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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm AST

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turns forming, we move full to grow and fraud, we balance for green economy, blue economy, and the digital economy. with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs. investment. let be part when denise is growth and progress. invest either nivia. now, the corona virus has been indiscriminate in selecting its victims. it's devastating effects of plague, every corner of the globe, transcending class creed and color. but in britain, a disproportionately high percentage of the fallen have been black or brown skins. the big picture traces the economic disparities and institutional racism that is seen united kingdom fail, it citizens britain's true colors, part one on out jazeera. ah
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ah, welcome back here watching the al jazeera and usa, peter, they'll be with you today. your top stories, the uganda president has called a meeting of echo aust happened in 2 weeks time to discuss the conflict in ethiopia . the year long conflict between the central government and more than to cry rebels has escalated sharply prompting the government to declare a state of emergency talks to revive the 2015 iran nuclear dealer shuttle to resume at the end of this month in direct negotiations between all the secretaries in vienna stalled in june after ever embracing one of the presidential elections and a criminal investigations now on the way in iraq. after at least one person died following a mass outbreak of food poisoning that made more than 500 people sick is not yet clear what caused the i break in the province of my son. so far, tap water and sanitation services have been found to be clean. let's get more on
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our top story. that crisis in ethiopia has been discussed with increasing urgency at the united nations in new york. mike, hannah picks up her story. the secretary general has taken note of the report by the un human rights chief, along with the ethiopian human rights commission. he says there's a deep need for accountability. he adds that such human rights abuses can only end if there's an agreement about the cessation of hostilities between all parties to the conflict. un has also expressed concern about the humanitarian situation with more. busy than 2 and a half 1000000 people already displaced at now says it's having increasing difficulty in getting humanitarian supplies into the region. we're continuing to, to reach out to all of the 30s on the ground where both the government and the de facto authorities to have as much humanitarian access as we can possibly have and,
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and, and to get more supplies in. as you know, we've been mentioning every few days or the need a tech to bring in food to bring and fuel a to be able to conduct our operations. the question whether these negotiations about access are being conducted in country or by outside parties. it's, it's both her, these are discussion that are being taken a i, by at that the u. n. team in the country. but also a by people such as the emergency relief coordinator and, and other senior officials in the system here and has welcomed the return of the us special envoy to the horn of africa. jeffrey feltman saying that all countries have a role to play in achieving stability in the region. more than 50 people have been arrested at a protest against high unemployment in ivory coast oh university
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graduates and agree about a lack of opportunities march to deliver a letter to the president demanding action. police detained them, saying they didn't have permission for the demonstration. politicians from the european parliament of told taiwan leaders, you are not alone. a delegation made the 1st visit of its kind to the island meeting, president, sighing. when in taipei, tensions are already running high with china, which claims taiwan as part of its territory. we came here with a very simple, very clear message you out along europe is then we do value is the defense of freedom and the defense of world row. and you man, game here with the delegation with values political rule. we are very phone with us. we are all here united industry, both in democracy and we came here with the agenda of my senior
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relations is for the union. if corporation, with well in response to the e, you visit the chinese foreign ministry spokesman, while when been warned that europe shouldn't be sending the wrong signals to what he called taiwan separatists. he also said the european side should quote correct, it's mistake a government advisory in china, asking people to stockpile daily necessities sparked panic. buying people were already spooked because of weeks of electricity shortages and supplied disruptions . katrina, you know, from beijing in recent weeks shopping at this bathing, fresh food market has become more expensive. oh true. yeah. surprised has gone up. we can't afford it. we had to buy some vegetables from the dealers on the street. the prices of common vegetables such as cucumbers, spinach and broccoli have doubled. some have become more expensive than pork,
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the staple meat and china. so when on monday, the chinese government issued a notice advising households to stockpile daily necessities. it sparked panic and heated discussion online. some posted about rushing to buy essential goods. others speculated that increasing tensions with taiwan were the cause. but analysts say the announcement has been misinterpreted. that the reason that they put that notice out was basically, you know, routine, winter season preparedness for making sure that there is a good supply of fruit and vegetables on the market in normal daily goods. and that some of the reason that language was in there was due to, you know, the, the potential sort of ongoing risk of coven locked downs. the pandemic has led to a renewed focus on china's food security. regional locked downs have disrupted food supplies to affected areas. and there have been other challenges. last month, crops in china's ne, a major food growing region,
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were destroyed by unusually heavy rains. a nation wide power shortage has pushed up the cost of operating greenhouses. and a shortage of diesel fuel has delayed cross country deliveries, expert se time as emergency food reserves and mechanisms are generally in good shape. but while there isn't a shortage price hikes and supply disruptions hadn't hurting those who can least afford it. laura's in china's lowest income bracket living in small cities and rural areas. officials have moved to stabilize vegetable prices. also the bomb local governments will be instructed to ensure a market supply and the price stability for bailey massage. the tease in the coming winter and next spring, we will establish and improve the relevant safeguard and supply and canada, and release governments. the reserves at the appropriate time dating has also issued an action plan to reduce food waste in the restaurant and cater industries. meanwhile, shop is hoping that skyrocketing prices will soon return to normal. katrina,
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you out a 0 aging. international criminal court is formerly investigating allegations of crimes against humanity and venezuela. the chief prosecutor, korean con, made the announcement of the end of the trip to caracas, where he met president nicholas maduro. the security forces are accused of torture and extra judicial killings. under majority rule, a national inquiry was launched in 2018. in the us, the democratic governor of new jersey has narrowly won reelection and a state that does normally show greater support for his party. phil murphy's republican challenger mounted a strong campaign on his use, including opposition to cope at 19 vaccine mandates. in the state of virginia, a political newcomer won an upset victory against the democrats at seen as a warning president, job items potty may lose its grip on power in congress when midterm elections held next year. a powerful haitian gang leader has called on the us to help him
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overthrow the government. jimmy shouted c. a former police officer in effect controls most of haiti's food and fuel supplies. john henry, not from the capital. puerto prince. with hades, most powerful gang leader says the prime minister must resign peacefully or armed militants will remove him. what we've already thrown at jimmy share is a known throughout haiti by his nickname, barbecue, made his threat in a letter to the u. s. ambassador, asking for american support by sheer as a leads, a group of gangs known as the g night. he read the letter to reporters at a news conference surrounded by armed men, re villa at the cost of blood. we are going to dislodge mister ariella henri from the prime minister's office. and afterwards, the key to the country will be handed over to a new class of men and women of civil society who will have to govern responsibly to get the country out of the quagmire in which it has been stuck for so long. although shares is one of haiti's most wanted men, the countries out gun police force made no effort to intervene. the man known as
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barbecue might be the head of 9 gangs, but he says he isn't a gangster. he's not a politician. he is the leader of a political movement that is launched a revolution here in the streets of the western hemisphere for his country. we asked the prime minister's office for a response and they told al jazeera prime minister harry along re, doesn't deal with guess. shares aces haiti is dominated by an elite 5 per cent that he calls the real gangsters. he says he wants to turn haiti into a u. s. style liberal democracy or the the so the fellow fairly far from terrorizing the population. we're fighting to get haiti out of the yoke of systematic poverty. based on a plot hatched between traditional politicians and this corrupt, rotten, perverted, which was e. more than 200 haitians deported from the u. s. and cuba returned on wednesday to a capital in crisis. the rascal, evidently message of him without it my life was endangered. so i fled. now this
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sent me back. i ran from hell and now i am back. if anything haiti's condition has worsened its economy crippled by a fuel shortage, it's streets ruled by gangs. it's government under threat, john henderson, l g 0 port a prince. now, a state of emergency has been declared in ecuador in response to crime that seen a spiraling out of control at once. had one of the lowest crime rates in south america. but a series, a boat now explains murders kidnappings and gang violence had been rising fast. it's become one of the main drug trafficking boots out of the quote, the pacific ocean via the small fishing villages that line the coast. it's through here. we're around 70 percent of the drugs produced, inc alone, the ample, i smuggled out of the country. yolanda remains your son is serving a prison sentence for drug trafficking in a white order. he's
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a fisherman and was caught when attempting to move. go came out of the country aboard his boat. i didn't know where he was and then i heard he was in prison in the united states since then. it's been a nightmare. i'm poor and i'm not ashamed to say it. i've taught my children to work to earn their meal, but my son was weak and he allowed himself to be convinced. after serving time in the us, her son was transferred to a prison in a while. there were 4 years ago. i with him. today i regret asking my son to be repaired created. i am seeing the killings happening and now prisons and i don't want my son to be there. he was a victim of the situation here. he is not a drug trafficker, prison, riot scenic weather would have left dozens of people dead in the past month. the violence is the result of conflict between rival criminal organizations. the government has declared a state of emergency response,
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but it's in small coastal towns like casita, where the conflict is ongoing when a daily basis killings and robberies around the rice rock trafficking organizations use local fishermen to move drugs out of the country. we're being told that in many cases they're forced to work for them. there's thousands of fishermen who are currently detained in central american prisons and even in the united states. this man is a local fisherman. he says he's concerned about rising crime and how it's affecting their ability to make a living. he's afraid to show his face. but i mean, it has increased a lot of people who will approach, you know, lots of young people who are getting involved in crime who want the easy way out. it was a dollar raised economy, points and lack of government controls have lowered criminal organizations. and the reality is the mayor of 2 feet death. she believes it's her job to protect the 20000 fishermen that live in her hometown. because she says the government is not
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doing enough laws billing link. this is, the criminals are better prepared than the government, better equipped with better technology. the state of emergency has a political angle. it's not being done because of delinquency. delinquency has been ongoing for a while. many years we have been begging for assistance, help to combat crime and stop drug traffickers. while order is in the middle of a social and political crisis, which makes it easy for drug trafficking to flourish, local fishermen, i caught up in the fight, leaving their families desperate and the need. that is, i will adjust cedar gr cedar while are to members of chillies indigenous my food show community have been killed during an escalation and fighting in the south of the country. a state of emergency is in place. their troops have been deployed to armed members of the ma, poochie have been fighting to recover what they say is their ancestral land.
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several shops have been destroyed by a fire. in the largest markets in paraguay capital, dozens of firefighters were brought in to bring the fire asencion central market. under control, local officials say it was caused by an electrical short circuit. no deaths have been reported, but business owners say they have suffered severe losses. at least 20 people, including children, have been killed in a bus accident in pakistan. administered kashmir. the bus was carrying as many as 40 passengers when it plunged into a deep ravine. it happened in a remote area, 160 kilometers east of must suffer about, that's the regional capital. nepal is struggling to rebuild and the aftermath of catastrophic natural disasters. over recent months, hundreds of people have died and flooding triggered by monsoon rains. experts say climate change may be making those weather events even more extreme. the bas robbie has more now from milan she in the pals big district, the sind who collect shock in one of the poorest and most polluted countries in the
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world. everyone is saying the same thing. climate disasters with intensity that has never been seen before, are piling up faster than ever. nipples cascade of crises began in february with country wide forest fires that black in the skies. mountain glaciers began melting faster, meaning more run off. then came intense rains and floods in june, august, and october. now from all that water, a higher rate of landslides, blocking mountain passes faster than road truce, can clear them throughout it all. ongoing manmade soil erosion to meet the demand for building materials. climate scientists warn conditions are worsening across the himalayan region and are unprecedented. most of these events that we've, we've just explained, are, are very much at liberty to what, what we see is given by climate change. and so more such events are likely to be
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experienced, especially in the mountains, toppled and buried buildings dot the himalayan foothills. ominous reminders of what happened here. multiple floods this year have dumped an immeasurable amount of earth and mud, and sand, and silt, and rocks and large boulders in valleys all across this area. and just to give you a sense of how deep this debrief field is, where i'm standing right now, i'm standing on the roof of what's left of someone's home. in the town of milan, she questions of public safety still hang in the air flight of our santo, she took a loan to build this now partially destroyed like block of shops. she says it would have been better if the water had just washed the whole thing away. she still paying it off, but now has to take another load. not just to have it torn down, none of the fatherhood of and other than other venus. i had it, even if the government gets his money, it's not possible to come back and stay here. we're scared of the river and there's
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no guarantee the same thing. went happen next year. it's all about nature. and what can we do against nature? with a lot of video, our new policy, carbon footprint, is relatively small, but it sits between giants, china, and india, 2 of the world's biggest polluters. it's topography also makes it more vulnerable to overall shifts in global weather. nepalese in rural communities are frustrated and say, what's happening to them is not their fault that it concerns every one. and countries like nepal should not be left alone. to put out fires being fueled on a global scale. zane basra, the ultra 0, the milan t river in nipple, a south african writer as one the book of price for the best english language. novel is the promise by dan john damon, gal. goods, who wrote his 1st book of age of 17, has been nominated. 3 times, but he finally took this prestigious prize home the novel, the promise,
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a cutting depiction, but white family in post, potted south africa, you know, seeing as the good fortune's fallen to me, let me say, this is been a great year for african writing. and i'd like to accept this on behalf of all the stories told and untold, the writers heard an unheard from the remarkable continent that i'm part of. i'm please keep listening to us. there's a lot more to come. coming up later in the sports news, jose, he, it's tell us about a ski as dream run in the swiss alps. ah, life is never scripted. never foretold. it's never mo, no matter what happens. never stay open you read between the
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lines. listen, always, listen, never stop asking, never stop question a wanting to know more. discover the among. here the human story. be and punctual. be courageous. finding the untold story. celebrate excellence. keep alive the pioneering spirit. never stop. we haven't for 25 years, we've never stopped on our journey. never stops when our commitment to you al jazeera 25. he is a unique path. lou .
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ah, millions of people across india are preparing to celebrate to wally big a. numbers are expected. the festival of lights less this year. now the cubic 19 infections ought more. under control puff natal reports from new danny. it's the most widely celebrated festival in india and also the biggest chevy season. hundreds of devali shoppers had strong markets like this one in new delhi over the last few days. with india, corbin 19 caseload dropping to its lowest level in my area of land. most of the population, at least partially vaccinated. devali festivities have been on in full swing. businesses are all to come to not shopping to recover from the huge nothing they suffered during the lockdown earlier this year. logged on to get with this year is no better than the previous one. when we were in lockdown last year, was still better than to see there's hardly any will the season too. i don't know
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that i should say a hypocrisy. because on the one hand, they say get, keep social media distancing. but the other hand, the adult, they have the actually, they don't maintain anything, any, they call them any social distance thing. so what's the point of a setting of these rules? i don't understand. they've only also marked the onset of pollution season, especially in new delhi. and parts of northern india to stem this, many states are only allowing people to boss what they call green crackers because in less polluting, denny, which is one of the most polluted cities in the world, has banned all fire crackers and impulse, hefty fines on violators. daily's equality this week did dip to one if it's worse levels the season and the med department predicts that air pollution levels will remain high over the next few days. time for international sports news. his job, he to thank you. let me pull manager, you can call it says his sides window bad. let
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a guy madrid was nearly perfect as they secured their place in the champions league knockout round. only 200 at let's go. fans made the trip to lubbock, hold gts over corona virus, and they saw that team go behind. after 30 minutes. yoga jetta with the go and living for got a 2nd not long after thanks to city of money at lead to go had a man center for the break, but didn't conceive any more goals in the 2nd half as it finished to know the full extent on beacon start the season to 16 games, and the kid tops thoughts in that group with 2 games to say it was a good form and it's in dr. le group say so far. and i wouldn't have expected that . obviously when i saw the draw, nobody would have expected that. doing that is pretty special. i think of the law it's. it's a red car. do i want the team going woman on? no, not at all. i think we've got a better side already against 11 ac milan remain bottom of that group but did manage to pick up their 1st points of competition with the drawer against porter.
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but they had to come from behind us. louis diaz gave that to the lead and, and go from defend shawn. so ben bus salvage to draw from alon, who still have a slim chance of progressing a comfortable wind for mental city of a club. bruce, although a freak is shown, go by, defend a john stones meant the sites will level half time. but since he turned it on after the break scoring 3 more goals, including this learn from gabrielle j through to make it for one says he replaced her sons man at the top of the group and need one points from the last 2 games to reach the last 16 brown madrid became the 1st chain to school. 1000 goals in europe helped pub competition, korean bens and i had the honor of bringing up the landmark. again. check that and yet the cranium side equalize before half time though that finished off a great team move to secure his 2nd of the night on the break to when it rail to one victory move from top. a group deep javi has spoken about his desire to return
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to barcelona and become then you coach saying he looking forward to going home. he's currently in charge countryside outside and they were in action on wednesday with officials from boss loaner, the sons watching them much after the game. chevy said it's a question of common sense and in the end, the move has to happen. talks between the clubs will continue on thursday when both so we'll hope to finalize deal. but outside of said they don't want to leave at this point in the season. to tennis now and us open champion down in medford, i've began defense of his paris masters title with a when the russians gone to the commanding of 51 1st that lead against ilia. if russia before fitting himself to take it 756 who met a meditative, whose rank 2nd in the world is aimed to overhaul norfolk joke of which to finish the year. as the top ranked male player on the atp tool. you need to reach the semi finals to keep the site live from another one. in the nfl green bay packers,
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cool back rogers has reportedly tested positive for coven 19 and miss sunday's game against kansas city. or just in the late his pack, his players have current a virus off the 2 wide receivers miss last weeks when i resided because of it, it's unclear with the writing m f l m v p is vaccinated or not. meanwhile, the brooklyn, that's coach steve nash says the team would welcome back korea irving. if new york covert roll change, having is currently missing games because he refuses to be vaccinated, is absence. hasn't heard the net too much, though. as kevin drum sets up against the atlanta hawks on wednesday, going 32 point eating by for the net school, the final 12. but for the gerard, finish that with the 3 to beat the buzzer. 811-172-1086, cleveland cavaliers play is finished with double digit since they catch portland. witness on the right time limit, even the height for $26.00 points for the trial places. but christy missed the game
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time 3 points are at the buzzer. cleveland winning 172-140-0000 mexicans have turned out on the streets of the capital port. sergio paris tear it up in a formula. one call. the red bull driver is carrying his country's hopes into this weekend for freight. no mexican is ever fit on the podium at home. the paris has been very competitive in a car this season and currently 4th in standing. and just time to show you some stunning pictures from the european alps where italian skier marcus ada has completed what he's described as the ultimate run. the olympic free sol competitor has been working with a film director for more than 2 years to film. his dream run from the peaks of sermons in switzerland to the valley floor in italy. the roots took edder through deep powder, ice caves and crevices. at a said he'd been visualizing the run since 2015 looks a bit like you, peter asking. i knew you were good,
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some reference of that. yeah. not talk to you later. thank you so much. emily is here with 30 minutes of world news from 11 g. we'll see at 13. ah a
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guest with ah ah, ah! gearbox. the pacific island makes him rapidly falling victim to rising sea levels and to president skilfully commanding the stage of climate change. diplomacy, whom do we appeal to for our people to ride, to survive in the challenge of climate change. but can he secure a theater?
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but he seemed to be stateless people. what he's going to happen to us is going to be the fate of paris, winful, witness. a note on al jazeera, we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter how you take it will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. ah, more fighting in ethiopia as u. s. embassy officials leave idea about because of it concerns the violence couldn't reach the capital. ah, hello, i'm emily angry. this is al jazeera live from dough house are coming up after a 5 month gap, iran agrees to resume talks on reviving the chatted nuclear agreements and
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government message about stock piling, food spots panic in china after fuel and power shortages.


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