tv [untitled] November 18, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm AST
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he migrants and refugees stopped from crossing into the e. u. at that galleries, poland, florida are now flying back home all from the news people incident back on the streets a day after 15 protests were killed in firing by security forces and countries in europe see a surge in corona virus infections, but with growing resistance to restrictions governments have gotten tough decisions tonight and it's full the head of women's tennis questions. the authenticity of an e mail sets have been written by chinese play. a thank troy, hasn't been seen in public since making sexual assault allegations against a leading government official. ah, hello everyone would assault this news are with the political and humanitarian crisis at the belarus, poland border. beller is state news is reporting authorities are now moving
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migrants and refugees away from the crossing. remember, thousands had been stuck in those freezing conditions there. we've also got g 7 foreign ministers calling for a swift resolution and blaming minsk for encouraging people to cross russia. though, fully support speller roost and says, it's the west that's manufactured. this crisis is then you get those extra lebanese to run this bullet. one cannot help but see that western countries are using the migration crisis on the beller russian polish border as a new reason for tension in the region that is close to us and to pressure mince clash. and at the same time, they forget their own obligations in the humanitarian sphere, zibert. but there are signs of de escalation as well. the iraqi government is bringing more than 400 of its citizens home as a repatriate in flight on its way to baghdad. of course ending its passengers hopes of reaching the block writes. let's go to jonah hall in cuz nature on napoleon side of the border with belarus and jonah festival migrants on the move or,
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or being moved. if i can put it that way, what can you tell us about that? you know, this follows a little bit the pattern putnam events of the last 48 hours when 2 days ago, the better original authorities made available. suddenly a converted warehouse close to the border area where a lot of people were able to spend the night in better condition. certainly a little bit of protection there from the cold and they would give them some food and some bedding. but a lot of people remained in the tented camps. now the better route and say, well they've put everybody in that warehouses, they say plural, were only aware of one. it's quite difficult to very verify any of this, frankly, from this side of the board. but it does appear as though those camps for the live feed, we're able to look at, have been evacuated. we've got to be a little careful with this of the toner. these barriers reports because it independent reports and coming out of that warehouse speaking to people in the said . but it was quite comfortable at the beginning, but now they're completely overrun and overcrowded. you can barely sit,
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let alone lie down in there. and there's not enough food to go around. they didn't have dinner last night or lunch today. so i would say it's a fairly nuanced picture. they may have some protection from the cold, but he's still pretty appalling conditions. and as it becomes, of course, clearer and clearer to these people, that there is no way forward into the european union desperate measures follow night after night. we hear reports of people trying to break through the fences offense at different points. unsuccessfully. on wednesday night there was a much larger attempt about 18 kalamazoo south of here. according to the polish defense authorities. several 100 people tried to break through the fence, but that attempt was repelled jonah, politically speaking, and there are a lot of countries in play here. are there signs of things moving towards some sort of resolution or at least a change in the situation?
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i mean, if you asked me, i would say there are signs of things moving, whether they're moving towards a resolution or not were know in the know a guess a plane has taken off and 370 odd people are on it. and that of course lessons the burden on the border to that degree. we don't know if they'll be any more planes taking off for the weather. people will want to be on those planes. there are high level context between the you and better roost going on. the you side say those contacts to do with humanitarian work and recreation, the battery side. so their negotiations about opening a corridor or to allow these people to make their way to germany, which the germans flat, deny. separate to that, the estonians say that what did happen in one of those conversations between merkel and lucas anchor was that he laid a red line for what he needs to happen in order for him to resolve this crisis. and what he apparently wants is political recognition. he wants to be recognized by the e. u as the legitimate leader of his country. and he wants sanctions to go away. well, frankly, none of those things,
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neither of those things are going to happen. they will not recognise lucas shouldn't go after the election in 2020 roundly condemned. and sanctions are going ahead. so he's a man who's not going to get what he wants. frankly, he's a man desperate for recognition, which isn't going to come, and he's showing no signs of carrying one way or the other. what happens to these people on his side of the border? so i think we're away away from resolution yet. quite john holl reporting from that poland, valerie sport. a thank you, jonah. well, move on to other news and more confrontations have taken place between security forces and protest as in sudan. security forces 5 t a gas demonstrated with time. remember least 15 people were killed on wednesday after police open fire people, angered by the military's refusal to hand back power to civilian heber morgan following events from khartoum for us. hipper i. so there was a news conference on going earlier referring to the events of yesterday. what was
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said is that the director general general off the police an harpoon said speaking about the latest approach would also about the events on the 13th of november and in the 30th of october. all of these are dates where people came out in the thousands, around the capital to me and other parts of the country to present the military takeover. now according to the police director here in the state of hudson, he said that the processes were not all peaceful and that some of the police forces were attacked and some of their property is destroyed. he said one police officer was killed in the pro and the protests on wednesday and that several were injured. but he also meant that some processes suffocated because of its here guys that was fired at them. now the protests have been ongoing since october 25th. when general app and put them behind took over a power and dissolve the transitional government, which was led by prime minister of them. the prime minister of the ham look is still under house arrest and mediation efforts to try to bring the 2 sides together
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to form some kind of new government or research. the old government has so far failed, but processes have once again taken to the street on thursday morning. they said they're angered by the amount of violence use by the security forces at the process of getting at least 15 and enduring dozens of others. they say that they were peaceful and that they had not to use any kinds of weapons, kinds of security. there was simply using their voices to demand. what they say is their rights and demand returns to a civilian democratic transition. and the fact that security forces use here, guys, and live ammunition ad them is something that angered them. and that is why they took to the streets once again in various parts of the capital, said to boys the anger and the security forces here just quickly, just as we talked here, just notice behind you thing cause and people walking in on their box and i'm trying to get a picture of sort of how much of life is able to carry on in tune at the moment. well, protestors and resistance are local resistance committees. and the said miss professionals
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association have called for civil disobedience. but on thursday morning there has been little traffic on the road, not the usual traffic that you would see come out. usually you see lots of cars on the road, especially at the end of the week when people are traveling back to their states and to their towns because it's the up because it's heading into the weekend. so traffic to day complaints every day, sudan is little, is less than what you would expect. but in other aspects, life is starting to return a little bit back to normal for thought, says the court to the public court ordered the arrest of the telecom companies for refusing to restore internet. and just in the past hour, the internet has been restored for mobile internet users. so one aspect of life incident, at least has returned back to normal people, however, say that that is not enough. they've been deprived of internet for 25 days. many of them say that this is the chance for them to upload the pictures that they say shows the security forces using violence against processes. but they say they'll also try to mobilize until all their rights and until the return of the civilian government is back. once again,
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hebrew morgan with the latest from khartoum. hipaa. thank you for vance. and now a med solomon, who is a researcher on the horn of africa with the africa program at chatham house, junior on scott from london today off mit. thank you for your time. that i remember i said to one of our guests yesterday, how this is a military take over. right. the, the clue is in the title. it is something that happens by force. however, the force that's being used, the force it was use yesterday, but just talked about tear gas and live rounds. surely that cannot go on. no one would hope that, you know, there would be a restraint from the security forces. but unfortunately, having what we're seeing is that the continued resistance, her civilian demonstration, but also the mass mobilization across the country really is impacting
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security forces. their responses has clearly been to try and contain mr. cracking down on it to remove the elements and the resistance committee that continue day in day to, to, to, to, to impose this resistance in the barricade. but it is having an impact. and then worry of course, is that the longer the split, the stand of the longer we have a situation where there is no legitimate civilian administration in the sudan. the more likely we are to see an escalation of violence, an escalation of the use of force as we are beginning to see increasingly. but as he but it also pointed out, you know, much of what has taken place in sudan has gone on in the dark. and the communications black cap is preventing people across the globe from seeing a lot of what has taken place and lots of their oppression. that has occurred and been enforced by the security forces and no one's really stepping in. i mean, i know there's lots of calls for restraint and,
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and dialogue and return to the status quo. but i don't see anyone really asserting themselves. is there anyone who can really assert themselves with the military? i think it has to be a multi pronged effort. i don't think there's any one save that can come in and help sudan, externally. international diplomacy self is not enough in that regard. but i do think that it can hear an international message, a strong one, which is one that we're seeing one which is repetitive. we've continued in, you know, international mediators coming to kind of hard to me and speaking to the military, combined with the continued pressure that we're seeing from the strength and cause for a civilian lead transition in the country. very clear messaging alongside
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outreach to some of those passes relying on in the region to to, to back them i should say admitted gene who i think this is very much important and also can only leverage. i really do think that is an important factor. she has been opening up to the international community as secure tends $1000000000.00 in terms of debt relief. but also in terms of bilateral economic support, the economy, which has been crippled by the effects of the machine regime us sanctioned the impact of coven. i had just slowly started stabilize and this stabilization, this recovery was very relying on this international investment. clear message from the international community. just a military do not restore legitimate civilian transition. that, that money, that reform, that stops. and i don't think that with it, you know, amongst should and closer international allies within the region. there isn't
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a tentative there is not anybody that be willing to step up to provide the backing economically the needs. i think that is a very important leverage point that adds to the resistance on the street, you know, as well as international, coherent pressure, calling for the risk restoration of this a 1000000000 administration assessment sullivan from chatham. l. pleasure. talking to you. i had thank you for your time. thank you. almost 40 minutes pass this news on his what's coming up. troops joined the rescue efforts and parts of western canada, devastated by floods and lands slide. 30 years after the worst massacre in croatia is war for independence. the search continues for those missing and in sport, we will hear from a former a england captain as he prepared to start his 1st managerial job. the premier
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league. ah! so how new wave all coven 19 is sweeping across europe and governments are really scrambling to respond. germany, 1st of all, with the lower house has approved new restrictions after daily infections hit a new record, 65000 cases, but the vote was close. and those measures still need to be approved by the upper house. the bill requires those not immunized to provide negative tests. this would be to use public transport to go to work. remember about a 3rd of germany's population has not been vaccinated and a similar picture in greece as well, where cases, the surgeon and the government is ordered private sector doctors to help with the struggling public health system. right. to correspondence to have a look at this in europe, he and i are dominant cain in berlin with the latest on those measures being considered. but we're going to start with ge ensemble us reporting from athens. bring us up to date john with dea situation there. well right now we're seeing that
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the government is enlisting doctors in the private sector. so go and do a stint in public hospitals, which are running short of medical stuff. that's because, as you said, cases rising without seeing about $7000.00 a day, which is almost double the rate we were seeing at the end of the summer or the beginning of the awesome i. and i see you rates of survival are running rather low . 17 percent of people who enter the i. c. u over the entire course of the pandemic are coming out of the front door of the hospital. 83 percent are going out. the back vaccination teams are going out into the north of the country in order to target the 80 plus age group, where vaccination rates increase about 70 percent of them have been done. a lagging behind those in europe, where about 85 percent of that age group has had both shots. and the reason for that is that
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a very large majority of deaths is taking place in that age group. but we are expecting more immediate measures to be announced in addition to those initiatives in the next couple of hours from the prime minister himself. we have seen the government ramping up measures against all measures that apply to those who are unvaccinated. some 40 percent of the country, which is higher than the unvaccinated rate in the rest of europe, which hovers around 35 percent on average. and that is because we're seeing this very rapid rise and in fractions and deaths about 90 deaths a day, which is very high, adjusted to population. it's 3 times the death rate that we're seeing in germany at the moment where my colleague, tom and kane will give you the details. so i think what's, what we're seeing in greece is that there's been a certain level of complacency on the part of both society and perhaps even the
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government because it was thought that vaccination would protect people sufficiently for society to withstand high rates of many thousands of infections a day without that leading to more depth, but we are seeing that it is leading to more deaths, and those death rates will rise. because in the last week, infections have fur spiraled out. okay, so john therapist with the latest there from athens. thank you, john. and as he points out, dominic cane with us in berlin. can me paint the picture for us dominic, of not just the rising cases in germany, but these efforts by the government to deal with it. so in terms of the statistics camel, the reality is this in the course of the last few days, the number of total cases that it has ever been in germany has gone beyond 5000000 . and given the fact that we have record numbers seemingly every day to days, record $65000.00 plus in a single day,
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then it appears that that number is just going to keep going up and up and up. at the same time, the death toll a number of people cumulatively getting close 280-0000 is now at 98500 going up to day by around 260 also. so again, in the course of the next week and a half, perhaps that number will reach 800000, which one would think would be a psychological number of real significance. and then other numbers, the numbers of the number of people who've been vaccinated around 2 thirds of the 84000000 people who live in germany have been vaccinated with that leaves 28000000 people who have not been vaccinated. now clearly, a considerable number of those that 28000000 are children who are under the age at which they could have a vaccine. but it still leaves by some estimates that around 15000000 adults in this country have not had the vaccine. now whether they are determined
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not to have it or whether they have just chosen not to have it yet clearly that the can't prove either way. the fact remains, they have been an vax, they are on vaccinated. the point is that the number of people who are coming down with cove, it every day, there are some people who have breakthrough infection in the woods. the vaccination, they're still getting the virus for that's very small. the assumption being made scientifically certainly by the people who, tabulate the results for such that's here, says that's the vast majority of the people who are getting the, the infection are on vaccinated. what's the government trying to do of our sit passing laws in parliament? that's the parliament passing them. the government is a can take a government that sulking with the state prime ministers right now that bringing in far more stringent rules, we might get something much more stringent coming in the next few hours. thank you for all of that dominant cane, updating us on the situation in germany from berlin. germany has had actually an
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incredibly erratic journey when it comes to coven 19. so before we speak to our expert guest, i do want to have a look at that journey with the graph from our world and date her as we always use here. this takes in the entire pandemic and we are looking at daily cases. so the point here, we've had the spike at the start of the pandemic. now we are into summer of last year. as restrictions start to ease, there is a spike. there were up to sort of $20000.00 cases a day by the end of last year. then vaccinations to start to kick in and the right starts to come down again. as i say, it is very erratic when now into may. but then write down just before the summer cases are down below a 100 a day and then the climb again. and this time again, you see that sort of erratic nature, but watch now up to this point, upwards of 45000 cases a day by the time we say that particular graph and is dominic was saying it's up to 65000 now. so let's talk about it with a k met kimling now, who is the director of the willie rance,
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school of public policy at the university of out of it. i joining us from there today. thank you for your time. dominick was saying a correspondent was pointing out that there are maybe 20000000 people who are on vaccinated and what we cant figure out is, are they unvaccinated because they just haven't done it yet, or because they don't want to. what's your view on vaccine hesitancy? yes. first of all, thanks for having me. and yet dead. it's i, as always it's, it's a combination of both. so there's a lot of resistance to the vaccine in germany. and there are several reasons. one is that people are definitely afraid of side effects, potential side effects that has been part due to perhaps a sort of inconsistent publication and communication strategy. but there is also real resistance in terms of people who think this is not necessary,
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or the vaccine itself will not help to more will not be good enough. so it's, it's a combination of the 2 i'd say, is there also a problem with the political approach and that you obviously have the central government in berlin bates, a lot of a reaction and dealing with the cove. it situation has been left to individual states around germany. does that create a problem? yes, sir, definitely. so a federal system has its advantages and interior could be even advantages in this kind of crisis. because you see, even in northern states, such as mecklenburg, for part one, the rates are still way lower than in a doing where i live or in bavaria for instance. but in practice, obviously this makes the whole decision making process very slow and cumbersome. because of course, in such crisis situations you need rapid response. and now as your, your comments are sets visited, changing off guards, they're of the government id. this becomes even more obvious. and so how do you
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think, what do you think of the governments current approach? it seems in germany fact and a lot of european countries, particularly the more the government says, well we're going to put restrictions on you unless you are vaccinated. then you need to do this lateral, you can't use public transport or you can't go to work. all these sorts of things. and people always push back against that, that could just exacerbate an elongate this whole situation. yes, definitely. but perhaps now we are already too late down the line. so we probably will face some more severe lockdown restrictions because we didn't do our homework so to speak, in the summer months when we would have had more briefing space on this or perhaps somewhat better. but yeah, that this will be the problem, you antagonize people and i know several people, even in my own personal environment, lindley, who have this kind of reaction that the more forces exerted on them, the more resistant they become. i think emily really interesting talking to you
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about the situation in germany. thank you so much for your time. yeah, i'm happy to. thanks for the invitation. let's move on. armenia says the russian mediated cease fire with as the by john is mostly holding following violence early this week. it was the worst flare up since fighting over the dispute in a gonna cut back border region last year. remember, more than 6000 people were killed in that conflict from varsity walker reports now from tbilisi in i bring george official footage from armenia defense ministry shows strikes on what it claims were as a, by johnny armored vehicles in armenian sovereign territory. as a by john said, armenia provoked the fighting and describes the boar, the area as disputed. oh, mobile footage shade on social media appears to show as a by johnny soldiers beating and taunting their armenian captives on tuesday,
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the head of armenia security council called for russian military intervention. but so far, the prime minister has stopped short of officially requesting moscow support. sir, my victory marcin herself, julietta talks about border disputes are absurd and senseless. there is no boarded dispute. there is aggression against the sovereign territory of the republic of armenia. as it by john re took control of most of the go, no car back and surrounding territories in a war last year with armenia. almost 7000 soldiers and civilians were killed. the latest fighting is close to karuba, but along the 2 countries border as a by johnny checkpoints, now control roads leading into armenia, scenic province, isolating armenian villages and restricting travel. the region lies between as a by john and it's autonomous, exclaim nakesha van a cease fire agreement signed last year, included
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a commitment by armenia to provide a road or rail link, connecting as a by john with nike shavanne and turkey. as a by john refers to it as a corridor and by implication, something it would control but russia, which mediated last year ceasefire. and has peacekeeping troops on the grounds in the corner, caraballo and armenia has played down that language with which emma completely re shanie. we are getting close to concrete decisions, which are 1st and foremost, based on the notion that countries will retain sovereignty over roads passing through their territory as a by john and armenia accused each other of starting this latest round of fighting . but what is clear is that sticking points over those agreements signed in that piece deal last year,
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need urgently to be resolved. robin for astir walker al jazeera tbilisi busy news day here on al jazeera and plenty more to come. we will meet the cia and senate candidate who lost his sight and sense of smell and taste. after being shot in the face by police. the t a guest will say searching for bombs out this afghan village protects itself from the remnants of war. and it's fully funded, who's leading the way at the season ending world tour, chanting chicken to ah ha, once again, the weather remains remarkably wet across southern parts of india. we got 2 areas of low pressure to watch out for the still the clutches storms here in the south, west of the by have been gold. another system over towards sir the arabian sea, this one of the raven safe and bringing that very heavy rain up towards good herat
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. and he can see how it will bring further showers in across even across the northern place. shouldn't be seeing this at this time. if you my, to the western gats, also seeing some heavy showers, we've got this other system here, little yellow shading on our rainfall chart. there shows whether central, the storm is light is to be on friday and that will bring very heavy rain back in across a good part of terminal to southern parts of under protesting for the shower. no showers really becoming very widespread as we go on through sat day. so i'm afraid the flood risk already will be quite extensive here. red, orange warnings enforce across southern parts of india. at the moment. no such problems on the other side of the re b and c won't grind sunny sounded up for most i say most it's a different story just around all of that. we got little clutch of showers there, spilling in off the med, see some wet weather coming into syria, lebanon, jordan, some live the showers, even standing. they went in northern parts of iraq, one or 2 showers,
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to for that asian sort of turkey all the way up into the taxi. ah, in the country with an abundance of results for the trade bar and walk indonesia, his friends for me. we moved forward to grow and frank, we balance for green economy, blue economy, and the digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs invest . let me park when the this is growth and progress. invest even easier. now. can you hear it? anticipation these rising excitement is growing. as cattle always brings your favorite team to cut off for the fee for arab called 2021. greatness is in the air . late sore is won and will reach new heights, join as in cat, off from november,
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