tv [untitled] October 25, 2021 3:00pm-3:30pm AST
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besieged communities, quote, lines travels to the front lines of the climate crisis in central america to see how it's appending lives, and fueling migration exit on doors at climate in crisis on out visit era. ah . the head of sedans, military launches, a crew dissolving the friendship council that have been leading the country. ah, hello, i'm adrian finnegan. this is al jazeera life and doha also coming up. the country's prime minister, abdullah ham dock has been moved to an unknown location after refusing to issue a statement in support of the military's actions protested, announcing the detention so filled the streets. some had been met with gum file
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also ahead of palestinian family. threatened with forced eviction it occupied east jerusalem as a hearing before israel supreme court. ah, we begin that with a coincidence. the military chief is announced the dissolution of the transitional government and declared a state of emergency. abdullah fatter albert han has vowed to hold elections as scheduled in 2023, but says the country was in turmoil and that the military had a constitutional duty to intervene. the military is detained. a number of ministers and civilian officials, including prime minister, abdullah. hum, dock troops blocked roads and bridges into the capital cartoon into that's of mobile phone services. a down at the airport is closed on the tv radio headquarters been rated thousands of people have flooded the streets since early morning. sedans, main pro democracy group was called
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a general strike and civilian resistance against the military coup. we'll go live to cartoon shortly after this report from al jazeera priyanka, goto. i just after months of power, struggle with civilian leaders, sedans, generals has staged to cool and imposed a state of emergency breaking up a fracture transitional government that's been leading the country home of you, the sierra linda garden. we dissolve the sovereign council and the cabinet, and we put an end to the mass jobs and under secretaries. and the state governors will revise everything and will take decisions towards everything. general, per hon says the military had to intervene to ent, political infighting, to put across sudan. this fury tens of thousands of men and women converging on the streets to assure their anger against a sudden military takeover who died in an urgent call to all sudanese civilians.
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who want to protect the revolution? what the military is doing is a betrayal to all citizens on all fronts. it is the duty of all civilians to move and to block all roads outside to prevent any military force to move right now, all of us must unite to show the truth. i was the halo, the return of the old regime is impossible, no matter what the excuses or the justifications the return is impossible. this is the 1st statement of the people, women and men are refusing any kind of fraud on democracy and civil society. the military has arrested several civilly members of the sovereign council and moved prime minister. the law hum docked to an undisclosed location, prompting global concerns. du, you is very concerned about sedans, military forces, reportedly putting, ah, prime minister, hum dog, under house arrest. and as well as detaining other members of the civilian leadership and we urge for their fasts. really. incident,
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pro democracy coalition thought out of the 2019 uprising that asked it long time leader. omar le, she has called for protests and strikes to resist the coo divisions between the military and civilian sides of the transitional. government widened after last month failed to attempt my forces go to the she bought sides, blame each other for slowly forms a worsening economic crisis. poverty and corruption in military have been g to creating the conditions for this discord in security and answer leon congress to give him that i'm the branch as you know in many ways. and since we had a state in his hybrid transitional arrangement, i and, and those who have been part of this movement to push the government out are themselves key members of government. so any criticism of government performance is very much so criticism. oh, the had one gains of the pro democracy uprising have not led to reforms many people
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fulfill. and now with more political upheaval, sedan, it's once again on the edge. priyanka kupta altos here. well, this is what we know so far about who has been arrested. most members of sudan civilian leadership, including members of the transitional sovereignty council have been detained by the military. as we mentioned earlier, prime minister abdullah hum dock has been taken to an unknown location according to the culture and information ministry. his media advisor, fossil mohammed, seller, has been detained. so has mohammed, i'll fuck you, suleiman, who is the spokesman for the sovereign council and has been vocal in criticizing the military and the minister of industry every him. i'll shake and minister of information hums are below. i've also been placed under arrest, according to reports. let's get more now to a, from our correspond, vomit, val, who's cupboard sudan extensively. he's with me here. now, what do you make of all of this? well, it's likely that to the military, the military artist,
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they say they are responding to a situation that has been developing over the last she, we few days and even you know, more than a week now. suddenly the hunter, who is a prime minister, who is a partner in this sir correlational, research empower shannona government. he openly, this is what this he openly supported the rallies in the streets against military. that's what, that's their perception, the perception of the military and their perception now is that this can't be, you know, what, we will now a divide admission and some parts of the government are working against the other parts of government. and they think this is a violation of the power selling agreement. so now the, they're going to learn. and again, this is the perspective of the military. they think they should put things under control. again, there should be notified the government and, but the street is divided if that even if a government is united, which is not the case, the street is already divided and we have
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a huge emergency now of the supporters of a model, the shoe barking the streets the thing with something they did not to do in 2019 they were silent. they were just observing. and you know, for, for 2 years, 3 years, he didn't do much and visibility industries, but now they are visible on they are joining. he also a chunk of the, of the, of the, of the population that has been supportive of the civilian component of the government . so now the civilian component of the government has already been splintered. we know that and though this splinter parties, the parties as individual splintered from the revolutionary, you know, component of the government are now industry supporting the military. this is very complicated. staples to with us. yes. well, i will bring in another of our colleagues in morgan who's actually in cartoon, and she's cert with us now. what, what's your sense of, of, of where this is going. now, huber as far as these,
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these protest this violence on the streets is concerned. while there is concern that this would lead to death and violence amongst processes, because we're talking about 2 different camp here. you have a pro military can, but has been staging is sitting in front of the presidential palace for over a week, calling on the military to dissolve the cabinet of prime minister and appoint a new cabinet. they now have that achieved. then you have the pro democracy protested protested against the statement that the head of the sovereignty council or the head of fate. now, because there's no service council any more of the general i've been at the hon. issue now. those processes have been making their way towards the army headquarters . some of them crossing the bridges that have been close by the military themselves on foot to be able to get to the headquarters chanting against the military testing against the head of the state general lab and put the hon. so because of those 2
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camps and because of those presidents because they're already tension between the military and civilian camps, they all confirmed that they will be violent on the street. a state of emergency has been declared by general han, and that means that at a certain point, people will not be allowed to move around the street and that they will be more military present, deployed around the main major streets to prevent people from moving out. and about but from what we're seeing, people are actually continuing to make their way to the army headquarters, continued to chance. many of them still setting up road blocks and barricades to prevent the movement. and to basically disable the movement in the country. they say that that's their form of resistance that they were showing that they're against. what's happened over the past few hours and hey, but this is happened what the day after the u. s. invoice, the horn of africa. jeffrey felton had a meeting with, with the 2 sides with, with the civilian and the military on of, of the district and he's government, what do we make of that? well,
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it's very hard to see how much of an impact the the, the us special envoy to africa had on the military in terms of basic and making them back away from their current mobile or whether it has helped them expedite and escalate and move things up in something over the move that is happening over the past few hours. now the us special envoy to the home of africa said that he had reiterated to both sides, that it is very important to abide by the constitutional declaration. that's the power sharing agreement. that was signed between the 2 sites and that people should abide by the 2 peace agreements which was signed between the transitional government and the various groups around the country. now, when we heard the statement from the head of the state from general, i've been put that help home who is not the head of the state until a cabinet is formed and we see the makeup of it. he said that he's still abide by that constitutional declaration by the power sharing agreement. and he still respect that you would peace agreement with exception when it comes to the
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constitutional. that the ration specific articles that has to do with how the executive cabinet is appointed. and how the members of the sovereignty council are appointed. so that seems to be basically him saying there are certain parts of this constitutional declaration, the power sharing agreements that we signed as a military with the civilians that were up for and the others that we are not up for. because we want to take charge until elections are held. so we will shape how this upcoming government, which we will form, will look like. or i have many sections. when we were listening to the federal, hon earlier, he said that the military, it acted to achieve the aspirations of the people. in this he was saying that he said that he intends to stick to the constitution and that his final goal is still free and fair elections and the installation of a civilian government should we believe him one um this one is believe him. um this is in his are divided so his, his support as they believe him and they go back to the discussion that police with
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receded the signing of the constitutional air, partially agreement. they said that during those discussions that, that of illusionary side of the, of the discussion was saying that civilian side was saying, we don't need elections in 3 years. we don't want elections in 2 years. i mean, this is history. i mean, i'm not making this up and the military were pushing for a speedy elections. each side has half their, you know, reasons for that, that the civilians who came to power were in the streets. they think they are not strong enough to be able to control what's gonna happen in the left. if the military artists of they're also empowered. you think the military are deep rooted in power because i'm on the shoes general military general. some of them were his, you know, he said, his henchmen, they think that it takes time to purge the military influence in the, in the upper echelons of the government. and it takes, like they asked for 5 years, 6 years, 7 years and so on before any democracy can be realized. moccasin is elections. so
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now that the, the supporters of the military now they see, i mean, if you look at the, if you listen to their slogans few years, a few days ago, they were asking for the constitutional assembly to be set up. they were asking for a speedy, a democratic process towards the elections they were asking for. the institutions that could lead to the moccasin. none of that has been and they blame the delay on the civilian side because they were asking for that think to, you know, take more time. the military. he's saying he said in his course in his speech, but this is what he's going to do. he's going to speed up the process toward democracy. i, i'm not, you know, it's not me. you should believe or not, but he's, he's a supporter say this is i think that they've been asking for that. but the other side, the other side of the street was against him. you know, this is a game just again, the military are back to paula and this is original game that they have always been, you know, doing just like they did in egypt or nothing in the country. i know you're keeping a close eye on the,
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on developments and i'm sure we'll be speaking to you again in the coming hours on . i'm just here for the moment. i'll just here as well. how about that? well, there's been some regional and international reaction. the chairman of the african union says the dialogue and consensus of the only appropriate way to save the country. and it's democratic transition loose or funky, also cause for the release of all detained political leaders, and the strict respect necessary for human rights. leo, a special invoice for the horn of africa. jeffrey felton was in cartoon, as we said that the weekend he met with the military and civilian leaders to try to resolve the dispute soap and says, the u. s. is deeply alarmed by reports of a military takeover saying that it would contravene the constitutional declaration and the democratic aspirations of the suit. and these people are awfully unacceptable. feldman goes on to say that any changes to the transitional government by force puts at risk us assistance. let's speak out to sara galleon, who's a former spokeswoman for the sudanese professionals association. that organization
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has condemned the crew and called on people to unite and resist. she joined us now on the line from the east of england. give us more of your reaction to what's been happening in su down today. thank you for the opportunity. would like to say that what happened today was something that we were worried that will take place at some stage the sudanese are not divided. this is a counter revolution and the return of the pre regina in a way or another. and. 5 what and what he has now statement clearly, although he said he will maintain the constitutional agreement or paralyzed the articles. # that support the, the civic transition, the people have stick to the street. we are worried. there are injuries. this is
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regina that is coming back. very angry and very, you know, looking for revenge. one of the attacks is again, the dismantled committee that was working on dismantling the previous 3 g. therefore, there is no justification to what has happened. it is a qu, it is a ministry who we are pleased that the african union have suspended the membership of students in the african union. you say that the to the society is not divided, but there are clearly elements within sidney's society who have been calling upon the military to intervene. know those who have been calling for the military to intervene or those who are pro the previous regina. that is no sudanese who will call for that. this is just a stakes already. for the pro government, a government and fordable, high and hannity to find that executes after we have given all of the sector fights
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and those who have been killed in a bit a peaceful, historical revolution. we can never, ever called the military to come and help. what we need, yes, there are challenges. we need to sit and debate this in a democratic way. you cannot a unique convince me that arresting people last night from their homes and arresting the. a minister and his wife can be any way that any of the city will be asking for us to gain a shit. we are now calling for the immediate release of those who are detained. we are very worried about. 1 you know, the possibility of any brutal or torture towards the people on the street or those who are detained as to what extent did the, the civilian element of the transitional government bring this upon themselves so that they just weren't moving fast enough. behind said that the military acted to
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achieve the aspirations of the people and that political powers were trying to hold everything in their hands without being aware of the of the threats to the country he wants. he says to deliver those elections by july 2023. know he could have joined the initiative by the prime minister, the way forward with people who were sitting see be talking to each other and having discussion. this is an interruption. this is cutting the wrong, you know, the democratic transition. this has not happened, just count. these are the people who have now by their statement today stopped the investigation of the how to massacre and the question why. why would you stop transitional justice? there is no justification whatsoever for us. we know, i just said that we need to build a political metric, stock, practice democracy. we are learning any interruption at this stage is actually
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a diversion from the democratic transition towards a military coup that has got possibly the same etiology. that has been led by the group in the past. really good to talk to so many thanks, dave. sorry, i've got a former spokesman for the sidney's professionals association. we're going to with our uptake backs houses here, that a stock warning from the un millions of african children may starve to death unless urgent action is taken. ah, november on al jazeera, all through a year of turbulent weather. wild leaders gather in glasgow for crystal summit on the battle against climate change. emmy award winning full lines, goes beyond the headlines, investigating the untold stories across the us. millions in ca, gast,
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on both in parliamentary elections under a new constitution. and more than a year after the law full triggered a political, quite immersive personal short documentary africa. direct showcases african stories from african filmmakers, china mav, 100 days until it host the winter olympics. but how will the pandemic and call for a boycott impact the sporting events november on out jazeera, the climate has changed every year for millions of years, decades of talk, but little action is all about, distract, create confusion to create smoke and mirrors. the shocking truth about how the climate debate has been systematically subverted. the oil industry was a main bank roller or opposition to contact the campaign against the climate. do you think that's a bad thing? more to, to and it was for years it was absolutely on august eve,
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fixing longer hours and shorter deadlines, south korean delivery drivers are literally being worked to death. 11, east explorer, the dock side of consumer convenience in south korea. on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks, the president is allowed to impose a state of emergency for 15 days, with the option of extending it for another 15 days without congress's approval. with detailed of rates was his rights goods in southeast asia say though, concerned about the rise in reported cases of po, working conditions from around the world government and the good agencies that describe the recent incident as planned. with the aim of this table, i think the country lou
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ah, hello again. this is i was here with just one story dominating the news. this how, there's been a coup in sudan with the military chief, has dissolved the government and declared a state of emergency a little farther elbow hands says that he acted to rescue a country of turmoil. that elections will still happen us scheduled in 2023. large numbers of people have been out on the streets pro democracy groups cool for peaceful resistance to the coo. several civilian leaders in the government have been detained, including prime minister abdullah humbug in albany. is the you and says that afghanistan is on the brink of one of the world's worst humanitarian crises and that millions of children could die. jews of food shortages, the you and food program is asking world leaders to take action and on freeze billions of dollars of frozen humanitarian donations. the un says the bill is 23000000000 people from afghanistan's population of 39000000 of food insecure. that
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number has increased by 10000000, at least since last month. afghans have been selling their belongings to buy food, and the taliban has also been unable to pay wages to civil servants. al jazeera, stephanie decker reports from capital count down 2 catastrophe. and one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, if not the worse, those are the warnings from the world food programs executive director. if you look at the numbers over half of afghan histones population are facing severe food insecurities in this latest report, 22800000 people. 14000000 of those are children. and also interestingly saying that for the 1st time urban areas, areas like cobble in the main cities are facing the same rate of food insecurities as the rural areas. there are various reasons for this, but the main one also recently compounded by the fact that the international community is withholding billions and billions of dollars of much needed money here
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everyone. we've spoken to whether they're civil servants under the taliban government taliban fighters, people who work in the health sector and nurses, people who work in centers of drug rehabilitation. they have not been paid their salaries and months. people do not have the cash to feed themselves. also recently a couple of weeks ago, even world food program saying that only 5 percent of households across the country are getting enough to eat. so desperate times you're really going to get worse with the onset of winter temperatures dropping below freezing. here it will snow it will be wet at and also the aid agencies warning that many people who are displaced will be cut off for much needed aid and russia briefly. also quoting for the international community to release those funds. we've been talking to people here, one man yesterday telling us that this is not the money of the taliban. this is not isolate money. this is the money that belongs to the afghan people. and the situation is so desperate that they need to release it as soon as possible. israel supreme court has postponed a decision on an appeal by
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a palestinian family against forced evictions from their home and occupied east jerusalem. the des wake family and so one is one of a 100 families that could lose their homes because of eviction suits, brought by israeli settlers. a law enacted by the canal that allows jews not palestinians to reclaim learned last in the 1948 wall. it's font violent crashes in shall one and shake shudder and occupied east jerusalem al jazeera is held hotter. i'm dull hamid as more from outside the court in west rouge. what happened here is that the family of today's hearing has submitted to the court document showing that it's own that house in san juan. as since 1965 at the time occupied east jerusalem was under control of the jordanians. and they had purchased it from douglas, georgia, indian custodian at the time, now fast forward to 2002. that's when the 2nd organization decided that actually
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that lad belonged to a jews. because back in the 19th century, at the end of the 19th century, under the ultimate empire, that land belonged to a jewish endowment that had put it at the service of do help out jamini jews who were incorporated. it is an extremely complicated case, really to understand, but this is exactly what happened. not only for the families to debbie today that concerned with this hearing that it by, by and large, many privately in occupied use of them actually in other parts of israel. so certainly what will happen eventually what the judge will decide whether it's in a few days, weeks or months will set the tone for many other families about what we have been searing. seeing actually over the past few months, whether it's here. oh, good is
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a hearing for some one or the previous hearing a few months ago. footsteps. deborah, is it see that the court is being hesitant of coming up with a final decision simply because of the charge atmosphere in jerusalem. because of the political aspect of this case, and because tensions are so high that they can flare up at any time. investigators in haiti of so far failed to trace a group of north american missionaries kit that 10 days ago. attacking religious institutions have been relatively rare and hazy but a smile. all right below reports of seems to be changing. it's early morning in porter, prince and worshippers dressed in their sunday best are on their way to church as a wave of violent crime groups. the city many are praying for divine intervention against criminal gangs who are fighting for control over haiti's capital. religious leaders tell us even places of worship, have become
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a target for kidnappers. we love you. we know with our church that has been exposed because we are right there on the streets once. a week ago, they tried to kidnap a member of our church by the grace of god. she ran why? so we all have been affected, but what is going on in the country? oh, so far this year at least 40 church members have been kidnapped in haiti. this includes 17 missionaries associated with a us based christian charity, who were abducted last weekend by a group called 400 miles. one of the city's most dangerous gangs. ah, rare services across town. now count on added security measures like barbed wire fences and even metal detectors to screen for danger. this street in downtown porter prince leads to a church and on sunday morning sp security guards block off the exits using motor vehicles and they keep a close watch on everyone who crosses the ropes. the efforts are to prevent kidnappers from driving up to the doors of the church and abducting the pastor in
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just the 1st 8 months of the year, close to 800 people were kidnapped in the country. and the u. n. is pointing to another alarming trend. a dramatic increase in the number of women and children being targeted killings can take place at any given time of the day or the night. and anywhere it sometimes takes place a whole industry as whole or even in churches. so there is no safe place for children and more, and we really see that the criminal guys are using children increasingly as partying shoes. it's an increasingly lucrative business in the hands of the criminal guys. this man who has asked us to hide his identity is a kidnapping survivor. he tells al jazeera that he still lives with the trauma. the experience and worries that it could happen again as insecurity continues to grow. i'm still at now from alpha. was medical until the yard and pick up the person and
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saw your lowered. i don't have to bring the car out in for them to get nothing or that that that marker out. good luck. and nickel gonna have more than a 100 abductions, have been recorded in the country. in october alone, haiti currently has the highest kidnapping rate in the world per capita. many hearsay violence has grown beyond the ability for authorities to control. ah, and that the last place they have left to find solace is in the mercy of god. manuel rap a low al jazeera, puerto prince. ah, this is our 0. the headline says our military cures unfolded and saddam.
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