tv [untitled] November 12, 2021 11:00pm-11:31pm AST
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tolstoy celebrates excellence. keep alive the pioneering spirit. stop. we haven't for 25 years, we've never stopped on our journey. never stops when our commitment to you al jazeera, 25 years, a unique path. ah . hello i marianne demising, london with a quick look at the main stories now a draft agreement at you and climate conference asked countries to accelerate their emission cutting plans. it says, but that by 2025 richer countries should double their funding to help poor nations cope with the impact of climate change. a previous draft did not set a target date, but the language remains weak. for the 1st time fossil fuels a targeted though, the draft telling countries to move quicker in phasing out coal power and fossil
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fuel subsidies. but no date has been set for that. this is our collective moment in history. this is our chance to forge a cleaner, healthier, more prosperous world. and this is our time to deliver on the high ambition set by our leaders. at the start of the summit, we must rise to the occasion. we will continue to champion $1.00, which is our foolish and the north star. possibly subsidies must end. we must double adaptation finance level lawson damage to central character, settle for workshops. we must strengthen action on lockheed amity. and we need an article 6 resolution that results in real reduction, 0 sum offsetting error must in with
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minimum we need to walk away. a minimum of the challenge now is for those of us who are progressive to wholly below me, to hold the lines on children, grandchildren, this is a critical real well, at least 15 people have been injured after a bomb. was that often a mosque in afghanistan's manga province device is reportedly placed in the mosque of an assembly mosque out. it has been a space of similar attacks on mostly she mosques that many of which have been kind by, i still in afghanistan, that the no claims of responsibility for this bombing that so fall casarez agreed to represent you as an afghan. as dawn, the american secretary of state says that council will assume the role of what's being called a protecting power to maintain contacts between the u. s. and taliban government,
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which the u. s. does not recognize. the announcement was made during a visit by cat house, foreign minister to washington, foreign minister. i'll tony here. there is still much to be done enough. got a stone. and papa remains committed to continue denisha city walk alongside with the united states and partners on the world. we are dedicated to contributing to the severity of afghanistan and the safety end will being of the afghan people. the strategic guy looked today would discuss issues of mutual interest and would reaffirm our determination to deepen our co operation in various fields, including strengthening our defense and security partnership. first establishes cutter as the united states protecting power in afghanistan. cutter will establish a u. s. intersection within its embassy in afghanistan to provide certain costs for services and monitor the condition, security of u. s. diplomatic facilities in afghanistan. the 2nd agreement,
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formalize is our partnership with cutter to facilitate the travel of afghans with us special immigrant pieces. a role that it's already been playing in many instances and serve as a transit point for eligible afghans as they complete their application process. now thousands of people are made stuck at the batteries at border with poland and a growing argument of migrants. europe is saying that batteries is directing people to the border and retaliation for sanctions and is made moves to stop the flow. turkey has bonded syrian jamini and iraqi citizens from catching flights to mince blocking one well used res. iraq has also taken steps to stop all direct flights. i'm the netherlands awards hand to pasha, look down from saturday, pause, and restaurants will close. early supposing events will be held buying close doors . supermarkets and non essential retailers will also close early out, while social distance distancing measures will return. this will last the 3 weeks. the bottom line is the program coming up next morning is coming up to you
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a bit later. stay with us. ah. hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question a year after winning the white house with the most votes in history. has joe biden fizzled out? let's get to the bottom line. ah, the democratic party and president joe biden got a major reality check last week after local elections across the country. the democrats lost several key races, particularly the governor's mansion in virginia, indicating an end to the blue wave if there ever really was one after last year's presidential vote. biden got a key part of his agenda, a massive spending package to fix america's infrastructure path at the end of the week. but it was too late to help his party in the elections that popular bipartisan infrastructure bill. well, it was held hostage by the far left of his own democratic party. now the 2nd part
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of his agenda, or should we say his legacy? the one that includes is big plans for society and the environment called build back better remain stuck in congress, a victim of democratic inviting between progressives and conservatives. when republican slipped the state of virginia, they gave a hint of what could happen in next year's mid term election when the entire house of representatives and one 3rd of the united states senate are up for grabs. the recipe seems to be, keep donald trump close, but not to close and attack the progressive. meanwhile, the job approval ratings a biden are really sinking. and some poll show that more americans want to see the donald run in the next election, rather than joe biden. so can the democrats build bite and back, better and fast. today we're talking to tara paul mary, who writes the political play book, a prominent political newsletter here in washington, d. c. and david andre l. a columnist on national politics for the washington post. thanks to both of you for joining me, let me read something that,
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that president biden set on october 28th just before the november 2nd election. he says, i don't think it's hyperbole to say that the house and senate majorities and my presidency will be determined by what happens in the next week. well, david, what did happen in the election that, that has happened recently? what is that decision that's been delivered to joe biden, that he said was so consequential? well, that was an amazing statement that he made without her having counted the votes. i was stunned that somebody had been in politics as long as joe biden has, would go out and take his flag there without knowing that he had the boats and he didn't. the progressive wing of his party again knocked down the idea of giving him the vote that he wanted before he set off for his trip to europe. as a result, i think he only added to the impression that his growing that
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he is not in control of his party or is ministration at a time when people are feeling americans are feeling increasingly uncomfortable, uncertain alarm about the direction of the government. well, thank you will tara, i want to focus a little bit on the virginia race for a moment where terry mccauley was running against a republican challenger. glenn young, can the democrats held virginia, but terry mcauliffe is just not every, every day politician. he was bill clinton's best friend. he was the sort of chief operator in always the biggest fundraiser i in, in the, you know, in the democratic party for years. and he is a guy who had been governor before, who really did lead on virginia infrastructure. and terry mcauliffe last by 10 points and, and then the last election that democrats won by 10 points. that's
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a 20 points spread. what happened in virginia from your, your viewpoint. i don't been terry mcauliffe had a lot of messaging that was part of the problem. she focus so much on pinning is opponent to donald trump and turning virginia into a referendum on donald trump when frankly, people are, they will trump. when i go to the gas station and i have to pay, you know, $10.00 more to fill up my pay. i'm not thinking about donald trump. i'm thinking about the fact that the white house, the senate, and the house are controlled by democrats. so ultimately that is the power, hardy, and power, hardy and power was not, was not popular and virginia terry mccall set itself. he said washington, headwinds are coming our way. the president is not popular. and so therefore, he became a victim of the democratic party and the dysfunction and washington, which as you know, it's about far from virginia. right. and suddenly it started to look like, hey, democrats can govern, they can't make things happen. and terry suffered for and the, the worst part about it. he didn't have anything to say. you didn't have any,
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you didn't have a victory to show from the democratic party. you didn't really have a vision either. and glen johnson, frankly, was a strong candidate for the republic, really was so they were lucky in that sense. he seized on education, which after you know, years a school closing due to co bed, a lot of parents frustrated feeling like they're not being heard. he was able to work on those sort of like pocketbook issues and just day to day local state issues that people really need, especially now that they're not feeling much trust from the broader government. david, one of the things you try, one of the things that i found interesting is that joe biden and brock obama went to virginia and campaign for terry mcauliffe. a donald trump did not go there. what is the deeper message of what you see in the shift that we saw? not only in virginia, but elsewhere around the country, you wrote about it recently in the washington post. i think what we've seen, steve is an amazing you know, i call it
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a manic episode in the democratic party. that because they were able to get 50 votes in the senate, the tiniest conceivable majority. it's only a majority because the vice president can pass a cast designing votes in the case of a tie. so this grease or thin margin in the senate, a very small margin in the house. somehow they came in washington and started talking about joe biden as if he was going to be linen johnson in 1965, or franklin roosevelt. in 1935 presidents who had overwhelming majority in the congress when they passed the new deal. and the great society, it seems to me again, i talk about the mystery of binding. it says if he was in trance that are under a spell to think that he could pass
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a great society size legislation with microscopic majorities, it just doesn't happen that way. and so as a result, we've seen the progressive end of his party talking about originally 6 plus trillion dollars of social spending than buying and made it 3 and a half trillion. those numbers were never going to have. and so we've had this long period of wheel spinning and you know, a circular firing squad inside the democratic party that has contributed to this idea that joe biden can't deliver on his promises. had he simply said, from the start, look, you know, we've got
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a 5050 government and, and i'm gonna try to do a few things that are popular with both parties. you know, i think he could have gotten his coven relief bill. i think he could have gotten this bipartisan infrastructure bill and, and he might have been able to get some social spending to, but it, it's the messaging as much as the actual legislating. he set himself up to make it look as if a 3 plus trillion dollars worth of spending is a failure. and that to me is political malpractice. our thanks tom. yeah. that he needed to temper. yeah, i was good. so he needs a temper expectations from the beginning. they never did that instead, they were hunt. why didn't he, i mean, i mean, tara, i mean joe biden beat bernie sanders in the primary to run for president. he beat elizabeth warn, he beat back the progressives with the message that he was with every man he was
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going to be common. joe, you know, with the truckers and the folks from scranton, pennsylvania and, and so i, what i'm interested in is where that came off and in italy and really asked the kind of big question for audience. you know, the conservative democrat gets talked a lot about is senator joe mansion, the ones on the left in the democrat. i mean, it's been a lot more fun to look at the battle within the democrats than it is between democrats and republicans. so did jo mansion when this election did bernie and do bernie sanders a o c. and our elizabeth warren out. now? i think it was a miscalculation because ultimately biden won the presidency because people wanted a safe pair of hands. that was donald trump and he really won independence, right? you won women in the suburbs who may have voted for donald trump in the last election. and instead of being to those voters and what they wanted, this whole time, he let the progressive party take over and sort of run the roof. she basically let the kids you know,
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take over the house and party. and the parents do ultimately voted for, and they, you know, they said enough enough like we did a, this isn't working. and did bernie sanders were know he lost in this case go into one. ultimately, that bill can die in the senate bill back about the build that better build it's up to him. he can decide what he wants to do. we can put what he wants. and i know, i don't think bernie sanders one in this case, and i think the idea of hijacking one bill for another it may have been alaska democrats that you know, this doesn't really work. you know, as you look forward, there are elements in that build back better bill like a support for child care and a kind of broad and sediments. a lot of these things have been gutted out of it now that we're taking seniors, you know, and expanding what whole health meant in medicare for dental care and things. you know, that if you look at say, really make sense when you look at it. but the price tag was so high,
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a jo mansion again said he wasn't gonna support paid leave, which was from many of my progressive friends called me and said, you know, that's a real gut punch to women in this country. why is joe mentioned not on board with that his line is, you know, we can't right now afford the entitlements we have until we get those under control . it's dangerous to add more entitlements. i guess my point to ask you right now is, where's the equilibrium in the country? because there are big questions about growing an equality about people being left behind and about, you know, a society that tilts more towards new york and finance than it does towards main street. how do you, what i'd be interested in, you know, your sense of those dynamics? i think that's very real and i hear it from, from friends of mine who are wealthy, as well as from friends of mine who are living paycheck to paycheck. i think there's a real concern about the structure of ah, welding more and more than well, opportunity in the united states. i don't think that that necessarily
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is in the for the larger version of the build back better because as senator mansion pointed out, none of those programs are means test or we're talking about forgiving college debts of, of wealthy kids and wealthy people as well as for people, they're talking about the same with paid leave, same with all of these entitlements. there was originally no means testing at all. so the, you know, wealthy people would be getting government relief as well as poor people. meanwhile, there's the actual in the pocket book effect of, as you talked about earlier, gasoline prices or tara did gasoline prices have jumped up, food prices are growing up. people are getting hit in the pocket book now. and that
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makes it harder for them to talk about the unlimited spending into the future. so i think the balance of power now is not only with joe mansion, but with the 6 or 8, or 10 or 12 democratic senators who have been silently cheering him on all along. because they come from states that can be put into play by the same sort of a swing in the vote that happened in virginia last week and in new jersey last week. so the idea had, it's just been lonely. jo, mansion all along is not quite right. he said a lot of support from senators and from house members who have been quietly routing for him all along. thank you, tara ron clane, white house, chief of staff, was out there recently saying it's been a rough and tough year. but that said,
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he said, you know, when they inherited a high debt economy, economy creating 50000 jobs a month and 4000 people a day dying from cove it. and then now they're producing $500000.00 jobs a month. the cobra numbers have drawn down. but, but this doesn't seem to be playing to their advantage because when you look at jo biden's approval ratings, they fall into 37.8 percent. and the disapproval ratings are 59 percent staggering. those are trump numbers, so. so joe biden, in terms of popularity and disapproval, is where the guy was that he beat, you know, what's your take on why they've gotten this so wrong? well i think in terms of the jobs numbers as well, even though they are impressive, they're still a lot of people on the other side who are trying to hire and they can't get they can't hire enough people like there's actually employment shortage. and the job numbers are low, so it's, it's weird dichotomy they go and have a lot of,
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they didn't have much to talk about for a while because they have any major bills. and even the cobra legislation that they passed earlier on the, i guess you could call a stimulus. it was a check, it was a nice check. $1400.00 is great, right? but it doesn't last for that long. and i don't think that one check is going to change the way people feel about how they manage the pandemic or change that people feel about the fact that they just feel there are no, i mean inflation of the problem. but inflation is becoming a problem. and major experts, not just republican economists, but democrats caller larry, companies are saying this is a real problem. people are done. they know that if you don't have a lot of money, you can't spend money, right? so there's just this kind of feeling, i think on main street, like david said that something doesn't feel right. and because it was a burden to honestly, to have the power in the house, the senate and the white house for
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a job. i had him because he really never had it. and people because just just aren't going to take the time to think about the way you want to sign it is actually tied. you have this thing called reconciliation. i don't think people daily are thinking about how there could be a party boat on some issue that not on the other. and i think ultimately they're just saying, democrat control, they control washington. and this is how i feel at home my main street and they're suffering for it because they really didn't message it properly. but they weren't supposed to when the senate and, but i didn't have tempered expectations as we look at 2022 and you know where, you know, now the, now the races are starting for the next elections and it's not looking good. i talked to somebody who was, it was the very high level up in a democratic party in a southern state and said, if democrats aren't scared to death by what just happened in virginia and don't pivot, they're going to be in huge trouble in the mid term elections, and my guess my question is might that not be good for joe by might it be okay to wash away that 5050 and get into
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a losing hand with the senator of the house and then be able to, you know, justifying negotiating in the middle david it might be, i think he's going to get to have that experience just whether he wants it or not. mid term elections 1st or midterms, are generally bad presidents of and i don't see any reason to think that won't be the case for biden as well. but it's never too late or too early for presidents to, to pivot and change their, their messaging. and you know, my advice for what it's worth is twofold. one, it's all about the pandemic. i wrote this went by and was elected again when he was inaugurated. he, the public will judge him based on whether our lives get back to normal.
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and yes, he said some headwinds with the anti vaccine nonsense and so on. but we haven't seen him out there every single day messaging leading with the fact that he is working on the pandemic. that people want their kids out of masks. they want them in school, they want them playing together, having played aides, that they want the world back to normal. they need to know that he's, that that's his job one. and related to that, you're claiming victories small victories. this is the lesson from clinton in the late ninety's of you know, it doesn't always have to be a to trillion dollar bill. it can be safer, car see, right. it can be, you know, opening up the strategic reserve to try to bring down gas prices. a little bit
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small winds can resonate as big as big where tar, where did this inflection point in the sense of jo biden's competency begin to shift? was it was it, was it oil and gas? was it something small? was it afghan? a stand in the withdrawal from afghanistan. what you're sent. i think it was the withdrawal from afghanistan when he really lost a lot of confidence and his number is just tank. i also think that a lot of people just feel like there was out and what happened and it was such a mass and not a lot of apologies either. right. or ownership of the fact that it didn't work right. we didn't go well and i think again, a big part of the reason that joe biden won the presidency was kind of less about him and more about trump. right, right. well, it was a trump thing to do just to pull out and to let the k office do. people just wanted an adult and that was not what people thought they voted for. well, david, we,
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we haven't hardly talked about donald trump, which in many ways is refreshing. but we need to talk about because, you know, he is, he is, you know, he's lurking out there in a way. but where is trump's ghost in all of this? and does he matter any more in your, in your playbook? i think key matters less and less with each passing day on the fact that the governor of virginia i was, you know, delivered you young can way out performed trump in trump, country of virginia. and of, of new jersey as well. so he's, do you is able to drive, you know, more votes more turn out while keeping the former president sort of an arm's length and then donald trump could do for him. so i think there's, we've re elected a former president,
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one time in the history of the country. so i think it's a long shot to better, you know, the, the tendency is to look forward to, you know, come up with the next person. all right, very dangerous for former president. trump's political future that candidate was able to do as well as young can, did, right? without kissing up to him. so it sounds like there's promise in, in every sense some level they're probably tar. let me give you a last minute. here are comma harris, vice president comma harris, practically invisible. jo biden's numbers are in the tank. what should they bring her into a more visible position? give us your short take. the time when she has been invisible positions like that
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interview on the border thing, i saw her up when asked why she hadn't actually visited the border. i mean, she's been put out there. she's been given a few a few times to stand to be the public face of the administration. and she sort of failed. and i think they took a lot of way from her because of that, she's not the face of the infrastructure bell, which is popular build back better. she really didn't do much to promote at either . they haven't given her anything economic impact, they keep giving her losing issues like voting rights. the border, the kind of things that she can't really do a lot about. but when out there, they find she's not reliable public based. and her pin numbers, according to his recent mom, it's nothing full or even lower than july, the 28 percent. well that's, that is that they don't see her as an effective messenger right guys to protest you . when we come back a year and i have you both on this show a year from now who will own the house is representatives. i think the obvious
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thing is that it will be republicans who run the house of representatives. i think the senate is a toss up just based on the fact that the republicans haven't recruited a lot of popular a lot of strong candidates at this point. but if they had, they probably be able to take the senate as well, but they have these issues with people that frankly, trump endorsed to soon, well there you have it. so tar, paul, mary, politico and david of andre. the washington post. thank you so much for joining us today. thank you. so what's the bottom line? it's true that president joe biden got the most votes of any president in us history. but does that mean he got a mandate to pass any laws that he wants, not at all. what's also ironic is that the centrist leading biden beat bernie sanders and he beat elizabeth worn the left this stalwarts of the democratic party in the race of the white house. but then he allowed himself to get stuck with the left political agenda. what's clear is that the nation wants some progressive change, but they don't want to much. the other big lesson learned is it warmer president
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donald trump doesn't seem to figure significantly in swinging voters right or left . that's not only a good thing for democrats, but it's probably a good thing for republicans truth. and that's the bottom line. ah i saying with you business class, which way your privacy is paramount. and your experience comes on. sit back, relax in your own private space, and let us take care of everything. catera weighs, the airlines you can rely on al jazeera world peers into the murky world of state sponsored spyware. and the discovery by al jazeera journalists,
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it's 0 pick technology, attacked their smartphones. every sister can be, is this the new frontier espionage think about the sophistication of exports to breaking the phones? this is as good as a guess. this high and you're on al jazeera lou hello, i'm marianna massey and london a quick look at the main stories this hour. a draft agreement that you on climate conference asked countries to accelerate the emission cutting plans. it says the by 2025 rich countries should double their funding to help poor nations cope with the impact of climate change. a previous draft did not set a target date. the language remains weak. and for the 1st time, fossil fuels are targeted with the draft telling countries to move more quickly on
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