tv [untitled] November 5, 2021 12:30am-1:01am AST
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confrontation and eventually the shooting. obviously that's going to be at the center of what we see in this case. and you've got both sides are saying opposite things about that videotape. clearly it's something new that it's going to be difficult for the aubrey family to watch. again, it's going to be difficult for this jury. you would imagine to see that unfold. but i think they'll get to it early and often of from the prosecutor side they, they want to, sir, in the minds of this jury. what happened that day and, and use this tape. as a reminder of that, jay gray, thank you very much. indeed. there's lots more still to come this hour, including multiple floods this year have dumped an immeasurable amount of earth and mud, and sand and sylvan rocks. enlarge boulders in valleys all across this area where nipple, where the changing climate is being blamed for
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a series of devastating natural disasters. a chinese government advisory leads to panic, buying and food stockpiling. is it all and misunderstanding and a sport above the peter in the n. b a for the brooklyn next place for them for later. ah hello. good to see you. we've had some halloween winds across the adrian see. and we're getting striped with heavy rain as well. so this is for bosnia montenegro and it is seeping into serbia. it's knocked down temperatures, but in some of these spots will pick up about a months worth of rain in the span of a short period of time. so flooding the very real risk here, we can trace that rain through western areas of romania, ukraine into western russia. this for the air area of low pressure sits and we've
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got some winds coming across the baltic sea. so i think for the baltic states, look for wind gusts of about 60 kilometers per hour. the united kingdom, france. so low countries are temperatures pretty well where they should be for this on the year off to iberia. mostly settled though. we do have some rain for eastern areas of spain through the bali, eric's but look at lisbon in the sunshine with a high of 16 degrees. plenty of sun across turkey and temperature is above average . here is stumble, 21, and we're still hanging on to some 30. so nick hosea. 30 right on the nose on friday. northern africa. remember all that rain. we were chatting about through the valley. eric's while it's starting to sun further toward the south. so this will impact northern areas of algeria right into tunisia. it's going to park itself there. so that rain will pile up in there is the risk of seeing some flooding here soon. ah. care about the pacific island nation, rapidly falling victim to rising sea level. and the president skilfully commanding
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the stage of climate change. diplomacy. do we appeal to browse, people try to survive and the challenge of climate? but can he security that he seem to be stateless people? what he's going to happen to us is going to be the fate of ferris willful witness. oh no kidding. hey. hey, assume yeah. check out what's going on. what's going on? these guys are a satellite telecom connectivity means these mobile teams know exactly where they're going and exactly who and what they need to do to how you're one of a kind esl what you mean one. there's 2 of us, dude. ash hale sat space to deliver your vision. lou
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ah, reminder the top stories yolanda 0. she don's military leader has ordered the release of 4 civilian cabinet ministers detained in last month's takeover. but not all those who faced criminal charges. this is hundreds, marched through cartoon protesting against military rule. the world health organization says europe is again, the epicenter, the pandemic. current of ours infection rates are higher than in asia and africa combined. and dozens of countries have pledged to quit coal at the top $26.00 climate summit in glasgow, but some of the cold calls biggest consumers, including the us, china, india, and australia didn't sign the commitment. the water levels of latin america,
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2nd longest river are at the lowest point for almost 80 years, and there's no sign the parent river will rise again. any time soon? no sean joins us live from t ray in argentina. so why don't people think that the water levels are declining? well, there are many reasons, but i think the main reason that people are blaming is massive deforestation that's been going on for years from brazil, obviously from the amazon jungle. the chuckle where the foreign r river begins. it runs nearly 5000 kilometers down here to one osiris and all along the river. there is the 4 is going on in the power g y in the north of argentina. and what that tends to do is sucks the humidity out of the air. there is much less rain for we were supposed to speak to a man here who works on the river who fairies, passengers around. and he has an app which shows what the water level was like every day, and he showed it to us and it's something like 30 percent lower than it should be.
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ethics community is right up and down the river. there's millions of people living along the battle now in cities like saudi. oh, we went to one such community, some federal, which is about 160 kilometers north of one. sorry, it's a fishing community. and we saw that how seriously this last 2 years, the declining river has impacted the community that for sure or says he's catching less station he used to live was in the parents river or at the lowest since 1944. they've been declining for 2 years. to see 100 of them, we'll talk sure. the water keeps going down. the region is in a critical state. what we need is rain for the rain to fill the creaks and ditches because it's all turning to swamp. the banner runs south the nearly 5000 kilometers from the center of brazil and empties into the atlantic ocean between argentina and
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uruguay. it provides energy in drinking water is a major transport route. it's life the millions of people, and he now it's dying. ah jeezy, properly my letter gay so many problems. they not using the parent property. it's been badly mistreated and now we're living with the consequences. ah, the residence a st. bedroom watching development at the cop $26.00 summit in glasgow, but a little time for the so called experts. they say they know what needs doing. it a frustrated that money and politics seem to talk louder than common sense. i game is that i read one or j get that much in normal, but we've got to start looking at what we're doing wrong before we can put it right . governments need to apply laws regarding the use of land, the way we treat nature. always looking to defend the environment to the the rainfall has diminished the locals blame hydro. electric projects built upstream and ill plan bridges, but mostly massive deforestation. to make wafer cattle and soil production,
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fast flowing streams become stagnant puddles will dry up altogether unsettling the delicate ecosystem, the waters of the barren i used to reach here. now they lie on the other side of those trees behind me with the residence, asking not just when, but if what they once knew was normality will ever return. now the very industries blame for the crisis rule. so suffering. these vessels transporting agricultural produce from paraguayan argentina must load less cargo or risk running a ground. more journeys mean higher costs and increased pollution under this bill yet more but again, those who are shallow with fight to get rid of the big landowners because they want this region to plant soya and mays will try to warn people so they don't ruin this region. if not with dead, will have nothing. these a river people watching their way of life on the threat shall seem to be heard. but
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in the meantime, surviving we give away they can and praying for rain. what do people think that there's the solution to to this is well, they're not sure whether the rains are ever going to come back. it is, you know, in the abundance that they need it for the river to rise again to the left was a one swap. but what they're always saying is they need to stop a plant before is thing and plant seeing and creating cattle ranches across the region. argentina was a very fertile country, famous for its beef, famous for its soil. as the country finds that dig itself out of its echo, make christ is exacerbated by the pandemic. paraguay was ill or in similar situations, people are continuing to plans their continuing to the forests. they're often setting lights to the lines the help that the for a station, and then to clear the, the residue of the crops they set lights again. we've also got this situation where the, the skies are for the smoke for the flay, and the flames. a burning everywhere on land which simply isn't fertile and doesn't
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support these kind of crops in the long term. with these economies in such a bad state, people are looking government and looking for short term solutions for their problems. the people living along the river are saying simply the laws needs to be applied. they need to stop spreading the cattle ranches and soil production. they need to think long term rather than shorter. and that's the way they could. they hope the reins will come back and the real part of the rivers in the region will be replenished. but i must say that the re pessimistic. they don't hold out much hope, but that's what they're calling for. daniel trying to thank you very much. if all was struggling to rebuild following a series of catastrophic natural disasters this year alone, hundreds of people have died in a number of flooding. events triggered by unseasonably long monsoon rains and as a bus driver reports from madame g. experts say climate change is to blame in one of the poorest and most polluted countries in the world. everyone is saying the
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same thing. climate disasters with intensity that has never been seen before, are piling up faster than ever. new pulse cascade of crises began in february with country wide forest fires. the black in the skies. mountain glaciers began melting faster, meaning more run off. then came intense rains and floods in june, august, and october. now from all that water, a higher rate of land slides blocking mountain passes faster than road truce, can clear them throughout it all. ongoing manmade soil erosion to meet the demand for building materials. climate scientists warn conditions are worsening across the himalayan region and are unprecedented. most of these events that we've, we've just explained, are very much actually been able to what, what we see is given by climate change. and so more such events are likely to be
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experienced, especially in the mountains, toppled and buried buildings dot the himalayan foothills. ominous reminders of what happened here. multiple floods this year have dumped in immeasurable amount of earth and mud and sand in silt and rocks and large boulders in valleys all across this area. and just to give you a sense of how deep this debris field is, where i'm standing right now, i'm standing on the roof of what's left of someone's home. in the town of milan, she questions of public safety still hanging in the air lot santo, she took a loan to build this now partially destroyed like block of shops. she says it would have been better if the water had just washed the whole thing away. she still paying it off, but now has to take another load just to have it torn down. that if the father had a van now the another beneath had it. even if the government gets his money, it's not possible to come back and stay here. we're scared of the river and there's
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no guarantee the same thing might happen next year. it's all about nature. and what can we do against nature under the lot of hitting lower nipples. carbon footprint is relatively small, but it sits between giants, china and india. 2 of the world's biggest polluters. it's topography also makes it more vulnerable to overall shifts in global weather. nepalese in rural communities are frustrated and say what's happening to them is not their fault. that it concerns every one. and countries like nepal should not be left alone to put out fires being fueled on a global scale. zane basra, the alta 0, the milan she river in nepal. a government advisor in china asking people to stockpile daily necessities. her sparked panic bye and heated online debate. people were already spooked by weeks of electricity shortages and supplied disruptions. katrina hear reports from beijing. in recent weeks shopping at this fading, fresh food market has become more expensive. a true?
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yeah, surprise has gone up. we can't afford it, we had to buy some vegetables from the dealers on the street. the prices of common vegetables such as cucumbers, spinach and broccoli have doubled. some have become more expensive than pork, the staple meat and china. so when on monday, the chinese government issued a notice advising households to stockpile daily necessities. it sparked panic and heated discussion online. some posted about rushing to buy essential goods. others speculated that increasing tensions with taiwan were the calls. but analysts say the announcement has been misinterpreted. the reason that they put that notice out was basically, you know, routine, winter season preparedness for making sure that there is a good supply of fruit and vegetables on the market and normal daily goods. and that some of the reason that language was in there was due to, you know, the, the potential sort of ongoing risk of coven locked downs. the pandemic has led to
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a renewed focus on china's food security. regional locked downs have disrupted food supplies to affected areas. and there have been other challenges. last month, crops in china's ne, a major food growing region, were destroyed by unusually heavy rains. a nation wide power shortage has pushed up the cost of operating greenhouses. and a shortage of diesel fuel has delayed cross country deliveries. experts say, china's emergency food reserves and mechanisms are generally in good shape. but while there isn't a shortage price hikes and supply disruptions hadn't hurting those who can least afford it. in china's lowest income bracket living in florida and rural areas, officials have moved to stabilize vegetable prices. also, the local governments will be instructed to issue a market supply and the prize stability for daily necessities in the coming winter . next spring, we will establish and improve the relevant safeguard and supply kennedy and release
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governments. the reserves at the appropriate time stating has also issued an action plan to reduce food waste, the restaurant and catering industries. meanwhile, shop is hoping that sky rocketing prices will soon return to katrina you al jazeera, aging, nicaraguan opposition. politicians are encouraging roaches to boycott sundays election to protest against a crackdown on government. critics and presidential hopefuls around 40 opposition figures have been detained since june, leaving president daniel ortega poised to win a 4th term. now some people are leaving the country to avoid detention or being forced to vote. as lucy newman reports from the border with costa rica, i still owe tallow lives in costa rica, only a few meters from the nicaraguan border on their failing, where he found these nicaragua, it used to be a row of wooden posts. they've all been removed. so we calculate the border from
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these tree all the way over there. starting at dawn, nicaragua, to begin crossing into costa rica through the porous border men, women and children making their way through the mud rainy season makes the track far more difficult. but the main challenge is making sure they aren't caught before crossing the border. this is what they call a pronto serial or blind spot in a legal border crossing. and it's from here that the nicaraguan migrants come in, some of them lose their shoes. some of them a lot more, but they're not hiding from the costa rican police. are hiding from the nicaraguan army, which is just over there. we can practically see them from here. and they are trying to prevent nicaraguans from leaving the country ahead of the presidential elections . these 2 young nicaraguan students left managua by bus at 3 am, and walked for hours to cross the border with the help of guides, people who know the paths and how to avoid soldiers of your telephone. they don't
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want to be identified because their opponents of nicaragua, as president daniel ortega and say they fear reprisals against those. they've left behind. vatike aren't there? what get them going on? like bell? i came because we'll have under a dictatorship. we have no voice. the moment you speak of them and you have a police patrol car at your door to take your way all of our friends and family. in my case, the majority are in prison. our only option is to run for our lives. nicaragua, opposition is boycotting sundays presidential elections. this guide tells me that many people are rushing into costa rica so they can't be forced to vote. he says nicaraguan soldiers quote and arrested large find to leave earlier this morning. when the rain stops, another group crosses a river into costa rica, amid a new government crackdown against political opponents. hundreds of more nicaraguans adjoining the 1000 tube, all ready taken refuge here is still our battle says there are rumors that the
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nicaraguan government may so close the border. that would be very well out of the. i mean, there are loads of soldiers along the border because of the election. they're probably afraid that people will return and try to make trouble for that military puddings act, nicaraguans, keep leaving. notice to be nervous and reluctant to speak to us, at least on camera. here, good, oh, i can't talk because in nicaragua, if it's anything they would take you for a right that slang for getting killed like many he wants to return to nicaragua. when things improve a center, it seems to reflect a desire more than an object of possibility for the near future. lucy and human al jazeera at the costa rica, nicaragua border. still, i had this news. our esc is dream, roman in the swiss alps was amazing pictures shortly informed visitor and
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ah ah ah sport his peter horn. thank you very much. 2 days after taking charge of talk them hotspots and tony county is on the verge of making a winning start the tally and received a passionate welcome from spurs fans ahead of a fixture with dutch side of the tests. in the 3rd tier of european competition, the conference league top and scored 3 times inside 28 minutes before the visitors
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paid back to gold by half times both currently leading $32.00 in stoppage time was barcelona, close to securing a new coach with former captain chubby on the verge of heading back to the new camp, talks of continuing with guitar, he thought outside which harvey is currently in charge. officials from barcelona were in the stands on wednesday night, and hope to finalize a deal this week. after the game. chevy said a returned to basso was common sense, and that he's looking forward to going home, but outside are not keen to let him leave at this point in the season. cameron's at all edge and roger mealer has taken aim at european football administrators for their reluctance to recognize african players that award ceremonies. mealer says more players from his continent needs to be acknowledged in order to develop the game in africa. he also believes the infrastructure cameron has put in place for next year. africa cup of nations will be a major boost in developing talented young players. rashid review are protected,
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the level of the big african nations has declined because our football associations are no longer close to the players. there is a lack of seriousness between the football associations and the players. that's why we see players giving more for their clubs compared to their national teams. we must stand up to this phenomenon and control how african football has changed between yesterday and today. i learned english crickets in yorkshire have been suspended from hosting international matches for the foreseeable future because of inaction over a racism incident at the club. further for that england international gary balance who plays for yorkshire will not be eligible for national team duty for 4 years. balance has admitted a using racist language towards a former teammates, a zebra feet from pakistan. yorkshire decided to take no action at 1st, but the indian creek abroad have now stepped in to enforce harsher penalties. australia kept alive their hopes of reaching the semifinals of the t 20 woke up. they bounced back from a heavy defeat, england with a thumping of bangladesh,
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adam zam, partaking 519 here as bangladesh were all out for just 73, australia winning by 8 wickets. as a result, they overtake sol, africa, and the point stable with only one more group game left. it's been a really weak ball copier. feel like some guys in our team haven't really spent much time on the middle am now obviously you want to win games like we did that i. but am, i don't have our full throttle. i think it's really important that i am now dispersing these game is our, is a next one on our minds and they're really dangerous, tame and same as bangladesh. they have played really well against us a few months ago. so i am. yeah, it's the really dangerous tame. while the defending champions are out where things were beaten by slang, k, narbey, narbey said it, i fell anchors. $68.00 helped the sri lankan suppose $189.00 for 3. for the wendy's a shimmer on hit my head, and i am beaten, 81,
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but was in vain. for lincoln's winning by 20 runs, although they had already been eliminated. coming into the fixture mother talk a bit you through to the quarter finals of the paris masters without hitting a ball. that's because the frenchman government fees withdrew from the match due to a muscle strain on the other side of the draw olympic champion. i was on a very it was pushed to 3 for the nitro. that of waiting. 63 and the food are now play. then miss catherine. in the nfl green bay packers quarterback aaron rogers has reportedly tested positive for over 19 and will miss sunday's game against kansas city. rogers is the latest packers player to have corona virus after 2 wide receivers miss last weeks when at arizona. because of it, it's unclear whether the raining and f l m b p is vaccinated or not. meanwhile, the brooklyn it's coach steve nash says the team would welcome back, kyrie irving. if new york covert rules changed, irving is currently missing games because he refuses to be vaccinated. his absence
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hasn't hurt them. it's too much, though it's kevin to rand stepped up against the atlanta hawks on wednesday schooling $32.00 boys leading by for the 9th school, the final 12 of the 3rd quarter. the ran finished that with a 3 to beat the buzzard. as they won 117108100000 mexicans of turned out on the streets of the capital to watch sergio perez tear it up in a formula one car. the rebel driver is carrying his country's hopes into this. we can feel free, no mexican, as ever stood on the podium at home. a perez has been very competitive in. he's called the season and is currently 4th in the overall drivers, championship, stabbings. and just some time now to show you some stunning pictures from the european alps where italian skier marcus ed ed, has completed what he's described as the ultimate run. the olympic freestar competitor has been working with a phone director for more than 2 years to full. his dream run from the peaks of zer, mats in switzerland to the valley floor in italy. router took edit the powder ice
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caves and crevices. and if said he'd been visualizing the run since 2015, that's all the sports news or and back to you in london. peter, thanks, alex. amazing. and millions of people across india celebrating devali. the festal over lights of festivities have been more low key than usual. it's the 2nd valley since the pandemic began, some people are focusing on lighting their homes this year instead of gathering in crowds. but the northern city of a yard year has continued its record breaking tradition lighting more than 900000 oil lamps to mark the return of the god ran from years in exile. this devoutly has been a lucky affair due to the clever, 19 pandemic for the last 2 years. the celebrations have been very nice this year. both house him over down to lead you pick out of. i'm feeling very happy after
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witnessing the fireworks here on the bali. it's a heavenly view, a little afraid the peace should prevail in the world. and that's it for me, aren't telephone news out company that can amendment with more news. ah ah. a tens of thousands of children were born into old lives under the iceland regime in iraq and syria. now many are in camps either orphans all with a widowed mothers rejected by their own communities, chicken. your length of people are going to welcome them after that. of course,
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mom and you documentary his, that chilling and traumatic stories for the children throw stones at me. iraq's last generation coming soon on al jazeera in affluence, australia. some neighborhoods are racked by social and economic despair. why now what a fake the bad of local heroes? every one of us have a lot of responsibility to change our person. like fighting for their suburban drake on al jazeera, compelling journalism. we keeping our distance because it's actually quite dangerous. ambulances continue to arrive at the scene of the explosion. inspire program making. i still don't feel like i actually know enough about living under fascism was light. how much money did you make for your rural and delay rent? and late barbara al jazeera english proud recipient of the new york festivals broadcaster of the year award for the 5th year running joy abacus,
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launched trade and investment faith in south africa into african trades. a gives you access to more than 1000. $100.00 exhibitors and $10000.00 visitors and buyers and more than $5000.00 conference delegates, more than $55.00 countries, participate in trade and investment deals with $40000000000.00 as business and governments come together to explore business and networking opportunities at the international exhibition brought to you by the african export import back at the premium partners, the i 80 of 2020 was transforming africa. ah, she don's military chief orders, the release of 4 civilian ministers, but not the ousted prime minister, abdullah, ham doc hollis. ah, unearned tailor. this is out. his ear, alive from london, also coming up urgent efforts to calm the escalating war in ethiopia. as to grind forces seized.
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