tv [untitled] October 25, 2021 11:00am-11:30am AST
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going through so that i could convey the headlines in the most human way possible. here it is here. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. lou, this anger in khartoum as soldiers, detain civilian members of sedans, governing council, including the prime minister, odella humbug. ah, hello, i'm come all santa maria here in doha with continuing coverage on al jazeera of the military takeover in sudan, where soldiers have also stormed the tv and radio headquarters. prime minister hom dog said to have been moved to an unknown location after refusing to issue a statement in support of the military's actions. then there were protesters
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denouncing the detention, filling the streets, live pictures. yeah, of them blocking a main bridge in the capital. and we still wait to hear from the head of students sovereign council expected to address from abdul thought to albert hon. ah, i'd love to 10 am in sudan now where the military has detained several civilian ministers and officials this monday. and that includes the prime minister, abdullah hon doc, the ministry of culture and information says he's now been taken to an online notation after refusing to speak in support of the military's actions. but it's on the streets where it's happening at the moment. troops, blocking roads and bridges into the capitol, a cartoon, internet and phone services down the airport closed. we mentioned as, while t v and radio headquarters were rated sedans at maine. pro democracy group is
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cooling at a military crew that must be resisted. this tension has been building for months between the military and civilian factions who are meant to be sharing pow that's that live shot once again of the bridge, in a cartoon of protests as there. so we'll get an update from a correspondence shortly. first, this report from brianca gotta, i said, after months of past struggle with civilian leaders, so downs general's appear to made their 1st decisive move. prime minister de la hun dog has been taken to an unknown location and several civilly leaders of the ruling sovereign council are detained. the internet and phone lines have been shut down, and the airport in cartoon closed the pro democracy coalition forces of freedom and change. born out of the 2019 uprising that ousted long term liter, omar bashir has called for protests and strikes. ah, that call has been heated. a urgent call to all sudanese civilians who
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want to protect the revolution. what the military is doing is a betrayal to all citizens on all fronts. it is the duty of all civilians to move and to block all roads outside to prevent any military force to move right now, all of us must unite to show the truth. i will say now the return of the old regime is impossible, no matter what the excuses or the justifications return is impossible. this is the 1st statement of the people, women and men are refusing any kind of fraud on democracy and civil society. last month, a field co attend by forces loyal to the she white intuition between the military and civilian sides of the transitional government. both sides blame each other for slow reforms. a worsening economic crisis, poverty and corruption, the deal that was signed in august of 2018 was always flawed in number of ways. after me, 2 of the biggest flaws were that the military are going to maintain control of gold
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mines, another financial interest sort of independent of the state in a somewhat corrupt manner. and that they were never really going to investigate themselves enough for the massacres of june. 2019 the hard one gains of the pro democracy uprising have not led to he forms many people fought for. and now with more political upheaval, sedan, it's once again on the edge. priyanka gupta. i'll dizzier. let's talk about communications in sudan for a moment. the internet definitely being throttled at the moment. net logs, which i've got here just shows you this is the last 2 days where you've been at 100 percent connectivity and then down immediately, very quickly, i should say to 25 percent. and that was oh for 30 g m t and it is now. 0800 g m t and the situation has not changed at all. right. hey, but morgan,
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though is on the phone from cartoon, still managing to use phones for now. hipaa bring us up to date. yes, come on. we're still on the streets looking at processes the pick up, so going barricades and you can hear them chanting against the military, saying that they will not go back on their revolution that says the tires. there's anger on the streets, but there's also panic, lots of people lining up in front of bakeries and patrol station. and that's because of the uncertainty of the situation. we've spoken to them. they say that they don't know what's happening, largely because of the internet shut down and the restriction in telecommunication, so many of them don't know what's happening. but it's also because of the locate that it's been imposed by the military on roads and bridges leading to the center part. that's where most government institutions are included. the prime minister's office, the presidential palace and many government building because of the ministry commission and the ministry of finance. so many of them say that they don't know what's happening, but they are concerned. while others are saying that what they know is that this is
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the crew against the revolution that started in december 2018. asked for the following show agreement. the military should not be to arrest anybody from the council on from the executive council. that's not within their power and any attempt to anybody who's come to this transitional government with the people or through the coalition that lead the process will meet against them in any arrest or harassment against them. with the harassment and interest over to the revolution. the thought that in december 2018 habit just did to return to the project because we're looking at live pictures of counting. now people seemingly running off that bridge now starting to look quite chaotic there. i. there was an enormous number of people out there on there and they've all come out very quickly since this news, since this news broke. and you have to understand that this is all happening with again, limits it's telephone lines and internet connection to many people who are out of
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the street when they do know is from them. let me close that. who put on social media with us with a political party just before the end was shut down, was that members of the sovereignty council and the transition government have been arrested? and for them that is enough. but the fact that they woke up and try to get to the military on the street, they see that as a coo again, we're yet to wait for a statement from the head of this obviously comes from the military folks, people. and what is the latest on the ground and what, what comes next? especially in light of the fact that prime minister is yet to endorse the mood by the military. this is raising a lot of uncertainty, but people are saying that they understand they can see the reading for them. it's clear, right? think on the wall with military blocking bridge is locking roads to to the center of her to him. again, restricted access, which is the reminder for them of the attack on the sits in question mark with in front of the military. how headquarters on june 2019 or the military attacks
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processes and shut them infinite to trick flow formation with trick that the amount of atrocity or news of the trust is that we're being committed. so for people here on the ground, this is all causing anger because it's, it brings flash back from the days where the military was basically targeting to building democracy processes and trying to basically grab onto power. and this is a reminder for them. therefore, they take it to the creek that's been told us that they're not going to go back on the revolution in which we've already lost so many people and which they were trying to see down to democracy and which they said the military. it's trying to take them step back. thank you. hipaa morgan on the line from cartoon that live pictures. we are looking at some of the real chaos on that bridge there. i'm also keeping half an eye on sit in the state television at the moment, which has just been showing what appeared to be pre recorded music for, for the last few hours actually. so so we're going to
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translate is working on having listen to that and find exactly what because there is a gentleman sitting on screen on, on state television at the moment. so we might come back to that in, in just a moment. here remind us who were actually waiting to hear from a what we're hoping to hear what people are hoping to hear, or rather what we're waiting to hear from right now is, is a statement from the military all from the head of the sovereignty council on why what is happening and what the next move is. again, with restricted access to information with the district. that phone line is not clear yet what is going to happen. but a couple of them to you can see hundreds of people in front of me marching and chanting for testing against what is happening with becoming a very positive all the things story. we're still waiting again for the military or from anybody from the government to speak, the folks working up the sovereignty council ethic to be the presidency is under
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arrest. the executive council also under arrest. so those 2 people are ruled out from getting statements. now, the only people now with authority are the head of the sovereignty counsel and his deputy, as well as anybody who they appoint from the military to speak on the latest developments from sedan. ok, but thanks for now. be talking to you again shortly. but a couple live shot, see on screen now, what's going on in classroom. i'm actually just trying to figure out exactly which that bridge is so we can give you a little more context of where it is that state television. meanwhile, has gone back to music as well. so nothing coming from any official court is at the moment that we did hear that the army had taken over that state television there. ah, right. let's take you through, at least what we know about who's been arrested. most members of sedan, civilian leadership, and that includes members of the transitional sovereignty council have been detained by the military, starting at the top prime minister, abdullah hom,
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doctor. we keep talking about apparently taken to an unknown location, that is at least what students culture and information ministry is saying. also his meteor advise the fossil mohammed sala has been detained. as has mohammed al saki slaymen who is the spokesman for the sovereign counsel. and crucially, for him, he's been vocal in his criticisms off the military, also the minister of industry, abraham oshea, and the minister of information hums up balloon have been placed under arrest. according to various reports, let's bring things together with mo and sharra, the senior political analyst here at al jazeera. he's with us from london today. hi, my one. there is an acute events going on if you like today in sudan, a military takeover, which in many respects has been 3 years in the making. that's right. that's why one picks up this morning, enrolling one's eyes. just wondering why, why in the heck,
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what should i go through yet another such development such free press? you know when the, the expression are totally shocking. hardly surprising, certainly works in this case. because the sudanese military records, the genitals military records that generals 2000000 records that generals records in general in sudan is so dismal over the last many decades. that the idea they would want to jeopardize a certain coalition was sitting civilians who are popular in order to have a transition. government of sort is just beyond me, and yet that's exactly what you would expect from those generals who simply believe that the country's presence and future is entrusted to them. that they are the only ones who are a little capable and interesting by. i'm not sure what divine intervention to be able to simply take over power again. and their justification is also mind boggling
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what they're saying now. and i've been listening to some of their spokesperson in arabic speaking to various media. this is that they think the arrangement of the past 2 years was simple and arrangement between the military who are interested with sedan and some technocrats who are running the native, the government, or governing under their leadership, the leadership, the military. and that this arrangement is no longer working for the good of the people of sudan. and hence, the general who seems to be speaking always for the people of sedan are going to get rid of this opinion, government and see what other options are there for them. so the idea that suzanne has gone through major popular people, rogue bow civilian government, after 30 years of military dictatorship. no, none of that exist, none of that rationalism is remaining for further. so then his generals will now
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simply say we are getting rid of the technocrats and we will see what our options are and the must be under our leadership. so yes, it's a military cool. yes, it is shocking. no, it is not surprising at all. so because mar, wine, and this is always the case and not to cincy down, but in so many countries, the underlying issues are never addressed. and that for the people of sudan as the price of food, it's inflation. it's petros, all these absolute basic things. but you know, this is what's really interesting yet again, why it is shocking. it's because this fight predictions that the civilian government has to that was going to fiddle every front and even now didn't rather well considering the circumstance. cuz today was to done was considering, as you said, economic and other issues related to corporate. that's also what has been going on . so i also, and we tend to forget that because it's,
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this is really important to highlight, is again, that many theories, this mo, record because of the, all these armed conflicts, that's who dan faces and it was the civilian government that was able to reach various solutions if you were to cease fires and yes, these agreements were so both where they are not for whether they are in blue nile and, and so on, so forth. so the civilian government over the past years was able to do, you know, a good deal of progress in relations with international financial institutions or the united states domestically and so forth. so you would expect that the government would want to prolong the life of this sort of a coalition. instead, what we have is that the military now once a big on the efforts of the country themselves, they think of themselves not so different from the military in egypt or other developing countries where the military continues to run the economy as well as the military. the security as well as the health of the country,
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which is amazing once again considering the discipline record of the journals to that. but it seems that they understood all too well over the past several weeks. that they weren't that the time when they are heading the, the, the transitional counsel is gonna come to an end to because you know, to remind our viewers around the world. this was the arrangements that in the early period they would run it, but they don't, they're gonna have to give up the government to civilians and they have to be free elections and so on, so forth. and the army needs to go back to the banks as it should, as it must, as the african union urged, as the european community urged as united nations and the united states and other urge them the need to get back to the barracks because that's where the place of the military and yet because they feel that time what's running out of them here with here we go. i'm in the military cool against the civilian government that he's been on rather than well for the country considering the circumstances. and i think
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here we are once again and you and i talking once again like we did over the past 10 years, it's been 10 years to man. we started with some good news and that was in the world in the, in the greater and middle east. and yet it is one cool after another one problem, one challenge after another one of the crafts, another taking over whether it is in egypt or that it is in natalie lately into nicea now. and so diary is just keeps going on and certainly not for the wasn't being of the settings people my one our is our senior political analyst, of course. so i want to wide and out and look at political ramifications here now. and let's go through international reaction that we have had so far starting with the us special envoy for the horn of africa, jeffrey feldman, who was in cartoon only on sunday and met military and civilian, they just trying to resolve this dispute. here's what he said, the u. s. is deeply alarmed by reports of
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a military take over. he said it would contravene the constitutional declaration and the democratic aspirations of the sudanese people. and it is after the unacceptable felony goes on to say any changes to the transitional, excuse me. the transitional government by force puts at risk u. s. assistance ah e you reaction joseph burrell is the foreign policy chief. he says he's following with utmost concern. the ongoing events in sudan, the e, you called all stakeholders and regional partners to put back on track the transition process. and let's add to that the arab league as well. secretary journalist may double, hey, it has expressed deep concern about the developments in sudan, demanding all sudanese parties to fully comply with the constitutional documents signed in august of 20. 19 with the participation of the international community and the arab league, as well as with the duper agreement for pace in 2020. now, and that is all fairly predictable. people looking on with concern and saying
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returned to the, the, the constitutional declarations that was made. i thought that the bit that i sort of picked out of there was the last thing which the us special invoice said was when he said any changes puts at risk us assistance and you know, and yet i don't think that's clear enough or strong enough or handicap local in terms of what is happening incidentally because the whitening administration has committed to putting human rights and democracy at the center of a ton of policy. and it's a good thing that jeffrey feltman is, or was in sudan trying to work out and try to make sure that the civilians continue to be part of the government. but i think when you have a minute to cool, when you know exactly that, there is one party that is responsible for what we're seeing this morning. you don't blame everyone, you know, urge everyone,
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the prime minister and the ministers under arrest. what are you losing them for? to do. so i think the billing statements urging everyone to go back to the document . and that's just, that's just not right. and the europeans and the americans are yet, maybe they wouldn't buy it by the end of this by the end of today. and hopefully, and i would think most importantly, the african union to take a stand at clear stand against a military coup. not to urge all the parties to do something for this, and that when we all know to well, that there's a victim and victimized that the, that the civilian government is now under arrest. that there is a military coup. hence, blaming everyone urging everyone in vague statements is not the stand to take today . certainly not the stand today by an american administration that has juxtaposition itself to be the democracy against autocracy in the 21st century. where it's going to put human rights democracy at the center of its foreign policy
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. and if so, we all know that america and the europeans and african and ever use them, all 3 have huge leverage in sudan that is suffering from various problems. busy economic and other and the need for an help and for an investment, for an aide and so on, so forth. and hence, that leverage must be used today and not delayed. and, but the question for you come out and for our viewers is why will agenda those who know to well that they are dependent on the future aid on the european americans. and the african union would dare to do that. well, once again, because there are regional forces, there are regional, up to practice today. nobody countries who support more, hon, and be that he and other journals can sudan and interest them with the future to them because they themselves are journals who attempted their own calls, doesn't swollen in their own countries. and there are forces in the region that
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don't want to see democracy, flourish and prosper in sudan and other parts of the maurice. and hence we had for a good number of years. what we all hold counter revolutionary forces of the region . and they have been quite successful. sadly, i must say, my one, let's just pause for a 2nd. i want to take in some of the pictures that we've been showing on screen and some of the live shots as well. so various live pictures of cartoon, the ones we're seeing right at the moment now you see the sheer amount of, of, well, i think it looks like smoke. lots of tires being burnt by people out on the streets . now this bridge i've been informed now it is called the to t bridge, which links and islands called duty either with the that the downtown district of, of hard to him. so it's a pretty important part of the city. just looking on maps, i can see around that. you've got embassies, you've got the judiciary in the ministry of the interior, the central bank, or is all in that area. and there has been, has been a gathering point and has been lots approaches going on there. we saw
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a large numbers of people on the bridge. ah, sorry, just chicken. these were pictures from earlier went they are. and you can see the number of people out there protesting on the bridge and on the streets. and it's coming up 10 30 in the morning there. and this has been this way for at least the last 4 hours or so i would say. and as him, morgan, of course, when it was saying this is without the use of the usual rallying techniques of, of social media internet, instant messaging mobile because those things are being throttled at the moment they are being squeezed. the people have just come out on to the streets and they are extremely angry. hey, but morgan, as i say, as our correspondent, ah, and on the line right now from cuts him him. can you tell us as well exactly where you are? we were looking at the pictures of the bridge earlier, which i was told was called the tutti bridge. are you near that?
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well, no, i'm not near that. come on that bridge of the bridge that separates the island off to here with me on it to see from from the city, the center or at the capital city. and again, bridge is having close by the military. all. busy ready reading to the city of the world to government institutions have been lost. that's going to people who are in court. so when we ask them how far they can venture within fucking, they said that the military have all there were due to the presidential families to the office and to government institutions. so this is a lot, but where we are right now, we just wanted to bring that up. that is also blocked by the military. tens of hundreds of people have been marching worth the military chanting against the military, saying that this is the time to go back against the revolution that based on number 2018. so many people that were very angry, chanting again,
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come out without being without mobilize them. from social media connections and my because that has been the last message of communication that came out to the general public came just before the internet was shut down. when political parties urged people to take a treat to protect their pollution from the move made by the military. again, many of them, at least where we are in close to hundreds and hundreds of people on different treat chance and wanting to work to with the bridges that are blocked by the soldiers. i'm by chance. think that they are not going to let the military overthrow the transition. government ok, but by comparison, when you're talking about communications, just hold on for a 2nd because i want to do a little comparison. we've done this before and i'll just 0 in similar situations because it tells the story doesn't at the live picture on the f, which we are getting of the protests of the anger,
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of the sheer number of people out on the streets. and on the right hand side is state television, which seems to be showing just general views of the city. as i mentioned before, they've been showing what they, we got this music there as well. and it has been like that for hours. habit is if i remember rightly they were reports that the military had taken over state television and radio. is that correct? yes. and the people who spoke to the minister information say that is great at the television radio. and we get to what i've said when the phone a little for the staff there to put out. now they say that the fact that we just have to stay television and radio and the fact that they shut down the airport and spread around the airport is the fact that government institutions have been blocked from accent. think by the military, that for people who have been speaking to is there all signs of military coups and
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that's something they are rejecting. now again, if you look at the political switches, the backdrop come on, comes in like before. so if we can change that, that's the policy that has been added to government protests against for she. now please division between them. break away to 2 people may say, but what happens is a group from the forces of freedom. i change coalition for a sub physical election day. that would be 2 weeks before we didn't change. now they have up the middle of the presidential palace that's going on over a week now, telling military chance and calling for the military to be government of how do i can have him for a new one. but it's more inclusive. now again, i think if you look at the constitution going to be headed over to the good half the lights to the executive cabinet, he does not have the right prime minister or any member of this council. so many
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people here, the fact that the members of the government, civilian members of the government happen arrested. besides that, any agent. we just have rated the fact that the airport, the been checked out and i move would have the district and internet connection. i've been cut off all that times, which is why you see hundreds of people on the street. i'm very happy to where i'm on the northern part of chance. he gets the military and then to waive the records that are blocked by them. and so that's not accept it smooth. that'll happen. pay bad. it's going to pull again. i want to check with my team in the control room here. where would these pictures from we were hearing before the one of the gun reports of gunfire outside the military headquarters i'm being told by the team here. so there were reports have gone fine. we've seen that the smoke and the burning tires outside military headquarters. as i say it,
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just in his hip has been saying it speaks to the level of, of anger. hebert anger which goes back and i was talking to my, what about this earlier? it goes back. it's 3 years worth of oh actually no, hold on 2nd paper. i want to have a lot of pictures. ah. the mother before but a lot with i was just checking the pictures that's more from outside the military headquarters . we did think we had a little bit of gunfire coming from there as well, but again, plenty of people out there protesting hebron morgan, if you're still with me,
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i was pointing out that this anger we see is 3 years worth of anger. obviously of 3 years worth of just frustration for people, isn't it basic things like foods and inflation and all the sorts of problems which have not been addressed by anyone, whoever's in charge. yes indeed. now, for a lot of people, the fact that the prices of bread has increased dramatically from when the revolution. but it's lation, as where there's the 3 figures from 2 figures when the revolution that has a bunch of frustration. many of them have prior to the political turmoil, calling on the government to act. the fact that you're pretty happy left as well as a political trip or anything it's private leaking.
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