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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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good, you realize what's going on, the police investigating right now office the government expelled me by couldn't hide from the truth as a tax on press freedom escalate. i work the al jazeera because i hold the line. i'm drew ambrose mm. ah. anger in khartoum as soldiers detained. civilian members of sedans, governing council, including the prime minister. abdullah hummed on ah, again on camels, santa maria here in dover with continuing life coverage on al jazeera of events in sudan. prime minister. hm, doc has said to have been moved to an unknown location after refusing to issue
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a statement, in support of the military's actions protested, denouncing the detentions of filled the streets and blocking a main bridge in the capital. and we continued to wait to hear from the head of sedans, the sovereign counsel, general abdel fata out, but a ha ah, 11 am now in sudan with thousands of people of flooded the streets after the military detained a number of ministers and civilian officials. starting right at the top, the prime minister, abdullah, hum doc, the ministry of culture in information and says he's been taken to an unknown location because he refused to speak in support of the military's actions. but it's all happening on the streets where troops of block roads and bridges into the capital cartoon. that was the tutti bridge in downtown cartoon, internet, and mobile phone services down the airports, closed t,
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v and radio headquarters were rated earlier as well. sedans, main pro democracy group is calling it a military coup that must be resisted. tension that has been building for months, really, between the military and civilian factions who are meant to be sharing power. let's have a look at the live shot of caught. so you say people out on the streets at their military blocking a lot of bridges and roads, but still the people go out on to the streets and protest. you'll get more of a feeling of what's happening in the courtroom in a moment. in this report from priyanka gutter, i, sam, after months of past struggle with civilian leaders, so don's generals appear to have made their 1st decisive move. prime minister de la han dog has been taken to an unknown location and several civilly leaders of the ruling sovereign council are detained. the internet and phone lines have been shut down and the airport in cartoon closed the pro democracy coalition forces of freedom and change. born out of the 2019 uprising that ousted long term liter,
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omar bashir has called for protest and strikes. ah, that call has been heated. a urgent call to all sudanese civilians who want to protect the revolution. what the military is doing is a betrayal to all citizens on all fronts. it is the duty of all civilians to move and to block all roads outside to prevent any military force to move right now, all of us must unite to show the truth. i was the hey, now the return of the old regime is impossible, no matter what the excuses or the justifications return is impossible. however, this is the 1st statement of the people. women and men are refusing any kind of fraud on democracy and civil society. last month, a field qu, attempt by forces loyal to the she widened divisions between the military and civilian sides of the transitional, government. both sides blame each other for slow reforms,
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a worsening economic crisis, poverty and corruption, the deal that was signed in august of 2018 was always flawed and a number of ways. after me, 2 of the biggest flaws were that the military are going to maintain control of gold mines and other financial interests sort of independent of the state in a somewhat corrupt manner. and that they were never really going to investigate themselves enough for the massacres of june. 2019 the hard one gains of the pro democracy uprising have not led to he forms many people fought for. and now with more political upheaval, sedan, it's once again on the edge. priyanka gupta. i'll dizzier all of this happening with poor communications across it. and it has to be said, ah, the usual usage of burns, sorry, instant messaging and social media not in play because the internet is being
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throttle. have a look at this from net blocks which shows the lasts well, this period here of a 100 percent connectivity is sort of the last 48 hours or so. and then it gets cut to be only 24 percent and connectivity. and that was it about, oh, for 30 g m t in it. that is were 4 and a half hours, 3 and a half hours ago now. so not great communication, certainly through the internet was still managing with phone lines though. and that's how we will speak to him. morgan alco respondents on the line here bring us up to day while they're also hungry, the processes at least decide where to north and part of the capital, the 100, the big, the streets we've been chanting, marching towards one of the bridges which is blocked by the military and that blockade includes army vehicles. now you can hear from the town people saying that they're not going to go back from the revolution. that's thought that in december
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2018 that they will not allow for a military takeover. and this is in response to the very few messages that political party were able to send out just before the internet was shut down around the local time in the early hours of monday. now, again, the backdrop of all of this comes when i, why, and intention, why did the tension between the military and civilian and with girl me to be in front of the presidential palace for over a week, calling on the head of the council. general general, not that had to be done, the cabinet inform you one. we had a 5 prime minister up in built that the one that should be people, all the political parties that they did in the revolution. now to get clear, those who are calling for the prompt to reach, take over our change for the vision. that's the collision that lead anti government protests against president dominant. but she would you like to the military?
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april 2019. that coalition, the one that has been calling for the completion of the government, said that the 4th is freedom and change mission is no longer representative. and this came all it, all it had done was increased the tension between the military and civilian 4 days . now we've been hearing from the ministers up on the back the military. so that's the head of the southern see council, and he's been asking the private to dissolve. he's got it. it's something that he has to do because ask whether it's usually the ration that something within the office over the council. but that's not something we've been because of the prime minister and he's got it and he's going to have to be focused on freedom and change coalition and agree could call the cabinet and nominate new members, which will then be approved by the sovereignty counsel. but obviously, right now what's happening is investor about the competition that going to have been the guiding principle document that guided this transition period,
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which is right now in turmoil here. but just to address more about what's going on right now. aside from that, that's what a political situation pictures we see are of a lot of people out on the street burning tires. i'm wondering what the presence of the military and police are like because we know that they've made big political move, obviously arrest ministers, but is there a strong presence on the street cuz it does look like people are being allowed to approach it broadly. yes, we have not seen police for the on the side of the council. my can with them, but we have people have been military now a people have been just in the military on those bridges where they see them. and it's telling them clearly some of them before we try to get on the break, to cross into where from people who speak into their more heavy military presence.
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locking the road to the government institution, including the prime minister's office and the presidential palace. but there is no police practice and that is reading question as to where the minister here are. in fact, it's also a questions about the cabinet and it says, this executive cabinet is made up of 6 ministers or have been arrested so far. and the questions about the whereabouts of the others, especially because of the communications with internet access shut down and very little ways to communicate, including online hipaa. let's pause for a 2nd. i want to take the view of 3. some of the pictures we are seeing. so i'm not entirely certain of the life they on spots. they are recent pictures of people on the march towards what's called general command. and that is a, came out as a lot of people heading towards there. ah, to protest against and you see it on screen there. what the said m professionals
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association calls a brutal military coup on that. the sudanese civilian sudanese, civilian sovereign council member mohammed, her son, alto. she is said the military cuz political foolishness and they will resist it until the last drop of blood. so it adds a highly, highly charged atmosphere across calcium and across sudan in the past 4 or 5 hours may be a little bit more since the military moved in to depose, or at least a rest, the prime minister and other members of his cabinet and advises and it's brought all of these people out on to the streets hebert, come back to you later on. i would like to actually bring you a little bit of context when i go back a little bit until about those people who were arrested. i was referring to prime minister in cinemas as the senior members of sedan civilian leadership,
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including members of the transitional sovereignty council, detained by the military. as i said, started at the top with prime minister abdullah. hm. dock has been taken to an unknown location according to sedans, culture and information ministry. ah, there is a del hm doc. then his media advisor, pfizer mohammed sala, also detained. you have mohammed al, fucking slaymen, who is the spokesman for the sovereign council vocal, and his criticisms of the military. he's been detained along with the ministry of the minister of industry, abraham l shape, and the minister of information hums at ballou, all placed under arrest. according to reports, i mentioned the sudanese professionals association before they have called for a general strike following the arrests. ah, let's have a look if we've got the graphic for you. we do it says we urge the masses to go out on to the straits and occupy them. close all roads with barricades stage a general labor strike and not cooperate with the put chests. instead,
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you'd civil disobedience to confront them and that is what is happening while up do is with us now. former president of the sudanese doctors union of ireland. he's joining us on zoom from from cork. what are you feeling as you look at these pictures there? it's, it's been a, it's an acute situation which has started as a result of these arrests, but really it's been yes, years coming. that's true. good morning to you and everybody watching us. i think it's very obvious that the dictatorship, vice, the narratives within the 7 council in sudan had behind him at the all the components of the military forces. yet to learn from history. unfortunately, they decided to go through the same path that they wanted, but she had other dictatorship into the region have fallen into before. this is
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nice. people have said it's very clearly since december 2018, they want to piece they want freedom. and this is actually a head of all the troubles when it comes to economic struggle and up have, and the sudanese people even without listening to the 1st declaration from whoever is going to come out the next couple of minutes or maybe hours to say why and what they decided that they don't want it, and this is very, very clear that they just have no intention to accept any qu whatsoever. let's call it as it is, it is a cool, they've actually taken into custody. the prime minister, when he decided not to play along with their agenda, they've actually arrested all the components in the, in the civilian competent, who would give them probably trouble those guys they have, they have, they've been used to this old administers the, the names that you've called actually have been in custody, i've been an arrest pre ordered, but she had error. so it's not
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a new thing to them. this is nice people despite, despite actually the struggle despite economically struggle, which is the card that they've been playing on. they call it the military, the military component of the, of the government, the council, southern council, and their, their allies, they've been playing on the economic and a card and the economic advice they, this is nice. people are willing to wait and wait for this piece piece for transition of a fair us government until they reach the air, the end result of it in 2 years time after the f f f. re election. well, you mentioned a couple of times in that answer. former president, oman, the chia who was deposed. what was it about 3 years ago now? are there still elements ah, of his regime or his supporters who are vocal these days, who can be seeing this is an opportunity who are part of all of this. oh absolutely . 100 percent like my 1st actually the 1st there was a death is a, it was a tweet this morning 5 by one of the
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a very pro am omar bashir who disappeared actually immediately after a was toppled in april 2019. or he was say actually tweeting and was kind of cooper encrypted codes saying that, oh they did this morning as the best morning ever. and we got to got rid of for all those sam or whatever names he called him, but it's very obvious. and the other thing as well is that even and the last a couple of days ahead of today, obviously there was a few faces who were very, very much within the element of a she regime were very influential in his time. and the last 30 years, who were there surfaced again during the last couple of days when there is bit of 1st struggle and death, a confrontation between these, a civilian and military. and let's, let's put it this way again. it's not a really confrontation between the military forces and the civilian. it's the confrontation, and the struggle is actually between those people who believe in and transition,
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who believe in peaceful democracy and those who don't just pausing just to have a little look at some of these pictures on the screen. while i don't think you can see them there, but i mean it's just that, that, that, that the level of anger, the she and number of people have come out on to the streets quickly and mobilized quickly without the use of, of phones and internet as such. speaks to how people feel, how to, how deeply they feel about the basics. i made this point earlier, food inflation, fuel, all these things, poverty corruption which have never been addressed and it's always the same, isn't it? the underlying issues never get addressed. regardless of who takes over well, can you direct the i think i resilience. i can. yeah. i think the resilience up is that it is people and to topple omar, but she had of after a very, i think as one of them, most her, but it or stare. i can't make a revolution in the, in the mind kind, in my opinion. and i'm a little bit biased,
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is i'm student ease, but i think the fact that they managed to top it on their behalf without, without deviating from a peaceful tools that they've been using over and over and over again. and they, as you mentioned, there has been some struggle within the you know, this very scarce self. they've food fuel health service. but the sudanese people have decided, well, way back that they are actually willing to go through this struggle that they're not willing to give away their, their freedom. they're not willing to go give away their at serenity. well, i do great talking to you today. thank you for your insight on what is happening right now in sudan, you that's the live shot near, if i'm not mistaken. the tutti bridge, which is in the downtown area of concern linking with to the island numbers of people dispersing there. but then there are a lot of other people heading out towards general control. i think it's cold to take their grievances directly to the military. there's been international reaction
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as you would expect. so we've heard from the us special envoy for the horn of africa. jeffrey feltman, who was actually hadn't got to him only on sunday and met with military and civilian leaders to try and resolve their internal disputes. this is part of his statement. he said the u. s. is deeply alarmed by reports of military takeover. it said it would contravene the constitutional declaration and the democratic aspirations of the sudanese people and it is utterly unacceptable. feltman goes on to say that any changes to the transitional government by force and this is key, puts at risk u. s. assistance. someone else who met with military leaders in recent days is volkhart parents, as so as the special representative of the un secretary general for sudan, he is calling on the security forces to immediately release those who have been unlawfully detained or placed under house arrest. he says it is the responsibility of these forces to ensure the security and well being of people in their custody
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and icons, kalama, who is now secret general of amnesty international tweeted, the people of sid anna back in the street to protect the democratic transition. will the world stand shoulder to shoulder with them? we've been speaking to lot of our experts throughout the day on al jazeera hulu. to header is one of them with insight strategy partners, which is a public affairs firm based in seattle, but it's specializes in government relations. flute is any thought to herself and said, these latest developments have all the whole box of a full military the closing of the bridges, the, the closing down of teddy comes as a complete internet blackout. you can't make phone calls. you can't send text estimate messages quite clearly the rest of key government figures including members of the sovereign council and also the minister for cabinets. if i had it on my indicate very much, it is a qu, in any case, any contravention of the constitutional declaration of the constitutional document
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of 2019 and pushed by the military to try and maneuver. second, to william active is considered a to by the constitutional declaration, which is why we're seeing, quote, start to come out in the streets of cartoon. as of this morning, i think that the military was surprised by it to the extent to which there was i'm t military sentiments within the country and extend to its people across the country. and justin called to came out against military rule by comparison to the crowd, seen massive crowds on 21st. that sort of sponsored or broken, orchestrated protest a week earlier. so much fewer people probably in the 1000 and the dwindle, been to only probably a 100 or even fewer. the interesting thing about the media angle is that in the past 48 hours, we've seen this today. news agency building stormed by ministry supported last night. we heard the ministry of information was also stormed,
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and it's quite clear that the ministry wants to get ahead of this narrative. probably because of the things that they does still have some civilian support. but again, that support is not by any means. the majority of sidney people based on the number of protest, wholesale speaking a little bit earlier, it is always interesting in these situations for us to compare now we get a lot of live shops coming in here. that's what streaming allows. and we've got some for you now on the left hand side of your screen. pictures from costume of paypal on the right hand side of your screen is state television. and we've been seeing this for the last 4 or 5 hours. i'd say, musical paces, pre recorded shops of sudan, there is no indication of anything going on. we have been told that the sate tv and radio stations were rated, but the military has not broadcast anything. we would expect that we would see some sort of official statement at that from that source. at some point right now though,
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i want to bring in a man who knows sudan very well out there. correspondent mohammed vow. good to have you with us. i think you can give us the context and keep reading what i want to do . let's have a look at this. have a look on the screen. we are going to bring up a map festival and i just want you to give me some context here. so this is the downtown pa to sit on and if i come in here to t bridge, ah, which is where we were seeing all the people gathering before. tell us about this area where it connects what we're seeing on the map there. and i guess how important this part of town is if it's being shut down. yes or for anybody who knows cartoon. and this is a quote by the way. this is the confluence of the nile a swear, the blue nail on the white meat. okay, right in the middle of cartoon. are on this side. yeah, i think on this side you have those. i come at a little bit, the have the, the real center of got, but that's gotten because costume is divided into 3 cities cartoon on doorman and capital battery and they are divide the actually along the that the backs of the night. right? so what's going on now is going is going on inside,
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inside old costume itself. that's where the presidential policy is. that's where the military headquarters. okay. and the military court headquarters, if you see it, if you see it by next i, it's a huge compound taken. you know, thousands of square feet of square meters here and you know, very giant, large buildings and kinda some, something. it's symbolic about that place of the military. they do not place themselves outside the city. know what it is in the middle of the city or into i know i, i, when did all that, where the military is, is, is, had quoted is where also the population in the crowded, it's crowded area around that in and around that center. and people are trying to, just like what happened in december 19, a 2019. you have people now flooding to those places to, to show, to the military that they are against the school. so a lot of action is expected there because that's also where later on you remember, you know, you know, very strong clashes happened that many people were killed in,
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in, in, in, in the so called, you know, the or the so called the did the disbanding of the of the uprising that when the military took over, okay, there's our children. now. the, the, the problem now is that you half is, is not the captain of 2019 or in. this is an armed, a capital that's armor to, to, to, to a t t at stiff. that's because lots and lots and lots of armed groups have come from the fringes and now they are in the middle of cotton. they're not wearing their insignia, they're not showing themselves, you know, asked militia, but they look like civilians, but they have their military, their weapons in their houses. so it's a very different switch. and, and also, you know, every party now incident, every single party is divided is splintered. and when you have this switch, will you have the civilians, it fragmented and splintered in terms of political parties and, you know, and even in terms of her of, of armed militia, william captain,
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you can expect cit wished to be very dangerous. so i'm trying to see, and i know which is only a few hours into this, but what the way out as the people were upset because the civilian side of the, of the government wasn't, wasn't strong enough, wasn't it was being overshadowed by the military side. now the military to the exact opposite and take over. i mean, where does this go from here? is it there? i can't see yet. look, i can, i can easily compare this with this tuition in egypt in, in june 320130. 2013. yes. yeah, i guess so. so that's when the military, they, monday of the movie they wanted to over throw it on the horses or the, they, you know, people say they have orchestra that i don't know whether this is a case of cattle, but in terms of what the appeals of it we have a divided civilian population. we have people who are, you know, the same, the same parties that make up b, a, the civilian component of the government. they are splintered mountain. so once
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peter is with the, the, the overthrown government wants be to, is in though it is participating in those are gatherings are in front of the presidential palace, asking for a qu, asking for change, asking for the form of the government. and that's the case. you said change, that's what people want and it's not, it's not just a political thing. they want the lights to change. they want food to not cause so much. and ben, petrol and, and, and corruption, and poverty. and all these things. as i was saying to an earlier guess, things which don't get addressed within the underlying problem that i won't give rise to all of that site. but the problem is that that's not a point of contention. nobody disagrees even the military one year, even the military. nobody disagrees on this on this point. they all want age, but they didn't change in terms of better conditions. change in terms of a better economy change in terms of that a policies in this regard. but they are accusing each other of failure to do that. no, oh, seeing the civilian government, this is it is inefficient. they said it is an efficient they said it in 3 years it
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into anything. and hopefully in 3 years their math see they don't seem to be inching forward. it to words democracy because remember that some of the parties within the gulf within the civilian government, they're not pro the, they're not, they're not in favor of a quicker or mccarty process. they want this situation to continue more several, yes. remind me how long this transitional government was supposed to be transitional is that 3? yes. yes. i think next month, next, the problem is next month, according to the agreements next month or the military component should sit holler to the silent coupon. but i think the election is not next month election should be for the dollar down the line. they're both part the military. it's very interesting . the military say we want election. no, no. it's very interest, but the military say to want election as soon as possible. they don't want a long transition. their civilian component in the government who are just, i've just been overthrown. this in a winnie the longer a longer, a longer transitional period. the explanation of this,
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according to people who knows that they say these people are in power. now are you know, leftists communists and so they don't, they don't represent the majority of the so the nice people and they know that if democracy hubbard, they will be out of the, of the game. oh, this is not my is not my analysis. now this is the analysis of people who are wondering why they don't want them or why they don't want elections as soon as possible. if they have overthrown military regime, they should call for election tomorrow. but no, they don't want, i don't, i don't, i, i'm just, i know, mom, let's pause for a 2nd because we've been referring to a lot of stuff which has happened in the past. and i think it's important to look at some of the key events in recent years. ah, we started december 2018. thousands of people in the northeast, in rigid region of at about a protested against high unemployment of a t interruption. all those things we were talking about. within days, those protests had spread to other cities including hot, soon april 2019 was when the military removed president omar bashir from office. he
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had been in power for almost 30 years. 4 months later, and after accusations of use of violence against the protest, as the military agreed to form this civilian lead transitional government, a new cabinet took office in september under prime minister hum duck. he's now been arrested a part of that 3 year power sharing agreement, which we talked about. man of the 2nd point i made in that graphic there was about omnibus sheer. does he still loom, how much does he still loom over sedan and his supporters look. i have lots of friends in sudan and i talked to them on a private basis, you know, very wide margin of opinion like you know, the opposed opinion about him on the sheets. port people are polarized about him. some say some swear by god. if omar bashir now returns apollo, people will, will welcome him because this, you know, the, what happened to the sudan, a pound and so on. and the deterioration of the economy that they said this tuition
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was better during the time from our bishop. but, but those who participated in of in his overthrow is quite the opposite. he said, even the devil, we prefer the devil to los than our mother. she saw he's a very polarizing figure, but he's not in power. there are some who, you know, analysts who say he's somehow behind the scenes because some of his, at some of the people in the military have been originally working with him. even though we're hon. who was his right hand man. if in hand it was his name, the other guy, and the debt not 100. no, i'm ity of sweetie. also, it was his light hand man, and they were all apart somehow of the islamic leaning, you know, in a god salvation from that woman sedan. so people say they are still ideologically linked to the sheer and people accused the military of being actually still on the side of the ship. and they want to somehow to help her return or to help his regime,
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if not him in person to, you know, bring sedan back to square one and bring people who are her. his supporters, mom, valez, i corresponded here at out 0. who knows the cd.


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