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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm AST

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well, 2 things, me, one i think that they needed to show a gesture with will entering into some of these mediations, there are 7 counties, several mediation tracks taking place. and they needed to show that they were, you know, guns lead mean even engaged in. the 2nd thing is that when a lot of statements coming out wrong, for example, the quad o d u katie, repeatedly eat and is well also indicating that it's reviewing in san schools. the qu, who needed a new political reality still with me in terms of their support in the region. and so those would be, i think, have at, to push them to reconsider their stance and to meet the needs of it by releasing some of these detainees who not all the paintings have been released there. and there are other members of this business committee, for example, and, and also the premise that himself was still in detention. that's
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a good question. it doesn't go well, it will, it, will, it, you carry that? it doesn't go far enough, but it, it is it enough for people to, to see a path forwards here because we've been here before that there has been the track where there's a civilian government for a road map. aheads, and, and then it all gets thrown up in the air because it appears the army really does not want to relinquish control. there's a real breakdown and trust here, isn't there them. but you know, truly there has been a lot of just at the beginning of the transition period. and this is just sort of in and in terms of that lack of trust that shouldn't be as before and an obstacle to will be some kind of deal. is there other considerations in mind? for example, to what extent the to government can keep an older considering that very few ministers assigned a cabinet. and the one the head of the 2,
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there she is at the ha ha, has given week to, didn't do this and that is now last. and so he's having to consider his way forward and in many ways. so it was opinions because it spinning members of their resistance committees and no negotiation, military and political parties and us to act as pushy or a deal. and we'll see some kind of restoration boss, vinny, that role do you have all the different interest? but again, i trusted not in p looking for solutions and part of the military's argument, certainly for why they tipped powers because the government was not working. they that it was great blog. it was dead lots. they weren't getting things done. and ultimately the people of see, john were the ones suffering, how much truth is there in that claim? i mean, it was the government working before me lose any challenges and chain
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about from a lack of, of sort of a common vision within. but i think it's jenny to say that that was a me, i think all the time and there's going to be some disagreement happen once the government has also. and it was a very active military component of this time. which in many ways did in the way of all me, all is to should be pretty low so that transition pharmacies could be, could be realized. so, so it's not quite, i think that used to use that asian for this car. we have to remember that even though the general holding it capital the whole of the for example, we do not have the internet at the moment that basically comes from one another and it's in power. and jack, excuse me. and so that i think the manager will have to show that it recognizes and
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what it needs to in order to show that is why the trust, okay, colored hair. great to get your thoughts. thank you so much for joining us from cartoon. this are, we appreciate it a that com 26 climate summit. so said its site. so the dirtiest fossil fuel co buttons government says it's secure to coalition of dozens of countries, pledging clear commitments to face out coal power. but there are noticeable absences, the 3 largest consumers of coal, india, china, and the u. s. have not signed up. still the u. s. climate envoy, john kerry has told al jazeera his country's green agenda, is setting a global example. we are committed to be carbon 3
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in our power sector by 2035. and the president has committed that we will have only electric vehicles by 2035, no more internal combustion engine. so we're moving ahead, very, very aggressively. with the 26 continues the water levels of latin america. second longest river are at their lowest in 72 years, and there's no sign the per on a river will rise again. anytime soon. daniel swan, the reports from the northeast of argentina. but the impact this crisis is having on the residence of san pedro port schall or says he's catching less station. he used to to levels in the parent river or at the lowest since 1944. they've been declining for 2 years. you see 100 of them, we'll talk sure. the water keeps going down. the region is in
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a critical state. what we need is rain for the rain to fill the creaks and ditches because it's all turning to swarm. the pattern are run south the nearly 5000 kilometers from the center of brazil and empties into the atlantic ocean between argentina and uruguay. it provides energy in drinking water is a major transport route. it's life for millions of people. only now it's dying. dizzy petaluma lowered her gay so many problems they not using the parent properly . it's been badly must treated and now we're living with the consequences. ah, the residence of st. bedroom watching developments at the cop $26.00 summit in glasgow, but of little time for the so called experts. they say they know what needs doing with a frustrated that money and politics seem to talk louder than common sense. i game is that i read one or j get that much in normal, but we've got to start looking at what we're doing wrong before we can put it right . governments need to apply laws regarding the use of land,
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the way we treat nature. always looking to defend the environment to the rainfall has diminished the locals blame hydro. electric projects built up stream and ill plan bridges, but mostly massive deforestation. to make way for cattle and soil production, fast flowing streams become stagnant puddles will dry up altogether unsettling the delicate ecosystem, the waters of the barren i used to reach here. now they lie on the other side of those trees behind me with a residence, asking not just when, but if what they once knew as normality will ever return. now the very industries blame for the crises are also suffering. these vessels transporting agricultural produce from paraguayan argentina must load less cargo or risk running a ground. more journeys mean higher costs and increased pollution under this bill. yamato can also, i shallow. we'll fight to get rid of the big landowners because they want this
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region to plant soya and mays will try to warn people so they don't ruin this region. if not with dead, will have nothing. these are river people watching their way of life on the threat shouting, to be heard, but in the meantime, surviving whichever way they can and praying for rain. well, daniel schriner joins is lie from argentina. daniel from your report, we can see that the effects this is having on the people who are living on or near the river, but just just why is the situation as bad as it is? why are the water levels going down so much? weather for many of the reasons i mentioned in the report. but here in about 120 kilometers south of south federal where we did that reports were in the with attributes or is of the flow into the, or join up with the river europe. why become the real that up? that's all the river plate and flow into the, into the south atlantic,
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close to when a fire is on here and noticing the impact as well. we've just been talking to a guy who works on the river, who showed us he's out, but they haven't that which they look at every day several times a day, showing them the water level was. and he said today, even though it's been raining in the last few days, it's 30 to 40 percent lower than it should be. so that's affecting people here where they work in industry. they work in tourism, a big industry here. and people live out here in the, in about an hour to get a delta. so it's affecting people right along the path of the river, which is about 85000 kilometers long. and they play many things. part of it is not true fluctuations, which happen well with changes in climate ok does the weather, but many of the result or the reasons are made. i mean, people here have no doubts about that. much tribute is to do with the massive deforestation we've seen in southern brazil,
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paraguayan and northern argentina. and then we often see that the timber that is there is then brought down the river to be exported from ports like saudi ill and one o cyrus. so the very people who are causing the deforestation are also suffering the consequences of the lowering levels of the river because they can't load as much as they normally word on their barges. because they risk running a, running a ground. there's almost a vicious circle here over over problems or which people are living along the river and now having to face and deal with. okay, daniel swine, the, the ally for us in northern argentina. daniel, thank you. or let's head back to glasgow. join us from there is tim wainwright and the chief executive you, kate, for water aides and his good to have you with us on the user. when we think of global warming, it's usually temperature's getting hotter and people suffering that way, but it is also affecting what sir,
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without which none of us can can survive. how are you getting your message across to the delegates and so on at coff about the challenge is climate change is pause and to water will thank you very much. and it's great to be m khatri hearing this coverage and, and focusing on water. because actually, as your report just now illustrated, climate change is here now and affecting many, many of the poorest countries in the world who did the least to cause the, or the climate change. and the, the way in which climate change affects people is actually principally through water. either far too much or not enough. ah, so you can either floods or you're getting droughts, you're getting weather patterns changing to extreme. so that where there were 10 storms before, there's one with the same amount of water falling. and this is leading to extreme water stress for billions of people in the world already. and we know that even if
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our climate change is limited to 1.5 degrees, we hope we hope that happens. and there will be very significant impacts on the poorest or people all around the world where water 8 is born working. and we're seeing this happening and, and can anything be done to, to, to change the situation or are we here now, and we just have to live with these devastating stollins? no, no, no, there are plenty of solutions possible. but at the moment, the amount of investment in water is tiny in adapting to water change in the world . and most climate finance is going into other things that the amount of public investment in, in, in water is tiny. the amount of private investment in water in the poorest countries in the world is even smaller. so it's really important, and this is what this is. the key message that we are arguing for here in glasgow is that we create the conditions for a significant investment to be made to secure water from its source to its tap
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your report, and in south america. the same story can be told across africa, across asia, and where you need to secure the source of water, you need to preserve the ecosystem, and you need to supply it in, in a reliable way, a sustainable way across the whole year. not just part of the year and have the top touching dry, unique quality water ah, for people to live, you need to supply water to the agriculture sector. you need supply water to the m to industry and you need these to be regulated properly so that the, the water is the water use is moderated within the limits that her and that are available. and alice, as possible, it is a month and so here is possible. are you reassurance by any of the promises that had been made by the leaders at call 26? i think some good things are being done here and i think there is more to do, and i think particularly in this area,
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marconi made some great statements yesterday about the public finance triggering much larger amounts of private financed to tackle the of the warming question. and, and, and transitioning to a low carbon economy. that's great. but what we want to see is something very similar in the adaptation space and particularly focusing on water adaptation theory. the most critical issue, i'm sorry to cut you off. the warrior water management is not receiving the attention that it, that, that it needs at this sort of conference because we are chests and very much on caller m a. and that's important. and that's a, that, that is a problem that needs to be solved. we need to slow down the warming of the world, and we need to do something about the changes that have happened and are going to happen. however much we managed to slow down that the warming bait that they're here with us. and they're hitting countries in sub saharan africa and in south asia, you know, water aid is working in these countries and we are seeing the effect now. in fact,
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we've been seeing them for the last 10 years and they're getting more and more extreme. okay. tim wainwright, i am afraid we're out of town, but it great to have you on the news are at thank you very much indeed for joining us from glasgow. thank you very much. no nepal. a struggling to rebuild in the aftermath of catastrophic and natural disasters. hundreds of people have died in floating, triggered by monson rains. experts say climate change may be making these weather events even more extreme. same as ravi has more from milan t in the polls. cindy pal, chuck districts, alive and well in one of the poorest. and most polluted countries in the world. everyone is saying the same thing. climate disasters with intensity that has never been seen before are piling up faster than ever. nipples cascade of crises began in february with country wide forest fires. the black in the skies. mountain glaciers began melting faster,
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meaning more run off. then came intense rains and floods in june, august and october. now from all that water, a higher rate of land slides blocking mountain passes faster than road truce, can clear them throughout it all. ongoing manmade soil erosion to meet the demand for building materials. climate scientists worn conditions are worsening across the himalayan region and are unprecedented. most of these events that we've, we've just explained, are very much at liberty to what, what we see is given by climate change. and so more such events are likely to be experienced, especially in the mountains, toppled and buried buildings dot the himalayan foothills. ominous reminders of what happened here. multiple floods this year have dumped in immeasurable amount of earth and mud, and sand, and silk in rocks and large boulders in valleys all across this area. and just to
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give you a sense of how deep this debrief field is, where i'm standing right now, i'm standing on the roof of what's left of someone's home. in the town of milan, she questions of public safety still hanging in the air. and on one of the course until she took alone to build this now partially destroyed like block of shops, she says it would have been better if the water had just washed the whole thing away. she still paying it off, but now has to take another load. just a habit torn down the deposit down. there would be another venus, or even if the government gives his money, it's not possible to come back and stay here. we're scared of the river and there's no guarantee the same thing won't happen next year. it's all about nature. and what can we do against nature? nipples, carbon footprint is relatively small, but it sits between giants, china and india. 2 of the world's biggest polluters. it's depa graphy also makes it more vulnerable to overall shift in global weather. nepalese in rural communities
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are frustrated and say, what's happening to them is not their fault. that it concerns everyone. and countries like nepal should not be left alone to put out fires being fueled on a global scale is in basra, b o d 0 them alum to river in nepal. lebanon's prime minister is facing pressure to dismiss his information minister, causing a dispute with saudi arabia, george co dot. he made comments about the war in yemen. that of angered several gulf states. fanny heard a report from bay routes. this conference was about promoting tourism in a nearly bankrupt country, but instead lebanese prime minister and as you, because he had to address a crisis threatening his 2 months old government, saudi arabia, and some arab called countries have severed ties with lebanon for what they see as an increasing dominance of the hezbollah armed group. and then as he moved, we are determined to restore ties with saudi arabia and gulf states. i'm repeating
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my costs for the information minister to listen to his conscience had put circumstances into consideration and take the dance he should take. this is the priority of the solution to get out of the crisis. yes, he and he had to have a look the have you enter the the latest dispute was triggered by the comments of information minister george corda, hey, who called the human war, a saudi aggression. it's a difficult balancing act for a prime minister who wants to restore ties with the countries traditional economic and political partners, but whose cabinet is controlled by hezbollah and its allies. they have publicly back the minister who has reiterated his refusal to resign. also need to gain the consensus agreements of has a lot of political parties as well as the manner that part the, the part of the minister could back a not to resign as well. if the design,
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the diplomatic dispute is aggravating divisions and 11 on which is among the battlefield, where even in saudi arabia, geopolitical tug of war is played out and talk to them and help them. and then he, at liberty's governments, most over a can frank apology to saudi arabia and the gulf states. and i started real damage to just controversial issues that includes ending his beloved military intervention in yemen. the saudi arabia has long a tooth has beloved helping the ran back to to rebels in yemen, a charge the group denies. saudi arabia is pressuring love on to take a harsher line on has for law. but the lebanese foreign minister has said that kingdom is forcing impossible terms on the government. has bala, he says, is a component of lebanese politics. and this has a regional dimension which can't be resolved by. the authorities here already cabinet has been deadlocked for weeks after a dispute about the judge investigating last year's blast at the report. and now
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without support from gulf nations, it will be hard to secure much needed international aid to stop its economic collapse than their elisha zita. beirut agirri has been selected in the us state of georgia and the case of 3 men charged with killing a blackman evidence in the racially charged case for a month or break will be heard by 11 points and one black jurors. 3 point manor accused, chasing and killing 25 year old aubrey last year. while he was joking, the case has drawn national attention. elizabeth opponents and the corolla are encouraging voters to stay home during sunday's election and protests against the government crackdown when its critics and presidential hopefuls some 40 opposition figures have been detained since june. the c. a newman reports from the border with costa rica. he is young, i still owe tallow lives in costa rica, only
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a few meters from the nicaraguan border on the face, where he standing in nicaragua, it used to be a row of wooden posts. they've all been removed, so we calculate the border from this tree all the way over there. starting at dawn, nicaragua, to begin crossing into costa rica through the poorest border men, women and children making their way through the mud rainy season makes the track far more difficult, but the main challenge is making sure they aren't caught before crossing the border . this is what they call a pronto, serial or blind spot in a legal border crossing. and it's from here that the nicaraguan migrants come in, some of them lose their shoes. some of them a lot more, but they're not hiding from the costa rican police. are hiding from the nicaraguan army, which is just over there. we can practically see them from here. and they are trying to prevent nicaraguans from leaving the country ahead of the presidential elections
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. these 2 young nicaraguan students left managua by bus at 3 a. m and walked for hours to cross the border with the help of guides, people who know the paths and how to avoid soldiers. they don't want to be identified because their opponents of nicaragua, president daniel ortega and say they fear reprisals against those they've left behind. vatike aren't ever got them going on like bell. i came because we live under a dictatorship. we have no voice. the moment you speak of him and he'll have a police patrol car at your door to take your way off our friends and family. in my case, the majority are in prison, you have our only option is to run for our lives. nicaragua, opposition is boycotting sundays presidential elections. this guide tells me that many people are rushing into costa rica so they can't be forced to vote. he says nicaraguan soldiers caught and arrested a large group trying to leave earlier this morning. when the rain stops,
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another group crosses a river into costa rica, amid a new government crackdown against political opponents. hundreds of more nicaraguans adjoining the 1002 ball ready, taken refuge here is still our battle says there are rumors that the nicaraguan government may soon close the border already very worthy. i mean, there are loads of soldiers along the border because of the elections. they're probably afraid that people will return and try to make trouble for them. but in fact, nicaraguans keep leaving noticeably nervous and reluctant to speak to us, at least on camera. here got our, i can't talk because in nicaragua, if there's anything they will take you for a right to do that slang for getting killed, like many he wants to return to nicaragua. when things improve a sentiment, it seems to reflect a desire more than an objective possibility for the near future. lucy and human al jazeera at the costa rica, nicaragua border. so the heads on al jazeera,
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have bus or pizza in the n. b 8, the brooklyn, that all you support is coming up after the break. ah
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ah ah ah ah. for the sport, here's pizza. oh, thank you boss, selena stephanie of the receipt of chevy as they look to bring their former captain back to the new campus coach talks of continuing without sub whichever he is currently in charge. officials from barcelona were in the,
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spans to watch the guitar reside in action on wednesday. i hope to finalize a deal at a meeting on thursday after the game. chevy said her return to bossa was common sense and that he's looking forward to going home. but i'll sud have said they don't want him to leave at this point in the season. australia kept alive their hopes of reaching the semifinals of the t 20 world cup. they bounced back from a heavy defeats england with a thumping of bangladesh. adam's emperor, taking 5 for 19 as bangladesh. we're all out for $73.00. the australians winning this match by 8 wickets. they have overtaken south africa and the point table with one more group game left. meanwhile, the brooklyn nets coach steve nash said the team would well come back, kyrie irving, if new york's covert rules change, irving is currently missing games because he refuses to be vaccinated. his absence hasn't hurt than it's too much, though. as kevin duran stepped up against the atlanta hawks on wednesday,
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he scored 32. he points on the night, leading by fall the net scored the final. 12 of the 3rd quarter. the rent finished that with a 3 to beat. the buzzer, they won 171 underneath and we've got some time now to show you some stunning pictures from the european lp's where italian skier marcus era has completed what he has described as the ultimate run. the olympic freestar competitor has been working with a phone director for more than 2 years. the form he's dream run from the peaks of the map, fit in switzerland, through the valley floor in italy. and ruth took at it through the powder ice caves and crevices at it, said he visualizing the run since 2015 echo lima bear for now, i'll be here again later with another sports news update. holler, we look forward so thank you so much pizza. well that is it for this user and the team here until ha. lauren taylor were standing by view,
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the other side of the bridge, bringing on the latest rockies from london by ah, ah. it affluence, a strategy, some neighborhoods are wrecked by social and economic despair. why now an 8th make the bad of local heroes? every one of us ever got a responsibility to change our person, like fighting for their suburban drake on out to 0 in the media. the country with an abundance of results for the grade are and why indonesia, whose firms for me we moved full to grow and frank. we balanced for rena economy,
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blue economy, and the digital economy. with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs. invest let to be part when denise is growth and progress. invest even easier now. mm. mm. she dan's military chief orders the bernice of 4 civilian ministers, but not the asked prime minister, abdullah, ham doc hollis. ah, lauren taylor, this is al jazeera ally from london. was it coming up urgent efforts to calm the escalating war in asia? as to grind forces say they are advancing towards the capitol plus europe is back at the epicenter, hold upon the mc that every 8 shows as a huge rise in cambridge cases across europe.


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