tv [untitled] November 19, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm AST
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back in 2001 was designated as sancha. now, britain's home secretary, speaking of the united states, said that she was acting on new intelligence about her masses capabilities and out of a desire to protect jewish communities in britain and further afield. will in response to mass accuse the british government of being bias towards israel. i half lost here was a, she is a minister in the british cabinet, or a minister and is i, he can if she wants to get more troubles or the philistines, in an initial design, this is done by here, but as philistine hence we will continue defending are equal and fighting against the actual bishop. there was also some concern about the possible impact on grass roots organizations in garza that have been over the years, dependent upon hamas for support. a mass as well as its military and political wing that is governed garza since 2007 also has a social services wing that has provided
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a range of support to people in needs there, including fresh water and housing even covering people's rent when their homes were destroyed by israeli bombardments. there is some concern that the money needed by these groups may well be stifled as organisations and supporters around the world seek to distance themselves from hamas. nevertheless, pretty patel is very eager to get this through parliament as early as next week. something that is very likely to happen given the government's significant majority . there are cristo with us now director of the council for arab british understanding on skype from london. chris, thank you for your time and your patience as well. whilst we dealt with that breaking news from the u. s. so this move by the u. k. government is it doesn't amount to much more than a symbolic move. it's not like the u. k. had any dealings with a mass, and they'd already designated the i'm going to be a terrorist group. i think kemal,
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if you foss boards in 12 months time and you look back, your wonder what all this was about. i think there's a degree here of gesture politics going on whereby the u. k. government is trying to look tough on terrorism, on anti semitism. but the reality is that this will not have much meaningful impact on the groundwork really matches. i don't think you're going to see any stemming of violence, a tool as a result of this, nor will it impact the the fight against anti semitism as well. because those who hold anti jewish views and spouted out are going to continue to do so regardless. so i think this is all about furnishing the u. k. governments credentials here. however, when you look at it and pan out, when asked a question, what exactly is the u. k. government doing in terms of israel palestine, but doesn't seem to be a policy. it seems to be very happy to, you know,
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take this move today against a mass, but says absolutely nothing about the really serious transgressions of international law violations. the security council resolutions using torture on the home demolitions and even recently when the israeli government decided itself to prescribe 6 palestinian human rights organizations and civil society organizations as being terrorist soon without providing any evidence to this duke. a government has not said anything. he has not criticized this move at all. so is the one that you know, what are they doing to try to improve the situation on the ground to build a climate apiece? because this isn't going really going to contribute to this tool. but here's the thing, chris, if, if there's another, a israeli bombing, our our on garza and history would tell us that they probably will happen again at some point. will this mean that a duca charities for example,
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could be affected if they wanted to help people in garza and garza is run by hm. as than that can, is there some sort of gray area there? i wonder. well, it won't. it won't make it easier that is for certain but already them in the primary obs to cool to getting aid into garza will be the israeli and egyptian authorities. of course, there is a blockade of it now and that you have to actually demonstrate the israelis where your aid is going to. so already there are a lot of safeguards in place that international donor aid does not go to, into the coffers or to help from us. so i'm, i'm not sure this is going to change too much. as you said in your ports in the military wing has already been designated. so i really don't see how this is going to make a great deal difference. there is another area where it will make a difference, because it's now prohibited to talk to hammer in any shape or form that those
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organizations who are looking to try to find ways forward. try to exert some influence upon mass to move away from the use of rockets and waters against civilians move away from its hate. speech won't be able to do so because they will run the risk of being arrested. so it will actually cut off those rather vital channels of communication. we're hopefully that will be some positive influence. right. so i think it really beg so many questions as to what the british government wants to see happening in israel palestine. what's it going to do? positive day to encourage confidence building measures, and indeed to improve the situation for 2000000 people in gaza because there's nothing here for them at all. i mean, they have to live under the last rule, but i also have to live under that collective punishment of, of a blockade pulling conditions. and we've done nothing. so i'm afraid
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that these are empty gestures. chris doyle is with the council for our british understanding. we appreciate your time today, chris. thank you. hundreds, continue to protest. last month's election results in iraq demonstrate as want the balance recounted manually to to a ledge vote fraud. and now security forces have blocked 3 main bridges to prevent people from joining the protests. mama abdulla had as more from baghdad for more than a month. now, what possessed edison had been occupying eddie as near above god's green zone. these are supposed those of the rearranging political parties that last many seats and the october fundamentally election. the majority of them are members of the permanent mobilization forces, the ministry wings of the political parties, that law and electra now securities with had responded by blocking 3 bridges leading to this area to prevent any more people
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from joining the protest and their calling their calling on the electoral commission to conduct a manual recount of all the boats that only the disputed volatile stations recently, high provide a push in the country, including the prison monsalud. the prime minister must have academy. and the head of the supreme judicial council, the half cold for forming a government to be based on consensus in odors to diffuse the tension between the pets. i said as, as he goes, you forces in order to in this crisis. but look that us out of the shia cleric and political leader of this other is to movement that has achieved the majority of cease in the election. he has any depth did that idea is that he said he's only he
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stated that he's only willing to form a government to be based on the majority farmers in india. ha, celebrating after prime minister under moody announced his government is provoking 3 controversial laws. the been protesting against the legislations for a year saying they endangered a livelihoods awfully mental report. her gender core is finally relieved. she's volunteering at the community kitchen in the outskirts of new delhi where she has been protesting with thousands of other formulas. she says it's been a difficulty for ha, that me, it was hard, but they turned off. i bought a supply electricity and old to come and go. they did everything they could to make our life difficult. but we have finally run foremost began protesting, soon after in gas parliament passed 3 agriculture laws. they say feeble, big corporations and leads them was off. while some rallies ended in violent
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confrontations with police 7 rounds of talks between farmers union and the government failed to end the standoff until this sudden announcement, but prime minister marines remotely withdrawing the 3 controversial laws is my unique anthem in the parliament session starting later. this month, we will complete the constitutional process to repeal these 3 agriculture laws, gone on no problem with a credit rating this victory. but see the announcement as the 1st step, almost set up these temporary structures last year when they decided to camp out until the government roll back to 3 laws. they said they only pack up and go home once the parliament officially revokes them. they also point to critical issue the prime minister failed to mention the $700.00 farmers who died during the protests and their demand to government guarantees them a minimum price for their crop. more the view from the 7 states are heading into critical elections early next year. heated the writing on the wall he relies,
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unlike many of the people who are around him, that b j. b would not have a very easy passage in with a police which is very crucial state. and could return of his party to power in 2024 depend largely on how they do in the u. b. and he wanted to retain. you'll be a total cost and best and you'll be as important. so as one job for that matter, modi's announcement comes on the day of one of the biggest festivals for the sick community, which has been on the full front of the pharmacy protest. and while that made it more significant, demonstrate as j. b will continue this, it, they promised to hold pre planned rallies and when observed the 1st anniversary of their protest later this month, passing that then i'll just leave you daddy. major highways and roads remain closed in british columbia and canada, or after flooding and landslides, damaged roads and bridges. the canadian armed forces anal assisting with the provinces, flood recovery. we've got gabriel is under with us now. he's in sume us,
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which is actually in washington state just over the board. a similarly affected looks a little dry way you are now, but a, the damage must still be very, very big. it is though, flood waters have a receded here in the last 12 to 24 hours a bit. and now it's a clean up efforts. it's 1st go to canada, what you were talking about a minute ago. the canadian border here is just about a half a kilometer over my left shoulder, and that is where the town of abbotsford is out about a 150000 people live there. and that is where the canadian army is building a levy at this very hour. a 2 kilometer long levy, ah, because they are simply need to try to fix this situation there to prevent and more flooding in critical farm lands on the other side of the border there. ah, local officials in canada are estimating that the total cleanup efforts over there in canada just in british columbia area. and everything that needs to be done could
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cost over $1000000000.00. that's 1000000000 with a b. it gives you an idea of how bad the situation is there. here on the washington state side of the border, we're in the town of sue mosse, about 1600 people. a small town. as you can see, they're cleaning up the streets. are pretty quiet here because 80 percent of all the businesses have been destroyed as well as the homes, or at least severely flooded. but one of the major issues they're dealing with now is what you're kind of going to see behind you there. think thomas, the government is going to zoom in a little bit. what that is, there is one of several trains that have d railed here in town. freight trains. those strains were on the railroad tracks when the storm came to flood waters were so severe that it literally pushed the trains off for the tracks. d railed them completely. so they have crews that have
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been working over night here trying to get the trains back upright. reopen that train track because that is a very critical infrastructure in terms of transport of goods between western united states and western canada. so this storm is having a really incredible impacts year in the entire border region. this is a region that is used to severe weather. of many people are telling us that they have never seen anything like this. and the clean up is going to be taken many weeks months. and in some ways, probably even years. deborah is on that reporting from washington state today. thank you. guy returned to al breaking news. the verdict and the kyle written house homicide k. a trial in kenosha, wisconsin. remember this is the young man who was august last year killed. 2 people injured and other was on count was up on counts of endangering safety, of reckless homicide of intentional homicide,
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and has been found not guilty on all counts. this was the moment in court as the verdict were read out, written house visibly emotional. and then i think in just a moment he actually collapses as well. he can see the shock on a lot of people's faces in that courtroom there and plenty of shock, i think they will be outside as well. john henderson correspondent who's been covering this case. and what does it like out there, john? well, we just got a response from the brother of jacob blake. you might recall that this whole incident happened after jacob blake was shot by a white police officer. blake is a black man who was shot as he was getting back into his car. there were protests that filled the streets of canada after that. and that's when this clash between protesters, an armed counter protestors occurred and jacob blake's brother. justin was out here just saying that this reflected injustice that it reflected no justice for
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entity human entity, huber rather and no justice for the other victims in his case. and he was visibly angry, but he didn't come out here beforehand. and he was telling people that no matter what happened in this trial, it wasn't going to bring justice for his brother who remains paralyzed and but we saw responses from both sides. people have been honking their car horns in favor of the judge. second amendment advocates, and then there have been a number of people, including those from black lives matter where this protest originated, who've been calling this as justin blake did an injustice. but really, the ultimate response that we'll see in the street has yet to happen at what we've seen is people leaving the court house we've been. we've seen their reaction from people inside the court house, but it's really what really is going to matters what happens over here to night. and the next day and the day after that,
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with the $500.00 national guard troops already activated. we'll see, i think likely some of them out the streets. we're already having helicopters up above whether, whether those are news helicopters or police helicopters. we don't know. so it takes a while for this reaction to formulate people will likely come here to the court house as they have a you know, at it in the summer of 2020 in august, when that original jacob blake incident happened. it takes a while for people to gather it takes a while for protests to organize, but you're hearing the instant response on both sides. people in favor this ruling and people against it. and we had reason to believe that at least one juror might have have been switchable overnight. and that's because there was a, a woman who was on the jury who asked for the jury instructions so that she could bring them home. she did that judge allowed her to, and of course this is the result. 12 jurors all saying cow. rittenhouse was not
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guilty. extraordinary stuff. john henderson, in kenosha, wisconsin, and i have to keep a close eye on what unfolds fair. in the next few hours, i've been demonstrations taking place in iran to iran, to demand improvements to the water supply. hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the central city of it's for hon at the banks of an now dry river. many who attended our farmers demanding the government, let the river run without diversions. covent modalities with us now research professor at city college of new york, and was deputy head of iran's department of environment. he's with us from toronto, canada, said i, this is interesting. i mean, 1st of all, the fact that the hundreds of thousands of people have to come out and just demand at water. what makes it so bad, particularly in this part of iran, of iran like many other parts of the middle east, is experiencing water bankruptcy situation. where the demand for water is much more than the available water. the climate change is exacerbating the problem,
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but the main issue in that part of the world is mismanagement and decades of bad governance. unfortunately, we are at a point that farmers are in need of water and their their demand can be satisfied the rivers dry industries are suffering from water shortage and the environment is not receiving its, its share. a decades of mismanagement, it's hard to understand that people can go without adequate water for so long. and governments, whether it be the iranian government or any other government in the world, which has a similar problem, doesn't do anything about it. actually people didn't go without the water, the problem was the water was over use, so ground water was extracted with no, no plan for what's can it what can happen in the future then industries got developed in the region. agricultural lands got got expand, it. dams were built and water was diverted. everyone was happy for,
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for some period, but these are the consequences of a bad planning, you know, a long time ago. so well, unfortunately, this is something we are seeing around the middle east that the middle east and the leaders, the dismissed the fact that water can be a limit to grow. and, and they thought that with, with money and wells and engineering technology, they can overcome this natural limitation. this is the, the, the end of the story. and i can only assume that climate change is making it worse . absolutely, you know, their house is already on fire in the middle east and climate change is exacerbating the problem. what we need to know and note is that climate change is just one of the it o contributors to the problem and they catalyst. if you want to solve this problem, we have to take actions immediately within these countries within their own territories, and not wait for the quote, you know, the world leaders to solve the climate change problem globally. have him, danny,
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i'm gonna have to leave it there. thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it . ah. yeah. really busy. i haven't taken a break, but we're going to get you support now with andy. thank you so much. come all well mercedes, dr. valerie boss is gone quickest in 2nd practice. head of the inaugural cats on chrome pre behind him. little to choose between total arrivals. max, the stop and, and louis hamilton nice the dr. is this was the 1st experience of the sale international circuit alpha tyree's p. a ghastly was 2nd fastest. with the stop and, and hamilton not fall behind. hamilton stalls the weekend, 14 points adrift. the of his red bull rival in the championship standings. there just 3 races left in the season. drive away. ok, i mean it's all high speed corner, so it's definitely physical but then why not? no rule issues and yeah, i mean there's a little bit of damage on,
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i think just from writing but nothing serious. i think i would say that's an ideal way to start a weekend on, on a new new truck. so i think that they've been really good job on the destination of the set up. and it's not part of the suite of if it doesn't always work to do, i don't even driving life into session because you have to find all the be available. so sure we keep or i'll, strategy is test cricket captain tim payne is stepping down this after being investigated by cricket, australia for sending explicit text messages to a female coworker back in 2017 or 36 year old payne said he was exonerated at the time but it's quitting now after learning his tax were about to be revealed publicly. the news comes just a few weeks ahead of the ashes series against england. my actions in 2007, i do not meet the standard of industry and critic captain or the water community. i'm deeply sorry for the hurt and pain that i've caused to my wife,
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my family and the other party. i'm sorry for any damage. this does to the reputation of l sport. and i believe that is the right decision for me to stand down as captain effective immediately. or chavez played down the idea that he might be feeling nervous ahead of his 1st game as barcelona coach adobe against espanol is his 1st test of taking on the local rivals on saturday. chevy of coach, replaced rental, came in as manager after boston, made a disappointing start the season under the dutchman. currently 9th, in the table for the study. and we don't keel, i am very calm. the truth is, i am positive, happy, and excited. i'm very excited to be in what i consider my home. i'm eager for the game to start. i'm less nervous now than when i was a footballer. of course he had a few days of welcome qualifying the focus not returning to domestic football where premier league latest chelsea start the action in england on saturday. they're away
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at lester city. i expect a tough one. but i expect also chelsea team our team to play with hunger and with, with, with passion and with a pure will to win. and this is the mindset which we want to install again to, to, to restart winning and to, to restart our engine after the international breaks from liverpool and england captain steven gerald is making his managerial w in the league his aston villa team taking on brighten austin could move in for with a win over liverpool, liverpool, beaten by west time and their last game before the international break. the national team say they train pretty much through all this because coaches want to have their own targets on again. and a want to very often think that they have to physically work with them as well. and not, i don't like it. and so if it was not helpful or mcroy last the lead on the final
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whole of his 2nd round of the world. so championship in due by this rather untimely excursion in the water. so micro dropping to shots and slipping, a stroke behind the lady's micro will be paired with open champion colon or co. on saturday. i can always hosting dishes world military parachuting championships for the 1st of its hon. there are more than 40 teams taking part in 3 disciplines with hundreds of athletes hoping to claim the will title the harding join them before and during that jumps. as the competition began just outside the free fall precision. oh, these athletes are experts in the art of jumping out of planes. more than 40 military, parachuting teams have descended here to the desert of katara to compete for the world championship title. the competitors are all active military members and have
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been training for years to get here. most have tens of thousands of jumps to their names. you know, we all had the, the tactical and technical expertise of the american sold room. we just rely on our training. we fall back on what we've done. 1000 regalato. katara is hosting the world military parachuting championships for the 1st time. but the gulf nation is already well known in the air sports community. it's national team, 12 gold and one bronze medal in the last competition. this squad and country are hoping to make a lasting legacy in the sport as everybody know, after, let's say, one years we have the war championship, boards comp, let's say 2022. so this one. well, how did the people who don't know, got the like victims never been to cut out to have idea was, is cutter to see, to see the stadium? we will saw this one. it's all full bottles to show what got that can do.
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each country will compete in 3 disciplines. freefall, skydive, accuracy, landing, and 4 way formation. men and women compete separately, but under the same flag, i say hello firm. and as you have, as you know, the events are all dependent on whether we had to take a break while filming to wait for a sandstorm to pass. t mm usa waited with us ran won't always need to get you a feel like we're the jitters until you get around one of them in the field. okay. for the time it was usually pretty nervous for the 1st time. we were invited to join the teams in their final moments before competition. results of these jumps will be tallied in the coming days before winter is announced. you know, i can't do a story about parachuting and not jump out of a plane. this guy, he's the professional. he knows what he's doing. i don't what we're going to go give us a try to have some fun group. we get in the plane with other teams who are about to
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compete. we climb for several minutes until we reach 3000 meters. as we climb up in the teams mentally prepare for their jump. i try to do the same. then minutes later, once the earth is just a blurb below, it's time to free fall. i believe. with ah fuck got no idea what to say a fellow really, but sir, i would lay haunting, jumping out the plank. sandy thank you and expect it into our bulletin. just a reminder of the breaking news as well. this our coll written house, the 18 year old on trial in kenosha, wisconsin for intentional homicide. and for the charges has been found not guilty
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on all of those charges. this the moment the verdict was read out and the courtroom is written. house broke down the latest on that story and the rest of the world news with mariam and the team in london in just a few moments time. ah . mm hm. the stage is set and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think we're ditching the sound bites and we're digging into the issues from international politics to the global pandemic. and everything in between. join me as i take on
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