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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2021 6:30pm-7:00pm AST

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most in almost every state and territory held today. the largest of which was here in melbourne. melbourne has endured the longest lockdown in the world. and now there are concerns among parts of the community about some pandemic management legislation that the state government is currently trying to pass through the upper house of parliament. now that bill has stove, but people are concerned about the amount of power that the state government will have if the bill passes. now, people are also protesting around the country about vaccine mandates. many industries have now got no job, no job laws, which means people who are currently on vaccination won't be able to continue working. and the other thing that many people are protesting about are locked downs . now here in australia, melbourne indeed south of the longest lockdown and there have been locked downs in other states and territories including sydney. and there's been much sure to lock downs in brisbin, adelaide, and perth, and in high bought as well. the northern territory is currently has parts of this
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of the state in lockdown as well, which people, ah, it is to do with cove. it's still spreading there. so people are protesting about a number of things. and it's also important to recognize that the pros, as to some extent, have been infiltrated by far right. far, right. political activists who are, you know, staging conspiracy theories as well among the protest as so it's a range of raisins that people are protesting here in australia. now who the rebels on the saudi led coalition fighting in yemen. so they've launched major military operations. the who thes are claiming to have hit bases oil installations on an airport and a number of cities while the saudi lead. a coalition says it is launched attacks on more than a dozen spots in german. they talked to raymond l, him, danny, about the research at the given policy center and the group joining us from london
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. it's all waiting to be verified as always, both sides claiming that they've made these attacks. and the thing which strikes me is the parents scale of all of this. nothing is where it's only escalating, isn't it? sure it may sound like it's actually escalating. and definitely a when you look at who the rebel media, and there's always claims of multiple drugs trace and missiles that being targeted towards the king, no sarabia. but the thing is that however we've been seeing a lot of escalation on the ground and a lot of from my changing in yemen, that basically has led to an intensification of airstrikes on to the capital city of san m, and as well. and so if occasion of fighting along areas where there shouldn't have been recently, there has been basically violations of a, in the united nations or agreement to basically allow the city what, what city of, of the day down, which they did in the western coast. we haven't to centrally leave that port, city alone, and allow it to be an access for all foods and goods into yemen. however,
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recently there have been shifts over those positions and the who these are now fighting western coast, the west coast forces that are supported by the united arab emirates. as such, this has basically allowed the kingdom said to radio to help and aspire forces to back these their battles over there, but nothing there so significant it's going to change the who the position in the north. and i think that so significant that's going to change the corporate i think, i think there are very, are there any reports that are coming out now? that said the way, it does not want to continue investments in the conflict in yemen, but rather move its investment towards its protecting its borders. and so the more the hoodies shouldn't drones or actually even claim, even though they may not have been attacking all these drones. it sounds good for them because it makes sarabia look a little weaker. that makes them look like they're in charge of the battle. a such a sad irradiance cannot be quiet when all is drawing attacks, continue to hit the civilian and non civilian infrastructure and sad ravia. and so these are strokes have done very little on the past to curtail the healthy spread.
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and i don't think they're going to do much to do so today in itself. is it something that the, i mean, the war has gone on for so long now and, but the fact that a huge force, like saudi arabia, as you point out the finds itself not retreating, but focusing its mila tree elsewhere. i mean, that's something in itself, isn't it, that this has gone on this long and saudi arabia not been able to finish the job if i can put it that way? sure. i think i think that's fair to say. i think when we look at the conflict for 7 years right now, had it not been for international efforts to see basically broke her peace agreements between the 2 conflicting parties. i think the conflict would have been ended by now. i think that that in the fact that sarabia had entered the talk that the conflict, it's obviously made it much longer. i think, i think for some people they make make the argument that if there were no international efforts in february we had not been there would be getting involved. the hoodies were probably taken large loss of the country with a lot less resistance. and whoever said it may be, i basically when it started the complicated not think it was going to empower the
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who. these are such. but they also thought that it would basically scare the hoodies who to now really know much other than the language of fighting and rebellion. and so basically they had thought an asymmetric and the asymmetric, her opponent who does not know who does not really see the need for international diplomacy, who basically uses a slim as air rhetoric to recruit people as such as their 7 years is, is only the beginning of this conflict, i think right now we're going to have to look at, i'm sadly, maybe a having to look out for all of its borders because it means all these crow she or groups all over the middle east. sort of get closer and get stronger with iran. astonishing to think this could keep going on for more years to come arraignment on hub. danny, are joining us from london today. thank you. we appreciate it. ringback thank you. chili's elections. this weekend's may dramatically changed the country's political landscape, new and young faces, a leading in the opinion, polls at the expense of traditional parties that's energizing some shall answer
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usually don't bother to vote. a latin america editor, the senior man reports now from santiago in district 8, a working class area of santiago, young men and women, carry their political weapons to my pu plaza to launch their latest campaign for sundays. general elections. these letters spell corrupt the word frequently used to describe all to many chilion politicians and public servants. oh, that's the message and says, said label a 29 year old independent congressional candidate rehab. i'm gonna be looking at my main sponsor to young people between 18 and 25. if they gathered the $2700.00 c leeches and maybe to run for congress as the only independent candidate in the metropolitan area, it was an uphill battle labels allocated time for free television election. publicity was literally undetectable. shorter than
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a blink of an i will show you again. but young people in chile, especially in working class areas, don't watch mainstream tv. if cassandra panama, by labor is young and uses social networks and a style his generation understands me on the able to sampled on what level of sample you think of it. oh, my campaign, my me focuses on crop should mean politics and laws. one have to use public funds that make hiv warriors experiencing phenomenon. over the years, disenchantment with chiles. political institutions has prompted millions of young people to stay home on election day anger and frustration, especially among the poorest crew. oh, this boy over into mass protest, 2 years ago when demands for a more equal society were led by young people. months of demonstrations, recalibrated chilies, political landscape, putting social change on everyone's agenda, younger gayona,
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increasingly more young people are involved in politics. i believe they're the agent of change from one political. we're translating protests into political participation, especially in low income areas, is still difficult to lock into available. if not, that's what we're trying to change in my neighborhood. we need them to see involvement as a representative resource for everyone. not just the privilege class of a previous. yeah. earlier this year, an unprecedented number of young people were elected as mares, especially women. and in this sunday's election, one of the 2 leading candidates is only 35 years old. gabrielle bought each a former student leader. if the trend stance people like these will be playing a decisive role in deciding who governs chile for the next 4 years. the senior man with that report and she's lived with us now from santiago on the news. i hate to say what a fascinating election this would be so much enthusiasm. so many young people
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involved bartlett to get a pandemic as well. i wonder how this is all gonna come together to morrow. well, that's a, that's an interesting question in the last election that we had here, which chileans had to vote for representatives for a constituent convention. there are far more young people and fewer older people as who are usually the ones who come out in mass to vote precisely because of the pandemic. but now with a 90 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated. in fact, they've had booster shots. and uh, the, the infection rate has come down somewhat. so we are expecting a very, very large turnout from all the generations. in addition, of course, there is a lot of stake even more at stake than in the previous election. finally, of course, authorities are taking special precautions. everyone has to wear a face mask. everybody should be there told or must bring their alcohol gel or over more hand wipes whatever and their own blue ink pencil so that they can mark their
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balance. interesting to years, let's say it's been since the protest movement began. i guess it'll culminates in this in this election. now, i'm looking maybe it's sort of a formative moment angelo's history or a real change you well, absolutely, but it may go backwards or it may go forwards. what we're seeing here is an unprecedented election, not since the return to democracy of chile in 1990, which spilled the end of the 17 year peter shade dictatorship, has the outcome of an election been so so uncertain. and we really see to absolutely contrasting models pitted against each other, at least if you believe the poles which are there is a caveat here. the poles in chile have been systematically wrong. they seem to not really gauge the mood of the vast population at large. but if they all are even semi correct, we're going to have a candidate who represents
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a far right wing conservative model that would return chile almost back to the era of the penal shay days. especially in terms of social policies or one that is that represents almost a revolutionary revolution or a kind of revolutionary change in the economic and social model of this country. fascinating times coming in, she laid out the scene. humans, allison america, editor there. thank you to see you. venezuelan, the opposition parties a competing and election for the 1st time since 2017 hoping to make some games against president nicholas my daughter's socialist party. when venezuelans go to the post on sunday, teresa reports not from crock. s the for the 1st time in almost 4 years, the venezuela no position is back in an electro race. the voters are heading to the polls on sunday to pick local councils may use in governors, across the country. the county is running for the governorship of the state of
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media, and he says, this is an opportunity for the opposition to gain strength against president legal am. i, the widow, so much for the family. we have made a titanic effort to guarantee that in each voting table. there are at least 3 witnesses, a principal and 2 replacements. there are people in the districts in transport, people that are working to guarantee that we have a chance, but the position is divided and some have to put the call to participate in the elections. others like one way the have challenged rested in equal model during the past have remained silent. remain a position where you could hit breasted entry and legislative elections in the past over allegations of lack of free and fair polls for the grid support system. they don't sundays vote after they were given we assurance as by the government. the internal divisions could certainly damage their chances of winning in many parts of the country. something that the ruling socialist party could certainly take
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advantage of the same and will only why this is running for the governorship of law wida. he returned recently after being forced to leave the country for 3 years. he says he was a victim of political persecution by the government of nicola, my daughter, you know, get her fed up. i've never been chief of the opposition, but i'm part of it. people deserve we acknowledge our mistakes. i recognize that and say, sorry, i also say please don't ask me to start fighting to change the country for my son's future, for a country that's not what venezuela's become. out of work. for the 1st time in 15 years, the european union has sent a mission to observe the electoral process. over a 100 of service deployed across the country will be evaluating the candidates freedom of expression. as they campaign. the boarding process and other issues considered important to guarantee the info shallots of the boat. he said will sandals if a member of the european union parliament,
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one administrative memorandum, where we have their inscribed conditions of full freedom, of movement and freedom of expression for these. only these conditions we could be here. we need to listen everybody. this is 1st condition plurality. you spent everybody. and in the end, we have our conclusions and we will have our recommendations for years, be your position has been demanding free and fair elections in venezuela. we out of the countries enormous economic and social crisis exacerbated by tough us sanctions . for many, this is a major test and a chance for the opposition to finally gain ground against a leader. many blame for the problems they face. various i will, i'll cedar cut across the united states is calling on china to prove
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a tennis player punch. why is okay. shouldn't been seen since accusing a high ranking politician of sexually assaulting her amera chandry as our she's china's most successful tennis dollars. a former doubles world number one, winning the french open and wimbledon. but she hasn't been seen in weeks hang has taken to social media to accuse a top chinese government official sexually assaulting her white house press secretary john sock. he says the u. s. once verifiable, proof from china that the player is ok. we are deeply concerned by reports that peng try appears to be missing after accusing a former p r. c, senior official sexual assault with joining the calls for peer c authorities to provide independent and verifiable proof of her whereabouts and that she is safe. the united nations also wants answers and has insisted on a fully transparent investigation into pangs account of what happened to her. we would stress that, that is important to, to, to know that, that she,
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you know where she is and, and, you know, her state, you know, know about her well being. and as i said, we think it would be important that there's an investigation into her allegations of sexual assault, tennis players including serena williams and novak chalk of h, the wealth hotman's player have also the voice that supports the chinese athletes. i mean, i hope that for you know, for the sake of tennyson and, and chinese tennis and pang shy to, to find her very soon because this is, is terrible. i mean, this could happen to anybody, the well tennis association has questioned the authenticity of an e mail released by the government, which retracts the allegations. this case has not been reported by chinese media. and any online discussion has been censored or removed. one saturday, the editor of the global times tweeted, pang will make a public appearance soon. solar china has remained largely silent over the tennis
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sto, asked to respond to the mounting questions. china's foreign ministry spokesman had this to say, we and i have not heard of the if you raised me, this is not a diplomatic question for government. her fellow players and have hands are waiting for answers. her marriage, or 320 thousands of spectators heading to the world superbike competition in indonesia this weekend. the 1st time that a newly constructed rice truck on the island of lombok will be used for major event governments to transform the area into a sports and entertainment hub. sco washington, as more now from monday rico. oh, on the island of phone book, champion right is, are converging on the coastal area of metallica to compete on the newly constructed circuit. this track is one of the country's most high profile infrastructure projects. it's been a hard work and we are very broad with
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a servant. we only built this, veronica locked in months. so it's all it's, it's a record. lubbock is less developed and less popular with international tourists than its neighbor. bali now as the circuit makes its debut, authorities are hopeful that may change the construction of the man to like a circuit is the 1st stage of the government's plan to turn this coastal area into a thriving sports and tourism hub their plans to build more sports facilities, new hotels and luxury retreats but not every one is impressed. subaru is home is just meters from the track. he is one of dozens of indigenous sa sucked people, who say authorities intimidated them and stole their land. it only had my bills. oh, they don't see how i feel. i'm hurt being treated like this for years. no my to what? i will defend my land. he says 3 hectares of his land is inside the circuit area
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and he's waiting for compensation. but authorities dispute his claims. many people say they have no opposition to the circuit itself. they just want to be compensated fairly from car. oh, you were me, r b a pro. i want to be paid for my land that is in the surgery, or that's what they promised that human rights groups have raised concerns about the $3000000000.00 project and the claims of forced evictions and intimidation. the government denies any wrong doing and says they have the best interests of the people of man delica in mind. so far i thing, ah, we have managed through a sub listen body. so of reason in understanding among all stakeholders, including indigenous people. the government has classified the area as a special economic zone with the aim of boosting the tourism industry. next year there will be more major sporting events, including the prestigious moto g p. hot up on. if that is in your tool,
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we hope to rule the corporation with local people shore can work together on these events that are gotten with those who couldn't afford tickets, climbed nearby hill to get a good view. looking down at a project that may change their community forever. jessica washington, out as era metallica to bit of a postscript to that story. those saturdays rice in indonesia has actually been postponed due to a heavy rain. torrential rains flooded most of the circuit, making it extremely dangerous for the drivers. so there will be 2 races on sunday if the weather allowance more sports ahead for you will find out who's on po position for the 1st ever formula. one grand prix right here in content ah
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is done with all counting the cost is big, follow refuses to pay. the vaccine secret wells health organization has a south african lab to crack and a code contacted by the pandemic, the airline industry. so root canals counting the costs on our oh,
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the i formula one about to the view here in couple hours go to like, i say it's in the come all those hamilton is taking poll position for the 1st ever for me, one grown pre kit and cassandra mercedes drive the top, the time sheet off the 2nd in qualifying under the flood lights on saturday. he 14 points behind mike's the stopping in the room championship with just 3 races remaining by his person's self in a great position to close. the gap in the race on sunday. novice soften will be right behind him, but the red bull driver will start from 2nd on the grades with hamilton, teammate voltaire, both fast in 3rd, pierre gastly and fernando all along. so rather make up the top 5. moving on the early kickoff meeting, and so chelsea goes 6 points. claire at the top of the premier league, antonio,
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rudy goes header. got them on the way for victory over less. now, the picking goals came from the front field it and go the can say the world when a score you get his form, a team in a 3 meal when that's 4 in a row. now for chelsea, lizzy, former liverpool midfield, a steven geologist. guess he is 1st face of life as a trim year lead manager. he's in charge of his 1st and visual hosting bryson in one of the 15 gmc cables. now it's have you called on his page to make the fans proud ahead of his 1st match in charge us barcelona. his only game later on saturday will be at home as a local rivals, espanol chevy replaced ronel crewmen is coach of the boss, made a disappointing thought to the season under the dutchman. they currently 9th in the table. danielle madrid. evans just one victory away from winning the atp finals for
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the 2nd year running. now the russian was number 2, made it into the final insert in the strike. that's when we always lose. so now pay either. well, no one knows which one is on the tracy on the same outcome. the different 2nd big pots is patient. next year's australian open remains and downs off. the organizes again insisted that he and all other players must be fully vaccinated against k. 19 the ground is in january, everyone including self and funds will have to be fully job safe, which is the defending champion in melbourne and would have, would have the chance to overtake roger federer and rough. amazon's become the 1st month when $21.00 majors. he's never declared his vaccination spaces. we have been speaking to novak talk, which team and novak in the team understand clearly that in order to come and play the israel, no need to be fully vaccinated. and, and they know that it's
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a condition for everyone, not just the players, but the fan and all of off. and he has indicated that it's a, it's a private decision for him. and at the right time, he will tell us and i know that he wants to play. it clearly indicated that no one at this point, they're not coming and outside of roger federer, but that's not perfect nation reason. that's for an injury related reason, but everyone's no one at this point. did that, and we don't expect anyone. for the 1st time, spectators have been allowed to watch a test event for the beijing winter and then takes more than a 100 local residents, attended to leesville cup tournament and national sliding center. all fans has texas check have swim awesome. we are told to avoid shout thing it's hearing and even the singing. now there's line seems to be limited capacity for the main games in february, and any people living in mainland, china will be able to buy the tickets to buy interesting and i strike appear stupid, but also difficult because if you make some small mistakes,
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especially in the pop up, the trick is cost a lot of time. the 1st 3 to 5 days was hard, but then we started to getting better and better. and yeah, no, it's great. we like it to the bay and korean puts in another impressive form of the chicago bulls as they want to weigh against the denver nuggets for the 1st time. not going further for the 1st time since 2006, being set up based on from support. derek jones junior, who don't 9 feet across the core to reach the ball, get a living school, 36 points, which means he's now school. 20 points or more 15 times this season. hydrant, brooklyn's kevin gerard for most in the league now will re montoya re taken the lead goals, wolds her championship, and by, as he looks to become the 1st pay it when the tournament 3 times, the northern irishman made 7 buddies and see values on day 3 to finish on 14, on the part the european tours last event of the season. that leaves in one shot
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clear going into the final round. but even if he does win on sunday, my one sunday and the number one to fall behind the race to devise funding. and the rich his prize and women golf is up for grabs. then it's francis dean boots . yeah. who's in poll position to take home the $1500000.00 when a check. she's for shots clare at the c. m. e group to championship and florida, which is the season finale on the lpga. her with see i was level power off the a holes on day to around came to life also that she made 7 buddies in the final pen . hope to finish up with back to back 65. now that leaves her on 14, on the not so you for, for me and i'll be back later. yes, thank you. are more with, sorry, $1800.00, gmc, that's on next news. our, to our time after the break that the latest on all the codes of protests across europe. ah,
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ah, ah, ah, this is al jazeera, it's november the 15th day, one of the new era and television you. if you have known that, that was the scalar bloodshed would you have still gone to moments ago to miss planted about a 100 meters away from us. we're on the front line, but it's not we saw the syrian army flag hoisted high in the city. many people here have told me that that war will not end until they secret duffy and his son brought to justice. get 90 seconds for this on all the distant army is very real is coming. our way buying brides is
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lack of respect for women and lack of any value that a woman i was just the peer guard by the police on purpose. there's at least 20000 for him to refugees who live here. i'm on l 20. i got to commend you, you're not trying to push people to believe in this or believe in that. the, i'm a say, has completely changed you with the board al jazeera offices in garza, our house in that building and the time has come down. the other before in human history has the months for steam environment. they all took it in such peril. question the narrative, identify who is telling the story their motivation. these are multi national
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corporations that are interested in profit. the listening pace, deconstruct the media on al jazeera, ah anger in austria, that a plan nationwide locked down with supporters of the far right freedom party out on the streets, protest 2 in the netherlands against covet restrictions, oper, violent night in rotterdam. and now people in rome are also demonstrating, saying no to mandatory vaccine passes for work. ah, and come all santa maria here in doha with the world news from al jazeera. the other headlines. the saudi coalition says it conducted a.


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