tv [untitled] October 25, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm AST
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this is rose and progress, and he's yes, now. bold and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera. ah, hello, i'm adrian said again. this is that he's are live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. anger as soldiers, detain civilian members of saddam's governing council, including prime minister abdullah hancock prime minister ham dock is said to have been moved to an unload location after refusing to issue a statement in support of the military's actions protested, denouncing that attention. so filled the streets at a faced gun file in response. also this our
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a palestinian family threatened with forced eviction and occupied east jerusalem as a hearing before israel, supreme court and in sport fans rally in support of n b star, kyrie irving, ah, is 7 time all star has been sideline from the brooklyn dad's for refusing to get the co 19 back see ah, so we begin this, these are would have been since should on, with thousands of people have flooded into the streets after the military detained a number of ministers and civilian officials. they include prime minister, abdullah, hum doc, the ministry of cultured information says that he's been taken to an unknown location after refusing to speak out in support of the military's actions. troops of blocked roads and bridges into the capital cartoon into that a while phone services are down,
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the airport is closed. and the t. v and radio headquarters were rated earlier sedans, main pro democracy group as calling as a military crew that must be resisted. tension has been building for months between the military and civilian factions that are meant to be sharing power and sedans. ah, sedans, information ministry says the protests were met with gunfire near the military, headquarters, local doctors so that at least 12 people have been injured. in the demonstrations will be live to cartoon. shortly after this report from al jazeera priyanka cooktop hughley on the streets. this is don outside the military headquarters. in cartoon, tens of thousands of men and women are converging once again to show their anger against a sudden military takeover that strike me the nation's fragile democratic transition
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. ah, man, i didn't i, i didn't an urgent call to all sudanese civilians who want to protect the revolution. what the military is doing is a betrayal to all citizens on all fronts. it is the duty of all civilians to move and to block all roads outside to prevent any military force to move right now. all of us must unite to show the truth. yeah, it does. i think i was the he now i, the return of the old regime is impossible, no matter what the excuses or the justifications return is impossible. this is the 1st statement of the people, women and men are refusing any kind of fraud on democracy and civil society. after months of past struggle sedans, general's arrested 7 civilly members of the governing solving council and moved prime to stop de la hun dog did undisclosed location. the internet and phone lines are disrupted. and the airport in cartoon, the close the pro democracy coalition, born out of the 2019 pricing that ousted long time leader or my of
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a. she has coy for protests and strikes to resist what it thinks is a military coup. last month, a field qu, attempt by forces loyal to pursue white innovations between the military and civilian sides of the transitional government. both sides blame each other for slow reforms, a worsening economic crisis, poverty and corruption, the deal that was signed in august of 2018 was always flawed and a number of ways. for me, 2 of the biggest flaws were that the military are going to maintain control of gold mines, another financial interest sort of independent of a, in a somewhat corrupt manner. and that they were never really going to investigate themselves enough for the massacres of june 2019 the heart, one gains of the pro democracy uprising have not led to reforms many people fought for. and now with more political upheaval, sedan is once again on the edge,
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priyanka kupta, alta 0. this is what we know so far about who's been arrested. most members, sedans, civilian leadership, including members of the transitional sovereignty council had been detained by the military. as we mentioned earlier, prime minister abdullah hon dock has been taken to an unknown location according to the culture and information ministry. his media advisor, facial mohammed sala has been detained. so has mohammed, i'll fuck his solomon. he's the spokesman for the sovereign council and has been vocal and criticizing the military and the ministry at the minister of industry. abraham al shake and the minister of information ham's, or ballou. i've also been placed under arrest. according to reports. let's go live then to sedans, capital cartoon, outer cirrus hebert, morgan is on the line. now hebert, morgan hebert, which we're going to interrupt you in a, in a moment because we're expecting a statement to dr. lee. in fact, when we're going to that statement right now that sir, who doesn't believe in peace and justice. so that's why when that dissemble
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revolutionaries that say there slogans and thousands of them stood in front of the general command of the armed forces. the armed forces responded positively and decided to walk to achieve the aspiration of the people to achieve the aspiration of the nation justice and peace and freedom. because we are quite convinced that the sudanese people deserve a nation and nation there. they can brack this and see these slogans are this big names in the nation until the moment we deliver power to our civilian government that will achieve morrow. during this, the additional period, the armed forces were quite aware and the people work wide aware of the partnership
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between the military people, the civilians, to those through the same way in order to achieve the goals of the people through general elections, through the practices that we have been doing and witnessing all over a year, and this will include the leaders and the powers. because other than that there will be divisions that is that are a threat to the safety of our nation. prime minister la la la la ham look, has seen that in his initiative in july and october of this year. so the armed forces because it's the constituent power of this delusional period. the armed forces has the national duty to keep and that safety and sovereignty of the nation, according to the constitutional draft,
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and according to their mission of the armed forces. that's why we need not to distract the nation. and we need not to destroy the nation. we have started our path toward the states of freedom, justice, and peace. but some political powers are still trying to maintain everything in their hands without paying attention to the threats, political threats and economic threats and social threats. and that's why in the armed forces and the rapid support forces, we were keen to take the necessary steps that will keep and maintain the december evolution until we reach the final goal, which is as server and state via with fair and just elections. that's why we decided the following, declare
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a state of emergency nationwide to add the here and to commit ourselves to what has been mentioned. and the constitutional document and the agreement of peace in sudan signed in juba. in october 2023. louis a spent does the up brush of article 1112 washington at 15 and 16 whiten 232437172 of the constitutional her draft. and we commit ourselves to all the agreement signed by us. we dissolve the sovereign councils and the cabinets, and we put an end to the job of the mayor's
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and the, and the secretaries and the, the department. and the general of the apartment in the states will do their job and we will revise every thing. and we will take decisions. so was every thing and we urge every one to abide by the agreement of july. but 2020 we stress and we confirm that some of our people in the east have their own sufferings. and we are glad sure that our justice and peace must prevent. so we need to work hard and older to reach last solutions that will meet the aspirations of our people. now, that would sort out the problems nationwide. we believe that the december
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revolution is going on, because the people who have started this revolution believe in that ball, then aims and balls of the revolution. and we all starting from today till the dates of the elections. in july 2023. we urge every want to work hard to pay the way for better living to create a better environment for the partners to work hard until the date of the election. we need every one to be ready to lead the country after the elections. a government of independent people will be formed up the elections to represent all the people of the sudan. we will be keen that to apply every rule
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of justice and will support the judiciary, the constitutional court. the are all the cornerstones that will help our nation to amber law be solid and a strong or revolution. parliament will be also created to monitor the situation and to monitor the steps being taken for the welfare of this didn't is be but we need to work hard. we need to produce because our people and our nation deserves all sacrifices. we need to keep our country and we need to keep our people safe. we aren't quite committed to the items that are the constitutional agreement and the job agreement. and we urge abdul aziz al. hello. we urge up than were had mohammed moore to join the parts of the building than used to, than sudan,
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where freedom of justice will prevail because no group of or no individual will impose their opinion again, answered and his people with that iran. and we think that friends of sudan because they're ongoing support in order to make this transition period a success, a big salute to our great people of sudan for the sake of the country and for the sake of the nation, i would like to thank members of the armed forces and the rapid support forces, who are doing the best i mere labs though, is mercy on our martyrs. and a low, low, mighty will do what are low mighty ones and peace be upon you older or at that were sir adult shutter album hand, the sovereign counselor, chairman, speaking on should. and he said, tv, ah,
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he said that the military incident has acted to achieve the aspirations of the people. he's declared a state of emergency across the country. ah, he has said that he's going to remove our state governors. he's dissolving a sovereign counsel and the government, and he says what the country is going through, threatens at security and future. he says that her a struggle that was going on politically threatened sedans, peace and stability. he says that the balanced agreement had had turned into a struggle between transitional partners. ah, and that the military council will continue with democrat, the democratic transition until a hand over to a civilian elected government. and he said that elections would take place in july 2023. let's bring out a 0. hip morgan is out on the streets or in khartoum. i don't know how much of that you heard, heber, what are we to make of it?
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well, i'm pretty, pretty much all, adrian, i'm the one competition 2nd, the reason that the pilot sharing documents that's fine between the teams and the transmission military council, which president why i wanted to conclude from the statement. i don't know if i sent back to the constitution, but the regent funded by any going against any of that document. and this is what we, what people are saying, some of them, as you're walking by back, the president shall have the chanting civilian government tax. and again, just watch them. many of them the army headquarters waited with them down there. listen. i'm reacting a fine minute. you could see the anger, you could be determined that one president on
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one to help us get into licenses or hundreds and hundreds of people walking by johnson against and against the military that they wanted to do. but now it looked like that the region to bring them back to be government that's been looking for it out of the window. a good a by this argument that the military acted in their interests. well again we've been talking to not just over the past week in front of the presidential palace, i'm going to be going to read the weather again. 3 will be back. the only thing that has been trying to apologize for that
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site on the street, but i wanted to have you call me for the military to dissolve the cabinets back from you government. so whether it's in the interest of the civilians are the people didn't speak with the people would accept, got that, excuse that. and then for dissolving the problem, the counselor at the cabinet that will need to be ready for we acting isn't statement saying that they don't think that that he's actually doing jericho the next next month i get that. so now elliptical party had to put the 3 a wanted to wrap power. i'm not big cases headed over going to happen next month after reading change according to the agreement and the competition. but the ration it looks like the fact that we are civil. you
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open up the constitutional origin. this is fine. i'll just have a morgan live in cartoon here that will be back with you a little later. so how did shoot on get to this point? well, in december 2018, thousands of people in the northeastern region of barra protested against high unemployment policy and corruption within days. those processed spread to other cities, including the capital cartoon. in april 2019, the ministry removed president omar bashir from office after nearly 30 years in power. 4 months later, after accusations of use of violence against protest, as the military agreed to of a civilian lead transitional government. now this new cabinets took office in september on the prime minister, abdullah humbug as part of a 3 year power sharing agreement. that's bringing jonas horn up. who's in ny ruby. he's the deputy director for the horn of africa and senior analyst for saddam, with the international crisis group. does jose, what did you make of that statement back from the sovereign council chairman
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i thought it was remarkably disingenuous and self serving. actually, you know, the claim that the december evolutionary revolutionist ongoing, may, is, is going to raise a lot of hackles in the streets with those who, who have come out to really protest this is who i think it's particularly disingenuous, given that the military has been key to creating the conditions for this discordant security. and certainly in congress to given that the baran, as you know, in many ways, assistance we had a state in this hybrid transitional arrangement. i and those who have been part of this movement to push the government out are themselves key members of government. so any criticism of government performance is very much self criticism. and i and then being again, seems incredibly disingenuous. an incongruous as a result. i think that ultimately a, our sense,
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a crisis group of wants are hon and the military and others around him are seeking a holds out and was born out by the speech. which is to say, the hope is for a more friendly, a civilian government that will protect the interests of the military and other old guard groups who will come to see themselves who do believe they will become losers . a incident under the, under a, a democratic transition, as, as laid out in the countries considering of declaration, is that what he was alluding to? and he was saying that there are political powers trying to hold everything in their hands without being aware of the threats. yes, well you know that again, these divisions are, are being manufactured, that they are to be fair and divisions that have existed throughout the 2 years of this transition. so, you know, in many ways the actual division lines aren't particularly surprising. it's much more that they've come out in the open so, so, so suddenly, so readily after
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a previous 2 attempt almost one month ago. and, and in many ways the hope has been that we could manage those inherent differences of opinion, differences in hope about what you know, that in the very of nature and future of it. and might be in a more cool and less violent, less, less intense way. but today's morning's events really, you know, throw a spanner in those works. we still really like to, to see the military at all. no, given a sense that there is some place for them ultimately at the table in a civilian dispensation. and, and there's also a real need to speak to some of the regional actors who have been instrumental in empowering the military to be much more, let's say, aggressive in, in these recently. it is that the final goal is still free and fair elections and a half over to a civilian government. elections are going to be held in july 2023. should we believe him? i think we might be able to believe him if there is some tactical and strategic
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a preference i would say on, on the side of the military and the old guard to political parties to have election sooner rather than later. because this allows and what this, you know, for stoles, any of the new political forces from getting a toe hold. i'm in the, in know, chaos political know you're in sudan. and so those who exist those who have existing structures to mobilize the quarters to get into the polls, they would appear to have an inherent advantage. so in many ways for the old guard quicker elections are perhaps preferable. so how do you see this playing out now? as far as people on the streets, a concerns a jonas good as are corresponded with saying a few moments ago. it's clear that the people people don't buy in to, to his argument that but the military was acting to achieve the aspirations of the people. yes, no, i think they're those, those aspirations are diametrically opposed. no,
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just on the 21st of this month and they weren't major protest this whole people come out in the street requesting. no, we did the exact opposite of what we're hon. seems to be believing. he he is fulfilling. on behalf of people people come out in great numbers countrywide, to request that the, the civilians be, remain in the central component to this transition. and that the military ends, their destructive approach to this. i'm so, you know, yeah they're, they're all mutually exclusive and, and i think those on the streets now will be in really furious about 4 hands. instrumental icing of the freedom piece and justice. a slogan, for example, just really good talk to you many thanks to you for being with us during this whole nother in nairobi. ah. will us special envoy for the horn of africa?
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geoffrey feltman was caught too, but the weekend he met with military and civilian leaders to try to resolve that as fuse. feltman says the u. s. is deeply alarmed by reports of a military takeover saying that it would contravene the constitutional declaration and the democratic aspirations of the sudanese people at is utterly unacceptable. feltman goes on to say that any changes to the transitional government by force put at risk u. s. assistance and the u. s. foreign policy chiefs joseph burrell, says that he is following with utmost concern on going events ensued on the you cause on all stake holders and regional partners to put back on track the transition process. joining us now in the studio is that al 0 murmured, well, who has covered suden extensively. but what do you make of that? especially as we were say, that the u, as in boy, the region was an in cartoon holding talks with both sides only yesterday. was very interesting and a lot prize on that for the, even for the military component of the government. she's,
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which makes the situation really complicated for any and analysts. and, but we have to bear in mind that said they're now looks like lebanon at a certain time after the civil war, or even during the civil war. just it without the civil war at the moment. so most of foreign powers, loss of foreign powers playing in this and lots of support come to every side in this conflict from outside. so i mean, we don't know where the americans are to this game. and because there is a lot of, and stories and contests related to this, you know, the military in power. now remember that the military have never moved away from power, and that was a polish army agreement. now they are updating it and they are replacing it with the job. a there is on job agreement which gives us a broader representation. and that's what people in the state have been calling some of the people as we have to. now we have 2 sets of demonstrations going on for
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some time. now, those in front of the presidential police have been asking for a broader representation of the, the various components of the political spectrum sedan. and apparently this is what albert honeys is trying to get to in this, in the he what he is, what he talked about. he said, we need a new government that represents all the sites, all the parties and little pollution at ease of december 2019 say this is completely false. and they say this is, you know, this is a complete reversal that you know, that the military were instrumental in, in the move and among the ship. and now they say the military are reneging on their promises to share power with the civilians. he said, he said in the statement that in fighting between politicians around bishan and incitement of violence, forced him to act what, what are we to make about what was what, what was going on? and is there any chance that, but perhaps someone could have misinterpreted the, the american envoys, words, diplomatic, speak in the meeting and thought 1 may have every right to act. look,
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look. i mean it's not black and white. now is that is not like december 2000 and 19th in december 2019 we had a unified street the supporters of omar basil were not, you know, visible if he had support. i mean, at that moment we didn't have a demonstration at candlewood, you didn't have to confronting states to clashing streets in december, 2000 and, and before late that, that, that the weeks and months leading to the removal of membership. now we have a different situation. remember in my, you know, in the, on the previous show i compelled, the situation is to them out of the situation of egypt. right before the overthrow of most, apparently that statement we would, we just heard a few moments ago was made from egypt. so what, what are we to make of the ask why? well, i mean it's, it's interesting it ab, i mean the people who are against what's going on, who said, are right now these 2,
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they would say this is history, repeating us. this is what happened in egypt repeating itself. and so that they would say, the military have choreographed a, an account uprising against sort of allusion of ease. and they have, you know, helped them. this is what they have been saying during the last few days. they have helped them, they protected them, they allowed them to be in front of the presidential palace for days and days. thousands of people that came from all sides of the interior parts of the city of sudan. and they used them to legitimize this chain to say, we are responding to the up to the aspirations of a large component of this has been his population. and those who are asking for who have been demonstrating with demonstrating on october 21. those are the trouble natives because they want everything to be, as he said to be in the powers of one component of this, we have the power sharing agreement. but the civilians are increasingly asking for more share of power. and they have these problem because was about what about that?
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where does this get him with, with, with the fail to of a few weeks ago or the other 2 links and to connect y'all? that's last, that's a very interesting point. remember now that we have the military, the military who have been healed by the revolutionaries of december 2019 r saviors of the situation when they overthrow mom. but she, those are the people are now at loggerheads with these revolution. and we have this, i mean according to the allegations, are the crew mission equipment. those are the supporters of oman. basil, we've been the rocks of the military that probably the list of lesser generals. so literally, you know, the main reason united here is it looks like the military is not tonight, but if you ask any of that of a listener, these are the uprising of december 2019. they will tell you the military, i'm not in the military are united or this is just a scenario. this is just something that they hadn't made up to could gate viet,
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but the revolution is a danger. and that they have to, in this, that the switching is out of control, even something if the military doesn't, you know, put a, you know, strong hand on the school isn't control a little switch on the control. so, i mean, you never know. and for the, for the anti military uprising, you know, components of the population. they think that there is one united military. and that even those who are in power now are the same people from one of the she who have never left all fascinating rabbit. when he thinks it out with his mom at valdez still to come here on the news are more on that rapidly unfolding situation to john with the military as jailed several civilian cabinet ministers and protests as of poured up onto the streets. and in some of the res albany as drought in northern kenya pushes more than 2000000 people towards hunger force pakistan. cricket france 5.
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