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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm AST

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to say to say, and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think from international politics, to the global pandemic, and everything in between. upfront with me, mark lamond hill on out 0. ah. ready this is al jazeera. ah, you are watching the news our live from our headquarters and oh, hi, i'm debbie and abigail coming up in the next 60 minutes. he gave me the fries, a foot. refugees and migrants to reach poland say they were beaten, robbed, and order to cross the border by bella, russian soldiers as iraq. he relatives of those who attempted the desperate journey describe their heart break after their families were missing,
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or were separated. negotiators labor over the final tax of a cop $26.00 agreement, fearing the goal of limiting global warming to $1.00 degrees will be missed. bus on burnett smith in the amazon. brazil has promised to end illegal deforestation by 2028. but the reality on the ground means that could be a hard promised to keep and i'm thought a height of the sports is brazil secure that place that the world cup the 5 time while champions beats columbia to qualify for cats on 2022 with fixed gains this back. ah, welcome to the news, our n g o volunteers and poland are demanding more access to the border with bella ruse, where refugees and migrants are trapped about 2000 people are living in dire freezing conditions as governments trade accusations and threats about the crisis.
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that is attributable to the citizens are still as villa paval do. since mid october, we've been approached by over 3000 people that were trapped at since the beginning of november. we've been asked by at least 900 people and have undertaken a 131 humanitarian interventions to help those stranded to the polish government needs to allow humanitarian organizations to access restricted. so instead on us and in another development, belarus is national airline is now saying it will no longer allow citizens of iraq, syria, and yemen to board. it's flights from turkey. bell roosts has been accused of flying and migrants from the world's trouble spots to enable them to enter the e. u. it denies that al jazeera, as i said, beg reports in poland, belarus border. as the temperature plunges, they tried to keep warm as best they can. all that men, women, children, huddling around fires. bella ru says, there are more than 2000 refugees and microns kept out here with more arriving all
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the time. we're used to fight the la flit, syria. he's now relatively safe in poland. when we get, when he was driven towards the border by belushi and police, but he says he was also beaten hickok mean the phrase with her his the foot so castile sir walter, couple minutes. oh, why, nose and broken born in here and my eyes are small decor, threw up all over them in. it'll be all seen the sham managed to cross the border just a day ago. he says billy routine forces bust them to the border, dressed in civilian clothes. they cut the wires on the board a fence and forced them to cross or do it. oh he still afraid and didn't want to show his face. they said, either you cross or you die here on 5 of the soldiers beat me on my leg and took 2700 euros from me and forced me across the border of them. they are
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pulled here that are trying to help this charity has collected clothes and food. i think we are all very afraid that people die very quickly in really ah, and we will not be able to do anything about it because they will die on the bellows . on site or in the zone of the special or just as they at least 7 people have died here in recent months. there's a real fear that number could grow. but also, how long can discontinue this 15000 polish forces at the border with daily attempts from people to cross. the still 1000 stuck in freezing temperatures with nowhere to go. while the un security council has might behind close doris to discuss that border crisis. western countries including the u. s and u. k. insist belarus is trying to destabilize its neighbors. but russia and ally vellerilla says that simply not true. christian salumi reports from the united nations care of him, members of the security council,
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and called this closed door meeting amid rising tensions at the border between poland and bella roosts. afterwards, the estonian master spoke to the media flanked by other european members of the council. in the united states, accusing the president, alexander lucas shanker of bella, roost of facilitating migrants crossing. the european union has been at odds with bella luce ever since. the contested 2020 elections after which it imposed sanctions on the country. the bell russian authorities should understand that putting pressure on the european union in this way through a cynical instrumentalists zation of migrants will not succeed. russia's deputy ambassador also spoke his president. vladimir putin has also been accused of being behind the crisis by poland. but the deputy ambassador denied his country, or bela bruce had anything to do with bringing migrants to the border. there is
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a game of shifting gleam. now are you repeat union? they want to picture bill? it was, and sometimes even the russia as perpetrators of this crisis. well, we've got used that sort of the main slogan, alpha european them to the western politics. right now, isa keep com and leon russia. so it's no surprise for us. he went on to say that if any one was responsible for the crisis, it's the western nations who created the conflicts which many of the migrants are fleeing. at least 15 people are injured after a bomb was set off in a mosque and i've got to stand non gerhardt province. the device was reportedly placed in the city mosques pulpit. there has been a spate of similar attacks on mostly she almost almost all had been claimed by isolate and i've gone is done. there has been no claims of responsibility for this bombing so far. let's speak to my the while. the best smell, who is a freelance journalist and a political commentator,
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he's joining us from trouble. welcome to the program. can you tell us what you're hearing about this last? thank you. they can squeeze off a dag in condos, and then you can do or not did that in the hospital off. mama does fun today. unfortunately, the majority of the smaller is still with us. all right, we apologize. we seem to have lost our connection with i've got a son. we'll move on to other news and tell you about several countries including the u. s. and your dear opinion, are calling on to don's military leader to reinstate the civilian lead. transitional government, of the fidelity by hon has put himself in charge of a new ruling counsel 2 weeks after he sees power. 14 member body excludes main
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opposition figures and has been condemned by the united nations. there have been protests and the capital against the military takeover are so sorry. there is in far too he has more on the protests against the military after the announcement of the near sovereignty cancelled by general. uh, with that that will hand people started to protest in 5 different districts in a city of hot tomb. they are barricaded the roads and burned the tires. however, they were not on a large scale so far, the protest, how being a very support epic and at the sound lies and x were says that it is because i did that though, position in the country has been quite a fragmented and in fighting the eternal disagreements how weakened their position in regards of the dead, the negotiation with the army, and also organizing mass readies. however, they're leaving umbrella organizations off deal positions such as
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a resistance committee and the forceful freedom on change or planning a large demonstration afore tomorrow they're calling it as one men 1000000 march and they are planning to gather 1000000 people. industries to show the resistance to the military rule and organizer says that they are committed to the peaceful protest and non violent civil disobedience. however, in the country the has been waiting of confrontations and better concerns that tomorrow's protest could turn into a white one. if the security forces interfere, the head of iran state news agency says more than 3 and a half $1000000000.00 of iranian funds have been released. the money was held in an unnamed country as part of us sanctions talks are due to start again soon on reviving the nuclear deal. i'll 0 correspondent or such a baris joining us for more on this story. what do we know about this money that's been released? while we know as that to the managing director of air not has tweeted that $3.00
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and a half $1000000000.00 of frozen funds have been released. he didn't specify which country has released the funds, which is quite important because we know the united states has tens of billions of dollars of iranian funds at being held there. and also there is about 7000000000 of linen funds held in south korea as well as nearly 6000000000 in iraq. and china also has a lot of iranian funds frozen. this is all of course, due to the u. s. sanctions on their own banking sector, which came into effect in november of 2018 after the u. s. withdrew from that nuclear deal. so the iranians had said that prior to going into vienna for the talks on november 29th, the foreign minister said that as a goodwill gesture, they would like to see $10000000000.00 of funds released from the americans. now that hasn't happened and we still don't know where this money came from as well. but it certainly seems like if the news is to be confirmed by other officials inside the country, that it's going to be seen as
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a goodwill sign that it's an olive branch before all parties convene in vienna later this month. and certainly before these talks take place, doors, there have been several diplomatic maneuvers on several fronts. certainly the u. s. m. boy, for iran is in the region. he's making his way around the middle east. and we've also got the radian deputy foreign minister alibaba, connie, who's heading the negotiations delegation to vienna from terror on he's been in europe. he was in germany friends and the u. k. yesterday. and he is currently in madrid, spain there all talking about how things will pan out. the rain in position remains with that. the talks are not going to be about the nuclear deal. they're not going to talk about around nuclear program. they're going to be talking about how the united states can lift the sanctions and what verification process the radians will have before they can see iran return to for compliance. this is a very important thing for the iranians. they say that until the u. s. lift the
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sanctions there is nothing for them to do to go back into compliance because the us left the deal in 2018 and impose sanctions. so it's very important to see the 1st round of talks in vienna, how they go. because if they don't get what they want, if they really don't get what the wants and the hard line voice in iran is becoming louder and louder, which is against the steel to begin with. and it is very conceivable that are on could just walk away from this deal. the president elected president has said that he will only to go forward with this deal as long as it benefits around if the re new field that they're not getting the sanctions relief, then they're not going to go back into full compliance. and of course, this is a deal that sees, has a very important part in playing in the security of the region as a whole. lot of analysts believe that if these talks fail, we'll see an escalation in rhetoric and incidence in the region. ok, thank you so much. our center bars or here's what's coming up. and this is how the
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chinese communist party cementing president. she jumping status and political history. it's the world's most expensive face. formed for generations, but it's fast becoming a victim of climate change. and in sport, australia is chris returns, read the final of the to try to roll top action from that one coming up a little later with me. but 1st the cop $26.00 climate summit is in what's due to be it's final day. but when negotiate are still working through sticking points on a climate deal, some delegates believe it'll stretch into the weekend. so on thursday, the u. n. chief antonio terrorist urge countries to pick up the pace he worn efforts to limit global warming to one and a half degrees are on life support. here's where you have to say we remain on a gets a temperature rise, trek well above 2 degrees celsius. so net 0 pledge is required rapid suspend the
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mission scott these beckett and i welcome the recognition of this faq in yesterday's us. china cooperation agreement that i can see that an important step in the right direction. but the problem is ring hollow when the fossil fuels in the city seal receive still use in subsidies as measured by the i m f. or when countries are still bill being gold plans are when kind of uneasy without surprise, by starting markets and the vested decisions and the semen is our correspondence. who's at the cop 26 summit in glass? go to tell us about the draft text, andrew, that's being circulated. what, what do we know about what's in it? we know it's be watered down slightly and that is an issue without any shadow of doubt. the real issue that keeps hope alive is to try to do something with warner
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known as n d. caesar nationally determined contributions. and these are relate to cutting emissions. and the situation is this, that by the end of this decade, these emissions have to come down by 45 percent big figure. andy sees the process now, all the promises that are there won't do anything. they'll increase the emissions by that. so right now, these n d c's, they can't be changed, it doesn't seem that they can be changed. that is some, it just isn't the political drive to get there. and the thinking is that they'll be asked to return in the next summit, which will be in egypt next year when they'll increase those. and he sees another matter is the new wording in this new draft to which is was urging countries to increase quite substantially. these and he sees when they come
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back next year. now that's been changed to requesting. now whether you read anything into that, it is, it's a, it's a, you know, it's, it's really quite a small detail. but it sends a signal that they could perhaps just decide not to. furthermore, another setback is a decoration. busy on accelerating the phasing out of coal power and fossil fuel subsidies, now you heard antonia garish, say that the colossal amount of substance going there. the latest version of attacks now refers to phasing out only efficient, inefficient fossil fuel subsidies. well, most experts would say, all fossil fuel subsidies are inefficient, but that could be a get out clause for the fossil industry. i also at the coal issue that's been changed as well as to the, the co fired that some plants can be built. if they have equipment to capture and store that carbon emissions. look, these are definitely
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a points that have seen the fossil fuel industry when over a massive lobbying issue, lobbying operations been going on throughout the summits and it's reported by one. you can use paper that saudi arabia and china are really strong in these objections . they really wants to get rid of fossil fuel references all, all together, completely deleted. that's what they wanted. it's still going on as a real battle going on in these negotiations. so what kind of reaction other reaction has been coming through on that draft so far? will most of our mental organizations say this is just not enough. this is really a big let down. that really is just kicking the can down the road. it's putting things off. in fact, greenpeace said really is just crossing your fingers. i'm hoping things go ok next time around. but there is more to it than that. that has been progress here is just getting, getting to that point where people are prepared to stick their necks out and commit
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. now that the whole nature of cop is that, that, that really they set things up for next year. and i don't think enough has been made of this. the fact that the way the system works is, is, is by, by it's very nature slow to speed it up and make it immediate and the, and, and actually to satisfy the demands of what is a global emergency. is a big affair at whether that can be settled in the hours or possibly days ahead at remains to be seen. but it's unlikely that the most biggest likelihood is that they'll be more sentiment. they're more commitment to do things, but not necessarily have the results in hand on top of all these issues with emissions. there's the issue of developing countries having to change their ways of living, having to invest more money in green energy, having to do a whole raft of measures to try to sort things out. and furthermore, to actually pay for all the damage done by the ongoing climates, emergences,
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and extreme, whether that's seen in many parts the world. now, a 100000000000 was put us was, was put aside, vowed in 2009 for the developing countries at to be with phased out. the phase into the hands of these are these countries over a number of years that we see very little. and this is a scandal, it's been described a by just about everyone as, as, as really bad. but the money still isn't there. 80000000000 is, is a sure, but again, that's been a put off for a year. so this is another major issue here. by no means do we have a settled atmosphere at all right now? okay, and are thank you so much. andrew simmons reporting from glasgow. well, one of the most significant commitments to come out of cop 26 was be promised by brazil and others to n d 4 station. this decade. about 60 percent of the amazon rain forest lines within brazil's borders and its destruction have gathered pay since president j are both
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scenarios took power will cross over to brazil. bernard smith is joining us from analysis that is in the amazon rain forest itself. so bernard, one of the challenges brazil has in meeting that commitment to deforestation this decade during behind me as me and i was passenger terminal harbor on the rio negro. and from here, this takes people down to the more than down the rio negro to the joins the amazon river. many of these people and goods going back to the more than 60 old cities and 500 indigenous communities that live here in the amazon. and the challenge for the brazilian government is how to and deforestation in an area that is home to a population of more than 4000000 people. on growing this patch of amazon rain forest has been illegally cleared and prepared for burning. if they let it been, if the main suspect denies all knowledge,
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short of catching him red handed with a chain saw as little the environment police can do. why did i the inspectors say they often feel that work is in vain. diffuse, it's difficult. it's tough as we're trying to preserve an area like this in the heart of the amazon, missouri. and when we get here, we see that people don't treat this nature with the affection and love that we have for our amazon. we know that our future depends on this 3rd, just $110.00 environment police and 20 inspectors covering an area bigger than spain and portugal combined. that makes brazil's commitment to end illegal deforestation by 2028. look like a tall order. an estimated 11000 square kilometers of brazilian amazon was cleared just in 2020 releasing hundreds of millions of tons of c o 2 into the atmosphere forest to moving from being net sinks of carbon dioxide to net sauces.
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the amazon is a sink, but lang clearance here in the brazilian rain forest means these arrows are now emitting more carbon dioxide than they're absorbing the problem. and there's more pressure on the rain forest. as the population grows and jungle is cleared for housing, see no guns that i believe the government does not have a public policy for the population. it is clear that there will always be this deforestation which harms are forest and nature. this is painful because preservation is a historical struggle of the indigenous people. we are, the ones will keep the forest alive and preserved until this day. hello. there are 62 cities in amazon estate and a population of more than 4000000, with thousands more arriving every year. looking for work when ours and in neighbor cities are getting and how can a say connected, more intensively in terms of urban development. so in the next decades,
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we will have a huge metropolitan area at the local scale organization means, for example, what we see here, the destruction of this urban rivers. and so it diminishes and it compromises the quality of for the urban ecosystem. the destruction of the brazilian amazon has intensified under the presidency, jaya burleson, arrow a vocal global warming skeptic. so activists are waiting to see proof of his government's new commitment to cutting emissions. there's a long way to go. if brazil is to regain the position, it once held as a world leader in reducing deforestation. now brazil is among those developing countries criticizing the rich countries, but failing over the last 10 years or so to come up with the money promised to help them cope with climate change. brazil says it needs about 10000000000 goal. was a year to help and deforestation on the money again, that is
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a sticking point in these talks going on at cop $26.00. how much money will the rich countries give the developing countries to help them? challenge tackle climate change. thank you so much. bernard smith, reporting from brazil, china's communist party has passed a resolution that will pave the way for president, she's paying to extend his time in power. the motion puts him on an equal footing with the parties most important historical figures including founder, mows the dong katrina, you reports from beijing. he has no air, no, no rival. and now she didn't. thing has been elevated to a status only one person has held before the people's leader. this week, about 400 of china's health officials adopted a landmark resolution that strengthened 68 year olds grip on power and paved the way for him to begin an unprecedented 3rd term in office. next year. an official
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communique released at the end of the gathering refers to she was a man of political courage when you have this kind of net jing put out domestically and have him lived and celebrated in this way and presented as the driving force of this great effort to achieve the rejuvenation of the chinese nation, it makes people inquiring generalizing to add additional importance to him and to see him as some kind of national savior. she didn't things, philosophy known as she thought is already taught widely in schools, universities, and work places. now his vision of communist party history has been accepted as the official history of the party. the accomplishments listed include the crackdown on mass protests and subsequent political reform in hong kong. poverty alleviation and pandemic control. the resolution itself, i think, will serve as
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a big rallying point for the chinese people to fully acknowledge the great success of the communist poly of china and the chinese nation as a whole. only 2 other leaders, communist party founder, not the thong and economic reformer. dung, sal paint, have had historical resolutions adopted during their rule. but unlike previous resolutions, she makes no acknowledgment of any mistakes or problems. she is in pain is china's most powerful leader for decades. and the resolution unveiled this week enables him to rule for decades more they genes aim is clear to promote the communist party and unify the people under. she's authority supposed to say this allows him to effectively guide country in the face of increasing domestic and international challenges. all critic say it further silence is scrutiny and constructive debate. there is much more of a tendency for the party,
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the government to pounds and agencies. and i guess the broader policy making community outside government to fall into line with the directives and political vision of the polio asia, which is warring china domestically and war in the world. she will get his 3rd 10 in 2022 with a leadership re shuffle by the end of the year. katrina, you out a 0. peter. some for the weather. as everton. hello, there were seen severe storms moving across the deep south of the u. s. sir, just around texas, oklahoma easing over towards the eastern seaboard all associated with this weather system which leaks back into this area of low pressure here. most stores will clear away from the eastern seaboard dry weather coming in behind. just notice how the ice abbas lined up in an orderly direction. so we're gonna see cold air digging in spilling out of canada, coming in across the lakes, temperatures falling way quite rapidly. and notice fairbetter snow coming in as
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well. cross the canadian prairies down across the mountain stays pushing across into the northern states. northern plains of the u. s. a little dusting of snow, certainly around the lakes as well. some lake effect snow coming in here over the next couple of days. and those 2 gathering eastern seaboard drive up, it brightens up, but temperatures fall away 11 celsius to talk temperature in new york temperature dipping a little. i'm pleased to sail and not really enough for a lake. probably better around 28 celsius, the elevator fi risk remaining in place here. meanwhile, washington state seeing more heavy rain and we'll see snow pushing across sir b. c. a once again. heavy rain still affecting west the side of caribbean. we have got some where to where the continuing here all the way into central america. for the most part, the eastern hours a fine and sunny much marcella had this news. our including most girls in liberia are unlikely to finish school. and for some football is giving them inspiration and the bottle for the formula one championship intensifies as the drivers get ready to
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race in brazil, sarah will tell us more. ah, the corona virus has been indiscriminate in selecting this victims. it's devastating effects of plague, every corner of the globe, transcending class creed and color. but in britain, a disproportionately high percentage of the fallen have been black or brown skins. the big picture traces the economic disparities and institutional racism that is seen united kingdom fail, it citizens, britain's true colors pop 2 on al jazeera in the country with an abundance of results for the trade. already won indonesia whose firms forming we moved pool to grow and frock. we balanced for green economy, blue economy, and the digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs.
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invest, let be part when denise is growth and progress, invest even easier. now, lou ah, hello again. the top stories on the al jazeera news, our and geo volunteers in poland. they're demanding more access to the border with bella. roosts where refugees and migrants are trapped about 2000 people are living in dire freezing conditions. as governments trade accusations and threats about the crisis. at least 15 people are injured after a bomb was set off in a mosque in afghanistan, none go our province.


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