tv [untitled] November 21, 2021 5:30am-6:01am AST
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so the mexican, with the dodson, the germans, are with her argentina as an, or whatever the guitar is with the swedish for he's off there. they said that connection that will make it so special, some finishing touches, and a few more qualified teams. and now all that's needed before the middle east, biggest sporting events can begin. andy richardson al jazeera, though ha, ah, arts. i took a check at the top stories here at this hour. there's growing anger against new coven 19 measures across europe. the netherlands is seeing a 2nd light of rioting, the people throwing stones and fireworks of police and the hague. 3 protested are being treated in hospital after officers open fire. chileans are heading to the polls on sunday. millions are choosing a successor to president sebastian pinero. elections being held in a new political landscape after the explosion in social unrest that began in 2019
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daniel shine was in santiago. there is a great deal uncertainty in chile, a given that this is a country with huge wealth, but it is a country or which has some of the worst wealth distribution anywhere in the, in, in the developed world. and many of the people in this country would like to have a greater share of some of that well for some of that progression that chile has been made over the years. and there are a betting everything really on these elections on sunday to see which way they go, either extreme left or or far right. your section states ramped up his tour of africa with a visit to set a goal, anthony, blinking left of the message that washington was a partner of african countries, also raising concerns about ongoing and stability in ethiopia. and molly, a police stations been set on fire in sudan during the latest round of demonstrations. people are demanding justice for those killed during protests and the hand of power to civilian rule. this populations are declining at
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a faster rate than previously estimated according to a new study. the min to root foundation says as evidence, half the world stocks over fished around a 1000000000 people in the low income countries rely on the oceans for food. authorities in mexico have discovered and detained hundreds of migrants being transported in the back of 2 trailer trucks from a number of central american countries. video apparently showing the missing chinese tennis player peng sway at a restaurant has been released by the state run global times newspaper. she cannot be heard talking in the footage, which has been released in the wake of the viral where is potentially hash tag campaign. the tennis star hasn't been seen since accusing a high ranking chinese politician of sexually assaulting. so those are the headlines and he's continues here now to 0 after listening post stage with thanks to watching bye for now. i'm counting the cost as big pharma refuses to sales play . the vaccine secret wells health organization highs a south african labs,
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the crack m on a coast affected by that hand. i make the airline industry plot. so root canal magic counting the cost on our purchase, finished john messengers showing debt another o teen and really saw i saw that on the line with credit democracy demonstration. i'm hoping that with al jazeera, which has been covering the demonstrations says it can be read, she has been arrested. hello, i'm richard ginsberg and you're at the listening post where we dig into the coverage and look at how news is reported. here are the media stories we're examining this week. so dan's flirtation with democracy ends in a qu, they top how far will the, who to go to control what we know about the story. the journalists arrested in the aftermath of the qu, in me and mar, finally get their day in court. the jury is still out on the justice system that
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a far right journalist turned presidential contender, frances eric. so moore and the t v. news channel behind his rise and the met averse is the next frontier, the mash up that exposes the fine line between face books attempts at p r. it's completely immersive and parody. this past wednesday, november 17th was supposed to be the day that sudan, after more than 30 years under various forms of dictatorship, returned to civilian rule. that never happened just 3 weeks before the country's military was due to return to its barracks, handing over its share of power to civilians. the generals deposed the transitional government. they had been a part of and can that a crew that triggered mass on rest, reminiscent of su dan's revolution in 2019, that deposed the long time dictator, omar bashir. since then, it's been about controlling the streets and the narrative,
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through tactics to dan has seen before. protest or shot, the state broadcast or taken over journalists arrested the internet blocked out. but in a country that came so close to democracy, it could taste it. the population hasn't rolled over. activists are still finding ways including some low tech ones to organize. journalists are doing the same to get the story out. our starting point, this week is cartoon nearly 2 and a half years after the sudanese spread when mass demonstrations led to the downfall of long time dictator omar albert ship citizens are back on the streets. ah, less than a month ago. a country that has spent 52 of the last 65 years under military rule was on the verge of restoring something. it hasn't had since 1989. it's democracy. i fell just 3 weeks.
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ah, and michelle was ousted by the military in april 2019 and then a power sharing agreement was put together between the civilian s f. c. the forces for freedom in change and the transitional military council, the t m. c. now this sovereignty council, this transitionary body, was only meant to be around for 3 years in 3 months, and then meant to hand over power to a civilian leader this week, but only 3 weeks ahead of this hand. every day we found ourselves in the military kid, clara, people that actually take place by switching on t v dash b and seeing, you know, the sort of a niche bambridge response play and immediately then so that's and it's more it'll shift in the content. and so that sort of aesthetics of s at and t b shifting back to more islam is signaling by presenting. also the content which was being shown on t v. and more importantly wasn't just
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a state control. the sudan tv showed the crew leader abdel facto albert han refusing to call the crew cooler. i will, it will sit without a solar lot o l m a lot of authority. you have the, he branded the take over a corrective measure instead, tried to justify it as a continuation of the 2019 anti alba, sheer revolution. and argued that the civilian military transitional government somehow posed a threat to peace and security. because it was unstable. having just di, stabilized that government by overthrowing the ugliest of all, perhaps was the timing coincides with clear, ob, turn in a in slave fortunes that this millions had not been doing very well in government. or recently, you know, key economic indicators to start to turn around at the inflation had begun to full
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balance of trade in a group for sudan. and i think those instances of success started to worry and military who had banked on civilians failing. and that failure being iraq back to power 4 days before the qu, sudanese took to the streets in their millions, across the country to deliver one particular message. it wasn't pro government protests, but it was pro democracy and anton military protest. the message was clear, we do not want military rule. perhaps this alliance of who plotters just realized that may be now was the right moment to see. suppose that they can take a showdown between them and the sudanese people attempting to control the masses. and the narrative, the military has borrowed tactic, straight out of omar alba shares media and repression playbook. the takeover of the state broadcast. and a communications blackout landline internet is still function. but the vast
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majority of sudanese rely on mobile data 3, g, and fortune. and both have been shut down. that has left reporters cut off from their sources, their means of distributing information. and as the night activists, the digital tools, they rely on to organize b internet. that is quite katy to keep different was each blow the back of the resistance movement from mobilizing beyond that, you know, businesses that have lost money because they're unable to contact their customers, adding precious regime to revise this internet back up. and the assistant had previous experience with mobilizing people during internet blackouts in 2019 it's not as effective as to achieve might wanted to be in every area. there is
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a local resistance, lee, and they have been able to disseminate information, an old school ways in your house to house. they send out why is the let people know people choosing to not go to work to grind the country to a holes in order to demonstrate that anger and their refusal to accept this military rule. so even though the military is trying to completely isolate the sudanese people and disconnect them from the world and each other, i have been completely awed and impressed by what they've been able to do despite all of the obstacles. it is really to the credit of protesters demonstrate calling to that they have retained and nonviolent posted. and that nonviolent approach has absolute confounded literature because they, they stand on the ends of streets with the tools in their hands. and it's very hard to respond. so those are your hyper aware of this, and reality of violence can be for their attempts to really maintain control over st. in another tactic, straight out of the 2 plotters playbook,
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news organizations, both domestic and international have been target journalists, organized a protest of their own. this past week assignment, symbolizing the authorities efforts to restrain their reporter, they've had their offices rate. some of their transmissions flocked to stop their versions of the story from getting to the outside world. we spoke with general albert hans present folks who would not comment on those measures or on the arrests of reporters columnists and editors, including al jazeera bureau chief in cartoon. ready all of them have spent time behind bars since october 25th and the day the military music started playing on sudan tv. ah, you had bloomberg. i shop correspondence. mad. bold and her crew were arrested in health for a couple of allison in another quite prominent columnist of the newspaper and
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democrats. he is a silly was arrested after giving an interview for as yet is heard of them here in which he criticized the case l. democracy is known to generally being favorable to what's the transition and few days after the key security forces rated its headquarters and went to the home of its editor in order to arrest him as well. another thing it's worth to note, the fm relays for b, b, c, arabic and mold carlo, radio, worst soft and her tune. when you've so pre lays, you're trying to st. talk international media from reflecting what they are seeing competing against them. so the saddam becomes a small closed box for the propaganda, the regime or the home to here wants to spread. so the safety of journalists, it is at stake. news, and the verification of what's happening in sudan is at stake. right
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down to the basics, like the casualty figures resulting from social unrest. this past wednesday, the day that transition to democracy was supposed to take place. 15 more protesters were killed that we know about. is that the whole story with most of the internet closed for business, all those journalists arrested, all the intimidation taking place. we just do not know. because freedom of expression in sudan has proved fleet. the country is back to square one. or is it my rational response was, well, this was never when you go get this coverage of demonstrations to account on social media. how people mobilizing that hope is actually what it was cultivated last year, not lost. and instead, actually, we didn't put it under the law, it cannot undo 30 years of repression into it. people are finding ways around and
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amplifying what's coming out from the ground. the saying, we are going to have our own narrative. we are not going to come. we're not going to negotiate, we're not going to share our this time around. we're going to fly in the narrative, as well as in the st. ah, turning to me and mar, now it's been 9 months since that military to the one that ousted the democratically elected on songs to cheat nick newer heads been following developments. nick the journalist arrested there the news outlets band. where did those legal cases stand? that media cracked on was to via at least 5 news outlets were banned. more than a 125 journalists arrested, 47 of whom are still behind bars. now those cases are making their way through the courts military courts and the sentencing has been cause for alarm. starting with journalist minyard from the democratic force of burma. he got sentence to 3 years
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in prison for quote, criminal mutiny and char d b reports. and those are a freelancer for mizzi mar newspaper. we've got 2 years in prison. and then there's the american journalist, danny french, the who works for frontier me. and 5 months ago he was arrested while trying to leave the country. last week he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for supposedly punishing fake news and an unlawful association with any legal group, the unlawful association charge that would be based on the work that fenster did for me in mar. now i news outlet that the one to his back, right, but the thing is mean my now says that fence to stop working for them in july 2020 . so 7 months before the arctic was banned. in other words, when fence was associated with that news outlet, it was perfectly legal. now, earlier this week, after an intervention, probably a better way to put it is pressure from the us through a former ambassador. the authorities drop the charges against france does. so why
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would the authorities go to all that trouble if they're just going to release the guy? it's hard to say the hunter is not wanting to make new enemies of outside governments . right now, it's feeling isolated. last month, the association of south east asian nations. and pardon me and me off from attending it's by and your summit because the country has failed to implement a peace plan that had been agreed at home. it looks like the hunter is trying to consolidate power. unsung suit, she is now up on charges of election, ford and lawless actions in a trial that the media will not be allowed to attend. and then of course, you've got the $47.00 janda still in prison and the thousands of activists to took part in the anti cru demonstrations. many of them are still awaiting trial, and they probably isn't an ambassador coming to negotiate their release. ok, thanks. frances presidential election is still 5 months away and one prospective candidate, a high profile journalist is shaping up. as a big part of the story,
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eric, the more is a veteran polemicist. his hostility towards islam and ethnic minorities has already earned him 2 convictions for hate speech. he is yet to declare himself a candidate, but multiple poles halves, the more in 2nd place, right behind president emanuel macro. he owes much of his popularity to see news. a right wing channel that has long provided him with a platform for his poetry. see news is now frances 2nd most watched news channel and despite having broadcast regulators on its case, seems to be having an agenda setting impact on politics. there. the listening posts, daniel tory now on the rise of eric some more. and the main streaming of the far right in french media. ah, a tom. i vaguely beat he's actually on do it. he made yes. pipes
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it was have to saw. is a boss. could you just say news bus got busted? who cannot brucell gentle sheila, he got these all holes on the go button with zooms. you will have to do stupid that when you pull off us for both one of us to do this well, james, and want to do this feel to me. he may not be an official candidate with eric samuels playing to the height. his nationwide boot looks and sounds like the campaign run. so does his toward t v studios where he's debated. presidential contenders are free or zilkey bud, but of the museum will tubes and the movie of fins. visual my printer, i also for a printer for the moon media coverage. he seems to yeah, we saw him on the front page of that image. he was swimming in the mediterranean sea with his young assistant. we kind of glamorize disease image and something that
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there with politicians in france would get. so he's been invited as well on by his shows. and the more he's not even a politician yet, he's not even running a perennials. all 3 similar problem at the moment is not only that all the media outlets are talking about and using his rise as the justification which is understandable. but what raises question is that any provocation he makes benefit? any racist sexist or homophobic comments? becomes a national debate then sussex. and i think that he is the one setting the political debate in france that he did you give up when they moved public profile has been decades in the making. the french media have been central to his rides. he made his name in the 1990s as a political journalist with the right wing daily lithia whole. then became a television pond. it. it was in that role in 2011 north was 1st convicted. find
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for haiti caught the he claimed on air that most drug dealers were black, arab in 2018. he was convicted again. this time for saying that france had been, quote, quite faded by muslims, a. despite those offenses, the 2019 move landed his most prominent platform at sea use. a channel that had recently undergone radical make koga under its own conservative millionaire fossil away sinews and the poultry exact dimension. companies see news isn't exactly like any other channel in france's media regulation. there is a strong principle of internal pluralism, whereby different editorial perspectives are represented within a single news outlet. see clarity of c williams is that it's a more politically slanted channel, slanted to the right. you know,
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they're both pretty slim, luxurious mention it. 83, i really have this letter than the puzzle that exclusive and it's hanson editorial line didn't really vis before and french television. and that's what has made the news the professor can more. he said they are, it's jeff institutes in law. so get out of that on a course, you know, they designed to show specifically catered to ethnic simone. personality. it was called fast along for facing the nukes, where a host and several, pamela, have comments on the news of the day. in truth, it could have been named faster, you know, was that the application key process or the brush? okay, t n a duplicate corman e at us. carol taquita was at the input lesson key. meg had been african directly bout michigan. so this has happen a hopeless model, someone else was host it so no one could say was no show. but in reality, he was the main attraction. and the show was based around the topics that he
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decided mexico to disconnect me with the move on board. see news. his ratings took off. as of last year, the channel began challenging its commercial rival, b. f, mtv for poll position among frances news networks. potassium news created more and more controversy. the broadcast regulates of the c essay, began to take notice. in march, it issued its 1st ever find to a 24 hour news channel, or more had called migrant children. thieves were rapists and murderers. and on a round that costs the news. 200000 jurors as francis election season began, am with a more sounding more and more like a candidate. the regulator decided to treat him like one on the french law. in september, the sir say, posted here in paris for seniors to drop them off at the paid a 100. however,
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since then, the channel seems to have doubled down on its fall right formula with them or, or without that me seen use recently played host to the far right to with the inviting him to exclaim, his influential conspiracy theory known as the great replacement for the bad shows, it brought up, he claims that immigration, you make up less than 10 percent of the population on track. replaced is white christian. the theory is a central theme. with a more spite, his jewish algerian heritage village going on the channel has also been giving them plenty of bad times a get like this exchange with the french women of north african descent support. i don't want to give us a comment on it. then we'll come back. what would you say?
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i have to say i was stunned when i saw the clip. i've never seen something like that. some french television. it felt like something new was happening. i didn't see my there was no, i think that will show up. why don't we want to be with the scene didn't really make sense to me. and it turns out that was an element of theater to it. it seems that this woman wasn't there by chance. she lives 40 kilometers away and the production team brought her up. when you have a new case with mr. i thought this didn't really cross the line because this is not just about one women removing her. he job out. of course, we know free well that they all knocked off kind of his and when we got taxing france already, and lots of we men are being, are being a thank for wearing that he job. and now you see
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a potential presidential candidate who's calling very well supported by your tv channel. doing this as well. see news and its parent company cannot please declined our request for an interview. however said, whoops, appeal is not the work of one channel or even the french medium. low folks ideas have flourished. the citizens of great disillusion with mainstream parties and their failure to grapple with issues ranging from unemployment to terrorism. that helped the far right politician murray le pen reached the 2nd round of the last presidential election in 2017. the media also played a role piping her rise and boosting her visibility with the moor. it looks like deja through only graphs to see news, hector, with an even bigger platform. demography esco rosmer, a credit devout, he'd be sweating, said the boss from before this week. except the mosque was already like i did. i
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did a video or says today if you watch french tv and who are muslim, black, you were a job, you are a woman or homosexual. it is extremely violent. because we're being constantly insulted by people like them and others without anyone telling them what they do is consistently hurtful. and i think these debates create a state of tension in french society and tensions are the source of violence, especially what i want. i sort of generals, and that's why you say that, you know, but johnny sized best friend because we've been rate of bows around him. and while we talk about the more we don't talk about an employment, when we talk about the more we don't talk about any qualities, while we talk about seeing what we don't talk about climate change. and that's, i think, a big issue here because of course, we should talk about the whole, but we can't be absorbed by his ideas either. and the problem in france at the, just anyone about what's happening in the campaign. and
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finally, facebook spin dealing with a succession of negative news reports on how the company has done so little to stop, hate speech and abuse on its side time for a re brand mark zuckerberg trying to reshape the narrative. so the sites parent company is now called meta, and there are plans for met averse using virtual reality to transform things like online video calls into 3 d experiences. but v r cannot possibly compensate for zocker bergs problem with p r. his presentation style is robotics. he's a mean waiting to happen, and the parody videos now include one produced by a tourism organization in iceland out to sell the real world. we're leaving you now with a mash shop meta verse versus iceland verse. where would you rather spend your day? was the next time here at the listening post. hey, and welcome to connect. today we're going to talk about the met averse day. i want
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to talk about a revolutionary approach on how to connect the world without being super with the next platform and medium will be even more immersive and embodied internet where you are in the experience, not just looking at it. and we call this the metaphors. it's already here. seriously look, try to you. and what do we call this? not so new chapter in human connectivity. the iceland worse? everything we do online today connecting socially entertainment games work is gonna be more natural and vivid in our open world experience. everything is real and has been for millions of years. so let's start by exploring what different kinds of met averse experiences could
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feel. i mean, starting with the most important experience of all connecting with people to your human right. isn't tiffany. i am proud to announce that starting today our company is now met. now please enjoy a roku. november marks the 5th anniversary of a peace treaty between the columbian state and fark rebels. but the security situation in conflict regents like hearing coke is far from resolved. can the government feel deliver on the promise p, special coverage on all 0? part of the sample. that was on good luck. we are the ones traveling the extra mile
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where the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. ah oh, protested the cove 19 restrictions turned violent as europe is warned. mornings to be done to contain the virus. ah, hello, hello robin. you're watching all reserve locks my headquarters hearing dog coming up in the next 30 minutes. julians get ready to choose a new president with 2 very different front runners, leading opinion polls wrapping up his tour of africa, secretary of state and to.
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