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tv   [untitled]    November 18, 2021 4:30pm-5:00pm AST

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ah, this is alex here. i'm a quick reminder over the top stories this are hundreds of iraq migrants and refugees who were stopped at the poland valerie border and i find home iraq foreign ministry is trying to find others in valerie. also, to leave more confrontations had taken place between security forces and protested in sit on security forces so far, tear gas demonstrations. at least 15 people were killed on wednesday after police open farm. people have been angered by the military refusal to hand back to civilians. germany's lower house has passed new measures and a bit to contain the cold with 19 outbreak. employees will need to prove they are vaccinated, recovered from covered 19 or have a negative test results in order to access community workplaces.
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i will joining us now from barcelona. is jeff lazarus, head of the health systems research group, sponsor luna institutes for global health, and it's good to have you with us on the news worries. should we be about this news? surgeon corona virus? i think we need to be quite worried. what we're seeing is last transmission is increasing in all europe countries. the good news is that countries with a rather high or highest vaccination coverage, hospitalizations and deaths are lower. we're seeing certain resistance though, and in many countries around europe see to bring in different regulations to tackle this. are we not the talk of new restrictions in germany? we heard earlier in the program, but operators apartments are came to pass this. do you see the dilemma for
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government? so trying to tackle this new ways, but there's a public, pretty sick of being locked down and dealing with the corona virus. well, people want to have it both ways. on the one hand, they don't want to get backs needed, and on the other hand, they don't want to pay the consequences of not being vaccinated, which is locked down. there are other kinds of restrictions. so germany, austria, other countries across europe that are considering locked downs or doing so in response to the poor vaccination rate. the same time as transmission goes up and a real worry about an increase in hospital nations in long bit and particularly death. where's the problem here? do you think it is the vaccinated her responsible for this 4th wave? well, those are on back to needed. obviously are more susceptible to getting infected and, and having to be your symptoms. so they're, they're driving the pandemic. the other issue is that european countries are being
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very reactive rather than proactive. there's been largely a focus now on vaccination and less of a focus on other control measures like face math and then 2 mirrors which i think is incredibly important to have in place when entering restaurants bars. other places where we're going to take off our mask in a public place, but there is resistance to this to think that in terms of governance, the lack of a joint more coordinated response across the boards is also an issue here because with the situation of the u k, for example, 3 of the nations in the u. k. have a form of covert passports, but england doesn't. how do you explain this lack of joined up approach? is that poor governance? there isn't something else. it's absolutely poor government governance in far be it from me to tell the u. k to tack jointly. we can't even get the, you tack jointly or the world. i mean, we have,
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we have this problem that every country or every nation is going it alone. and we're paying the consequences because we're able to travel and the virus travel easily as well. ok, jeff lazarus is great to get your thoughts. thank you so much for joining us on the l to 0. use are we appreciate it. thanks for having me back. so korea has recorded its highest number of new calls at 19 cases in a single day one and 3 science and 200 people tested positive on thursday. official say they were expecting to see an increase after most restrictions were lifted earlier this month. 78 percent of the population has been vaccinated. croatia is commemorating the 30th anniversary of the worst massacre during its 4 year war for independence. thousands of people gathered in vocal var, that's the city that serv militia and he,
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this love army soldiers captured back in 1991. hundreds of creation fighters were killed in the 3 months cj and tens of thousands of non serbian inhabitants for sides. ceci was returned to croatia 7 years later and rebuilt the soviet la available. we are still searching for more than 1800 missing persons. our vice president and all departments are working on. we're looking for information because 1st of all, from the authorities of serbia and we will persevere in this effort, primarily in partnership with families associations. and those who do not know the face of their loved ones and who have suffered a loss and still suffer to day. niccolini savage joins as from the vocal. var just explains why this is such a significant anniversary. the battle of hooker. it was the turning point in the war for gracious freedom and independence. the gratian army defended the city for free months,
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which home made bombs and home made guns. on the other side was you were so people saw me and served before the military's heavily armed. on these, they are 40 years. the goal gratian flag on this tower was replaced by you with a flag, members of yugoslav, people's army, gather the sick people, and the only people from the hospital and together civilians from vocalize and transported them at a nearby farm offset in kill them. this was the largest most occur in the war for gracious freedom. so each year on these, they tens of thousands of people from different parts of crecia gather in woocommerce to commemorate him to read them. so they walked away from the capital to the cemetery. a massacre of cerebral he saw it was a thrilling point because i'm after dismiss occur. many european countries are decided to recognize crecia and today is to neighboring countries. creation. serbia
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still have open questions from the war. a grey. she's looking for information and documents about the most recent, missing people around $400.00 residents of walk of our are still considered missing after the battle of covered. so missing people, a war crimes are big political questions in this part of gracious, especially during the election campaign. christensen serves the look of our gratian, majority, insert minority, live together in the sound, but that they leave separate lives. a gratian sir, children go to different kindergarten, and so they sit in different classes at school. social life, c, l. social life is also organized on ethical principles. so creations go to grayson bars, send restaurants to server, go to service, bark affair, and restaurants, but serves and crease on the look about how have one thing in common. no job sold. thousands of people, young people decided to move out of seats and go through different parts of reesha
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or abroad. okay, now colleen services each and joining us there from fuko var. thank you very much and deeds for bringing us that update. for decades, afghanistan's helen's province was on the frontline of the country's conflict. no groups are trying to clear bombs and land mines left from the war to prevent people being killed or injured lea, a haunting reports instead of just learning math and science. these children are also being taught how to identify morters grenades and signs of land mines mistaking them for toys could cost them their lives. yeah, mother, she knew mostly the screens were dry. so we were looking for water than an old man shouted at us that there's a big snake nearby. and he tried to cover with grass. it was actually a rocket. so he left the area, fearing there might be more bond. non profit groups like the halo trust are working
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to prevent more casualties. one way is to paint rocks. the white side means the path has been cleared. red points to areas with potential minds buried underneath. ah, yes, i'm afraid. but i know that when i see white students, we can play there, and when it's read, we can't play there. since 1989 more than 40000 people in afghanistan have been killed or injured by land mines, an unexploded ordnance, according to the u. n. a few months ago this milan wife lost both of her legs in the explosion just outside their home. this incident was very painful. i saw it happened with my own eyes. i saw my children screaming and crying of the scene was very painful for me. i feel alone and the stress is too much, too much. so those now others like him, are employed by groups to help locate minds before they explode. we also give jobs
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to people who would otherwise be in the fight. we give jobs to young men who a forced through desperation to join the insurgency, or had joined the army. and so we can give peace for what we take the rifle of them . and we give them a mind to touch it. over the past 3 months about a 100 explosive devices have been diffused in the region, including $25.00 in this village. we were there with the russians. we were there with the civil war. we were there with the 1st taliban regime. we were there with knighthood. and we will stay thousands more land mines are believed to lie undetected, a legacy of war that continues to maim and kill leo harding al jazeera was his in, sheila go to the polls on sunday. and what scene as one of its schools don't predictable general elections in recent history. among those vying for his vote in the senate as a woman who drew global attention after she was shot in the face by police. a latin
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america editor, lucy, in human, is in santiago with her story. thought me, tabula campy. i has found a way to get about the thing about a but i yeah, i have to follow the rogue. see, i feel the rug and then i know there's the chair. and i know that this is the way to the bedroom. see in actual fact, she's the only one here who can't see the 37 year old mother of 3 was shot in the face at point blank range by police with the tear gas canister while walking to the bus stop to go to work 2 years ago. she suffered multiple facial fractures, lost both her eyes and her sense of smell and taste, but not her determination to go on living. she says, oh yeah, now after multiple reconstructive surgeries, she is on the campaign trail as a candidate for the senate. are you in a feel today i've decided to run for
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a c in the center in order to legislate for my people so that the laws will benefit them? because so far the law is only for a few international cut. b, i is still waiting for her attacker to be sentenced what she's recognized everywhere. she goes a symbol of police brutality during social protests that began in 2019. she is from a working class neighborhood and has always been a community activist. so your slide here, all my life, i've used public services and that's why i want to change and improve them from the sun it. the health and education system are terrible. pensions and terrible salaries come p. i is not just an unusual candidate because she was blinded by police. this is a traditional way that can, that it's publicized their campaigns here in killing. the vast majority of those running for office have pale skin, and they have sir names that are english, spanish, german, or arab. but 5, you're not gonna be, i is not only from
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a low income neighborhood, but as her certainly makes abundantly clear. she is a descendant of the i mata an indigenous people, native to northern chile, peru, and bolivia, fail. oh, she's also would have only a handful of independent candidates to this general election. but she's optimistic . she promises voters, you will be my eyes, and i will be your voice to see and human al jazeera santiago, bible group. so protested his face. dolphin bolivians, capital le, pass on wednesday after the repeal of a controversial money laundrin law. oh, supporters of president louise are se clashed with demonstrators who accused him of trying to course the sense the law gave authorities pirating investigate any citizens assets without a court order. the president back down after a 9 day long national strike and protests. supporters of argentina's governments
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have rallied in the capital just days after mid term parliamentary elections. it was a sure strength after the government suffered heavy losses and cash weimer reports . and when osiris ah 3 days after mid term elections, people from all over argentina, fill the streets around the government palace in one osiris. most the members of the main trade union groups, as well as social and neighborhood organizations. and various strands of the parentis movement which backs the government is the anniversary of the day there found the former president one bed on return to argentina from exile in 1972. offered honestly, dharma boyd, really done as activists. we need to return to the streets because we couldn't during the 2 years on pandemic. so this is our day to reflect and remember our joy of being together on the streets. and it was, it were putting everything into our activism because we want
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a national popular government that to represent us all we are marching together and we are marching forwards, sundays mid term elections. the government lost control of the senate was weakened in the lower house, and fed poorly in several provinces were previously dominated. but few here, we're talking about the electoral damage. this doesn't look much like at the phase whether he's still supposed to do it until the next. so a friend on the street just the, the struggling government needs more than 40 percent of argentines live in poverty . inflation is rampant, and unemployment is rising. the country has also been with a huge debt to the international monetary fund. so we have these 2 processes going on the same time. one very public is fault celebration of victory, which is really buying time to process defeat. meanwhile,
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the right wing opposition voted out of power in 2019. now phil's emboldened to make their come back in 2 years time and we have this pending processing victory, which is, you know, how do we do things better next time? i mean, we're talking about the prism talbert often, and this remains confidence in the crowd to support his plans for the rest of his term and be a better future is coming. we're seeing on the horizon what we want to see an economy growing by 9 percent of the fastest growing in the world. and this year will surely recover what it lost in the pandemic. argentina is emerging from the pandemic with this economy, weaker under growing pressure to find solutions, both in the corridors of power and on the streets and show their elders era what osiris leaders from the u. s. canada and mexico were beating in washington on
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friday. though the trilateral summit has taken place since 2005 fridays totes will be the 1st summit held by the 3 countries for years expected to discuss issues including coal with 19 immigration and jumpstarting trade. as soon as land borders open. once again. man. oh, rob the reports from mexico city the slow return of to wait traffic on the us mexico border last month marked an end to the 1900 month ban on non essential land crossings into the us from both mexico and canada. the reopening of borders proceeds another important event in the resumption of normal, international relations in person meeting between the leaders of the 3 countries. it's a simple, closer money. can you still? let's see how this delivers handle themselves. and if they leave the economic
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integration of north amaica towards the path of a social policy that allows for economic growth, increase in productivity and reducing the quality re igniting the economies of all 3 countries. and the aftermath of the pandemic locked down along with climate change and relations with china, or expected to be front and center topics at the trilateral summit. when for canada, the meeting with us and mexican counterparts is an opportunity to spark action on a number of cross border trade and economic matters that have stalled in recent years. and mexico seeks to implement more robust policies to address the root causes of immigration, as migrants from central america continued to make their way toward the united states in large numbers, lilian portent, this game was at gwen. it's important that we meet at summit sky, but what's more important? our results and implementing agreements a happily and i believe president biden, and prime minister to dol. i'll men of action summit between the us,
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mexico and canada, had a history of awkward and even uncomfortable moments. once dubbed the meeting of the 3 amigos a nod to the film store in comedians, steve, martin chevy chase and martin short regarded as one of the most important economic partnerships in the world. it's been 5 years since the last meeting of the 3 amigos . and while the relationship between the us, mexico and canada was significantly strained in 2018 when former us president donald from slapped tariffs on canadian and mexican steel and aluminum. many are hopeful that this year summit will mark an official return to the stable trade and good relations. the 3 world leaders will also address the issue of supply chain disruptions and effort. many expect will be facilitated through the united states, mexico, canada agreement, or u. s. m. c 8 for signed in 2018. a trilateral pact which accounts for some $1.00 trillion dollars in trade every year. when we did up
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a low al jazeera mexico city, the philippines government has a keesing, beijing of sabotaging and re supply mission. in the disputed south china seen, it says the incident happened on cheese say near the contested sparkling islands. the chinese coast guard is reported to bloke the philippine ships and far water cannon. the vessels were carrying supplies to a military base. jimmy, the allan token has more from manila president diego, the 3rd day was worn into office in 2016. there have been a lot of incidents like this one and a lot of countless basically protests that have been submitted to china by the philippine embassy by the philippine government, through the department before in affairs. but this particular incident is seen as an escal latoria attack described by defense analysts. that's because the see the actions of, of china was very much aggressive. it happened 2 days ago as the philippine millet
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. she 2 boats are actually on its way to a supply mission to the 2nd through my soul. that's where grounded ship is actually in place. the b r p share a magic where they're actually philippine marines expecting for this supply. although no one is hurt basically from the attack of, of china. what basically the department of foreign affairs is telling them is to essentially back off. and that the philippines is free to do whatever it needs to do in the areas it controls in the south china sea, china's foreign ministry has responded saying it's coast guard, acted within the law to safe guarded, so frenzy. it says the philippine ships cross into its territorial waters without chinese consent. still has on al jazeera phoenix on stay hot, as they, when that 10th came in a low fan out, we'll have that story for you after the break. ah,
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mother nature's gift of cold full landscapes, a strong infrastructure governance arising where investments are waiting to flourish, with even supplied by tradition. knowing where beautiful possibilities are offered. frank assessment. what's the point of view? and if multilateralism isn't part of its dna, we need somewhere where sovereign states can exchange informed opinions is likely to change biking behavior. it's not gonna change their behavior, they're going to continue to do what they do when it's going to be more in trade and less in terms of trying to match this more games mentality. in depth analysis of the data global headlines inside story on al jazeera
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lou. ah, it's time for the sports here summer. thank you very much. i had a while. the head of women's tennis association has questions. the authenticity over an email from a chinese, a tennis star. and why hasn't been seen in public since making sexual assault allegations against a top government official e mail states. she is fine and not missing. and the allegations of sexual assault a she made that were not true, hang previously claimed, or social media, the form of vice premier, zhang golly, had a course that her in to sets and that she had no evidence her post has since been
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deleted. e w t is chief her steve a simon says the email has made him more consent for the player space. gotta be in mobile with that has claimed her 1st w t a finals, a title, the 2 time grand slam champion that defeated her is stony, an opponent on it, can't have it in straight set. 6375 in guadalajara mexico. when we'll see her and the year as the world number 3, when the rankings are updated on monday. well, i mean, i didn't vote all of these things because i really want to have more pressure. but if you're the main thing to be part of the history and you know, this is a very special tournament, only the best aid and you feel like every much as a final and i am, i made it all number one of our joker ventures into the semi finals at the season ending atp finals in italy on jock of it should be on level of level of russia in straight sets as he stayed on course to win this title or rapport ethan in 6 time.
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it's competition has a group format, and yoko ritual play britton's cameron roy in his final group game on friday. always casper rule, the has that booked his base in the semi so a rude a had to dig deep off to losing the open his head against hammer annoy. but he showed his class and full back to beat the british opponent in 3 sets. he now moves a level with andrew live in green group with one when and one defeat was laurie, who replaced the injured stiffness. it's a pass to have this sol loss on his record while, while there is still the payoff. so it's a come the makeup of the 2022 well cup and cut. i started to take shape as 30 filess of 32. i have made it so far, which means more flags of the qualified countries that have been raised at the door . how cornish, including the host country, of course, in south africa in south america, there are 2 more automatic places available,
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while europe will fill the remainder of their 13 paces during the playoffs and march. but will legend families to the has officially entered the race to become president of cameroon. in football, the full time african football over the years submitted his paperwork on wednesday for december's election. he federation has been his a series of legal disputes and it says it's time for a new start in the country. just a little push on i will be the next president of the federation. despite all the cheating. leticia people said that a good plan known as most of those who will vote will take their responsibility to finally give communion football. the opportunity has become what it can be. brazilian defender daniel says that has officially signed a back in at barcelona as he makes his return to the club e 38 year old has been a free agent since leaving sao paolo in september and becomes the 1st signing under new code to zavion. and this is the 1st joint bar send 2008 and 123 trophies
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during his 8 years at the club in the m. b a. the phoenix suns, the beat, the dallas mavericks for the 10th when enroll evan. booker led the sons with 24 points to help his team, a beat, dallas 105 to 98 the migrant. so who were playing without the injured this? thought luke, i don't teach last for just the 2nd time in the last 17 and south africa, director of rugby rossi arrest most that has been banned from the sport for 2 months. or as most a has been punished for releasing an hour, long video criticize in the refereeing during a much earlier this year that so for me, hello. thank you very much indeed. assignable for this news or keep it here on. i'll just, i'll be back with you after the break. with more of the things news. ah,
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this is al jazeera, it's november the 15th day, one of the new era and television news. if you have known that, that was the scale of bloodshed would you have still going from moments ago to miss also landed about a 100 meters away from us. we're on the front line, but it's on the road. we saw the union army flag hoisted high in the city. many people here have told me that that war will not end until they see could duffy and his sons brought to justice. gonna get 90 seconds for this on. so we're being told that this phenomena is very, really coming. our way buying brides is lack of respect for women and lack of any value that the woman i was just it over here guys, by the police on purpose my there's at least 20000 for him. to refugee is to live
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here. i'll to 0. i got to commend you. you're not trying to push people to believe in this or believe in that the. i'm a say hey, has completely changed you with or how does the or is office is in garza, our house in that building time the time has come down. never before in human history has the months per steam environment to the arctic didn't such peril with the stage is set and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think we're ditching the sound bites and we're digging into the issue from international politics to the global pandemic. and everything in between. join me if i take on the lars. dismantle the misconceptions and debate the contradictions.
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upfront with me, markham on hill, on out 0 ah hundreds of iraqi migrants and refugees stopped short crossing into the e. u at the bellows, poland border and i flying back home. but thousands more still brave in cold temperatures as their future remains uncertain. ah.


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