tv [untitled] November 2, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm AST
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profit consequences, agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later, the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge brain something and they didn't even see the case. the 2 women are still fighting for justice against some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agent orange on out there. ah. please. i flew united states. well, can you just joining us? you watch you and yours are 10. i was g m t joe biden, b u. s. president speaking now at the you and climate summit in glasgow. let's listen indispensable piece of keeping our climate goals within reach. as well as
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many other key priorities that we have together. ensuring clean water, maintaining biodiversity supporting rural. busy and indigenous communities and reducing the risk of the spread of disease are far sir. also. busy nature's carbon captures cycling c, o 2 out of our atmosphere. and i want to recognise the presence of the republic of the congo and gabon are here to day for their considerable commitment to conserve, to conserve their fars for all work together to make sure these precious resources are conserved and african around the world. far as to have a potential to reduce, reduce carbon globally by more than one 3rd. why more than one 3rd? so we need to approach this issue with the same seriousness of purpose as d carbonized in our economies. that's what we're doing in the united states. we
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already exceeded the 2020 bond challenge goal of more than 20000000 hector's of farm. busy land under restoration thus far. during my 1st week in office, i issued an executive order set the goal of conserving at least 30 percent of all us lands and waters. by the year 2030, we put a in place protection for the song as far as in alaska, the world's largest in tack, temperate rain forest. and today i'm announcing a new plan to conserve global forest, which will bring together a full range of you as govern tools, diplomatic, financial, and policy. to halt for us laws restore critical carbon sinks and improve land management. sir, this plan, the united states will help the world deliver on our shared goal of halting natural
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force laws and restoring at least an additional $200000000.00 hector's of fars and other echo systems by the year 2030. this plan is the 1st of his kind and taking a whole, a government approach and work in our case with congress to deploy up to $9000000000.00 newest funding through 2030, to conserve and restore our fars and mobile eyes billions more from our partners. as part of this, we're going to work to ensure markets recognize the true economic value of natural carbons things, and motivate governments. landowners and stakeholders to prioritize conservation will work to align the private sector. investment flows in arc climate concert and conservation goals including reducing the drivers of deforestation, crating sustainable supply chains,
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pursuing more sustainable commodity sources. and every step will work in partnership with the people most impact by deforestation, and most experience in sustainable land management, local communities, indigenous people, local governments, civil society. to make sure our approaches are effective and focused on the needs of vulnerable populations preserving fars and other ecosystems can and should play an important role in meeting our ambitious climate goals. as part of the net 0 mission strategy we all and united states is going to lead by example at home. in support other far said nations in developing countries in setting and achieving ambitious action to can sir and restore these carbon sinks. i'm confident we can do this. all we need to do is summon the will to do what we know is right and we know is necessary knows with our capacity. so as simple as it sounds,
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i think it is this simple. let's get to work. we can do this and we'll have a generational impact. thank you. thank you for your inquiry to know where to abide in the us presidency. they're saying would you see the drivers of deforestation is the key thing here. we can work in partnership with the people who are suffering local governments. civil society will work with them. the u. s. will lead by example at home. he said and concluding his address there, i'm confident we can do this. we know it is necessary. we know it is in our capacity, and then he reiterated just one more time. we can do this. now. clark is our environment editor at nick fine words from the u. s. president there, but this costs money and what he wants is kind of in the process of hitting a bit of a road block in congress. domestic politics coming into play and what's going on there at the cop $26.00 in glasgow. yeah,
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well welcome to day 3 in glasgow. it's a major announcement we start with with big numbers, joe biden, they're really talking, as you say about his domestic issues of getting that a big bill through congress. but on the broader scale on the global scale, this announcement that he is part of is extraordinary. we're talking about $19000000000.00. the implementation is going to be the thing you had got more than a 100 world lead, as a grain to end and reverse deforestation. in 9 years time by 2030, and that includes brazil, which comes with some surprise given the president to jerbill centers passed record and the countries who say they will sign this pledge. they include canada, brazil, russia, china, indonesia, the d. r. c, democratic republic of congo, the u. s. as we've just been hearing and the u. k. and all of them cover about 85 percent of the worlds for a. so it's a lot of money. gains her a big sway, the forests around the world and calls for us a crucial a in this whole effort to get to $1.00 degrees celsius. because they suck the
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carbon out of the atmosphere and produce oxygen. let's get to we can speak to a roboto wacked now who's been listening in you've got a great interest in this biologist and a brazilian business leader for the chair of the force stewardship council. welcome roberta. first up, what's your reaction to what you've been hearing about this big announcement? i believe that is a very significant our announcement. it's very important. finally, for his start getting to where it should be already for very long in this comment on sketch. yeah, and so from brazil's point of view, are you surprised that they've signed up to this? as i say, given the president's pause record and he's, he's quite happy to, to let swathes of the i'm, he destroyed, but i had no attendance. he vote said pressure of the was in a society which is very active in that area business and also see the society and that there was an academy that working on that and the and, and is this is an enormous opportunity for brazil. so i think they had no
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alternative. i mentioned just now the implementation of this is a thing, a $19000000000.00 is a big number. and it's, it's a good number to have to play with. but how do we that ensure that the money gets to the right people in the right places, and it isn't just, you know, carved off by corrupt officials. that is the trickiest part. so i believe that a, the one of the most important thing is the monitoring process by the society. for instance, in brazil, we have instruments. many tory instruments are organized by the society like my to be all muslim satellites. magic decide a thing is this type of thing. so this is the 1st step. the 2nd is engagement off the society engagement or private sector, or the implementation on the, on, on, on, on making sure that really, the money goes to the people that lives in the fours to the sub national systems. gotten governors, anna are sold academy, it'll shoot it a good,
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a significant amount of money should go to police. see at the extraction of the timber. because as we know, a lot of companies that a lot of people in the west use, a great deal use timber that they may not know it illegally source, but is so traceability. so we need to put in place very strong disability instruments and combined to traceability with social inclusion. so it's not a question often, not only the question of appointee who are involved with it for station, but also combining their twisted development off on economy of the forest. so, and way that the people that lives in the fours and also the legal guys that many cases are not, did people who lives in the fours don't have the incentives to continued. you 1st now did for station process or i to rebut. i will either for the time being thanks very much and do you think that you significant another thing here. thank you. and blanca, thanks for that. now let's move on to like just that
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we can move on to the okay. i'm on. sorry about that. just trying to see where we're moving on to next. so lake chad was at once sea sick, largest inland water 40, but the effects of a climate change an extended drought, as well as the over use of water has caused it to shrink by 90 percent in the past 6 years. that's it. now from amid address once a busy navigation channel for light fishing vessels. this portion of the lake chart is now a crossing point for cattle decades of poor water usage, celts, droughts, and the impact of climate change continue to alter the face of the lake. and with it, the lives of millions will depend on it. this family is forced to my great because of drought. not far from here. we met a fisherman pulling in his catch of the day. he says it's the most he got in a week. a few my curls, not enough to feed his family and hood. we used to catch
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a lot of fish in past years with little effort, but it's so much more difficult. now. i'm lucky to have even caught this much. he says fishermen like him must learn other skills to survive the hard times. the lecture is shared by cameron chad najia and nigeria. countries dealing with the 12 year old boycott. i'm insurgency that has killed thousands and displeased millions experts say the conflict is fueled in part by the effect of climate change electrodes. one of the world's biggest lakes, but over 50 years it's changed dramatically. what was once a 25000 kilometer body of water is now estimated at scattered islands like this and pools just containing 1000 square kilometers. and that doesn't have 25000000 people shot of food and jobs, and exposed to conflicts. 30 kilometers away from what is now the new shores of the lake. as this has an hava sorghum. after 5 months of labor and
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a $4000.00 investment from cal, it is not good quality. now the quality, it's not good quality about 40 hector's, that's the only thing we got this year for 40 hecht is not enough because we've got problems with the rain and he says he will be lucky to get full bikes this year. which amounts to $3800.00 loss on his investment. a few decades ago. what he now calls a farm was deep inside the lake giant. for generations, this a healy and away says, supported millions of families, life stock, and profitable trade among nations. governments in the region are struggling to address the fears and concerns of millions will now watch helplessly as their means of livelihoods dry up. melody deal. it did love it. just as industrialized countries agreed to support developing countries. chad, through its public treasury will also fund projects to mitigate the impact of
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climate change on its people. little comfort to those who lost so much back at as is, hasn't from his walkers continue to process this. yes, harvest. but at the back of their minds, they are conscious of the reality that they, like millions in the region may not get to keep their jobs. next year. i'm at greece al jazeera on the shores of the lake chant. i was just there on the ongoing and enormous problems around lake chad. let's speak now to leon nicholson, who's from the small islands. lots, a key party here at the top 26 talks and you've just come from a lead is making the small island lines tell us what their expectations are and what they demanding if the big nations. yeah, thanks for having me on. we are $39.00 countries parties and our leaders come from the pacific, the caribbean and africa, indian ocean. our leaders are asking for climate justice from the system. we're
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heading to a warming trajectory that's really worrying on our countries, and our people are hurting. they spoke a lot about how you can wake up one morning and half of your infrastructure is gone . 100 percent of your g d p is gone. and coming back from there, it's just you borrow debt to pay off your debt and there's really no systematic approach we're being told to go and look for charity, basically, and we're handed a small amount that's really not solving the problem. you are from antique or on my chicken by sharing. i think it's an idea of the sort of impacts you're seeing that . well, one of my earliest memories was living through a category 5 hurricane. we saw this last year, hurricane moved from a category one. so i category 5 in 2018, it just went every time you looked it was a category moving up and to prepare for a category one. category 5 is just, you can even do anything. it's 180 miles of wind an hour and to wake up, you have maybe no roof of your head. you have people living without anywhere to go
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and then businesses are close. so wealthy countries can just start giving handouts to those households to recover. so you're seeing a lot of bailout, but in our, in our countries, it's really a question of how do we keep ourselves going and avoid bankruptcy. right. and the fundamental requirement from you is that national commitments to reduce emissions should align with this effort to about 2015. and of course the $1.00 degrees go. but then you hear about india's prime minister is remote. he's saying he's going to do 2 decades later by 20 seventies. what do you think about? well, we have an agreement that the parents agreement that there are difference and obligation . so we expect developed countries to be moving much faster than 2050. we call for a net global emission by net 0, global emission by 2050. but we need, of course, india to move foster. but we need to develop countries by not necessarily meeting on how soon they can reach natalie, or they can do it much faster. they have much more resources and,
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and finally we saw this this morning from about from joe biden and johnson about deforestation. and how all this money, $900000000000.00 is going to be thrown out. it's that kind of big announcement that we need here at these negotiations is that to take things forward to try and reach the goals that we need. we need announcements and more so we need follow through. we need to start seeing major changes, systematic changes, and we welcome the deforestation come back not. but we have to put in perspective at 86 percent of emissions in the last decade came from the fossil fuel industry. we have a power of agreement that does not mention mentioned energy or fossil fuels. we talk about agriculture, we talk about oceans, nature. we're not addressing the root causes of climate change, which also by the way, are outstripping the finance that they're receiving than the finance going into solving the problem. so we need a major system, wind restructuring. we're seeing $1.00 trillion dollars going some fossil fuel subsidies and 20. but since the parents agreement was signed in 2015,
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a guess if it's calling for an end to all fossil fuel subsidies by 2023 in major economies. right. well, that was a long way to solving a lot of problems with that because we appreciate it. thanks very much. thank you about it. thank you. well, so we've had one big announcement here this morning, deforestation we're expecting another a little bit later on methane emissions. so to them make, thank you very much. the rest of the aged news still to come here on the news for you. we're in paul, where people are trying to pick up the pieces after catastrophic flux and in sport, the latest from the t 20 will come of england charged towards the semi finals. ah, 2 big explosions have gone off near a military hospital and cobble the african capital before runs of gunfire. also being heard and reported their taliban officials say they have been casualties, but they didn't detail any numbers. there's been no claim of responsibility over at
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the attack last spring in fi as zealand. he's a professor of political science. he's a couple university and the executive director of the democracy piece and development thinktank. he joins us from the afghan capital, fine as well. and are we seeing more of this kind of incident? do you think thanks for having me. i think recently and security and last target killing specifically. and the stuff i've got is done, and it is the 2nd such big explosion and us to few weeks or 3 months now since the exit all of us on the security for them and things so not managed, we'll think it will be flesh bugs mode and coming days and months, there are many reasons. one of the biggest reason is
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humanitarian crisis, financial crisis all over the country. whether it be my job listeners, my house created a mistake. logical insecurity, which is no, causing this military and securities to pardon me, as we're having a conversation we're learning the death toll has now been reported at 19. we're assuming, according to other reports as well, that there are multiple injuries there. can the taliban keep control if there are no claims or responsibility for this kind of event? controlling such kind of will seem more difficult than a situation where things are not good and much in order since the fall of the cup
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into the hands. so started on a few things missing. what important think is that the victim receive cognition, original cooperation, international communities, corporation. considering this over the target killing good. isis. the activation in big cities. but tyler button should control. otherwise. the main the main thing that people really much need and one from tally about was the grip over the security. and the last, if they lose that grip and security and presence, i think it will somehow discriminate by the presence in the power has that taliban instigating conversation. now run its course. i mean, has it run out of steam because it must be very, very difficult for more than the handful of countries who essentially or in effect
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said we can work with the taliban must be very difficult for so many other countries to go down that road as well written in the think consensus is important recently did i consider. busy this from the original countries or pakistan, russia, china do are asking for more inclusive t my why no connectivity is under the question because of no banking system. no international recognition on the international insecurity of governors town can cause it can spill over to not only to the region to the international communities also specifically to the west. and it can cause more migration. it can cause the live a lot of new terrace groups and undermining the national security over the western
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countries. so cooperation on the security aspect and also my assisting with that button on some of those areas where it is possible. for example, specifically on human, my humanitarian crisis, non inclusivity on missional consensus sort of connectivity with my bringing bigger projects and some compromise coming from taliban in cobble on the inclusivity women that human rights can i think bring the distance down and kind of create a new. busy cooperative equilibrium between all parties to tackle the current insecurity and make things in the direction finds out there in cobble. thank you very much for joining us. thank an attack in booking a foster has killed at least 10 people that happen close to the border with nisha
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for other people may have been kidnapped. troops have been deployed to the area and the search is now underway. in ethiopia, the state media is reporting that all residents of addis ababa. i've been asked to register their weapons in the next 2 days, as comes after rebels and to grey said, they're in control of 2 tones on a major highway leading to the capitol, the prime minister of young men. as asked all ethiopians to mobilize and fight. the rebels is priyanka gupta. there's a new frontier in it. he'll be us war, rebels, antique. i say they're advancing farther, south, inching closer to the capitol, addis ababa in just a few days. the rebels from the northern te gray state said they have seized their talents of to say, uncommon culture, which i and the neighboring i'm her estate. the 2 are on a me to highway leading to the capital, addis ababa. the federal government has disputed the claims. we have with this siege on to gra, is broken well to make sure that our children are not going from anger. and that
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way it will help to make sure that it acts as committed to the actors to buy out even though will do what it takes to make sure that the site is broken. if looking flat linsmith implanted, it takes to break the thing we will prime minister are the amad, has asked all this europeans to organize and fight back enough. a 1000 all. there are many challenges, but i can tell you with certainty, without a doubt we will score a comprehensive victory. in the last 15 days, when tpr laugh was crying about being attacked, i was overwhelmed with pressure from the world phone calls. now that they're advancing, it is seen as normal and no one is callings to go. foot in. the u. s. has been calling for a ceasefire. secretary of state antony blinking. tweeted saying the u. s. is alarmed over the t p. a less takeover of the towns to say and culture and is urged both sides to stop fighting. but they all concerns that violence could escalate with the grand rebels. joining forces with the oro, more liberation, army,
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and armed group in the region surrounding the capital artists. there is a new marriage of convenience alliance between at least a faction of the o or more liberation front. and the tv allowed her because the abbey has managed to alienate the oral mo, the, including some em harass. so he is really increasing the isolated and that he be alive who's trying to take advantage of that situation as well as olay. and it's found lease like these. what being the highest price for the shifting back lines of if he'll be us war that's dragged on for nearly a year. more than 2 and a half 1000000 people have been forced to leave their homes. and around $400000.00 are on the brink of famine. brianca i'll 0. let's get more now from sam. you'll get a true in addis ababa. samuel,
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welcome back to the news. ok. so it looks like they've taken these 2 terms on the road to the capital. how significant is that when the government this in this thing out of the been take them but the acknowledge that i've been fighting including the killing. so according to that, more than 100 young people and combo charles, the importance of control charts is huge. it cost $1.00 of the biggest for an investment in the country, including mpeg start including in railroad. there's a company that has been incumbent chapel many, many years, investing more than $1700000000.00 into a construction of road that's supposed to be connecting combo chad to the rest. so it's really, if it is who, again we haven't been able to bay fight us. we should, we've tried our best, we've spoken to different forces. they tell us it's being captured, but again,
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they can side, it hasn't been taken over. so, and again, it's a conflict where we can see the baby by the most basic information so far. and as to the basic information, samuel, when we say they've taken these 2 locations, can they hold on to the 2 locations? well, they've been able to hold on different towns so far they've been successful. that's why the government has much of the leadership of the us. the more senior leadership would need that because there is mainstream accommodation that the us the support needed. yes. that the, the prime minister's fault with his minister saying that many people are being involved in the conflict. he said black and white. i've been in many fields. i've been bullied by him to explain the success of the t p. end up so far. again,
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we're watching it from a distance to the area. phone lines are off. in 7, it's are all. so we're just watching it again from the is there a calculation? do you think samuel on the part of the government forces? but perhaps there are the opposition. i guess that's how they would describe them might just might have the momentum to try and get to the capital city. well, today the local government woke up saying that he killed tense with the arm, use whatever, or whatever resources they have to be spend there in 1st to go and bridge their, their weapon for within the next 48 hours. and they said it's week you should be able to give it to someone able to use that work with the government did the to defend your interest. so they haven't been specific on what they're saying. but again, it seems they're fine knowledge of what might be coming to. i'd be fine to be ready
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for what's expected to happen because if we look at the success of the left, everyone instruct including discovered the children samuel, thank you so much, samuel guess joe, talking to us there from addis ababa. ok, let's go back now to cop 26 by climate summit in glasgow in the announcement about ending and reversing deforestation this decade. today i'm announcing a new plan to conserve global fars, which will bring together a full range of us covered tools, diplomatic, financial, and policy. to hope for us laws restore critical carbon sinks and improve land management. through this plan, the united states will help the world deliver on our shared goal of halting natural force laws and restoring at least an additional $200000000.00 hector's of fars and
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other echo systems by the year 2030. well that significant because trees are our best form of carbon capture, they absorb carbon dioxide and turn it into wood bark as the trees grow through the process of photosynthesis, whilst releasing oxygen into the atmosphere in all trees suck up about one 3rd of the world. c o 2 each year that comes from burning fossil fuels cole and the like about $2600000000.00 tons, $27.00 football fields worth of forests are cut down or burned every minute. activities that are monitored by satellite. now these pictures come to us from the amazon rain forest and brazil, one of the countries this place to en deforestation by 2030. most of this activity is driven by the production of palm oil beef sawyer, timber and paper products to well, one of the telltale signs of deforestation in the amazon is the so called fish boone, that's a pattern that emerges along roads as loggers ranchers and other.
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