tv [untitled] October 25, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm AST
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when and why certain decisions were made in a set back to the gartner, family, the judge decided new york mayor build the blasio does not have to testify. saying he can instead submit a written statement. despite being directly named in the inquiry, one of the critics say that reasoning undermines the very point of what the inquiries meant to address transparency. how do we whole our public leaders accountable if they're allowed to just submit statements, right? when you're named on a case and you're not being called. busy to be active, participating, vocal, and under sworn o, it's a pass. the city fought against holding inquiry, arguing it was unnecessary. a spokesperson for the cities, lawyers declined to request for an interview. gabriel, as hondo al jazeera new york. ah.
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this is all the 0. these are the top stories. so don's doctors committee says 3 protesters have been killed by the army and 80 people have been injured. that after calls for a civil disobedience and responds to monday's qu, general abdel for to herbert hans as he acted to rescue a country in turmoil. and that elections will still happen as scheduled next year. and he says the military had a constitutional duty to intervene. hello my god, we does all the soften council and the cabinets and put an end to the men job and on the secretaries. and the state governors will revise everything and will take decisions to watch everything we do every want to abide by the agreement of june 2020 stress because some of our people in east have their own sufferings. and we are quite sure that justice and peace must prevail when we must work hard to reach . last thing solution for our people was took as president reads a paper on,
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says no foreign diplomats can remain in the country unless they respect the country's laws. his remarks follows a route between anchor and tenant bass letters from western countries over a jailed activist on saturday the us and others issue to joint statements calling for the release of san cabala. in response to on said they must be stripped off their diplomatic status and their immunity. the un says of gone is done is on the brink of one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. and millions of people could die because of food shortages. the un food program is asking world leaders to release billions of dollars a frozen humanitarian donations. the un says 2 thirds of of gun astound population are food insecure. those are the headlines on al jazeera inside story is up next. ah.
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huh. most of building township between sedans, military and civilian fashions, a qu, the prime minister phase one of many a ras. 3rd, a state of emergencies been imposed, and the transitional, sovereign counsel and government is all. so what does the road ahead of life or sedan? this is inside story. ah hello and welcome to the program. i'm hashim, humbler, many people in sudan have been expecting a transition to democracy. it was promised by the country's generals and civilian
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leaders who have shared power for nearly 2 years. but that's been thrown into uncertainty following a military coup sedans. army declared a state of emergency dissolved the governing council and arrested many political leaders. prime minister of the law ham duke is among those detained pro democracy supporters have called for protests, setting the stage for a possible show down with the armed forces. internet and mobile phone services were shut down and the airport closed ministry, chief abdel for to hannibal. hans cited political him fighting for the military intervention. his pledged to hold elections as shuttled in 2023. hello jesus. yeah, linda, god, we dissolve the soften counsel and the cabinet. and i put an end to the mares jobs and under secretaries. and the state governors will revise everything and will take decisions to watch everything. we urge every one to abide by the agreement of job
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2020. we stress and confirm that some of our people in the east have their own sufferings. and we are quite sure that justice and peace must prevail. we must work hard to reach lasting solutions for our people. what that sedan has been governed by a joint civilian military body known as the sovereign counsels, since long time ruler. all martin bashir was astrid in april, 2019. it was part of a power sharing deal that included holding elections and transitioning to civilian rule. but divisions have emerged in recent months between the military and civilian leaders. tensions grew after a cou, a town blamed on followers of bashir, was foiled in last month than earlier this month. supporters of the military leaders took to the street to call on the army to take back control. pro democracy gross said it was an attempt by the military to retake power on saturday,
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tens of thousands of people held protests to show solidarity with the transitional government. ah, let's bring in our guests from del, how we have. we're lead madiba, founder and president of the sudan policy of forum in nairobi. jonas horner, deputy director for horn of africa and senior analyst for sedan, or the international crisis group. and over in edinburgh, scotland, alex, the wall executive director of the well peace foundation and research professor, either duff's, fletcher school of law and diplomacy. thank you all for joining us. we're lead by dissolving the ruling council. the transitional government declaring state of emergency arresting senior government officials, including prime minister algola ham. look what is army chief trying to say here? i will be composed scrutinize the speech of mister
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con, especially if we look at articles 11121516247172 that were eliminated from then you kind of detention or document the he's he said he is ready to abide with there are 2 categories here that are 3 article that has to do with seem issuing decrease. and there is the other category which has to do with he has done away with the article that has to do with dismantling of. busy the flemish states and combating of corruption and the other beginning had to do with he had done away with the obstacle that dealt with investigating the crime. and. 2 at which
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point we ought to remember that about 1800 that will attack use it using the national diesel way on. and we don't know there are some that are missing. so if, if you look at him removing those 2 arctic, it's those 2 important articles. it seems that the army was pushed to the corner since there was no discourse between disobedience and the army office of the sobering council. it seems that there was no room for compromise. it seems that the officers freed this whole thing of investigating the crime. and they didn't want to go with this man getting days which is going to week in that position in politics. basically saying the military establishment is trying to prevent any prosecution in the near future, which was the power sharing with the civilians about the atrocities committed and
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particularly those that were committed during the absolute for the after 2019 join us. is it fair to say that all the power sharing deals and all the architecture that was a started post april 2019 out of now scrapped? are now that part of the past. i don't think that necessarily has to be the case and you know, it's, it's all up until now there had been considerable effort from, from all sides in many ways to, to somehow stay within the norms of the constitutional declaration. and also the agreement even though, but there was very little in the way of, of implementation. so, so, you know, i wouldn't say that this is, this is an entirely over and there have been efforts even before today to broker the sort of piece and, and, and a court between the 3 components of this 3 main components of this transition,
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which are the arm groups who came in for the job agreements are military and etc, but they, they've all there been efforts to try to put together a deal that would allow everyone have a little bit of what we want. but what we've seen this morning is the tearing asunder of that effort. i wouldn't say these institutions are over, but i'm there. they've certainly been rocked alex, when you look at the of the announcement. so basically i've got to have $100.00 saying that the sovereign counsel goes along with a transitional government by the transitional military council. the thought of the clinch a 1001900 stays impala, which means that the fed, but hon will remain the ultimate authority in sudan. and he says that he will form a new government who will also of food that it just the logistics of counsel and who ensure that lectures will be held into a 2020 way. i mean, it could be
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a clear message that you know what you have to do with me from now on, was it naked, brutal, power ground. and no language that comes out of our hands mouth can mask the basic reality that what he is trying to do is to tear up the aspirations of the sudanese people as expressed in the 2019 revolution. the revolutionaries, the democrats were ready to compromise with the military. they were ready to allow the military to, to, to retain a considerable share in power and also very programatically they were unable to, to roll back the military's control over many commanding sectors of the economy. and when they tried to do that, and when the prospect on the head of the sovereignty council being rotated as was agreed from the military to the civilians. in the coming months of our homestead,
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he basically wants to see quite what he expects to achieve with this other than returning students to the status quo ante before the revolution or risk. you know, what do you think that the co arbitration between the civilians and the army in sudan is over by the decision made today by the hon. absolutely. i think the except for the east and i missed some cycle funds. he did. i don't think that any, any individual was some great there be a month that he would be willing to work with that with, with this military don't. and if we were to critique the tactic, i mean, no one would have imagined that i'm away adopt that. i speak methodology
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knowing me that he is just using the name of the army. it was basically the rapid, the r f, the rapid forces that secured the area that we have sensitives. and i made an attempt to secure other facilities of critical importance to the government. it is basic need the r s f that has held both on succeed in his this could be done. so should, should, that could fail due to a pin and or intent and pressure. i think that are going to be some baby serious divisions within the army. which point date is going to be some very bloody confrontation between the army and the dishes that already already encountered to. so god forbid that this, this could be tough in that he's going to be
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a confrontation between the army, which we expect much subside. ok, and the militia that came from abroad. janice, it seems that the army on the civilians out on a collision course by the question is, what kind of leverage does the civilian establishment haven't? so then in the near future to reverse the decisions made by the bible by the hubble hun. well, very few, you know, obviously people have come out very speedily on to the streets to express their opposition to the military is unilateral takeover of power. and it really is, you know, this all began with collective action in late 2018 and moving into 2019 and, and deliver, you know, the inspiring and, and prehistoric removal after 30 years over here. so, you know, those tactics have worked before they also relied heavily on non violence and which confounded the military in many ways. and so along with collective action and then
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return to some of the proven structures such as the soonest professionals association. there's also a need for a real championing of other sorts of messaging and, and the causes that the people on the streets are going to want to see, you know, they have also avoid quite clear leadership throughout the revolution and, and they may pursue this approach again you know, especially given that the, the, the, the talisman for the revolution, today's however strong or weak you may have been to, the prime minister has been, has been, goes to the way honest. i mean, it was not a secret, a tool that the military takeover was just going to be a matter of time. you look at the protest pro, a military protest of the will choreographed by the establishment. you look at the statements made by the military following the attempted coup last month, but the question is, why would a bull hand go for this drastic measures when he knows that no one in the
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international community, the main back as the main donors, reject me to take overs. that is the big puzzle. the one legitimate criticism that he may have heard of the civilian government was that it had failed to deliver on the promise of economic stabilization. the economic crisis ensued on remains dyer. and that's actually very largely the responsibility of the international donors who are very, very slow in, in providing the necessary assistance to stabilize saddam. but they have been doing that over the last few months. the now we have had debt rescheduling, debt relief, the lifting of the state sponsors of terror designation, the beginnings of economic normalization. and that can be credited to the civilian leadership and especially to to adela dock. now there is no chance that the united states, the europe in union, the world bank, etc, are going to come in and say,
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we don't mind having be democratic transition torn up. the other option that the album hand might have is to get some cash in hand from the saudis, from the moratti's for that is not either. and it's striking that the ira believe, came with a statement that didn't just call for dialogue, but cold for a return to the constitutional agreement of 2019. and i think it's not likely of the oblique would have gotten very much out of step with the, with the egyptians. so it is quite unclear to me where possible, foreign financial support for alper homes poach is going to come from. well, it, we, we've seen all of those statements coming from the us, from the, from a different key players denouncing the decisions made by hand. but do you think that this could be translated into sanctions targeting the military regime?
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it's, it's, i'm unclear to investigate your graphic landscape your, i think i would not have attempted this. it could, it was without getting approval from a deep sense of from you eat. but if you look at the situation of so that it's, it's a tend to be that trying to make a transition to democracy. and it's me, this of every john that is dominated by autocrats so in they don't like democracy, but they do have it. this is for miss, so it's not clear on is just going to in the absence of any political and social grounding, it's not yet clear that he will just go back to the next thing we've missed. if he does such a thing, then that is, that's a definite suicide. but let us be the mind that the american, i mean,
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the american especially boy, that some of the european spirit, especially in boys when it comes to only 48 hours a normal. so it's, we don't know if they have given on behind the green light or whether they, they just stipulated some condition here and there. but i think what is estate is, is the economic situation is the situation now is web sitting the dishes are bad, that he's not economy prices, and he's the need for guys to come in already 3000000000 dollars coming from the, from the world bank. but it was, it's not clear if the subpoena and now have the institutional capacity needed to prepare projects for such for such dusky video dots join us about hand made it
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clear that who will preserve who wants to preserve the job agreement. that was fine with the 2 key factions operating into 4 unsolved cordova. but do you think that these factions will be willing to be part of an establishment when we know from the beginning that we're always skeptical of the military, john to the saw them as reminiscent of the old order. and they were only encouraged when they said, you know what, the house with the videos, so that would be a different country to live in. well speaking with essentially, all of the commander suits signed onto the agreement back during the talks in, in june. but what i found was, you know, a set of gentlemen who were in many ways much more concerned about ending up on the side of the winter. you know, there was real concern that the civilians had the strengths and capacity and wherewithal to actually deliver this transition. and in many ways, as you've seen the split of the force,
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freedom and change in sudan revolutionary front, just knew 2 or 3 weeks ago. you've seen the finance minister and head of the justice and equality movement, job really raheem and many monopoly of the city liberation army. take off in their own direction and essentially in the direction of the military. because they feel that where they to be faced with the sort of elections and an open are test of their popularity. that the transition is meant to create that they would lose very badly and they would not the be competitive candidates. and so they have decided to, rather than standing behind the sorts of values to put them in the bush fighting against the government for 20 years. and so they decided to, to, to, to hue much more closely towards the military who they do see as much more likely to be able to deliver them more sustained around an hour. it was alex, it was quite obvious for quite some time in so then that the military establishment is trying to cope the lead to brian tribal leaders to try to influence the decision
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decision making process in the country. but to what extent that could be helpful in the near future, we're talking about a country that has been beset for cent, for decades and decades by instability and dictatorship. well that was absolutely the, the method that was used by omar alba, she had to stay in power. we call it the political marketplace just buying off the the provincial elite, a tribal. ready elders, the militia commanders, rebel leaders, etc, etc. and many men now we and debris that he brought him. what, what also players in this game? and yes, i'm sure that his walk to albert han is going to try and do in the short term, but he faces not only the problem that he cannot buy off the international community and cannot buy off the street. but also there are the 2 most significant rural provincial armed groups, the sudan liberation movement of up the life of nor endorsed for and the s p l and
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north dallas. he's out in lieu in the mountains in south quarter from they had not yet bought into the duper agreement. and the very real risk that the active and conflict with these 2 groups will resume at scale. so albert on is actually not only risking the entire democratic transition, but he's also jeopardizing the completion of an incomplete piece process in, in court a fine and are for i have very few questions left well need, 1st of all and briefly if you don't mind those moderate civilians who had hopes that this could be conducive to a genuine democracy incident when they saw what happened when they saw the describe as a betrayal by the army chief. do you think that this could lead them to more of an aggressive stance in the near future?
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i believe that the needs are going to maintain peaceful tactics. attempt it again, is that so that she and though again is on however my feet, some comes from the fact that people are already out in the streets and they are adam. and again, is this and should things where to say that is going to be a confrontation which may need to some bloodshed. right. i mean, during june of 2015 at the fit in some 1800 in given a protest that were killed. now we're not talking about a protest in a very concise place. we're talking about the protest nationwide. and,
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and i think that i just prayed to god, that things won't go through to this extent, jonas, the army is not a case if entity in sudan, you have the professional soldiers, you have those who are loyal to the l bashir. you have committee who is widely considered as an outsider and do think that this institution itself will be able to move forward united under the command of hon for as long as it takes i think the current dispensation and certainly the events of the last few weeks have been incredibly short sighted there and they're based all on very short term interests. you know what, one of those short term interests do not serve the stakeholders who are part of them any more. and they will have to go on for new partners. so, you know, i think, you know, those, those divisions are destined to, to, by the military back ultima,
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i think, you know, one, you know, under appreciate component here and, and a catalyst for today's events really was egypt integral role in bringing the rapids for courses and the sudan armed forces back together in early june to force very close to to battle themselves inside cartoon. alex, this is exactly the dream that albert han and the t m. c. was trying to sell to the people of sedan under our control. if you go along with us for the transitional period, we will offer peace stability, and we will be a much stronger nation for the near future. those people who are. so what happened with those announcement do think that they would feel that everything has been completely shut to living in the country in a total limbo. i think our hunger credibility is at an all time low. it's. he really doesn't speak with the authority of a man who can be trusted or a man who commands the political landscape. and one's hope
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in the coming weeks is that actually the military having shown its hand, it will be unable to accomplish any of the tasks that it is that it has promised for itself. and the revolutionary aspirations of those sudanese democrats of 2 years ago, come at last before built the revolution can be, can be accomplished, and the military can be reduced to it's much smaller, proper rolled in sunni society. and this is all happening with african, you has been basically things that it was hoping to silence guns and to put an end to long era of military coups and dictatorship in the continent. bye. see that we have to wait and perhaps it's going to be a long way to go before we see more peaceful civilian governments preventing the part of the world. when the medieval join us, horner alex ward, thank you very much for your insight. looking forward to talking to you in the near future. and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by
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visiting our website. al jazeera dot com for further discussion goes on facebook page about facebook dot com forward slash a jane sized floating. you can also join the conversation on twitter, l 100 at a james. i thought from the house about the entire team, into her life enough. ah ah. ah, allow the government algebra with all
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of develop, filling a promise of connecting the world, connecting the future. wanted gotta gotta gateway to whoa trade. ah, this is al jazeera. ah, you are watching the news, our live from a headquarters in del hi. i'm debbie and abigail coming up in the next 60 minutes. the head of saddam's military launches a crew dissolving the ruling council, which he says has been divided by in fighting. who protesters denouncing the de had detention to fill the street. some have been met with gun fire turkeys. presidents addresses a dispute.
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