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tv   [untitled]    October 22, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm AST

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france, we need to go back to school. the bottom line while just around the world is warming agreements. i. she is melting, which is changing everything from sea levels to the way people live. and now even exposing the remnants of a cold war, paused greenland for melting of the frozen north on al jazeera. ah, oh hello, i'm emily ang window. how these, the top stories on al jazeera, you ladies are debating how to respond to the growing number of migrants and refugees entering the block. non member belarus is accused of helping undocumented people crosses borders. lithuanian president has called for a new migration packed. natasha butler is in brussels and has the latest was several you leaders are absolutely furious with the situation. they said is
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unacceptable. at least 10 countries all suggesting that the you fund the building of a fence along the border. that is, of course, seen is very controversial or by others. others are calling for sanctions, particularly against belo versus natural national carrier, but below, via they are also saying that they need to make it more difficult for the airline to be able to lease planes from countries within the e. u. there are other voices, though, are also calling for a closer look at what poland lithuanian latvia are actually doing. when my grants managed to cross into their countries. the u. n. is blaming south sedans, worst floods in 60 years on climate change. for some areas, it is the 3rd straight year of extreme flooding, endangering livelihoods in the world's youngest nation. the un refugee agency says 700000 people have been affected. a you and plane carrying aide for
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a job he has to grow region has been forced to a board landing because of a government, a strike. it's the 4th day of a ride this week and the to grind capital mcellen's. the government says it was aware of the inbound flight. at least 7 people have been killed at a re hinge refugee camp in bangladesh. come and attacked a religious school and cox's bizarre one person has been arrested last month or a hinge and later was shot dead in the camp. hey, these national police chief has resigned after protests against gang violence in the deteriorating security situation. workers have been on a general strike since monday, after the abduction of a group of christian missionaries. and the cinema tucker has been killed and a direct injured after. after alec baldwin fired a prop gun on the film said in new mexico, no charges have been filed and the investigation is underway. those are the
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headline stage 2 now for blood and t ah. the 8 year algerian war ended on the 18th of march, 1962, when the french government and the algerian national liberation front, the evelyn signed the treaty known as d a. v r. a course. it included an immediate cease fire, and pave the way for algerian independence when groups of french, colonial settlers, who fundamentally opposed the deal, clashed with the french army on the streets of algiers. on the 26th of march, 196280 were killed. many europeans living in algeria had to face to reality that they were not part of the new country.
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in the next few months between $8.10 people per day left the country where many of them were born. hastily taking with them their most precious possessions, draw sierra but all uncontrollable. brilliant coleman was bus, cuz just for a passcode have a model, pasco pasco should contain control cushy man in covered and potassium cuz i'm about to new bu good mit um. but to pull a girl there. oh mother, patty stacy near said, said to gale, mother, paula, set off, he'll move in the shipping. you drop elder people of european origin born in algeria were known as the pin. was the blackfeet over a 1000000 of them crossed the mediterranean. when they arrived in france,
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many landed in a country where no one was waiting to greet them. it was working on this mail with their little name as you can conduct a garage on to coordinate with merck. eskoville bolona may go up a whole isabel, do you louise? all is all bill do not that he earned the trail visionaire. oh, you know what has just delete utility companies as shown, or think of of you can use a symbol shipper, a resort viola e, a she salt divorce of what his uses to wake his own keys of why? how should the sun is nobody have to live with people who had been uprooted, had to start completely afresh to rebuild homes,
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find work. they also had to try and integrate into a country that was sometimes hostile, often indifferent to them and did not seem ready to welcome back so many at once. on the 5th of july, 1962 algerians finally flew their own flag. the french estimates that around 300000 people died in the 80 a war but algerian figures as high as one point. 5000000 lose rolled in the bonded is your loss is you wanted off all the for male that you tend to yelling, coil blue, divide. i love to fall reservoir, something they'll see the, you know, like on the next of the multiple male will avoid. dear livonia war to the julia and abandon was like a little talk out to show gabriella missile. eleanor account is still
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here while i go, she oper, if you don't go surreal versus should i more collab? who are jillions? it was a jubilant moment. but their joy was soon tempered by yet more bloodshed. the abl accords provided for the protection of various groups, including the european pin, was in the african muslim auxiliaries in the french army. but despite this evelyn radicals launch a systematic massacre of thousands, many europeans who wanted to stay in algeria were brutally murdered. and for the ocoee, this was the beginning of a long night may. the french government band there returned to france. in algeria there were at the mercy of the f. l in missouri as she knew on alicia don't be
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shall only also she no longer does i want to go flip her world. exactly it or or leave home to tricare initiative. i stay alabama bally tens of thousands of ascii were murdered in algeria. ah, ah, ah, system worker to live phil anything on trade on it? cuz he'll give you more peer house to plant cut also could go to donna do lucas image ship creed on a fuss is just the steer and masa knew it al api on farm. your funk it be all after? yes, my market are sent it to you and your unclear are you still? does your condo would be more on every dishonest or fail?
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must actually the only thought de la mifflin says, jeff oscar, i brought your dollars to safeco just $300.00 and i sure i talked with for the pin while any ocoee. the choice was the time between a suitcase and a coffee some ocoee were able to get to france, thanks to a few officers disobeying orders, but it was only a tiny minority. whereupon hulu bertolsi turned button much on just only down. darcy. come, come to you bit, either she tell you on the hosting, what could you, are she potty this? yes, you play, de leon yankee says no. plus it would have to kill it. i thought it was less, it would be going to make it so debbie. all right, we'll go to the bazaar. not do them again,
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but she blew it all to that innovative girl in a 1000 up. don't be that up. that's, you know, the propaganda of the time portrayed a warm welcome by the french authorities in france, the ocoee warehouse together in remote camps far from prying eyes. there were the undesirables, invisible symbols of defeats. but many ocoee were secretly sent back to algeria. when i drop a class from, do not need a horse omniscience, francisco mancha there was only 2 on the t barrage room to bar customer to check his uncle's bush. neither france nor algeria emerged unscathed, from the conflict on both sides of the mediterranean, 2 nations west cards for decades by what the french of the time called simply the
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events in algeria. ah, algeria independence was not the end of france's african colonial projects. the goal was convinced that frances future lay in close cooperation with its former african colonies and in preserving what remained of the empire as well as french strategic interests. these territories abounded enroll materials. their independence must not threaten frances energy resources. the president appeared on television said dad, fit good at the colonies us. your and i did a to a fees will be will be i cannot see, but soon. yeah, the bought a new if you saw to do you know, any, i say the mall,
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the head. you know, to go grew. may said dad is a go, grew a lead. don't you know? she said, i know a little better than senior going to be and i feel if you can use up a form gold gold, gold log back. he france did not intend these to be reciprocal arrangements with equal partners to go wanted french speaking africa to become francis, private to preserve this was also the time of the cold war. and to prevent the spread of communism, nato instructed franz to become, quote, africa's policeman jack falcon, a former free frenchman in world war 2 and loyal goalies,
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became the head of what was called, ha, suffering. his mission to ensure that the game of franco african friendship was played to france's robes. so in november, 1960 in cameroon, the new leader of the opposition party, felix mommy, was assassinated. his killer was a member of the french secret service. william best head this left president i, he, joe, with no opposition. he remained in power for 22 years in toe go to president savannah's olympia wanted to do without france. he was killed by a group of soldiers supported by the french officer in charge of presidential security. in the 19 sixties and seventies france intervened
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militarily more than 20 times to ensure that the right african leaders, we're in place to serve its needs occupied the new dealers. desolate bonus, deducted uncle mar wanted up at the godly shield and isn't dead levels. september through went to as tally of the club in addition to de gaulle up reliability. shonda sheila go, i've been to do shonda. do the 2 separate latasha del at the levels lead the credenza troy you mere last caustic of claudia is already too late. it is all to dish. no sued is all to have put it. seek her. i think i falsely lean the monopoly going to me to saucer bothell no manner to society stood. hipaa here early be very basic. are in europe. however, the goals 1960 is we're not just about floss, a freak over one and
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a half 1000000 people still lived in the french overseas territories. the camaro sent djibouti reunion island, diana, and the caribbean, polynesia, and new caledonia. many were worried that history may have passed them by their call for a less colonial relationship with france. independence even fell on deaf ears between europe and america, the goal, one said, there is nothing but dust and we don't build states on dust. part of the french strategy, me overseas territories was the same as in africa to put its placement in power.
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in 1963, the goal even sent his former prime minister michelle debate to reunion islands. debris stood in the french malim entry election, dismantled local news, but now we would look either like the all why there was a minute vollmer of we with my god. so low the gauntlet of what it means you buy your we, which are god we're going to learn all about going to be the legal me. oh oh oh, on surprisingly, debris was duly elected as the member of parliament in paris hall reunion islands. a year later, he had his main opponent and leader of the communist party pole that just charged with undermining the integrity of the states possess, suitable burden on cultural destiny. dip all dues on polish up here. let me push young, eo, nuclear at holy these that leave it up. what he says,
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he's all to my daughter le. let me zoom. you sold a suit. sure. my mail him and i see you. and some streak on those that are they caught up police sir, yet i pressed, so fucked. disavow that i most surely sorta. zip was all boulevard. jess was arrested. the communist party, dissolved and re union island fell into long de goal also used investment projects to buy political deference. a rocket launch site in cool french, guyana. and in whoo, rora polynesia, a nuclear testing center to replace the algerian side of a gun. that franz had to evacuate
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british. absolutely. and she said, god, oh, can you just you know, younger jo, she's yours d, the global social, her develop mall juggling button. so it doesn't just reward shaw it to greg. don't shoot, kid was st. louis, throw up on one another. friends strategy was to displace people on re union island, martinique, and guadalupe. the government at the office for the development of migration in overseas department or will be done for shorts. it's organized the migration of young working people to france, reducing the risk of a whole generation calling for independence. so valuable matter. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha man was already
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a produced man with privacy. the procedure got brooklyn on a mac and you can go look, there were no way for me. were not on oil or with or without w. all side of the are young to it. when you, when we, when we, who are near you were to renew so it will appear when it her did not the girl i'm up to new with all about it, a good one here 3 are body where you're the order. ah . but hope quickly gave way to dissolution. the bully domains, as they were known, soon understood that they were doomed to doing only menial jobs on belford review. them etching tie is all possible nephew cranford took little bell. i could have hall said town very little huddle nearby. mendoza, but to declare the,
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you'll all sir. secrecy carefully judge popular channels on here. the farmer. oh yeah he very okay. lona panera's, the buffet to feminine wi fi ticket is up and that would proceed with don. i christian nicholson, the backups in the summer, but the shadow fair. i also took obscene it, did this to nick a sir. have you don't? over 20 years, tens of thousands of young people migrated to france. a whole generation was uprooted and suffered the races in that was common in europe, in the 19 sixties and seventies on cove mac norco to than the coffee also all his young cody, he had his reddened farm, derenzo came up, push came a discourse, balsamic army, dom diligent nunez. if anyone in the office a committee could have found verbally, the launch of false glutamate,
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she's making call. did, are you coming her or does was she esla? but in the 19 sixty's, france continued to track down in the overseas territory. in march, 1967 in g booty the crowd called for independence. but the army moved in and several demonstrators were killed. 3 months later, construction work is in guadalupe demanded a pay rise. a riots broke out and the police fired into the cloud, killing several demonstrators. 3 sessions. nothing changes as the saying goes
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ah, in the c panel or the jeff, you quit as he says to set do, could it is all to yes it's were sunset. what get her set? oh, they flew me to come see secret said that from that please kill her. do it? no. in touch. so i've half because he left class i took unity. me 1967 still haunts the people of what lose a mural was finally put up to commemorate what's widely considered to be the last french colonial act of violence with sophie law school visit
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to pc. since she passed york, her who we are i county. so who's in the us from the play post christian bliss, you are basically a pre taped cur. sit on court. when for these all kisses to lay the kinetic generic, par, i shows, initials can cabal good, ted kersey, the crew, come kick assures do are to pasco no. begging you on calling for city darcia again. 2 years later, in april 1969 to go resigned as presidents but the dust of empire, as he called the overseas territories, remained part of france. they still gave the country an enormous sense of global power. in the next decade, g booty, the commerce and the new hebrides all gained independence. but despite the
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crises, attacks and referenda, france managed to hang on to the islands of my yacht, new caledonia, polynesia, and all its overseas did back to mow and regions to gold successes never fundamentally questioned the general's colonial legacy. josh won't be due, valid, easy scan to stop. and francois medieval old feigns to revisit this inglorious period in the republics history. however, after decades of silence, the most violent and proven crimes were gradually denounced that the highest levels the bloody repression in madagascar and the choy massacre in synagogue, as well as the violent colonial conflict in algeria were all after much debate, ultimately condemned. but all the official ceremonies,
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tributes and speeches could not overcome the nostalgia on one side and the frustration and resentment on the other. d colonization remains a contentious legacy that deeply divides frank society. to this day, the wars of independence, the hidden crimes and massacres have all left their mark on the perpetrators, the victims, and their descendants today. ah, one of the crucial issues for those who suffered and still feel the impact of colonization now is who tells that story and exactly what that story is for truly bosh
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a sub bundled prism. suspicious me. good morning. bash come to the bike play or did she did? did you get shoes it up. keel brister. oswald year he, anthony switched on. it's a poorly starving, couldn't go to the shows, can sit festival, a pretty big data set for most, discuss your canoe, a prove a beautiful cassie equivalent committee. korea m m e republic prosecutor really pushes awful or is i'll find a pretty low fall new term. all professor, however you do have formal in your house need you all see that be on the shoals. those awful issue. did you feel you look on this panel pushed wow, you got at home pretty do the global you me to get all good. we'll see this. i thought he did not wish to
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news news news. it's another beautiful sunny day at 35000 feet. the weather sponsored by cattle airways booted world's best airline of 2021. hello, good to see we've had a parade of storage march into western parts of canada, the pacific northwest and northern california. we got some rounds to go with, but i think the most intense when will be reserved for the west coast of canada. somewhat weather for vancouver on friday. here comes wave wine across areas of northern california on friday, but we put this forward. we're going to find yourself on sunday. this is
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a 2nd wave. the most intense wave in some local meter ologist are calling is a be storm. we could pick up a $250.00 millimeters of rain winds, 110 kilometers per hour and snowfall $225.00 centimeters that set the peaks of this year in nevada. but just to give you an idea of the moisture that we're dealing with off to where these temperatures have been kicked down around the great lakes, this will eventually come into new york, boston dc. your temperatures will drop over the next 24 hours around central america, off the coast of africa, poco this is very likely to become something tropical. we've got some thunder storms, cuba, and the bahamas. and next stop are going to the top end of south america. the rain picking up once again for the guy and chaos has a height of 29 degrees and we do have some disturbed weather around the river plates. months of dale, your high, 24 on friday. that's it. soon. the weather, sponsored by cattle airways, boated world's best airline of 2021. papa ganga media censorship and the rise of
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all their terry and rule went up. one day the system has been turned from an electoral democracy into a competitive authoritarian shame. a look at the loss of power in hungary, indian to the experiences of those who live in every day that is oppress, shut on us. but we have to be very careful, of course, and we have to be brave enough to support that question how democracy dies. democracy may be on al jazeera. if america held up a mirror to itself, what would it see in a sense, race is the story of america. what's working. and what's not. a lot of people are only talking about that. it wasn't at the top of the agenda if america can't handle multiple challenges on multiple fronts, we need to go back to school. the bottom line on al jazeera, we town the untold stories. ah, we speak when others stud, ah,
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we cover all sides. no matter where it takes us a pretty fully a fin, sir guy for my. i am power in pasha. we tell your story. we are your voice, your news, your net al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello, i'm emily anglin. this is the news. our live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, a coal for solid charity european union ladies urged to work together and secure they bought is to deal with the rise of migrants and where few cheese arriving curb .


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