tv [untitled] October 25, 2021 8:00am-8:31am AST
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will be heading deep on the ground and up into the air. get a new perspective with the changing face of the coal mining industry. empowerment will report on illegal logging in romania and explore how catastrophic wall flies in greece since created new problems that all feed into the destructive cycle of extreme weather joined us for planets as to west on al jazeera, ah saddam's military arrest, several civilian officials, including one of the prime minister advisors and a member of the southern council. ah, i'm darn jordan. this is out as they are alive from dough are also coming up. the military has shut down internet services in the capital cartoon. and several bridges and tunnels are reported to have been closed. so downs protest leaders are
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calling on people to take to the streets and resists what they say. could be a military coup. and prime minister abdullah, ham docks, whereabouts remain unknown while some report suggest he's on the house. ah, we begin without breaking news out of saddam, where the military has arrested several civilian ministers and officials protest leaders, according on people to take to the streets and resist. what they say could be a military coup, tension has been rising for weeks, between military and civilian faction and sharing power and our fragile transitional government that was supposed to lead sedan to elections opt a long timely that omar bashir was pushed from power in 2019 will he morgan joins was on the phone now from car to him. he but so a fast moving, developing story. what more have you been here now about the arrests and what the military has been doing on the streets?
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well to know more about who is the rest of their whereabouts, it's very hard because of the internet shut down bad because the government has enclosed the restricted access. it's very hard to make calls near impossible actually recalls on land lines around her too because of the restriction that has been imposed. but we have been going around the hospital. we've been able to see people lighting up hires many parts of how we can see black look from the tides writing and back to the latest development. we've also seen a vehicle blocking all the bridges and roads leading to the city of her. to me, that's where the presidential balance is. that's where the prime minister's office is. government institutions. and so it's obvious that there are things that are happening, which many people regarding as, especially because the guiding principle, the guiding document that guiding this transitional government is the constitutional declaration, the power sharing agreement that was signed between the military and civil in august. and i think makes it very clear that should the military or should any side
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move to make changes in the makeup of the transition without the agreement, the other than that is considered a coo. now politically, the political parties have called them they're supposed to take to the street and that's what's happening. although they are dispersed around the cities, i'll be capital, have to because of the shut down on because a be restrictions of access to bridges and rotating. but in many parts of them and how to north people, operating tired people are speaking to the street. we still don't know where the prime minister is, but we know that his cabinet minister has been arrested. we also know that the minister of industry has been arrested at the minister of information as well. now, clear how far this goes. it's not clear how many minutes there have been a record since the internet and telecommunication shut down. having posed with people on the street really upset, we can hear the chance and you can see because that they're branding because the, the black smoke rising. and there think that this is the revolution that saturday
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was like, 8 is august the clock over. if the military is not willing to have a part of that with your group. yeah, he buys me talking to you. we're seeing some of the latest pictures and our screens are of those protests on the street fi as being said. what about state media heber, an are we expecting any kind of statement from the military? i mean they been pretty conspicuous by their silence. yes indeed. now said media, is it to show any final statement? even given announcement that there were different expect that's from any government official at all. that information was the government's book because obviously under arrest. so he will not be able to get that statement. but we were yet to hear for any statement from the military, from. 1 the private from anyone, it is press office. now this is a very thought contradiction to win and attempted to happen on the 21st of september. when the state media immediately issued a red battery, saying that there is an attempt to collect data and a few hours later to statement by the press adviser of the head of the sovereignty
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council. also the commander in chief of the military. now, if you, when you compare to that, the media has been configured to silence and it statement the army also has been silent. i know they've been accused of packing this in front of the presidential palace that has been going on for over a week because people part of the ethics, the some 4th is some groups in before freedom in change coalition. that's the coalition that lead anti government put the 2nd president. she has been demanding that the military take over and dissolve the competence. they say that because of freedom and to call, this is no longer to present all the groups that took part in the revolution and has been hijacked by a few political parties and therefore needs reforms. again, when you go back to the constitution declaration, the military does not have the authority to reform before freedom and change color . and that's something that has to do with the coalition itself, but they should not intervene. and, and that's something that the advisor, the special i'm going to you
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a special voice to the horn of africa. yesterday's meeting with the cabinet minister and with the head of the council stress on that the civil in should be able to deal with their shouldn't that they should be. and people should stick to the constitutional declaration that was fine between the 2 sides to ensure that we don't transition, continue, he back, we're talking to you. we're getting updates about the situation. am in cartoon, we're hearing that the airport has been closed a few minutes ago. we heard that the military had sent reinforcements to the airport as clearly. now the airport has been closed in terms of the broader political landscape. he but let's just remind our international viewers are that relations that have been soured between the military and civilians. now, for some time, a how fragile is the transitional government and, and why is there such tension at between the generals and the civilian leaders? no relationship has been for very fragile to be attempted coup between, between disabilities in the military last month. it has,
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it has simply heightened for months now the prime minister has been calling on the security sector to reform itself. while the security in the military sector has been calling on the phone of freedom and change coalition from itself, possibly each other for the lack of progress in transition, both played each other for the political and for the low political development of the country. the comic growth with the military thing that private and his cabinets have not been able to give a complete solution to the questions that support the process december 2018. so there has because they should be to the to side is also the issue of who will lead the sovereignty council. and that is the crucial issue. now, as for the constitutional declaration, the army supposed to hold power for $21.00 and then had it open to civilians for 18 months. but a peace agreement find in october 2020, between the groups and the transition counsel reset the clock of that transition.
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and it's not clear yet what is what would be civilians. and victoria military are to do all to make over 14 months that fast prior to finding the agreement. now there has been no agreement. there's been no write them clarification on whether it will be by themselves. someone that has been pos and additional ones would split between the military disability and that has created a lot of tension with the military thing. we still have 21 month, original time for the transition bucket and up to 2020 basically which was fine. and with a civilian saying, no, we have 14 months that fast you guys and our constitutional ration, you guys are not supposed to be needing more than 2 months. even with the extension . i have to give you more than additional 6 or $71.00 here. but let me jump in here with a final thought because we're just seeing some, a copy here that says sedans. information ministry says the military has arrested government figures, government ministers, and their whereabouts remain unknown. so the 1st response there from sedans,
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information ministry that leads me to another question, heber, and if you could just be brief. i mean, it's interesting that only some members of the cabinet had been detained. what's that telling us about why the military has chosen to cherry pick who it detains? now if you look at the pro military group and they've been saying they've been saying that specific political parties have been taking over the transition, they see that many of them would have to be participating in the revolution. but only for political parties gets a bigger representation than, than the rest of the party. so when you look at the head of the folks, for some of the sovereignty counsel and the minister of information they come from the same for you. that's a democrat. you requested union as far as the and when you look at the cabinets, if a minister and the minister of industry, they also come from the same political congress that looks like they're targeting specific policies in best in the cabinets and not everyone. because
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a lot of the cabins minute says we get to hear news of their arrest. it looks like the so far have basically sent out of the line of fire for lack of better words. but so far we have confirmed that there's several government officials that have been arrested. and if this is not a clue than the fact that the interest has been restricted to the fact that the airport ambridge is shut out, does not show good times. why we're thinking there thing that again, the military going against the constitutional declaration on how to shape this transitional government. all right, i have a morgan bringing us an update from khartoum. he beth, thank you. so let's just examine how did sedan get to this point? well, in december 2018, thousands of people in the northeastern region of barbara protested against high unemployment poverty and corruption within days those protest but to other cities, including the capital cartoon. in april 2019, the military move president bashir from office. after nearly 30 years in power,
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but 4 months later, not documentations, of excessive use of force against protest as the military agreed to form a civilian lead transitional government. the new cabinet took office in september under prime minister umbrella handle as part of a 3 year power sharing agreement. so let's bring in again, hollywood can. she's a managing partner inside strategy partners as a public affairs firm based in seattle. and they specialize in government relations and haul. it has been on the phone with us throughout the morning from saddam's capital cartoon, hollywood. so we may not be coded as a to just yet, but it does have the makings definite, of a full military takeover. absolutely, i mean, the closing of the bridges, the, the closing down of teddy comes as a complete internet blackout. you can't make phone calls, you can't syntex and estimate the messages quite clearly. the rest of key government figures including members of the sovereign council and also the minister for cabinets. if i have had it all, might indicate very much, it is a qu,
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in any case, any contravention of the constitutional declaration of the constitutional document of 2019. and pushed by the military to try and maneuver. second to william active is considered to by the constitutional declaration, which is why we're seeing coaches start to come out in the streets of cartoon as of this morning. and we thought about why a drop sedans, information ministry had responded to events by thing. but yes indeed, the military has arrested government figures and ministers that we don't know their whereabouts. and also the prime minister, abdullah, how significant is if the military has not responded and officially come out and said, yes, there have been these military arrests. this interesting thing that we haven't actually had to send from the military for a few days now. can you send lead to the mass protest in the mass pan out on the 21st of october?
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i think that the military was surprised by to the extent to which there was anti military sentiments within the country and the extent to its people across the country. not just in call to came out against military rule by comparison to the crowd seen massive crowds on 21st. that sort of sponsored or broken, orchestrated protest a week earlier. so much fewer people probably in the 1000, but dwindle than to own you probably 100 or even fewer. the interesting thing about media angle is that in the past 48 hours, we've seen that news agency building stormed by ministry supported. last night we heard the ministry of information was also stormed, and it's quite clear that the ministry wants to get ahead of this narrative. probably because the things that they does still have some civilian support. but again, that support is not by any means. majority of sidney people based on the number of protest. 100,
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you mentioned this anti military sentiments that we just heard from the sydney's communist party, who were now cooling for civil disobedience. so how are those called likely then to play out on the streets? do you think was a civil disobedience is very effective in to that is that in that a lot of people do tend to conform to it. it's been a very protect, a very sort of constructive means of applying pressure because it applies to both the formal and informal sex. and in addition to protests, which of course have sort of a great sign of discontent. but they're not necessarily always constructed in the way that they impact decision makers of the way they impact the military with civil disobedience. you get much more of that targeted impact on the economy. and we know, of course, the military that the economy is very important. need to maintain that has maintained throughout the transition period. a sort of a death grip if you will,
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on the economy and have been known to give up all its interests in dates and enterprises. and also private enterprises that had got during the time in power. and so this should have at least send a very clear signal again to the military that there is a very strong opposition to that takeover or any attempt to take over hold on just a final thought you. i mean, in terms of the broader student needs political landscape and one analyst we were talking to earlier on described this, these developing events as the beginning of the end of the democratic experiment incident. is that how you see it? because when we were talking to you earlier, you, you talks about the transitional government being a big pretense, the traditional partnership between the different very, very sort of different interests within the civilian. the thompson government was a theater if you will. but i wouldn't say that this is the end of the democratic
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experiment. it's not the very a historical outlet. i would say that it's the end of the civil military partnership that that's experiment that we have now. but that's sort of been the case pretty much since june 25 minutes have come out to say that the ministry does need to reform. and it does need to push through all the different issues that were stuck at the southern council and that it needed to let go of a controlling share of a lot of economic interests. so that experiment is done. now i think the gloves have been off for a while, certainly since we attempted to of september 25. but if people coming out in the streets today and civil disobedience is not also democracy and i don't know what is that we're going to see a lot more of that. all right, so holiday updating us on the phone from sedans, capital car, to include. thank you, let me just wrap up for you. if you are just joining, if you're just tuning into our desire here, the pictures you're seeing in your screen of protests on the streets of the sudanese capital cartoon following news that the military has arrested several high
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profile, civilian ministers and officials, including we understand the prime minister abdullah ham dock. now protest leaders in response. i've been calling on people to take to the streets and those are some of the pictures you're seeing on your screen or is this what they say could be a military coup? and we know that tension has been rising for weeks between the military and civilian factions within the power sharing government, which has been a very fragile transition government. so of course, more on this developing story as we get it here on al jazeera. ah, let's bring us some other news now. easier. military has carried out more strikes integral as i renewed campaign intensifies against rebels who control most of the region among the sites hit was a facility in the town of, of being used by the to gripe people's liberation front to manufacture military equipment. that's according to the government. fighting has been going on for almost a year, but as strikes and bombardment by ethiopia military increased over the past week.
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and that's for the u. n. to stop humanitarian flights to the regional capital. make ha, brighton is from san research. that's a think tank focusing on security in the horn of africa. he says, to grand forces or when the offensive despite if europe is military superiority. on the one hand, e. c o p is a state, a government which had until recently, one of the most powerful militaries on the continent. and it has access to military assistance from allies. it has been purchasing weapons and ammunition, including drones, but also conventional armaments for ground forces. for the last few months, while the t d f for the 2 grand defense forces is isolated as a blockade on the, on the to gray region, which means they don't have resupply. but at the same time, it is the 2 grand forces that seem to have taken the advantage or the initiative
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they have retaken control of most of the gray region. and they have now taken the offensive into neighboring alpha regions with the intention of lifting the blockade on to the right and bringing the yoke in federal government to the bargaining table. the areas that have been bombed the facilities are far behind the front lines. they are at best sort of dual use facilities that could be civilian, might have been re purpose for. ringback for military reasons, but in general in warfare, you know, this sort of strategic bombing aiming for targets that really don't have any tactical or immediate value has as a very mixed record at best. and in some ways it seems to be galvanizing
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the to gran defense forces and their supporters. columbia president says the rest of the country's most wanted drug trafficker is the biggest blow against the drug trade this century. dara antonio asada, who's also goes by the name of antonio, was captured in a remote area close to the border with panama on saturday. is the lead of columbia's biggest drug cartel. i sandra petty as mona, from butter. the rest of the dial, antonio also got better known as ot and yell is on the front pages of all the newspapers here in columbia, and the talk of the town here in the capital book with that. and beyond that, because this is a very significant arrest, but you would be hard pressed to find anybody who believes this carries the same weight as the death of pablo escobar back in 1993 as the president of columbia suggested when he announced that the capture people here will tell you that at the height of escobar power,
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those were much scarier times as bombs went off in a major cities across the country. also, escobar was a very public figure and a person who became a sort of robin hood for many a poor columbia answer while alton. yeah, he's definitely a household name here. and he is very powerful, especially in the north west of the country. but he spent most of his time hiding in the jungle, is no one will be very low. it was good news that he was captured at all, but i don't think it's going to change much because the programs in the country remain the same or no, no, not, not that area cuz i don't think it will have the same impact as death of public cuba that caused the real change in the country and within colombian, society, this arrest doesn't feel to say the truth is that it's difficult to know just how much of an impact this will have on the elicit, the drug trade. the experts will tell you that if the demand of cocaine remains is
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stronger, at most likely, new leaders will appear that will replace them. what we do know is that the columbia wants to extradite the auto near to the united states, where he will face a number of charges, and where many people hope that he will share secrets about both his operations here and his many international connections. will sergio guzman is a director and co founder of columbia risk analysis. he says the arrest will have little impact on the drug did basic equation of the drug war, which is a very inflexible supply and in elastic demand coming from the united states in europe and other consuming countries. so just a changing auto nil ah, is going to be quickly replaced by other drug king pins. we're going to continue taking advantage of that basic equation that their supply and there's demand. and people will continue doing cocaine in the pacific coast and in the caribbean coast,
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where the glendale world for operates. these cartels don't manage the cities, but the rural areas, parts of the wood, ela and you can your parts of the wire hook, oak parts of charcoal remain under the control of many of these organizations. now, the government has the full ability to move and to participate in operations in these areas. but after the government leaves these organizations take control. i think it's an unquestionably a victory for the government and for the authorities that are able to demonstrate that they have the ability to have intelligence assets to have a, an, a very closely coordinated operation against the most wanted criminal of the country. so i don't want to undermine the importance of what that means, but strategically the larger picture doesn't suggest that this is a game changer. all. libya's electoral commission says candidate registration for
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december's elections will begin next month. but the 2 rival legislative houses have yet to decide on how the vote will work. a peace deal struck last year means both must agree in a political framework before the elections can take place. malik china is in tripling. explain more about once yet to be agreed ahead of the elections. we're just 2 months away from the scheduled nationwide elections in libya. but there's still some question that's what kind of election libyans will see. will they be a general election with the parliamentary elections? what we see a parliamentary presidential election simultaneously, those are questions that have yet to be resolved, as the size have yet to agree upon a constitutional framework for those elections to be held. now, earlier today, imagine say at the head of the high national electoral commission said a few things. one you said the commission will not deviate from its commitment to implement free and fair elections. he says we plan on opening the door for
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candidates to register and the 2nd half of november. and this is really where the divide happens. who can run for president, what kind of powers the president have. according to the libyan political agreement, signed in 2015. the high council of state, based in tripoli and the house of representatives, the parliament based and eastern libya, have to agree upon this framework to hold elections here and in tripoli, they've set some conditions. they voted on the conditions for who can run for president. that bar you have to control eastern eastern libya. they've allowed, they voted for condition that allow for have to, to, to run for president. now whether or not the very side, the high council state and the parliament can agree upon a framework within these couple of weeks of, in order for the elections to be held us schedule. we're not really sure. and we're going to have to wait and see what kind of solution the various slides come up with an order for libyan to be able to carry out the vote. william launch the former us
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diplomat. she says libyans are tired of the government and holding elections would be a major step forward. the reason we're having election is because the libyan population doesn't want the current government to stay in charge. it wants those parliamentary bodies. he mentioned even less. just stay in charge. and one of the ironies here is that the of the responsibilities they're claiming to come up with the constitutional basis for elections, of the 2015 agreement. neither of them ratify that agreement. and so really what needs to happen is both sides just have to forward forward with elections, which are going to produce as many problems. so, but really, libyans want to turn a page after 6 years of civil war. and a major step forward is the whole election. and the big international conference last week in tripoli was for that reason as well. the very senior effort ation from france from the u. s. from other countries, pretty much every outside power they deal with libya was there,
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except the moratti's and the rockies are supporting a political load or a military solution. so there's a lot of reasons why this could fail, but there's a lot of impetus to make it happen. 10 western nations are waiting to see if they're baffled as will be asked to leave turkey to the president, richard typo and call for the removal of the diplomatic status. it's in response to the u. s. and other western countries issuing a joint statement, calling for the release of the jail. businessman was my corolla. he's been accused of involvement in a failed attempt in 2016. under financing a nation wide protest. 3 years earlier, russell is in it's done, but he said the dispute could seriously impact turkeys. relations with fellow nature, members. satellite is having such a diplomatic spat with the, the most prominent countries wonder earth is not going to have the turkish economy in right track. so just this country's majority of them are natal members and turkey is one of the most important nato, a country as well. so if that happens,
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turkey will literally expel is need to ally ambassadors at germany is number one, turkeys number 13, partner france or sees and not very much prominent trade partner and the u. s. is the largest nato member as well included in sweden, denmark, new zealand, and some other companies as well. so this will definitely bring turkey into a direct direct confrontation to promote the competition with the western camp, which is not going to be a good news for the turkish economy. however, this was in a make him process trickier recently over syria. he's meditating and north africa has been having lots of problems with the usa and some other important european companies owned in room in rome. there will be a g, a g 20 meeting next week prison. i was expecting to meet the president biden there, but if the explosion of this diplomat happened, one of these invoices happens. then there are concerns that this meeting will not
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happen in room between prison, avalon, and bite. and that could further deteriorate the relations between turkey and the western countries. what athlete in touch bashes from the european council on foreign relations? she says this could be year around strategy to engage more with the west. well, that's a stead too far, even by the standards of this current turkish government, but that's clearly what our to onset. so now the turkish foreign ministry i thing is trying to find a formula expelling the u. s. master and the german ambassador and all the nordic ambassadors that would really stand shock waves through not just turkeys, you know, foreign policy establishment, not just get turkey and trouble with its allies, but also the financial markets president heard on is obviously a man who has who wears his emotions on his sleeve when he's angry, he's angry when he is happy, he's happy, but there's also a skyler stick issue. his way of dealing with hard times, difficult times,
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challenges have always been upping. the ante is a risk taker and he's taking a huge he, i think everyone is aware that he is taking a huge mega risk. but he usually it gets the ups the ante, escalades. i'm hoping that his counterparts would, you know, sort of take a step back or tone down or offer engagement. ah, dr. a quick check of the headlines here on al jazeera, sydney's protest leaders all calling on people to take to the streets to resist what they say is a military coup. that follows the arrest of several siena ministers, and officials or friends military has restricted internet services in the capital cartoon. and there are reports of some bridges and roads have been closed. also
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