tv [untitled] November 6, 2021 12:00am-12:30am AST
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oh, ah, this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm marianna massey, welcome to the news our life from london. coming up in the next 60 minutes. 9 ethiopian groups form an alliance to bring down abbe armored government, which is calling on former soldiers to rejoin the army. more than a 100 people are injured in clashes over last month's election results in iraq.
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also to week long celebration of this is as usual, and the blah, blah blah, thousands of young climate activist, march through glasgow, demanding more radical action for world leaders at the top 26 summit and new daily's air pollution reaches hazardous levels. as india celebrates devali festival of lies about peter stems in bo her with your sports. novak doc, which remains on calls for a record 37th masters title. while in football and emotional chevy says goodbye to his guitar. a team of getting the green light to coach his former club, barcelona. ah, lo and a very welcome to the news. our 9 ethiopian factions have formed an alliance with the aim of dismantling abbey. i am its government either by negotiations or through
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the use of force. if yo appears government has already dismissed the coalition as a publicity stunt saying it doesn't have a support based on the ground representatives. all those groups made their announcement as an event in washington. d. c, it includes the to gray and people's liberation front. the group that has been battling the central government for the last year. it had already joined forces with another rebel group, the aroma liberation front. as a response to the merits of crisis facing the various nations of the country and to reverse the harmful effects of our be awesome. it's automatic rule to our people's and beyond. we have coordinated the object need to collaborate and join our force towards a safe transition in the country. hence, harvey establish of the united front of the federalist and confederate forces. the next step would be to row denies ourselves and totally
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dismantle the existing government. either by force or by negotiation, whatever they wish. and then subtle transitional governments as soon as possible. meanwhile, if he be military as calling on its former personnel to rejoin the army in order to fight the advance of to grind forces in their allies in the past, we government is also called on civilians to register their weapons and prepared to fight the rebels. the government is accused to grinds of, exaggerating a territorial gains. us envoy, jeffrey feldman, has been an artist about pushing for de escalation and the american embassy has told us citizens to leave e c o p. as soon as possible. journalist daniel, get to, to, has more from just about so far, the u. s. embassy in december has been telling its citizens who have were living in ethiopia, said they're willing to even financially support them,
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so they can leave it because the u. s. according to the u. s. side, this conflict is getting close to december and it's certain to affect us money of citizens. but invoice of, you know, the president biden has just left and we're not sure if he had a chance to meet with the prime minister who has insisted that the u. s. government is in support of the t p left. they support them, they give them weapons, it's been leased by the european side. but this comes as the african need in as well as the kenyan. and you got the president push you open the tpa left to sit down and find some common ground. but the development we're watching from a distance in washington dc. the ethiopian side has just reacted. the justice minister has called the 9 coalition with a mission of defeating the government. what it,
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what they're doing. he's described it as publicity stunt. and it's not being taken seriously in, within the sub over with tpl f also formed a broad based coalition in the late 19 eighties which went on to rule the country for nearly 3 decades before mass protest. msm, i am the to power in 2018. the aroma liberation army is already fighting alongside the tick ryan's. it's a band armed group that fighting for self determination for the aroma. where if you are the largest ethnic group, many of its political leaders are currently in jail. in recent days to grind forces they, they've taken control of key towns in horror, finding a long, running bitter ethnic rivalry. the horror consider weston to bribe part of their homeland and backing our be a government forces. amnesty international is won't have an alarming rise in hate speech on social media with post inciting violence and using ethnic slurs against
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the to grinds. facebook deleted a post by the prime minister himself a nobel peace prize winner urging if your opinions to bury the rebels. not but i need to speak permanent government and activists calling for violence, citing this ticket i as in india and nice from the situation where there is a lot of political end date. in addition, he was completely support my psych ended in excel this so we're now joined by vicky. how do i send the for me as charge to fare? and if you're a period, one of a group of ambassadors who signed an open lattice, the prime minister early this year, stating that concerns. so at the moment you have the prime minister. i am not calling for the formation of an t t p l. s. militias, at the same time, we have this rebel alliance that was formed today, is this now becoming
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a largest civil war in ethiopia? indeed, and thank you for having me on mariam. let's just go back a little bit in time a year ago. the p o. p and forces that represent a country of 100000000 had defeated their team grant forces. because our exceptional leadership dedication and because they are people who are b star by the prime minister's government, when he get great deals to let you and i had nations who in medicine then they took to the row. and a year later that you, grand defense forces are literally outside that guy. a sad about some of course others are joining with that most notably the romal liberation front which used to be opposed to the degree. and it's now joined, and others have joined as well. this is probably a good sign because it broadens out the tea grand forces because the tea grams are
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not acceptable as rulers to many in ethiopia. but the situation for the prime minister is dire. essentially, he has lost this civil war. how long would you give him? is he going to be forced out of office or will that be a negotiated departure? what's the most likely scenario? okay, my best guess is that if he steps down, if we didn't get to a, you backed up by the us, maybe even china, algeria, you know, countries with real clout and tell the prime minister you have to step down that you lost the war. there we could look at a negotiated settlement that would lead to a transition government and would click in place people that are essentially neutral because you had this terrible situation which you mention of this hate
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speech. so now you have them rotating the t. graham's and the raw host kind of split down the middle. what we need to see anything else is media mediation, truth and record reconciliation, perhaps a conference of religious leaders. but the only way we're going to get there is for the prime minister to step down. but what about the possibility of violence in addis ababa? you mentioned some of the that the hate, the hate speech on social media to grinds and others of a burn elsewhere now vulnerable to a backlash on a, with the, the atmosphere in the rhetoric becoming so ethnically charged. you're absolutely right. you got some great concern. my 1st thought is that the 2 grand get fans force and their i lies should not go into atis. because if they going to add us, then you can have this fear. you can have all this that meet violence of huh. the
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audience taking my vengeance on the t grey answer to graham is out responding a terrible situation. so we're eating d yes. for these, this united front as it is now, call to stop at the gates of ethiopia. apparently this is the correct one and not not united, although there isn't a shed vision for the state or indeed how to govern the country. so even the departure of army abbe, i'm, it is not necessarily going to bring stability. well i, i transition government that helps that, but what this means essentially the fight was over whether ethiopia should be up federated country as it had been in the past or whether it should be a centralized country. which prime minister abi advocated for and foreign bender. he has prosperity party that obviously has lost that side has lost. so you're good
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to go back to some kind of federated cancer. the, the critical issue is how to bring them, or how to bring all ethiopians together in one government that's not dominated by any ethnic group. thank you very much, ambassador vicky huddleston for joining us from santa fe, appreciate it. thank you very much. let's hope that there is no bloodshed in addison, this can be resolved peacefully. well, in terms of efforts to, to try and bring some di escalation about un security council was supposed to me in the last hour to discuss ethiopia, but put out a statement instead. mike hanner is live 1st now, united nations technology more about his statement and why they didn't meet in the end. well,
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the meeting had been planned to take place and then a few minutes before it was due to begin. we received the news that it would not be taking place that it would in fact be happening on monday. now, this speculation as to exactly why this was postponed, that had been argument, we understand about a draft statement that had been drawn up pry lap primarily by island, and kenya, a calling for a cessation of hostilities. or we understand that russia in particular, objected to some of the language in this particular statement. but the president of the security council did emerge and read a statement. he was at pains to emphasize his view that the security council was not divided on this issue. he read on the statement which basically calls for an end to the violence calls for a negotiated settlement. expresses thanks to the african union for the steps that it is taking in this ongoing crisis. but still not clear as to exactly why this meeting was postponed. as to whether another statement is going to be drawn up in
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coming days, once again by island and kenya. now the involvement of kenya is absolutely critical, according to a number of diplomats. i've spoken to. the reason for this is that the prevailing view in the security council at present is that african problems require african solutions. they've got to be direct african involvement in resolving this crisis. hence, basically the desire that the african union takes. the lead along with ethiopia is african neighbors. thank here from the united nations mike, hannah or united nations human rights counselors condemned the military takeover in sudan siding to monitor alleged rights violations there in emergency session. so agreement that an expert will be appointed to report on any crimes next year council called for an end to the use of force that so far killed at least 13 civilians. protests have been taking place in the country since last month. takeover to don's military leader is now agreed with the factory of state on the
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need to speed up the formation of a new government, the military takeover of power in sudan on 25th of october 2021 is deeply disturbing. it betrays the courageous, unsparing revolution of 2 south and 19, and contra beans, both international human rights law, as well as the countries on constitutional document, another foundation, foundational documents of the transition event. since the cooper have recalled exxon ver page in the country's history. when freedom of expression were stifled, and she will raise will comprehensively repress or than a 100 people have been enchant in protest against the election results in iraq. security forces fired into the ironies, tear gas to disperse. the crowds gathered in bagdad demonstrate to say there's been low rigging and reject the outcome of the election groups aligned with iran last dozens of parliamentary seats. madame de wyatt has no from baghdad. the situation
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remains tense, near the dad's green zone of tar fridays clashes between the protested and security forces. now these protests have as well supporters of the political parties that lost in the legislative election say that friday was the last day for peaceful protests. they say that they are going to escalate because their part is lost in the, in the election. but they say that they're going to escalate until and unless the election commission conducts a manual recount of all the votes. on the other hand, they let the election commission says that it has conducted a manual recount of 25 percent of the votes and the results are identical. they're not different from the old. that is of now the violence from friday has been
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condemned by officials, political parties across iraq. and in fact, the political parties are accusing the government forces of are cracking down on the protest. us stuff. ha narby, the hulu, gelato, chicago watson. we have been attacked by brian police and other government forces. they was shooting live bullets, tear gas canisters, as a soldier. how should he that were come up? this area is very sensitive because it's very close though. the green zone, the green zone, a very important area that has headquarters of a diplomatic missions, the headquarters of the s embassy and government offices. these protesters have been occupying this area for 3 weeks now, sitting up tents, and they say they will not leave this area until the election
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commission response to their demands. in the news, our life from london still had for you on the program. she'd hoped to leave afghanistan instead. this 30 year old university lecture was shot dead in an apparent message to women's rights activists. for video of the fatal shooting black jogger as shown at the trial of 3 white man, accused of his murder and in sport, the m. b. a. launch an investigation to the phoenix suns owner. over allegations of racism and massaging ah, court has been hearing opening statements in the trial of 3 white men accused of the murder of an unarmed black man in the us state of georgia. 25 rolled ahmad albury was shot dead while out jogging after being chased by the group and pickup trucks. last year, the defense call for
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a miss trial. early on saying the prosecution had misled the jury in opening statements. the prosecutor showed previously unreleased mobile footage of the shooting taken by one of the defendants. she described a crime committed based on assumptions and racial bias. not on fact, all self defense, defendant or felony against mister hardley. it all started when driving back a saw him running down the street. the movies were felonies and violations, personal liberty. before he finally tried to run around their truck, he saw in the get away from the stranger complete strangers, who had already told him that they would kill him and that they killed all the defense lawyer for one of men, travis, michael, said, his client acted with duty and responsibility and sees him on every flip and go
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back around. the dog is gone and his cellphone i says, dad, one of the police getting here, he's dead. i didn't call 911. travis dials 911 and gives his dad his phone. and that's why we have another one called because travis make michael had his phone and thought to call the police. where are they? before the 1st shot is fired. they call the police that is not evidence of an intent to murder or m b c. j gray joins us now from outside the court house in brunswick, georgia. tell us more about opening arguments today. yeah, and mary, me, as you just heard 2 very different interpretations of what happened that day, that
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a model was killed. you got the prosecution saying that this was an attack that it was premeditated and that they were out to kill that day. you got the defense painting, the 3 men accused almost of heroes in that neighborhood where they'd had a rash of robberies that they had just cause according again to defense attorneys here. and that they were indeed following what they thought was a duty and responsibility to themselves. and their community, and so that's where this begins, where this a high profile case is at this point after what was 2 weeks of selecting a jury that there are still questions about the makeup of that jury. 11 white members, only one african american juror. and a case that really has been framed since the killing in real racial tensions and overtones and know different as we get into the trial here. the defense team urging
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the jury that they need to put aside what they've heard about this case and what's going on outside saying that it would be a tough decision not to prosecute. the 3 men accused the prosecution saying that this is cut and dry and clear, and that they have the video tape, a cell phone video taken by one of them, and accused as clear evidence in the case and how that community reacting to the trial and that issue of the jury selection and the judge saying that he is not compelled to intervene very frustrated. a lot of people here say it shows that as far as the african american community is concerned, that there's been no progress over the last 2 decades. some would tell you the judge has said that he feels that the jury has been manipulated by the defense in a, in a way. but that also all of the strikes they made against
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a 11 potential blank jurors were within the boundaries of georgia law. that 8 of them were stricken because he, the defense said they were just overly biased that they had already made up their mind. about this case, the defense team goes on to point out that they actually struck 13 white jury potential jurors for the same reason. those in this community though, say a jury that has one african american member in a population that is 26 percent african american doesn't represent the community at all. thank you. j grey, joining us that from brunswick us. how speaker nancy pelosi says she hopes the past present, joe biden. infrastructure bill on friday, but after months of wrangling, she expects bite and social welfare bill to only be approved by thanksgiving trillion dollar infrastructure bill has already passed the senate. it includes the biggest upgrade of america's roads, railways, bridges, and airports in
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a generation. and lawmakers are expected to debate by the $1.00 trillion dollar, social and climate change bill known as bill back at which will expand the welfare safety net and overhaul climate and tax law as well is expected to narrowly pass with arrays. if in democrat majority, in the house and senate, there are ongoing divisions in the party over its price tag. investors service investor service moody's estimates. both bills will add one and a half 1000000 jobs a year and grow the economy by nearly 3 trillion dollars over the next decade as get more now from hydro, castro in washington, tell us what is happening now and house of representatives and why it's been such a struggle for the democrats to get the requisite number of boats. yeah, and even at this late late last minute mariam, it's still rather chaotic on the house floor here. this is the continued discord among the democratic party that continues to endanger. president biden's domestic
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agenda. what's happening now is, as you said, how speaker nancy pelosi has said that she will ask her members to vote for this infrastructure bill. today. it is a widely popular piece of legislation. it's clear the senate has bipartisan support and it is supported by the democratic caucus. however, there are key members there. enough progressives among democrats in the house, who has said they will vote down this infrastructure bill, because they also want to build back better. the bigger infrastructure, the social infrastructure, climate change, taxation bill, they want that to pass in tandem. the problem is though moderates are bulking at that price tag. you quoted nearly 2 trillion dollars and they want to spend more time studying the financial impact. though the bill support or say it will be completely covered in funding by those tax increases on large corporations and the
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ultra wealthy. so the problem now is pelosi is trying to bring together these 2 wings of the democratic party. the progressive to one both build at the same time. moderate to only want to move forward on infrastructure and she's going to at this moment she says at lee, she's going to call this infrastructure bill to a vote. the question is whether progressives will accept that whether they'll vote yes. the plan from below see is that once the infrastructure bill passes as she expects, then the house would move on to could to move forward the larger social spending bill and the procedural vote. but that the actual passage of that and bill could be delayed for another 2 weeks and that has not made progress as happy. so the question is whether they will truly vote down the infrastructure in defiance of what the president has asked for, an in defiance of their own party. and nancy pelosi is expressed a great deal of frustration with this process. why is she in such
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a rush to get these pieces of legislation passed? right. and she has put on a positive spin throughout this. and she has just said to day that in fact, she thinks that the negotiations are at the best point ever, which is the same thing. she's been saying now for weeks as these votes continuously become delayed. but the rush really is because of on tuesday, democrats perform to poorly in government gubernatorial elections. they lost the governorship in virginia, and they just barely won the governorship in new jersey. and that has the party very worried looking into next year's mid term elections in which their party majority in congress is at stake. and they are worried that if they continue with this discord, it continues showing voters that they are unable to come to a compromise to govern the country that they may pay for this later in the polls as well. thank you. i did your castro in washington. you would the news,
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our life from london much more to last for you on the program as new hope in the fight against cove. it is 5. it says is antiviral pill cause the risk of hospitalization or death by 89 percent. we look at why scientists fear on regulated wet markets in liberia could breed the next abolla time virus. that the t 20. well, company zealand edge, closer to the semi finals will have more now they transport ah hello there, hope your weekends off to a good start right off the bat. we got to talk about this disturbance in the western mediterranean, some torrential rain for the valley. eric's sardinia and into corsica is wall, i think, flooding. real risk of seen it over the next few days. that band of rain also stretching across central areas of italy, rate into rome,
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where we have seen flooding over the adrian c into croatia and also boss b as so pretty much from dubrovnik to most star getting into some of this what whether further toward the easter eastern med things looking good here. nicko see a 32 degrees that's 10 above where you should be for the sound of the year. a bit more in the way of cloud cover for is stumble and breezy at times with a high of 20 degrees. often northwestern europe, and we do have a run a brain for the united kingdom that will eventually find a home into the western portion of norway. otherwise, temperatures pretty well where they should be for the some of the year north africa . so all of that was whether round the western med, diving down into northern algeria and to niecy as so we've got a few days of rain to come for elders risk of seen some flooding here as while wendy conditions in store on sunday with a high of 17 degrees. so temperature is pretty well where you should be, but a lot of rain coming your way season. ah,
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all and counting the colt who all the western bank is enabling big oil to exploit the arctic? does asia thiessen's its reliance on coal is buying and shopping down poll power plants the best use with counting the call on algebra? ah, holding the powerful to account. as we examined the u. s. sheets role in the world . on al jazeera, it's the was both populous democracy, diverse dynamic and undergoing momentous, seen context, india dixon in depth. look at the people and politics of india. exploring how the coven 19 pandemic struck the nation. it's continuing impact and the lessons learned for the future. join me fade as those are for context india. and alex is eda
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lew ah. ah. welcome back. the main stories now, 9 ethiopian groups have formed an alliance which says it aims to bring down abbe admits government either by force or through negotiations. government has dismissed it as a publicity stunt. the military as calling on its former us now to rejoin the army will than a 100 people have been injured in protest against election results in iraq. security forces fire.
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