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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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of systematic poverty based on a plot hatched between traditional politicians and this corrupt, rotten, perverted, bourgeois z. more than 200 haitians deported from the u. s. in cuba returned on wednesday to a capital in crisis of escalating the message to him, the other my life was in danger, so i fled. now this sent me back. i ran from head and now i am back. if anything, haiti's condition has worsened its economy, crippled by a few shortage its streets, ruled by gangs its government under threat. john henderson al jazeera, puerto prince. ah, hello, are you watching out 0 and these are the top stories this hour began in president is called a meeting of ace to african ladies on november 16th to discuss the conflict and the long war between the central government and rebels in the northern region has
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escalated sharply from the government to declare a state of emergency. the u. s. embassy in ethiopia is allowing non emergency staff members to leave the country wanting that violence could spiral without warning. when it comes to ethiopia, let me make the point that we are gravely concerned by the escalating violence, by the expansion of the fighting that we've seen in northern ethiopia and in regions throughout the country. we are concerned with the growing risk to the unity and the integrity of the the o. p and state talks to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal are scheduled to resume at the end of this month. indirect negotiations between all signatories in vienna, a port in june after ever him racy won the presidential election. at least one person has died in iraq after a mass outbreak of food poisoning that made more than 500 people sick. it's not clear what caused the outbreak in mesa province. so tap water and sanitation
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services have been found to be in the clean you cases. the end of coal is inside as cop $26.00 climate meeting and gas go. glasgow rather begins, it's energy de talks. britton's government says it's a cute, a coalition of dozens of countries pledging clear commitment to face out coal power . but there are noticeable absentee, the 3 largest consumers of call india, china and the u. s. have not signed up. members of the european parliament have pledged support for tie one telling the later if we, you know, to learn a delegation has held its 1st meeting with president sy in when in type pe, tension is running high between beijing, anti pe, sparked by chinese air force incursions me, the island, those are the headline, stay tune now for inside story, and will be more news at the top of the hour. bye. for now. i
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easy appears year long war marked by extreme brutality from all sides involved. a un prob, finds evidence that may amount to crimes against humanity. as a nation, it is a new state of emergency. what actions will be needed to bring an end to this conflict rather than further escalate the situation. this is inside story. ah hello, welcome to the program. i'm adrian finnegan, a new turn it. ethiopia is year long to gray. conflict is threatening to tear the country apart. rebels from the northern region say that they've teamed up with
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a small faction within the ethnic group, the aroma at a threatening to advance towards the capital, addis ababa, the central government warned that the country is facing a grave danger to its existence and unity. it's aroused a 6 month state of emergency and urged people to take up arms and defend their neighborhoods to grind faces and pressing on with their campaign. since they took control of the region in july, the government has launched a ground and air offensive and a bit to push them back. as we see here on the map, we're about to show you they're making their way from to gray, into the neighboring regions of how to and a far and down the highway running south. and it's not about to grind fighters say that they took control of these towns this week, including culture. it sits on a supply line linking the landlord nation to the seaport of djibouti. but in all of this, the u. n. has found evidence that all sides and ethiopia to guy conflict have violated
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international human rights. there are some indications that those actions may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. the un human rights chief said that the year long conflict has been marked by extreme brutality. we'll get to, i guess, in just a few moments. but 1st, a report from al jazeera is priyanka go to these mod graves in my car, draw in northern if you appear on earth, what the un says could be war. crimes committed in the t grey conflict, a joint if you will be an an you and human rights investigation says rebels from t gray killed more than $200.00 ethnic. i'm horace here in november last year. the contract has no expanded, will be on t grey. its neighboring, i'm horror and off our regents and it's been devastating for civilians. the un report found in the year long war editor and soldiers who backed, if you'd be a federal army, as well as if you've been guffman soldiers. anti grand rebels have committed
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widespread crimes including rape, torture, and killings of civilians. all parties to the t great conflict have committed violations of international human rights, humanitarian and rest you law. some of these may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. if you will be, as kaufmann has largely welcome to report while expressing its serious reservations about aspects of the findings, its promise to set up a task force to investigate the allegations. while rebels antigua i said, the report is flawed. citing the involvement of the tube in human rights commission, but on the ground, the conflict if intensifying, tiguan, rebel c, b have captured to northern pounds and a major highway leading to the capital, addis ababa prime minister abi ama has urged if your pens to unite and fight against the rebels and has warned that attempts to make a few appeal like libya and syria will not succeed. abi amad was reelected in
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a landslide victory and june is facing mounting pressure to end the war from his he'll be as largest humanitarian, a donor. the united states, as the war approaches this one year anniversary, united states and others cannot continue business as usual relations with the governor of ethiopia. extraordinary partnership. we have enjoy is not sustainable. while the military conflict continues to expand, threatening the stability and the unity of one of africa's most influential countries. the body and ministration has suspended if you appear from a crucial crate agreement with the u. s. router over a significant decision by the united states. it is important to understand that it hasn't happened yet. in other words, as of july, there's a january 1 day at which it may become effective if there is no movement towards he's in ethiopia. and if that happens,
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i think he is likely to lose about a quarter of a $1000000000.00, and that could mean hardship for your pinch. the un investigation only looked into reports of abuse until late june, when the rebels regained much of t gray. it does not include any attacks or civilian abuse since then back of the inside story. ah, alright, let's bring it i guess for today's discussion from addis ababa were joined by samuel get a true, he's an independent journalist in i. robi is william davidson, senior e. c. o, p analyst at the international crisis group and from amsterdam, we're joined by give a kiss, dos, garris lassie, who manages a website the documents, the warranty guy, and tell us the to ryan story. welcome to you or william. let's start with you. just how dangerous is the current situation for if you appear, does it pose
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a threat to its existence sovereignty? and unity as the justice minister said, was certainly we thing a serious threat to the federal government. and it's so dorothy here, and that is primarily because the continued advances by the great forces since july, primarily through east and har region. as you've heard recently, they've taken control of composure and dessie cities. this reflects just the latest in a series of battlefield victories, which obviously weakens the federal military considerably after the federal military was pushed out to gray in june. this now puts to take great forces in a position potentially had east to try and control that your booty. cargo is main trade route. they could then exec, significant economic pressure on top of our, in the leadership there, as well as potentially rerouting
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a supplies directly to take, right. they could also try and post self was towards addis ababa itself. and there they have already established some sorts of operational connection with the remote liberation on the other movement, which is determined ready to force a prime minister, be ahmed and his government from power and response. we've seen a doubling down of physicians and from prime minister abbey from the horror governments as well, all out mobilization. all citizens being called toms to try and prevent this advantage. it's a great forces, but that is not a new tactic. we have seen this type of mobilize ation over the last few months and it is not been successful. there is no reason that that, or this very sweeping state of emergency that's being put in place, which may well result in the master rest. off to grand citizens who are increasingly seen as collaborators with it's a great forces. but there was no reason to think that that would actually turn the
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tide on the battlefield. so really it is an incredibly perilous situation for the federal government. and i think, unless the federal leadership is able and willing to make some necessary can confessions, it's a grand demand, particularly on the issue of the blockade, which is preventing humanitarian relief fatigue. right now, we are likely to see a continued advance and all the potential be stabilization and for the government and the country at large that comes with that. give kids those woods to grand forces. really march on the capital, do they have the military strength and the support to take at is what are the aims ultimately? well, they have stated their aims very clearly. i believe that the main aim is to break the blockade and they have been adjusting their demand is from the time they took
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it and the government has refused it. and if they said we, we're not going to just perish in block it. we're going to try whatever it takes to break the blockade. and i think now, i believe they have their, the ability to march on ideas, especially after the physical linking up with the or a more liberation army. and we have to remember that, you know, the, the military is really broken done. i mean, they have brought the strongest division to, to, to try and they were decimated there and now in dizzy and convert saw they have really, they thought that was the final offensive and they brought every force that they couldn't, they could muster to, to this region. and they have been decimated. yeah. so really, i don't think, i don't think there is much military resistance. of course,
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like the government is doing now. they can feel it, you know, the civilian, the asking them to really die in thousands and stop the advice. but in terms of really conventional military engagement, i don't know if y'all can government have any options anymore. so i mean, what are we to make the call a call to arms by the government to the people of the capital? is it just scam mongering? what does the 6 month state of emergency mean for people, how their lives change under it? well, if you're going to begin are used to this endless state of emergency that has been implemented even before this prime minister came to our. so we know how to live and exist with endless excess of emergency. but what makes this different is the fact that the country is really, really hurting. i was in a far, recently, in obama, and some are and,
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or i was also and i'm higher regions and i was in to grade previously before, you know, we were allowed to go and report from there, or what we're hearing. what amnesty international human rights watch weren't really expressing was the fact that this crimes were happening by all actors. we've seen it. it's like a uniform like allegations we've been hearing and, and i'm hire what you know, you can meet a young woman is she can say, you know, she was abused or sexually violated and you would at your, her voice will be a code when you go to a fire or 2, right? that's what scary about what's happening in ethiopia. it's not just the foreign investors that are fleeing from ethiopia, which were important to the nation at one point, or the u. s. embassy saying all its citizens should leave ethiopia because of the
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ongoing conflicts in the country. everything that's happening in ethiopia, at sub. and what's really, really overwhelming as where this country is heading at the moment when they have what we could after. assume here the people watching and listening to the podcast won't know the intricacies of ethiopian politics. wants it, go to take to diffuse the situation. what are the tpr laughs demands, and are they unreasonable? why is the government not willing to implement the demands way a case clearly the demands unreasonable from the federal government's perspective, but what are they done online, william? but, but we have, we have the blockade issue which the to grey leadership, they went on ended 8, access the restoration of services to great banking, telecommunications and electricity. and then because of the way the war was conducted because of the intervention are considered an eagle by leadership, they also want to remove huge security threats to take right now. really that means
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on a decimating meteor to military which is being part of it's offensive. results are very thorny territorial issue, as the federal government withdrew after these defeats in june, that left them har, region and control of western and 70 great. and they claim that as historic, i'm har lines, it's been administered by 2 great. during the federation federal period since 995, now they have been pushed out in southern take re, but they remain in control of western right. and they take, right, leadership is absolutely set on reclaiming that land from. i'm horror. they're also issues over the ability as a great to securely run a referendum potentially on, on a, you know, maybe on independence as a nation state, which is a longer issue. so these are the types of demand. 5 but i think because if the ongoing conflict, because the federal government is classified as a leadership as a terrorist organization, therefore they can say that the, the, the, the regions being run by terrorists,
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they're not willing to deliver aid without the, all these restrictions. they believe that may be diverted, perhaps they're just trying to subjugate and weaken the region. and they've also not be willing to provide these services again because they consider the regional government illegal. and then obviously, you know, the great moves against the federal military since continue to try and weaken it is hardly something that the powers that be and i just have a, a going to go along with. so these are the basic types of disagreements that exist . now that are driving the conflict, and i think it's on that you might of terry an aspect. if the federal government can lay prioritize that, which would also be seen as a concession. it's a great forces. and perhaps we could break this sort of dead law, or at least for the escalator dynamics we have now was it to great forces continuing to push forward, increased the pressure on the federal government. but as i said in my 1st on to so far, there is no sign of that. we just have the federal government and its allies doubling
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down in terms of the all out mobilize ation. and that is only likely really to incentivize. it's a great commanders to push forward and even faster than they plan, give to kids to us. we talked about how dangerous the situation is for if you appear, is it already too late for negotiations? is there anyone with the authority and respect to bring the 2 sides together or does the need to be some sort of military victory for one side or the other before that can be talking? well, i think it's already too late. and i, because 1st we have to really understand what happened into gray. it is a donor side that have been planned for a long time. so really i feel in thought that when people compared to what happens in our far or in, you know, in this is not the same case. this is
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a general site and block. it is part of the genocide. in fact, they have told everyone that the plan is to wipe people, knock the guy out, they have to, they cannot involving to the horn of africa. and this block, it is part of that they are actually now if they, if you, if we only prolonged the war, then they would just perish in this block. so we have to understand that context for the war taking the water id is now important because does not have planned and executed. just genocide must be brought to justice. so there is no, no, we should now preface to late, we paid too much a 2nd negotiation. mean there is no way that these people will be brought to just the thought. these are very important, the less active that the international community has failed to deliver its responsibility. it can't even force monitoring corridor for the grand people which
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we speak are dying every day from starvation. so there's no option now i think done to bring the gym by the way, we have to remember that these are games is an allegro, illegitimate review with an elegy with party. and with that, you can make the election, so it has no leg or right to rule. and it had, it is a criminal click that has, that has to be brought to get this. so these are important things to consider. and i think now it's already too late. in fact, the grand general, you're not going to say now what is all, but there's no point in negotiation, which really badly is idea what they are trying to do in the client side. what's, what's your view on that is, is it too late? i don't, i don't the accusations of genocide, the prime minister says the un report dispelled what he said before such as ations of genocide against his government. but, but the un says the therapy in government tried to limit the investigation,
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which was which of course was carried out jointly with the few of his human rights commission. the victims of what the un says is extreme brutality for all sides. likely ever to see justice if you allow me to reply to your guest the election neath yoga as legitimate as he claims it wasn't perfect per se. i think the election and to guy pod, the same kind of standard where no position was elected was one by 98 plus percent of the population that was claimed they took ben was 94 percent. so the 2 elections can only be debated. but if you criticizing one, you have to criticize both. but going back to perhaps a negotiation settlement, it's never too late. i mean, people are obviously dying. we talk about genocide and to dry dom horace are
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talking about genocide that may have happened to them and their own regions are far is are saying the same thing. there has to be some kind of understand that too many people are dying. and if yoga, whether you call it genocide or i've no genocide, the people on the ground just don't, i mean, did their focus is to survive. people are still being killed. where the difference between one to the other is in terms of numbers. but again, i, i like, i've always enjoyed traveling outside of isodora. i've seen, i was able to speak to lots of victims and, and they, they a called the same kind of allegations. and this kind of report is a down payment of the kind of report we need. i don't know if, if you will be out of the u. n. or, and donors will or will find enough resources to investigate. but all kinds of allegations, whether you call it there were genocide,
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it comes from all sites. william, is it too late for negotiations? what do you make of the u. s. findings? what i think contends is and negotiations. the issue is, as i said, it's as described really. i mean, you know, you just put articulation of the ticket to grant positions and get the cost. so, you know, unless there are other types of really significant concessions from the federal government and which, which might serve to pause to, to great advance or confessions in terms of the, particularly the humanitarian situation. the restoration services may be the beginnings of a political amnesty for granted and remote needed unless we get that, then i think that's a great 4th is going to push forward. and indeed some of the commanders and leaders have said that there is no negotiating to be done with prime minister abbey now. so it's certainly very late in the day. and i don't think that i don't think without those concessions, we're going to move to negotiations. but it's certainly the right thing to call for
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because there's all sorts of reasons to be concerned about what could result from a great push combined with the remote liberation army to, to i just thought we should look at the state of our power region. i mean, i'm our region would basically be in total rebellion to any new interim government that was formed of the great leadership in the remote liberation army. and with regards to genocide, i mean we will read the report. now we've seen the media reports. we know that severe abuses of increment commissioned by the era trend forces by federal forces, by the i'm hora, the report talks about 600000 to grand leaving west and to great. it also talked about abuses by to grey and militia as well. i think, you know, clearly there's been very severe restrictions placed upon the region in terms of those services, trade and a that seems to be a deliberate policy by the federal government. but i,
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in my organization and not in a position to call genocide that is up to the human rights investigators and up to the international noise. deborah kissed us. what's it going to take to end the suffering of people in the field? i like to say a little bit on the report they call it the joint event gets in by the get your commission and you in in my commission. i think from it to grant perspective, i find the thought and it is because you don't allow the very perpetrator of the crimes to be part of the investigation. nowhere in the water should you do something like this. this is what they have done. so it's really wrong on methodology, and it's, it faded, the bare minimum, kevin casters as i understand it, the only way that the un could get in there to investigate was to have it as
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a joint investigation. otherwise they wouldn't have been allowed to get to go in well, i mean that's, i think that's the valid point. but just to me, to, for that point, you don't to make and report that as you please whitewash is the crimes of the gym . and also really, really how does their victims again, we feel like the gramm really being hurt again by this investigation. okay. well, it hasn't, did you do really the main math, sacristy, or right, and this is very, i'm sorry to cut you short. i'm sorry to cut you shall. we're, we're almost out of time. i just want it or want to get fabulous. a reply to what you just heard, that you know, going back to compromise, ethiopia, us has been highlighted by the spokesperson of the, for in the state, the state department in washington, d. c. attorney, poor condition, it need,
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we're little leadership to end. what's been happening in this country cancelling a trade agreement with the u. s. is going to wipe out hundreds of thousands of jobs . ah, people are dying. there has to be an international leadership to and what's happening in yoga to many people are just being killed and everybody is cheer leading from one side and just focusing on this ethnic warfare we've been seeing the fuel. but for many, many years, we are out of time. many thanks to you for being with us gentlemen. samuel got a chew, william davidson and deborah care source. debra, selassie. i'm thank you for watching. don't forget, you can see the program again any time just by going to the website at al jazeera dot com for further discussion. join us at our facebook page that's at facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. and you can join the conversation on twitter or handle at ha, inside story from me. adrian finnegan, the whole team here. and, oh, thanks for watching. we'll see you
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ah, ah, a 25 years ago, a new era in television used in the middle east. begin a 2 part documentary series marking the 25th anniversary of al jazeera, telling the story of the channel launch. now it became a recognized global brain. ah,
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blue economy, and the digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs investment. let me park when the this is growth and progress in indonesia. now. ah, again, pete it, i'll be hearing dough how your top stories on al jazeera, you, candice president, is calling for east african leaders to meet and discuss the western conflict in ethiopia. the governments declared a state of emergency as to grind rebels claim to have made advances towards the capital priyanka goop to reports. it's not the 1st call to arms spine if he'll be in leader, but this time it's against an enemy within your brow. a person prom mister abbey amad use the 1st anniversary of the conflict antique white to call on its citizens to fight and defeat.


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