tv [untitled] November 6, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm AST
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is orcas likely to change biking behavior and it's not going to change their behavior. they are going to continue to do what they do and in depth analysis of the dates, global headlines inside story on our jazeera, ah, the ah. hello again. the top stories on the algae here. i knew our the un security council has called for an end to the fighting anything but a meeting to discuss the crisis has been postponed. 9 opposition groups in washington have formed an alliance against prime minister abbey ashmond. at least 91 people have been killed in many others, less severely burned. following a fuel tanker explosion unfairly on capital. bloss happened after the tanker
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collided with another vehicle in freetown, hungry as prime minister, victor or brian is on a one day visit to boston convener for a meeting with leader at miller. i don't think there is growing international concern. after all taken down bush, a separate army within the country in violation of a peace deal. let's speak to be. sarah took of it. she was the minister of foreign affairs of bosnia herzegovina. she's joining us live from the capital syria. well, thank you so much for speaking to us on al jazeera. so 1st of all, just give us your initial reaction to the steps that have been announced by miller roddick. we are very surprised with what is happening. and of course, very concern, expecting much stronger engagement of the international community and the reaction on a statement of me, a dog and actually on back to what he's doing because he already established but
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our agency, for despite the fact that he was included in that our agency of bosnia and herzegovina and he announced further to establish his own army to establish her pixie stem and song and solve. so old becky's showing that he secessionist intentions are taking place and i'm very much afraid the what is going to be future law getting better live of very concern rates or we'll get on to the issue of the international community in a moment. but 1st, let me ask you this. so there's an assessment by the un hi, representative for bosnia and herzegovina. and in his report, he says there is a very real prospect of a return to conflict. in bosnia, you seem to be agreeing with that assessment and if so, what are you basing your agreement on? well, i think that via the verge of bull,
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even though the continue with what he announce, he started, we'll see how it is going to grow. but definitely if he's not going to finish peacefully, re, during the aggression we had more than 100000 people who have been killed. now he's trying to continue that. what's his been started through the war but that would be fine and means i dont think that people are going to take it as he planned. so a could then this provoke an armed a response from from your side. if he goes ahead with this, i hope not, but i'm certain that people really fain, bosnia and herzegovina, but they're not going to allow that somebody's taking car from bosnia and establishing something. what is totally unconstitutional. he's acting against, they don't agreement. he's acting against him. she touched in suggestions which has been established by a provo off all 3 ethnic group inclusive. he's at negro group in some
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occasions or even cheering or in establishing institutions which he's now denying, trying to dismiss and to establish his own either. oh, he's part of bosnia and herzegovina, our i mean part we chief control what needs to be done than to defuse the situation . they can neatly, we need stronger engagement of the international community. i'm afraid that momentum has been lost. read the latest report of you, which did not qualify bosnia for a candidate status. and somehow we are left in limbo in the run know thing as a vacuum in international politics. it is always killed by somebody. so in the case that you are not urgently included in european union, at least being given candidate status and the nato, i'm afraid that somebody else like time to be $3030.00 and innovate occupied at
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$3030.00. ok. but just again on the issue of the response from the international community, i mean, how likely is it that, that it does come together on this issue because we know that russia is on a lake side. and also the e. u has shown up until this point, little appetite to, to intervene or take a stance they can easily. i mean, it is very difficult to come to some unanimous position in european union. but i believe that they wouldn't like like to have a fire in bay wrong theat. and if something happens in was now, it's mean that we are losing stability in whole region. not only in bosnia herzegovina is very difficult even now in one can ego. it is very difficult in macedonia, so if something happened here is going to pool or other countries in the problem
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and for european union, it will mean a lot of trouble, much more migrants up and wall bore higher in they bigger down. so it's not good. we expect that to europe in union find the way how it can become much more active, much more efficient that we have. we hope that united states auditing, missing so much last 25 years in building institutions, in bosnia and herzegovina. in building piece in building progress are going to stay and they're going to push in that direction. those who are responsible for the situation should be fine. you should be removed from the father and we have to continue building normal functionals, beserra turco vetch minister of foreign affairs of bosnia herzegovina. we thank you for speaking to us from sorry of you haven't come. thank you. the me,
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more than $200.00 protests are taking place around the world on sunday, demanding governments to do more to tackle climate change in australia, hundreds of rallied in sydney against the government's refusal to reduce methane emissions and continued use of coal prime ministers. scott morrison unveiled his decision earlier this week at the cop 26 climate summit and gone go. australia refused to come methane emissions by 30 percent this decade, and only put pledge to end the use of coal power by the 20 forty's. while many nations announce an end to using coal power years earlier, burn the is one of the poorest countries in the world, and one of the lowest emitters of greenhouse gases. but most of its humanitarian needs are now caused by recurring climate related disasters. flooding has gotten worse and tens of thousands of people have been displaced. will speak to catherine soy in just a moment, but 1st hears her report from belgium bora the seas, the seas,
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the river. in baroni, it flows into lake tongue cut off because deepest and shared between bruni, the democratic republic of congo, tanzania, and zambia water levels of both the river and lake have been rising largely because of unusually high rainfall the last few years. they facts here have been disastrous . the beeble hockey's manner now needs a boat to take her children to school on what was previously a rude, every rainy season. an overflow from the river floods this road and the houses. she says it's been a nightmare. none on vanessa. it's another rainy season and we're afraid we might be displaced again. we normally leave our houses in april during the long rains, but everything has become so unpredictable in another area lanyard bender shows us where she lived before the water came. about one and
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a half years ago. this neighbourhood was thriving, but many people have since left. they've been displaced by floods. some of those who spoke to say they've tried to come back, but it has been difficult because every time they do and it rains, their homes get flooded again. ballooned is government has relocated some people to dry areas, but those who need the help are too many near bender and her family and now crowded into this mix ships tense and a comfort displaced people alongside thousands of ivers reba i. i live here with my 10 children. it's difficult sharing the tent when the drains water gets in and destroys our belongings. sometimes my children have to go to school with weird books and uniforms jamante. since 2018, there have been dozens of natural disasters that have affected nearly 300000 people . agencies say up 210000 people have been displaced in the last 2 years.
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scientists call this a climate change crisis is sorted, fits responsible for number of catastrophes caused by floods and abnormal dry seasons, especially in the north. i cannot even begin to explain the magnitude of this problem and the impact walk sectors. the government needs to educate sensitive communities to prepare themselves on how to deal with these disasters. nearly 1000000 peruvians live along the coastline. others in rural areas prone to land flight, many told as they continue to suffer the devastating effects of a climate change related phenomenon. that is not their doing. they say they're trying to survive the best they can and will bring. and catherine, now she's joining us from got thrown by one of woodrum bureaus, flooded neighborhoods to tell us how people there and the government are coping with this humanitarian disaster. while government officials say that they're trying the best they can and they have been relocating
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some people to dry our grounds. but then this is a country that has limited resources. if you know, if you remember, there is a cash flow problem of foreign currency problem. and there is the countries also suffering from sanctions that were imposed on it back in 2015 when there was a political crisis. and then there's all these other priorities that the government is dealing with, but then we have some humanitarian organizations that are also helping. and joining me now is your freaky wrangler, who is their head of mission for said the children. thank you for coming to al jazeera scientists. environmentalists here are saying that they're dealing or boon is dealing with our catastrophe. with a, a climate change disaster. the climate change a crisis. what do you say? just have been a pattern of calamity crisis. am in chris's caused by climate. the changes were missing, floods are around like duncan euchre or long rivers. izzy,
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which has afflicted number of people in terms of displacement, destruction of buildings and infrastructure schools proper to getting destroyed. but also we were syrup item of other climatic change issues, lay long droughts in the northern part of the country near regi, when we eager and killed all provinces. people have been suffering a little food security issues and or how not have not been able to benefit from other economic benefits. well, we went to an id p can't very close by, add that your are managing as while to stelis about the conditions there. and now we have another rainy season. how is this consigning you, especially with now the 10s beginning to flight? yes, of course, people there in a pulling situations, of course, and the government has done its best. dina, besides materials. but of course, the needs a huge people need to have her need a lot of or of basic necessities,
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lake, shelter, clothing, food and other items. so we are doing what we can, but is not enough. the needs a huge and the children are suffering because children are mr. school and the parents of a lot of needs to get off of their pie for their children. i mean, the government is obviously um, has limited resources, but what do you think needs to be done in the short term to ensure that people prepare itself for these disasters because you're seeing more and more of them. this of course he or government is drinks. what it can but also miss, be supported to create a kind of awareness to the communities, to the members of families, and also to support these families with some economic opportunities or efforts. ah, to find alternatives. we've seen families whose foods have been destroyed by these floods. we've seen families who have for who don't have what to eat because of
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prolonged droughts. so i mean, yeah, there's a need to create a sick room for economic opportunities for these families, but also awareness. ah, better methods of farming, or bitter methods over communicating to the children, also the participation of the community to understand that it is their role and responsibility to see that these families exist as not up into them. or thank you very much. that was the head of mission for self. did they see the children here in berwin, in a lot of people, really we've been talking to a saying that the government needs to prioritize this issue of climate change to prepare them better. and also to make sure that you know, in the next disaster, they are well prepared to deal with it. thank you so much. katherine, soy o. p t lines make up 3 percent of the world's land mass, but store more carbon than all the world forests combined for the irish governments
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is now it's phasing out the use of pete as fuel to meet its emissions targets. me barker, my ecologist, embarking on a re wilding project in central irelands pete bogs, in the holdings of ireland ecologist for turning fact time, restoring the country's vast people to what they were millennia ago. pete's an accumulation of ancient vegetation, the when dug and dried burns for hours. for generations, the lambs being drained and harvested to heat homes and fuel power stations, with more than 80 percent of islands, bogs locked in the process. but now the same state funded company board. no mona, that stripped these bugs dry is putting up wind turbines and steering this, the biggest ecological restoration project in europe. hey, plans are incredibly efficient, pulling carbonite to the atmosphere square meter per square meter. they pull the
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can pull more carbon, i sent of the air than square meter of amazon in rain forest. so when it's burned or when it oxidizes, the problem is it releases so much, but why is thriving alive? growing in the way it should be? it's incredibly efficient in a few decades time. this lunar landscape will be the lungs of island. the scale of this project is absolutely meant in the next few years. an area of land, the size of the mold, eaves will be restored. thankfully though the process is reasonably simple, the channels you originally drain, the peak bugs for extraction are all filled in, allowing pools of water to form on the surface. and eventually all important masses to grow that will capture carbon within 50 to 100 years. and those most is extremely good job and that's all that has been close for the last 5 years. but the pace of change, his anger, traditional turn cutters,
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many employed and industrial extraction found themselves suddenly out of work. member of parliament, michael fitzmaurice is defending what's seen as a historic right to continue extracting small amounts of pete for domestic use. in rural island. this remains the easiest and cheapest way of heating a home. offshore. wind will be tune 1215 years. we're because you've got to kind of process and do all the things to for hydrogen, we're probably using to 20 years away. and we have got to make sure that while we are doing dash that it's a smooth transition. not a roof see that we are face be used device to transition funds to help rural communities meet the challenge of going green, including financial compensation for abandoning pete extraction. but it's harder to abandon a way of life unchanged. for centuries, climate change though demands immediate action and islands p bugs,
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a one of our best lines of defense. the welcome al jazeera and central island. the sports news is effect on al jazeera. this shabby prepares to return to barcelona. we take a look at what fans can expect from their former captain. turn coach. ah, the stage is said and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think we're ditching the sound bites and we're digging into the issues from international politics to the global pandemic. and everything in between. join me as i take on the lars. dismantle the misconceptions and debate the contradictions. upfront with me, mark lamb on hill on out 0, setting the discussions. what is greenwashing is when an oil company talked green,
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but at 30 unflinching journalism, are you committed to building a vibrant democratic up got into sharing personal stories with a global audience. our minister had no idea what happening on the shop floor, but i could see the body bag explore and abundance of world class programming. climate change is another principal issue of survival. on elegy 0, lou ah. well, in the global competition to attract tourists, countries are seeking ways to set themselves apart. unesco approval can elevate awareness of a particular site, but is natasha when a report from jordan creating
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a role class destination is challenging. the city of assault is draped over 3 hills in jordan's highlands. it's described as a place of tolerance and urban hospitality. this year it became a unesco world heritage site. the says that it became through as a smoke and you agree. assault thrived during the weaning years of the ottoman empire. it was a regional trading hub and away station for pilgrims traveling to jerusalem. christians and muslims lived here, side by side, and opened their limestone homes, to visitors, passing through the living heritage city. as you see, is this phil, i sophie was to live in the cell phone and the old area and the heritage buildings . and there were mix cities like vent, especially on differentiates from other because like any, any person visits also says he can interact with local,
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they can listen to their stories. the push for assault to be recognized by unesco as a world heritage site began 26 years ago. after 2 failed attempts, it was finally granted the designation in july. now the hope is tourists will come. i think it's very interesting. yeah, i heard this like a very ation cd autumn on looks like very nice. the assault development corporation is working with a government to devise a $10000000.00 plan to restore and renovate the historic buildings and create amenities for tourists. the city of 82000 people doesn't have a hotel mobile. we are waiting for the government pacific with the amount of money to improve the tourism sector in a some way to attract today. we are worried about this because if things did not work well, nothing will change even mid. recognizing the government may not have the funds.
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city leaders are already looking to the private sector to help transform assault into a world class destination for tour it in keeping with the tradition of hospitality created by their ancestors. people say they're ready to welcome them. natasha name l 0, a salt jordan. that get an update on the sports news now with jemma. thank he's hearing barcelona have can fund a form, a captain is happy as the new head coach. he'll be presented at the club on monday . i haven't signed a contract until 2020 for the spot. he had said good bye to his club in cat taught our fat on friday. he'd been with them since joining as a plant in 2015 before taking over as a coach. 2 seasons, the guy shabby returns to a trouble boss. liner that nights in the league, but i'm hoping the man who helped them win 25 titles as a player can help them regain form despite a tricky financial situation. a lot of aside off whenever they had to pay
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a release close to the job. but he was more tangible and cheaper than some of the other option that he's an absolute pleasure to get back to bring that going to be important because there's been a lot of negativity and simply and messy last and with the results and the run. okay. and then, and job will bring some excitement back to the supporters. a tough for finish. top 3 finish will will be acceptable. whereas in the past, nothing other than than when the leak was, was possible for parts of the coaches, but given where they are at the moment, given the changes of the sport as being through the last 12 years. the top floor is now the k and maintaining champions league for the money that brings them for the prestige. of course. if one of the greatest rivalries, the manchester darby on united manager only going to socialize, talking off his team ahead of kick off manchester city may have one full premier titles. since united last lifted the trophy in 2013, the social says his fight a still the number one club in the city and probably the world. the mattress gets
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underway in less than 2 hours. and it will be united 1st game at old trafford since they was thrashed a 5 know by liverpool that we've moved on from that one of course it's going to be in the history books but we've had a good week with good results away from home difficult games and the mindset is positive. of course we've got to go into this game believing that we can do good things. it's local darby on the everyone know, so what's a stake? pap got an assign, haven't beaten united in a knee gang for over 2 years. and their rivals will move level points with them in the table, should they lose the game? united got a late equalize it in the champions league on tuesday, scoring stoppage time goals. something of course they became famous for on the alex ferguson. hence, the phrase, fergie time, cities bosses warning his side to be on guard. i'm pretty sure i going to call to alex ferguson to install the 1st time. so this is, i think it's going to happen that way. it's nice for me. this emotion and wayne,
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you know, to try to win the derby to do well. but i have to be called in my mind to recall in my head to know exactly what you have to do. i've kind of sounds primarily kicked off on friday in cobble 6 men seems will be playing what's known as the piece cup over the next 10 days. so the issue of women's participation is for won't go away. asked about australia's decision to postpone the fest. have a cricket test against afghan austin in protest over women being bans and sports. the head of the football federation had this to say who the horn and hook with them in spotty suspicion and sports depends on the policies of the slamming state. when the policy to regarding women's education is announced that women will also participate in sports faithfuls and newly crowned wild theories. champions have been parading that trophy in atlanta braves of 1st
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title in 26 years. thousands of fans lined the streets to party with the same. he clinched the trophy with a 7 nothing. when the houston astros. earlier this week, i have written in a child. the edmonton oilers came back from 41 down to be the new york rangers, and they had a one man to thank captain economy david with a contender for the goal of this season. he b 4 range as opponent to fly home. the park late in the 3rd period, sending the game into overtime. when david, who's the reigning an h l m v p. once again, it's showing why is one of the greatest players in the game today? we went on to win 65. never jock of it could end the year as well. number one, for a record, a 7th time lisa. he'll be an action in the semifinals of the paris mosses, as also he beat taylor fritz. and all you need to do now is lock in his number one ranking for 2021 feet highland the other semi final i must have with us. they've
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been championed down a method of taking on olympic gold medalist. alexander, while championship leader max the staff, and we'll go for poll position in mexico later after setting the fastest time in f . one practice on friday, the staff and teammates, j perez recovered from a crush in 1st practice to finish a full quick as i hope to rest on the mexican shoulders and red bulls. that team both isn't rolling out. swapping the drivers around to give funds what they wants. now preference would be to see if check a were in that position for him to, you know, to when, when his home race was no bigger result for any home driver. but as a team we have to keep an eye on both of these championships and know, you know, what's at stake in this race like any other has the same amount of points. tribute attributable to it and therefore we treat it like any other race. and that so i support for now, i'll have more for you later during we'll see later. thank you so much, jim, and thanks for watching the news. our on al jazeera,
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there is much more news coming up in just a few moments with the best time to think of i for now. mm. with life is never scripted. never foretold. it's never, no, no matter what happiness never stole open. you read between the lines. listen, always, listen, never stop asking, never stop questioning. wanting to know discover them.
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here, the human story being punctual. be courageous. fine b m told story. celebrate excellence. keep alive, the pioneering spirit. never stop. we haven't for 25 years, we've never stopped on our journey. never stops when our commitment to you al jazeera, 25 years, a unique path. if america held up a mirror to itself, what would it see in a sense, race is the story of america what's working and what's not? a lot of people are only talking about that. it wasn't at the top of the agenda. if america can't handle multiple challenges on multiple fronts, we need to go back to school. the bottom line on our sarah affluence, australia, some neighborhoods wrecked by social and economic despair. why not? what a fake the bad of local heroes. every one of us ever got
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a responsibility to change our person, barshan for their suburban drake. point out to 0. ah . a fuel tank has crashes and explodes in sierra leone, killing, at least, and 91 people and injuring thousands. ah. hello, there i'm. it's dante, this is out there at ly, from doha. also coming up, the un security council warns against escalating violence in ethiopia as 9 opposing factions form an alliance against prime minister. i'll be acknowledged the political crisis facing bosnia herzegovina that.
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