tv [untitled] October 31, 2021 9:00am-9:31am AST
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always of interest to people around the world. this is been going on for a number of reports. so just wanted to national perspective to try to explain your global audience, how's it could impact the life. this is an important part of the world and i was very good at bringing the news to the world from here. ah, i money side in tahoe he had top stories on al jazeera, the leaders of the wells 20 biggest economies on discussing the climate crisis cove . at 19 the global economy of a summit in rome. on saturday, they agreed to introduce a global corporate tax aimed at stopping big business from hiding profits at a brainy reports from room. the g 20 summit began on saturday with
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a plea from the host of the gathering italian prime minister, mary draggy. we must do all we can to overcome our differences and we must rekindle the spirit that led to the creation of this group coming into the summit. leaders from the world major economies agreed to a minimum global corporate tax. a 15 percent meant to reduce abuse of offshore loopholes. the biggest issues though are proving the most difficult cove in 1900 vaccine equity and taking effective action on the climate crisis. a draft statement from the group shows it struggling to get member countries to truly commit to capping global warming. at the $1.00 degree mark, a benchmark scientists have said is required to avoid disaster. and this comes just days before the climate change conference in glasgow. some tea leaders opted to attend only via remote video with the chinese president. she,
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jim pang made only vague comments about china opening up further to the world that made no mention of china's role as a major global polluter. russian president vladimir putin had a more pointed request on vaccine recognition when russia sputnik cove in 1900 vaccine has not been approved for use by the u. s. or the european union, and hopes of reviving the iran nuclear deal. us president joe biden met on the sidelines with the leaders of the u. k. france and germany. they later issued a statement warning of the dangers of a nuclear capable iran. outside the security perimeter protestors gathered to call attention to various causes, thousands of protesters. some differences have come out to the street here in rome on saturday. some are calling for action on the climate crisis and others are marching against capitalism. they all have one message, the net for world leader. it's a global equity climate change. now we're marketing today because we're asking for more concrete policies change since the g 20 is happening right now. in the summit,
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we'll continue on sunday. people will be watching closely to see if a closing group statement will go far enough in addressing climate change. adam rainy algebra roam the u. s. and e, you have agreed to ease tariffs on steel and alam, minium imports. the deal to resolve the trade dispute was announced at the g 20 summit. the u. s. will now allow set and metals from the you to enter duty free activist, say another 4 people have been shot dead. and saddam during protests against the military coup. hundreds of thousands demonstrated in what's being described as the most significant challenge to military latest since they seized power on monday. at least 12 people and now known to have been killed in an explosion at aiden's international apple in southern yemen. several more were wounded in the comp home attack. the u. k. prime minister says he can't rule out taking legal action against france as a post briggs at fishing,
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dispute continues. rifka worse early this week when france seized a british vessel. poles of open in japan's general election as vices decide whether to keep the country's newly appointed prime minister. a sluggish economy on current of ours recovery is expected to hit the ruling party's popularity. it's unclear whether the l d. p can keep its majority. columbia police have sees more than $2.00 tons of cocaine and the tour city of cotton. hannah d. india's office is found almost 2300 packages in a container bound for rotterdam. the seizure is with a $100000000.00. colombian authorities have confiscated more than 3 option, 2 tons of cocaine this year. the spanish capital madrid is celebrating, being on it by the united nations unesco. declare the cit, city 16th century, l retiree park, a world heritage site i did as you had last. news
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continues here after the campaign against the client. ah, georgia you want to talk to me right? during a commentary about climate change? well this is simple science look up, the higher c o 2 levels are leading to a greening of the earth. and so i don't, you know, do you think that's a bad thing? so so most you to and douglas fears a good thing. oh yes, i think so. absolutely. i imagine
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a world where you can't trust science. let me tell you about a group of men who've tried to convince you of just that a group who wants you to doubt climate change? this is the story about how these men were promoted by the world's largest oil companies. the story of a campaign that has impacted our world forever. oh, this is a scientist from nasa who's come to the american senate with a message to the world which you here in a moment while you hear it,
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try to guess what year it's from dr. hanson, if you started off, would appreciate it. okay, thank you for the opportunity to present the results of my research on the greenhouse effect. the global warming is now large enough that we can ascribe with a high degree of confidence, a cause and effect relationship to the greenhouse effect. okay, this is from 1988. that was when a phone look like this, the internet looked like this. and it was when the world realised that climate change had to be taken seriously. that's what side has called the greenhouse effect and have a long run at good main devastating changes to all life alter. it's largely a problem of our own making. we're running out of time to bind a solution. scientists predict arise in temperatures that will eventually melt, the polar ice caps forest fires in the west. food riots as the sahara desert
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spreads the land of if it's been prevented, cold if it didn't exist and to clear who defeated. in 1988, the un established the climate change organization i p. c. c. where scientists from the whole world agreed with james henson, franklin and well cletus listened. those who think were powerless to do anything about this greenhouse effect, or forgetting about the white house. and the evidence is that the damage is being done. we can't just do nothing. this is more than 30 years ago. only the world was ready to act on global warming. but something happened when the doubling of the
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c o 2 content to the atmosphere will produce a tremendous greening of planetary in the years following james hanson's speech, critics appear on tv. the theoretical speculations about future warming, a have no good scientific basis. we would like critics who question climate change the average weight of this global warming thing? it sounds like a scam. well, i think you're seeing it now. we told you this was, this is one of them. oh, i spent most of my time in newspapers and magazines, and on t v and radio to argue against climate action against panic, the economy would actually improve if we have a doubling of background, greenhouse gas. how can it improve? well, because we might have a longer growing season, i'm fairly glue. i'm fast on my feet. cool on tv,
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and i also do my homework. in the years after james hanson's speech, jerry taylor was hired by the think tank kato, my name is jerry taylor. i'm the director of natural resource studies here at the cato institute, kato hired people like me, primarily to change public opinion. and that's what i did. there may be some extreme events that occur down the road and we don't know what the chances for that might be. the climate skepticism is entirely dependent upon the promotion of doubt about the underlying science. james hanson at nasa thinks it's maybe 710121520 percent. other scientists think there's probably more like 0.3 percent denial about the underlying sciences. the critical is the critical junction that event while taylor takes a sick of water, meat, mock moran of what i'm going to like. yeah, i'm going to be looking at you can be sitting there. so i be like,
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my job essentially is covering the global warming movement and communicating to the public to the latest findings. you look at the, the satellite data. we're, we actually had no significant warming since 998. actually no warming, we've been cooling and recent years. you had a background as a salesman can just that was really, i was a door to i worked at the door to door salesman, which is a actually a great background to build narratives and the neat now when you only have 1520 seconds, you gotta work on your sound bites and you've got to work on your, you know, you're building a narrative to a customer and that was a great training ground for being and media and communication. marana is communications director for committee for constructive tomorrow, for c fact an organization whose focus is on communicating that climate change. isn't that big a problem? way? so how does it do that time?
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i believe that the television and the base as you have to make the other person defend their stupid idiotic comments. bill nye say global warming will cause many bad weather events. and guess what? bad weather. 2 events happen all the time and then also going with rapid fire facts . bottom line, we've done the longest period without a major u. s. category 3 or larger hurricane hitting the us since at least 1900, maybe the civil war. bottom line, new study in the journal nature, peer reviewed no change. and you, i believe in what bill nye just did was waste everyone's time explaining that c o 2 is rising. i believe you should get some crush. you're a wait, wait a minute. are you a scientist? i'm not a scientist, but i do play when on tv. occasionally, people don't take positions because they find themselves reasoned into those positions. they take positions that they want to take for emotional or india, logical reason. and then they mobilize their reasoning power to justify taking the
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positions they want to take. we can ok, and this is jerry taylor's recipe for doing just that. today's a lot of people who don't know what to think about climate change or being told by people like me, there's a relative non event. it's the same sort of wolf crime that the environmental movement is done from time immemorial. first, we were told there was a population bond that was going to wipe out humanity and that bomb never went off and we were told we're going to run out of fossil fuels and agricultural commodities. we're all going to start that never happened. and this is just the latest iteration of the usual story from environmentalists that if we continue to go down laws, a fair capitalist roads, we're going to blow up the planet and destroy mankind. ah, there's something in the pictures you can't see. it's essential to live. and breathe it out,
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free that in oh c o 2. now some politicians want to label carbon dioxide a pollutant. imagine if they succeed, they call it pollution. we call it life. this tv commercial is from the think tank competitive enterprise institute. and so is myron ego. it's clear that the earth is screaming and so i don't, you know, do you think that's a bad thing? competitive enterprise institute is a conservative american think tank. and myron eagle has its department on energy climate and environment. iron able believes the climate debate started like this. global warming as a political project was initiated in sweden, in the early 19 eighties. they needed a recent, essentially,
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to increase tax revenue. i mean, remember, i think you're aware of this in denmark that the welfare state needs a lot of money and it needs more and more money as it goes on. ah, all, all the climate, skeptical pundits. you've just met, work for interest organizations and think tanks. think tanks are like the arsenals for the war of ideas. there are the places where ideas are then weaponized and public policy terms, and then they are vigorously argued and promoted on capital hill, and on tv radio. and so kato was extremely influential because it was one of the largest right of center thing tanks of the united states still is had a lot of visibility because again, invested in communications. so taylor is spreading climate skepticism from one of the most influential think tanks in the usa. jerry taylor tells us that his
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arguments build on calculations from research a patrick michael's also employed by kato, any one who goes around and says that carbon dioxide is responsible for most of the warming of the 20th century, hasn't looked at the basic numbers, the climate, skeptical pundits get bare arguments from a group of climate, skeptical scientists, physicists and climate scientists, fred singer, is behind the organisation science and environmental policy project, s e p. p. s e p. p is behind the so called leipzig declaration, where some 100 scientist raised bouts about global warming, some 100 a soap climate scientists actually signed it appealed, put their names down and were warned about taking hasty steps against global warming. and global warming were still and
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a if they phantom problem with global warming, no america. so on one side we have james hanson and a lot of un scientists. and then we have a number of scientists and pundits who say the exact opposite of these things know ah, how is that possible? but no, me arrest guess, harvard professor decided to investigate just that. so in the early 2, thousands, the american media were presenting climate change is a big scientific debate. and that struck me as weird because none of the scientists that i knew thought it was a debate. so i decided to undertake an analysis of the peer reviewed scientific literature. the i p. c. c. had already stated that most of the observe warming was
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likely to be due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. so i posed the question, how many papers published in peer reviewed scientific literature? this agree with that statement? to answer that question, naomi arrest his looks up, research papers for global climate change. the words appear in 937 scientific papers to arrest his read them all and what i found was none. there was no dissenting public publish sanctuary. period literature on the basic question of whether not men may climate change was happening. and i'm a professional historian of science, so i thought, well, if i don't know this, then probably a lot of other people don't know it too. and so i wrote a small paper in 2004 called the scientific consensus on climate change. that paper changed my life because immediately the paper was published, i started getting hate mail, threatening phone calls,
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people filing complaints against me to my university. people accusing me of being a communist. a stalinist bretzky's comes on a huge criticism and she doesn't understand why. until she's at a conference in germany, shortly after over beer after the sessions. one day i was just chatting with some colleagues. i mentioned how this very strange thing had happened to me. and one of the people there was eric conway. i mentioned the name of one of the people who was attacking me, and eric said, when they only, you know, is the same person who attacked shari roland over the ozone hall. and he told me this amazing story that i knew nothing about at the time that the scientists who had worked on the ozone hole had been the target of attacks in which people had claimed that there was no ozone hold that the science was wrong. that
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the scientists were fraudulent, that the scientists were communists. all the things that i was being accused of these great nobel prize winning scientists had also been accused of. and so eric said to me, yeah, when we get back to mark, i'll send you. i'll send you an envelope with a bunch of stuff. so he sent me this package arrives a few days later and i take out these papers that he sent me and it was like you could take out the word on hole and put in climate change. and you could take out the word rowan, and put an arrest guess and otherwise, it was identical awe . on a spring day in 1998, a group of men meet at the oil industry organization, american petroleum institute. a
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number of oil companies are represented. companies like exxon. let's see exxon, c e o at the time. explain who they are. we are the largest private company in the world. our company sells a 1000000 barrels a day of product. that's a 1000000000 gallons every 3 dates. back to the american petroleum institute, a p, i where some of the biggest players in the oil industry of meeting one of the participants is myron able and they solicited advice because we had certain kinds of expertise that they didn't have a, it was an industry effort with some help from people like me in documents from this meeting, you can see a clear purpose. victory will be achieved when average citizens understand uncertainties in climate science. and when these uncertainties become part of
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conventional wisdom, according to the documents, big oil, once the public, to doubt the science behind climate change. and it wasn't scientists who are invited to the meeting. i'm not an energy analyst expert, and i'm not a climate expert i. i have a certain amount of experience in translating a policy into into action. and i suppose that was what they're interested in. back at the meeting strategies worked out. that paper was lay to leaked and it shows how the oil industry plans to spread doubts about science. ah, i strategy paper describes a national media relations program, which in 8 different ways will influence the media by recruiting and training
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scientists. it also explains that they will try to influence journalists. this one john stossel is even mentioned in the paper titled as program chill out, because after i researched the global warming scare, that was my conclusion. we ought to just jill out. mm. the paper from the meeting shows the mindset of the world's largest oil companies. despite the fact that the human, several world leaders and most scientists clearly point in another direction, the oil industry wants to raise doubts about the science behind climate change. me. a strategy paper explains how schools ought to be influenced by an initiative called national direct outreach and education. ah,
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many universities like harvard regularly receive funding from private companies. this is a perfectly legal, common practice many prestigious universities. jeffrey superman is a ph. d. student will join him at a film, screening in $21700.00 bill for kennedy center announced a screening of a film dirty. essentially, it will tell you all the ins about how for the foreseeable future, we're going to be relying on fossil fuels, how renewables are way off in the distance. not right now, not really reliable. and frankly promoting hoss truth at best about, you know, it's ability of continue fossil fuel usage grange them with that or right? well, with right, if you're a susan's, if you has been permit your husband,
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surely this is a reasonable film until we dug just a little bit beneath the surface the academic talking heads, the ones that were presented as professors universities, without exception actually will have deep ties to the oil and gas industry from consultancy relationships to running sensors, reliance on fossil fuel funding to literally being on the boards of natural gas companies. and producer of the film was show oil company, the director of the film. he was a v p of oil and gas company that's taken $300000.00 from shallow oil company. so you see a pattern emerging hit episodes like the film screening from to jeffrey superman to write a ph. d was naomi rescues as his supervisor about the connections between the oil industry and academia. let's see what he found out. have at receives massive
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funding from several oil companies. stanford energy department also gets millions from the oil industry. the university denies that sponsors control research and on its website the university emphasizes its academic independence. but a few lines later, it's described who really decides what research to fund. the final decision about funding is made by the management committee, which includes one person from each of the sponsors and the main sponsor as a say in what research is funded, is exxon mobil berkeley birthplace of the 1900. 68 student uprising has an energy research center in which the oil company be p as invested millions, according to jeffrey superman. b. p has a say in what will be researched. exxonmobil
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says it funds universities to promote green technologies. and shell tells us that wants to help solve the serious climate challenge. why is this a problem? i mean, if they use their money for doing some research for good, what was the book when the very people, the very institutions they're supposed to be solving the climate crisis, a fundamentally reliant on the industry that has the most to lose from their work. that's a pretty big conflict of interest. jeffrey super thinks that the many millions are intended to influence students, teachers, and scientists. this strategy come straight out of the playbook. the strategy paper also states informing teachers and students about uncertainties in climate change will erect a barrier against efforts to impose kyoto like measures a measure put in place to limit the emissions of c o 2. and that's why in the medical research community, there are a stablished practices there established rules by which one must disclose these
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many visitors away revenue from tourism isn't enough. here at the outset, national park on your ceremony has been launched hopper ish and then individuals pay $5000.00 to name an elephant. the aim this is to raise $1000000.00. much of it for conservation initiatives. ah, i money insight into how he top stories on al jazeera g 20 leaders are discussing the climate crisis cove at 19 and rebuilding the global economy at the summit in rome. pledges made so far include a global minimum tax for multi nationals. what will happen here is that said, developing economies, we'll see significant increases in the revenue own own shows, revenue that would be able to generate on the back of those reforms. and you know,
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