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tv   [untitled]    October 28, 2021 10:30am-11:01am AST

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in the community, when the land claims restitution act was passed in 1994, it was supposed to offer hope and justice to the displaced more than 80000 claims have been deemed settled. but more than 26000 remain unresolved. it's unclear how many people have actually re settled on reclaimed land with shake suspects tenants on the mac who are property or stalling in the hopes. the remaining elders who live through the trauma will give up. he says he'll die fighting to reclaim their stolen land. natasha name al jazeera. ca sewland, a tall province, south africa. ah, hello, this is al jazeera and these are the headlines. at least 6 sudanese ambassadors have been sacked by the military as international pressure grows against monday's crew. the african union has suspended cartoon,
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and the while bank has put aide on hold. what's important for the secretary general and for all of us, is to see the immediate and unconditional release of all other government officials who continue to be oh, on, on lawfully detained. as well as activist, oh, any one else who has been detained arbitrarily, ah, by the authorities. and every once human rights of course, must be a respected of the secretary general has been on the phone. and his advisors have been in touch with relevant or people. pakistan's government is threatening to crack down on a band group after 4 police officers were killed at a rally meal. a hor, members of the to rekey bake posse are demanding the release of their lead. am farmers in sri lanka, protesting they're against a lack of fertilizer. after
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a government ban on all agro chemicals, the man as part of a crackdown on so called non essential imports during a foreign currency crisis. india has successfully test fired one of its intercontinental ballistic missiles. the acne 5 has a range of 5000 kilometers and is capable also of carrying a nuclear warhead and believe to be able to strike nearly all of china. the european union's top court has ordered poland to pay a daily fine of $1200000.00 in a dispute about judicial reforms. the you had ordered poland to suspend a chamber and it supreme court that was set up in 2018 to discipline judges. critics, a, it's used to silence independent voices. france has seized a british boat fishing in its waters without a license, as they can vessel, was given a verbal warning. it's the latest escalation and a dispute between the 2 nations linked to a post wrecks at fishing agreement. although the headlines, i'll have more news for you here on the al jazeera after inside story. do stay with
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us. a fearless mexican journalists side lying for taking on a precedent. and a corrupt system ruled by a single party for over 70 years. only to then establish an investigative platform, determined to break through a poisonous media landscape in search of justice. an epic saga of truth seeking and a refusal to be gagged rating of silence, a witness documentary on out to sierra. ah, how exactly with a new plan to rule. all small lanchen communities under one law effectively represent everyone. white also trying to help heal divisions within society. the decision to appoint a buddhist monk to oversee these we've been reformed. a stalking controversy. this is inside story. ah
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hello, welcome to the program m. hashem abala. surreal anchor has a long history of ethnic and religious tensions, and with a new plan president, good job. i had as a boxer hope to hear those divisions by carrying out a series of reforms. his just appointed a task force to establish a blanket system for all communities. the so called one country, one law concept aims to an discrimination across re lanka. but the panel will be headed by a controversial buddhist monk known for his anti muslims dance. he'll be leading a 30 member committee that includes 4 muslims representatives, but no tamiels muslims make up almost 10 percent of sri lanka as 20 to a 1000000 people who are predominantly seen hattie's buddhists got of. i was
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elected in 2019 with the backing of the buddhist majority. critics say the president, for most of the plan during his presidential campaign to secure their support, president got a buyer's proposal for legal reforms. gains significant momentum after the years their suicide bomb attacks in 2019 more than 250 people were killed in a series of well coordinated attacks on churches and hotels. the incident was blamed on an icy linked group. since then, there's been an optic in mob violence against muslims in the island nation. rice groove say the muslim minorities, suffered from consistent harassment. over the years, a sentiment foreseen, holla, buddhist nationalism grew. the terminal minority has also played a part in these tensions separatists from the community of fought a violent insurgency,
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a gas government forces for decades until the civil war ended in 2009. we'll get to our gas shortly, but 1st men, l fernandez, reports from colombo. people are waiting to see what exactly this means. the presidential task force on one country, one law, as it's being described, ah, is something that the president says will be required to look and review existing laws, as well as to recommend and draw off new laws that feed into this concept of one country. one law that is very much in keeping with one of the pillars of god forbid roger boxes, presidential campaign to bring the entire country under one umbrella. now for minorities, obviously they're looking at this with kind of mixed feelings, waiting to see what exactly it contains and what exactly the government's plans are . one concern though,
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right at the outset is the leadership of that presidential task force. a controversial figure are notorious monk has been appointed as the chairperson of this task force, which is extremely boring because his monk has been a instigating violence against minorities in the country in the past and was in the forefront of some of these sir turret. i mean, racist attacks that happened around the country in the past. and the last few weeks he has come on state media and has been talking about a new, a set of attacks that may happen in sher lanka, which is extremely boring because a person who has been delegated executed powers. this. this looks as if the president got arbitrage epoxy has delegated his executive powers on to this notorious monks who it's very boring as a, as, as a civilian shalaka as to what could happen in the future. so as indicated by the t n, a parliamentarian or the inclusion right at the head of this task force of a controversial, a buddhist monk, is something that has sent concerns among the minorities about the kind of exact
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bonafide as of what the government is trying to do now for moist minorities what they had been asking for and calling for is that every single city is a no matter what race, what religion ah, is treated as equal before the law. it should not depend on who he or she is connected to what religion he or she follows up or what sort of political ideology and that is the concern that the government will have to allay. now we did ask the government for a comment order reaction to to answer some questions. but at this stage, they did say they are still sort of review english new a sort of gas it and things like that that they would to comment at a later stage. but for minorities, they are waiting to see now shalanda has always been a diverse of fabric of communities that have lived side by side for centuries. and this has also been its strength. so what it's hoping that this is not going to be
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a one country, one law, where all that unique difference is forced to be sort of, you know, 2nd to a majority area and kind of law. but the government will have to lay these fears below fernandez inside story colombo ah, less bringing august's in colombo, barney for nascar senior researcher of a center for policy alternatives in nottingham. tom hill are not ivy, and i again liked her in the international human rights law. university of nottingham, also in colombo to ring up the subtle was also co founder of women's action network . welcome to the program. but funny, let's talk about with the one country. one more concept. is it an, a town by the government, or by russia boxer, in particular, to bring all the nation under one legal code irrespective of our religious
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identities and ethnic operations. thank you for having me. so we realized a few hours ago and that the government, the president has issued a gazette appointing this presidential task force. and one look said the mandate of the task was any very clear eats to take forward this policy of one country, one law. now there are a couple of issues, one needs to fact aid. this is not a neil thing. we've heard this since 2019 with the election manifesto of good javier roger boxer. and since he came in to orfis says, well we've heard this continuous. so i rhetoric call the wine country one, no policy. so it's not new. what's new is that it's now being driven through this
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task force. and this culture of task force is that one aspect, the other is the composition of the task force, which is headed by a very d, v. c would use monk. there's a whole history to i and he's background on what he has done in the past. but also very serious, see, he's been convicted for contempt of court of the highest court in sri lanka. so there's a lot of issues around this. but fundamentally, the question is, why do we need this task force? and what's the purpose of this task was at this moment. okay, i need to look stu thus vasa, really the question. every one is asking time, and why would you need this particular law now when you have a diverse nation, such a sri lanka. thank you very much on and i'm very pleased to be here as well. i mean, to echo, i'm barney just said,
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the point is that roger puncture and his family and ran on this very electoral base, and they are just giving back what the electoral base wants, namely to establish a single leave. legal had too many in the country in the atmosphere of my jewelry, terrorism that is deeply entrenched to ensure longer for decades. and it's interesting enough that they are using and doing it now when they are at the very crossfire or with united nations. please consider and be aware that them sholonda has a vibrant interaction with the united nations human rights machinery and the united nations that's on different occasions in 20142017. before the un human rights treaty bodies asked to either amend or repeal personal laws like that this abominably law that terminal person laws, but also the muslim laws. and,
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but the interesting thing now is that international human rights law is ra they use as a trojan horse introduce single leaves legal head gemini, that is now playing, and penned us towards the electoral bass. in a country serene. usually when you want to sell a law to the people or what you want to win the hearts and minds you bring about someone who can build bridges, the choice of gallagher that to you and, and sarah has been absolutely controversial from day one. why do you think there was a box that is putting the bunk totally of this committee? ah, because i think our departure is politics this now it's about for working and the most in sentiment. and that is the only way forward for them to continue with this country right now. countries almost collapsing with regard to economy, the constituency that elected roger pasha,
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based on the single of buddhist ideology that they talked about. because the slogan of one country, one law he started actually can bait. so the president is becoming very unpopular in the context of that. we see that this is all about anti muslim rhetoric again. thank you. bonnie: when you look at the the, the supporters of the, of the new panel, they will tell you the basically you have piss personal laws which are discriminating against women in sri lanka, failing to address domestic violence against women or the issue forced marriages. and therefore, it's about time to have one legal code that will be the fundamental law answer lanka. and for this particular reason, what alyssa boxer is doing is genuine and justified. well, i think the question to ask is, why is it being done by a task force and,
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and i think for those who are not aware of it, there are several committees set her by the meanest of for justice. the minister of justice has several committees looking at law reform and the law making process as a could declare system, instruct join sri lanka. so are we now seeing a task force headed by a buddhist monk? is the best way forward in terms of laurie farming, sri lanka, any laurie for it, not just about gender, but in any laws should be drafted by a task force and headed by someone who has normally go bank ground. now i think that's one question to was the other one is we also have experts that have been looking an image deanna these shoes and there are reports. so what is this new initiative going to add to lead? so there are a lot of questions i would say as a lawyer i have in terms of
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a task force being given these men did. and i think that that's something that really needs to be question tom and he have the issue for universal. he or writes of the same time and you have cultural relativism, minorities, particularly the thomas of the muslims are saying that this government has to understand that our culture is to be respect to the government is saying that we adhere to an international order that is more in favor of implementing universal hubel wise, i will how to respond to this. well, thank you very much for this question. i mean to echo bonnie m as well here again and unravel this a little bit further. and the point of the matter is, for lanka, is a postcolonial country. and it has inherited many of the malays that the country had inherited from the british colonizers and the portuguese and the dutch. so there isn't a milligram of culture, religion,
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traditions in the country existent. but using this argument of now universalizing human rights, something that show or the shrink lawmakers about, always oppose now using it for their own purpose, to further rob a legal hedge money and completely marginalizing and liquidating the identities of a multicultural country is completely contrary to the point i am coming from a scholarship which is called the 3rd world approaches to international law. and we have to consider the manifold narrative that i existent in this, in the country, rather than abolishing them. and that is the purpose right now of this past. what isn't trenching, belittle hedge, many cultural hagar many, but also further expanding at the presidency of roger puncture. and that is a great threat, and being someone who is ethnically tandal, we don't see any time of representation as well on the task force. and as usual,
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the staff forces are running on the concept of representation of the majority with some token as representatives from the minority business, the usual tactic that has been employed in both glowing sure, local sharina. the general sentiment about muslim is a this is an attempt to implement a buddhist supremacist rule in sri lanka, what would be next? move for the muslim community in sri lanka. it's very difficult because it's coming at a time, as you pointed out, this mostly personal law, the form has been discussed and the men for the last 40 years have been fighting for, for these reform. and it's also very interesting. this particular committee can also look at the draft last act that had been drafted and some of the amendments that are being done by the justice ministry. so it's very tough for many of us who have been fighting for the men's rights children's rights in this country. equality
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before law and all of these, you know, convicted extreme is criminal as being brought in as the head of the committee. and it's very difficult to challenge this also to moving forward because the president has appointed the staff of many other tasks was also he is appointed because the 20th amendment gives him that power. and i don't know whether be able to go to supreme court on the guest set itself, but when the committee this particular committee, so i just think maybe probably be to be able to challenge those things. and i'm also thinking that this is not only the mostly personal law reform per se, but also there are other things that are on the chopping board of mothers abolishing mother us banning. no, because a lot of food and then scrutiny off at a big script. you know and also at a big translation and more recently,
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ban of co sourcing all these things and also radicalization that is, that came as a gas that again a challenge and probably there is a possibility of them bringing in d, that equalization process also into these this particular committee, so it's very complex and we need to legally more, you know, challenge these whatever possible way the same time. we have the muslim employees who have crossed over and given at our departure, just these 2 and the other men and them hover that piece of thing now against muslims. so it is, those mostly may be small. gusto has to look into these medically any brovana is in the buddhist nationalist sentiment, which has paved the way to these drastic changes that we're seeing in the society. or was it 2019 attacks? that was the moment for roger back. so to say is my moment to implement the forms
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or the policies i would like to implement. so i think it's very important to look at our recent history, these to sunday taxes. i think we're to rewind music very often. 2019 but the tax against them was same community goes back years in a raid their kids. but the more recent attacks in the postwar period actually you've seen attacks in 2014, 2018 specific incidence where one but t club would be monkeys linked to these incidence. now if you look at that incident and the individual that pretty clean to withdrawal now is heading up a task force. so days, particular culture that has been built on impunity, that one mean to we, julia enjoys. and at the roger pac sir, redeem. now this task force is merely ledge to my says he's royal
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the impunity he enjoys, but also sends a message to the minorities in this country that they're 2nd class citizens. that the majority community and particularly buddhist monks who are known and there's evidence of incitement. kenneth ghetto, we read so much, not just that, not justine, side, men and the reason they seasoning do girl who has been convict, turd for contempt of court. so by appointing him to this particular task force, the proceed only sending a direct message that he doesn't care about the judicial process. he doesn't care about the law making process. so he has huge implications as to what the president has done. he may have issued just a guess, but the implications are long term and her can surgery lanka back in so many ways and that needs to be recognized and taken out on injury,
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rosalind about chat. that's an important point. time of incidental committee has be very critical of the atrocities committees. augusta mr. the point where they were asking for the government to take a concrete steps to reach out to the time it and to heal the wounds of the civil war. now, by excluding a terminal or tamiels from this task force is the government. what does roger pack said, inciting ethnic religious animosities? once again, indeed, i mean, the current president there was spare heading. he was the architect of the end of the war of the civil war that lasted for 26 years in 2009 and not including now the tamela, although the roger boxer family is making as so called effort by speaking trammel in public or pretending to care for the family issue on various from the nomination of
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a terminal to the task force which is just only circumventing the usual legal process. it's just on the cutting and on the mining any credibility in it's presidency from the perspective, all the channels. but also as we have pointed out, niana think that they will is as spare heading and muslim hate, but also anti camel hate in the country. and very task force, if the symbol of division it is a simple ating a new legal empire that favors the majority. and that just fight lines the minorities in the country and is not leaving any way to real reconciliation. the united nation and international organizations have tried to strike for reconciliation on many occasions. i don't want to, i don't want to go into the details of touch, but the failure is evident. we don't
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a reconciliation. limitation on the table is evidence sharina since 2019 these are some of the decisions made by the president and we were widely seen as anti muslims, particularly the ban on book ban on the russ as imposing mendez reclamation policy for the covered 19 debt and refuse thing to allow muslims to bury that dead according to the religion is this is this interpreted by muslims as an indication that the government, or as i said in particular, is adamant in his anti muslim stance. if he deeply, i mean beyond me to see that be, i know most of the scent of this country, it's a, it's a form of, you know, minority communities in this country feel that they are good citizens and we have to stock one of the majority single it will be some say to us,
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if the don't we have to get out. so the whole one country by law is all about it is state. this is what president said he's in a speech. this is a booty state that i am a president elected by single buddhist and i will serve them, but i will look after the minority as that. so this is very clearly indicate that he's not going to speech. he's implementing that ever since he took over the office . and also very interestingly, all this to us was that he has been finding either military men or the clergyman, and also the women's a presentation is missing president, not only intimidating minority, but also the countries the men are left out in any of the legislative process. all being part of what about the consolidation that he's, he has been doing so it's also very interesting because at the time and the men from various minority communities have been also in the fall from articulating for variously falls. and the procedure to come up with this task force with
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a cons over 2 men, criminals and also the military men. and also in this particular task force, we don't know who this these things are also. so i mean, it can be one section of the muslim community. this also can divide the muslim community to be says, because if you will, if president is giving only one section of the most in community, one sick and the other rest of the communities being vilified in the name of following bobby some, all the various parts of it the thing, it's very problematic because not too long ago, one aside, long told, in the public media that he did, i don't know who is the reason why that is always happening all over the world. and i just like in that con i see we're running out of time ran out of the time l. benton again and bonnie for this guy really appreciate your time. thank you . and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting
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our website a dot com for further discussion goes our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a jane site story. you can also join the conversational and twitter. i'll 100 is add a jane size story for me. hash about about i and the entire team here in doha bye. for now. november on al jazeera, also a year. a turbulent weather. well, lead us gather in glasgow for crystal summit on the battle against climate change. emmy award winning 4 lines, goes beyond the headlines, investigating the untold stories across the us. millions in car gast, on both in parliamentary elections under a new constitution. and more than a year after the lawful frigate, a political, quite immersive personal,
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a stop being fog rental watcher and began. is this partners the stories we don't often hear told by the people who did them. jeff is such a level of life. sure. east and undertakers. this is europe anal to 0. lou o. as protest spread against the qu, in sudan invoice from several countries, meet the deposed prime minister. ah, hello there, i'm this darcy, italian. this is al jazeera life from durham, also coming up tension in pakistan as a band group threatened to march to the capitol after police officers are killed in
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a day of violence farmers entree lanka, hold protests against a government ban on chemical.


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