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tv   [untitled]    October 31, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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as the expert in a lot more be so a to the rest. so to, to the rest of the world, some estimate china's diesel stock pals to be at the lowest level and at least a year. environmental cracked out on crude oil production in some regions have worse than the shortage. the government has asked chinese refineries to increase production ad imports, but this would be enough to contain the shortfall. experts warn that scarcity of diesel is likely to last for months and could worse and existing problems in the global supply chain. katrina, you out a 0 teaching ah hello, this is al jazeera and these are the headlines. well, leaders at the g 20 summit of course for meaningful and effective action. 20 global warming is limited to $1.00 degrees celsius. but the final communicate from rome doesn't include a deadline for net 0 emissions. we have lots of cries as the help and climate,
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the global poverty, the malnutrition, gender, and generational need qualities, demand stronger action that we've taken so far. so i asked myself, what we mean when we say we've succeeded. but in what we succeeded? well, we certainly pledged considerable resources. we also kept too many of these co meet when we increase their strength, their scope. but mostly we made sure that our dream says the secretary general of united nations are not only alive, but also that they are progressing. how our leaders are now heading to the scottish city of glasgow for the cup $26.00 climate change summit. leaders from every region in the wild are expected to discuss their plans to cut admissions. the sudanese teachers committee has called for a strike and all states of sued on a day after hundreds of thousands of people rallied for denounced the military takeover there. at least 4 people were killed in those protests on saturday. and
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ethiopia, the regional government of em, horror has called on residents who are able to fight to take up arms rebels from the te gray people's liberation front claim to be in control of the very strategic town of dessie. that though is being contested by addis ababa, the saudi led coalition has killed at least 218 who the rebels in air strikes in the yamini province of merab. that's according to state media. you also have what the dozens of military vehicles were destroyed in those raids. marriage is the last stronghold of the internationally recognized government in northern yemen. japan's ruling coalition is projected to keep its majority in the lower house of parliament there after poles closed at just a short while ago. but a prime minister for me. ok, she does. liberal democratic party is still set to lose a number of seats in a set back for the leader who took charge only weeks ago. oh, those are the headlines. do stay with us here on al jazeera. i'll have more news
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after one or one east. ah. in south korea, online shopping is booming with cove at 19 restrictions, keeping people at home but delivery workers are paying a high price. well now, buying gotten their lower working year round the clock they raced to deliver packages on time. if they fall behind, they have to pay. this is not right. we are the one who 2nd 5 for the for the 5th. then the grueling conditions are killing them as well
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as your actual ha, real one. 0, one east investigates why korean delivery workers are dying for the countries convenience or to ah ah,
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for all 25 is a time that i get into my truck. is sleepy, but i turn on my radio. usually. i tried to blister myself. why listen bill that old goodies? well i did. i myself with cheerful and then this fresh. so i can injure my full day, and this is national anthem though, the study of the day he says the korean national anthem, with
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61 year old delivery driver, how one j is a subcontractor with the korean postal service. he works an average of 14 hours a day or 70 hours a week. he his shift begins at the regional distribution center. there are thousands of parcels here waiting to be sorted, not by warehouse staff, the by the drivers themselves. this is one of the major complaints of these
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delivery drivers. they spend hours at the beginning of their shift, sorting and then loading these packages onto their truck. and they say they're not paid all those hours. i'll a job, a deliver the stuff that's our job is clearly steady now a contract. but before that we have to spend like 4 hours every day before us begin our job. without payment drivers are only paid when night to live an item around. i could possibly the boom in online shopping to, to coven 19 means dr. is a spending even longer sorting packages to lying when they can scout their deliveries. since the pandemic began, twin t one delivery workers have died. unions say it's from overwork. it's not just hard to like that. it's as big as collect during the world.
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this is not right. this is my life. they claim that in all day the government says actually manage the defense, that is fantastic vacation, which might be to then of who, who was the wong, who's 2nd 5 to support them. we are the one we are the one who, the 2nd 5, this a full that says 10 south korea has the longest working hours in the developed world. hard work transformed these country from a war torn japanese colony into the world 10th largest economy in just a few generations. leaders promised the people that their sacrifices would pay off . the children would reap the rewards. but many koreans say they steal,
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paying the cost. death by overwork is so common. there's a word for it, clarissa. good. oh. 7 0, okay, delivery work is stage a rally in downtown sold in january the she logistics companies a great to hi and you stop to sol parcels to reduce working hours, and to stop deliveries after 9 pm. 6 months on union say the promises have not been on it. oh, i hear you, julian. good, we're good. oh, good. okay. yes. so let's go to. 6 the protest comes
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just days off the yet, and now the driver collapsed. on june, the 13th i 48 you wrote father of to named him guam soon suffered a massive brain hemorrhage and fell into a coma. turmalia true, who's in scotland? you get the one, you know, you only know pimlico lease young walk worked side by side. we've gung soon. he knows how easily it could have been him. today it was on the law as y'all little boy, that garage was a bill kitchen as well. yes, there, jim, that's the one there. i tell you, i don't want to fool. he's always heard that i argued with jim kohler long ago, real quick jolanda. long as you, as a total did of these,
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i don't room. i one doesn't cause a single person. we have them with each highway, always single till you leave it on sunday. there's a long hold on. yeah, i get there wasn't a good option, honey clears because i'm going to go with your own internal solution with like long su, young walk is in his fourties with 2 kids and works around 90 hours a week. his workload means he rarely sees his children. sir, and it hung down we'll have to do after sorting packages all morning. it's afternoon before he can make his 1st delivery. will she online and it's for syria, a a with her
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whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, the little ill with
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ah oh trouble sugar. you're shirley alive. boucher ship window oftener. trouble shiver. just before 9 p. m. after 14 hours on the job, sean will get an automated message from the company. ah. yes, i thought it was our window renella. oh she you personally couldn't g dish jones with one dish? she turns on. oh, she you!
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prison can get on and get a toner, but you, unless you're doing that through our wall is i was on the i'm, when just on rule we okay. all point cool. only. you ha, ha, itching or a damien. we would enter wonder, we're not hearing a diamond bears. when you june, you can, you can. if i was it you, she knew you do what you. she point, amanda is. why do i look it over? so young walk keeps working. it will take at least another hour to finish. for the fresh food he delivers after 9 p. m. he'll pay penalties. are pushing her as you get to wow, she, you live it a mil for you. it was only told you they told you i didn't want you to know you can you give is always happy there who with my leg or you get woman. we thought she put me there one or the other one on
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one of his own tongue. you that there were that's a fine of roughly $40.00 for an item. he's paid less than $1.00 to deliver a whole lot. i'm willing to she only will finally wraps up around 11 pm. for a 16 hour day. he's and around $130.00. that's before he's paid tax, his petrol, all phone bills, or any penalties, a light deliveries. oh, i don't, i don't call you marty. what's up? he said, oh no, you're going to the gun. bullshit where you don't. i mean, either the problem or when you got look, there's one other than what's hong kong?
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whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hulu. polaroid, any? yeah, i want you to put a tanica teacher, one of my p a. a total and i didn't do i the if you don't got in. good tommy is i get you done this from allan, you didn't ostrich on there. do the t v on yesterday and i made since i'm was unable to ship all cheers on the it along with the law. we will be watching
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on net blue 27 year old jang duck. john returned home from a night shift at 6 am on october. the 12th 2020. ready he went to the bathroom to shower when he hadn't emerged an hour later. his father opened the door. is that it? okay, so no cousin. oh, if him all gall assumable sequel, you'll john it would have a report on cedric and critical. look at it that i will the county cook dinner. oh, good afternoon. we want to finally pagan, i was able to to, oh, we got to him on friday because some young who, i mean opa, others who is, is an in vic. doc john worked for the e commerce giant cru. pang often described as korea's amazon. he worked in one of the fulfillment centers, preparing items for delivery,
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prepaying managers, its own logistics, and has used artificial intelligence and real time productivity monitoring to make its distribution chain, the fastest in the business. ah, vocal packet contained dental care based on the time i saw it always ortega, owner to know how to water. i mean there's how big it alicia can ruin a while. e kalki is on the is a question about sugar? yes, i made i did. did give people now give me a shout on the quiz. you'll get on boucher guns on go to whom i'm at 21. i'm in. okay. look to one in that oh yeah. right here mullen jonathan you know chris, christina allison is another carrier more than yeah. okay, did corolla?
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gimme a you know him that as you all local plenty of it. okay. penny and i will find out how he didn't. and allison on money in there while you got his own lung. i saw it come up. it came out of funds. honey volume i like when i, erica. this is a minute, wasn't 100 others here. melissa, the commander on israel tell you those, how should i change or wish if there wasn't a good shift it over to avoid a new car turn on to do using math and go back gay film give so your resume, your tongue for tomorrow. c a hung go somebody, and then get all the money. bobby on gates, young kid he's had on that are church or war or he or she crissy ninja, daniel wooder had duck. john died of a heart attack. crew paint insisted it was not work related,
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but his parents refused to accept the denial. they travel to fulfillment centers all over the country with a delivery truck bearing the slogan, crew, pang killed my son. finally, after months of campaigning, they received an official ruling. their son's death was caused by overwork, cable and don't like husky, the other got. she couldn't get eaters. why was she wants to buy in the new initiatives? you package them by me on the wall. so we thought that it could be one, it is or tingle, has it, and i mean, here won't on the home, i'm missing with respect to observe. to help us out. none that he think i could get some young and game going on and get high and even turn on so sure
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of his father was already in the morning. his lunch human is visiting me from a point i know mom are sincere condolences. go to his family, they have our deepest sympathy, you know,
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to day coupon is the 3rd largest employer in korea. and, you know, that's, that's about 50000 people. and if you think about 50000 people over the course of a year, you're going to have any number of personal medical conditions from within that, that population. so it's a government, well, you believe that this was a personal medical incident, or this was a work related death, a death because of overwork. the government rule this to be an industrial incident and we do accept the logistics industry in korea. averages about 80 accident related fatalities a year. and you know coupon from the start. i has prioritize the health and
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safety of its workers. i came during they saw i keep doing this auto started a saw that the long for i'm back with how one j helping him. so apostles at the distribution center in, in john turn, did you know that i'm not getting paid for this right. that seems crazy. to me i what i'm seeing is that so i won't be able to pay you. 0, one guy never planned to be a delivery driver. he holds a master's degree in english and ran his own language schools in canada and japan.
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he moved back to korea to be close to his aging mother who has early stage dementia . despite his qualify occasions and experience, he struggled to find work. i still thought at the time that i could get some positions in some some university because i used to teaching universities as well, but so i have to support myself and then all shocked to support my mother. she is so sort of handicapped because of illness. so i visit my mom as often as possible whenever i can.
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oh, oh the i v o. a ma and yale almost any dinner on those hanging good or 9? yeah. cake, kate guys, how god zeal been. i received some tanks, hadn't been, hadn't been a day when a yankee couldn't renew online, even though they had decided lana, my o g ah, the while with being filming the story covert infections have sword in south korea to day highest level yet as restrictions begin to tighten once more, so you to the strain on delivery workers will call them to handle bon either. give them read it to you on that one. 0, i needed
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a little bit. i'm going to work. don't go and they don't. and when i thought i either with alternative level, it's all, no one, even though the subject id young walk is separated from his wife and lives alone. it's been 6 months since he's hogged his daughter's type. well, now i do that. oh lord m o r ha, ha ha ha, ha, ha, ha name. oh no, no, we're on weather. oh, years mail in there. yeah, i'm no,
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i'm young. didn't on little detail know about bull i given if you didn't know. you didn't hear that when you got huddled off by your own. whoa, whoa. hello, yes. hello, hello, was off? he was turning on. turn of your toner. wow. michael. now, the language of that, it isn't that love to know you called it a thought and we're in the war. i know we ended up there during world war i'm really of us, which was like a channel . i know it, wow. i was at a low, you know,
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what does your to we'll talk real. yes. i don't think it was scalable. so i would, you know, i know, you know what i knew about i'm i'm in with
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ah, a ah
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ah ah ah. g 20 leaders agrees a kid global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius, but there's no pledge on net 0 missions. ah, hello again, i missed your day. this is al jazeera live from doha. also coming up the stage. is that for a global summit that's seen as the last.


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