floods. and so we found ourselves in a situation where we have limited access to affected communities. which means that these effects, as communities are therefore cut off from vital humanitarian assistance and un plane and carrying a few of us to region has been forced to abort. it's landing because if
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a government airstrike, it's the 4th day of air age this week on the to ryan capital mckelly. the un previously just accused the government if an effective blockade on the region preventing aid from getting in its children's agency says the number of children going hungry has surged, more than 18 and a half 1000 were admitted to hospital with severe malnutrition, between february and august, not more than double the whole of last year. at least 7 people have been killed in a row hinge, a refugee camp in bangladesh. gun when attacked a religious school and cox's bazaar. one person has been arrested last month, they were hinge a leader and he was shot dead in the camp. the government had touched his step of security at the facilities and her child re has more from duck off. we visited the camp beginning of this month after a mobile law was shells are talking to various community leaders on the context we have. they're really concerned. they have been an internal political draped between
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several groups, mainly 3 different groups. it's a power struggle if you want to put it that way. there's also gang violence. are there a lot of criminal activity is sambro hang other involved in drums, drug smuggling, with the local people and within the our cross border elements and myanmar are which of math empathy, lynn locally known as yeah. but that's a big business. so there are usually after 7 pm at night, the security police are forces rather they're patrol the areas that has road, but a lot of this community lives in hops. in hill tops. there's no paper roads and it's totally dark out there in lot of activities goes on. recently rowing, as i told, as that lot of people have been arrested by security forces. many of them are innocent and they're scared to go out because it's constant road blocks and checks and also that threatening situation within the camp between different rival groups . they're really concerned, we no hope of repatriation that to me and mar,
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because of the political situation there. there increasingly getting frustrated and the pandemic didn't make the situation good. and at the same time, the government is planning to move, at least 80000 more rowing as to remote island, which is known as passion char. within the end of this year, still a hand on al jazeera cleaning up after volcano. to tell you how ash is making a mess of the church season on la palmer. ah, it's another beautiful sunny day at 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle airways, boated worlds best. a line of 2021. hello, good to see. we're going to begin your weather story in asia pacific where that weather and that was skirting eastern parts of han shoe has pushed out toward the north pacific. so were seen improvements in conditions across japan, and temperatures have also shot up as well. so. so q a high of 20 degrees,
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where temperatures are low and below average is hong kong. just a hive 22 degrees. but most of the rain for central and eastern parts is cleared away. fairly cloudy and shanghai. but i do think that we'll see the sun poke out with a high of 20 degrees. not the case. an indo china, at least for central parts of vietnam in da nang. you've got a lot of rain coming at you. and same goes for eastern cambodia. certainly the risk of seen some flash flooding here, of course, where we have seen major flooding is in nepal, more so toward the west and to have this much rain this far north, at this time of the year is quite unusual. if we look at the weather story in india on saturday, that is still continuing. so jama? cashmere a punjab as while seen those heavy pockets and still further toward the south goer at karnataka into carola, will see those heavier pockets coach getting up to a height of 30 degrees. it's dry in southern pakistan, but what in la hor with a high of 24 degrees on saturday? that sure weather update. thanks for your company. the weather sponsored my cattle
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airways voted world best airline of 2021 in the country with an abundance of resort trade. la rewan, indonesia firms bomb. we move pool to grow and fraud with balance for real economy, blue economy and the digital economy. with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs investment. let people going to lose his growth and progress in eden. here now, ah ah, hello again to top stories on al jazeera this hour. you leaders are debating how to
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respond to the growing number of migrants on refugees entering the block with non member belarus. accused of helping undocumented people cross its borders. with rainy, as president has called for a new migration past. the united nation is blaming south sedans, worse floods, and 60 years on climate change. entire villages have been swept away. un refugee agency says 700000 people have been affected and the un plane carrying 8th yoke. as t gr i region has been forced to abort, it's landing because if a government air strike, it's the 4th day of air raids this week on the t. brian campus on the kelley a cinematographer has been killed. i'm the director injured after actor. alec baldwin fired a propped gun on a film set and new mexico police. a baldwin came involuntarily for questioning. investigation is now under way, but so far, no charges have been filed, victoria gayton,
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b reports. the shooting happened here were to popular filming location in santa fe and his raise serious questions in hollywood about how something like this could possibly occur. please say a prop gum was fired during filming for the movie rust and 19th century west, in which alec baldwin placed the lead. they're investigating how it was fired or what project all came out of it. she people were hit helena hutchins, who was the cinematographer. she was airlifted to hospital, but pronounced dead. the director joe sousa was also injured, but has since been released from hospital things. it is our betty way. yes, those absolutes when it comes to via arms. a lot of times they are just talks. i'm . i humbly speculate on this one, but of a was to say, could just be like, where something is launch inside the bow, where you find implants or the explosion, or whatever is in his way, is going to be a project though. and of course, in this case um could be lethal. the shootings of act memories of an onset accident
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in 1993 when actor brandon lay, son of the film star brucely, died after being fatally wounded by a prop gum filming the cro. his family tweeted, our hearts go out to the family of helena hutchins and to jo souza and all involved in the incident on rust. no one should ever be killed by a gun on a film set period. a spokesman for the santa fe county sheriff's office confirmed offices interviewed alec baldwin, shortly after the shooting saying he provided statements and answered that questions. he came in voluntarily and he left the building after he finished his interviews. no charges have been filed. a no arrests have been made. helena hutchins has been described by colleagues as a brilliant talent who was committed to aught into film. she was named as a rising star by the american society of cinematography as 2 years ago. the company making the movie say that providing counseling services to every one connected with
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it. victoria gay to be algae there. hating. national police chief has resigned after protest against gang violence and the deteriorating security situation. demonstrators had been calling for leon charles to stepped on for failing to control our in gangs. workers had been on a general strike since monday, after the abduction of a group of christian missionaries. a gang is suspected of kidnapping 16 americans and one canadian and its leader has threatened to kill them if a ransom isn't paid. i did not regret that diligent via the kid. nothing's going on in the country are only impoverishing us from the middle class who have no means. but you see that the rich are not kidnapped? don't talk if not with her to let her know is not possible that a gallon of gasoline is selling for 1100 goods. president aria on re, you're not worthy of leading the country, go, go, don't, are your own read. you could no longer live in the country, go, go. well supporters of the band to had akin a bake pakistan party, known as tale p,
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are holding an anti government march in islamabad. hundreds of people have been to plungers of police have been deployed. t l p members are demanding the release of their leader at san jose in roseville, who was arrested earlier this year for inciting violence and some party supporters of stage the sit in the horror for the past 2 days. come on, hide our is joining us from islam about so that is where the protests are marching to come. all just tell us how big this protest is expected to be. the rest of the excuse me have deposited anything to go by. the dead eagle bag august on has has major protests and 2017 and brought the country to a watch standstill when its lead card merchant and ridgeway watch staging. a protest at this very place which are the major intersection linking at some abad to
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robert penn date. then again, they had brought in november last year and printed brendige. again had a big project after the government to make a deal with them. i got the appropriate box by the appearance of the cartoons and fraud. i stayed managed by the french president nearly my crawl. of course that led to the deal be demanding that differentiates back. today should be expanded from the country. now just a few days ago, they again started to protest, they wanted the release of their new leader. they got caught them or died from over 19 last year. son saw we had not been in jail the government at band. the organization directed hundreds of their workers, end up on the 24 hours, and they set up road blocks all the way through the hall. from where this lodge protest rally is supposed to be marching on. it's on my body, it's called the long march. and of course,
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i dare say that if they're stopped and did i heard on the way, then there is a plan b, but that's not all budget on job condition part data. i've also started that protest against the government after friday bridge today. thank you so much. come, hide our reporting from his lama bads. hundreds of school children have stormed the democratic republic of congo, parliament building there, demanding the government to meet the teachers demands to. and to strike that stop lessons for more than 2 weeks. the teachers went on strike at the start of the month to protest against not being paid, as well as the retirement age water, plaza lipper, donnelly, your place isn't in the street, and so you belong at school. and if you're not at school, you should be at home. so i'd like to say here that the teachers who are demanding an improvement of their living conditions to better pay, they must make those demands themselves. instead of using you,
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students is shawntavia schools and hong kong have been told to play the chinese national anthem. it's part of an effort to forage closer bonds with mainland china . that critics argue it marks a further erosion of the territories freedoms. rob mcbride has this reports high school life in hong kong has quickly come to reflect the changes taking place, city wide from next year, schools will be required to hold national flag raising ceremonies like this one, at least once a week and play the chinese national anthem and lessons about hong kong, national security law have become part of the curriculum with no one it seems too young to learn. now, what is national security aimed attending months of social unrest and riots? critic say the law has severely curbed free speech, but the probate gin camp says it's restored order and students must learn about it
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. you wanted to teach the young generation finance more about why we need the national security. i think every country they must have their national security law because poor people protect the country. so i think hong kong is not a censor at the height of the protest. some of the most violent clashes happened on college campuses and 40 percent of the people arrested well, high school or college students. it means the cities classrooms are at the center of efforts to change how the youth thing contact at the university of hong kong, one of the last memorials on chinese soil to the 1989 t animal square, correct down is under threat of being removed, and most of the cities student unions are no longer functioning. critics say teaching about national security is part of a wider effort to curb all forms of descent. i think the goal is to change that
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behavior of the people of hong kong, and they're doing this through intimidation. they're doing this through telling them what they should do. they want the behavior changed. 2 years ago, during the protests, carrie led a boy out of classes at her high school and says, teaching the national security law will undermine critical thinking. first of all, i think this has limited what? well, all thoughts in learning and studying, i think we do not have any freedom of thought, freedom of speech in the future, but this time she won't be taking any action to do so, could cost her her freedom. robert bride al jazeera hong kong. britton's queen elizabeth spent a night in hospital after cancelling her visits in northern island. this week. buckingham palace, as the queen went to hospital on wednesday afternoon for
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a preliminary investigations following medical advice to rest. for a few days, monarch returned to windsor castle on thursday and said to be in good spirits. russia has reported a record number of deaths from co with 19 in the past 24 hours for the 4th day in a row. that's more than a 1000 fatalities with the number of new cases. also raising authorities are imposing more restrictions in the coming weeks, including a paid week off work. and they've renewed calls for people to get vaccinated. only around a 3rd of russians are fully inoculated. just in glutter and you prost though, it was much to be honest, we're not even outraged anymore. we just feel sorry for these people. because even if you take our hospitals, i can tell you the out of every 50 admitted only one or 2 of them are vaccinated. the whole i see you is full of highly critical condition patients and all of them are unvaccinated, yet hundreds more people have been told to leave their homes on the spanish island
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of la palmer as rivers of lava get closer. the volcanic eruptions been going on for weeks and it's beginning to impact the annual tourist season. alexander alerts reports the start of a new day in la palmer. like many of the islands residents, manuel pianos morning now begins with cleaning the volcanic ash from his shop. to america every day we are cleaning and shots everywhere and we can lead our products good duty. at a nearby cafe lanka, assario says it makes it harder to keep customers happy. i can indicated that a tourists who want to use a terrace because feel like it better than that, but because there is so much ash it's difficult. we clean it immediately, but the ash falls again. the debris from camry baker's month long eruption is relentless. but people are finding their own ways to get through the day. the air is filled with small pieces of pumice or panic,
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rock as sharp as broken glass. the wind is carrying it right across la palmer for the people living on the island that's becoming a normal part of daily life. around the volcano authorities continuously measure the air quality checking for any signs of toxic gas. they even make sure it's safe to guard the many roadblocks. they're worried. some people are trying to cross into the exclusion zone to take photographs low. but it's very concerning. some people are coming too close to the cone and lava where that goes into my sustain, your gas can be concentrated, which can effect a long term hello, or even made a pass out completely out of my elbows. and despite the danger, people are still coming to the island some drawn to the foot of the volcano. i'm only exciting because the 1st last night we came. we stay here here
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until 4 o'clock in the morning. it's a different atmosphere in the capital. santa cruz, the beaches are still open. many here don't seem to care about the volcano. they just want to enjoy their holiday. alexander lurch al jazeera, la palmer, they. when a few hours time, we'll see the latest world cub stadium to be unveiled here and cut are the alpha lima stadium. and it's hosting this year as a mere cup final for design is based on a ga fia, the traditional cap warned by men and boys across the middle east. it holds up to 40000 fans and next year it will host games in the group stage through to the quarter, finals of cuts are 2022. after the world cup, half of besieging will be removed and transported to developing nations to provide sporting infrastructure was for today's game, it seems to world cup winners go head to head as coaches of former france defender
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lauren long is in charge of a, an they're up against the said, you are coach by savvy, barcelona and spain hero is impressed by the new grant. my knowledge that that is when i'm at avia, it is a wonderful stadium. i am sure the final will be spectacular for the fans, for the players. for me as a coach, we can already anticipate the atmosphere. this is just top level that are all the infrastructure here is excellent. it is a privilege to take part in the integration of such a stadium as we did previously with relief international algae, new and i'm had been ali ah hello again. the headlines on al jazeera, you leaders are debating how to respond to the growing number of migrants and refugees entering the block with non member bell roofs. accused of helping undocumented people cross its borders. between his president has called for a new migration, pat natasha butler is in brussels with the latest was several you leaders are
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