tv [untitled] November 11, 2021 9:00pm-9:30pm AST
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people are going to welcome the master that, of course, not a new documentary, his, that chilling and traumatic stories for the children throw stones at me. iraq's last generation on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera. ah, you're watching the news, our live from a headquarters in dow heim, daddy and abigail coming up in the next 60 minutes. sedans, military chief, says he's formed a new ruling, sovereign counsel will get the latest from cartoon. poland deploys more forces to its eastern border where hundreds of refugees on migrants are stuck in an increasingly 10 stand off with bella roosts at cop $26.00 in glasgow. the un secretary general says the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius
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is on life support. i with al qualification apologize for repaying no ha, a final message from south africa last apartheid era. presidents who has died aged 85 and in sport, australia will faced new zealand in sundays. he 20 cricket world cup final australia had just bates in pakistan in the last few minutes by 5 wickets in their semi final in to buy. ah, welcome to the news our. we begin with breaking news from sudan where the army chief has tightened his grip on power. general abdel fatah hilbert han has announced what he is calling a new council to run the country. he is re appointed himself as its head and has
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just been sworn in members from the main opposition coalition have been excluded. my cana is life for us from the united nations where the security council has been meeting to discuss to don, which will get in on to in a moment, mike. but 1st there has been reaction from the u. n. to the announcements of the sovereign counsel. ah yes, it has from the spokesman for the secretary general, who says that the un is noting these developments with great concern that the spokesman reiterating b. u. n's call for the release from house detention. not the prime minister, as well as the release of all of the political prisoners. so being watched very closely by the secretary general here, the security council is meeting at the moment behind closed doors. this a hastily convened meeting in the middle of the day to discuss the situation in sudan. the meeting was scheduled before news of the new council became public and
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assess members of the council making very clear that deep concern timidity, compet, democracy of the month. the moxy back into the bottle, the people on the streets as they were 2 years ago, we calling for return to the democratic transition. and that's something that we really think is possible if we continue to speak with one voice to me. we think it's not too late. there is, the democrats for this are, are strong into them. and we are appealing, of course, very strongly to the military, to reinstate the prime minister handbook and release all day to nice. and i'm not, not put any, any hindrance for the democratic protests that we have seen. but mike, how likely is it that the security council in the international community actually
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do speak in one voice when it comes? this is done well, it's always been a problem with the security council, the various sections of various divisions that are present in the various interests that are held within the food itself by the members such as russia, for example, that's been striking a very close relationship with the sudanese government in the past and has continued that relationship, it would appear with the military rulers at present. the council last issued a statement on sudan back on october. the 28th, in which had called boy returned to the transitional government, a return to the democratic process, which is supposed to end death with elections in 2023. we're not sure whether we're going to get a another statement in the course of the day following the meeting that is taking place at the moment. if there is, it's likely to be along those lines once again, a call for a return to the transitional process. but in terms of any form,
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a sanction, and that's very unlikely at this particular stage. ok, thank you so much my kind of reporting from the united nations. well, let's just take a closer look at house. don. got to this point. the military and civilian leaders were sharing power after a long time later on. but she was else did following mass protest in 2019. both sides blamed each other for slow reforms, a worsening economic crisis, and corruption. and that then led to major divisions in the transitional government . well things came to a head last month. when general i've done photography, but han dissolve the interim government and detain the civilian prime minister. and just in the past hour has been saying this, the miller's military chief says he's forming a new ruling, sovereign counsel will get reaction on that and connect to her to me. where the connection, however, has been intermittent. but joining us from there is no fair. who's a managing partner inside strategy partners? that's a policy. thanks. thanks. thanks for your time. what is your reaction to announcements
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by bio hahn on the sovereign counsel that's been formed? this announcement is quite significant. we've been waiting to see what he would make of this after he seemed to very quickly and very hastily grab powell on 25th. it didn't seem like you had much of a plan. that was he said that he would institute formal governmental processes like a southern council, like a cabinet that appoints prime minister within a week, which obviously hadn't happened. it's been 2 weeks and we've only started to see the beginnings of such about the what we've heard is that many of the people that he has announced so far, we're already members of the cabinet of the sovereign council. and so we're still waiting to see who the other members are and even within the member that he has an out, particularly from the groups they have come out recently in the past 2 days to say
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that they will not be joining us over in council. so we don't know to what extent this announcement is significant, as he's currently making it appear to be, or whether it's just the stalling tactic that he's using in order to bind time to, to cement his rule. because of course, while all of this is happening, the prime minister is still detained, the political entity that attained, he's not we consulting or conferring with the political groups. and so it makes it very difficult to see in a how the time to gain consensus for this new. what impact do you think isn't going to have on the street on the protesters who have been out over the past couple of weeks a big impact. i think the interesting thing is a lot of the protest and the message they have been bringing out is there is no going back and it seems what han has basically made the same statement. but of course, in a very different weight, we're not going back to the status quo before the now that doesn't satisfy the
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street, of course, because what they want is for the civilian leadership. and so he's still have to contend with ongoing civil disobedience ongoing strike strike. there's a big protest time for the 13th of november and potentially also another big purchase for the 17th of november. and if anything would likely see an uptick in the number of mass mobilizations as well as other forms of protests in the next weeks or even months. i mean, the street was out and for using all different types of mobilization techniques for about 6 months against sheer and then also stage to city. we could probably receive a return to something like that in the next few weeks and months. ok, thank you so much for, for speaking to us from or to me and giving us your reaction. we will stay with for 2 and we'll bring in our correspond. interesting, sorry, our who's following the story, right? so, so tell us more about what exactly was announced in this the ruling sovereign counsel
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. well, as of now, the 13 members of the new southern council are appointed. one is missing from is, is asked to dance. so 5, a members admitted to members. actually, you can consider that formula to members an a plus a parapet paramilitary the leader, mr. how may to so mr albert han, that is now the head of the sovereign council, the army chief or a sudan who has conducted the military takeover on 25th of october. now is the head of their sovereign council, and his deputies, previous deputy, mister matey, who they were in a coalition or in an alliance when they conducted the military take over mister ham . 80 is now the deputy into sovereign counsel. and mister m 8 is also the at that head of a paramilitary grove, which is called as the rapids support forces. the notorious rapid support forces, which has around $150000.00 manpower and is the largest miniature group in the
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country. what legally the arms, the army chief is also the commander of chief chief of b as rapid support forces as well. so it's regarded as a legal entity in this country, the other a military member or maya champs of dean october she, yes it a lotta. and it brought him jabbered, there are also in 4 or 5 members for members, civilian members who have been appointed and each of them is represented as certain region of a sudan. so apple gus and borrow from not of through than as selma of the job. but what i from the me though, and raj and nicola, she is quite interesting here because his only christian member of the new sovereign canso and she is the only member who also have served as a member of the previous soda counselors. right now. she's back in southern castle again and use of a jack carry him. he's a judge from quarter. the fun apple back here together from dar for one is missing
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represent the author is suzanne. the salon is as critical region for mr. albert ham, because early in october that the tribes in bigger region in is true than they blocked the road from port sudan to harton. and the supply roads have been a, had been blocked. so now having a representative from east through than that can put a good control on that region is quite important. the negotiations are still on the way we will soon hear about that as well. and also there are 3 militia leaders who have del, signed the job piece agreement in 2020. and now they're also back job apiece. agreement. by the way, i was aiming to put an end to the internal a conflict between the army and did the de militia groups. so this picture show us clearly that so far the negotiations between the lead that the military and our prime minister. hum duke, how, how, how failed. however, here,
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there are critical issues without hon. duke been back in the office. how mr. edward hahn is going to to, to bring us the ability to his company. that is one of the main question and also the international, our community is position is going to be critically important. here we didn't hear of responses from the internet community. yet, however, particularly the essays reaction to this new castle is going to be a defining moment. and a determinant factor people are calling for mass gather is on saturday, particularly that that the thread that the forces of free them are and, and change. they are asking for 1000000 people to march or on sunday incident, particularly in hot from and to show that the split is resistant against the military. but the military seems quite confident to say that we have built a national consensus, the tribal leaders and the representative of the different regions. and also mr. i
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will hand definitely has the support of the security for is that the support forces and the army behind him constantly dated behind him. so in that sense, military and other security forces include indemnity. she are groups, are constantly div, have bit more behind that. mr. roberts, over one of the counselors position to their military, they are quite fragmented now, and that is why so far the reactions to mass gatherings have been very much disconnected and does effective as a, as a said to, to, to these moments. okay, thank you so much, russel, sardar, reporting from cartoon, and plenty more had on the al jazeera in his hour, including an unprecedented naval exercise in the red sea brings together israel, bahrain, and the united arab emirates. what's causing the toxic phone covering part of ingest saker and yamuna river and why it's dangerous. we up and sport. we'll hear what england's test cricket captain has to say about the racism scandal and golfing the sport and his country.
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ah. but for us, poland sending more troops to its border with beller roofs, accusing its neighbor of encouraging migrants on refugees to enter its territory. the european union's preparing new sanctions against bela roosts, president alexander lucas shanker says he is prepared to retaliate by cutting off gas supplies to the you. and all the while concern is growing about the thousands of people who are camped out in the cold. nadine baba with the latest half now. as the temperatures plunged, they try to keep warm as best they can. men, women, children huddling around fires. these scenes were filled quite better. roses telegraph news agency near the border holmes bella ruth says there are more than 2000 refugees and migrants camped out here with more arriving all the time. bell russian authorities have just released these pictures. bullock
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a duster offer. it's a total catastrophe. so many women in the 8th or 9th month of pregnancy, we don't have other options. they'll probably be giving birth here. they don't want to leave the camp. poland, which release vis footage says there are up to 4000 people near the border and more than 10000 more across bell roofs. german chunks of the angular merkel has all the russian president vladimir putin, to press the bell or russian leader to stop what she called the instrumentalists zation of migrants. but president, because shank is confident that he's got moscow's backing, not least because to nuclear capable, russian planes have practiced bombing runs in belarus on thursday. and there's the german parliament hosted by the russian opposition lead svetlana taking the sky. there was no sign of tensions easing the pass when you're in that either. thank you . want to get, look at your opinion, will expand and tighten it sanctions against. look shank as my dream, this is what will decided our foreign ministers meeting and puzzles on monday.
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those people companies actively involved in human trafficking will be further sanctioned, no matter where on the globe, the vital to. one of the use as many cars been hearing people from countries in the middle east and encouraging them to cross into poland, lithuania, to create chaos. use if a color fled syria, he's now relatively safe in poland. he was driven towards the border by bel erosion, police, but he says he was also beaten. god followed us and then they got out the thick and he used to we took and he used like this in that way. there's been a soldier for us and just this side, he gave me the fries with his foot. so i passed a football to couple of minutes, broke my nose and broke a bone in here, and my eyes are small, decadent off the reports. brussels might target aero floats. the russian airline
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denied any involvement in transporting undocumented migrants to bela rufus. none of this political standoff does a thing to help the desperate families at the border which poland is preventing aid workers, as well as journalists from reaching at least 7 people have di here in recent months. there are real fears that number could grow. nadine baba al jazeera let's get a live update with a bag. he's joining us from near cuz need so that's on the poland bella. ruth border as what have you seen on the border? but there's certainly been a lot of activity here. we've seen convoys of military vehicles and police vehicles . we've seen soldiers patrolling here in the countryside, carrying their guns and making a real statement here that were just in front of the exclusions though. now that was set up by the government here in the state of emergency encompasses about 184 villages and towns along that border. now we're not allowed to pass that point
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behind me. neither journalists or aid work as an age workers are saying that that's really hindering their ability to help those very desperate people die out or in the, in that forest between a, poland and belarus, in this freezing temperatures. now we have asked why we as journalists are not allowed past that, are past that police checkpoint and we've been told it for our own safety. but there's no war taking place is no armed conflict here. and that really does a stop journeys for really reporting on what the polish authorities, what the port polish security forces are doing to stop those people crossing that border. now we have spoken to some people that have managed to cross, and what they told us was that they were bussed to that border for by, by the ruth, and then forced to cross. and some people have had previously crossed the border to poland and been sent back and forth back and forth. her so the situation here is
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very tense or, but the concern really is for those thousands of people at the border with very little shelter food, water and in this freezing temperatures and as i had on the political friends, what are the sort of wider geopolitical implications of all of this, and if this crisis continues to deep well, the polish prime minister has come out and said that the mastermind behind all this is moscow. so he's clearly pointing the finger at russia and the on the, by the roost inside role that they're saying that they believed that posing in lithuania, were involved in a tense. or di, legitimize the president in the european union. and they're upset at the sanctions against, by the rule. so the, using this to put pressure on the european union, but also the european union want more sanctions against better roost. and they're saying that they will retaliate. so it is tense and the and is also the question is,
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how long can poland keep this up, the state of emergency, this exclusions only to need a 15000. her security forces at this border and people are still managing to cross and the world's attention of sooner or later turn to those people as vulnerable people. many from the middle east stuck on the border. but the wide implications i . it seems that billy roost and russia on one side and we have poland, the european union, also germany coming out saying that the russia should put pressure on by the roost to stop what they say is, is manufactured crisis. thank you so much. as a big reporting from the poland, belarus, florida, for the 1st time ever, israel, bahrain and the united arab emirates have publicly acknowledged holding joint military drills. the 3 countries along with the u. s. are conducting naval exercises in the red sea. it's one of the world's busiest oil shipping routes that connects the mediterranean with the indian ocean through the swiss canal and the
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gulf of aidan. the military exercise comes more than a year after the u. e and bahrain normalized ties with israel from western russo harry far said, explains the timing of the naval exercise and what it means for the region was as being cold. and he is really media an unprecedented military exercise involving israel, the united arab emirates, bahrain, and the united states navy, all in the red sea, a 5 day exercise involving at sea training, of among other things, boarding and searching vessels at sea. israel has been involved in exercises alongside the u e in the past, but this is the 1st time that there's been a public exercise, also involving bahrain and it's certainly being pushed to a large extent and publicized it's part of a piece. israel has been re designated by the u. s. military recently as part of its centcom area alongside other arab states in the region away from the u. com
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designation, the european designation that preceded it. so that's one factor behind all this as well as that there is of course, the normalization deals that israel is struck with our states over the last year or so. and there is pretty extensive military signaling that's been going on in recent weeks in the direction of iran just a few days ago. there was a b one bama us nuclear cable, bama that was flying throughout the region. it was at various stages accompanied by jets, from saudi arabia, from egypt, from bahrain, and from israel before that a major air force exercise in israel involving european nations united states india . but also an observer coming from the united arab emirates. and there were pictures of jordanian f sixteens involved in that exercise as well. so pretty strong signals being sent towards iran at a time when we are expecting the ready. and you could talk to resume before the end of this month. well let's speak to georgia cafe aero, he's joining us from tampa,
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florida, georgia, the ceo of gold state analytics. that's a geopolitical risk consultancy. thanks for your time. so what is the signal being sent behind these joint naval rules and to whom? i think it's pretty clear that this is a message being sent to the iranians. you know, throughout this mirror there have been numerous incidents in which the israelis and the iranians have been trading accusations of the other carrying out attacks on their vessels and waters that are around the ruby and convinced a lot. but there's also, as your program mentioned, this issue of the abraham accords, you know, when behind and the new a formalized diplomatic relations with israel last year. there were many analysts who were wondering whether or not there would be high profile cases of
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defense, military cooperation between these 2 era gulf states and israel. some of the thought that maybe the better idea in barney's would be careful to not be true public about any sort of defense cooperation. but i think in light of eyes 5 day joint exercise kicked off yesterday. we sort of have an answer right now. the u. e and barring are very open, very public about their interests in cooperating with the israelis on issues where they believe their security interests are very much aligned with those of televisions. and how significant is it that these are taking place in the red sea being one of the world's busiest oil shipping? ruth, connecting the mediterranean sea would be in ocean through. of course, the very important so as can yes, this body of water is very important to many influential geopolitical actors. not
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only in the middle east, but throughout the entire world. there was a lot of tension in the red sea with so many different states that have opposing interests and geopolitical agendas that are clashing. it's very significant that these 2 members in the gulf cooperation council, bahrain, and she had very much in their interests to be thought by security cooperation and coordination with the israelis. for many years. i countries in the radian peninsula as well as israel, and seen a real threats from iran when it comes to what the iranians have been doing in africa and the red sea and so forth. so there's obviously a very, very rich context here. okay, thank you. so much for speaking to us from florida, georgia cathedral, thank you. whether is online? thank you. still ahead on the al jazeera news, our,
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molly's foreign ministers are moscow's reports of murder for deal to recruit russian mercenaries and sport. find out who came on top in this spots between 2 former tennis world. number one's ah hello. they will have a look at the weather in africa in just a moment. but 1st, the middle east and levant, and it's northern areas of iran that have been paid by unsettled weather. we've got a bit of a wintry mix at play. dumping quite a lot of snow in western areas. rain trickling down, we'll have showers touching into iraq and q weight by the time we get into late friday. but saturday it's different storage wise up here. the rain picks up, of course, the west of saudi arabia. you see those showers edging in here as one of the
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coastal areas of the red sea, but sean will shake. we'll see the warm weather though it will remain rather cloudy through the we can now we've had across 2 central parts of africa. it's not as wet as it has been recently if you showers across the ethiopian rift valley for the wet or whether we have to head farther west. we've got storms rolling across the west of the d. r c into the camera and go bond. we could see some flooding from that in a further south. the rain picks up for much of angola. we've got some heavy showers coming into play for them. bob were in particular for her right. we're expecting thunderstorms to last here through the weekend, but there is still a lot of warmth coming through the temperature, sitting it where we expect it to be for this time of year. but look at that wet weather through to sunday. ah, assuming prosperity that influence on the globe, i wanted to investigate what this means for one of its closest neighbors. i want
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on al jazeera november will fever, gary, and those in a 3rd parliamentary election. this year, public outcry, the widespread corruption brought down former prime minister boy kate bar itself. but finding a replacement his proof problematic. will it be 3rd time lucky in the bulgarian election? special coverage on how to verify me from the shoals of the red sea storage. a clean more that is a global problem. i'm co manager the major. but in jordan this team, fema climate change it to the peaks of the himalayas, where water conservation looks like this dazzling solutions to save the world's most precious resource. in the next episode of ath right, we look at what is being done december with twice on al jazeera. ah,
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ah, hello again. the top story is on the al jazeera news, our st. john's army chief has announced the new governing council to run the country general up there for to herbert han has re appointed himself as its head and has been sworn in. but members from sir don's main opposition coalition have been excluded their vowing to continue their protests against what they call a military coup. the un has again urged for the release of the ousted civilian prime minister as well as other politicians and were detained last month. let's bring in russell sars are. he's joining us from a hard to me. so what more we learning about the names who are included in the sovereign counsel, and perhaps more importantly, those who are not restoral about the depth,
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the boot. we can see that the new, our sovereign counsel is dominated by the military members and lead by the military members. so mr. i will hand that the, that the army chief of sudan is the head of the, the council. and his deputy, mr. mater also that the leader of the paramilitary grew vape powerful, permanent through goof, rapid suckled forces his now as the deputy of mister o'brien. and in this, a member of this sovereign counsel, there are 3 are there are the, are the military members as well. and 5, representative from the civilian side and each of them is representing a different region off a su, done. so in that sense of north of not true than middle one at middle school.
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