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tv   [untitled]    November 5, 2021 10:30am-11:01am AST

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work has made sense to pandemic. they don't give us work because they see they don't want any one in their homes. and they also ask for documents with their main opponents now imprison or take a should easily wind sunday's presidential elections. and that said, these migrant will likely only increase the exodus from their trouble torn country . and she and human al jazeera at equilla costa rica. ah, hello there. this is al jazeera and these are the headlines. so don's military leader has agreed with the u. s. secretary of state on the need to speed up the formation of a new government. general abdel fat albert han has ordered the release of for civilian cabinet ministers detained and last month's military takeover. hibbon morgan has more details on that released force from cartoon for ministers of the civilian political details who've been arrested on the eve of b,
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military. takeover have been released there been minister of communication, the minister of trade, the minister of youth and sports, and the minister of a community of information. now those for ministers are just some of the people who have been arrested the minister of industry, who was also at one of those who was, who was taken on the morning of the military who has not been released along with the spokesperson over now dissolved sovereignty. council mohammed and fricky as well as the minister in the office of the prime minister, or who's, who's also the cabinet cabinets minister. he is also yet to be released and bear whereabouts are yet to be revealed. the un security council is set to meet and discuss the escalades in conflict in ethiopia. there are growing cause for an immediate cease fire, and the u. s. envoy is in addis ababa to push for de escalation. china has reported 68 new cove 19 cases as it scrambles to contain a new outbreak. more than 900 infections have been reported since that search began
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in mid october, spreading to half of china's provinces. their accusations of racial discrimination at a high profile us murder trial, 11 weiss and one black juror war here, evidence in the trial of 3 white men accused of murdering on the debris, a black man who was killed in georgia while actual out jogging defense attorneys dismissed nearly all potential black jurors from the pool and you report suggests that carbon emissions are rebounding to pre pandemic levels. they're on track to rise by 4.9 percent this year. dozens of countries are made commitments at the cop $26.00 climate sen. phase out the use of coal fired power. meanwhile, the top you unofficial in bosnia herzegovina says the p still that ended the war 26 years ago is under threat. the bosnian serb leader miller roddick has announced plans to establish a separate army within the country. well those, the headlines, i'll have more news for you here on al jazeera after inside story to stay with us.
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china has been very strategic in the way to expanding his reach in the indian ocean . what is it? and again, we bring the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in without being national aid. what do you think is going to happen to the afghan? uncommon, counting the cost on al jazeera, the p, still an end of the war. in bosnia herzegovina, 26 years ago is in danger of unraveling threats from bosnian serb leaders. a calling for the withdrawal of support from state level institutions in republic, a sub scott and entity with around 1200000 people that makes up roughly half of bosnia herzegovina could such a separatist push, see a return to the conflict in the region. this is inside story. ah
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hello, welcome to the program. i'm adrian finnegan, a u. s. broke a deal brought an end to the bosnian war among bosnian serbs, crowds and boston acts in 1995. but some of the ethnic divisions and tensions that sparked that 3 year conflict have continued to simmer for the past 26 years. so much so that the now threatening the unity of the balkan nation, the bosnian serb leader miller, r dot ache, his threatening to pull out of state level institutions. including the national army, built up with international assistance over the past quarter century and to reconstitute a sub force. the international communities envoy christine schmidt, says that such threats posed an existential threat to the nation. all of this, as the un announced an extension to the mandate of the european union military force, a yearly practice to help maintain peacekeeping operations in bosnia herzegovina will get to our guests in just a few moments. but 1st
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a report from out here is joanna, how plans by the bosnian serb leadership to exit some of the country's tripartite institutions, including the military, are described by the international communities. hi, representative christian schmidt as tantamount to secession. they constitute, he says, the greatest existential threat of the post war period. he's talking about bosnian serb leader miller and da dick who says a new army will be set up in the sir brun entity of republic, a sub scott with the bosnian army force to withdraw if necessary. he says the serbs will call on their friends for help, a presumed reference to serbia proper to and russia. i'll report because since gotcha the republicans epsco will control its own affairs in a legal constitutional manner, including by having its own army judiciary, fiscal administration, as well as intelligence and security agencies. we will reestablish all these institutions last month,
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a training exercise by both the police was denounced by muslim balls in the 2nd crow at leaders. the other members of a 3 way power sharing government formed by the 995 date and the peace agreement. they took place on the mountain overlooking, sorry, over from where serves snipers and artillery they see to the capital beginning in 1990 to thousands of civilians died in a war that culminated in what international judges have called genocide when more than 8000 mostly men and boys were massacred by serb troops in the eastern enclave of trevor, anita the high representatives report to the un this week says there is a very real prospect of a return to conflict in bosnia. but there is no obvious appetite on the part of western powers to increase their security presence. their political tensions are a part of daily life in a country such as boston, heard to governor, where you have different groups competing for political power. but you didn't ever
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see threats of the violence or b as in session or be parallel institutions come this far as they have now. at least not in a very long time. miller da dick has for years called for the separation of the serb run part of the bus near from the rest of the country. a just weeks ago, dick shed the seeds on social media. he and colleagues singing sir nationalist folk songs in their sorry, over headquarters. it was a reminder that the u. s. sponsored peace in bosnia did not bring ethnic harmony, nor did it come with any long term guarantee. jonah, how al jazeera. ah. all right, let's bring it, i guess, for today from, sorry, ever we joined by have a coach associate professor of political political science at the university of sorry, a vote from berlin. bought a webber who's a senior associate at the democratization policy council. and from belgrade were
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joined by alexander brezza, a journalist, usually based and sorry of a gentleman. welcome to the program. so if we can start with you, christian schmidt says there's a very real prospect of a return to conflict in bosnia, is he right? i think he is, and this is the most serious political case is the worst case currently facing since the end of the war in 1905, we are not sure how this will move forward and what the outcome will be. but i would agree with mr. smith, but a what should the international community be doing right now, or the e u, and the us taking the situation seriously enough? ah, there's rising awareness. fortunately. there is a serious situation. i agree with my predecessor that this is the most serious crisis we've seen in the end of the war. unfortunately, this crisis is one of the west, the use and the u. s. on making it self inflicted wounds,
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clothing what be seen at the un security council yesterday. so the west not only has not driven it crisis to emerge. it's officials are directly responsible for the emergence of this crisis on the need for urgent li, a. make a u turn and think this price is serious and all the price is a priority, but he says, self inflicted, what is it, what is it that they haven't done that they should have been doing? well, i mean, for 15 years we've gone since we, since the west has put over responsibility for leaving the country to the domestic leads. we are lacking any policy western long term strategic policy towards the reach and that's what was missing. we created a web comment which nationalists could a thrive and in which russia would jump in as a low cost spoiler on the other end for the last 34 years. and then went from lack
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of political will to deal with the country and deal with the white or button region . we are seeing mid level official. we have been tasked with mission impossible to fix situations in the bottom without higher level support that they for career is reason i'm starting to collude with domestic national leaders. and they're again, making an opening at this crisis with the currently c is one that has started with e. we have like ocean or land will sort of 4 years ago. and then the storage was on the dirty deal. division one below the public radar and capitalist rate, or in most, in the most or last year and the follow up in so called lex law reform negotiations . you and us officials have been leaving since february this. alexander, do you agree with what you have heard? so far is the peace deal that ended the war 26 years ago in danger of unraveling.
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i think this is going to be one of those shows where all of the guests agreeing in absolute principle when it comes to the fact that this is the biggest crisis bobby has experienced. and since 1095 and the finding of the court however, maybe i'm, i was i'm a born optimist. but i still do think that there are some checks and balances within the very they can peace accord. but also the country itself are complicated, that might be as complex as it might be, that might prevent any kind of, you know, everything that we're seeing so far escalate into some kind of open, open, open conflict besides of a war. what is the mood like there in, sorry, april, at the moment a people genuinely fearful? yes, i think my people are concerned much of this reminds them of the fall of 91 when another on college and his ilk. the again undertaking this month's long process that led to secession and genocide. so many people are showing parallels of you
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know, this fall 2021 to 1991. so i think many people are generally concerned. okay. what do you think miller? i bought a kit is up to right now. why is he doing what he's doing? or with who's backing? well, he is now undertaking the most decisive and the most substantial steps towards the session. now, previously he was to talk about and independence for the public, a service guy, but now he is fine too, and he's tactics. and now he's talking about beast while doing everything to undermine it. and he obviously has the baking of serbia, and i think he hopes to get the backing of the liberal democracies in central europe. bo derek says that if the west tries to intervene militarily to uphold the peace plan, he has friends who have promised to support the serb cause. who are those friends? how seriously should we take his threats?
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well, i would say we've seen in the past few weeks that definitely has a few friends among you members. but this is not the biggest danger for mr. dick. really implementing his plan. the danger here is that we are in your free fall and i think we have to line we're political calculation, christ this crisis. let me remind you, mr. dody, who is not the product, is all the regime in 15 years in the are us not the product of support by citizens or so don't support this dangerous adventure. it's a product of western weakness. he has maybe 30 times for the last 15 years. threatened with referenda session testing the web red line experiencing that these red lines are not there and moving those red line. currently because of that background i mentioned previously,
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he has been pulled by the accelerating weakness of the west and by our official smid level officials, really playing into the hands commercially agenda. and i think he was hoping to get something in return for this threat. but he is, it seems to me point by the lake of serious result and responds interaction for the 1st time. maybe no, not seeing how to make a u turn and stop this session. but having to implement the so i mean, we are in liberating trust or of miscalculation political miscalculation. we're really because of this power, red comb. everything can happen. whatever the support from bank of it is, i'm pretty sure the grid which itself is playing this game with western weakness between east and west and on the russian and even the russian and playing on the western weakness that nobody wants to conflict. as i said, we are beyond got relations and the west is only starting to wake up. so this is
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a very dangerous alex. how did you agree with other daughter case? politically miscalculating, he said he wants peaceful dissolution. unraveling institutions like the intelligence and security agencies. the state court, the constitutional court. what does that mean for for bosnia herzegovina, the state given what happened there? how can that be? how can he think that could be peaceful dissolution? one off of the country doesn't get to say it. i think that's a really good point to make. i think there cannot be such a thing as peaceful the solution because the peace accord itself does not allow or have a provision that would allow one ethnic group or several. couple of i think groups to, as you said, peacefully succeed. i think the only way to succeed or split up the country would be through another war. but when we talk about the like and his capabilities and the politician, i think that he, you know, he represents that the,
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the kind of populist at, if most, it's most simple formally put it that way. so for instance, when he brought in an accordion player to the presidency about her to go to his office in the presence wasn't going on family songs and you know how hard liquor mid day and called his mother. he wasn't just signaling you know, the kind of confidence that you will see in your average for this in the balkans you will not hear what he was also trying to signal is you know that he is in charge of making the right decision for his people and that's very sort of folks the way and that's the problem i think that does speak to a lot of people in the public schools also throughout the region also. but at the same time, i do want to say one more thing regarding an earlier question. and you know, you ask whether people are fearful, and i think a lot of the comes from previous experiences. the country has gone through
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a very bloody war, as we all know some 30 years ago. and, you know, you have up to half of the population who suffers from some form of bcc. people are very easily triggered and they're even more easily triggered. and this is where i don't think because it's calculating, i think he's calculating, you know, to his advantage. is there even more easily triggered? if you mention that you're forming, we, are we forming an army that was active during the 19929095 war and was responsible for a genocide. again, we have all sorts of atrocities and on earlier attempt dividing the country. so you know, if, if there's an answer to your question, i think we can find the probably there times that you want to come in on that. well i think that don't like his now many people think here that it is not bluffing that he's actually going to see the state level institutions of death in order to use
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and competences. and then take those and the empowered a public, a subs come. so what he's doing basically is politics. 11, he's establishing new effects on the ground. but he is also, he has built close relations with russia close relations with sort of yes. so now he, he is, you know, the thing, his policies as bringing the country closer to what he referred to as an original dates on, which is basically a euphemism for this mentally. and undermining state institutions. his fact that she's very clear he wants to undermine. and this mental state institutions to prove that bosnia is incapable of functioning while at the same time trying to build up to public customs car would be a state like entity. so has a what will the high representative do next? will he make for the use of the bond powers of 1997, which, which grant him a power to prevent the dayton agreement being delayed or obstructed by local
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politicians where they've already been used extensively. but they're not without controversy, all they, well, you know, the office of the high representative is a shadow of its former self, and it's actually deciding over its own decline into your elements. so now the, the new hire presented to mr. schmidt, who is not being recognized as a hired by the serbian side even if he were to impose sanctions or strive to sec, elected officials. it's not clear that they would actually obey this. so i think the, what was left on the way shot is a, is a p, a shadow of the form of self. so they're not relevant as, as much as they were some 10 years ago. but or do you agree with that, or how does i was this the solve? does the schmidt as he is have u. s. d, you support for more vigorous action against those who oppose the unity and and territorial integrity of bosnia herzegovina. while i would agree with my
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predecessor that your child is not the one it was until 2006, the let me remind you when we had this policy shift on bosnia the western run and she's the leadership from the u. s. u in the double shifts in 2006, which created mister dorothy, ah, there's a shift towards so called ownership. that means pouring over responsibility to local at leads. and this was a policy were where it was announced that the west with a closed or char, and they cleared basically success. that person is a stable country. but as we had not transform the date and constitutional order, which was and has remained an order for a dysfunctional state that only works for the ethnic really this did not work on the west because it was never had a political will never adjusted it. policy and was left without any strategic
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policy in return. it was the rest itself that neutralized the office of the high representative. so, i mean, the situation we see currently is we still have the instruments to stop. this man has both on the civilian side with the high representative and office on the military side with you from a military mission. and they do each q and cerebral, which with a chapter 7 security council mandate to mer to guarantee a safe and secure environment. and to protect the constitutional order of the country. and that is a court that mr. dodie is threatening to unravel here but, but as we have 15 years of policy weakness and, and negligence and ignorance, including in the last year. and we have a very serious question of whether the west is aware what's going on and whether it's ready to use its instrument. and if i just point to you you, it was yesterday, it's un security council vote, which was restored to break to me on the annual extension of you for
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a minute in which russia a stepped up with a black meal threatening to the media and the western standing members of the security council, friends, you korean us out of a lack of political will, a to fight back on that we do. and i not accept that. we do basically sign off russia on their part me, alexandra. what's the role of croatia and serbia in all of us? well, it's a really interesting question. i think you know, the role survey is quite quite obvious. someone who is quite interested and least at the very least supporting the boss and serve the bosnian serb regime in the report because it's got at least, you know, in some sort of form whether it's through financial means as meager as that, as or through, you know, just general verbal support,
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but what i think is indicative what is something you can be gleaned from the last meeting that body cod and dahlgren with alex on which the president of serbia where after the meeting came out and said, and he was in full support of the continuation of that you for mission involvement, which was very interesting at the same time, is that what it says and his cohort should go for planning, solving the issue of land, state property or state on land that has not been resolved, which is another thing that me what i've got extend trying to do over the years, which is transfer all the state owned by the state level agencies or governments or what have you property onto the entity. and that has failed miserably several times in the past. that also, i think, can indicate that i at least believe that he does not have the full support for which and which is actually quite interested in possibly finding an alternative
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leader of bosnian serbs, in bosnia who he could work with much more closely and probably get more from as far as crazy is concerned, i think, you know, obviously since we haven't heard much from the bobby and cross on this entire issue, they're talking support has led as of many, many years been with us and daniel. so i think, you know, then again, politics and creation being what they are, they're more interested in pushing for the actual or a form that are border mentioned earlier, which is a completely different problem the plaza is undergoing at the same time. and it's something that we would have to, you know, have another entire other shows, talk about that. and so we're, we're rapidly running out of time here before the renewal of, of the un peacekeeping mandate this week, russia had threatened to block a resolution unless all references to the you and hiv representative fir work removed potentially, undermining further christian schmidt's authority, as,
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as the overseer of that, the date in the court. and that was after schmidt had said that more international peacekeepers would have to be sent to stop. and he slide back towards war if the serb separatist carried out their threat to create their own army, what are the implications for bosnia of russia's threats of the un? well, i was just like to refer back to something that both of us said, i think the european union force in boston you for is awfully inadequate to deal with any security challenge here. so i think that the extension of the amended in bosnia isn't as important as you will have it as the tend to think about it 1st. so, but i think russia is also, you know, has stepped up its support for and closed the links. we don't think so. i think he comes on russian support in what he does a photo. what happens if dayton fails? well, it didn't fit. we're going to have conflict. we're gonna have violent disintegration . i mean, the madness of, i mean, you see this is
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a gambling by mister dorothy. what alexander mentioned about the singling of mister dodie for in this meeting with the president, which from berry is a clear indicator he wants. this is a gambling of threads threatening disintegration of bosnia to the west and once a return, particularly from the you for stopping it. but that return a like he's both in for a partner. mr. charge on the election law front is based the following. something very similar, it's a, it's a face disintegration of the country. one, he wants basically an arrangement on an approval from the you and the u. s. b. girls, what he wants and possibly to try which want is to turn bosnia really find boys that they are doing this for 10 years into a kind of union of entities and can and that space, you know, church role division which would ultimately lead to the center the still can be
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a stop in your i don't agree with my producers. the, with the west has instruments to stop this. you for can act. if it has the political world, they are actually understaffed and remain. but they can call in over the horizon to stop any conflict. but it's a question of political will. and that political will was not there when the west was friends with the rush meet on you for ok. and so they accepted this black mailing in the, in the security council of stripping the resolution of extending the many for one more year from any language reference to our. and that by itself does not have legal consequences. but it sends a very dangerous signal. political signals of speakers always tell mister dodie to bang right and to russia, that it is not clear that in a case of a threat, a security threat which, which these announce steps towards succession would mean that the west is ready to
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grant authority to the high right, ok to use the one on the legal side and to you for on the other end to, to act on the military. and that's a very dangerous gentlemen that we're going to have to end it many thanks and a to you will have a coach but a webber and alexander brezza. as always, thank you for watching. don't forget, you can see the program again at any time by going to the website out here a dot com for further discussion. join us on our facebook page. you'll find that at facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. and you can join the conversational twitter handle at ha, inside story for me, adrian, for again, the whole team here. thanks november on al jazeera by years after the his story, he feel between falk rebels and the colombian government algebra examines white
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tensions and violence of rising once again. emmy award winning poor flies investigates the untold stories across the us. millions encompassed on boat in parliamentary elections under a new constitution. and more than a year after, the last poll triggered a political crisis in mercy. at personal, short documentary africa, direct show cases, african stories from african filmmakers. china marks $100.00 days until it holds the winter olympics. but how will the pandemic and cool for a boycott impact this boating event november on out jazeera in affluent australia, some neighborhoods racked by social and economic despair. why now an 8th makes a bad of local heroes? every one of us ever got a responsibility to change our personal biasing for their suburban drake on al jazeera and the vietnam war. the u. s. army used to heidi talks to cub, beside, with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of
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chemical warfare a decade later, the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge, bringing something they didn't even see the kids foot 2 women are still fighting for justice against some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agent orange on al jazeera. ah. so don's military leader orders the release of 4 civilian ministers as international pressure amounts to restore the democratic price. ah, hello, there i'm is darcy sanders, salvazar, it lives under ha, also coming out international calls grow for sci fi and ethiopia,
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the u. s. has peace negotiations should begin immediately and without a pre conditions a warning on the curve at 19 surgeon europe the wealth of.


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