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tv   [untitled]    October 30, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm AST

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that those debates in these are multi national corporations that are interested in profit, anticipate the consequences. the media was complicit in perpetuating this myth. i'm here to tell you that i think that many people died because of the lifting faith. deconstruct the media. on out is era. news, a diverse range of stories from across the globe, from the perspective of on networks, journalists on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters in del heim, daddy and abigail coming up in the next 60 minutes. 3 people are reportedly shot dead in sudan as tens of thousands take to the streets to protest against the military rule. the u. s. and european leaders discuss iran's nuclear
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program on the sidelines of the g 20 summit. they are urged to hon to avoid an escalation to ryan rebels in ethiopia. say they've seized the strategic town in the neighboring. i'm hora region. if european government denies the claims argentina freezes the prices of more than a 1000 household goods to curb soaring inflation. and i'm he, december to the sport england in south africa record winds of the teeth when he woke up, and no prizes for guessing helps manchester united. bounce back us for last week. 5 . no hammering. ah, welcome to the news our we begin and to don, where the doctors committee says 3 people have been shot dead in protests against the military coup from khartoum and undermined to godard f. tens of thousands of p
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have taken to the streets right across the country. the military use tear gas and block major roads, and there been multiple reports of gun fire. more than a 100 people have been injured. the u. s. in the u. n. had called on to don's military not to interfere with demonstrations. at least 13 people have now been killed since the military took power on monday. let's get an update from hippa morgan. she's joining us from hard to have a 1st on the desks that have been reported by this to don doctors committee. tell us more about the casualties and also the number of people who've been injured. yes indeed. diary now it's very hard to get the exact accurate figure of exactly how many people were killed and where the central committee forced to deficit needs . doctors coordinate with each other based on the doctors they have at various hospitals, and they say that at least 3 people have been killed in today's protests in on demand that's in the that, that the twin city of the capital city hall tomb. where protesters have been
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mobilizing and protesting against the army takeover and demanding a return to a civilian rule. now a more than 100 people haven't reportedly injured as well. that's according to the committee of the central committee for sudanese officers. and they see that that number is likely to rise because of the use of tear gas live ammunition. and because many hospitals are very hard to access for the protests as they say, the tear gets has caused lots of occasions amongst protesters. but there's the also the targeting of processes by a lot by live ammunition, which is caused concerns among processes. now we've seen tens of tens of thousands of on various streets or on the caps and how to him, especially on 60 st. 61 of the streets in order to him city where processes have me gathering up. and we've been hearing from acts of us on the streets that the security forces came to that streets with their machine guns and managed dispersed processes. so there has been concern with ease of violence, which is exactly what and for that for the processes, not just in the capitol auto,
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but other parts of the country as well. so how about how much momentum do the protest her as have right now? and what are they planning a for next? now let's look at how all this saw said rice after the crew on monday, doesn't with civil disobedience protests. as urging a workers states workers both at state and federal level to stay away from their work. as well as businesses who can't afford to stay away to do so. and then it escalates into to day took days of mobilizing, despite the lack of internet connection, as well as a disrupted hong kong communications. and then their next goal has been, as we've seen from statements from the resistance committees, the committees that have been mobilizing people to take to the streets to day. they say that the processes should return back to their neighbourhood retreat from the security force as an escape, the bullets and the tear gas that has been fired by the security forces and fessor barricades. now for days now, tyrene, we've been seen that barry case, those barricades being set up by processes and has been seen tot tires being burned
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in protest of the military takeover. and they say that those barricades make it very hard for secret to forces to enter neighborhoods and arrest those who participated in the protest. but it also makes it easy to continue their civil disobedience, which they have been calling for 4 days now. so that it's clear that they have a plan to continue resisting this military takeover, but then there's also questions about how far this would go. and if that eventually would lead to general, i've been put that and were hon, reinstalling back that transitional government, which he dissolved on monday. the questions as to how far people can maintain this civil disobedience. and if they're going to try to bring people out to the streets with the violence, but so far, many people say that despite the violence that they've been facing, and this is not the 1st day since they want, they have been facing live ammunition and tear gas from massacre to force as they say that they going to continue with their resistance until they see the government being restored and prime minister, the lamb dog being puts it back again as foreign minister and the executive cabinets being reinstalled back in its place. and so far ahead, but with the protest going on on the ground, and also statements made by a,
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some members of the international community. is there any sign at all that any of this is pressuring unable to hon at all? while general at them sat there and behind has made it clear that he doesn't want a foreign countries to intervene in the affairs of sudan, that has him stops, moves by the of the diplomatic corps here. and sudan. many of them say that they really concerned about the situation that is unfolding the head of the un mission. here in sudan has met with general latham at the head. will hunters speak about a road map out of the current prices? he's also spoken to the head to the prime minister, the lamb duke, following his return back to his residence from general adams hector, and were hon residents where he was held for more than a day. so there are efforts to try to bring the 2 sides together. now, political parties who was supposed to also say that there is an effort to bring the force of freedom and change coalition back again together. let's not forget daren, but this is how it's all thought said the forced freedom in change coalition. the
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coalition that has been leading the protest against dominant, but she is a split into 2 with the central committee having its members in the transitional government and the national charter alliance of the force of freedom and change, accusing the central committee of being exclusive and include and excluding many people who participated in the revolution that brought together that, that brought to power the transitional government. and that division is what paved the way for the military to dissolve the transitional government. and take a, take a hand on and take the take control of affairs of the nation. so there are efforts to try to bring together that force of freedom in change volition. and they also f, a surprise to bring back the constitutional declaration. that's the power sharing agreements that was signed between the forces of freedom and change and the military in august 2019, which created the transitional government. but so far there yet were yet to see any concrete results of these efforts, the united nations and the u. s. of was called for the military to restrain its
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army and that they want to see prime minister, the lamb, the being being reinstalled back as prime minister. and they want to see this partnership continue between the army and the citizens. then you have the streets. many people who is spoke to, to a, in the process say that they want to see a new kind of following agreement. they want the ministry to have less authority than what they have to. so many efforts and smoking, which one would work out and get to them out of the current crisis and have a just on this issue of the opposition being divided, which i think is a, is quite an important one. i wonder if you can elaborate a little bit more on that and from what you've seen on the streets of su, done, you've been out and about, are there signs of division amongst the people on the street at this point? well, since monday, since the army took over, there has been no division with regards to the demands of the processes. it's a demand that the, that, that general abdel for the hon home should return power back to the sovereignty council and to be executive cabinet as their re,
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as they are stated in the constitutional declaration. and that they want to see a civilian. let transitional government being brought back again to power. there has been no division on the streets with regards to how they want to see what they want to see happening next. they say that they want to see political prisoners who have been arrested, especially members of the executive cabinet, the ministers and members of the sovereignty council, who have been arrest that they want to see them released and being brought back to power. so when it comes to the streets, there has been no division really. but when you go back a week or 2 directly can see that there was a pro, military sits in front of the presidential palace, some political parties, specifically the national chapter alliance. coalition has been calling on the military to dissolve the cabinet and try to form a more exclusive and a broader base cap at government. what we have from general others, but the headboard, hon. when he read his statement following the dissolution of the transitional government is that we will have a technocrat government, which he said he hopes prime minister abdulla hm. duke will be a part of, but he said that prime minister in the handbook has had his reservations. so it's
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not clear if he's going to join that cabinet, but for now, when you look at the streets, the demand has been very clear. many processes thing that they want to see, the military having less so rule and less authority. when it comes to governing the transitional period, they want to see political prisoners being released from detention and being reinstalled back in their positions. and they want to see this, the power of this transitional government being handed over to civilians. ok, thank you so much. hi, by morgan, for that reporting from cartoon, we will continue. the conversation will draw thought it was a member of the garish. now that's a non violent resistance movement is helping to organize the protests and she went along to the demonstrations and joining us on the phone from her to him. draw todd it thanks for your time. just tell us what you yeah, thank you for reaching out and just tell us what you saw when you were out and about in the streets of cartoon today. i so maybe 10000. so people tend to thousands of people that i'm taken to the. yeah. to the 3 in hard to
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a east to dine in them. good. are you also in the south? is that for me? i love the process are going very peacefully, not large and huge numbers of people who are taking the streets. but at the end of the day, i don't like for a b, m, the police who started the actually join for between the army. the 4th is, am please. it started shooting life, bullets at undermine protest. and at the same time in the iowa 1000 ford of godaddy . 6 then the total of like, i don't 100 people were injured, 17 gunshots, and then we lost 3 people among the 17th. so the streets are now close by the case here, but i was there, but there is a big number. 14 actually taking the streets and shooting
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life machine guns and our b g 's neighborhoods. and in the $63.00 where the process was held in hard to where also where, where do, where does the protest movement go? next? i understand you're one of the organizers of the protest movement. so what are the next step? the next step, i think we're going to start the next phase of the project that i see that it will be due and it strikes it. the bus has to be starting from tomato. we were expecting that behind said yesterday, this is the going to be be told process and no one will get hurt. but you said we also met with you guys from the police and the joint forces of the army. and that's so i think we're going to, we're moving next to the disobedience. are you not worried that these steps will contribute to an escalation of the situation? right? now and to dawn. * it was supposed to go. 9 basically,
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but the soviet, that the army and other force these wanted to happen. so we don't have that option, but to keep, or the thing we don't, we wouldn't allow the school to succeed. we want to retrieve back the government, the, and also really the detainees from the government. and we will not accept that hon . rule by the militias on the street or like us being that every day because so 5, we lost about 15 people since monday. here's the thing though, the protesters are calling for a return to a pass to democracy. what does not pass and look like for you this past looks like for me it's for, is that that has to be to start at the prime minister. and then all the detainees will be released and will also minimize the the army have over the
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country and then we demand that the army go back to their job and not which is not tooling the country. ok, so surely these demands can be but be put forward in some sort of a dialogue with the military government. is there any appetite for dialogue from your end, from the get it now movement as well as the other protest? movements right now, i cannot decide forget if your movement right now by the neighborhood committees and other organizers in the street. we're thinking. 5 like we should be focusing on building, reforming the legislative council or development. and then the berman can be form the next that governments, but at least that will start by having come back and try me. and if that doesn't happen, what do you do next? 5 we keep it the same with our people tune and they said that the we've tried you,
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the hon is no, it's no, it's not my thought for that. and she had been me, we've been added for like years now, and then we just keep resisting will not accept this, especially after the mar, stated that we lost during this week. can you recall? and also the violent in the street is very high. it's not safe to be out there, it's dangerous. i mean, it forces at everywhere. so we're not safety. it even citizens, our neighborhood committees and stuff. and they actually started seeing some activists and also members of neighborhood committees since yesterday. and also the outage of the internet and communication because they even cut their regular phone calls internally. so we can only do the national phone calls, but you cannot make any phone calls. that's what i wanted to ask you about with, with reports off the internet and phone lines being restricted in some parts of the
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country. how are you able to mobilize the protesters? we have some time to some type of organizing, just like we meet at some point to the stuff i can say the. so for the ponder and we have our ways to communicate, but it's really difficult and it takes a lot of time and energy as well. because the $332.00 people to walk around freely . we're playing some pictures we were just a moment ago in fact, of the process. and i'm good man, how soon can you tell us what you're hearing about protests and other parts of the country. 9 actually, we're not eating anything because they have to, to go at least for an hours, reach to destination, but i can, i can get online. but this image displaying now is from the 3 that i'm actually speaking from now. it was to the $63.00, they the meeting point of the call to east evolution. it is where the marsh we're here, so i can hear life gunshots and i'll be on the outside the building. now,
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what do you make of the international reaction or some of the international reaction that has come in so far from countries like the united states, for example, urging but han to pull back from this situation. i think what hand have know the effort that done by the international community so far, it's quite big and appreciate it. but we're not expecting behind to to like, let go easily because he already killed so many people. so he's, he's known that he's going to be held accountable for this. so in knowing the history of dictatorship, especially the military one, they will keep holding killing people until this point that people so many people who die. i don't know how hung a new government will in facts, under him, lead the country until the elections in july 2023 and the military had to seize
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power because in fighting a mom political group, do you not believe him? no, we don't because these people who think about and these people he, he met with and then they published this online, this countries and meetings. you've been having these people that he called neighborhood committee. those actually people with the old plan, jim, jim allies and we know them all, even some of them by name. so this a government he speak about is totally made of people from the all deciding the game. okay, we'll have to leave it there. i thought we thank you so much for speaking to us from her to me. so here's what we know so far about sudan, you're looking at the live for gives me the latest pictures from under demand and her tune where tend to thousands of people have come out on to the streets and they are protesting. the military rule of general hon. and according to the sudan
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doctor's committee, 3 people have been killed so far and 100 have been injured. ah, move away from sudan and take you to the g 20. because the annual summit is underway in rome and climate change in code 1900. our top of that agenda for the leader is in the world's major economies. italy's prime minister has called for aggressive solutions to the climate crisis. mario druggie also urge his follow lead fellow leader as to prioritize the equitable distribution of cobra 19 vaccines. our white house correspondent, kimberly hawkins, is joining us from rome. so of course, climate change, as we've been saying, is a big issue this weekend for these leaders. what are we learning about how much progress has actually been made so far? kimberly well,
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we're learning that they are getting that one step closer to doing something tangible to reduce global warming. we have obtained the draft language of a communique that is being produced on the final day of this. but this draft language seems to indicate that there is some agreement among the g 20 leaders in order to bring about urgent staffs to reduce global warming by 1.5 degrees celsius . now, as the leaders are very cognizant of the fact that this is a mitigation effort, this is not a solution. still the preliminary language seems to indicate that they've set the table if you will, for the cop $26.00 summit that you and climate change summit that is taking place in glasgow on the heels of the g 20. and this certainly does bode well for seeing that there may be progress at that summit, given the language that's likely to come out of the g 20. and kimberly,
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i understand also there has been a new agreement between the u. s. and e u. that could a resolve a tree to spoon what's bad about yeah, this is breaking in just the last few moments. what we understand is that an agreement reached between the united states and the e. u. and this resolves a trade dispute that was put in place bay under the trumpet administration, back in 2018 that was designed to protect american steel industry jobs. and what it did was it slapped a 25 percent tariff on aluminum and 10 percent on steel. and for an export from the e u to the united states. now what we understand is that this has been lifted. so now that you can export those products up to 3300000 tons. so this is quite significant because prior to this dispute, there was an export of about 5000000 tons. so what this means is now this can be
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exported duty free, and those tariffs will only kick in a if it goes beyond that. now, the reason that the united states, the, you have come to this agreement of their 2 reasons very quickly. the 1st is that they are really trying to counter china's sort of van global flooding of the steel market in what they say. this is done is contributed to inflation in the united states and also global warming. so this is a real big, significant breakthrough. very quickly. some of the other headlines coming out of this sub g 20 meeting. we do know that there was a sideline meeting on a ron. we know that the leaders of germany, the u. k, the united states and also france have come to an agreement that they work together in advance of iran. resuming negotiations with the world leaders to limit its nuclear program, they are concerned that they advance us by iran may put returning to the j. c. p.
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away that the united states in iran withdrew from that this could be very worried given the fact that iran has, can need to ask late in terms of enriching uranium. so time is of the essence, the leaders of working to war and trying to really be on the same page for those negotiations and very quickly, one other important headline that is come out of the g. 20 is the fact that we expect joe biden. the us president will meet with turkish liter recham. tire air to one on sunday morning. why are they meeting? well, they want to talk a little bit about the future of turkey being involved in the f 35 fighter jet program. they got booted out of that program, the united states, not too happy when turkey decided to purchase surface to air missiles from russia. so they're going to talk about the resumption of that. so that is also a major development. okay, thanks so much. kimberly. kimberly how can reporting from rome and just to pick up on what kimberly was saying a moment ago about iran show the u. s. and european members of the 2015 and run
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nuclear deal have express grave growing concern over actions taken by to ron. i'm president biden met with the leaders of france, germany and the u. k. on the sidelines of this year as g 20 summit and rome is kimberly was just mentioning they did issue about joint statements and the herbs. iran president avoided dangerous escalation. they also said to runs, ongoing nuclear developments are compromising a possible return to the deal. we'll get analysis on this and speak this. i had shaw, he's a nuclear nonproliferation on disarmament. and alice analyst, excuse me, he's joining us by scott from london. thanks for speaking to us on, on to 0. so what do you read into the statement that was released by biden as well as his counterparts at the g twenty's? it doesn't give you an indication of the way forward when it comes to the iran nuclear deal. thank you. thank you so much for having me. the statement is incredibly positive and important, and it's because of one specific line in which it says that the signatories that
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with statement, welcome president biden, clearly demonstrated commitment to return the us to bull compliance with the nuclear deal. and to stay in compliance so long as iran does the same over the past few weeks and mine, there have been a debate in iran on how they can get the us to give some sort of a political or legal guarantee that the us won't simply exit the deal again in the future like president trump did. obviously there's not really room for a legal guarantee and the political guarantees are rather insufficient. so this is a close that i think that will be we will be able to get in terms of getting a language out there that gave you the wrong. i live a little bit of an assurance. but i think that the most important thing is that they need to get back to the negotiating table in vienna to hammer out how to make this deal a win win situation for all. and i think that that has to involve getting everybody around the table and talking about how they can cooperate in
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a number of economic areas, which would then enable the sanctions relief to be more felt on the ground in the wrong right. if so, from a domestic iranian perspective, the new president has said time and time again that he does want to revive the deal . but what his, what is a ron offering out that negotiating table, if anything at all. so iran is offering to fully restore the nuclear restriction that it was under, under the deal when it was being fully implemented. and then for the additional year that they fully implemented it, despite the fact that the us had exited the deal and reimpose, secondary functions. so the iranians are willing to go back to full nuclear restrictions and the necessary verification and monitoring to ensure that that's the case. the problem is, is that there is no analogous international body or system like the international atomic energy agency that would be able to monitor and verify that the u. s. the
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sanctions relief is actually making a difference in iran. over the past few years, there has been a great deal of economic damage done, especially during the pandemic. and there have been real cost to the u. s. position and maximum pressure strategy, which by didn't, has quite, frankly maintained since entering into office. so i think the iranian position is that they needed to have their internal deliberations. they needed to get stuffed up and a point the people that they wanted in the different various bodies that comprised of the national security council, the actual foreign ministry, etc. and now they're trying to make an effort to move the needle a bit in a direction. doesn't make it seem like they're picking up from where the honey administration had left things in june. obviously it's a gamble because they're not seemingly in a rush, but the key question then becomes, is iran overestimating its capability to withstand pressure and build lab bridge
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while also underestimating the consequences? i think that patients is wearing out iran knows not. and i hope that by the end of november that they will indeed get around the table. and that is what iran has committed to as of a few days ago. thank you so much for joining us from london. now rebels from if you help us to grow region say they are now in full control of the strategic town of jesse and the neighboring har region. the claim by the guy people's liberation front is being contested by the government. fighting has moved into the horror and our far regions after rebels reach a control of t gray in recent months, samuel gets had chosen journalist and has more on the situation. and earlier today, around lunchtime, 12 noon time, the t p i left announced that they have claimed dessie heart. so for the armada
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region, but in the last hour the children government has denied that they've taken control . but, you know, we spoke to our sources, they tell us, they've seen soldiers, we just cannot confirm if the t p has indeed taken over dessie again. unimportant manufacturing hub in the heart of the region, which was money. investment from many, many countries, including china, turkey, which is building railway, worth $1700000000.00. a source at aiden's international airport security says at least 4 people have been killed following a blast. 70 m and car bomb attack of the airport exploded near a security checkpoint close to an airport hotel of the united arab emirates in the latest golf country to recall its lebanese ambassador cou, a saudi arabia reign have done the same while with re ons. also barring imports of
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lebanese goods, the dispute comes after lebanon's information minister, criticize the saudi lead coalitions war in yemen, in a video circulating online george credentials made those comments before he was appointed minister, lebanon's prime minister. and as you may, archie says he's keen to establish the best relations with saudi arabia. the arab league is calling on all parties to find a resolution here with the news our on al jazeera. here's what's coming up. the u. k. prime minister talks of a turbulent relationship with france is the ro, over fishing rights escalates. turning a new chapter, how homeless south africans are using a book selling scheme to become financially independent in sport, the rookie pitcher, who stole the show and game 3 of the world series. ah,
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featuring some showers across the middle east. hello. everyone cares or weather reports.


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