tv [untitled] October 22, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm AST
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in fighting climate change, pulled lines investigates horizon temperatures of fueling a war to war in the u. s. l just they were world shows how a community in senegal is dependent on the preservation of the natural resources. the screen takes the fight, the climate justice to our digital community, and up front hits, hot, demanding, environmental accountability, the climate emergency, a season of special coverage on al jazeera lou . hello, i'm emily anglin, in doha, these, the top stories on al jazeera, you ladies are grappling with how to respond to the growing number of migrants and refugees entering the blog. non members stayed, bella wrote, accused them of helping him. he's accused of helping them that the, when he is president, has cold for a new migration patched on the final day of the latest summit in brussels. he says, a board offense is made it to stop people arriving. they,
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you accuses belarus of deliberately letting migrants cross its borders in retaliation for you. pick your pain sanctions on the government of alexander lucas shanker. the see the harbor to attack her of belarus regime, which is continued, which is becoming more and more aggressive. the c visa facilitation efforts b c, a prior tri solsbury rational regime to find new connections, new destinations from middle east, east countries. so the number of potential migrants which groups across the board of if europe in union unfortunately is increasing on the current circumstances. we need to very clear actions. natasha butler has more on the summit from brussels. you leaders are absolutely furious with the situation. they said is unacceptable. at least 10 countries are suggesting that the you fund the building of a fence along the border. that is, of course,
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seen as very controversial or by others. others are calling for sanctions, particularly against bella versus natural national carrier, but below, via they are also saying that they need to make it more difficult for the airline to be able to lease planes from countries within the you. there are other voices, though, are also calling for a closer look at what poland lithuanian latvia are actually doing. when my grants managed to cross into their countries of the battle. the prime minister of luxembourg says that the situation on those borders is terrible, migrants living in a humane in humane conditions. poland already been under some criticism for its treatment of migrants on that border. and it was just on thursday that a syrian a man died on the bell, russian polish a board. he is the 8th person to die there. ah, in said, ever since the european somers, as i be a battle a says that more needs to be done as well. to be not any tough on beller russ,
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which is absolutely essential. he says, but also to make sure the people, if they do end up entering the block, at least they are treated humanely. the u. n is blaming south sedans, worst floods in 60 years on climate change for some areas. it's the 3rd straight year of extreme planning endangering livelihoods in their worlds youngest nation. the u. n. refugee agency says 700000 people have been affected. entire villages have been swept away. a u. n. plane carrying aid to ethiopia to gray region has been forced to a board. it's landing because of a government air strike. it's the 4th day of air raids. this wake on the to grind capital mark, hello. at least 7 people have been killed at every single refugee camp in bangladesh. gunman attacked a religious school, encompasses bazaar one person has been arrested. russia has reported a record number of deaths from code 19 in the past 24 hours for the 4th day in
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a row. that's more than a 1000 fatalities with the number of new cases. also, rising authorities are imposing more restrictions in the coming weeks, including a paid wake off, and they were new calls for people to get vaccinated. are only around a 3rd of russians fully inoculated to water. and you prove, to be honest, we're not even outraged anymore. we just feel sorry for these people, because even if you take our hospital, i can tell you the out of every 50 admitted only one or 2 of them are vaccinated. the whole i few is full of highly critical condition patients and all of them are needed. a cinema tucker has been killed and a director injured after actor alec baldwin fired approp gun on a film set in new mexico. the accident happened during the filming of the 19th century west and entitled, rust baldwin is playing the late. no charges have been filed and an investigation is underway. those are the headlines. i'm emily angland states you now for blood
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and tease french, the colonization. ah! ah crimes once had an empire covering enormous areas of the world and millions of people. but after the 2nd world war, the countries you've had colonized began to demand a french withdrawal and self rule. france did not want to let go and was drawn into terrible wars. in indo china, madagascar, and algeria, syria and lebanon were granted independence and trouble similar in sub saharan africa and the caribbean. however,
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france could simply not hold back the tide. and the 7 year war in india, china ended in a humiliating defeat. north africa was next. and both to misha and morocco left the french union, while the battle for algeria raged dawn. this is the story of the end of one of the largest in pies the world has ever seen. and how the blood and tears shed decades ago, a still felt in the world today. ah ah, by the summer of 1956, the war in algeria had been going on for nearly 2 years. french troops met the forces of the national liberation front, the evelyn with all mighty force and inflicted huge losses. the evelyn
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needed to regroup and to try and regain the initiative. it completely change its strategy. it took the war to the very heart of the capitol, algiers. and in september 1956. it planned an attack that would have a far reaching, embodied, suitable lo love football players. palomo. these december did meet bow, kate tickle street a play leslie, guam get monte. i'll seal ha those, tito. and if we can don't city your whole new vo, lady bechtel over new york city. ha! don't formulas up, keep the don't, we'll leave to swell up. loose way tim of let me grab it. he lou, go honk! let's see dungy kitty dollar, who passed the bell easy till all the while people player when they offer me machine glass e mail or mail mom, they're mostly that daniel has the vehicle so i don't way from see me on to new de
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pleasant baker. i'm all set good plas lucian, to share his law was had he did, she did do a fair ha, ethically no more like least sure. her lam want her de la boon he shout on. julius car exclaimed, destiny opinion. this is his hot t ah machine to push to you 10, why shipyard? you imagine gosh, as formula g that price on this is near produced death. hollow mean you knew bow a do year may may a death whose shock enamel on the path. he cook us from started my bush, she completely in that breaker. pollard most heavy desk will deep alex, please,
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your groom. what is to the early community follow me can, wasn't much on the path, shall come to like schools. you all have a complete a there. he left he up or to depict that should you must, who are her members the put up long city to push a jump on did the work key. see the hot wall, lemon law on violet. quickly hush millenniums who g bear on a hazel. algiers was the most french of old algerian cities and had never experienced such a violent attack. several people were killed and doesn't injured, including children ah, lisa, tampa. so camille just sidney jim inpatient chilly. mit silva. sonya
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name barto. oh, good. bombard de la cooper, father. not a recall on yell on at la shore. it actually doing up on d, v. lashelle to t, the trill upon the acyclovir, i fell on odds. i shall know shaka issued the rules, ye shall up. well, actually way. ah, the french authorities retaliated, and in january 1957, the announce marshall law, and ordered paratroopers to sweep the arab old tom. the casbah the battle of algiers had begun. a felon leaders fell one after the other, as the paratroopers arrested, and then tortured them. ah, his uncle, my vehicle for you? well i do. they said from any depot zeal, well busy,
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but i yield of the dubois fiscal would issue out more than your that you dont psyched up. sure. mystery i do. bosky 11. if you hold on, i even had finally did michelle shown a single is said sneered. nor yet on time, the sun is shining, sooty, disappears was your subtleties buckled. imponderable is, his claim also sought to do battle from sharp or she is ye cause it all yelled, who said from me she reynosa hung up when he had mr. tilt on did his tip on the timer, she had the a boy sim, working for them. the la la miss of israel delane,
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and the claim oh, to dodge said, pin emotion, auto renew is rule knocked on it. horses are in all secreted as will go by pon, pon is omitted our ear demanded them of them gone. percy bells halsey, ymca baron, are you not his jones though? he says, even your becker drew. good, remiss. it's too early either. immediately if he comes to complain about his on the morning or not. this one he knows jahiver and you just don't come ha e belly buttons him. he pavilion gone over years ago. he lumpy in australia. no trip bushes. bishop dishwasher dr. off miserable deonna dot b. not or do called out to her. you're not on your comment to your leave. she bertha, lucre. a shelter, more coverage of a val gosh,
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cooper to sean, all through a regular vancouver. it wishes fit dog cilla birthday escobedo. to see she sung generically. she daveille fletcher brought on genevieve could really little don't yell the french army knew it could behave, however, it light because it would be supported by the french authorities. regardless, the number of ethylene attacks decreased and its leadership was gradually eliminated. among the arrests was the milk bar bomber. zora address is a tell they p bullshit. the from behaviors who he pre asia feels hipaa these they are lat pole de la. dr. early for deal. ok. any film it is a premier until us more soberly book of the do me, coma, as twixt all cook up on it. the other thing. if elliot pump did the 20th to let dr
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. pond on caesar, maxima, basketball, marcia talkative tear, shall she took the class? he proceed on. yes, earlier he there, mom pu huntley left the but the crackdown in algiers also triggered a french crisis of conscience. intellectuals like housewife maria openly expressed their outrage despite media censorship. the french people could no longer close their eyes, torture would damage frances reputation at home and abroad, permanently. ah, c, algerian war continued. it provoked a major political and constitutional crisis. a may 1958. charles de gaulle was
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brought back as prime minister, and he immediately terminated the 4th french republic. only 3 days after taking power. he flew to algiers. ah, he said, daddy's algeria is dead. and if we don't understand it, we'll die with of he'll get hauled again. de la, this is all so little meg or mill mill to the door. a seeker kush was last year or enamel to play or told the whole 50 more. i finished. well, mit yet come about me. oh, in front of a huge crowd. the gold gave one of his most famous speeches, but also one of the most ambiguous. in
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searcy hear back from his form, it was a complete i lost, i can't issue la fontose. i saw i saw pushy. i like have taken ref. okay. if you're not with my luck, i think looking oh, to see if we'll see the g e d cooling cookie. cellular, still nigerla to sure. he's just to call the cuckoo silas. hi, glare. good fellas, dominique will have yellow pon aa jjjj goal words to bring the evelyn to the negotiating table. he freed prisoners and announced the major economic development plan while maintaining military question.
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many algerians believed in him, including the worsley, so served as auxiliaries in the french army on the 23rd of october, 1958. the gold took a historic step by calling the evelyn for what he called repay the peace of the brave hurry n a b b j your door stiff us all good. okay. oh, do releford were set if you know what you want all humility, us your i'll pay it off. all right. formula bid them have to fill in quo and converse handle sit here on co lift horses,
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low hope they heard she veneer vision, pier law school nurses, italy colo stitching him electoral, the police. he f l. n fought on to separate the evelyn and ordinary people. the french colonial authorities moved nearly a quarter of the algerian population into camps over 2000000 people in shocking conditions. for a young socialist graduate, michelle holcomb went to algeria and wrote a report on the camps which was leaked to the press. it forced the government to urgently release funds to feed the entire population and care for the weakest. ah, the evelyn meanwhile, was in terrible shape. it's leadership decimated, and it's 2 numbers half,
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but it remains resolute despite the prospect of yet more bloodshed. algeria monopolized the goals attention, but he realized he also had to deal with the future of sub saharan africa. it's overseas, the bottom all and polynesia ah, in 1958, he embarked on a major african tore to try and avoid the disintegration of what was left of french africa. his plan was to unite the colonies into a community of states under french control through a referendum 1st off, madagascar, to a warm welcome. then on to ivory coast with the leaks in fed. why he controlled political life on frances behalf. ah, in madagascar in ivory coast, the goal had nothing to fear. there was
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a glitch in guinea. however, where secretary spoke his mom. i had a good one to read your opinion. all with the goal was humiliated. and again, in the senegalese capital dot com, where placards calling for immediate independence put the goal for once on the back for a random. but despite these protests french colonial africa generally rally to the goals. com. although france was accused of electoral fraud and of neutralizing opponents in the referendum,
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only guinea voted no to the new colonial french community. on the 2nd of october, 1958, guinea became the 1st french colony in sub saharan africa to gain independence a. but denise independence triggered a rapid chain reaction. other african countries also started demanding full independence. the goal realized that he was losing control, and that is great dream of the african union was dying. 1960 was a year of great change in less than 10 months, 15 new african states joined the movement for independence. for many african former members of the french parliament, now governs their own country. like felix, who said, why ne,
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in ivory coast or near, posted as things are in seneca, africa experienced a collective euphoria of freedom. hope and joy. ah, when you are you are good as good. um. he did love the dean. oh go moon bare shore. the nose all shirt. madonna. doug, give you the darla bow. barry mckinney vento. dominic i can never get
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a dent one way. but i don't wanna gamble fully at the thumb. toma well i got you got a lot of fountain crest. good. they fall literally over to let you fly to within a teach. ah, france had no choice but to let go of his once glorious empire in sub saharan africa. only a handful of territories remained, and their 2 nationalist movements were increasingly gaining ground. in algeria, things were different. the french didn't even officially refer to the conflict as a war, but simply as events. however, this nameless war now entered is final and most violent fees. the goal had already given way to the next level in sub saharan africa. and when he spoke on the 4th of november 1960, he knew that the days of french algeria were numbers,
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e o 3 elected a whole j, we'll is say dish. she de also know this relies from a new book. yes remark audrey no oh oh well no more do not really follow me properly all day news. i really am here again the 132 year link between france and algeria was about to be broken. anxiety spread among the french living in algeria. moody bus of i talked to steve at all, but he had you komatsu or santia marie barrett the district does him in knowing proper patio or bar house of justice said it's at the hall calling for me to discuss choice jenny, me? oh, chris kenney, mim and divide is pretty, pretty chicken ah french people who wanted desperately to stay in
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algeria went on the offensive. in february 961, they founded the secret army organisation. the o a s o s attacks over several months were violent and bloody in algeria and in france. on the 18th of june, 1961, the o. s. bombed the strasbourg to paris express, killing 24 people. france went into shock. the goal had thought the algerian situation was under control, but it was slipping from his grasp. france was at the mercy of the combined threat of the o. e. s. and algerian, evelyn and the police in paris began to take the law into their own hands. on the 17th of october, 1961, they attended a peaceful ethylene demonstration near the shahan metro station in eastern paris
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with bloody consequences. that dark night, the police killed gillian demonstrators, and through their bodies into the river sat. the death toll remains unknown, but some algerian estimate say over 200 people were killed for the french government. something had to be done. the goal is leadership and the felon had been negotiating the basis for algerian independence for some time in the spark town of indiana. ah, center, douglas. he also sold, we did the update of your teachers will need to discuss your seniors years as you see legal assembling to welcome if you need bond on. do i have your li medicine, li, memorized as as old? what do i think little mathis modality drill? discuss it up. let me do these remarks. simila thought was on today. we'll have dinner guest room as, as you did um, should we drugs through deal miss your i complete the
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a via accords where more than a year in the making the $93.00 page agreement included clauses about francis military rights in the sahara. in return, the evidence demands was self determination, were accepted along with a package of financial and economic aids. but in the cafes of the shores easy, the regions focus on the headline cease 5 or low. these are called if you're interested for digital buff body shop. did you want as long as it your 15? i'm on been such an been when thus called bush feel equal, vanishing. but the violence took a new turn. the o. e. i stepped up. it's a time to time sabotaged avionic courts. the goal is government, however, would not tolerate the toys violence. and on the 26th of march,
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1962 shooting broke out on the streets of algiers. the french army, fired on o. yes, supporters. o . 80 o s support has died in these clashes with french police for the colonial settlers in algeria. it was a very deep wound indeed. they finally realize that they no longer belong in the new algeria, blue algerian independence was not simply the end of a political iraq. on a human level,
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the lives of many thousands of people were turned upside down. ah, london is one of the most unfortunate cities in the world and decisions made here have an impact right around the globe. and so here at al jazeera, we will show you the true impact of those decisions on people and how it affects their everyday life. we are free to put them on air and to really engage this is because we know that all this is interested, not just in the mainstream news, but also the more hidden stories from parts of the world that often go under reported. if america held up a mirror to itself, what would it see in the sense race is the story of america what's working and what's not? a lot of people were only talking about that. it wasn't at the top of the agenda. if america can't handle multiple challenges on multiple fronts,
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we need to go back to school. the bottom line on al jazeera, the world is warming, greenland ice sheet is melting, which is changing everything from sea levels to the way people live. and now even exposing the remnants of a cold war, paused greenland the melting of the frozen north on al jazeera. ah, oh, hello, i'm emily anglin in tow. hi these the top stories on al jazeera. you ladies are debating how to respond to the growing number of migrants and refugees entering the block. non member belarus is accused of helping undocumented people crosses borders that the wine is president has called for a new migration packed. natasha butler is in brussels and has the lightest well, several you leaders are absolutely furious with the situation. they said is
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