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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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warren and others from the most liberal wing of the party. but she's also caught the attention of some special interest groups who've been spending money to defeat her. her victory would be interpreted as part of that, that movement. and the question is, is whether these traditional interests are going to fight back against what they bright perceive is a 2 progressive agenda on things like climate and transportation and development, et cetera. still, democrats can't lose and erase that shows how dramatically the city has changed. kristin salumi al jazeera boston. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the headlines. ethiopia has declared a nationwide state of emergency. earlier, the prime minister had asked all ether pins to mobilize to find rebels in te grey. you say they've taken controlled to towns along a major highway to the capitol, the u. s. envoy on the horn of africa. geoffrey feltman has denounced the rebels
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from moving towards the capital describing the expansion of the war as unacceptable . we have consistently condemned the 'til ifs expansion of the war outside to grow . and we continue to call on the t purelife to withdraw from afar and um hora. that expansion of the war, however, is as predictable as it is unacceptable. given that the ethiopian government began cutting off humanitarian relief and commercial access to, to grow in june. which continues to this day, despite horrifying conditions of reporting widespread famine and near famine conditions that have shocked the world to large explosions have gone off there. a military hospital in carville the full rounds of gunfire. at least 19 people are confirmed, dead has been no claim of responsibility for the attack so far. well, leaders have agreed to en deforestation by 2030 and then the you and climate
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summers in glasgow. it's 1st major deal as part of a greater push to limit the rise and global temperatures to 1.5 degrees celsius in the coming decades. palestinians fighting against forced eviction in chef gera districts in occupied east jerusalem of rejected a compromise put forward by israel. supreme court, the court proposed that the families be allowed to stay in their homes for 15 years . we're recognizing a jewish settler organization as the owners of the land tech company. yahoo says it's pulling out of china because of what it calls an increasingly challenging environment. the move, it's largely symbolic. as many of you are, her services were ready blocked by china's digital censorship. and that she had stayed, stay with us on al jazeera or thrice, is up next. ah
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and a ah . the explosion of plastic waste across the world threatens the very survival of life on our planet. every year, up to $12000000.00 metric tons of plastic into the oceans. from poisoning marine life to littering landscapes and cloaking waterways, plastic waste and the environment is set to triple in the next decade. the problem is so vast, it can seem overwhelming. but by re imagining this waste as a resource,
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we can begin to redress the balance. i'm donny kani la in cameroon, where a young entrepreneurs turning the tide on plastic waste by building bolts to bottles and megan the cub in the u. k. well, one company is tackling a really sticky plastic problem boss making unique, unsustainable products in the process. ah, here in cameroon, economic capital to wiler, the scale of the countries plastic problem is painfully clear. plastic waste is clogging up the street and rivers of cameron's major cities polluting waterways threatening marine ecosystems and making light especially difficult for local fishermen. mm. it's estimated that across the city of to wanna $1300.00 tons of
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plastic waste is generated every day. so much of it is thrown into the cities rivers. you can't see any trace of water. ah, i've never seen anything like this before. i don't even know how you begin to fix the problem. this big is no doubt. this is a major challenge of a city. but one local man has made it his mission to deal with it had on his name is ish mile is. so it's like i said to me to most resume that i mean it's quite a place to meet. i must say. so is this normal here in due ela. oh, you know so sad. what is that? you have ordered black, that's our troy way by b boy in this we in the household. and then you have the river, the water that call it all the ways that club these bridge. and then you have people solving with your car until they our trash the river. and you can see that
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placid, back before a mac edukit, how to money dealt with. so unfortunately is norma. it's overwhelming to see this that you don't find it overwhelming. why do you see this and think that this is something you want to take on for yourself. i realize that all the river are full of plastic. no one k. no one's they. what is this and our shoke to see that? so i decided to do something and what i've been that i grew to boys shooting people myself by showing the way through. ishmael began in initiative to clear up the waste from all of to well as 10 choked rivers. he calls his company dba and nature, meaning water in nature, in the local, sour language. he recruits a team of 30 volunteers and today i'm giving them a helping hand. but it quickly becomes clear to me what
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a tough job this is. where standing on this board because much of this looks like a bed of plastic. there's actually a river underneath it, so it's not very stable. it's very hot and very humid here. so when you have this amount of waste in water, of course, it's called mosquito than other kinds of water born diseases. and there are people who live all around here. so this is not just an environmental crisis. it's possible health crisis as well, kind of serious with the work you're doing here is amazing, but there are so many bottles and it feels like this is just a den and it's really only individuals like you who are taking it on there is no city wide plan or nationwide plan to tackle this enormous problem? no, no. messiah greene is burned here in charlotte obligations her or the problem for the priority. so people are,
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we're no one's care about enrollment here. this is the most urgent program. so we need to jump with with ishmael doesn't just see all this plastic as waste. he sees it as a valuable material and an opportunity to do good. mm hm. he turns bottles into both for the regions, fishing community. and it all happens here inside his workshop. ah, but oh yeah, this is her, is our workshop is see in my house here. so i'm here with some of the 2 and we try to finish of all. ishmael is both built using traditional techniques. who taught you how to do it? oh no, i'm for move fishing community and my daughter fisherman. oh wow. so when i was young, i was fishing with my dad. this technology i just adapted to the black board or so is that why this idea came to you? yes. because the portion of the river and now you cannot catch fish because the
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efficient area is full of plastics. so i thought too hot not only to claiming the reverse but also to point out because it is not easy in the villages for someone to buy symbol boat. so now with fuel cheaper eco, both that could be useful. so we have part of our seat done what's next to you on breakfast? yeah, i'd love to try to do that with so we tie this. yeah. not a not so bad at ya. it is a little scary to think that what we're putting together, someone's actually going to be sitting on out in the water. so i feel a little bit of responsibility to not mess this up. i proud of my handy work out here. oh, you did. it isn't so bad it once he's built the frame. ishmael
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ties to the base and then he adds in the scene. ishmael has built 37 boats to date, given that it takes 650 bottles to build one that's over 24000 bottles. removed from to wireless rivers and put to good use. so how much does the cost to make about like this with material oil? remembering simple, you just bought us. the rest is yep. that, ah, the booth take just a few hours to build and they're so lightweight, they're easily transported to the ocean. it's a 3 hour drive to nearby. creepy weight ish mount is the boats to local fishing. traditionally made fishing boats can be extremely expensive, but even so,
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when is my 1st started giving away his e commerce, it was easier said than done these look very different to all of the local fishing both that we see what was the reaction from the local community when you brought these here the 1st time for that thought they wasn't sure it will never go in the water enough that when we went to the water before you move, if it is walking and then they start new to try to understand and try to see if you go fishing with these one, the real proof of course is in the floating. they've got tested out, it's got it. okay. you lead the way, you thought it was a fun he entry, but that feel so much better feel say well i don't feel safe in any way. i feel really comfortable fishing and want to be
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what a great idea. i missed so many possibilities of what he can do in the future that can at the same time be enormous issue, a plastic waste in cameroon. what an incredible young man that was to redefine. now we know the boat to see whether we're delivering it to the latest happy customer was going to test it out on a nearby lake. ah, i got a really busy, gimme the fishermen. good to meet you. what do you think of your new boat and the cabin with how do you think having this new boat is going to change things for you? for what for moscow said me, said he, the airport. what. what if it, if,
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if you could, but would feel group us with alopecia who argument grandpa or facility? so maybe their accessibility and affordability of eco, both will be something that convinces people to give them a try. where did you month, visit the ship there? you mom so, but some likely will, could it be shaky not, but in mind that were born forcefully to leave in $1.00 to $2.00 also for you to learn all orders under. if i'm me, see, when i tried out, you know, let's see how it works with her. how do you feel about camille reaction to his very own he commodes a hobby to see that i can make the ones my so one get hope that maybe is going to show would be better. maybe he can have more in come to his family since he started
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in 2016, the growing success of his ico both hasn't spied ishmael to do more. it's his ambition to clear up cameroon. and that begins with the country's 1st battle recycling scheme. ah, this is the echo bean i called in his mid powder, 255 plastic wars and glad 1000 bucks. so this is a place where people can come and bring their plastic lazy. caesar, starving wine officer to g doily install is stored in system of plastic waves in grammar. so the idea of this echo been what you're trying to do here. where do you think you can grow to? we wonder why city to be let go of an example in that regard. we im just apply rick will be in areas of draw out of all the corners in font of all the show is supermarket this cool. so it will be easy to come and pick up the wave,
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recycle that. so that is the vision where we wanted were there, but how the which there is not is despite the challenges. ishmael has even bigger plans for the future by producing battle made furniture, and by educating the next generation figure you show very liberal den rubicon club. what is your bus that goes with it to junk on? got to be left on who should you go there to john? it's a legacy to take care of environment sticky of our planet ender to clean our cities. it's an inspiration to me that even in this global see of plastic one person really can make a difference. a for environmental campaign is the global issue of plastic waste is now so serious.
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it has risen to the top of the agenda. they believe we must rethink our whole approach to the material. the scale of the plastic problem is huge. minutes over 300000000 times a year. plastic packaging itself is 78000000 tons year. 32 percent of that leaks out and environment. some of the biggest producers of plastic packaging in the world produce $3000000.00 tons a year. so with that one producer changes the way they make plastic. that is a massive change globally. even the biggest producer plastic packaging in the world can't fix this on their own. this is about every one competitors alike. organizing around a system that can be regenerated from restorative. if you look at our current economy, it's predominantly linear. we take a material out the ground, we make something out of it and then the majority of that material gets thrown away . we have a growing world population. we have more and more pressure on resources. the system we have to day cannot run in the long term. we need to shift that economy to be one that uses materials, rather than using them up with an,
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a circular economy right from the beginning. you build the economy, so you design outweigh some pollution. you keep products cycling within that economy for as low as possible, and then you look at regenerating natural systems through the biological materials to feed into the economy. so effectively, the straight line turns into a circle to build out circular economy for plastic, she need to go right to the beginning of the system. we need to redesign the way we think about plastics. the way we design plastics and the way we use plastics. so we need to eliminate the plastic that we don't need. we need to innovate for different forms of plastic, which are 100 percent recyclable. and we need to look at how we circulate plastics, designing a system whereby that material is collected has value, and feeds back into the system. the thing that motivates me the most about the future is there is a massive opportunity to redesign our global economy. if we redesign that economy, so it's circular, not only will we build an economy that can run in the long term, but it will unlock trillions of us dollars recommend opportunity. and it will
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effectively decouple economic growth from a source constraints are mm . fasting. pollution is the hot topic in the world, environmental damage that it causes is long lasting and wide ranging. but was there is a growing consciousness of the problems that passed it caused and you might even be doing things yourself to solve it. there is one problem that is be hiding in plain sight. every year we chew away 2 or 374 trillion pieces of gun. what you might not know is that chewing gum is essentially like doing this piece of plastic, but was chewing gums, and bubble gums are older my from oil. in fact, gum is a very similar material to latex bicycle in achieves. and every year we chuck away $100000.00 tons that globally much of it,
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straight on to the floor. gum is 2nd only to cigarettes of the world's most listed items across the globe. we spent $25000000000.00 on gum every year. and demand is predicted to rise to $48000000000.00 in 2025. it is estimated that 92 percent of pavement in london have chewing gum stock on them. with 300000 pieces. estimated to be on august history. and like it's up to a small army of workers to clear it up. i'm 70 miles southwest of london in winchester to find out what damage gum can do. ha o councilor, john war is in charge of keeping the city streets clean. how much of a problem is gum in winchester?
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they estimate the every year councils in britain spending more than $60000000.00 pounds a year. just clearing up gum. that's insane. it's taken me back a little bit. actually, that's a huge figure. and, and what could use that could be put to, rather than just being spent collecting waste offer. mm hm. of course is really only one way to get a tree flavor of the gum problem on our streets. i count so operations manager darren lewis is off shameed the right. a bit further back. yeah, i got a bit wrangler. right. i see it by the way. yeah. look more like it. yeah, yeah. it's very much like a groove. uh huh. is it coming out with be quite satisfying jobs, fearless, much tougher, massive respect for like guys doing that. so with the privacy with
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no one is gum is removed, it usually ends up in landfill. as a plastic gum isn't biodegradable and will never decompose. but i've heard about an ingenious new initiative is not only keeping the sticky stuff off the pavements, but turning it into something useful. coffee cups. i think the most impressive thing about them, they're actually made out the recycle during gown river. i knew you could recycle that one by here. yeah. it's quite impressive, isn't it? yeah. and the series favor? oh wow. okay. so when they 1st came out then what were you born? i thought it was a great if it chokes me on it. i just couldn't believe that this could be made of people's material just makes a big oh, but so on june, it's disgusting. that when you realize that it's been for a beating processment completely sanitary is just really inspiring. what can be done with chewing gum?
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the cuts are made from a gum based material. could gum tech here at winchester university. the raw materials for the cops are collected all the campus and distinctive bright pink bends. they're called gum jobs and inspiring ideas. design analysts. hi. you must be honest. hi, nice to me. i nice me too. so these must be your bins. tell me a bit about this of the gum drug bins. and that they all been specifically for the despite of waste chain come me i do is, is that somebody can come along pop their use chewing gum in there. once it's full, the whole thing comes back to us and we recycle it. and we can actually recycle 3 new gum drops out of one full gum troy based on a closed loop recycling process. okay, so why gum all the solutions out there at the moment? all address gum later, once it's already been dropped, there is nothing out there that was actually addressing it from the frontend. so i saw a gap in the market for a product like this and also
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a way of tackling behavioral change when it comes to gum knitter and giving people as a positive way to dispose of their change. so how does gum end up in a coffee cup? in anna has offered to show me the process in action at the gum drop factory in worcester. so once we get the full gum drop bins back, that goes through the 1st part of the process, which actually size reduces it. okay? you can actually see the gum truck brand has been crushed up yet in the all the other letters that are in there along with chewed chewing gum, chewing gum without a cupcake wrapper. hague orange bill. it then goes through the 2nd phase, which separates the gum drop in the tooth gum and the other ways. we then take this next. yeah, we then mix it with other recycled materials, which yet he said and compounded juice. these palate, which go on to actually make it better than you gum drop in only cycle stuff again
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. the gum tech material can be molded into a whole range of products, not just cups, but stationary key rings, boots and shoes. pow nicole, this is some of our products that we have at the moment. okay. oh, introduce you to the the gum shoe 1st. this is actually really fun project we had with stunning collaboration with accounts in outs. 7 wanted to highlight the amount of gum letter of sashi on the streets in amsterdam sales. see the sol here is actually a map of the style that we looked at. am the gum drug story continues to great. there are now some 650 come drop locations across the u. k, from train stations and city centers. to echo, i'm schools. i'm with new interest in europe and the usa. anna has global ambitions
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for the company. and it's ethos. oh, blacking will publicly. there's definitely something that we want to do because that will say board and the, the awareness and the message around behavior change and what we can actually do with, with the recycle, change them. we're at the university of winchester where the gum dropped. charles began, they employed a scheme to design to do more than just keep gum off our streets. as well as installing the gum drops, they also gave away the 10000 reusable gum based cups. the scheme inspired a paradigm shift in attitude to waste and letter environment officer liz harris was behind introducing gum drug to the campus. now, how much of an effect have these cops had all the sale of plastic and general kind of coffee cookies? today we have saved 85000 disposable cups and being used there are now 10000 bees
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cups and circulation. and we have just committed to eliminating single use plastics by 2022. so the cops are really good stuff in the right direction. i think it has really capture people's imaginations because it was quite nice that we could link it to the chewing gum reflect playing when by having your coffee or helping to close to the these gum drug bins have started a chewing gum recycling craze, but it's much more than that, it's about changing people's behavior. and people like honor or inspiring people to think about the way that use single use products are, which is so critical. if we're going to be able to reverse any of the current worrying environmental trends, boom, entrepreneurs across the globe, a turning their attention to the plastic menace. in september, 201824 year old dutch inventor boy and slat,
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launched an ambitious operation to use a giant boom on the ocean's natural currents to clean up the pacific giant island of plastic waste, known as the great pacific garbage patched. 2 months later, a crack in the system forced the prototype back to port, but the team was still able to collect terabytes of data and over 2 tons of ocean plastic waste. they report they'll soon be ready to re launch. what can we do with all the waste plastic we collect? in the u. k. one inventor has found a clever way to plug hot holes with a new road material mate and parts from waste, plastic. and in the philippines a 15 year old school boy undertook to tackle the country's plastic bag problem. with a bi degradable variety made from coconuts with clever ideas light these we may just
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be able to stand the plastic type ah a with a guest. ah
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ah. in the country with an abundance of results with r and walk indonesia, his friends for me, we move to grow and frank, we balance for green economy, blue economy, and the digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs, invest, let be part when the lease is broke and progress invest even easier. now,
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frank assessment is likely to change biking behavior at all. it's not gonna change their behavior, they are going to continue to do what they do and in depth analysis of the data, global headlights inside story on al jazeera, ah, he'll be, as government declares, a state of emergency after to grow and rebels advanced towards the capital ah, that i'm have them i hear dean, this is al jazeera life from dough ha. also coming up with 20 kills and many more wounds in an attack on an afghan military hospital and council meeting at the club . 26 climate summit to agree to en deforestation by 2030.


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