tv [untitled] October 29, 2021 8:00am-8:31am AST
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ah, you want to help save the world, sneeze into your own. ah, told us oil executives testify before a congressional committee there were keys of contributing to climate change and covering it up. ah, hello money site. this is al 0 lie from doha. also coming up a battle of spending bills in the us, members of congress, a divided over what the president describes as a historic investment. argentina's, former president as facing espionage charges. mauricio mccrae suspected of ordering,
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spoiling on the relatives of crew members of a sunken summary. and facebook's parent company changes its name just weeks off to a whistle blower keys. the social network of putting profit above people, safety ah top oil and gas executives have denied misleading. the public about climate change . the ceo's of exxon mobil, chevron b. p. america and the president of shell appeared before the u. s. congress. they were asked about by roles in downplaying, the threat of global warming. it is the 1st time the oil bosses have testified on the oath on the subject, haughty j. castro has this report. it's been a year of the historic wild fires in the american west. deadly freezes in the
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south and record breaking, flooding in the east. the fury of these weather disasters likely amplified by climate change nearly matched by the anger of democrats on the house oversight committee, who grilled oil and gas ceos on thursday. there are more of us than there are of you. you can poise the planet to make money, but we're going to defend the planet so we can live and we will win. find it in yourself today to tell the truth. it will be better for your company's futures and it will be better for humanities, future. the purpose of the hearing, according to the democrats, who called it, was to force the oil and gas industry to admit that it knew of the harm of burning fossil fuels for decades, but chose not to tell the public. as evidence, internal memos from exxon mobil drafted nearly 40 years ago, warning management that climate change could produce catastrophic effects for much
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of the world. mr. woods giving these grave warnings from exxon's own scientists over and over and over again. do you believe that it was ethical for exxon to run a new york times advertisement that down played down, played the risk, and instead highlighted the potential positive impact of climate change from the oil ceo's denied deliberately misleading the public and pointed to recent efforts to move toward clean energy b p says it's striving for net 0 emissions by 2050. i recognized that some may doubt how serious we are about or in it 0 ambition. i get it or progress hasn't always been a straight line. but we've learned a great deal and we view the path we're on as a business imperative. then we an eggs on mobile lobbyist was secretly caught
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saying this in june. did we aggressively fight against some of the science? yes, we're exxon mobil fired the lobbyist saying he did not represent the company's viewpoint . me, well, republicans have come to the industry's defense. one. we are nauseated by the continuous attacks on work in americans and american industry. while you're getting be down to day, there are people here the believe in what you're doing and we thank you. this is the beginning of a year long investigation that democrats hope will hold big oil accountable in the same way. big tobacco hearings in the ninety's eventually led to massive settlements paid out by the industry. although critics say it'll take more than accountability to stop the earth from warming. heidi joe castro al jazeera washington. well, climate change is expected to be one of the main topics at the g. 20 summit in
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italy. president biden has arrived in rome to meet but lead us of the wells 20 biggest economies is also expected to visit the pope after summit by the and we'll head to glasgow for a un climate conference or before leaving for europe. vieira's president made a red trip to congress to urge democrats to back his spending package. it doesn't appear to have the full support of his policy for the $1.00 trillion dollars spending program. a key group of politicians says it will not vote on the infrastructure bill without the build back, better act elevator has the latest from washington. we are hurtling towards the mid terms and still a year away, but that's nothing in politics. and what this does is if you can get this pass now that means that by the time we get to the middle of next year, people have a tangible something they can, they can point towards. they can say this actually made my life better, my balance better or effective my life in
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a positive way in that way they may be more inclined to lend support. secondly, this bill also has a huge number of provisions for going green for tackling climate change. and remember, joe biden is going to be at the cops summit in glasgow, scotland, and a few days where he's going to stand on that will state. and he wants to be able to say we in the united states, we are leading the way. look, this is what we're doing. so this bill falls down. he can't be in that position and i could potentially be quite embarrassing for him. now this is a huge bill is billed by the best plan. it was 3 and a half trillion dollars a huge amount. it's still pretty big. it's still 1.75 trillion, but they've got to make a number of concessions. they've had to lose some things to do with, for example, expanding medical care for those in low income families who perhaps were looking to get dental or vision treatment. they've had to make concessions to parental leave, where the u. s. already really likes behind and they've still got some hold out some who still say they want more to be done or they want things put back in their on 2 or 3. and the problem that they've got is that they need all of the democrats
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support that they can get because 2 or 3 people doesn't sound like a huge amount. but the majority that margin is raise a thing. so it could all come crashing down if they don't get full support, which is why nancy pelosi has been cracking that metaphorical width. today she's been trying to get people on board. joe biden delayed his flight to head for the vatican to meet the pope by a few hours so that he could try and go make the case personally. but now as he comes into land, he's finding that perhaps things are not as soon as he thought they were christine pillows. he's a member of the democratic national committee. she's confident the spending programs will be approved. i think that both bills are going to pass the build back better agenda that all the democrats from the most progressive to the most conservative agreed on and ran on last year from top to bottom is reflected in both pieces of legislation. what happened was the beginning of the year, the republican said, well, we're going to give you a few votes on the american rescue plan to help people come out of coven,
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and we will give you some. and we will give you some support for physical infrastructure, but we don't want to pay for the care infrastructure that goes behind that. and so that the president got that he could get in the bipartisan infrastructure framework, but he still very much wants to deliver on his bill back better bill. and they just released a section by section analysis of it for people to read. so within the next few days, he will get successful votes on both. what you're seeing now is what we call in washington, the making of the, of the sausage it's, it's very unpleasant to watch. but ultimately, the american people can trust that the democratic party knows it's time to deliver . we cannot wait and we still can't wait past the new year because you only get to do a budget bill once a year. so everybody knows that. and why you might see some parlaying for time. now, it's really just a matter of days before both of them will get past the united kingdom has summoned
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the french ambassador after the seizure, as a british a fishing vessel. the 2 countries on a dispute by fishing licenses in the english channel, following fax it, and he simmons has the story. i put his trawlers seized by french maritime police who say the crew was fishing for scallops without a permit deny by its owners. it may sound like a small incident, but it's symptomatic of something much bigger. a potential escalation in a post bricks. it fishing rights dispute was causing much more than a ripple in u. k. french relations. it sites, for example, jersey. the british crown dependency only accepting a 3rd of the fishing permit applications from france. actually, mind uncharacteristically. it's time that we are respected as it's totally insufficient and totally unacceptable. so now we must talk of the language of force, and unfortunately, i fear that is the only thing that this british government understands. but no, the threats go beyond banning british trawlers from offloading their catches at
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french ports because this only amounts to a small proportion of exports without a settlement to the dispute before next tuesday, they'll be rigorous french customs checks on incoming cargo. and they won't be restricted to seafood, but britain isn't offering any concessions. the measures being threatened did not appear to be compatible with the trade in co operation agreement or wider international law. and if kerry true will be met with an appropriate and calibrated response, this isn't the 1st time the fishing rights issue has flared up in may french trawlers blockaded the main port in jersey. the british and french deployed a naval presence during the protests. this time, france seems unwilling to back down on demands to better get sit on coma. no, it is none war. it's a fight. the french fishermen have some riots. an agreement has been signed and we must have this agreement implemented here. we are fishing rides. we must defend
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them and we will defend them of hostile to his as you pay. france is also working on a 2nd round of sanctions if they're needed and that could mean a reduction of electricity supplies to the u. k. jose he is 95 percent dependent on french power. andrew simmons, al jazeera argentina's, former president, mauricio marquis has appeared in court on espionage charges, is a keys of ordering intelligence agencies to spy on the families of crew members of a submarine that sank 4 years ago. the case has been suspended on a legal technicality under swanner pals. ah, it was more like a political rally than a court case with several 100 supporters of the former president modi's geometry gathered in the small town of the lord is they believe he is innocent. that the charges against him politically motivated how law could yeah, he could never have spied on any one. what's the point of listening to the families,
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they should be looking for those responsible for the submarine tragedy. i had a mother, i'm disgusted. they even started this case. it's unbelievable. they would spy on people who had suffered such a terrible loss. many of his supporters urging him to stand again for the presidency in 2 years time. if he does this case hanging over him won't help. it was adjourned. the legal technicality, the prosecuting judge hadn't sought the permission necessary to try a case involving the state intelligence agency. how can a market them okay, mirror we want to cleaner life with more transparency, more honesty, that's more constructive and includes an independent and impartial judiciary. ah mac re support is a jubilant about the delay. it's not know when or even if you'll be required to return. at the heart of all this, the legal wranglings and the political maneuverings lies the still unanswered
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question of what happened to that submarine? the i or a san juan, and it's 44 crew members. that's the question. their families are still asking. the submarine disappeared in the south atlantic ocean in november, 2017. with 44 crew on board. it was sailing from the southern tip argentina to the naval base in martineau plata, when contact was lost. despite an extensive weeks long serge, nothing was found anxious, families were told nothing. as their anguish turned to anger their campaign, frances became a political football for this shows, a lack of respect these football chance show a lack of respect to us and our children, to the justice system. it's an unnecessary political circus. the wreck of the submarine was discovered a year after it disappeared at a depth of 900 meters, 460 kilometers of the argentine coast a technical for to cause an implosion. there were no survivors. the wreck will not
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be re floated, but the relative say they want to know more. i get all this to so that one you've been suffering since this began comes to one end of their spying illegal, spying on my mom and dad on me. it's not just, we want justice that they tell the truth, that while the san juan remains at the bottom of the ocean, while the falls on the case remain locked in military archives. and while those in office, at the time of the tragedy seek reelection, the families fight to discover what really happened to the 44 crew on board the submarine san juan, is like you to continue for some time daniel showing their al jazeera. delores, when us iris province still has on al jazeera, cannot things on the rise and hazy we have a teenage girl who snatched off the streets as she moved to the school. the turning to go for help find out how the animals to help
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communities in bob way deal with extreme weather changes. ah hi there. welcome to your world's weather forecasts in a minute 15. we're going to start in the middle east where we do have some showers working across the vans, northern areas of syria, into rock, just pushing into the western side of iran. but if we go round the gulf, we may also see some showers here. see these clouds over a q weight that could squeeze out some moisture and same goes for dough, the risk of seeing some thunderstorm. so if we do see these thunderstorms, the risk of also some flash flooding. and oh yeah, winds will be gusting up to about 40 kilometers per hour through pakistan. not much to report. we've got plenty in the way of sunshine both for the south and the north
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. the hor, getting up to a height of 27 degrees. disturbed weather more for eastern portions of turkey. there's those showers across the la vance impacting bade roots with the hiv $26.00 degrees. and we've got our storms coming and going across equitorial countries in africa. pretty heavy pulse there is we see through the western democratic republic of congo for their toward the south. also weather here, but more so eastern areas of south africa and winds will be a factor of for the eastern cape in port elizabeth. we'll see, those wind gets up to about 70 kilometers per hour, but really that brain, stretching from durban, right to port elizabeth. ah, ah, confronted with some of the worlds was dead quality, mongolia government has begun shutting the nation's polluted capital, cities, coal mines. but as the struggle rages to save the
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environment above ground, what does the future hold for the men who earn their living beneath it? ah witness. at the coal face on al jazeera ah ah oh, we'll come back. you watch now as a reminder of our top stories, this, our top oil and gas executives have faced tough questions and the u. s. congress, the ceo's of exxon mobil, chevron b, p. america, and the president of shell aust, about their roles in downplaying. the threat of climate change,
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the u. k. has some on the french ambassador after the seizure of the british fishing wessel as 2 countries are in a dispute about fishing license, if in the english channel falling breakfast, the espionage case against argentina's former present mauricio mockery has been suspended on a legal technicality. these accused of ordering intelligence agencies, despite the families of crew members of a submarine that sank. facebook has changed its name, the parent company, the famous social media site is now called meta. the chief executive, mog soccer barrack, says that reflects the meta verse and a few to world with far more online interaction. firms found a says it brings together the company's apps including instagram and whatsapp on the one brand under gallagher as more from miami. well, it's pretty significant, it's not unexpected. this has been being reported on over the past couple years
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that they were thinking about this. but the timing is something to bear in mind here. facebook has never perhaps been under as much scrutiny as it is now with these internal documents showing allegedly that they put profit over the dangers of misinformation. but if you listened and i watched the mark zuckerberg presentation, this is all about embracing new technology and launching new platforms and investing billions of dollars into oculus and all these other types of technology that aren't even here yet. but i think it is significant that facebook is now changing it's brand name to matter because many companies have got in trouble in the past few decades of done very similar things. because facebook has become associated with mistrust with privacy leaks and with spreading misinformation. and certainly if you watch that hearing in congress from fate, the facebook whistleblower, some of that material was very shocking considering it was facebook's own internal
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investigations that were being revealed in that case. so i think from zach about point of view, this is them looking at the next chapter in technology and connecting people. but i think at the back of his mind is also at trying to distance himself from the facebook brand. in share as an editor at seen as a technology website, he says monk sack a bag wants to be had at the next technological cath. there are 2 things going on. one is that there is unbelievable amount of pressure and scrutiny happening on facebook, and that is something that's very important. it's a good conversation that we're having and hopefully one that's going to be a good thing. the other thing is that marks are covered the founder that hope 100 facebook has for a very long time been very interested in the next phase of technology. he really is frustrated that he missed out on being part of the phone revolution. and he's frustrated that his future is tied to apple in google,
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who control the 2 main operating system of our phones, iphone and android. and so as a result, he wants to be one of the leaders of the next stage of computing, which he sees is being the metal verse, right? the digital world that we all would experience together. and because of that, that is why he's making this name change. now the timing is pretty awful, frank, later, but it's something that he's been talking about a lot. and so i'm not surprised that he just decide to go forward with it even despite everything's going on. and i think that there is some sort of a future beyond our phone, right? we're not going to just be using computers and phones and tv for the rest of the time, you know, in the future at some point something else is going to take over. i don't know what that is and neither does mark soccer bir, but he is betting that that, that the, the virtual worlds, this metal verse will be a part of that the united states and the un, i increasing the pressure all su,
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don's military edging of returned to civilian rule, siobhan and says the us sounds with the demonstrators who are angry about the military seizure power on monday, days of clashes between security. 4th, it forces and protest as in call team have now left at least 11 people dead. while the un security council is issued its fuss statement on the crisis, kristin, slimy has more. that's a fairly short statement. i have a copy of it right here, one page long, and it expresses serious concern about the military takeover in the suspension of some transitional government institutions. it also expresses concern about the detention of prime minister of dela hm, doc, and other government officials. the release also does call for the release of those who've been detained, noting that the prime minister has been returned to his home and get calls for
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respect for human rights. in particular, the rights of protesters to be out on the street. it's important to note that the united nations integrated transition mission in sudan has been working there are to support the transition to elections and democratic institutions. and the statement also reaffirms those efforts. so the council is basically a saying, it's very concerned about the situation. they are and, and, and calling for respect for these transitional institutions, rebels in ethiopia to gray regions say at least 10 people, including 3 children, up and killed in another government as strike. ethiopian army says it targets at a facility used by to gray people's liberation front in the regional capital mckelly of a t p l f says a civilian residence was hit you on his warning, the fighting is putting more civilians. atlas to airstrikes were importantly
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carried out on a residential area and t. grace capitol mckelly. according to initial reports, 6 people were killed and 22 injured. a number of houses are understood to be destroyed or severely damaged. were also law by law going hostilities in a fire, in a high regions which are causing large scale displacement, livelihood disruptions and food insecurity. and preventing the delivery of humanitarian assistance to hundreds of thousands of people in both regions. the escalation of austerity is risk worsening. the already dire humanitarian situation in te gray. i'm hora at a far where millions of people need urgent humanitarian assistance. for my new york governor, andrew cuomo is being charged with a misdemeanor sex offense. it is the fuss prosecution from a misconduct scandal that led to his resignation come as a keys to forcibly touching a former executive assistant, resigned his government august after 10 and a half. he is an office fitting. a landmark sexual harassment case has made it to
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court in to nicea lawmakers to hear. mock luth is accused of performing a sexual act in his car, outside of high school. in 2019 case helped galvanized tennessee as me to movement . he avoided prosecution at the time because of parliamentary immunity. but that changed in july when president k saeed froze theme in his, in parliament and lifted immunity from all makers. i. this is a protest in solidarity with the girl, the victim of the harassment, and to condemn all the time it took for this child to begin. now it's been already more than 2 years and no decision was taken. there's been no step forward. so this is also a message to say, it is time to say no to impunity, and that we must denounce this phenomenon on harassment and rate. he can not pang of american and canadian missionaries, and hazy, has captured the world's attention. but there's still no word on my face. almost 2
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weeks later, the waves of kidnappings in recent months has left people traumatized and terrified across the country. rob reynolds spoke to one victim, a wanting some views may find his report. disturbing. she is a 15 year old girl, the only child of a family that is far from wealthy, but that didn't stuff kidnappers from grabbing her off the street last month. on her way home from school. she asked us not to show her face or use her real name. we had therefore they took me and blindfolded me and put me in a car. i don't know where they took me. then they raped me. i was crying and calling out for my mom, and i could hear other children crying to her mother who also asked us to conceal her identity, sold all her possessions, and scraped together the equivalent of 2000 us dollars to pay her daughter's ransom
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. went this at seeing artesia. i feel good because they didn't kill ha. i was glad i could see her and get her back with them. with dell, pony mother and daughter are now destitute. living in a safe house run by a private organization that helps battered and abused women and girls. a near total breakdown of law and order has left many haitians at the mercy of criminal groups who use kidnapping to make easy money. women and girls are particularly vulnerable . honestly, there's no place that i can quite like. take your place in haiti right now. everywhere is unsecure, thought in girls. old women aid workers say some victims die in captivity and there remains are never found. others are too deeply traumatized. to go on, i heard some case that human all girls that had it has been could not, they kill themself. few, if any of these crimes are ever solved according to
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a haitian human rights research organization, nearly 800 people have been kidnap since the beginning of this year, mary is now receiving medical and psychological treatment. oh, we need security in the country. a lot of young women and men are being kidnapped now. she is one of many victims in a country living in fear. rob rentals al jazeera, puerto prince, as an ariens and broadway known for erotic rainfall, poor soil, and very high temperatures. and that's a combination that's not good for agriculture. but as higher matessa reports from bingo, some women are now turning to breathing goods known for surviving dry conditions. one go to console for $20.00. the larger ones go for 25. selling
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the milk also means extra cash for these women in rural zimbabwe. they say they prefer rearing matter, bailey goats because they are steady and much more likely to survive. the long dry periods here made was by climate change was the dog i choose. i would, the to downward, not double billed. as of the goes are low maintenance, much for other cows. they can get pregnant twice a year. so we make money. foster is quick cash that help us pay school fees and other bills. farmers as seen disturbing changes in the weather, unpredictable rainfall, flash floods and long dry spells crops such as maze zimbabwe. staple food don't do well in these situations. extreme where the changes are taking a toll on communities and the environment is getting hotter and dry. here, every year, temperatures frequently reach 40 degrees, erratic, grateful brought on by climate change, means people can't grow much food. and we'll have to find other ways to survive.
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leading drought tolerant animals allows people not to have to rely too much on handouts from charities. traditionally bizarre districts where for dade as played the key role. so in terms of food assistance over the years, they have been getting these assistance. so with our approach, we are trend true, a shift of the way that they do business the way that they think and operate and actually say with the resources that we have. you can actually cushion yourselves from some of these strokes and stresses climate change. experts say severe where the patterns and arid parts of the country will persist. that means farmers will have to keep adapting and become more resilient. gen increasingly hush environment harder. mikasa al jazeera banga, zimbabwe ah .
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