tv [untitled] October 23, 2021 3:30am-4:01am AST
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national park has since been shelved, it's now a candidate to join european emerald network of protected areas. there is still hope for these authors, and that footage like this will inspire the human neighbors to cherish them or risk losing them forever. rubbing 1st year walker al jazeera tbilisi aah is out there and these are the top stories. the u. n. a suspended all 8 flights into ethiopia. t gray region. that's all for you. and plane was forced abort landing because of government air strikes. it's the 4th day of air raids this week on the t gray and capital mikaela. a un humanitarian light that departed out is about it this morning was best was to turn back in the midst of it by ought to asked, rights began in my county. i can confirm that the government was informed of that
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site, or it took up as of course, okay. well 2nd and that the flight was forced to turn back in mid air because of the events on the goes. well, we're still ascertaining all of the facts in relation to this events are obviously banned about what has taken place to day and what it means senator in operations in northern moving forward, the u. s. as it will seek information from israel after it, designated 6 palestinian civil society groups is terrorist organizations. the n jose targeted include leading palestinian human rights activists. i'll hock and other me, as well as a research center is roles accuse them of funding money to an own group. the you and special envoy says, talks over serious constitutional reforms that fell to make any meaningful progress . discussions between the asset government, your position and civil society groups ended without a date being set for further talks. they have been trying to draft a new constitution to facilitate un spook supervised elections. leaders are
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a european union summit say they're extremely concerned about the growing number of migrants crossing from bella roof, which is not a member the you it's accused minsk of what it calls state sponsored smuggling, a moldova has declared a state of emergency. oh, the gas shortage is it's an effort to secure cheaper natural gas deals. after a price hike from its usual supplier. russia. gunman have killed at least 7 people at a ringo, refugee camp in bangladesh. the attack happened in the early hours of friday morning at a religious school. in concert bazaar, dozens of people are missing in nepal of to trench reins. of course, major flooding and lance lies more than a 100 people have been killed and homes and crops have been destroyed. rescue her rescue is hope and improvement will help their efforts. the government is also promised to provide money to victims. those are the headlines. the news continues, hey, arnold zera, after inside story ah,
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thousands of doctors and nurses are dying on the front lines of the pandemic. many more are stress burnt out and leaving their jobs. so what should be done to ensure health care workers receive the protection and support they need? this is inside story. ah hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much am jerome, doctors, nurses,
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and other health care workers around the world have been working tirelessly to save lives since the pandemic began. but the world health organization says since january last year, up to $180000.00 of them have died from cove at 19. some believe the actual number may be much higher. many health care workers say they're overworked and under appreciated. some have opted to leave the profession, industry leaders or warning of widespread staff shortages if governments don't give medical workers more support. we'll bring in our guests in a moment. first this report, by homeric audrey health and care workers, ah, they protect us. when we meet it most, they're seen as the heroes of the pandemic. doctors and nurses around the world have been working nonstop for nearly 2 years to controlled the spread of coven 19. often without proper protective equipment, lies many say they're at breaking point. like the work is in this hospital in busha,
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not only are they battling a surge of infections nationwide, they're dealing with misinformation about vaccines and people refusing to get the job. only a 3rd russians awfully inoculated just when water and to be honest, we're not even outraged anymore. we just feel sorry for these people because even to take our hospital, i can tell you the out of every 50 admit, only one or 2 of them are vaccinated. the world health organization estimates up to $180000.00 health workers have died on the front lines of the bustle against grown to virus since january last year. it's urgent governments to get better support and speed up vaccinations. the fundamental is a powerful demonstration of just how much we rely on health workers and how vulnerable we all on when the people who protect are held out of themselves unprotected. my experts say many more burnt out,
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stressed suffering from anxiety and fatigued. it's a shocking and documents of government. it's a shocking indictment of their lack of juicy, of care to protect health care care workers here ultimate sacrifice with their lives. less than one in 10 health workers in africa and the western pacific awfully vaccinated compared to 80 percent in wealthy nations. doctors and nurses in some countries have been told they'll lose their jobs if they don't get vaccinated . oh, these protesters outside the health ministry increase. say the vaccine mandate is unfair and will lead to further staff shortages in hospitals. and most of them, again, we are going on the streets going on strike, because the government has transformed us from heroes,
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into scapegoats. we're going on the streets because so far they haven't satisfied any of our fair demands. surveys in the us and the u. k. have found the pandemic has worse and existing problems in their health care systems, such as under funding long hours. and the lack of support for staff. thousands have already left the profession. it's feared many more will follow them if the situation doesn't improve. seen her marriage all 3 for inside story. i mean of all right. all right, let's bring our guests joining us live by skype from geneva, howard captain. he is the chief executive officer of the international council of nurses from one by dr. issue arg alada, an infectious diseases expert, and secretary general of the organized medicine academic guild, and from melbourne. grant blashley and associate professor at the nozzle institute
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for global health at the university of melbourne. a warm welcome to you all and thanks so much for joining us today on inside story. howard, let me start with you today. it is estimated that between 80002880002 health care workers could have died from cupboard 19 since the beginning of the pandemic. that is a staggering number. just how shocking is it to you. i'm. it's at and it's a conservative estimate. it is absolutely shocking. i think the true figure could be higher. i think we could be pushing close to a quarter of a 1000000. it's an indictment of government's failure to act, to protect health care work as these are people who were just going to work to do their job. but the real issue that worries me hugely here is that the actual number of deaths reported to the world health organization. from countries around the world is less than $7000.00. people are clapping,
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but nobody is counting. and that sends a message to suggest that it's just not being taken seriously enough. one death is a tragedy. it leaves in its wake families left without her with, without mums, without did dad's kids being offered. but when we get into the scale of the thousands, it appears that we just treat it as a mr. to stick. grant. let me ask you how traumatizing a has this pandemic been for health care workers on the front lines. are fighting against coven 19? yes, i think that the, the mental health impacts for health workers is vain. enormous. you know, it's been a mix of anxiety, you know, concerned about getting the illness, the uncertainty. and i think as time goes on, you know, the chronic nature of bass that you get burnout, you get compassion, fatigue, get
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a bit semi colon despondent about things. so it's been very tough and really were very concerned about a psychological well being of a health workforce is who are let me ask you also being on the front lines in this fight against the pandemic. from your vantage point. i mean, you just heard a grant there, talk about the burn out. i can talk about the psychological impact. what do you see amongst colleagues? how, what kind of an effect has this had if we are to kind of colleagues one, those are not going to work fine. sir. digger tall guy getting very, very scared of this band. i'm wired a lot of wishing. so they came out only after a year or so. and secondly, people like us who are always on the horn and being in medical profession, we've done a lot for our kind of professional upkeep conferences. so why does that put in last one? hardly any time and we, we don't, we did a colleague now all our only video buddies are skype meetings. so that kind of
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interaction is not a good it of what it will people, what will be inducted with people having parents are loving professional circle. so there is obviously some sort of burnout exam is a, some psychological problem and more so by seeing more and more depth and suffering, it is not only merely i'll be sure to put some time on the and the other was family members. so that way we'll all be infected as any other you want be united with that being doctors. we are all the more because we got across deaths or putting in one rigid mortality. what triggers as well as in fixtures, dana del, howard, your organization, the international council of nurses calls the number of deaths that health care workers, coven, 1900, a damning indictment of governments. do you think that we're at the stage where we will start seeing governments do more i'm,
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i hope we will. i hope that this will spur them into action because i'm really concerned that they've been looking the other way by not reporting by not counting, pretending that the problem doesn't exist, but what we're seeing now very clearly are the consequences of the impact you've just heard about the mental health impact the mass traumatized zation. that's now translating to people who are leaving. ah, the professions not just nursing other health professions as well, who feel that they can give no more nurses around the world. we went into this pandemic 6000000 nurses, short the impact of the pandemic. we believe has increased that. and we think that we could be on the edge on the brink of a global health workforce crisis. and if governments don't do something about that, if they don't recognize the issue, if they don't invest in recruitment and retention,
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we have no health services without our health care workers. there are some parts of the world we've heard already of reports from, from, from scotland. i think from the u. s where governments have to bring in army personnel or army medics to help to deal with the demands that are, that exist and governments cannot afford not to address this issue to invest in i health workers is who are you just heard it. howard there talk about how governments are, from his point of view really have been failing in their responsibility when it comes to protecting health care workers. i, when it comes to ensuring their safety and to ensuring that the health care sector is able to help people entree people from your perspective. what can be done about this from a health management point of view? i think the what does to health care and healthcare workers should be ban here. it should not be only be saudi when it is about them. if you remember, or dr. santa,
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well, because and when everything is either you or not bothered, she was at lee for health care infrastructure. and did you just think that you declared oxford and all you do? what i schubert thought you could do some debris facility? i did, i didn't forget it. is not going to be done by that when he was looking at the was held organization, they had to report from me with them the shooting that they were pipelines. why they should dec shut what up your time to? because i what is the problem? what is their dog digestion is a healthy body. i think there are, there was who they were body to understand what could happen to the parent like what gus, doctors, nurses, technicians at the stop. so if they pick one up you're buying, we don't expect while much, much more from or goldbergs or governors are not technical people and up water sol during the pick up there but a big they all want to dump it for doctors. and they brought a lot of doctors are
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a lot of stop down here to take pictures. there are a lot of assaults happening. all one of the good 3 are there are large list. what those. 1 are the what a 40 minute got up to just gum. the deep wall is a regular hospitals, clinics, nursing homes that go when it comes to your doctors. so they were there is a big problem with it. was it driving or to book last year or 2 o'clock and i'll forward people. one was for me to go vision. those one of the provisions they want to take leave or they want to relax. and those who want to join, they were picked by some ties with a visual journal probation because it is not making proficient anymore. and those who else got off a ship, but the but the, you want the service at the heart or part of that got oblivious about this unless people are mostly commercially interested. i just ship them out. your district is going to be,
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so i think these are i door of belt. got and say that what is to be done for me to go over just really is not mere lead in the article by grant. could you talk our viewers through some of the specific types of anxiety being experienced by health care workers around the world during the pandemic? and from your perspective, our countries doing enough to provide these health care workers with the appropriate amount of mental health care? yes, so i think the 1st thing we need to say is that common sense will tell you health care work is made to feel safe. they need to feel that. busy you know, they're being looked after a maze, a simple things, before we get into psychological support, you know, i, you vaccinated. i do, you have access to protective equipment, appropriate, protective equipment. and i do, you have ways to manage the sort of occupational sort of
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a violence and abuse that goes on with some very stressed communities. so this is the 1st step that governments have got to think about to deal with those really practical issues. you can imagine as a health worker, fairly terrifying for any body to be in that position without the proper safeguards . so that's the 1st thing on site. i think that 2nd lay governments can do a lot more to provide psychological support to take it seriously. and i think i very much agree with howard's comments that we're going to have a gap in the health workforce if we don't make sure that we're attending to the psychological things as well. so that can be things like piece support from colleagues, mentoring young health professionals,
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helping them to learn to manage their boundaries, their professional boundaries, when they're working in this very difficult global pandemic. and to understand that i have to have really stick expectations for themselves and to be able to switch off and paste themselves because this pandemic is turned out to be a marathon. we're not in the acute crisis anymore where in an ongoing sort of long term management scenario. and remember you can feel someone else's cup if your copies empty. so the health workforce need to understand self care at the same time. so very important me, she's that we have to deal with howard. there was a shortage of nurses, even before the pandemic began. how much worse is the situation now? the shortage before the tan demick was $6000000.00,
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but we've got an aging population in many parts of the the world. that's another 4000000 nurses. we know it due to retire over the next few years. this impact of cove with the covey effect on the nursing workforce with estimated could push us up to 1213000000 nurses that we will need to replace or over the next few years. that's about half the number of nurses in the world as a 27000000 nurses around the world. i think what grant is highlighted here, those well, is it. this is a health crisis clearly, but there's also a rights crisis, a human rights crisis. the rights of nurses in health workers, which is, which are not being respected, which is take this vaccine issue. there are some equally shocking statistics about the in equity of access to vaccine for health care workers. on the continent of africa, we've done some work to look at how many health workers have been fully vaccinated . about 10 percent in other developed countries. 1890 percent of populations were
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up to in terms of people who are being vaccinated. we are asking workers, health workers and, and africa. they're of low levels in the western pacific as well, to go to work to be at higher risk and not to afford them the protection, despite the words that we're gonna prioritize them not to deliver on that. our government's a g 20 a leaders, a meeting at the end of this month that made big promises about numbers of vaccines that they will share. but the process for delivering them seems very opaque to us. we heard gordon brown in the last few days say that actually there are 500 1000000 available day st doses around the world, some of which my actually expire. go out of date. he's called for an air lift to get them to the people who need them to health work is. this isn't an issue about supply, it's an issue about sharing and it takes is back again to ah,
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health leaders to deliver actions, actions, investment to support health care workers. not just the continuing words and applause is where i saw you reacting to some of what howard was saying there. did you want to jump in? now basically, we look at the own too much of iniquity. on one hand, the guarantees like canada, usa, european union, australia wired to go 4 times one number of actually the required for the entire population. and they're allowing it to expire because of accidents. hell of a short expiry. but they're not going to dig in a very large numbers to africa, a rebuild initially started doing, but they're after they're the u. s. guy in india, and they said that a bonus, typically we don't have action. can you do it? but now we are done up, you know, back to mission. we cross, 1000000000 has started and we've been getting that record showed us to also pretty
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go where they are in the back to georgia. so if it turned off his go out there vaccinated, i think it was the responsibility of not only of a few days, but really that big rush direction at the bar. rockers got if they are not really worried about it, they'll get a crisis down. so if you look at in airlines, there are special sheets for a lunch top in the ways that us, which are in this top you've got a visit, they're all just going to stop. what for doctors? for nurses, there is no special special. was there any bit by board doctors or doctor deborah accepting delivery. you didn't belong? i did to needed to started the same. you'll often are to be out of the board as g that they get a bit to that they're delivered properly. if this is the situation, what a doctor, you the hospital that you can imagine what facilities we're getting nowhere. so i didn't, we should prioritize like every of it. i'm not saying that doctor should be treated
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like god visual you on friday, but at least in the hospital for the doctors like we can piper based on others. but if we have to fight, but i want a little bit that it is very difficult situation. so i think it could be very watered science, very good water. good. what while this talking particular the best of what? what will start dose is what is science on the side of booster dose, but is a good deal. this will start us. so on what you want, i got a kick on the other hand, you don't want to get you one kick. so basically this got to be a good d is not acceptable. i think the new choice should government come out. he really should make all sorts of reports with the restrictive government. what will show it his buck binding the action so that direction could rush to the police are very dick was the most particularly a community grant in this situation that we all find ourselves in where health care workers are so fatigued, where they are experiencing so much burn out, how are hospitals and clinics around the world,
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going to be able to hold on to their current staff and also to get new staff? yeah, i think it's a very important question because what we're looking at is really a combination of a very serious occupational health issue. i mean, if you ask anybody who might be watching, you know, would you like, would you go into a dangerous workplace where you haven't got the right safety equipment or preparations and most people would want to do that. so you're not, that's not a mental health condition. message just, you know, the human humanity of just worry about a very real issue. so i think that that's the 1st issue that needs to be dealt with . i think that once we deal with that, there are things that we can to in place to make the health work force feel supported, that it can be
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a resilient work force that you're bringing in young new people as well, who a mentor, prop plane, and also you know, old turn piece support from managing a very traumatic time. this is a very serious pandemic, and you know, it's not like one person can, can somehow solve it. i mean, if you're working as a health professional, you really are finding yourself in a very difficult situation. one other important thing, which i think is a community attitude thing is for people who are listening, if they find themselves interacting with the health system, either because of their own illness, for their family or friends. you know, keep in mind that those health professionals who are hoping you are really putting their lives on the line, you know, they're, they're genuinely extraordinary people who are trying to do the humanitarian thing
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and do the right thing. but everybody's got a limit. so we need to make sure that we nurture a health work forces and build them up so that they can continue to provide the care for the community. howard, what needs to happen from your point of view to improve the situation for health care workers around the world? what are the steps, the concrete steps that can be taken? i just want it, sir. i just a come to that that just to also put on the table. i think that there is a really significant gender issue at play here as well as 60 percent of our health workforce. our women, 90 percent in nursing are women. the historic, under valuing of the work that women do inequality in access to agile education in terms of career advancement as well. and this attitude that caring work, an important as it is an doesn't really have any economic value. and i think one of
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the things that the pandemic has shown us as just how if we don't invest in our health systems, if our health systems are weak and not working, the impact it has on our economic life, on our, on our freedoms, in abilities to go for a, for a walk in the park to go and see, see granny that i think must result in a change in our thinking about spending on health. it's not something we do just in the good times when we can afford to. it is spending that is an essential investment in the economic security of all of our countries. we shouldn't also, i just want to put this on the tables. well, with the issue of vaccines, not shy away from misinformation about vaccines and the anti facts campaigners i've talked to nurses, i've had their stories. that how they believe that some of the attacks in the abuse that they have been subject to is a result of anti vax mis information. there's a direct line, i believe, between misinformation and a tax on
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a health care workers. guess we need to invest in recruiting more health care workers, but that will take time. doesn't happen over night. we need to really focus as much attention on how we support and retain the staff that we've got. all right, well we have run out of time, so we're gonna have to in the discussion there. thanks so much oliver. i guess howard caton, dr. ish ward yolanda and grant laskey and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com, and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. you can also do in the conversation on twitter. our handle is at a j inside story for me. mm hm. mm hm. to him, the whole team here. bye for now. ah,
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