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tv   [untitled]    November 5, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm AST

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of course, a new documentary, his that chilling and traumatic stories from both the children throw stones at me, iraq's last generation on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello, i'm emily anguish. this is the news. allan live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, 8 the opium opposition groups abroad agree on an alliance against prime minister abbey ahmed. as the u. s. urges its citizens to leave the country. protests against iraq's parliamentary election results turned violent in bagdad with scuffles outside the high security grains on sedans and military orders. the release of 4
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detained cabinet ministers as push amounts to restore the democratic process. and china moved to contain its most widespread clothes at 19 outbreak. since the early months of the pandemic, and i've had similar to the school club legend chubby is heading back to barcelona, as coach over the spanish joins strike a deal with his always thought of sub, to release the spaniards. ah. hello and welcome to the program. within the past hours, several ethiopian anti government groups in washington, d. c. have signed an agreement to form an alliance against prime minister abbey ahmed. it comes as ethiopia, his army calls on former soldiers to join its fight against rebels from the took wry region. the coalition calls itself the united front of ethiopian federalists, and can federalists forces. they say,
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if the government doesn't negotiate with them, they will attempt to dismantle it by force. as a response to the method of crisis facing the various nations of the country and to reverse the harmful effects of avi ottomans autocratic rule to our peoples and beyond. we have to coordinate that the object need to collaborate and join our force towards a safe transition in the country. hence, have establish of the united front of the federalist and confederate forces. shortly will be live in addis ababa where samuel get a show is standing by for us. but 1st, let's get the latest from alan fisher, who's in washington for us. hello there, alan. what are we hearing about these forces joining together? what are you hearing from the ground? well known groups coming together, both political and armed the opposition. some of them have actually been fighting
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each other, but they have united against what they see as the common enemy, which is the current government in addis ababa speaking to one african expert. just in the last couple of hours. he expressed concern because he said looking down the list, he didn't recognize some of the names on the list. he didn't know some of these groups. he wasn't aware of how much support they had either on the ground or they could provide materially. and what sorts of resources they had access to. the reason they're doing it here in washington is because the u. s. special envoy is in addis ababa. they're trying to put pressure on the united states to say, look, there is a level of opposition against the current government. and therefore there has to be some sort of political solution, some sort of negotiating. but the noise is coming out of addis ababa seem to be against that. there are groups, some of them involved in what has happened here in washington, in the last hour, who say that they could be in the ethiopian capital within the next few weeks, or perhaps even months. there are one or 2 groups who say they're on the edge of
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the capital that has been dismissed by the police in addis ababa as nothing more as propaganda and lies. but this seems to be a significant moment when groups who are even in opposition with one another can get together pull together and present this united front against the ethiopian government. in the hope that the world will start putting pressure on addis ababa to come to some sort of political solution. and then thank you for the update from washington day say, let's bring in samuel, get it, show a gentleness, live for us in addis ababa, samuel, we're hearing an american citizens, are being and drives to leave. ethiopia, what are you hearing from where you are? was the u. s. embassy today, a advised there's at citizens to leave it your b, r. even if they don't have resources that the embassy will be able to provide them . the resources needed to purchase a ticket and to leave with your guy. and this comes us, jeffrey of franklin,
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the u. u. s. as in boy to the horn of africa, has left ethiopia, and we're not even sure if he was able to meet with the ethiopian prime minister. but again, the relationship between the u. s. and yoga has really suffered that they have had their differences in the last weeks. the ethiopian side accuses the united states of supporting the t p. s, left in which they have said by the parliament order that they're a terrorist organization. comparing them to the pressure they are in reflection to the pressure they're feeling. they're saying that this like negotiating with the taliban. so again, going back and forth between the t piano from the if you're going side, there doesn't seem to be any compromise. the children side cause them a terrorist organizations. the other side is saying they feel inside is helping create genocide. so again,
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there doesn't seem to be any compromise more than 2000000 people. thousands of people killed a conflict defined by sexual violence. this is expected to continue, samuel and all this comes as civilians. and now retired generals are being called to join the fight. what's been the reaction from civilians on the ground and is form i am the former generals. well, it's not just the general event going her way down to the private. they're all being called to serve with yoga. the children prime minister has been saying this is to save the soul of the nation, the foundation of the nation. and he said that he is willing to see them buried the enemy, he called them by the blood and born. so video grants. so again, it's not just the soldiers that are joining. it's also young people have been asked to register their weapons and fight in case the t p. death comes to produce other
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work. but again, the t p left has been in a coalition government for 27 years. has the record of human rights abuses. we're not sure if, even if your parents are willing to give the t p, and if a chance at the moment, because again, they have had a record of again, human rights abuse and a nation of young people. they've only known a t p and left the government in the past. so this is really becoming a real concern and worrisome for money money. theo, grants and money foreigners are choosing to leave york at the moment. what impact i is the fact that the global media isn't able to get into these regions like to grow? what impact is that having on the coverage and the actual situation on the ground there? well, to begin with, one of the major media reports had yesterday or the day before saying that the t p for soldiers are in the suburb. so for at d'silva we spend the whole night checking
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and calling sources and all kinds of stuff. and it was proven to be wrong. so there is a misgiving about international media among ethiopian government side and the yoke and people. but again, we haven't been able to travel to to gray since june. there's no communications, we can't verify all the numbers that the u. n has been telling us there been saying 91 percent of the population are facing a need of emergency aid. 1000000 people are facing famine. but again, we're just taking the worse of the un because we can travel to those areas. i was able to go to our far, i've seen trucks are heading to to great, but we always wonder if that's enough. thank you for that update, samuel, get it show live for us in addis ababa? i well aloe is a senior lecture area in lor at calla university is, is to grinder in addis ababa are increasingly being targeted by government forces
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the cut down i get to guys basically begun when the water began exactly last year around this time where it's a need to try and in the security intelligence forces and service, what are the more those, what ottoman would be armed? and there was a significant discoloration of anti today at tony, you know, other painter of government. and that, how do we don't go, i'm going process better. i now the mistake dynamic change in favor of forces in the automotive ration on the we are seeing a significant is collation of that car down against the guy and in the form of house to house searches arbitrary arrest and the under the gates of the state of emergency that has been declared, but the cut out right now is not going to give it to glands but also against it's an almost fool. we're also fighting alongside water fighting within the region
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against the government. so i think in some way, just reply to the extent to which the government has become so nervous is a point that is quoting all civilians to go to the waterfront, but that is also leading koreans themselves to fight against to be events. let's move on now to the latest in iraq, and more than 100 people have been injured in protests against election results. security forces have 5 in the air and used to t gas to try to disperse. the crowds demonstrated say there's been a votes rigging and reject the outcome of the election for more on the story. let's bring in mock board up to why head, who is live for us in baghdad. hello their mom. what more can you tell us about these protests, and these reports of deaths and injuries will, according to the health ministry over 120 injuries. this is the result of today's
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clashes between security forces and dead protest, or is it near the green zone? this is one of the areas, one of 3 areas where they're possessed as are sitting in are trying to, ah, the chant against the government chant against the election commission. and as you know, this whole protest, this is again, is the election at his us. these are the supporters of the political poses that last in net at the election they trying to put pressure on the government to put pressure on the electoral commission to change what they consider the fraud. they accused the election commission of vote rigging. now, days clashes have at exalted in over $120.00 injuries and that have been a reactions from mob political parties from politicians and also government
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officials. they have been calling for called of the security forces have finally managed to take control of one area at near the going the green zone. the area that witnessed at the vitamins as you know, as we mentioned in previous lives, security forces used at t a gas at canisters, and it was also, it security forces were also shooting in the air, shooting in the 8th, to disperse their protests. now these protested as they did the majority of them, we can say our military individuals, they belong to up the popular mobilization forces the buffalo, popular mobilization forces. these are the military alms of the political parties. that last and not the elections. and they have been brought it needed the green zone to try to put pressure on the government to put pressure on the electoral commission to change what they can to the frog in the election results. the
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election commission, on the other hand says that it has been re counting, counting about 25 percent of the disputed votes, but there is a so far identical mahmoud. thank you very much for that update. mahmud up delaware, head live for us in baghdad. moving on to sudan now and military ladies have ordered the release of for civilian cabinet ministers who were detained in last month and military takeover. thus, as international pressure intensifies to reach a deal on a return to power sharing with civilian ladies. in a phone call with us secretary of state antony, blinking, the general abdel fata hon said he agreed on the need to accelerate the formation of the government. you integrity, general antonia good. tara is also spoke to bit hahn on thursday and urged him to restore the transitional process. meanwhile, after prime minister, a dela hum dock remains under house arrest and the u. s. and the un pressing for
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his full release and reinstatement. and the un held and emergency session on sudan, the high commission of human rights said the military takeover there is deeply disturbing. she's called for an end to the deadly use of force by the army and police. more protests are expected later on friday. he but morgan is in khartoum and found this report while there's been various calls and mediation efforts to nice, not just for ministers who have been released, but all the political prisoners, including members of the, of the transitional government that has been dissolved to have them all released those who have been released or the minister of trade, the minister of communication, the minister of inflammation and the minister of youth and sports. however, the minister in the cabinets of the prime minister is still under detention. he still under rest and his family say his whereabouts are still unknown. this also to advise this to prime minister of the lamb dog as well as this person of the now
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dissolved sovereignty counsel. so many other senior government officials still remain under arrest it mediation efforts are still ongoing between the 2 sides. but there's still yet to be any concrete result produce the united states and the you and both call for the reinstating of prime minister of the lam dog. who is also still under house arrest, and it's not free to me, even the cabinet members who have been, who have not been arrested. many of them have without messages saying that despite the fact that they will part of his cabinet, which has been dissolved, they cannot meet with the prime minister because he is under house arrest. now all of this comes as mediation efforts continue between the 2 sides with the help of the united nation, the you and the national figures as well as neighboring south sedan. but right after the announcement of the release late on thursday, the 4th of freedom and change coalition put out the statement that the top official members of the coalition. and that's the coalition that has led anti government protest movement during the december of 2018, up to april 2019 revolution,
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which saw the president bashir overthrown. that movement now says that 3 of us officials have been arrested following a meeting with the un mission here. and put them a predominantly white jury is due to hear the opening statements in the case of a black man in the us murdered while he was out jogging. 3 white men are accused of killing mood. aubrey in the state of georgia, prosecuted say they chased and shot the 25 road last year. the case has become a focal point for anti racism protests. the judge says there was intentional discrimination in the jury selection, but has allowed the trial to move forward. and b, c reporter j grey joins us live now from brunswick, georgia. hello there. thanks for joining us. jurors was sworn in this morning despite questions about their racial makeup. what's been progressing today? yeah, emily and they are getting underway despite that controversial jury. 11 jury members
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are white, one african american on that and all. and what the judge is basically said here is no laws were broken. that those jurors that were set aside that were stricken by the defense team here, all were done not out of race, but because they had already had a opinion about this case and that they couldn't judge it fairly bad. according to the defense team course, the prosecutors, and as you mentioned, even the judge has said, he believes this was done intentionally and with bias, but that there are no laws that allow him to stop this down. so they are moving forward with opening statements today. it's a, it's a trial that's expected to last, perhaps a full month, according to lawyers on both sides. and it has captured the attention not only of the nation, but the world of 25 year old black men jogging through a neighborhood here in rural georgia and chase down and gone down by 3 white men who live there. thank you very much. i appreciate that update. jay gray live
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for us in brunswick, georgia, after 10 scene fighting a mamma among democratic legislators. the us house of representatives is poised to vote on 2 major bills and only 3 trillion dollar economic plans are a keystone of jo biden's domestic agenda. that's bringing the white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare live for us in washington. they say hello, they kimberly. how likely is it that we'll even see a vote today? well, it's looking likely we are hearing that these are expected to be voted on in the house of representatives. it had been scheduled for thursday evening that did not happen, but the house speaker nancy pelosi is very careful to make sure that when she schedules a vote it's likely to pass. and so that is why there may have been a little bit of a delay, but what democrats are arguing is that something this monumental takes time to work
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out. and certainly we have seen this process carried out over many months. initially, republicans had said much of this legislation was too expensive and that's why they wouldn't support it. in fact, we still don't expect that they will. but their problem became that even some democrats had some issues with the legislation that is proposed and backed by the white house that will as expand the social safety net in the united states. and also create jobs by rebuilding america's infrastructure to different pieces of legislation. both expected to be voted on and when they do vote, get voted on they are expected to pass. and what we should point out in all this is that it will dramatically change life in the united states at once. this legislation becomes law because what this will do is a lot normally transform the social safety net in the united states, but will also see things that joe joe biden promised on the campaign trail. for example, make you sure that millionaires and trillion areas and billionaires,
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that they, i exit have to pay their for sure and taxes. so there's going to be that aspect as well. so this is a big deal. and like we say at least right now it's expected to be voted on today and is when it's sort of expected to pass. thank you for that update. kimberly how could live for us in washington, d. c. plenty more head on this news hour, including china, threatens to stop people whose support tie one's independence from entering the mainland. where in costa rica, where tens of thousands of nicaraguan farmers have fled after being branded enemies of the state and in sport, the n b. a launch an investigation into the phoenix suns owner over allegations of racism and massaging ah,
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china is battling it's most wide spread covered 19 outbreak since the virus was 1st identified in whoo, han last year. the country is recorded more than 900 cases since last month. officials have maintained a 0 tolerance approach to the pandemic defending the use of severe and sudden locked downs. katrina, you reports from badging. it's supposed to be the happiest place on earth. but earlier this week, the dizzy land theme park in shanghai became a temporary prison. authorities promptly shot exit after a visitor from the previous day tested positive for covered 1934000 guests, but prevented from leaving before being tested for the virus. china is battling to contain its most widespread outbreak since the epidemic began last year. hundreds of cases of the delta varied have been reported in more than half of the countries provinces. despite many of china's neighbors opening up beating as maintaining
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a 0 tolerance approach to the pandemic, just a few cases, a met with rapid mass testing and sudden locked downs. health officials have defended what critics say is a costly and unsustainable strategy to go. so i think the policy of putting the people's lives 1st is a guiding principle for our country. so a very the has some impact on the economy. the health of the majority of the people comes as a top priority and everything you start from that. on monday, hundreds of young students were prevented from leaving that aging primary school. after a teacher tested positive. some children were separated from their parents overnight . conditions for entering the capital had been tightened. travel from affected areas suspended. some districts are under lockdown, and entertainment things had been closed. china's playbook for getting the virus under control doesn't seem to be working as quickly this time. and infections are rising during a sensitive period. next week, top leaders will meet in beijing for
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a crucial meeting. and the cities prepared to host the winter olympics in just a few months. port authorities aren't high lead for important cases. the outbreak has affected both domestic and international supply chains. chinese officials say more than 76 percent of the population is vaccinated. a 3rd booster dose is now being offered. but regardless of vaccination status, chinese residents award against any non urgent travel. their absence has left a $255000000000.00 hole in the global tourism market. they may not return until the end of 2022. katrina, you al jazeera paging. pfizer says a new pill. it's developing. the coven 19 has cut risks of hospital admissions and deaths by nearly 90 percent. the drug maker will conduct to more studies of the anti viral pill, if accepted by the food and drug administration. it aims to roll it out as soon as possible. china says it will stop people who support tie one's
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independence from entering hong kong, macau, or its mainland, u. s. and european union delegations visited taiwan in recent days. china considers the island to be a break away province. shamella allen dorgan ripples. this is warming, the message from members of the european union parliament to taiwan is clear. you are not alone. look at our future together between this is the 1st such visit by his senior e. u delegation. gonna be official, save their visit, involves understanding how ty, wine is battling against online disinformation efforts. they blame was on china. so european countries are facing similar challenges when it comes to online dis, information methods applied against us. euro mean tie once ministry of foreign affairs has welcomed the 7 member group while calling the visit significant
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way, but it comes at a precarious period in the past few weeks at china has been increasing its military pressure on ty wine by sending an unprecedented number of fighter jets into its air defense zone, beijing has warned e or officials of possible sanctions. it continues to maintain a one china policy and considers tie one to be a breakaway province. drove out into all on china. goose, the european union, the correct it's mistakes and not assembled wrong signals that they won independence forces, so as not to have a serious impact on china. you relations for way, each official c isolating tie wine is with fuels. the dispute between the ireland and b ging, it's not a pro cation to come to k one. it should be no more. and this is a message we are sending. we don't think that it's adding oil on fire. we think
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it's the contrary, the more we sure we care about our relationship with day one, the lease a chance you have to enter into a conflict in beijing. the parliamentary officials say europe must veer away from its previous approach in china, which these seem to have contributed to the decline of democratic freedoms in hong kong. the tree, the trip is expected to be the 1st of many, the members of the parliament say it is important for europe to seat i one as a strong democratic power, capable of standing up on its own jamal alan dog and al jazeera manila. the tub you an official in bosnia herzegovina says the pe still that ended the war 26 years ago is under threat. a bosnian serb later has announced plans to establish a separate army within the country that violate violates the 1995 at date and pace agreement, which ended the 3 and
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a half year conflict. jamal al shall reports plans by the bosnian serb leadership to exit some of the country's tripartite institutions including the military, andrew dish we are described by the international communities. hi, representative christian schmidt is tantamount to association. the constitutes, he sees the greatest existential throat of the postwar period. he's talking about bosnian serb leader miller roddick, who's threatening to former militia in the sub run entity of republicans, serv, hska, and force out the bosnian national army. if necessary. he says the serbs will call their friends to help a presumed reference to serbia proper and russia. i'll go to beauregard, coach if the republicans epsco will control its own affairs in a legal constitutional manner, including by having its own army judiciary, fiscal administration, as well as intelligence and security agencies. we will reestablish all these institutions. we are here essentially being blackmailed. i would say both
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politically and in all other ways by a corrupt a lead in bosnia and herzegovina succession is the lead who is willing to star the conflict and the war in order to prevent themselves from going to prison cell. this is not an ideological question. this is not a political debate, this is not a constitutional debate. it is a desperate attempt by those in power to remain in power under any costs. last month, the training exercise by bosnian serb police was denounced by muslim bosnia can pro out leaders the other members over 3 way power sharing government formed by the 1995 dayton peace agreement. they took place on the mountain overlooking, sorry, evolved from where serb snipers and artillery laid siege to the capital. beginning in 1992 thousands of civilians were killed in a war that culminated in what has internationally been recognized as
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a genocide. when more than 8000 muslim men and boys were massacred by serb troops in the eastern enclave of sir beneath saw the high representatives report to the united nations this week seized. there's a very real prospect of a return to armed conflict in bosnia. despite this, there appears to be no obvious appetite on the part of western powers, including nato, to increase their security presence. they are politic, pensions are part of daily life in the country, such as boston, heard to governor, where you have different groups competing for political power. but you didn't never see threats of the violence or b as in session or be parallel. institutions come this far as they have now, at least not in a very long time. manner our daughter has for years called for the separation of the cerebral part of bosnia, from the rest of the country. and just weeks ago, he shared the scenes on social media. he and colleague thinking served nationalist
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songs in their salary or headquarters. it was a reminder that the u. s. sponsored peace in bosnia did not bring ethnic harmony, nor did it come with any long term guarantee. on the ground in the capital life goes on as normal. there's no physical evidence that's an armed conflict is even possibly looming. however, when you do speak to people, there's an almost tangible worry that unless the international community intervenes and stops all the separate plans, the bosnian serb leader, back by his allies in belgrade. and most folks could force the country into a potentially deadly scenario. john, i'll show you and i'll just 0. sorry, i'm still ahead on al jazeera, i'm getting out of young activists to be marching demanding action against climate change. the netherlands considers reopening a controversial gas field is.


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