tv [untitled] November 11, 2021 12:00am-12:31am AST
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reversed his school and was so the transitional government, as he dissolved from around the world, 8 groups alleged greek, also refused, have often tried to prevent potential asylum seekers from entering greek territory . ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello, i'm mary. i'm ozzy, welcome to the news, our life from london coming up in the next 60 minutes on climate cooperation is the only way to get this job done. in a surprise announcement, china and the us the walls to biggest in mrs, announced joint plans to boost that climate efforts in the decade ahead. united nations is saying 72 well food program drive as of now been detained in ethiopia.
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as alarm grows over the widespread arrests of ethnic to grimes, the war was escalates between but a rule in the u, leaving hundreds of migrants stuck at the polish border in freezing conditions. in sport, new zealand of bates in england to reach the final of crickets at sea. 20 world cup new zealand. chasing down a victory target of 167 wind by 5 wickets. o china and the united states have issued a joint declaration at the club $26.00 summit in glasgow, promising to work together to enhance climate action at separate use conferences, that climate envoys said they would cooperate on accelerating emissions reductions required to meet the temperature goals of the paris agreement,
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you asked climate envoy, john kerry says that cooperation is the only way to get the job done. the united states and china are releasing a joint declaration which lays out how we will limit warming on this planet. and how together will take action here at the camp as well as in prison. biden had a conversation with president she a number of weeks ago in which both of the leaders express their hopes that despite areas of real difference and we know there are, we could cooperate on the climate crisis. or a surprise announcement came on the day the u. k. released a draft agreement focusing on keeping temperature rises below one and a half degrees celsius to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. it calls for
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countries to submit long term plans for reaching that 0 by the end of next year. analysts say the current pages put the world on track for $2.00 degrees of warming . and scientists have warned that global emissions need to be cut by 45 percent by 2030 and to 0 over all by middle of the century. deal calls from will financial support for developing countries beyond the $100000000000.00 promised in 2009, which won't be delivered until at least 2022. and it urges countries to accelerate the phasing out of colon subsidies for fossil fuels, but doesn't set any fun dates or targets for this. nearly 200 countries will now negotiate the details as consensus from all nations is required. addressing the conference u. k prime minister bar, as johnson totally does, that still a long way to go to get the commitments needed to save the planet you panel. now sit on your hands as the world asks you to act because the world knows what
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amiss. our planet is in the world, is hud leaders from every country consonant stand here and acknowledge the need for action and the world will find it absolutely incorporate sensible. if we fail to deliver that, and the backlash from people will be immense and it will be long last the, and frankly, we will deserve their criticism of their opprobrium or a deal to. and the era of fossil fuel power caused by 2040 has failed to get the support as some of the big comp producing countries. china, the u. s. and germany a, some of the major car markets that did not sign up the equipment made at cop 26. and neither did some of the world's top carmakers, including toyota, volkswagen transport accounts for about a quarter of all global carbon emissions, according to data from the international energy agency. the organization says the sale of cars running on petula diesel should end by 2035 in order to avoid
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dangerous global heating levels. will jennifer morgan is the executive director of greenpeace international? she owns me now from glasgow. are you surprised by this joint declaration from china, the united states, particularly in light of these ongoing political and economic tensions between beijing and washington? well, it certainly, i think, took many by surprise here in glasgow. and i think indeed, exactly because of these tensions that go, that are going on around the world between the 2 mega parties and powers. i think it's, you know, we need these 2 countries to be collaborating on climate change. so that is important, and i think that's welcomed, but the real question is, what they are going to do now here in glasgow to scale up the ambition so that the most vulnerable countries really have a chance in the future. can i ask you
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a bit for a bit more detail on that? the, if you learnt anything more about the nature of that cooperation in order to, to get as close to one and a half degrees as possible, which is what they, what they claim. the objective is with this set with this agreement. while the agreement itself is very focused on implementation, it is focused on reducing methane emissions and collaborating. technically, it's a bit too vague for our liking on how they are going to close the gap between where things are now and there's 1.5 degrees target. and i think that's where the multilateral system needs to come in. we need all countries to commit us and china, but all countries to commit to keep coming back to the table year on year at a state level to close that gap. and that's, you know, it's good. these 2 countries are collaborating because we need collaboration. but they need to now join others the most vulnerable countries to,
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to get moving and have a continuation to, you know, at the head state level. because right now, we're in or in trouble. and what was delivered here thus far in glasgow is deeply inadequate. when you say that we are in trouble, i mean i suppose one and a half degrees is looking increasingly out of reach. but 10 years ago we were seeing many of these countries arguing over the, the science of climate change. is it positive, at least now, politicians on the public persuaded that some sort of action needs to be taken. so change has been an incremental but a shift nonetheless. well, i think 1.5 degrees is still in sight. scientists tell us that it's, it's in the hands of leaders to get us there. and certainly around the world,
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the support for action on claim climate change has grown dramatically. you see youth movements that are here, you see racial justice movements that are here. you see inequality movements that are here working together and public polling that just shows that people want that kind of action that call fraction needs to come into the building. you know, 1.5, you hundreds of millions of lives around the world with the radical thing. it is a very real thing. it is about hunger. it is about lose the loss of homes and lives . so that is worth fighting for that requires the level of leadership that we just, you know, need here and we'll need to continue beyond glasgow until that goal is met. because there's just too much at stake. we're in an emergency situation. how important is coal? how urgent is that? this is the dirtiest type of fossil fuel is the, was the absolution. and yet,
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we see developed countries refusing to make solid commitments on moving away from it and developing countries needing to use it because, you know, after all, coal is, is the foundation of the, the industrial revolution. well, call is certainly a very dirty source of energy. and i think we are seeing actually around the world quite a deliberate movement to shift away from coal, not as quickly as is needed. the international energy agency has that you know that and the i p c. c. that needs to happen and developed countries by 2030 and developing countries soon. there after. the good news is, is that coal is no longer economic. renewable energy is much more economic for countries to, to actually build and the costs of renewables when against coal. and, and i would say just about also with fossil gas time and again,
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it is so much better for development. health issues are not there. the ability for people to have their own renewable energy as possible and energy independence, you know, of take africa, for example, would be obviously a great goal for both for development, for health and for climate. this makes sense. i think that's why also you saw here in glasgow last week, a group of 20 countries that committed to phase out funding for all fossil fuels and china, just a few weeks ago committed to finance, to face out financing for coal, around the world. it's the nails in the carpet coffin. they're not quite close yet, but that's, that's quite clear. it's not that you each are. thank you very much. jennifer morgan from greenpeace international. you're welcome. while the world looks for solutions to the climate crisis, scotlands orkney islands are at the forefront of the renewable energy revolution.
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the so called energy islands have a heritage of innovation dating back thousands of years. as nick clark reports, the story of invention on these remote islands is coming full circle. cultural and architectural innovation flourished here way back in the elliptic times, even before the pyramids were built, 5000 years on orkney is again at the vanguard of the future. oh i didn't fit on arranging customer through the north sea and the north atlantic where the tides career and back and forth between the islands and the u. k. mainland and in the title raises does power power that can drive all walls? this is the orbital. oh, to the world's most powerful title turbine. roaches spin in the ebb and flow generating enough electricity for 2000 homes. it's just one of many prototypes being tested by the european marine energy center. here on orkney research suggest
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title power could provide up to 10 percent of the u. k. electricity with the same guaranteed output as gas or co title. and she's really interesting because it's entirely predictable. it's driven by the position of the moon and the position of the earth and the sun. so we know where the tides are going to be when the thoughts can be running a 1000 years from today. some of the machines are on the sea bed. some of the machines associate on the surface, but altogether they actually provide a huge energy. so since available the island is him, have already capitalized on another force of nature. community owned commercial scale, wind turbines. they help generate more electricity than is required on the islands . the surplus being sold on to the u. k. mainland. this also a huge, offshore wind project planned and green. hydrogen is already being produced to palm marine and ro transport. i spoke to dr. sandy ker of harriet, what university he told me, the acadian green revolution has turned the island economy around. we get students
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that come here from around the world under kaden's that come back to learn about renewable energy in this community. and a number of them, steve and take up joe's was said, the local lab, renewable energy companies not really reverse in the, in the brain drain that we see around the rest of the case. while that's still a long way to go these islands a well on the road to carbon neutrality, wind and tide, a driving a seismic change, giving the rest of the world a glimpse of things to come. nick, clock al jazeera, the ok islands. scotland. watching the news, our life from london still had on the program why thousands of hindus are risking their health to take a dip in a river covered in toxic foam afghans of bracing for a harsh winter court between starvation at home or displacement abroad. and in sport football, playing legend, getting ready to take on an all new challenge. and he will be here with that story
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more. ah, the united nations is saying 72 trunk drivers, delivering 8 for the world food program have been detained by the ethiopian government. the contract, as were held in samarra gateway for 8 convoys trying to reach the tig wry region, which the united nation says is under a de facto humanitarian blockade, u. n. and humanitarian sources say they were arrested during government rates targeting ethnic to grinds under the new state of emergency. they are accused of supporting rebels in the northern region. it comes just a day after it emerged that 16 un workers had been detained in addis ababa. the head of the ethiopian human rights commission, daniel, but kelly says he is deeply concerned about the mass arrest of ethnic to grinds. since a state of emergency has been declared denito pierre, the they,
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their branding models commission has been monitoring and following godsa based off not just 16, but actually hundreds of people. and there appears to be an, it's an acre i element to see satirists, which what he says are in a sense that largely it's nick. the grandson, been a targeted to for house, a search, and artists, and our we have been following up the case so far, hundreds of people and i do understand that a set of images, he gives a power to our police to a suspect, to our race, to people on the ground, so for reasonable suspicion, but we are concerned about our at least scoffed the state of emergency, and it's a direct thieves to being applied in our own way, which is why we have already expressed a concern and we continued to monitor or a soft, say, what other people are drawn hussain is ethiopia state minister for foreign affairs
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. speaking to al jazeera earlier, he denied allegations of arbitrary detentions. i don't think, i believe it is through the ethnic profiling, but people might be adding that. i don't think that i children, i don't have that information and if that happens, the government doesn't allow in it, it might clear on the, on the date of emergency this issue that people should be treated well. and there must be adequate reason that to happen in any person. so somebody about it, this might happen, but they want to be better. my systematic one, if it happens that it also be a criminal act than anybody that does would actually be held accountable. but they want to be systematic, and there is no systematic harvest just because of your profile. and if the police might have found out some suspect, then they will be bound to pay and then also do do investigation. if any individual does not have adequate evidence, which i assume you must be released but are pending. some people will not get that
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my truck systematic. but because we're in complex situation, you know, how many people are being attacked and how many i 1st started being done. and then you know, a number of actor. so you must have a much careful individual and that that should not be done. in the us at the lee and then police must do their job, but we would also look into that the process. if there is any, every validity, then that must be addressed. now rights group say the year long conflict has been marked by allegations of sexual abuse against women. by all sides, amnesty international is saying it's documented 16 cases of women being raped by to grind. rebel fighters in one town in the horror region, survivors described acts that amount to war crimes and potential crimes against humanity. regional official say more than 70 women reported being raped over 9 days in the month of august. and human rights fort says the government brocade on the tape by region since late june, has prevented survivors of widespread sexual violence from getting essential post.
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right. can they say a scale of sexual violence by government forces into grey and bite to grind fight? is it not? horror means the united nations should establish an independent investigation for carla is the horn of africa research or for amnesty international says those behind these attacks must be held accountable. we manage to speak to at $6.14 out of the gang grip source. on it, so it's not a viable not dish and they're also victims, self physical assaults and and also distraction upset. so what we are saying is use people who are going to need to be responsible and get acts of need to stop or not go be, sir, is the former president of the or online studies association and legal counsel for
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the victims of human rights violations. and ethiopia joins, is 5 skype now from new york. how critical is it to have an investigation by completely independent and impartial bodies into these alleged human rights violations in order for that to be some kind of justice and accountability in this conflict? it's significantly more important that accountability is ensure in this time, but accountability requires lots of legal infrastructure which includes ceasefire as well as some kind of transition. now the major question for the legal experts in the country, especially those interested in human rights accountability. how can you make a human rights accountability during this atrocity make it happen in the presence of the problem that is creating or in the presence of the entities that are
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creating this, the primary entity in making atrocity are happening, making the atrocity up and in the country is the fighter, so the government which is led by the primes damage. so can we even discuss about legal accountability or independent investigation into these atrocity in the process or the premise that himself are obviously there is no legal remedy in the country because the good show system or the human rights commission, which is led by the color is part of the state or monitoring funded by the state. so this will take us into thinking about it post prime stand. abby: i'm it kind of situation in which we discussed not only about accountability but also a broader healing transitional do the democratic feature for the state. there is a growing humanitarian crisis in the country. there are atrocities being committed,
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but at the same time, thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced. what is behind the rest of the united nations aid workers? so the allegation or the claim forms from the state is that these human theory and systems are being taken by the fighting for so that's great, which does not hold water. the are over 900000 grand people who are waiting and expecting for emergency food and medicine. so there is a policy assisted blockades off humanitarian, a c stuff that goes into the ground. the prime stair, possibly sees, sees as the humanitarian block it as one of the police calling instrument to us. we can hear me, which is that the great depression front or the defense force,
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but in a way what is happening. he's an intentional to start a vision of civilians who are not taking part in those 2 of these. so civilians would not be home hosted in, in any kind of tuition. so this gives rise to the earlier question that you asked about accountability. it mix and moral sense and legal sense for that. the great britain frank to march in any direction they believe can leave the blockade because they have to feed their people. they have to feed the vulnerable group. but apparently it doesn't sound like the prime stair ease is ready to even sit for the small window of diplomacy that had been mentioned 2 days ago by president over sandra of nigeria through his good office it prime minister abbey. and it didn't anticipate how ferociously the to grinds that defend that territory.
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he has shown that he isn't willing to negotiate, which is why we're in the situation. we are now in the region at, nor does he accept gains made by the to grinds. so now what does this mean? are we just likely to see a prolonged stalemate? that is what good, what we're going to be looking at. so there is no political willingness to sit down for any, for off peaceful negotiation out of this personally, i believe that we have went beyond the threshold at some point it's necessary to, you know, put an end to this conflict. but the fact that the prime stair decided to arrest the united nation stuff yesterday, 16 of them have been detained. and today about 70,
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a subcontractor sold the unit to mission a truck driver. so i'd be interested. these are a clear indication of message from the prime stair to tell the warrant that he is going to plow his way out of these conflict without any chance of giving diplomacy on a chance in this, in this coffee and our company said, thank you very much. for joining us from new york prussia now that always is accusing european union of provoking a refugee and my going to stand off on its border with poland as an excuse to impose your sanctions to latest shots in an escalating war of words. european union has been a russian president, alexander lucas shank has led people to poland still step in order to the stabilize the region stuck in the middle of some 2000 people stranded in freezing and dangerous conditions at the eastern edge of europe. at him, barbara has more. oh,
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they're not asking for much. in fact, these children just want water journalists are banned from this area. but the person filming the scenes on the border between belarus and poland says they're a babies as young as 2 months old. here. some families haven't eaten for several days. at night, temperatures dropped well below 0. at least 2000 people, many of them from the middle east, a stuck in makeshift camps along the razor. wire. social media footage from recent days shows refugees and migrants, escorted by mast bellow russian security towards the border. sometimes shots are filed and people have often been beaten as in these pictures filmed by polish forces. mano, this one is so the use as belarus has been encouraging migrants and refugees to enter poland and lithuania in retaliation for sanctions imposed over human rights violations. e u ambassadors have now agreed. this justifies
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a new round of sanctions on belarus, and the block wants action to stop more desperate people arriving on its borders. it's important which, clint then we will, through the origin, turn threes into the transit. gen 3. so what are the currency trenches of their policy is also important which cling to the allies? what are the concrete effects of the decisions in the system? and in fact, in the launch of an hybrid attack against you. but michelle bachelor, the united nations human rights chief, has issued a statement effectively condemning all sides in the stand off saying, hundreds of men, women, and children must not be forced to spend another night in freezing weather without adequate shelter. food, water, and medical care. under international law, no one should ever be prevented from seeking asylum or other forms of international human rights protection. for its part, russia, a traditional backer of belarus, is accusing brussels of being hypocritical. she darted. you're seeking a great impact on the situation is indeed very tense and there's
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a tendency to escalate tensions that causes concern is apparent that a humanitarian catastrophe is looming against the background of your pens. reluctance to demonstrate commitment to their european values. in a phone call, german chancellor, angular merkel has appealed directly to russian president vladimir putin to exert his influence on the regime in minsk. but as governments play the blame game, the humanitarian situation becomes more dire by the day. nadine baba al jazeera leanne inclination present. ursula on the line says e u is ready to take further action if necessary. we absolutely share the assessment that this is a hybrid attack of an authoritarian regime to try to destabilize democratic neighbors. and this will not succeed. we will protect our democracies. we agreed that we coordinate our outreach to the countries of origin so that they
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take care of their citizens not to fall into the trap of the russian collision. and we agreed that we will look into the possibility of sanctioning those airlines who facilitate human trafficking towards means can then you belarus, border. and asset bank is in, in the poland by russian border where janice, being stop from getting too close to the actual po defense. this is a humana humanitarian crises that we know that they are children. also, then these are freezing temperatures. now, between the back, the political back and forth that we've been hearing the european union saying that this is a hybrid attack. the a below the authorities in by the roost, according on the european union saying, well, you're not respecting human rights. but the reality is that there are people in, at the center of this bella, ruth, has bust people to the border and the pole. if the polish authorities are not
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allowing them to pass to get to the country on this, no support for them. agencies are not allowed in because of the state of emergency . now these people want don't want to stay in poland. they want to make their way maybe to jim new other e u countries. so the both sides are talking tough using put strong political language. but at the heart of it, as you said, a possibly around 2000 people, including women and children in freezing cold temperatures. it with an ease ally from london still ad for you on the program. price is a soaring and toys is transit of the california coast. it could be a disappointing christmas for children in the united states. france returns 26 looted works of art to ban. mean i'm lia harding and jo, how were afghanistan's womens football team are taking on guitar in their 1st match
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since leaving cobbled last month? ah hello, we've got 2 areas of low pressure, 2 significant cherries of low pressure causing problems across europe over the next couple of days. this is our old storm storm blast which continues to spin away across the western side of the mediterranean. more wet and windy weather coming through here, fixing the ballier, respecting eastern part of spain, se passed of the processing, some rather wet weather over the next couple of days. and then up towards the north west. he comes down next system that's gonna roll its way toward sir island and the island of olive as we go want through the course of a thursday. so some very wet and windy weather coming in here for thursday could cause some localized flooding, their store blast my western side of the mediterranean, still swirling weigh more heavy rain.
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