tv [untitled] November 23, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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invisible studio be unscripted on out to sara. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter what newton, when use in current for that matter to you. as a the opiates prime minister pledges to lead troops against to grind rebels who are advancing towards the capital. ah, hello, i'm emily anglin. this is al jazeera alive from dough. so coming up 2 years on from the east to bombings in sri lanka campaign is, are a step closer to justice. thousands of refugees in migrants remains stranded along the poland bowers, border and freezing conditions. despite more repatriation flights from minsk
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black people living in south africa is port city of cape town. tell us how they're being pushed out of areas to house the ridge. ah, we begin the program in ethiopia, where the prime minister says he'll travel to the front line on tuesday to lead the military against rebel forces. the year long conflict has intensified in recent months with fight. it's from the northern to cry regent advancing towards the capital. the conflict started in september last year when to brian's held regional parliamentary elections. there were in defiance of prime minister abbey, i meant to wanted the vote postponed, because the pandemic weeks later ethiopian lawmakers cut funding to the region. the war has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people and displaced millions. victoria gate and b begins our coverage,
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ethiopians prime minister says it's time to lead by personal example. it's a dramatic new step in the conflict. it's devastated the northern te gray region in a statement released on social media. abby had said, this is a time when leading a country with martyrdom is needed. i will go to the front line and lead the military from the ground myself. those of you with your pins, he won't to be remembered by history for the sake of your country, join me in the fight to day. unless say it's an unusual moved by the prime minister . i think it is assign hope for that doc will also mobilize other with your beans, to join the military forces and to join the war against the to can defense forces. but certainly it is also a sign of desperation. in response to the prime minister's statement, the spokesman for the tea gray people's liberation front tweeted, obese mimicry of ethiopia will time. empress is taken on an all to palpable skits
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of frantic overtone. i would have dismiss this as yet another sick joke. abby, would it a military offensive against the t p a left last november saying it was in response to attacks on army bases? the t p left says it was unfairly targeted, but in june this year to graham fight is recaptured, the regional capital mckelly and they're now advancing on the capital at is have a despite a flurry of recent diplomatic activity, a ceasefire has not been reached and only say the language used by abby and monday statement is worrying. he does have a military background if you look at his nobel prize speech from some years ago. they used a lot of war imagery to talk about the latitude learned about the hell of war. but here we are in almost full circle the nobel peace prize winner. by using the mult, bellicose language on to try to, you know, ramp up to stakes ahead of the defense, not only of ethiopia, goodness in life and death, you know, you basically, you are willing to die for the cause. both sides of the conflict continue to
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maintain hard line positions and upset pre conditions ahead of any negotiations. victoria gate and b al jazeera. let's take a look at where the conflict is taking place. the t p l f rebels are pushing south from to gray into the neighboring regions of m herrera and a far and then a major road running to the capital. as is up of earlier this month to grind, rebels said they took control of these towns. compulsion fits on and supply line linking the land love to nation, to the port city of diversity. journalist samuel, get a chance to follow this update from addis ababa. he's been encouraging, if your parents to take up arms to defend their country. he said, this is your best will apply to the lot born and blood. he's been saying it for a while. you've been, if you are to take a listen to the local radio stations and they've been playing tic, music,
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encouraging people to defend the interest of the country, the leadership and the job that has been saying this is a fight for the foundation of the country for the independence of the nation. they've been complaining about the u. s. citing with the t p, which the government continues to say that terrorists organization. there was a large cortez putting in many, many cities and western nations defending and thing. if you're as an independent nation in the u. s. should state bought should stay out and the cut the nation, the job and the government has been saying they're in a position to defend and bury the enemy. so this is what really brought what the auction of the prime minister. but we've been following closely and we haven't seen any images. and we've been trying to get in touch with the government side to see when he will actually be going to the bottom ground that he said. but that hasn't been confirmed to us yet. to other world news now and 12 cabinet ministers have resigned in sudan in protest against the deal between prime minister abdullah hum
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dog and the ruling military council. i'm dog is back in power as a result of an agreement on sunday. nearly a month after being asked by army chief general abdel, flatter albert, but he's critic say he's legitimizing the military takeover and his critics want to return to full civilian rule. at least 6 people have been killed after a ferry cap sized of the eastern coast of sher lanka. 12 people have been rescued and a search is now under way for other survivors. if not knowing how many vote still in sri lanka in a court has been adjourned on the 1st day of the trial of $25.00 men charged with carrying out the 2019 easter bombings. they facing more than 23000 offences, including murder among them is the alleged mastermind who's accused of having links to i thought, 267 people were killed in the attacks on churches and luxury hotels in colombo.
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the now fernandez has the latest. the very 1st day of the high court trial at bar has been adjourned, because as you can see, the last group of suspects are being taken back to the room on prisons. they're being held in. some of those huge piles. they're carrying. actually, the list of indictments and chargers, one of the defense lawyers told me earlier that it's 9 volumes. a single one was more than $3000.00 pages. obviously when you look at chargers of over 23000 against the accused, it's going to take some doing and he's going to take some volume. so what the judges have a rule basically to deal with the defense requesting that those documents are provided toward the accused in the language they can understand. and tamara, and obviously in english are these state lawyers asked for more time. and as a result, the hearing has been adjourned till january. now, while the state has put forward the fact that this group includes the
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a legend mastermind, a mouth for now, larvae a molar v as they have her named are there are those who question this her obviously members of the catholic church have been scathing or in their criticism of the government investigation, there's a lots of fax that came up in the presidential commission of inquiry in the parliament inquiry have not been taken up by investigators that they've been ignored. or there are also members of the families of the suspects that i have spoken to. some of them are essentially being very, very concerned about the fate of what's happening to their loved ones in demand who are facing these charges. they said they had nothing to do with the bombings, witless aspects of their said that they have actually been forced cost or some of them going as far as to say that some of the suspects were tortured. but the government maintaining that these are the people involved or who aided or who are
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bettered? are those suicide bombers that carried out last 6 deadly suicide attacks on easter sunday morning and 2019. at least $45.00 people, including children have been killed after boscoe fire and crashing western bulgaria . it had been traveling from turkey to north message on the accident happened about 40 kilometers south of the capital. sophia 7 passengers were taken to hospital with them. valerie says it's returned another $118.00 refugees and migrants to their home countries. more expected to leave later on tuesday, but thousands is still trapped in a continuing standoff between poland and bella. ruth, on monday bell, russian president, alexander lucas shank, a blamed the e. u for the crisis after the blog rejected his suggestion to taking more refugees . the a you accuse is liquor shanker of pushing asylum sake is to the border in retribution against sanction. let's take a closer look now at the migrant crisis, which began back in august, thousands of people of fled countries including iraq,
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syria, and jeff dennis down there. now trapped at the border between 2 and 4000 people have been stranded for weeks in the cold without food, water, or humanitarian aid and temperature. dropping a one year old syrian boys believe to be the youngest victim. among 13 people reported to have dived, poland, and its western allies, se bella ruth, is using the crisis to the stabilize the president. alexander lucas shameka denies . those accusations, humanitarian groups accused poland, government of violating international human rights by pushing asylum seekers back into bell rows rather slower sky off ski. he's a member of the european parliament and form of foreign minister of poland. he told al jazeera how he thinks about the russian president triggered the crisis on the border. we do need to understand the origins of this psalm crisis. mister lucas,
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and call her abrogated the readmission treat you with the european union, then abolished visas. are with iraq with jordan, with several other countries, and then gave the green lights to people smugglers to bring those migrants to be yellow roofs. i also remember that below roofs from the migrants point of view is a safe country. it's a dictatorship. all right, it's not safe for bill russians, but there were people from afghanistan, iraq, and elsewhere studying the before this crisis. mr. lucas and chris trying to do what president of the one of turkey did in 2015, which is to force the european union into a negotiation. and to pay him for stopping the the, the, the operation of sending the refugees across the lines. it could have asked, or at least accepted the assistance of the european union. and from takes months
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ago that the reason why the migrants are now going home is that the european union . i asked her airlines, particularly from them at least not to fly people. one way to mens internally, it's been this crisis has been somewhat useful to the polish current polish government. but it did not ask for these migrants to try to cross the border. and you know, in the european union we have the so called shang and zone. once you cross the external body of the you, you can move around the european union without passports without visas, without any checks whatsoever for this system to work. the external perimeter has to be controlled still ahead on al jazeera, called the nationwide protest. as pakistan is continue to feel the pressure from a rampant inflation. and a jury in the u. s. is asked to way up, murder or self defense is closing arguments are made in the armored ivory murder
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trial. ah, ah, look forward to brighter skies the weather sponsored my cattle airways. well, the stows fallen and that means it's setting the scene for proper winter in northern china, or at least all wrapped round. this low, the snows kept a long way north, hobbin or beyond. this is just beyond. it is not a huge amount as though, but you get the impression that really cold now and the snow that falls stays frozen. that cold air comes across the still open water in see of japan. so significant snow seems like the on the western slopes, in han shoe and hawkeye doe souls temperatures 4 degrees below average. that sort of ordered the same is true in beijing. but the sun is out for most to china. and the korean pensions attempts to probably slowly recover that day or so. and this
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weather looks a bit more reasonable. now, with the ne monsoon, you tend to get slow circulations, and this was very flooding somewhere. chennai mega lulu colombo, i think we have to fix on sri lanka for the next day or so is the wittiest place because the northern plains of india, nepal and pakistani suffering from that. static motion was not at all, and poor i call t. as a result, particularly in the cities, there's been more motion in the air down through the gulf during wednesday that be a bit of a shamal setup, which means dusty wind blowing down to the gulf towards gutter, and the emirates nothing in the air though. apart from light dust, the weather sponsored by cattle airways voted world's best air line of 2021. indonesia, the country with an abundance of result. trade already won indonesia, his friends for me, we moved full to grow and fraud. we balance the green economy, blue economy, and the digital economy with the new job creation law,
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indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs, investment. let it be part of linda. this is growth and progress. invest indonesia now. ah oh and are you watching al jazeera, i'm emily anguish, a reminder of our top stories. the sam, a v o. p as prime minister says he'll travel to the front line on tuesday to lead the military against rebel forces. the long war with the tape yellow has intensified in recent months. as the armed group advances towards the capitol in sri lanka accord has been adjourned. on the 1st day of a tron of $25.00 men charged with carrying out the 2019 insta,
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bombings. they're facing more than 23000 defenses, including mort moda, 267 people were killed to me. attacks. and bella roost has returned another 118 refugees and migrants to their home countries. the 2nd repatriation flight this week, more are expected to leave later on tuesday. iraq has began re counting votes from its racing parliamentary election for a 2nd time. supporters of pro iranian factions have been protesting, calling the results a scam. their parties suffered major losses in the october election. however, an early array count this month found no evidence of fraud. for more on a story. let's bring in martin abdel, why head? who is in bagdad? hillary there, mahmud, why is this 2nd count happening given there's already been one will of course, a after pressure from those of political parties that lost in the election that
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they have submitted to war, appeals to the electoral commission, to hold a manual recount of the votes remember, over 1400 teams have been submitted to the dakota commission so far, 1436. most of them. most of that peeves were turned down because the little commission says they do not have legal standing, but only 21 achieves. have been admitted. have been accepted, 15 up teens have been admitted and led to this free manual recount this manual recount right behind me. 5 major provinces are included in this manual recount and is going to extend until probably thursday, probably beyond a, according to the editorial commission. the other 6 appeals have led to change in the reserves in 6 provinces in 6 at province. and that of course, and that of course means that some candidates last others but one by
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virtue of this recent result. so mama, given what given his re can, will this satisfying protest as have been carrying out re, you're sitting ah, what it doesn't seem to be satisfying that protest as on the ground. because as you know, these are the supporters of the political parties. the mainly chia pro iranian political parties that last many seats in the parliamentary election. and now they say, unless and until the electoral commission halls a manual recount of all the voice so that their parties can win in the election, then they're not leaving the earliest through co pioneer the green zone. so it does not seem to be satisfying them unless the parties are being incorporated are being included in forming the upcoming governments. okay,
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will keep us updated as to how things progress in the coming days. thank you very much, mahmoud abdullah had in baghdad to pakistan now where people are struggling financially as inflation rises in the economy. worse since the price of goods has hit a 70 year high and the local currency has wakened against the us dollar. some, a binge of 8 reports about all the vendors have increased, but the number of buyers is decreasing. used clothes and shoes are sold at destroyed side market, which has been here for decades. but business is not what it used to be. what are what i'll tell ya, but if i have been selling use shoes for a long term, it is only dcea when prices have showed up so high that there are no customers p. p of nor purchasing power. i'm struggling to feed the children. the buckets on loopy is at its lowest against the dollar and commodity prices at their highest in 70 years. to keep the economy afloat, the government has borrowed from allies like saudi arabia,
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as well as loans from the international monetary fund, facing a double whammy of us charity and inflation. people are complaining about essentially being too expensive from food, diffuse and utilities, including electricity is like, i've had a lot of hope and prime minister around cons, government and been totally disappointed. even people like cars who have never had to look football game from the street or struggling to for the basic medical parties in the opposition have called their supporters to the streets in protest against inflation and say they will march to the capital if the economy continues to decline parkinson's rate of inflation has risen in the last few years and 9.7 percent in the last 3 years. the prices of basic food items rocketed. aquino, sugar now costs 90 cent. instead of 35 liter of milk cost $0.70 instead of $55.00 and the basic staple that back to florida is that $3.00 instead of 2. the
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government says the price of wheat and focused on is half of what it costs in neighboring india. and bangladesh and blames a global increase in oil prices for the search and fuel and electricity charges. currently, our country is in a bit of hyperinflation. there are many reasons behind it. one of the most important reasons and the most visible reason that one can identify the incompetency of our government is not the case says the prime minister even on hand blames the previous governments for the current economic troubles. was pretty. who because i am happy to announce the biggest welfare program in pakistan's history. yes, there is inflation in the country, but we should also look at what the government is doing to alleviate the situation . but near the prime minister's house, buyers and sellers in his arm about used items market say their incomes are no much for pocket funds inflation. some of a job down to 0 is love about in the u. s. closing arguments have been made in the auburn murder trial. 3 white men are accused of killing robbery and unarmed black
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men lost in the state of georgia. he was shot dead while joking after being chased by the men in trunks. one of them, travis mcmichael, testified that he saw aubrey as a threat and acted in self defense. she had tansy following the story from washington. they say and says the prosecution is ongoing, operate was not killed in self defense. the thing about georgia law there, it does have a very specific emphasis on, on what's called accomplish liability. so even if you're, you just part of a crime, if you seem to be contributing to the crime, you can be held liable. and that's what a prosecution is. going for the the prosecutor also say look, 1st of all, aubrey was unarmed. he was running away. you can't claim self defense. if you are the one who actually instigated the altercation, you never mentioned anything about us. it was the rest to, to the police. and so on and on guys and the sort of the prosecution really relying
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on on the law and the admissibility of the law, not on on race, which maybe maybe wise, given us a jury of 11 white people and one black person. if these men are acquitted, clearly it will seem like, well, there are 22 types of justice in america, which i think most people, certainly who are looking for a successful prosecution already. already believe i'm and the argument is always with written the house with these 2 men just reverse. busy the races, right. and if it was, if written houses black, imaginative, these men were black. and that was, we should remember, even in this case, any reason this is a trial right now is, i mean, the police didn't even follow up on the killing of all, but i'll bri until some footage appeared on facebook 2 months later. and then they were pushed into, into, into, into investigation because 3, what 3 whiteman, being involved, the killing of a black bar. and they said that he was a robot. well, now your guy must, must be the case. so, i mean, clearly this will just be confirmation. that justice isn't fair, but the prosecution, as themes are made a very good legal case against these many many european countries are facing an
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energy crisis as supplies, especially from russia declining as a by john and major oil and gas supply in its region wants to feel that gap sent him because olu reports from becker. this other bay johns economy is phil wyatt, gas, and oil production the country and has that on europe's energy crisis. it says it has a supply to easier it's growing demand. we are already just substantial, if not very serious player in the turkish market in georgia market in the u. markets of greece, italy, and bulgaria. but we have huge interest from the side of the others from the eastern european countries from the broken countries from central european countries. much of its natural gas supply is exported through what's called the southern gas cory door, which runs from the caspian sea through parts of georgia,
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turkey and then to europe. as there be john's production is small compared to big players in the energy game. but with this gas corridor, it is ready to carry other resources like gas from madison to the you going after a bigger piece of the market by increasing its energy production other by john could bring in more investments and gain political leverage in its region. but this could also press and its relationship with russia, a major life. and one of the world's biggest energy suppliers, as or by john says it is not competing with moscow, but some say there could be geopolitical complication. the existing monopolistic supplier. also, as i said in the beginning, uses it's supplies of energy to year for g o political reasons for geo political inputs. we see that right now, right now when russia has not deliver gas to gas storage facilities in europe
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throughout the summer, and has decided not to do what it normally does, which is increase supplies to europe when you're asked for more. because gus problem in russia are trying to pressure the european union. there are concerns russia, disputes with ukraine and other european partners, could these stab allies in or just supply? russia provides about 45 percent of the european union, natural gas, ne, but demand is growing. and it appears russia can't, or won't keep up. the look at what is happening in terms of energy, security and some fluctuations of energy. prepped prep provision of energy sources and just apply to some countries in europe for example. and as a bridge, i'm being able to deliver its natural gas to europe enables these countries, this consumers to access to alternative source of energy. european leaders,
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fear to enter to crisis may get worse before it gets better. john hope it will turn into an opportunity that will secure its rule in the market. so, you know, sort of back pay jump in the south african city of cape town. real estate developers are being accused of putting the needs of the rich before the poll. people are being evicted from shelters to make way for new buildings. and the situation is drawing comparisons with the apartheid era. as for me to mila, explains. living on the sidewalk and shelters built of scrap metal. and plastic sheeting, this group of homeless people in cape town have been here for 2 years now. in 2019 they occupied a vacant old people's home on the site days later. city authorities evicted them and demolished the building. where in this up, up now together was ever reported, but he doubt so now when the out you are sucking out,
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they are showing that they want to keep this city wide. they don't want anyone to here except right between his in his city, while the eviction has been taken to court, the lives of people here remain in limbo. this lands been sold to a developer and barbara is hoping the courts will intervene. there is definitely a prioritization of capital in our city and the needs of the poor are not being met if they are. if housing development, software aged, it is usually created on far flung areas on the outskirts of our city. and which just in effect replicates, the spatial affected that, that has plagued the city of cape town since colonialism. but the city says it's working to integrate different communities within the inner city. and that is developing 10 sites for affordable housing. and that over 10 years it's built close to $70000.00 low cost units. but there's a backlog of 300000 people waiting for a home. and the city says it has to prioritize those at the top of the waiting list
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. any projects that quinton has qualifying for subs. now, let me make an example if tomorrow, you know, very well got in this particular development. next to parliament, we're going to benefit not as someone was being a victim elsewhere. and then that person will remove you from our parts drugs. we put some on of that. so it comes because we have to accommodate from some of the person who has was qualified and who's the weights. but here in the suburb of woodstock family, say they've been on the waiting list for housing for more than a decade. one of them is shanelle commander and a family who are now being evicted from a home. they've lived in for generations. this communities also taken city authorities to call to avoid being moved to outlying areas. city officials have had to relocate thousands of people evicted from prime land within the city while some so they're willing to move many others complain. it's often to the outskirts of
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cape town to areas like this one, where there are fewer facilities. and it's further away from the city where there are work opportunities. people at this we settlement camp say, where they live is pushing them further into poverty. in a city already plagued by deep economic disparities. for me to mila al jazeera, kept on, ah, are you watching out there? and these are the top stories this alum ethiopians. prime minister says he'll travel to the frontline on tuesday to lay the military against rebel forces. the long war with the t v l f has intensified in recent months as the armed group advances towards the capital. if you open generalist samuel, get it. you found this update from addis ababa. this comes a been jeffrey feldman, b u as in boy.
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