tv [untitled] November 4, 2021 11:00pm-11:30pm AST
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where your privacy is pamela, times your experience cumbersome. sit back, relax in your own private space, and let us take care of everything. catera always, the air line you can rely on. ah, hello and lauren taylor in under the top stories are now to 0. sedans, military leader, has ordered the release of 4 civilian cabinet ministers detained in a minute to take over last month, as comes as hundreds in cartoon continued to protest against the dissolution of the ruling, the civilian transitional council, general abdel fatter i will. hon spoke to the you and envoy f, as you don about a potential agreement, including the return of ousted prime minister of dela hm. duke. if morgan has more, come, cut him. we have the minister of information, the minister of trade, the minister of telecommunications,
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and the minister of youth and sports. those are the 4 ministers who have been released, those who have not been released or the ministry, the minister of industry, and the member of the sovereignty council and hamlet advocate who is also the spokesperson of the dissolved sovereignty counsel. now, the united national secretary general has spoken to general abdel for the home and has called on the release of all political prisoners. and also the release of prime minister. i'm going to him to who is still under house arrest, despite repeated mediation efforts by the un, by neighboring south for them, and by national figures here in for dan. so there are some stuff they can truly, some of the political prisoners, general abdel pet, the album han following his military takeover said that those who are not charged or do not face any accusations, any criminal accusations will be released while they will hold onto the political prisoners who face any kind of criminal charges. so it's not clear if there will be criminal charges that will be directed against the ministers who have been arrested,
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as well as the member of the sovereignty council. but there has been caused by the united nations secretary general by several diplomats here in this incident as well as abroad to, to restore and to bring back the civil government that was deposed on october 21st following the military takeover and to restore the freedom of all political prisoners who were arrested you can the president is calling for east african leaders to meet and discuss the worsening conflict any few here. while the u. s. embassy and others have about is allowing some of the staff and their families to leave. if your government has declared a state of emergency as to grow and rebels claim to have made advances towards the capital won't help them. notation says, europe is back at the center of the pandemic. current of ours infection rates, a higher than in asia and africa, combined. central and eastern europe, where vaccination rates a low, a worst effected hands. clue this is european governments must act now to avoid catastrophe hospitalization,
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admission rates. duke of it 19 more than doubled in one week based on w, your europe's latest data. according to one label projection. if we stay on this trajectory, we could see another half a 1000000. gov at 19 bits in europe and central asia by the 1st of february, next year. and 40 city countries in oregon will face high to extreme stress on hospital bits. at some point through the same period. dozens of countries of pledge to win their economies off coal on the energy day and the cop $26.00 climate summit in glasgow. but some of the biggest consumers of coal did not sign the commitment, including us, china, india, and australia. u. s. climate envoy, john kerry told al jazeera his country's green agenda is still setting a global example. we are committed to be carbon free in
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our power sector by 2035. and the president has committed that we will have only electric vehicles by 2035. no more internal combustion engine. so we're moving ahead very, very aggressively. the judge in the trial for armando barry's killing says the jury selection appears to be intentionally discriminatory, but has allowed the trial to go ahead. 11 white people and one black man will hear evidence in the trial of 3 white men accused of murdering albury, a black man who was killed one out jogging defense. attorneys struck almost all potential black jurors from the pool. there's the top stores do stay with this one out there. if you can let the people versus agent orange is next on the back when one use after that. thanks for watching bye for now. ah
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a helicopters lying over the ridge, spraying something. and they didn't even see the kids. and the kids were all fishing or just playing by the river. and the kids were all choking and gas when that night they were all really sick with diarrhea. they were having trouble breathing. we went down to the river that next day and that's when we found dead ducklings and dead crayfish, dead trout. we called the forest service and they said, oh no, it's perfectly safe. it was a mixture of $240.24 t agent orange that was banned in vietnam. and nobody realised that the same chemicals were being used here in
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a still going on with agent orange was a tremendously destructive holland of a tremendously destructive war in its own unique way agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare in modern history. when i was still 5 years old or something, i read everything, it was still during the war and i read something about all the birds being killed like oil spills from ships being blown out. that's what i worried about during the war was all those birds come in like that. he helped me and i started reading
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letters. i'm not sure who i sent them to or wanting some. what did take care of those birds please? maybe that was the beginning of my activism, but ah, we moved here and 74. the kids were just part of this landscape and they were down along the river. they knew everything that lived down there. my kids loved it. i mean, they were part of it, there were beavers and otters in the river then too, of course, all the fish and harrison i sprays. and so they were part of that. they loved it was nothing to worry about. mm hm
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. clear cutting is one of the most insane things you could ever do. it's like strip mining a living organism which a forest is they weren't required to replant. and most of those clear cuts developed into huge brush fields then all of a sudden they're faced with this law that says you can't clear that unless you replant within 3 years. so then they had to clear all the brush on these old clear cuts. so they could replant them and just all coincided with the end of the use of agent orange in vietnam, lou michael newton from oregon state
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university was getting surplus barrels of agent orange that the air force couldn't use anymore and vietnam and was praising the use of these things and how they were going to transform forestry forever. and they started to spread blanket these huge, clear cut with a lot of a journal orange and drift. some we could smell it and her within a few days our garden was dead. the kids were all sick again, and the dog got so sick he died. carol has been just a tireless champion for uncovering true, factual, scientifically based information. and trying to get that for decision makers.
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ah, these people are just liberal it their word sin. and i'm a member senior thinking, bruce, you somewhere you got it, you've got to help these people. they are literally, they not, nobody's willing to help them. and i said, you've got to produce the experts that have you can produce the experts. i'll take your case on and we'll go, we'll go to battle over the whole suby with your machine nozzles savvy song, thunder. go, no news as your leisure . i mean no. so simple to plot these america saunders as we have now.
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america fatty cp energy star is selected gold plus a fossil pump enough, but crazy it tyco new a lead to lunch. you asked a letter need miss yolanda. it did messenger in national the liaison i'll columbus best in the i on predictor xico. marcia will cover w. c. thought epa alleged to etha deja . i mean no sounds assault laughing sounds grandma said on the suit ah be much of it to she will have a good laugh. let bossy good. my mother a,
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i'm please only to talk to me about an apple lisa. 2 of them understood my man. i think that the machine is crashing into something. and that the me ha ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ah, don't go jesus. you see the lee we'll see i'm is it did not go back to pay. i didn't know and go back. i mean, goes, it does suit lamb my actual, the whole, she mean to prolong, in math should not god who signed, why did i don't show her. ah, when you did it. not her e. dear ology, said sylvia, not by 3 or not have see in has your all day
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of your america a body. jim. she can't be rounded married guys to for a martin. jessica knows you know, movie said cola or marcia lagoon. mckee, po sir, builders and phones on the home. don't get on a maggio, no booty you play longer. she hi stella barza do horn at united the libya has yo lush also because she clearly knew vale and is actually gave me more money have a year ago. missed your did the last yard? ha ha with is jimmy's amore. the murphy list. so i did halter sure me,
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no saw some trick city come in and crazily bibi to monocle may no partial a flap or grandma sir myth ashy gumble or morsel of if apple gra, don't get my, my late go. maryland. we song tonight in go marson, a blip over our lee. she sit in la, vice philly. oh, nice shift to like be nic and many good. so go and get on the gut. oh, she spoke of was i really gum am. i can cancel it. should my mom kiera centennial farm? good have gone that me? ah, jesse 20 to her portia moody, santa zuka, marcia c. lo lo regina. this malady burgles in the saudi c.
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m. m. c. shameed result was offered. the seller disaster did him up on me occupy a song, caydan da da, dominic m e n c o porsche la should have brought to bonham. blue to downtown. she scores savegaugh directory murphy, phillip wise on seattle. ah, does yo and only lucky. oh, so don't all the piper good de la papa gala melody this lisa a la melanie. i do have an appellate lanford. a did a now come see a lot. i did i a yes ma'am. my man.
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they know it's more sub said was just want to commit to viet 60 k. to know his office will close up. all of its opposition was blue moon. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, liam, hold on for samples. so see pesky is i because of a year i see says he has jar vincy fioma selected. ready all the devil got gold plus look i've been able no ah, look on back of marcy a diff jessica. she thought that made a fire of the places they continental abbey
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at the white house. the stage of history is that when the 1st meeting between president eisenhower, i am senator kennedy's as the leg, when eisenhower passed over a national security apparatus to john kennedy. how scared we had to be that communism was on the march. and we had to stop it wherever it was. kennedy loved the idea that american ingenuity, not just big, scary bombs, but different, more surgical kinds of technologies could be used to defeat these insurgencies and agent orange. or besides, in general, was part of that strategic view. the here at the dollar chemical company in midland michigan revolutionary chemical killers are being produced to help rid us of these costly piss. one of the newest
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and most versatile weapons and dollars arsenal of chemical warfare is to for dial. we'd killer to 4. d is a growth regulator type of we'd kill it. the action is the logical, appearing to upset the plants, growth processes and causing gradually, but certain death. ah. the saigon government in 1900. 61 was a vociferous proponents of the use of herbicides in vietnam in the, the government was fighting a communist insurgency in the south. that was supplied by and they felt that the insurgency was
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a major threat to their existence. ah ah this is in october 1961 thanks. haven't really gotten started yet. these are telexes. it's a message from the ambassador noting, but basically just saying present damn is begging people to spray crops. and there's so much doubt it confusion washington about whether to do this or not. ah
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operation ranch and had multiple components to it, a food denial component. but the most notorious was the use of agent orange to take away the forest cover. take away the insurgence capability to hide and conduct gorilla ambush operations. but once the overall war escalated, the deflation program just sort of followed rather mindlessly right behind it. spring, millions of gallons of highly concentrated herbicides indiscriminately over vast areas of forest. many times over is chemical warfare. it was
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highly destructive and it was massive. it was a weapon of mass destruction. ranch hand was c name for the herbicide to fully program run by the air and i was sent over to vietnam and may of 1971 to do the final historical right up of the ranch and program i had made friends with the young army, lieutenant over there and he came to me one afternoon and said we have received orders from headquarters. this is 1971. we are to jump to computer and erase it.
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not downloaded and shipped to walk. gov t said he said if you want any of that information for your report, you gonna have to come with me tonight and move over to my fi headquarters. well, get you into my office and we'll print them out. and he turned on the machine and we printed out a fact like batch my report indicated that there were some real problems developing from people exposed to asian, orange. ah, i finished my report and it was immediately classified secret. and the government kept it locked up. or 35 years and denied didn't even exist. it the federal government basically federalized all the chemical companies to do
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nothing but produce a generic and other chemicals for the war to vietnam. and they knew that the more they produce, the more money they would make. so they, in order to deliver as much as they could as quickly as they could. they violated then existing industry standards for the production of herbicides by using a process that was much shorter at higher temperatures. that was responsible for the presence of the, of jackson in the ultimate chemical substances that were created. and they knew that it posed risks to individuals. they knew that opposed to risk to the land. they knew that it was contained to poison. and they knew that that the effects to be devastating while i was preparing my report,
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i came across your documents that indicated confirmed that we authorized production of the asian, ours, which is a mixture 24250524245, g with a higher concentration of dioxin esther contaminant had a contaminant in the 245 t compact. we knew die. auction is an extremely potent crush at a genic mutagenic meaning it causes chromosomes to mutate to ratty, janet, affecting the fetus of a woman very potent compound national hero. standards estimate a half life for a dioxide molecules. 2000000000 years. that's why ebay regards it as equivalent to clue tony. both in its toxicity and in its longevity,
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how long can persist. so it doesn't go away. it goes away politically. this is the 1st time that the scientists have ever created a molecule, this toxic and, and that they, they know that even, you know, just one to 2 parts per trillion can cause birth defects, mutations, cancer, one ah, seeing a larger number, defects than we would've expected we saw a number of congenital hearts and i think it was 978. i delivered and, and, and safari child, that's
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a child that doesn't have basically the normal brain. in my lifetime of delivering babies, i would not expect ever to see one. and about a year later, we delivered a 2nd and then select child. those odds were just astronomical, but a small practice like ours would have to allen's valley children. it made me realize that there was something going on mean affluence, a stress, some neighborhoods racked by social and economic despair. what? oh, what a fake the bad of local heroes. every one of us ever go to responsibility to change our person, like fighting for their suburban drink point out to 0. ah, 25 years ago, a new era in it was in use in the middle east began
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a 2 part documentary series mopping the 25th anniversary of al jazeera, telling the story of the channels logged. and now it became a recognized global brand. ah, the story of al jazeera a unique ah, allow government al jazeera with all one of the fastest growing nations in the world. ah, the customer needed to oakland and developed pull back international shipping companies to become a p middle east and trade and wanting skillfully. my 3 key is up to about filling up from it. so connecting the world connecting the future,
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won the cost cutters, gateway to whoa trade. lou i'm north taylor in london, the short stories on managers harish state media, su dan's military leader has ordered the release of for civilian cabinet ministers detained in the military. takeover last month is comes as hundreds in cartoon continued to protest against the dissolution of the ruling. civilian transitional council, general abdel fertile bahamas, spoken to the you and envoy f. as you don about a potential.
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