tv [untitled] November 23, 2021 6:00pm-6:30pm AST
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hopeless environmental problem. ah, this is al jazeera, ah, hello, there, i miss darcy. attain. this is the news, our line from our headquarters here and are coming up in the next 60 minutes. the u . s. and 5 other nations released millions of barrels of oil from their strategic reserves to cab rising energy prices. if european prime minister pledges to lead troops against to grind rebels who are advancing towards the capital, the un wants the future of lebanon's children is at stake with millions going hungry or forced to drop out of school. and you says it's working on more sanctions against bella, ruth accusing as of using desperate people to destabilize its neighbors. i'm devin
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ash, with sport barcelona, manchester united and chelsea look to qualify for the champions league knockout stage later. and an unwanted statistic for and be a legend the wrong james. as he suspended for the 1st time in his 19 year career, ah, now the white house says it's releasing 50000000 barrels of oil from its strategic reserves. it's a coordinated effort with several other nations to stop soaring fuel prices. the buy ministration has been on the increasing pressure to act petrol. prices have now more than doubled compared to a year ago. china, india, south korea, japan and the u. k. are all also releasing well from their reserves. will it speak to our white house correspond? kimberly hawkins, she's in washington dc. kimberly, i seem to recall under president obama the price of a barrel of oil sat over a $100.00
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a barrel to some time. and he chose not to do this. so why is by making the school now well, has a lot to do with the american thanksgiving holiday. it's the busiest travel day of the year in the united states that is coming up in a couple of days. and what this president doesn't want is americans thinking about him and blaming him for the high gas prices when they fill up their fuel tags. so this is in many cases political, but it also has to do with what we can see in the united states for recent weeks and months now. and that is overall rising prices. it's not just the price of gasoline, which out in california is about $5.00 a gallon here a d. c. it's about a hovering under $4.00 a gallon. so it really varies where you are in the country, but it's other things as well. the cost of food, the fact that there's been a supply chain crisis in the united states and globally, which means that many retailers can't keep the shelves stocks. so all of this is
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leading to a problem for the president politically, that is low approval ratings. the president doesn't want to see those fall any further, or have people gathered around the table, grumbling and calling out his name. so the timing is strategic on the part of the president. and his hope is that will alleviate things and get the economy as well. moving in the drive right direction in conjunction with his policies. kimberly does feel like a bit of a short term solution though one of actually walk it is a short term solution, the strategic petroleum reserves. it's really just about a month's supply in terms of us consumption and it's typically not tapped for these reasons. typically, it's tap for cases of crisis like a hurricane or other natural disaster as the problem is. and this is what many critics are saying is that this may ultimately drive prices up higher because what this doesn't do is address the, the global supply issue. and so, and this is a bit of a risk for the president. but what he's hoping for is the fact that this isn't
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being done in isolation, just the united states, but in coordination with other countries. and as a result, we'll deliver the low prices and get things going in the right direction. so he's banking. this is going to work even as critics are saying, it's a bit of a gamble. how whitehouse correspond. kimberly, how can they with all the laces? thanks so much. kimberly. well, let's not ring and manisha to keen. he is an international oil, an energy consultant, and also a former senior research office at opec in vienna. you joins us now via skype from london. i'm going to share as kimberly was just saying that these strategic reserves are often used for natural disasters and the like. so can you give us a sense of just how unusual this is? is our new job. so did you reserves were set up in 1900 seventy's after the oil embargo and not all and borrow that there were shortage oil crisis in response to that. they had a volunteer to be the major consumer countries through the international energy
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agency which was sort of at the time headquarters. and then they would put some oil aside crude and product, different countries outside the commercial reserves of the oil companies, oil industry, and keep it for this purpose. and it is supposed to cover so many days, or weeks and months of consumption. and this is to be use on exceptional cases, like for example, major hurricanes, the 1st the commentary dimension from us, or at the when libya that was a crisis and the short digital voice and so on. and this has been used on those of him basically when there is war to call that crises or a major accident. some classrooms are refiners of action and so on. and it is supposed to be to coordinate to a way international energy agency and pad is twice a year to day do a simulation. but in case of something happening, what is the optimal way of using this?
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how much should they take from the japanese strategic or stocks? would it be accrued on products from last year and from australia on that side then coming to europe, europe, countries and the us and to be done that way as it is now happening is really interfering, i would say, as mentioned, it is interfering in a short term up and down, movement of the price afford as it is. i think i knew that to it is a political story. in the united states, the price of gasoline is more important than bread and budget. the public opinion sees the performance of administration with the price of petrol in the phil, the stations being done, judge schubert, i know you said exceptional circumstances, i want to take a little bit of a step back because i wonder how we actually got here. what in your mind is actually causing such high prices? presumably, it's a question of demand and supply. and the pandemic has played
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a part. yes, the seed of the price of oil was under dollars a barrel in december, 2019. it's phil. the demand was $100000000.00 barrels per day in december, 2019. and when we had colorado by april it fell. who's 70000000 barrels said to meet them back about his pen de draw. it always comes function. that is how this whole thing was done. at that time, the price of collapse and prison trauma that i was pleading fisting, was a russia president pushy and asking them to do something. we shall course they did . after a few weeks of negotiations and discussions, they reduced the supply in order to get the price back. because there was a crisis in the oil patch in the united states on maria that john wanted us or wanted open to the process to do something which they did. but of course,
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graduating in 2020, there was an improvement in the activity, but not very much. and now we are in for the end of 2021. and as you see, people are talking about iraq coming out of this control and the economy been getting back and so on. and there is a fear of another lockdown in, in european control. and so maybe the activity would not rise activity would not drive that. they had asked me and they're not sure about opec decisions within the context of all of this because i know they meant to me and what just over a week and they were going to discuss a modest increase in production then. so might this release of strategic preserves actually change that think so many analysts are saying that they, they might react and not increase the $400000.00 barrels per day, which they had been planning every month to do so. well, i don't think this is a personal opinion because that would be like a chick, you know,
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doing it for tough against the consuming groups. and my view is that these will continue and if the price of oil some forecast said it would be extra oil in the new ear. if there is pressure and the price begins to fall, then they might revise their program. i think they want to show good will that is opec, but russia cost mexico. i don't understand why john, that group of suppliers they want to show that they are responsible group of producers who want to have the stability for this upright avoided the world. would not my personal views are they would not react in a knee jerk reaction to this strategic as being released into the market and getting downward pressure. but that will be temporary off. so a few weeks then we'll get back to normal policy how this all plays out, manisha techie, and then international oil and energy consultant speaking to us from london. thank so much for joining us, allowed to 0 manisha now the world health organization,
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meanwhile, is warning that europe could actually face another 700000 deaths from covered 19 by early next year. cobra, 1000 patients in the netherlands are now being transported across the border to germany to try to ease the pressure on hospitals. the numbers are also expected to increase further, as cases rise to record levels. plans by the dutch government imposed further restrictions have led to rising there in recent days of the german government for its parties considering further measures. as corona, virus infections, they're also hit record highs, some officials and now calling for public spaces to be restricted to only vaccinated people or those who recently recovered from covered 19. or let's pete's dominic cane. he's in berlin for us. dominic, the warnings from government there have been growing increasingly dire, and i know intensive care beds are already running low. so how hospitals holding up, especially now they're going to be taking in other european patients
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it's important to when you consider the hospitalization incidence in germany, it's remember that that is now one of the key metrics by which at a federal level and the state level ministers and medics can decide what the next step is. so we know that part, all the new rules that were brought in last week is that when the incidence, the hospitalization incidence reaches a certain level then harder measures kick in. so obviously receiving patients from other hard hit countries is going to have an impact on that hospitalization rate. but it's worth making the points that here in this country, the numbers are in some people's minds. and when i say people, i mean politicians who are making decisions is catastrophic. so for example, the prime minister of the politically important satan, the south bavaria has been tweeting today that in his stage right now,
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every 25 minutes, one person dies of corona. well that's extrapolated to a 24 hour rate is 50 and more every day, more than 50 bavarian st. dying of corona point here is in terms of the actual numbers. 2 different milestones are in people's minds. the 1st one has already been exceeded more than 5000000 cases in this country, since the pandemic began. and the 2nd one, which is perhaps psychologically much more significant, is going to happen the next 2 days, potentially a 100000 people dead in this country. from corona right now, it's just below 99 and a half 1000, but with 300 people dying every day in this country from cove. it chances are that in a couple of days time that mark will be reached. i think it's also pretty great and seeing across the rest of the continent can you talk us through what's happening across the rest of europe is winter sets in well,
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we know that in austria, the situation more catastrophic than here. and so what's happening in austria lockdown for everybody ends almost parallel. you have the decision by the government to force everyone to have a vaccination that will kick in in february of next year. but the lockdown is already in place. the reason that what's happening in austria is important is that it has seemed to be the trend setter over the course of the last few weeks, 1st in terms of really sharp woodley, upward spiking case, the numbers of new cases, but also numbers of new deaths. but also in terms of the measures brought in to try to deal with it. so they started off by having what's called the 2 g rule, which refers in german 2. whether you're either recovered or have had the vaccination saying that if you haven't, you don't fall into one of those 2 categories. you're not allowed out to public places and so on. but that didn't stem the surgeon cases, then they said lockdown for all those who who aren't vaccinated,
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that didn't stem it either. and so they went to full lockdown. the question for other countries is they monitor what's happening in australia is, is what the austrians are doing. appropriate for them, we know that in belgium and in the netherlands, when those 2 governments announced tightening of restrictions, there were violent scenes and large protests against the, the decisions. but it's important to remember what's happening here. suddenly one leading politician in belgium, this a belgium has said, which is more important, the right of those who don't want to be vaccinated, not to have to be vaccinated, or the right of the overwhelming majority of people who have been vaccinated not to suffer from cove it at the hands of those who are on vaccinated and who are filling up the hospital wards right now. that's the key question. playing out. and you have different ministers in different states coming up with different decisions and all of them looking at austria and wondering, should we be doing what they're doing on
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a call now with all the lasers from across europe for us from the atlanta. thanks so much dominic. while you had dominic talk about protest authority is in the french territory of martinique announcing protest is there. opened fire during a demonstration against cuba 19 restrictions. there been protest against french vaccination requirements now in both martinique and guadalupe french president. emanuel macro has sent special forces to the caribbean islands to help diffuse what he calls a very explosive situation. now moving on and the presidents of kenya. and so the africa i'm calling for sci fi, ethiopia, saying all parties must commit to ending the violence. that's off the european prime minister said he will travel to the front line to lead the military against rebel forces. and the long conflict has intensified in recent months. with fighters from the northern tiguan region advancing towards the capital, victoria gate begins our coverage. ethiopians prime minister says it's time to lead
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by personal example. it's a dramatic new step in the conflict. it's devastated the northern te gray region in a statement released on social media abbey and had said, this is a time when leading a country with martyrdom is needed. i will go to the front line and lead the military from the ground myself. those of you with your pins, he want to be remembered by history for the sake of your country, join me in the fight to day. unless say it's an unusual moved by the prime minister . i think it is assigned a hope for that deductible. also mobilize all the rest your beans to join the military forces and though to join the war against the duct in defense forces. but certainly it is also a sign of desperation. in response to the prime minister's statement, the spokesman for the tea gray people's liberation front, tweeted abby's mimicry of ethiopia, as will time empress has taken on an old 2, palpable skits of frantic overtone. i would have dismissed this as yet another sick
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joke. abbey ordered a military offensive against the t p. a left last november saying it was in response to attacks on army bases. the teepee left says it was unfairly targeted, but in june this year to graham fight is recaptured, the regional capital mckelly, and then now advancing on the capital at is have a despite a flurry of recent diplomatic activity, a ceasefire has not been reached. and analysts say the language used by abby and monday statement is worrying. he does have a military background if you look at his nobel prize speech from some years ago. he used a lot of war imagery to talk about the latitude learned about the hell of war. but here we are in almost full circle the nobel peace prize winner are using the mult, bellicose language on to try to, you know, ramp up to stakes. ahead of the defense, not only of ethiopia pregnant in life and death, you know you basically you going to die for the cause. both sides of the conflict
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continue to maintain hard line positions and upset preconditions ahead of any negotiations. victoria gate and b algae 0. on meanwhile, rebels and ethiopia as taylor, i region of foot on a public display of government soldiers, they've captured thousands of federal troops saw being held as prisoners of war in the regional capital. nicolai as fighting continues and independent. donna samuel gassett, who is in at us about with the latest the prime ministers insisting that he is heading to the battle ground. he is going to be the force that's going to quote, unquote, bury the enemy with our bones and blood. this has been a bloody war in the shop, in history. the last year has produced millions of victims and he is. he is moving forward to make sure that the open government tide will win. but the other side is also insisting that they're going to be what they're going to win. this conflict. begun and try has progressed to hara and foreign region again,
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15000000 people. but again, the u. s. invoice of last night was in, in the sub of trying to settle this. the u. s. seems to be a which issue among t opens accused of siding with the t p and left. there was also thousands of europe and ask for us that came out. yes, said the voicing concern that the u. s. was getting involved too much trying to take the example of syria and i'm going to stand in iraq to ethiopia, which is important nation among the horn of africa nations. the children tied is saying the pen looking is looking at ending the premiership of i b m at the prime minister. but the other side is saying they're really looking for trying to open humanitarian corridor that was lacking before this conflict, really came close to the server, but they took,
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the site is also blaming them. so this is one of those conflicts, you know, same fucked, different versions. this is what the conflict has been so far. on a still plenty more had this news hour, including tragedy and ball, gary and dozens of people are killed in a box accident. a call from nationwide protests pakistani is continues to feel the pressure from ramping from play inflation. honda and we'll hear from the lucia who thought he was going to die off the crashing at the beijing and limited track. ah, nearly 80 percent of lebanon's population is now estimated to be living below the poverty line. the un says it's lead families to make decisions out of desperation. it's calling on the country to take urgent action to protect children after documented a spike that in child labor, st. hot reports from they were children at work. their numbers are
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increasing in a country where a worsening economic crisis is pushing more people into poverty. nearly 8 and 10 people in lebanon are now poor. nearly half of the workforce is unemployed. those who still have jobs struggle because of the collapse and the value of the local currency. from any like mash, the up de la. this means having to decide whether to send their children to school or the counseling. i have 5 children, 2 of the teenagers don't go to school any longer. they work at a hair salon and da cafe to help us pay bills. they are among the victims of lebanon's, economic collapse, and skyrocketing inflation that has particularly affected children. a recent study by the u. n. so child agency, unicef shows $3.10 households have cut spending on education for in
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10 have been forced to sell household items to buy basic goods. $7.10 have had to buy food on credit or using borrowed money. the united nation says living conditions have deteriorated dramatically and just a few months with more children going to bed hungry and not receiving the health care they need. i never seen a guy who was murdered, noticed in this country before. but the recent that i witnessed by myself a child who is really suffering from malnutrition. so those are the mothers and fathers who are being forced to take this, but it measures only because they need to survive all martelli is among them. this vegetable seller used to be able to support his family before the financial meltdown began 2 years ago. not any longer. one and that means alisha.
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now, hollywood are among what the un says are the $260000.00 children of school age whose education is at risk. their father tells us the priority is to feed them and know that amount on the said i can send them to school every day because i don't make enough to give them pocket money or to buy the books stationary on all other items . they need it and the hundreds of thousands of children are already living without the basic needs being met. and the lack of political will to change a system that has inflicted misery on the population means the crisis is set to worsen. so whether elisha zita failed, well, let's now hear more from you, kim, awkward. she is the unicef representative in lebanon and she joins us now from beirut. u. k. i know you're dealing with the reality of all this on the ground. you've been in your role in lebanon for what? 2 and a half years now. how have you seen things change over that time? well, oh, what they explain is unprecedented. a crisis or children endeavoured over the past
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due in her ears. you may remember we bought the yoke really bought it, bucky. so every time i thought that was a bundle. but today i must tell you that this is really a free fall. it doesn't stop tutoring or so brain or the numbers or the body. this is area the of 11 today. and well, the problems that we're talking about here in lebanon are structural right? the economic crisis, the political crisis, these have been building for years. the port blast really exacerbated at all. now, given the instability there, what would you actually like to see from government? what are they actually capable of? government asked us to know that the not only the government into your world, every community we all need to work together. because in action that caused gonna be too high, not to protect children, child labor doubled up. well, i'll go 8 children are working on the street. as a remote,
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the children families are not sending children to school. if we don't the best in this generation now, the future of never know is a serious crisis. so government, of course needs to grow tights. social 6 especially exist the basic services in asian house social protection. but at the same time i or support for the international community to continue that for the support for children. this is not just economic or financial crisis or not the breach good graces only is, is a crisis for recording children's crisis. you hear just to be clear, are you as unicef calling then for international intervention here? would that actually fix the heart of the problem? my talking about i'm talking about all children who decide 11 on, i'm not talking about only the one, it's to drain or city, olivia tutoring, or how to sing and children. every single child who decide 11 know is suffering
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from the ongoing crisis. there is no difference across the national we worked together with government, we support the government in provision of basic services to all of them. but at the same time we called for the international company, it continued support their dinner. so funding to this important program so that children can access to basic services, while others say resources are running low and you here, i know you yourself are mother given the level of desperation that we're seeing, what would you advise parents? they're obviously having to make some really awful decisions at the moment is of course, every single barry a to have a decision, but that exempt them. we know there are many very simple practice. you can change. we don't need to afford the very expensive infant formula in expensive about our products can feed children. so we already support those parents for that the want
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a 50 and then more ease easier. but those i called her me and the families don't the export to the into gum bonus. i'm been terrified. you told me that the yes i'm also the mother my daughter the see to that the gun shooting for the whole day on the other day. that's not accept the children 11 or too much exposed to the gun violence on the street. we all need to work together to protect safeguard children, so that the tutoring can be when you hear mccoy there. the unicef representative in lebanon speaking to us from buried thanks so much for your time. you came me, but you all the best with your work. thank you very much. now the european union says it's working on more sanctions against better. reuss, accusing it of trying to destabilize the block by encouraging migrants to cross into poland. you present us live on. the lion says it's now coordinating with united states, britain and canada bell russian president, alexander lucas shanker,
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says he sent another 118 refugees and migrants back to their own countries. but still hundreds of people remain trapped at the polish better russian border. a particularly cruel form of hybrid threat has emerged with a state sponsored instrumental is ation of people for political ends. this is not a bi lateral issue of poland, law friendly swan ja, with bellows. it is the european union as a whole. that is being challenged. this has been initiated and organized by the lucas shanker regime and its supporters uring people to the border with the corporation of migrant smugglers and criminal networks. over his part, poland, prime minister says his diplomatic efforts have helped, but the crisis is far from over. scotland, there are many signs indicating the fact that this crisis will not come to
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a swift end. we have 2 things and take measures against it for you must be realistic. and therefore we have initiated the very widespread diplomatic campaign to talk with in europe. but also asia, so hello correspondence, that fastened is on the bell, russian side of the border where migrants are taking shelter from freezing temperatures. well, conditions in this guy here are getting harsher and harsher by today. it was freezing overnights in the last couple of weeks, but now it's also freezing during the day and it has started to snow. not goods, it very much be, be feeling very cold. this place is not, or someone can live with it, like children and cannot live inside this building. we're not for leaving. this is how they're getting some water. this is how people are washing their clothes in the middle of the month and know where they go to the toilet.
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there's a center here where they can spend a night, but many a crime to get money or coughing. money are getting ill. so increasingly people are choosing to be repaired, created, they leave to the back door, hello, should official take them to the airport. but there's also quite a significant group assess. we are not going anywhere. we keep waiting until germany takes them in and is not a group who at night tries to still sneak in to the polish border and try to cross secretly. but conditions of course have very difficult in this winter here. it is really cold. temperature people have died already trying to cross and so it's a very desperate situation. i'm joined by model and the shower out there, a senior political analyst, my one. this is obviously escalating very.
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