tv [untitled] November 16, 2021 7:30am-8:01am AST
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once an ardent supporters have turned their backs on him, and in the end, people who have of him continued to have him goza voted against him, and those that voted for him, feel betrayed because renewed, i am the ended up doing exactly what he campaign begins. whether for political or ethical reasons or both ship us damping yetta faces a harsh battle in the senate alone. an isolated who see a newman, al jazeera santiago. ah, this is our desert. these you top stories. the presidents of the u. s. in china, holding a virtual summit to try and i not issues that continue to cause tensions between them. trade, taiwan sovereignty in human rights and hong kong. i expect it to be at the heart of the discussions. president jean pang and joe biden agree, they need to strengthen communication and coexist peacefully. we believe and you
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and i have talked about this all country, you have to play by the same rules of the road. why the united states is always going to stand up for some values, and those were allies important. i think it's important we communicate honestly directly to one world about our priorities and our intentions. for me, you as president donald trump's long time ally steve balin has surrendered to federal authorities and on his face in contempt charges for refusing to cooperate with the congressional investigation into january's attack on the capital. on his radio show, the day before balin had said, all hell is going to break loose and spoke to the media, his appearance in court. not just from people, not just conservative. every progressive, every liberal in this country, that good like freedom of speech and liberty. okay, should be fighting for this case. that's why i'm here today for everybody. i'm never going to back down in the late they took on the wrong guy,
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the song i log on the during the tall if an american who killed 2 people that processed will begin deliberations on cheese day coll, right in house is charged with murder, but says he was acting in self defense. it happened during racial justice protests in kanisha, wisconsin last year. the ears stepping off its sanctions targeting belarus as the migrant crisis there wesson's as, as a people, a stuck at the border with poland as sleeping and freezing conditions. some say by the russian troops told them to cross your keys minsk of using the migrants as a form of hybrid warfare, which the bell russian government denies. an american jealous release from prison in myanmar says he wasn't tortured or starved during his incarceration, but he did worried that we're deal would never end. daniel fenster was arrested in may. he was accused of encouraging descent against a military government as he had launch nice continues here now to sarah,
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off to the stream. frank assessment is orcus likely to change biking behavior at all. it's not going to change their behavior. they are going to continue to do what they do and in depth analysis of the days global headlights inside story on al jazeera with i'm sorry, ok, today on the stream, i'm going to take you into the world of the cat, the movie, the south african fil is the story of a family getting ready for the muslim festival of eve, a vote around mum, and we don't. i shall. who is about to introduce a new love interest to her sons. set in the cape flats spoken in a cape town dialect, and that is what makes the film so special. have a look. let's see, which is going to prod,
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black. a. leave me to be grateful. is very important. a family. so fathers and mothers are sisters and brothers. those are all gifts and we wouldn't even even owns what i was. so, and if a lot of countries in de leon and we forget what we have been given is really a bully. the belief that you and i have that. so for me, how many of you have tasted that? ah, what is your research? ah,
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ah. hello amy ha from hello vanessa. nice to see you. i read all of these amazing people to introduce themselves to you in the context of the film who they are, what they do. i mean, you start the, i'm image after and i am the co writes with if i'm and the director of but i yeah, that's my role on the so i had i'm if i'm gordon and i'm the go to go directly with amy and producer of the whole, oh, south africans are going to be yelling at the screen any moment now i live in act introduce yourself. i'm renee bray here and i paid the role of the movie barter cut. and i'm
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also mother to everybody understand all i every review or even if you're wondering about move blessings or bless 3 times over . if you would like to speak to any of i guess today, youtube is open. the comment section is right here. comments, questions about backup? the maybe you're very welcome. be part of today's discussion. there's a sense of the film just starts guess and it doesn't give you explanations. it's a family drama. i'm just going to come along for the plot. there are couple of things i want to just make very clear for our international audience. when we talk about colored people i from, can you explain that to our international audience? well, colored people are, in my opinion, a bunch of fortunate or unfortunate people who couldn't fit into any of the racial care. so we can make people, r o d, n a, the is wide and deep across continents. and you know,
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no 2 colored people have the same genetic makeup as so well, maybe if you have a twin brother. but yeah, we're a mix of people, but we are forged the community over the years. and over the decades to the point that we can see ourselves as a people, but our, our gene pool is wide in the category that a set of just junior people, i say era aly, i me go ahead but that you can actually create a new ownership of it right now, right? yeah, i hear you. so i may add that it is a racial category that was created during a party by in a public government. and so it was a race of racial classification at the time of the population registration act. we people were divided into groups, white black indian hallad. so as much as we identify ourselves politically as black south africans, valid, was an imposed racial category that was for bureaucracy and also for the,
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about the government. and i think now is this facial wave of, of the unfold, makers and young activists were claiming back that word and taking away that has a lot of loaded political meaning from the past and turning it into something that we can celebrate and be proud of. and create a heritage around, even if that heritage isn't a hedge, a monic, that's not one idea, is no singular colored identity. but out of this way, creating and celebrating ourselves for the 1st time. i think i just add to that, sorry, if i may. i'm sorry, sweetheart i, i just want to add to that also that, you know, as amy says, we are not in homogenous group. we're made up of all people out of brown skin and you know, and some people find it offensive to be pulled colored because of the label which was given to us by the national government. and, but you know,
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just just this weekend or 2 weekends ago. i listened to wonderful speech by doctor and boosting, who again just affirmed for us that we have to kind of let go of the shackles and. and it's, it doesn't matter. you know who you are, whether you turn yourself colored or people of the come mysa, or whether you and you know, whatever you call yourself. it's a, it's a question of a mind shift. you know, so yeah, i think that people of color in this country are really it's, it's a celebration of who you are and that is where we are. i think at the moment this melting pot, let me just bring in here somehow. stanford. she's an actor singer, right, efram. how many fusions, how, and i wound you efram to respond to her current. here it is. one of my favorite parts of i got the movie,
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was obviously seeing the culture and history represented and sort of positive light . but also a character like with her mom, relatively small cameo by someone. we made it in the same in this you know very well, but the character selling his faces and his ways in i caps. but also using those idioms. they lean came town. no, so well it's so essentially a class that it's so difficult to describe. what a minute to see there. i'm screen was beautiful. well, if you look specific, eric eric, the like with the man like shantelle just said, now he as an actor is completely truthful to the point that if he doesn't want to stick to the word, he doesn't stick to the words. and i think that's why this out that all goes says what comes in him in the moment. if it's those new as they're going across the room,
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that's fine because it keeps you on your toe as well, on your toes. yeah. so i think that's what makes that character so spatial and so free and so relatable because it really was real. he wasn't acting, i mean, he's name in real life. iran calls him with the man, you know, and that's a thing with actors in cape town. generally at such it we, we are such a performers, people or performing people that things feel natural because people just are they don't try to and i think part of this phone with that sense and reality of that. and i'm just following something else ish, that shantelle picked up after caps. yet a dialect and i went a whole some. i know i heard of the very beginning. this is a very special film because the film is in africa. i mean, you start and thing that you pick up. yeah, i mean, i think though, what so great about the scary selected mind, right. he's a,
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he's an older man and he speaks a very beautiful poetic kind of africans. i think what was very important fires. so with this foam, was to legitimize that language, whether you want to call it a language, or a dialect, that off shoot of africans that realised version of the language that was 1st spoken by slaves who were brought to the cape. a way of speaking a language that the slave masters could not understand. and so to create that this fusion of languages, that is a mix between dash and english and arabic, woods and malay woods. and so we have this like that, this lexicon, that is brimming with metaphor and poetry and image and borrowed words from many continents. and so when you speak that your mouth is like a spice spice mix. yeah. and own some, some food, a full line that i don't know it can you remember some of the lighting on and told
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me with how beautiful it sounds without giving us of africa. i think so. so when i was a yeah, i was confident and carrying that a smile, so it could and it might the job i didn't do anything. i also need a body shop and jr, and we're in a condo for non of exxon. no, i'm more than meta lady, i am not here a but what are you saying to us? so what i'm saying is that i am going to make curry and rice and i, i've got all the leak stir that i need them at the job that i've got all the mixture . but i don't have fennel and tillman, so i'm going to the shops to morrow to get some. are you going to go along with me?
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all right there on uci. right now. we have michelle miller from cape town, south africa, michigan says it's so great to see a small community on the world stage. that is why i think barrack has taken off because people are seeing communities, the hang language that they haven't seen on film either very often or ever at all or in a stereotype. let some i want to show a click. this is a, one of our forms favorite clip and i, i loved this, which was the family that were following. i, shes family. you see the family growing up and gathering around this very easy, special table in after cups. what's the name for? eat winette la by them. exactly on the tip of my tongue. and you see the family going from when they were young to when they were older. and you see the story unfolding of front of your very eyes. have a look. a
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mm ah no. okay. who's coming on in the room? we're, we're crying. this is really emotional, right? finance? cutting on yours, amy. this is special because you're breaking boundaries and you'll smashing stereotypes. can you tell i international? yes. in what way you're doing that? i think it's in such a small way, not in the usual way that i think um, you know, activism is seen to be a lot more sort of performance of a lot more expressive this film. i think our a was always to do it in
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a very delicate way, and that is just by for grounding the humanity of a people, a culture, a community. we might not have seen that humanity foreground of before. it's about telling a story that can just be simple, that's just about family relationships and it's about nothing more than that. it's not about am the part why the politics of the country. it's not about wearing those politics on your sleeve. we're telling the story of a family hoping with grief after the loss of a father, a feeling that is really universal. and i think for grounding that humanity was always the key for us. can i add for that before you jump in? this is justin. he's watching us right now. thanks. justin is from los angeles. i think what so powerful about barrack hack justice says is even for those who don't know the culture, the themes of family and moving on are universal both specific, but still white banning winette pick up press precisely. this is exactly what i was
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gonna say. even though we might think that at a small movie, that it a slice of life. and yes, it is. but it as a slice of everybody's life, it, you know, it, it, it to be it. what everybody can relate to it. whether you were slim, christian, mexican, english, you name, it doesn't matter. it, it, you know, it's, it's everybody's life. and this movie just is such a depiction of that. i'm going to bring in one other voice here from and you can respond to adam. he's from the center for film and media study. it is a direct and professor at the university of kent town. home. this is what he had to say about barrack for this particular genial. i think that the soul is most interesting to me as a scholar in she use of cops of each back to the why hasty me too far
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validating math in explanation and watt this scheme. k does image use of cops, events happens from from care plan from the flats as nuanced characters, not cardboard, cutouts and cops. it has been used beautifully. i think a catcher might just be, you know, in the narrative that the intimacy and anger conflicts are the subtleties that, that, that i think in k to so we can flats as much as cardboard. ready cutouts carts isn't. ready just the language of conflict and mileage negation. what ology, i think this phone is all safe. they can these listening to this stuff up in this room can, can i think what's interesting away, what he says is it takes us back to what amy's comment was. just the comments and be about humanity for too long gaps was associated with the and the classes. it was
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a comment somehow on now intelligence and bed made as 2 dimensional, even one dimensional getting does. and i think what caps now has done and what this form and funds before this have done is to legitimize. i'm legitimize us as a people who feel who i intelligent and you know, will operate in the world at large and not just in a certain corner of the world. so i think caps has been legitimized in this film and by forms before this, and the more we say it, the more we give dignity to the people as oh, i natalie, i really gotta said that because christ chinese watching this says african is an a language is the lack of language filled by different languages from actual coaches . i mean, you want to pick up on that? i introduced the as a diet. yeah. count,
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dialect. greg. i think at this point it's disingenuous to say that it is a lack of language that it's full, like when they get the race. i think there's a reclamation that has been done and that regulation is up to no one except with people who speak it to, to take ownership of. it's not anymore about validating whether it's a language or not, or a cultural di. they will not from the outside where i don't think looking for that stamp of approval from anyone else anymore. so i think the initiative that's been taken of the language and that the di and the recent be by phone makers like us is like, we don't need gazes, we don't need any other gazes on our, on our cells. and i think there's a beauty traffic and the poetry to it. it is by the time it's the time that we were born into that time. but our grandmother spoke the language that we inherited and
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that's kind of the same as our own as well. and yeah, at some point i feel like we don't need validation from any way that those fears be from academics or from outside is, or from people who think, but who you who call themselves pure africans because what have appear for me. i think it's exceptionally important that africa past is part of the growth and advancement of africans as a language. i feel like it's one of the only way that africans is language is being to move forward. is to be in collaboration with africa. because it's a, it's a, it's something you know, it's a, it's the language that is spoken by a very large mon, charity of african speakers and, and it is our time now for that language to be on the world stage and nothing. but that has proven that look and the discussion we're having about apricots on out a 0 on an international network. you did that finished go ahead. yeah, and,
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and i also would just like to add that, you know, it's, it's actually becoming accepted. and even by academics we, we are at this while we speak, there is a dictionary being brought out an end. and you know, and, and, and it's, it's, it's going to, i think it's going to be fabulous because people are actually going to be learning to speak after cups and end. it's. ringback been, you know, it's there even for academics to learn and people are and you know, they are accepting of the fact that an african has become an accepted well let, i'm still not sure whether a, we call it dilate or language. i think we still, you know, sort of there still a discrepancy about that. but a jar blitz lids claimant,
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demit celebrated. i would like to play one more clip from bar caught the movie cuz he can't see it everywhere. right now he could see on t s t v. so if you on the african continent of dennis, cuz he can see it elsewhere. we talked, we talked to amy and efram and bennett about where you might be able to see it elsewhere. and when, but i'm gonna take you to mask it. there's this beautiful scene. there's grasping of it, the mascot. embark on the movie. take a look. isn't switches, goes time, death, a brad or a back. i'll invited covered owns cookery at the nose. leave. it is incumbent on us to be conscious of allows of a 100 girl at all times. to me. grateful is very important. we should be grateful because all things that we have been granted come
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from our creator allows. so the $100.00 that will allow me, our families, our fathers and mothers, those of us were still fortunate to have them. our grandparents, our sisters and brothers own children. those of you are married. those are all gifts said we were given. how often do we take things for granted? this is sweetness to the man. i believe that you and i have my question is how many of you have tasted that she can says i can't wait to see this film can is on you cheve johnny fan. i am so pleased or caps to see these stories been given a global platform or a c in terms the plot, and the story is also reflected behind the scenes with behind the scenes cru. amy,
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we caught herself an activist, the film activist. tell me about the activism you did behind the camera with the crate. yeah, for sure. i think it we wanted to make sure that the people who were working on it and contributing and were collaborators, were people who were from this community. so our crew was of packing at some point like from united states for st colored like majority colored. a lot of them were muslims themselves. we made a conscious decision not to, of course, form on friday, which is jim i here in case on as well. and so we were, we observed that his name sabbath day. um so yeah, i think it was very intentional for us to also make the, the journey of the foam while that was in service to the story. and if i'm had like a big hand in that as the producer, i think it be being quite intentional with how we chose our crew or from people
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asking, where can we see this film? where can we see power cat and we have an international audience that people are eager to see it. how are they going to see it? currently, you can, it's an a pay full pay to view platform cold event of you can check it out there. ah, there's 2 different ways to see it, or when you on the african continent or outside are so be, be careful which, which link to go into. it's very clearly mod, but also if you're in south africa and on the african continent, you can get it on d. s. d box office. it's been placed back on box office yesterday so it should be back bay. so those are the 2 avenues at the month and half and be looking. and you can tell that as from is the for days it could. he goes either back, they are at hand from guinette. amy, what a pleasure. thank you for sharing bar account with us. we wish you every success with the film and you cheerless. appreciate your comments on your questions. i'll
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see you next time. thanks for watching history. ah, this is al jazeera, it's november the 15th day, one of a new era and television. you. if you have known that, that was the scale of bloodshed would you have still going to go to miss also landed about a 100 meters away from us. we're on the front line, but it's on the road. we saw the union army flag hoisted high in the city. many people here have told me that that war will not end until they secret duffy and his sons brought to justice. going to get 90 seconds for this on so we're beat all the different army is very real, it is coming. our way buying brides is lack of respect for women and lack of any
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value that the home and i was just the peer guard by the police on purpose. there's at least 20000 for him to refugees who live here. i'm on l 20. i got to commend you, you're not trying to push people to believe in this or believe in that. the i'm a say here has completely changed you with port al jazeera offices in garza, our house in that building time. but power has come down. never before in human history has the once prestige environment the arctic didn't such peril. beyond the comfort zones were assumptions are challenged, traveled to the ends of the earth, and further experienced the unimaginable of the people who live it. witness award
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winning documentary use on a just the euro. ah, they just said it's time for a different approach. one that is going to charge the way you think from international politics to the global pandemic, and everything in between. upfront with me, mark lamb on hill on al jazeera. ah, hoping to men straying ties, the leaders of the u. s. and china made virtually an acknowledged the need to improve cooperation on avoid conflicts. ah, i'm money and say this is out there live from day. oh said coming up and ally effects president, donald trump turns himself in to face contempt charges for refusing to cooperate
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