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tv   [untitled]    November 1, 2021 4:30pm-5:01pm AST

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is to failure, when will leaders lead as mere motley, barbados prime minister? while we heard some pretty impassioned speeches all round this morning. let's bring in a tom right content. we'll have another girl speaking. tom, thanks for joining us here today. tom's a author and political lobbyist outraged optimism. so 1st up, the speeches that we've heard, every copy will have these riley and calls. it's a bit different this year because we've always world leaders in place, some strong strong words. but will they be listened to? will that be enough to make a difference? well, that's the great question, right? but just taking the last 2 speeches that we've had. mean they just played such remarkable roles in helping people contextual where we are. i mean, so david explained that the planet we have right now, unique in the universe, far as we now after 4 and a half 1000000000 years revolution. whether we have rain fossil, coral reefs, in 50 years or 500 years, is dependent. what happens in the next 10 to 15 years? it's an enormous responsibility. and me, a motley talking about the fact that if the world really wanted to do this 9 trillion dollars in, in coven recovery, spending through quantitative easing,
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that could be spent on transforming the world economy. so, you're right. these kinds of speeches happen made before in paris and many other times. but i think what's different now is 2 things. first of all, the impacts become so severe that we are seeing and we are recognizing that this is our last chance. and i also think with cove it, we've seen what happens now if something comes down the line that was ultimately predictable, right? the pandemic was the most predicted event in history, but we didn't prepare for it. and as a result of that, it devastated lives and devastated the world economy. we know what's gonna happen with climate change. we know we can prepare for it and make the best of it. and this is our chance. that's what that's alex. as we just heard from me and what she's talking about to, to reach me a death sentence, 1.5 is what is required. but are we going to get that here? well, so there's an important distinction there. so 1.5 actually, right? we didn't know that in paris, it's recent science since paris. that's demonstrated just how much worse 2 degrees is the $1.00. but what i would point out is that the paris agreements set in process set in train, processed to sol, face over a number of years, right?
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so it was a long term goal to get to net 0 by the middle of the century with a series of 5 yearly plans to get that glasgow is critical because it's the 1st chance that we step off with our next 5 years plants. but look at the progress since got since paris we came out of paris heading from $84.00 degrees. when now heading for about 2 and a half degrees. is that enough? absolutely not. we need to go further, but it is moving us in the right direction. so i would say glasgow needs to keep 1.5 degrees front and center, but it may not be able to get us all the way to that trajectory, but as long as it keeps it on the table, keeps it front and center. then we come back in a year, 2 years make more commitments. that's how we get that. a glock is different from paris in the sense that there isn't vis paris agreement at the end with where we're glad you agreement that maybe some kind of packs, but it won't be of that scale the, the world coming together to forge away forward. so it is very different set of negotiations if a completely different set of negotiation. so. so exactly as you say in paris we had to sign a treaty. there was that famous gobbling moment at the end. well,
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we going to get it where we not going to get it. glasgow is about the 1st round of commitments under the paris agreements. so it's about implementation and moving forward, which means it's about national step hops. what's each individual country doing? that's really important, but it's, it's going to be a bit less clear at the end of glasgow whether we really achieve what we wanted to achieve, right. that won't be that moment of binary clarity. at the end, we'll have national commitments. we'll have businesses will have investors, and then we'll have to put our arms around it and make sense of it and say, did we do it? or i, tom, tom bank, thanks very much. neglect top root comment. that thanks very much indeed. okay, we got to head to china now crucial part of the jigsaw. as we've been discussing all day, the world's biggest emitter ad needs to phase out. colbert is a long way from doing that. just yet. let's cross now to katrina you are corresponded to standing by in beijing. katrina here. another big factor is that the premier, the chinese premier, is one of the key absentees. he's not here at copies delivering of statements on the website. i believe the chinese government website do we know what he's like to
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say? it was one know that still unclear are present, you didn't being has not left china's since the beginning of the current of ours outbreak did not attend the g 20 and he's not at cop $26.00, which is frustrated. many because as the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, many are simply saying that is not good enough as to what he'll say. we are all waiting to see of course china accounts for more than a quarter of the world, carbon emissions. but on sunday, at the g 20 via video link, he did talk about climate change quite extensively. any stressed the importance of concrete actions and the importance of developed countries really needing to assist poorer nations in achieving their own targets. now what was also disappointing is that china last week submitted it said climate targets to the u. n. and we didn't really see anything new. china's said that it will peak carbon emissions by 2030
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and then try to achieve carbon neutrality by 2016. what china did in it submission last week, was really just elaborate on the steps that it wants to take to achieve those goals . are some things that china is doing well. it said that it will peak cold by 2025, which is crucial, of course, because this is a hugely polluting fossil fuel. china's as it will increase investment in wind solar and hydro power. it also has recently removed the pricing caps on coal, which is making coal less competitive and making renewable energy here as a source of energy more appealing in its place. but the problem is then china's economy. it's a planned economy and it's kind of working on a very old model. it's massively for one really, really requires a coal is school is 60 percent of what powers china power supply here in china. and
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other than that, china, it's hugely reliant on construction and on infrastructure building to massively energy intensive sectors in order to achieve its economic growth. so china like many other countries as really walking this fine line, trying to form this balancing act between moving in the right direction when it comes to climate change. and at the same time, trying to maintain economic momentum, trying to keep its people happy and it's economy, it's economy essentially growing. the good thing is that there has been recognition at the highest levels in china by shipping himself, by officials here that climate change israel, that it is happening, it is causing many of these huge challenges that china has been facing. we've seen unprecedented flooding, unprecedented routes, all sorts of natural disasters and there is a recognition that steps do need to be taking taken. now tanya is moving in the right direction, making some of those positive changes,
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but analysts say it's simply not happening fast enough. if we keep moving in the same trajectory of trying to keep going as it is, it will not be enough for the world to reach that target of 1.5 degrees celsius. what really needs to happen is china needs to peak, it's carbon emissions. and before 2030 not at 2030 or there afterwards. but so far dating has not made any promises or any indication whatsoever that it intends to do that or that it intends to compromise on that date. katrina thanks very much. you to katrina you the in beijing force. now let's take a look at 2 ends of the carbon emissions. scalar joiner's katrina's. been discussing him, it's more greenhouse gases than all developing countries combined. more than $40000000.00 tons of carbon dioxide, methane and other gases of pumped into every year. overall, china,
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around 27 percent of global emissions, followed by the u. s. india. european union and indonesia. the u. s. in europe have been the worst pollutants historically. it was always remember that on the other side of the spectrum of baton and cernan who are not only carbon neutral, the carbon negative are and we got correspondence in 2 countries. it these opposite opposite ends of the spectrum. in a moment we'll speak to jenna. whoa, who's in what's regarded as well to green as country less than march? first, let's across to monrovia in liberia where we find nic hack standing by for a nic. liberia has come bottom of the environmental performance index. does the government the think that's a fair assessment of how they're performing? absolutely. now they feel that they are feeling the full effect of climate change and of the pollution. and of course i spoke to those that are behind this index, and they say that over the last 10 years, the carbon emission of this poor indebted country has increased double the in the
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last 2 years. and i just want to show you what people here a face seemed a good step out of the shot when we're in west point in monrovia, a town that's barely one meter above sea level and the water, the rising ocean, keeps moving in. this isn't a done site, this is where people live and no one here from the government is picking up the human and industrial waste that's being washed up here, nor is it providing electricity or power. so people here are using fossil fuels to power their homes or diesel generator. but of course, nick, this is just a fraction of the pollution that you get from rich developed nations. most of the pollutions, according to the environmental ministry, doesn't come from liberia. and some of it comes from multinational companies that operate in the forest of liberia laborers for the guinea, for its region, is considered the lung of west africa. but the country that's heavily indebted has
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been advised by international donors such as the world bank to give of large concessions to multinational companies or middles people who are exploiting minerals, but also firestone, the rubber tire manufacturing company. and few of those companies, according to environmentalists that you know, actually respect the environmental laws of the country and the liberian government feels powerless in the face of that. on this index you have, of course, denmark that's doing very well, but also in the top 25 countries as greece and the liberian government ministry of environment told me that just last year there was a boat from greece filled with toxic chemicals, and their plan was to dump it here in liberia, they feel that developed countries use liberia as a dumb site. if it's not as a done site, it is here to extract and, and, and destroy this precious landscape. and president, stella, baron, president,
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george, where is it glass going? he's going to be advocating that this rich landscape is of value and he wants to set the price of the carbon. think of the value that this rich for is that library has and, and they want more of a say in the negotiating table. and that's what they're going to be negotiating at cop $26.00 because they are feeling the full effect of climate change. the people that live here in west point are people that have been displaced because of, of, of logging. and right now the sea level is rising, the ocean has eaten up so much of the land, almost 30 meters. and when the tide comes and it continues to eat away the land. so they are really caught in between the effect of climate change and the environmental degradation. and for them, it's very important that more than impassioned in passionate speech, that there's actual concrete action because their lives is at stake. here at this
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conference, nick thanks very much indeed. it's a fascinating view of the situation the in liberia let's he mentions denmark. so let's get a view from the green as country and the well joe hall is tiny by force general take. i'm standing quite literally at the height of environmental sustainability here. one of the very windy day on top of john mound, build above a power plant, a green power plant beltran not smoke, but steam into the air there. and turning, copenhagen's recyclable waste into heat and power for close to a 1000000 homes. here it is quite extraordinary. sides and giving more than that, back to the people of the city as well on one side of the slope. a dry sky slope, but on the other side is an 18 meta high priming wall. it's all pop copenhagen's
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plan to become the 1st carbon neutral city by 2020 bible ready. a 3rd of all of denmark's power comes from renewable sources. and you can see perhaps out there in the baltic straits, the wind turbines doing the bit, and i'm joined here by christian ingles, who's the ceo of coping hill. that's what this is called christian. we've talked about the sky slope and the timing wall. that's the phrase head and mystic sustainability i think was coined right here. this place tell us a bit more about that. i believe. so it's the architect getting a group that the building really used to hit an istic sustainability concept and taken it in. and you can say it's a waste energy plant waste and it is not a new reducing. the nice thing concept. we've had it for years. and what is new here is that the, it's not smoke coming out of the smoke that gets it fuel steam, which is emphasized by letting people run exercise up here. and to show that it is
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so clean that you can actually be around it. oh good deal. take a look at thats esteem stack, its not a smoke stack and have a look at it up. they are belching up into the air. it's the idea that you can be good to the planet and also be good to yourselves, isn't it? part of the technology here. the key part of the technology is ensuring that no toxins are released into the air in this steam, there's no smoke. talk tell me a bit more about how unique this production this plant actually is that when you, when you visit copeland hill you can see it directly from the elevator. the 1st thing you do is you that you walk up or you take the internet and you can look directly into the heart of the ways, turn into plant and children that come with their parents. they take a look in side, they're the stomach off the power plant, their parents talk about this as well. the garbage is burned, and you get the hot water in your apartment, 200 meters, 5 kilometers away from here. from this power plant, the idea of clean air of clean energy, the idea of climate change policies. so much ingrained inside the people of denmark
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and has been a coast for 50 years. it's a wonder this sort of thing doesn't exist in every city in the world. it could, couldn't it, it could definitely could everybody has to big garbage here. question, what to do? should we, landfills, should we export it to somewhere elsewhere? you don't see it anymore in denmark, we've taken it in for many years, saying that we can renew it into energy for denmark. here we have very close code climate in the winter. so we need hot water in the radiate us, and that's done by air. essential. busy system then sends it out to the apartments and opening. okay. chris, we will leave with that. thank you so much for that. and from the world's greatest country, back to cop 26 in glasgow neck. china. great, thanks for that to very interesting stuff that from denmark. it's interesting to see to right now we've got a lot of speakers from the youth activism movement appearing on stage youth. very much part of the theme of many of the lead speeches so far because it is the future
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generations, it will bear the brunt of what's going on. but any recently, as we see more more young people coming up in the fight against climate change and demanding action from their leaders out there has been speaking to some of the cleverest hi i'm and like i said off, i'm 11 years old and i live in grove, our india, there was a huge flood. we're villagers and villagers. there were washed away so so many of the vehicles and houses were destroyed. so people are dying because of climate change. i think people my age, they are being heard by the government and by adults do. so i think young people like me, they're using social media. do you know, raise awareness and contribute for her? hello. my name is marissa polt. i saw them cream. i'm a high school student hall. my grandparents told me this. it used to be land with
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a large community where it was a prosperous community with lots of merchant boots from many countries, hong kong, but as time passed and the land has eroded, there, people have had to move further inland from when my family used to live right here next to the temple, but we have had to move from my name is another. i'm for a senior souls and i live in argentina, valera, i think young people are not being listened enough by adults. and i also think that a young people need help from adults when it comes to changing some bad habits. i would tell the word slithers about climate change and tell them that we should warn everyone and remind them constantly of the big problem. this is my name is maya, i am 10 years old and i live in london the times now to make big changes and
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improvements to what we do normally to actually control climate change. we're running out of time when to do it now. otherwise, you probably never will. we have no planet b, and this is our home. so you wouldn't take care of it because we're kind of stuck here forever. so if it's light trash, then what are we gonna do? then? my name is sped malcolm who's that i am 12 years old. i live in abu jack the capital of nigeria, in my state of origin, which is kind of yeah, the serious case of climate change, leg routes and flood which is affect your food reduction. the adults at the one question, problems by building factories pollutant air. and it is a very helpful my message to the world leaders hold in this meeting is that any decision the mix day would affect my to morrow? i or they'll make a decision. dallas saved the world's feature of the next generation is consonant
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them. well, there's a section going on right now in this opening segment of the young climate conference where you thought, addressing the audience and the tele, it's how it is for them and how they see the future and how much they demand action once they finish the world, leaders will come on stage and they will put forward their views about the way forward. sheila, here she will. nick, thanks very much. let's bring in michael oppenheimer, he is director of the center for policy research on energy and merriment at princeton university. he joins us from new york, michael oppenheimer, so, so far we've had presidents and prime minister saying look guys, we shouldn't really be on the wrong side of history. but equally, we've had people like antonie could cherish david at bras, saying guys, you must not be on the wrong side of history. so how does that dynamic shift into being genuine progress? well, it's a very tough situation. are far too late. leaders of the world have realized what
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a urgent problem this is, and yet how complicated it is to solve it. not impossible by any needs, but it requires, as we say, there are a lot of moving parts and they have to get them to move together. that's true in each country and it's true to a certain extent, internationally. but at this point, the limiting factor, the thing it's making things slower than they need to be is what's going on in each of the big, admitting countries of which they were, you know, basically a handful with this. and those countries need to get their domestic programs together. and that means the u. s. actually passing it's programs through congress, china, really dealing with the fact that it has an electricity supply shortage, but that's a short term thing. and not, not letting it drive it over the edge to returning to coal. it needs the keeping off what it's been doing and yet applying yet more ambition and moving forward even even faster. and it means countries like india,
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which have india and very large emissions. it's growing very fast, economically, it has to learn how to do that growth while avoiding a large scale, additional dependence on fossil fuels. that means things happening in each country and it happening simultaneously so that when they look at each other, they can have trust that if they do a little more and be a little more ambitious, the u. s. et cetera will be ambitious. well ok, but when you talk about being a little bit more ambitious, michael, of course, of course, is a good cause, but it's going to cost a $100000000000.00 a year for the foreseeable future, or 80 dollars per person on the planet who pays for that while ensuring that nobody loses a job, well, nobody loses job, that's a ridiculous assumption. there are going to be transitions, and some people are going to lose jobs. and countries have to be aware of that. and it make the conditions such that those people can go somewhere else within the same
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economy. and if they don't do that, this transition is not going to happen because you can't do it against a big political headwind. and if people are thrown out of i don't get thrown on to unemployment and don't have an alternative that's going to slow down progress on protecting the planet. so those are the very kinds of complexities that countries should have thought about already 20 years ago. and now they have to think about how to make the transition and how to protect their own people at the same time simultaneously. and that's the kind of thing that slowing it down. look at this thing were easy and cheap. the countries will probably be moving to it much, much faster, but it is. and in addition, the big fossil fuel interests, for instance, some of the big oil companies are purposely getting in the way, purposely slowing down the transition because they have an interest in keeping the world the way it is. unfortunately, the rest of humanity has a quite different interest. ok, but when antonie gets out of the un secretary general says we have now got to build
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coalitions to accelerate d carbonized the planet. if you don't have vladimir putin, the if you don't have teaching ping there, you're, your coalition of the willing is weakened as soon as they open the front door. i think you have to realize that a meeting like the glass go top. it has to be put in context. it's not going to save the world. it never was going to save the world. it's just one more step at the international level to keep countries trusting each other and cooperating. and frankly, that doesn't really depend aware, the gene pang is in glasgow or somewhere else. it doesn't really depend on whether president biden happens to be in glasgow, but he went there to make a specific point. namely, the u. s. is changing from what it had done under the previous administration. so it's very important that he actually did go there. but that also is aimed at domestic politics and making
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a statement to the american people about how important this issue is. so each of these leaders has to weigh in balance, but the process goes on no matter why. we have to stop looking at these meetings as we're going to turn the corner, or we're going to save the world or, or we're gonna avoid falling over the cliff. this time we have to take it as a long term process, which is going to go on for years. but it has to have the objective of sharply reducing emissions, so that impossible we make the one and a half degree. or are you heartened to told michael by 2 aspects you've already touched on? one of them that aspect that came out i think it was and tony could cherish again where he was hinting. look, this is not, we can save the world in 13 days. this is a conference that is part of a piece, it represents continuity. and then he went on say, look, you cannot analyze this every 5 years. perhaps you will have to analyze it every 12 months, perhaps because it's that serious a situation. well yes,
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i mean climate is the number one issue for the world at this point and will be there at, at number one, hopefully because you can't possibly solve it overnight for years and years and probably a few decades. and so this is something we need to put our full attention. it just like every country looks at its military status. it's national security, the external threats, the threats they have to look at now, or the common thread of climate change. and that means attending to it day in and day out, not just year in year out. that means weaving climate change into every decision that a country makes about anything. and making sure that all those decisions are made with a view towards reducing emissions sharply and trying to make the one and a half degree target. it's a tall order, but governments can do it. they just have to decide finally that this is number one issue. michael,
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thank you so much for joining us or from the u. s. michael oppenheimer there talking to us about cop $26.00 taking place in glasgow. if he has joining us. let's just wrap up for you. what's been happening. it's been a fast moving couple of hours from the cop 26 people in glasgow. the earth, 2 weeks, 13 days of discussions and behind closed doors. discussions as well, we assume was opened by boris johnson, the u. k. prime minister. he's hosting it. he won that one the audience up with a joke, i guess. ah, but it's not a joking matter. he said the best scottish export are one of the best known scottish exports was james bond. this is not a movie. he said, he said the doomsday device is real. we are quilting the earth in an invisible blanket of c r. c o 22 degrees more and people start dying as one minute to midnight, said mister johnson, we need to act now. it'll be too late for our children, end the use of all the negatives we can stop using gas guzzlers. we can stop using coal fired power stations to generate our electricity. we can fix the amount of
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carbon in the air. we also heard from david edinburgh, he's a very, very well known naturalist, or in the u. k. he said, ultimately, the emergency comes down to a few easy to understand numbers. those he said who've done the least, they are the ones who were hurting the most. we must halt carbon emissions this decade. so he's talking about this really kicking in by the 2030. that was a passionate speech from him. we also heard from an impassioned, kind of almost like a rabble rousing un secretary general and friendly to cherish. he said the 6 years since paris had been the 6 hottest years on record. either we stop it or it stops us. the last report showed a 2.7 degree increase. we are still, he said, as of today, as of the opening day of cop 26 heading for climate disaster, the world is facing a moment of true. the climate army is led by young people. it is,
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he said unstoppable. and i stand with them more of our continuing coverage from cop 26 in glasgow. when we come back at 14 g, i will see you ah, told to al jazeera in the field goes to one of the world's most dangerous migration . british coffee fill this dangerous jungle to make it to north america and meet some of those trying to cross the columbia, panama borden, in search of a better line. they say the only thing left or there expired passport on al jazeera roster clearings and now taking over what used to be pristine forest, where giant trees ones too tall and cheap and see you scroll conservationist say they are yes. warming with nico tim below gazande porches, 4 years ago, the government is sitting in the, on the east,
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the ban on the timber trading. that decision only open a floodgate of uncontrolled illegal looking sierra leone is home to more than 5000, was to possess more than 1500 of them. i found them the law mon, to regional and their prophecy. because the vision is under pressure to save them after the resumption of looking on the return of poachers in the country with an abundance of results for the trade already won indonesia, his friends for me, we moved fool to grow and frank, we balance for green economy blue economy and the digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs investment. let's be part linda. this is growth and progress. invent even easier now with hey say that's come and check out this. what's the
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up to skip up receiving crucial weather and navigational data from me to keep his crew and passengers safe. everything looked ship shape. oh, he's happier than a fisherman with a net full of pow's crew. our tooth. luke, thanks to me. he's on a video cool. with his wife to tell her about his promotion i, i, captain, ash hale, sat space to deliver your vision. ah, we are digging our own grapes, the greatest warnings from the un chief and tony the terrace, and other world leaders at the opening of a crucial climate summits. it's one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock, and we need to act not ah,
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log in on piece. adobe you're watching al jazeera is extended coverage of be called $26.00 summits in scotland, the leader of the world's top single greenhouse emitter.


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