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tv   [untitled]    October 28, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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late events, for instance, a wild flyers. and we have seen unprecedented wildfires over the past few years. we check for instance one single. why fi release more as your to emissions them a country for a year. and, and this is a quite alarming because it's a vicious cycle row. as you have a more, a higher temperatures. these means more wildfires. whoa, whoa, there's more a c o 2 emissions. and then more c o 2 emissions again, a higher temperature. so it's a vicious cycle that can be very dangerous. ah, hello again. the headlines on al jazeera us president joe biden has held what he's described as a historic plan for economic investment on spending. he was announcing
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a framework agreement for his $1.00 trillion dollars, social spending fund, after divisive negotiations within his democratic party. we need to build america from the bottom up in the below. not from the top down with the trickle down economics that's always failed us. i can't think of a single time in the middle class has done well that the wealthy haven't done very well. they have many times, including now in the wealthy the super wealthy do very well in the middle class. don't do. well, that's why i propose the investments congress is now considering in too critical piece of legislation. positions i ran on as president positions. i announced one i laid out in a joint session of congress, what my economic agenda was. these are not about left versus right or moderate versus progressive. the u. k. has rejected threats from france to block its boats from french ports, saying that's a breach of international law. the french government says it needs more licenses
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for the fisherman and u. k. waters, or it may impose sanctions. the un security council has issued its 1st statements expressing serious concern about the military takeover and don us has called for the release of all those the chain by the military or former president. mauricio mccree has appeared in court in china. dolores, to face espionage charges, mockery is accused of ordering the countries intelligence agencies to intimidate and spy on the families of crew members who died on board a submarine in 2017 rebels. and if yo yos, northern gray region, say the military has carried out another air strike. the european government says its target at a site mckellar used by to ryan forces to make and repair weapons, but a t gray people's liberation front spokesman tonight saying the time struck a civilian president. warner who's at the top of the hour,
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an hour to 0. that's after planet s o n ah, ah, ah, ah ah, hello, welcome to this special episode of planet s o s were here in ebay and greece scene of those devastating wildfires in the summer. ah, what was a catastrophic yearly stream where the world wide we look ahead to call 26 that crucial you and climate summit and gloves going scotland is taking place next week . and from here in grace will be traveling to the coff havi and mountains and
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remain yet oh, to hear the cool little wild largest area of virgin forest in europe under salt from illegal loggers and saving the sturgeon how in ancient fashion, struggling to survive alongside george's ambitious hydroelectricity projects, the young polish activists hoping to protect the future. he doesn't feel this, this sense of the world just being destroyed that i see every day when i wake up and testing the air flying high up the crack off in poland in one of the most polluted regions of you. ah, and the 1st typically you in climate summers do not attract the attention of the world at large. but this one has and primarily it's because of the extreme weather events we've been seeing this year. let's take a look this summer alone in the u. s. death valley, so the highest temperature ever recorded on us flooding in germany in belgium,
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killed more than 200 people. more flooding in china with passengers trapped on subway trains. and wild fans raged in the us, canada and siberia. in europe, record heat waves calls widespread fires across turkey and greece. and here in area the still picking up the pieces. in early august with temperatures at m. c, eyes, wildfire ripped across southern europe. the land was parched and the fires quickly spread, nor the nivia in greece was a hottest hit inferno lawsuit for 2 weeks. thousands were evacuated. today you can see what's left in the devastation in this area was total. people are well used to annual wildfires here, but not on this scale. not with this much last thousands of hector's of forest and livelihoods just incinerated. and because of the fires a new threat,
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as the rain comes so do floods and months, lights the flies of destroy the land, natural ability to withhold water, to act as a flood defense system. so now in periods of intense rain thought it is cascades of things, hillsides so that using the dead trees, the shore of the soil and the land in these hard exhausting work, but vital to preserve what's left and encouraged. regeneration of the forest e. net that is able to guy again about a there you were trying to keep the soil in place as we don't want it to be carried away by heavy rainfall because their natural regeneration cannot take place. they slowly be carried into the creeks and that will create a huge problem causing flooding. only a by community is a big part of every, as far as the economy has been obliterated. cost as i own you, as livelihood comes from his bees, who make honey from the resin of pine trees,
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or used to cost a shows me what's left of the dozens of hives. he lost to the fires against the mirror them alicia nevo. i feel sad that this once green forest has been burnt, and i find it difficult to figure out what we'll do and how be keeping can continue to exist on ebay. what we will not be around when this forest is once again able to give us honey. so for us, our area has died. collecting pine reson was an important money owner for farmers like george yas agnostic. but not any more. he also lost a fit of his goat, her to the fires. across the island, more animals died than survived. either political or service rather got as much traffic on the destruction was great for farmers. buildings were burnt, animals were lost, and grazing. land has disappeared. in other words, what we had here was last many years to go by so that things can return to how they
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were from last livelihoods to ruined homes. all this is the reality of a warming world. natural weather events made worse by climate change. city, when you come inside that you get a sense realization just how fast it must have been it living normally one band and the very next is oldest torch than collapsed around you. everywhere you look as evidence of a life once lived to folk is an old tin odom. and that presumed we just sat on shells, an old book, dentist. ah, this has been a seismic event that has changed lives perhaps for a generation. but the forest will come back because nature always does. if humanity allows it to say,
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helping people adapt to and mitigate against extreme weather events that cause damage like this is a big part of the you and climate summit and glasgow next week. say, what does success at cop $26.00 looked like? well, remember the science says we need to prevent temperatures from rising beyond ideally one and a half degrees celsius bots. the 2021 production gap report out last week shows current. government plans will produce more than double the amounts of fossil fuels required to make that happen. so in close go, we need a strong declaration that commit to net 0 emissions by 2050, as well as big reductions by 2030. developing nations will want a considerable financial package to help them adapt and then needs to be ambitious commitment to phasing out cole and protecting forests, editing shorts and cop 26 will be deemed a failure. and then who knows what lies in store.
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so a major focus at 20 sakes will be an attempt to set goals to end deforestation for us, of course, a crucial for the health of the planet. and we've come here to the co pay the mountains in romania, which is home to $1.00 of the largest remnants of virgin forest and europe, which is also under devastating insult from illegal looking autumn carpets the hillsides, the multi hued canopy mocking the seasonal change of millennia ancient original forests sweeping across the copy, the mountains in eastern europe. it's been here since the ice age, a mosaic of habitat rich in life and sheer natural valley. if the amazon rain forest is the lungs of the world and the forest of the copay,
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the mountains of the lungs of europe, they suck the c o 2 out of the atmosphere and put oxygen back into it. they regulate the water system. there's a vast, vast array of life here. in fact, the forests of the world are the most by diverse ecosystems on the planet. barton is once proceed environment. life is be squeezed out by the so called in the mafia . trees being extracted illegally on an unprecedented scale by criminal gangs, and the locals who fight against it, pay the price. meetings are frequent. the people, the murder to 6 forest ranges have been killed in the last few years. leading to recent protests in the capital and caressed oh, forest, and hurry a petra's mimics the cold of a red stag only going apart. he tells me they used to be 50 or
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60 in this area alone. so, but now it seems, there are none. and this is why this area was legally logged 10 years ago and it ripped apart to a system where trees one stood for thousands of years. and there are abundant bio diversity as a don't. it's all but a lifeless patchwork. but you can see in this kind of station from the, on the letter a maps, you can see everything. it's impossible to believe that they didn't know they know, and they encourage and they took a lot of money. what he says is clear who's to blame the politicians, ending good for us and professional studies and grew up into the forest and know what forestry means, can blame only to politicians. we spoke to the government and they told us combating illegal logging is one of the priorities of romania. it's
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a continuous action and we've already seen results. a working group has been set up which aims to increase the efficiency of sullivan criminal cases involving forestry crimes. as well as the specialization of environmental prosecutors we drove on through the forest along tracks and roads used in plain sight by the illegal loggers. the people who live in the mountains is terrible. farmer and forest only conclusion says the whole community is affected by today for the important on the internet that they have been told. for hundreds of years, we have managed the forest in a sustainable way. we take a small amount of wood for building and fire. you know, it's very annoying that strangers come here from other countries and take away our way of life. i'm frightened of the people who steal to what i feel my family's in danger. because this is a mob like organization, the scale of loss is staggering,
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romania loses up to 9 heck his a forest per hour to illegal logging. that contributes to the huge amount of forest loss globally. in fact, between 1990 in 2016, the world lost 1300000 square kilometers a forest. an area larger than south africa. and in 2020 tropical forest loss around the world equal the size of the netherlands. since humans started cutting down forests, 46 percent of trees have been found. mm. around the world 2020 was meant to be a landmark year in the fight against deforestation a year by which many countries have pledged to have or completely stop forest loss . but in fact, the plundering has increased here in romania. it's not too late yet. if not now, when we come to southern poland,
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the heart of the countries mining industry. the rich coal seems of felicia have long powered the country. economic engine today providing up to 50000 jobs co accounts for more than 2 thirds of the country's energy supply. the trouble is by 2049 coal is due to be phased out and that presents a very real problem for the region and for the country as a whole. across poland, coal heartlands. this is a familiar site every day of the year and has been for decades, power stations working non stop, to keep the country running. this is the biggest and most common polluting power plant, the whole of europe. it is a balance of power station and it accounts for around a 5th, about 20 percent opponents total energy requirement and is fueled by this colossal pit my. we can see in front of his head and employs nearly 10000 people. ah, but everyone across the industry is deeply worried about the future as
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a transition to renewables means coal should be phased out entirely by 2049 at the latest. so the question is, what happens to the minus i met with mine and trade union offices. georgie, america, who was in the pits for 43, is he took me deep down a decommission mine, which is more than 40 kilometers of underground tunnels and told me minus of word the cold faces here. sincerely 18 hundreds. now as the industry winds down 21st century minus, feel let down by the government, ashes us on of i am feeling for which em but if a prostate and i understand change is taking place in the money industry on necessary. but those changes have to put people 1st. it must be a just and fair transition, securing their existence. the money industry has long set the lift to our economy. and today money is being considered as something bad and problematic for the
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government. the green transition is a huge challenge. it admitted to al jazeera, it's unlikely to hit the 25th, the carbon neutral target, agreed by the e. u. i think for, for us, certainly it will be, it will be more difficult and than for orders. and it will certainly take us longer. it might be a few years beyond that. we haven't said that goal specifically in our, in our legislation today, we are currently working on, on a strategic until 2050, but it hasn't been finalized. i don't that stone certainly does. not make the full coming you in climate negotiations in glasgow any easier with their focus on the phasing out of co. a bad news too. because from a health perspective, the green transition cannot come soon enough. across poland, toxic colson, willows from millions of chimney tops. and this at a time when the world health organization says it,
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air pollution is more dangerous than previously thought. killing an estimated $7000000.00 people a year in poland itself. air pollution causes $45000.00 premature deaths each year, while the country has some of the most polluted air in europe. and 36 of europe's 50 most polluted cities are in the country. but in the ones badly polluted city of crack of science is hitching a ride into the evening sky. every time this sight, seeing balloon goes up on both senses, sent air pollution measurements down in 2019 city authorities band. the burning of fossil fuels within city limits and the effects have been immediate. se, yeah, great. changing the city, the quality of the air is se, improving cra, city outdoor. if the city is pushing to hurry, much pressure to it would use the amy since the crack of experience demonstrates
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the possibilities ahead. for po, phase out coal, you slash emissions clean up the air at the same time, the getting there is a challenge. salisia the regional, the very front line of that green energy transition. and as that transition gathers pace, of course, all forms of renewable energy needs to be ramped up from solar to winds, even the whole debate over nuclear power. and we're going to focus now on hydro power. and the problem with that is that as we build more dams, it takes us toll on the natural world. robin for our share. walker reports now from georgia. if you could travel through the mists of time, say around 200000000 years, you would find fish remarkably like the ones swimming the present day waters of the reality river here. those special special fun in though a war of the we're in dinosaurs. this touches we're also living
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here. so this is my will to responsibility for this living linked to pre history rests on to moon as young shoulders a ph. d student and conservation officer with foreigner and flora international. 5 critically endangered species of sturgeon still spawn in the rony buddies. they travel upstream from the black sea to lay their ranks. but upstream numerous times have contributed to that trusty decline. this one is devout seeking hydropower cascade completed in 1097. it stopped fish from reaching spawning grounds that had existed for millennia hydropower. so very me probably for sure. pardon spawning grounds or chris and now it's only 9 kilometer in the past, it was more of
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a 50 measure temperature. the water to understand is the threat needs more data with said again is great to help. he remembers the days when the sturgeon would lodge and plentiful, catching them now is illegal. but if method locals know who to call our law, your mom is known as from another. we keep is alive, put it to the basket, and white the to moon, all the others. they'll come take a sample and let them go. said you fish rubies back into the river. that's delivering results. one species is thought to be extinct has been we discovered the so called ship sturgeon. but dna analysis also has revealed a wearing trend hybrid individuals which can no longer produce a listless dishes which interbred. they dont have ah,
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nough spawning grounds. also they are not locked into the dwarf and they cannot find the same species. ringback man's intervention is everywhere. here the river has been diverted to reduce seasonal flooding. this loose gates used to be used for quite a different purpose. if close you could trap migrating sturgeon and they could be caught far more easily. well, thanks to observe is on the ground. those kinds of big fishing events are far less common. 12 monitors now patrol a 92 kilometer stretch of the rony. last year kennedy's team uncovered $22.00 incidents of poaching, including this brig of hooks designed to snag sturgeon on the river bed. they cisco, that semi walker 20th, uncultured, livid, to live with underground that a law we are in contact with each other over the phone. we pass on information,
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what is happening in our area, or if a boat goes by, i will tell the others where it went in which day action and it will react so that if something illegal is happening, we can stop it. the sturgeon, ah, now better protected and better understood, but george is government once more, hydro power on this river, not less, their survival still hangs in the balance. the battle to change the way we power the world is mobilized. as mass climate youth movement, his actions resonates around the world. with rugs at 3 of ponies, you got to this and show them some video clips of some key players in the climate conversation. my name is them, you can, i'm 19 years old and i got into climate activism at the beginning of the pandemic because i always just wanted speed assertion to all the graces that were facing. hi,
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my name is what's ya and 16. and i joined to climate mover and 2 years ago i michel, i, i'm an 1000 years old and i knew came when they came in and we'll, than for about 3 years. there are further rises in temperatures that are already baked in. and my friends baked his word if we keep on the current track, then the temperatures will go up by 2.7 degrees or more by the end of the century. and never mind will that will do or to the ice flows dissolving like ice in your martini here in a new york. when i hear this i, i feel no hope to me. bars. johnson, just as his fellow prime minister, as presidents across the world, they are detached from the reality and do not treat the crisis that we are facing seriously. he meets with so many people and, and that she, she makes jokes about how the glacier is. i will melt like like ice in martini. i
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mean that's that just said, no, she bailed a good. you all commitment to fight and eyes and deforestation is strong. we recently recorded a 28 percent decrease in deforestation and burning in the region. but even then, we criticized valuable scenario as a climate denial. and or what he does is he commits eco site. and he, he lice straight into our faces. and he, he doesn't care about indigenous people off. i'm as own an unprecedented flashlight in new york in new jersey. is yet another more reminder that it is extreme storm in the crime, a crisis crisis, or here is a man of the seventy's, you know, and who knows, how long will he be able to, to live on this planet? i won't be living here for decades, but he is the one empower and he doesn't feel the fear that i feel he doesn't feel
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this, this sense of, you know, the world just just being destroyed that i see every day when i wake up. when climate crisis came to them, when the climate crisis started to threaten their homes like their country, now they're starting to treat. it's a seriously when for a lot of years, climate crisis was a relative for billions of people in the global. so there is no planet b, there is no plan and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, i think the blah, blah, blah, sums up a lot. i think it is a 100 percent representation of what the politicians across our country. but across the world are giving us at the moment is just blah blah, blah, emptiness. it's nothing. c was just so sarcastic at the beginning and i quite like that because um she played at the same game aside. our politicians do. and when she
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said, blah, blah, blah, ah, that was what i hear when politicians say something about climate. lou comical, 26 is very important because, ah, we don't have any more time thought i'd there and 25 coughs like this. is there any hope for cough? i think yes, because there will be a lot of people from our climate move went and i and i, and i just can't wait to, i feel the power of the people as long as they will be sticking to those fair entails. and we will not see crime and action that we have the right to see and that we demand from the world leaders will not see just as being implemented will not see climate being treated seriously. the only hope i see is in the movement and the people that treat this whole situation with the severity that it deserves the youth, we would very much driving the impetus for global change was it for this episode of
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canada. so as next stop by crucial climate summers in gloves go with you. see is a great deal at state street, whether to water shortages to destruction of environment to air pollution. the science tells us it is a fundamental moment, the relation to the world, a last chance perhaps to pull out of this headlong dive into the climate crisis, was altering the very nature of the world we live. mm hm. mm. it
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a ah . ah
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lena, from the world's biggest economies, will convene in rome this month to discuss the deteriorating economic situation in afghanistan. with all, i will also be on the g twenty's response to the climate emergency. can they find a way to prioritize the planets help over g d. p. special coverage on al jazeera. ah, we need to build america from the bottom up in the below. naturally chopped down. you as president joe biden has been on capitol hill to push tom across for a $1.00 trillion dollars spending bill ah, working on this 0 lie from headquarters in del prime denning abigail, also a heads frances, a british fishing vessel, and the latest post bricks,
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a dispute about fishing rights un calls on so don's military to restore these civilian.


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