tv [untitled] November 13, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm AST
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oh, we had a dream on al jazeera. oh, be the hero, the world news for washington. mm. mm . ah . at least 5 kills as to don. security forces use live fine to disperse tens of thousands of people protesting against the military takeover. ah, hello. marianne wasn't in london watching algae. they're out. so coming up on the program. this is the magic truce for all planet delegate to the cult 26 on that head towards a final deal to keep alive. the goal of capping global warming at one and
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a half degrees. you jelly is going to close schools of construction sites as pollution in this city gets worse. in the body of a young syrian man is found near the poland. better is border where thousands of people remain stranded in freezing conditions. ah bomb, welcome to the program. begin and sit down where the health ministry is saying at least 5 people have been killed during mass rallies against military rule. the sudanese security forces 5 live rounds and tear gas to disperse. the crowds. state television says at 39 policeman were injured, and many police stations were attacked. demonstrators are accusing the military leader of tightening his grip on power after he formed a new ruling council. i'm at val brings us the latest now.
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oh shalt no, no to military rule. civilian rule is the people's choice and don't use the entire council. although no precise figures are available, i'm taking them status could be seen on nearly every state in this, within his capital and elsewhere. they've been mobilizing for the so called 1000000 man march on saturday, a very large pro, test to, to, to count at the very real now and implementation of this cool people feel like we're taking many steps backwards with this q. and that's why i think we've seen so many people come out. security forces use tear gas to disperse. demonstrations. witnesses have reported hearing the sound of gunfire to rally east of capital. the central committee of sudanese doctors has reported a number of cases of security forces using life fire and causing death or injury. the sudanese people are not going to 2nd military dictatorship. these guys are
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wanting to evade accountability. and in a few days, they were supposed to hand over power to the civilians. instead, they moved to try to preempt that the military has used force against opponents since the 2 moved and detained its civilian partners in the government. last month, including prime minister abdullah hancock is still under house arrest. while some of his cabinet members have been released earlier this week, the head of the military council, general abdel for dad were hand appointed a new cabinet of his choice, and continued to ignore domestic and foreign calls for the restoration of the civilian government. as part of the 2019 power sharing agreement, anger at those misers has spread across sudan rallies, have taken place in the cities of admiral castillo, why the madden port sudan, and other regions in north called the farm. in cartoon,
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the army closed bridges and set up roadblocks around the city and managed to prevent access to the general military headquarters. but rallies big and small continued to spring up everywhere in the city, saturdays, considerable turnout comes one day after the new cabinet appointed by the military was swarming. it excludes all the civilian members of the deposed government despite international condemnation of them. of hum advice under sir. oh, oh, so sir dale is out at the protest is inheriting alice tell us more about what you witnessed. well around 1 pm, a local time in our 14, the protest started and a just to reach this a 3 it where i was, i had to pass 3 check points, guarded by the army. and while head into were shadow sitting the 6 to 3. if in heart whom i could see that the security measures are quite heavy across the
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streets all around the city. and that, that the security forces have been blocking the main roads. and also blocking the, the, causing that the breach that connects to sides of the denial river here to prevent people from gathering. but around one p. m a piece to people started to gather industries and in 5 different districts in sudan today. so the peer, the protest house started very much peacefully, but around one hour later then started to barricade the roads and burden in the tires waving the flags and chanting against the that that, that the army there. so they were chanting that done with their military that they do not recognize, did cancel, that has been declared by general of the album hand. there were chatting that rely on people not on soldiers and also the iconic slogan at that. and i left the sorted
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there dep earlier sell 'em and other which means deep a free them a peace and justice. but later, at the pulleys security forces started the should in the air and to disperse by the people and then also fighting the tear gas on people. however, people have insisted to remain in the cities. then i could see that that the security forces sort of should, over people as well, using the lie them in your sions and the, the use of excessive force have became more evident and just one young protesters. young protesters ross, couple of minutes, couple of meters away from they had been shot down there. and so people started to disperse, but the, at the center of the way it has to be how be m. do the mom that the largest a protest who plays there as several people have been killed and dozens injured and a doctor that have just been impacted from any dorman hospital says that the number
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off the injured people or steal increase increase in, in om doorman from the sidney's capital hard to initial set, a reporting on those f protest switched place earlier today. ah, well, they are now a day past that friday deadline and delegates at the cop 26 climate. some in glasgow are heading towards a final plan to reduce global warming and protect the planets in the latest version . countries agree to accelerate efforts towards the phasing out of coal power and fossil fuel subsidies. this is a watering down of the draft from friday where they agree to accelerate the phasing out of coal and fossil fuels. but ne, cause go draft agreements is still a 1st of a kind. a specifically mentioned coal of fossil fuels. latest draft also asks rich nations to double from 2019 levels that financial support help. poor countries
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adapt to climate impacts. and 8 urges countries to revisit and strengthen that climate pledges for 2030 by the end of next year to help keep alive the goal of limiting global warming to one and a half degrees above pre industrial levels. as colleagues of acknowledged these outcomes constitute an incredibly delicate balance. there is a fine and fragile green thread, which is we around this balance package. and i do think that if any of us took it that it will unravel all too easily. we are poised. we are poised to make a remarkable step here to reflect the best outcome possible on the paris agreement itself and the rule book on things like common timeframes and n d c article 6 guidance, all of which are tough. but we're, everybody has approached this with a remarkable spirit of compromise and
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a global intent. y'all, you don't to me. we need to focus on the destination. we have observed that at the present. there are differences of opinion on some issues. the techs at present is definitely not perfect, but china does not intend to reopen the text. we believe that we just need to make a few changes to particular work. this progress is not in line with the urgency and scale required. i would like to know that what is balanced and pragmatic to other parties will not help them all adapt in time. it will be too late for them all. good alarm and editing the clock joins us live from glasgow. where goes nations are in the final stages. how close might they be striking? a deal neck were married. we thought they were very close. indeed. in fact, the, the final agreement has been published. this should be the glasgow climate packed.
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we all expected that the gavel would go down on it fairly quickly because we had a plenary little bit earlier this afternoon where all the nations express their opinions about this final document and mostly were in support of it. most of the were in support of it. there were a lot of people who were disappointed with it, but we're happy for it to be published. but now we've been, i'm just looking down to look at what's going on inside the plenary behind me. you can see alex sharma that the president the court president, he's in intense negotiations with people last minute huddles, taking place all over the plenary, we saw him talking earlier to the chinese delegation. it seems as if there may be some last minute debate over the wording of the colon fossil fuels section at within the final documents. it seems to be coming from the chinese and south africa and india. not entirely sure exactly what the problem is. it is quite hard to assess the intensity of al things up. alex i was study looks like
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a man who's trying to save a deal if you asked me at the moment. we've also seen john carry involved in the conversations, the deputy commissioner, the youth has been their friends timmons trying to get things back on track. and this frequently happens at the end of campuses. last mid objections. interjections about the way, ford and the shape of the final agreement. so it's not that unusual at but we were expecting this to be pushed to rally. sharma said it would be pushy by the end of the day. it was about to happen. and then we had this last minute, it's jackson from certainly from the chinese. and let's bring in, how's it sing from climax from network. a veteran of these conferences knows all too well how these things work out. what he reckons, go on here. i think there's a last minute discussion on cool because the language has been changed from call to bits had called, ah, and also about insufficient inefficient subsidies. so not much
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discussion has happened on want. these concepts are older. this language you can find in d 20 declaration that came out, but held these have not been discussed. so kind of parachuted in this space. so you never know that would be objections from china, south africa, india, who to live mostly on call. so it's very important to them that but the pull point about the, the wording of cold and fossil fuel to families in the document. a tool is a fantastic thing. it's a breakthrough as far as ease. absolutely. so even the fatis agreement does not mention fossil fuel. so imagine fossil fuel being the main cause of the climate crisis. don't find any mention in the palace agreement did the 1st time in the office show fixed fossil fuel ward has been mentioned. but the challenge is wildly cold. why not oil and gas? because when you talk about fossil fuel, all 3 are important. but majority of the countries while using full are developing countries and they are still heavily relying on court. so their objection would be
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that add oil and gas and also talk about equity. you know, who should phase old fust and the kind of support they will need to phase out. thing is, this is, this will be the 4th iteration of the tax rented. and the total fossil fuels was put into the 1st one and that it was watered down was net. so it's already feed more to dough. absolutely, absolutely. but there are some real life challenges. if you talk of india 3600000 people are depend on coal in terms of jobs. 40 percent of districts have some kind of the lions on call. so for a country like india, and same is the case with the us out ethnic, i don't, but 80 percent of electricity comes from a full. so for them to phase out but requires support and if support is not made available, then there's going to be a challenge because you cannot just keep pushing countries to a move oh, from fossil fuel, unless that is support. i'm for developing countries will have a lot of development deficit. it's hard to me to other technologies because they
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also have to make sure that money is spent on education, health and infrastructure, or will it be there for the moment to talk you later? no doubt as, as things develop here so that you have it, we thought things would be coming to a conclusion a little earlier than expected. been now a good old corporate provider again, and we're not sure when mr. luanne fritz are back with the susie. all right, thanks so much nick clocking class. and when our india's top course is told government to implement emergency plan to tackle new dallas toxic air quality in dangerous small conditions. schools and the city will be closed on monday, as well as construction sites and government workers have been told to work from home. he deli, is often ranked the world's most polluted capital city at face is extremely bad air in the winter because of emissions from transport, cold fire plants and other industries, as well as the open burning of garbage, political man. but jo, me, problems, fe, elderly children, impatience, have issues related to breathing class or suffer from co. we'd have increased.
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we've seen that in our emergency ward and other wards. some patients are coming in with breathing issues. they're having severe breathlessness because of that. their auction level is getting compromised. there's a typically an hour being nebulizer. so definitely this is a big problem. this is roxy acne. my cell has more on the regulations introduced any daily the air pollution levels in delhi remained dangerously high for over a week. now the city has been waking up to take small visibility has been low and the situation gets so bad that there are times in the day you can actually taste the pollution. now after the supreme court abbas in order the deli government has announced some new emergency measures to control the situation. so schools for the next one week will hold all classes online. government officials have been asked to work from home for the next few days and construction, which is one of the big polluters in the city has been banned for the next one week . the government is also considering putting delhi on
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a 2 day lock down to bring down the pollution levels. now the city is one of the most polluted in the world and remain so for the entire year. but the situation get especially bad during this time of fear and the reasons are, you know, the onset of winter. there's also the rise in farm fires and stubble bonding in neighboring states. and that contributes to a large proportion of all the pollution that we're seeing over here in the city. and finally, there is the practice of bursting. 2 fire crackers around devali now devali was last week and the government did ban all fire crackers but was not able to fully implemented. there were violators and the day after the volley deli walk up to one of its highest pollution levels this season. now environmentalists have criticized the government's approach to controlling the situation. they've said that the approach is peace, main and reactionary, and have asked the government to come up with long term systemic solutions to what
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is a long term systemic problem. it will al jazeera life from london still had on the program, has been theory on the street in charge of thousands march against a presidential appointment and a new mobile phone tag. and it could be dirty versus to tear tay, selecting the vice president see in next year's elections not last time as well. ah hell i there will see charles becoming a little more y spread across central parts of the mediterranean over the next couple of days of memory. they still have what remains of storm bloss worrying away about western side of the med. but as we go on through the next day, i'll say we will see that wet weather pushing over to ward italy. he's in through sardinia and corsica, some showers to a little further north,
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sliding down across the low countries through germany, snow over the alps, quite a bit of that turf for a time. there is that where to where the just started to make its way towards that western side of italy farther east is generally trifling on the course. i said an ace is not too bad for the time of year there for many as we go on into our monday . similar temperatures, hebberd brightest skies in to where northern past germany there. back up to was a low countries, northern areas of france and across the british isles and the ireland of island lost dry to for the iberian patricia, some snow. they're just around the pyrenees. we will still see some of those. shad, i'm afraid, as pushing the way back into the valley. eric islands monitor thy showers, affecting the far north of africa since thicket cloud. there is a southern areas of algeria might be thick enough. retired to produce a little bit of wet weather there for southern algeria. to be southern areas of libya, more showers, they are just around the gulf of guinea, right across a good part, west africa. aah!
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al jazeera world hears into the murky world of state sponsored spyware. and the discovery by al jazeera journalists, it's 0 click technology. taxpayers, smartphones, sister, is this the new frontier and espionage think about the sophistication of exports the breaking performs. this is as good as a gas this high, and you're on al jazeera lou . ah, ah, welcome back. a look at the main stories. now. at least 5 people were killed in
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sudan during mass rallies against military rule. according to the health ministry, live rounds were fired during protest in the capital har, 2 and the neighboring city of dorman. and we've been following developments in glasgow delegates the cop 26 climate summit. i still have not agreed on a final plan though they are edging closer. course this is to reduce global warming and protect the planet. they have produced 3 draft statements that have gone well beyond that friday deadline, though, looks as though an announcement might be imminent. india's top court has told the government implemented emergency plan to tackle new daily's, toxic air quality and dangerous small conditions. schools and the see who says will be closed on monday, government workers have been told to work from home. afghan security forces are saying 4 people have been killed, including a journalist and a bomb blast in the afghan capital kabul fee. magnetic device was attached to a mini boss and designated in a maley shia area. no one has crime responsibility,
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but i still has it been behind several recent attacks targeting the she has are a minority and she are mosques in the country. a body of a young syrian man has been found in poland near the border with belarus. polish police are still to determine the cause of his death, thousands of refugees and migrants. a stock in freezing conditions at the border between the 2 countries caught in the middle of a political stand off that shows no sign of ending sonic air go. reports may trudge carefully along the razor wire fence with bella. ricin guards nearby watched on by polish border police in a no man's land where many others still trapped human collateral. in a war of words between the european union and russian ally, belarus overnight into saturday. polish police said better routine guards used
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strobe and headlights at them to hamper their vision. tactic, they say to allow bull migrants to pass through the fence near the town of chad, m char. yet there are many who continued to make the journey myself freezing temperatures, a lack of water, food and medical attention. make this a dangerous prospect for a malak a heavily pregnant to rocky woman. it was a risk worth taking. she and her family landed in belarus from dubai in the beginning of october, trying several times to enter the you at that shall, i shall. i know this has been the most tiring. 2 months of my life. we even fell into a pond. water reach up to here. i fell and we didn't have clothes. then i got sick . when the border guards found us, i couldn't even stand by myself. oh, my luck and her family are now at an open migrant center in the polish city of be out stock. but she is one of many who made the same journey. oh wow. poland and other western countries say barouche's attempting to orchestrate
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a migrant crisis on its border. the e, you had accused the better russian government of distributing visas in the middle east and flying in the migrants to push them to cross the border illegally. coca cola good. while a russian president, alexander lucas shanker, denies the accusation threatening to cut gas supplies to the youth. pastor, some of his russian alive ladyman. taking into the cop 26 summit in glasgow. where are the station delegates there have actually missed their fight? a deadline, but it looks as though they might have reached agreement. let's just listening to. i'm sharman, allah, taishan, delivering on the $100000000000.00 go inserting the new collective quantified, go and climate finance. these decisions conclude the outstanding elements of the powers rule book enabling full and effective implementation of the pairs agreement . and they place an unprecedented focus on the issue of loss and damage.
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collectively, i believe the decisions you're about to make demonstrate the continued relevance and leadership of this multi lateral process. they promote inclusive climate action, recognizing the important role played by civil society, indigenous peoples, local communities, youth and other stakeholders. they compliment the impressive commitments and actions of all those who joined us in glasgow, driving progress on coal cause cache and trees. we match hair under extraordinary circumstances. and the negotiations have been far from easy. i can tell you that definitely. but i have been struck by the determination that you have all shown to get our work done to forge consensus on an unprecedented agenda and ultimately agree something meaningful for our people and our planet. each and every one of you
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and the nations you represent has stepped up here in glasgow, agreeing to do what it takes to keep 1.5 alive. for that i am infinitely grateful. it is now my great honor to take us through the formal adoption proceedings. i now declare open the 12 meeting of cop 26. the order in which the agenda items will be taken up is posted on the screen. so 1st, i now invite the cop to adopt the decision entitled glasgow climate packed contained in document f triple c stroke, c, p, stroke, 2021, stroke l 13. i
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see china is seeking an intervention. i invite china to take the floor. he is, was ye good you guns. i don't walk in door. nancy. olivia lee, tom sound you father. no warrior. could you cheat? how your father norwood other went yet well? me young, wendy, yvonne. oh you're when found me at all? do you know a good home for his aunt bunder cleared all the way to the terminal. no more the dollar you got just those. you don't get your father. we're just listening in here to the representative of china. the cop titles took some it there and let you clause go. they seem to be poised to announce an a green man. i am president of the cops. i make the adult sharma where it just india called on the chinese representative to at least express his point. thank you very much. india is
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now speaking to providing all quantum q to us on the text of better grantee, our discussion of one object popcorn to 6 and better 36 of the day after to the law . one object c, m, at 3. we after discussion with discussion with the presidency and various the stakeholders and the other untruth. the next text we propose and will be viewed as follow. if you'll permit me, i leave that up. now i propose all upon part of these to escalate the level of grant deployment and dissemination of technologies and adoption of policies through transition towards low i mission and audio systems, including by their prettiest scaling of deployment of clean power generation,
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energy efficiency misers. including escalating effort to face down another did wanna follow and face out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies while providing targeted support pulled up what is and the most we're not even in line with national circumstances and equalizing the need for support towards it. just transition. thank. hi, thank you to china, india for the interventions. our delegates are. you have a revised proposal for, for the paragraphs that was sent out by mr yard of um, could i ask um whether distinguish delegates having heard the proposal?
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is this proposal agreeable to you? i have 2 ah, interventions. i have an intervention from switzerland, switzerland. i give you the floor. thank you. mister president. on behalf of the e i. j. we would like to express our profound disappointment that the language that we have agreed on on coal and fossil fuel supper to these has been further watered down as a result of an intense parent process. let us be clear, we do not need to face down, but to face out co and fossil fuel stops it is he voted in his talk take meeting that no changes can be adopted to the president its text. when we tried to close a little pole in the market, this issue. the idea does not want to risk that we leave glass go without
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an outcome. therefore, we did not oppose this additional last minute change weakening the outcome of glasgow. but they are disappointed both about the process and about this last minute change. this will not bring us closer to 1.5, but make it more difficult to reach it. thank you. hi. smits moon for your intervention. the european union wishes.
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