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tv   [untitled]    November 23, 2021 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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i a m the u. s. and 5 other nations release millions of barrels of oil from their strategic reserve to cab rising energy prices. ah, hello there, i'm an associate a and this is out a 0 life. also coming, ethiopia is prime minister pledges to lead troops against to grind rebels who are advancing towards the capital. the e you says it's working on more sanctions against about a roof accusing is of using desperate people to destabilize its neighbors. and the
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un ones, the future of lebanon's children is at stake with millions going hungry or most drop after school. ah, now the white house says it's releasing 50000000 barrels of oil from its strategic reserves. it's a coordinated effort with several nations to stop soaring fuel prices. the biden administration has been under increasing pressure to act federal prices of now more than doubled compared to a year ago. china, india, south korea, japan and the u. k. are all also releasing oil from their reserves. our white house correspondent can be hawk. it has more. what this president doesn't want is americans thinking about him and blaming him for the high gas prices when they fill up their fuel tanks. so this is in many cases political, but it also has to do with what we've been seeing the united states for recent
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weeks and months now. and that is overall rising prices. it's not just the price of gasoline, which out in california is about $5.00 a gallon here in d. c. it's about a hovering under $4.00 a gallon. so it really varies where you are in the country, but it's other things as well. the cost of food, the fact that there's been a supply chain crisis in the united states and globally, which means that many retailers can't keep the shelves stocked. so all of this is leading to a problem for the president politically, that is low approval ratings. the president doesn't want to see those fall any further, or have people gathered around the table, grumbling and calling out his name. so the timing is strategic on the part of the president. and his hope is that will alleviate things and get the economy as well. moving in the drive right direction in conjunction with his policies, it is a short term solution, the strategic petroleum reserves. it's really just about a month supply in terms of us consumption. and it's typically not tapped for these
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reasons. typically it's tap for cases of crisis like a hurricane or other natural disaster as the problem is. and this is what many critics are saying is that this may ultimately drive prices up higher because what this doesn't do is address the, the global supply issue. what are the pandemic now? and the world health organization is wanting that europe could face another 700000 deaths from coven 19 by early next year. over 9000 patients in the netherlands are now being transported across the border to germany to try to ease pressure on hospitals. the numbers are also expected to increase further, as cases rise to record levels. plans by the dutch government imposed further restrictions have also led to rioting and recent days. meanwhile, the german government is now also considering further measures. as corona, virus infections there hit record highs. some officials are now calling for public spaces to be restricted to only vaccinated people,
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or those who recently recovered from coven 19, or dominic hannah's in berlin, where he is monitoring the situation force across europe. part of the new rules that were brought in last week is that when the incidence, the hospitalization incidence reaches a certain level, then harder measures kick in. so obviously receiving patients from other hard hit countries is going to have an impact on that hospitalization rate. but it's worth making the points that here in this country, the numbers are in some people's minds. and when i say people, i mean politicians who are making decisions is catastrophic. so for example, the prime minister of the politically important satan, the south bavaria has been tweeting today that's in his stage right now. every 25 minutes, one person dies of corona will, that's extrapolated to a 24 hour rate is 50 and more every day, more than 50 bavarian se dying of corona point here is in terms of the actual
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numbers. 2 different milestones are in people's minds. the 1st one has already been exceeded more than 5000000 cases in this country, since the pandemic began. and the 2nd one, which is perhaps psychologically much more significant, is going to happen the next 2 days, potentially a 100000 people dead in this country. from corona right now, it's just below 99 and a half 1000, but with 300 people dying every day in this country from cove. it chance to saw that in a couple of days time that mark will be reached on the la authority is in the fence territory of massing id, say protests as their opened fire during a demonstration against coven 19 restrictions. there is in protests against french vaccination requirements now both in martinique and guadalupe french president emanuel macklin has sent special forces to the caribbean islands to help diffuse what he's calling a very explosive situation. now. moving on and the president of kenya and south
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africa are calling for a ceasefire neath european saying all parties must commit to ending the violence. that's after ethiopia as prime minister says, you'll travel to the front line to lead the military there against rebel forces. the year long conflict has intensified and recent months with fighters from the northern t y region advancing towards the capital, the tory gate and b has more ethiopians. prime minister says it's time to lead by personal example. it's a dramatic new step in the conflict. it's devastated the northern te gray region in a statement released on social media abbey and had said, this is a time when leading a country with martyrdom is needed. i will go to the front line and lead the military from the ground myself. those of you with your pins, he won't to be remembered by history for the sake of your country, join me in the fight to day. unless say it's an unusual moved by the prime minister . i think it is assigned a hope for that induct. we'll also mobilize all the,
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with your beans, to join the military forces and though to join the war against the deacon defense forces. but certainly it is also a sign of desperation. in response to the prime minister's statement, the spokesman for the tea gray people's liberation front tweeted abby's mimicry of ethiopia will time empress has taken on and all to palpable skits of frantic overtone. i would have dismissed this as yet another sick joke. abby, would it a military offensive against the t p a left last november saying it was in response to attacks on army bases? the t p left says it was unfairly targeted, but in june this year to graham fight is re captured the regional capital mckelly. and then now advancing on the capital at is have a, despite a flurry of recent diplomatic activity, se se far has not been reached. and only say the language used by abby and monday statement is worrying. he does have a military background. if you look at his nobel prize speech from some years ago,
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they used a lot of war imagery to talk about the latitude learned about the hell of war. but here we are in almost full circle the nobel peace prize winner. by using the mult, bellicose language on to try to, you know, ramp up to stakes ahead of the defense, not only of ethiopia pregnant in life and death, you know, you basically you willing to die for the cause. they sides of the conflict continue to maintain hard line positions and upset pre conditions ahead of any negotiations . victoria gate and b algae 0. while meanwhile, rebels and into his tegra region of put on a public display of government soldiers they've captured. as you can see, that thousands of federal troops are being held as prisoners of war and the regional capital, medically as fighting continues. independent journalist, samuel gas issue is an addis ababa with all the latest. the prime minister is insisting that he is heading to the battle ground. he is going to be the worst
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start going to quote unquote, bury the enemy with our bones and blood. this has been a bloody war in the field in history. the last year has produced millions of victims and he is, he is moving forward to make sure that the open government side will win. but the other side is also insisting that they're going to be they're going to win this conflict that begun and try has progressed to hara and 40 region again, a 15000000 people. but again, the u. s. invoice of last night was an in id sub of trying to settle this. the u. s . seems to be a which issue among ethiopians accused of siding with a t p and left. there was also thousands of children, das purse that came out yesterday, voicing concern that the u. s. was getting involved too much trying to take the
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example of syria and i've gone this time in iraq to ethiopia, which is that important nation among the horn of africa. nations, the children tied is saying that the pen looking is looking at ending the premiership of the prime minister. but the other side is saying they're really looking for trying to open humanitarian corridor that was lacking before this conflict really came close to the sub. but they took, pennsaid is also blaming them. so this is one of those conflicts, you know, same fucked, different versions. this is what the conflict has been so far. moving on on the european union says it's coordinating with britain, the u. s. and canada to impose more sanctions on better. ruth, see you is accusing president, alexander lucas shank of trying to destabilize the blocks by encouraging migrants to cross into poland. nutrition says he's now returned another $1800.00 refugees and migrants to their home countries. he blames the
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e. u for this crisis after rejected his suggestion that had taken more refugees. a particularly cool form of hybrid threat has emerged with a state sponsored instrumental is ation of people for political ends. this is not a bi lateral issue of poland. lat friendly swanner with bella was it is the european union as a whole that is being challenged. this has been initiated and organized by the look hash ankle regime and its supporters. the uring people to the border with the corporation of migrant smugglers and criminal networks on poland. prime minister says his diplomatic efforts have helped it that the crisis still is far from over scotland. there are many signs indicating the fact that this crisis will not come to a swift and we have 2 things and take measures against it for you must be realistic . and therefore we have initiated the very widespread diplomatic campaign attack
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within europe. but also asia stolen, same router slab sikowski as a member of the european parliament, and also a former foreign minister of poland. he told al jazeera how he thinks the bell russian president triggered this crisis on the border. we do need to understand the origins of this some crisis. mister lucas, and call her abrogated the readmission treaty with the european union. then abolished visas. are with iraq with jordan, with several other countries, and then gave the green light to people smugglers to bring those migrants to be a ruse. i also remember that below roofs from the migrants point of view is a safe country. it's a dictatorship. all right, it's not safe for below russians, but there were people from afghanistan, iraq, and elsewhere studying the before this crisis. mr. lucas and chris trying to do
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what president of the one of turkey did in 2015, which is to force the european union into a negotiation. and to pay him for stopping the the, the, the operation of sending the refugees across the lines. it could have asked, or at least accepted the assistance of the european union. and from takes months ago that the reason why the migrants are now going home is that the european union asked her airlines, particularly from them at least not to fly people. one way to mens internally, it's been this crisis has been somewhat useful to the polish current polish government. but it did not ask for these migrants to try to cross the border and you know, in the european union we have the so called shang and zone. once you crossed the external body of the you, you can move around the european union without passports without visas,
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without any checks whatsoever. fall this system to work. the external perimeter has to be controlled. all stella had here as a by john says it can help here that if it's energy right the why the move serious patients in the region and the consequences of slavery why brazil's black community says the fight who writes with i think was a couple days breezy weather, coming at a rock dancer, bahrain got turned down towards the everett that tends to bring a bit of dust this time the year. and you notice it, there's nothing in the sky. beyond that, it remains dryness. truth arabian plaza, most levant and iran, there are showers, foaming ahead of that rain band in turkey. they'll head toward cyprus and levant
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those a few showers in the mighty coast. what happens after that is the rain, it's through cyprus, to western syria, lebanon, and then the sun comes out behind it. that again is probably the limit of its progress, little bit of circulation. he should give those showers in, among much as mentioned adding, given, but also bring some to the and us, the culture and somali. now unfortunately, the whole of africa, the short range been very poor this year can year in particular has been badly affected. 3 seasons in a row now, significant lack of rain, therefore, failed crops. same is true for the sad, is it be shows you some rain coming to the eastern cape of south africa running right up to was mozambique and zimbabwe that rest of that. admittedly, looking quite dry fatty warm as it was to the reins haven't yet developed. but this is probably significant. that's one to watch that could be pretty heavy. rain ah,
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the end of the country with an abundance of results, trade and walk indonesia, his friends forming. we move full to growth and fraud. we balance for green economy, blue economy, and the digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs. invest, let be part when denise is growth and progress, invest indonesia. now, lou ah hello, they are watching al jazeera. that's remind you about up stories here,
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the cell, the why cell says it's releasing 50000000 barrels of oil from a strategic reserves. it's a coordinated effort with several nations to stop soaring fuel prices. federal prices have now more than doubled compared to a year ago. the world health organization is wanting. another 700000 people in europe could die from the corona virus by spring. patients in the netherlands are being shifted to germany to ease pressure on hospitals. now, germany is considering further restrictions, the presidents of kenya and south africa calling for a sci fi and ethiopia saying, all parties must commit to ending the violence that's after ethiopia. prime minister said he'll travel to the front line to lead the military against rebel forces. her investigations have begun and bulgaria into the west bus crash in the country's history. at least 46 people were killed after fire engulfed a bus that was returning to north macedonia from turkey. only 7 people on board
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survived where we challenged has been the charred wreckage of the bus makes clear how intense the fire must have been. the vehicle crashed and burned on the bulk area and highway. in the middle of the night, it was taking mostly north macedonian tourists, back home, after a weekend trip to assemble. but it's not yet known. why so few people made it off alive, or what caused this disaster in the 1st place. this damage suggest the bus hit a barrier before carrying on to crash into the central reservation. bulk air is interior minister said he was deeply shocked by what he'd seen was. not everyone can stand such a picture. the picture is terrifying. the details of this tragedy will be investigated north macedonia, foreign minister visited survivors in hospital, in bulk areas, capital, sophia, local. so we'll need to go there for i'm here in the hospital to get more
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information. what we know is that a horrible pasadena has happened in bulgaria, but the bus that carried north macedonian nationals were traveling from miss tumble to scorpion. they were over 53 passengers in the bus. dozens of them are children. over 40 were killed. some of the wounded but concert here. but let me 1st see the situation and i'll be back later with more police in north macedonia, have begun an investigation into better trends. the bus and travel company. this man came to its shut it office in north macedonia, capital scope. we're looking for news of his nephew, seattle chest. so information about the crash at 6 am this morning. i saw it on the internet and as my nephew was in turkey, i started searching on the internet. i called based trends for the number to 34 hours. we do not have any information for them, nor are they answering the phone. and the investigation continues by daylight on the stream highway into the worst bus crash in bulk area in history will reach helen's how to 0. while the sri lankan navy has suspended its search for survivors
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of a fairy accident there, at least 6 people have been killed including 4 children. after the very capsized of the eastern coast of sri lanka, 20 people have been rescued. but it's not clear just how many people are actually on board. are staying in sri lanka, a court there has wrapped up its 1st day of the trial of $25.00 men, charged with carrying out the 2019 easter bombings. they are facing more than $23000.00 offenses, including murder. among them is the alleged mastermind who is also accused of having links to eyesore. 267 people were killed in those attacks on churches and luxury hotels and colombo. well, nearly 80 percent of lebanon's population is now estimated to be living below the poverty line. the un says that's forcing families to make decisions out of desperation. it's calling on the country to take out an action to protect children after documented, arise, and child labor. then hotter reports now from beverage children at work,
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their numbers are increasing in a country where a worsening economic crisis is pushing more people into poverty. nearly 8 and 10 people in lebanon are now poor. nearly half of the workforce is unemployed. those who still have jobs struggle because of the collapse and the value of the local currency. for many like measure their abdullah, this means having to decide whether to send their children to school or differently . i have 5 children to of the teenagers. don't go to school any longer. they work at a hair salon and da cafe to help us pay bills. so happy she had them. they are among the victims of lebanon to economic collapse and skyrocketing inflation. that has particularly affected children. a recent study by the u. n. c. child agency. unicef shows 3 and 10 households have cut spending on education for in 10 have been
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forced to sell household items to buy basic goods. $7.10 have had to buy food on credit or using borrowed money. the united nation says living conditions have deteriorated dramatically in just a few months. with more children going to bed hungry and not receiving the health care they need. i never seen a guy who was mother noticed in this country before, but the recent that i witnessed by myself a child who is really suffering from malnutrition. so those are the mothers and fathers who are being forced to take this, but it majors only because they need to have by omar delhi is among them this vegetable seller used to be able to support his family before the financial meltdown began 2 years ago. not any longer, that one,
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and that means alisha and hulu are among what the un says are the 260000 children of school age whose education is at risk. their father tells us the priority is to feed them and you know that about them. i can send them to school every day because i don't make enough to give them pocket money or to buy the books stationary and all other items. they need it and hundreds of thousands of children are already living without the basic needs being met. and the lack of political will to change a system that has inflicted misery on the population means the crisis is set to worse than, than other elsewhere, theater, beirut. now, the head of the international atomic energy agency says he's hoping to reach common ground with iran on its nuclear program. raphael grossi as meeting senior iranian officials in tehran at the moment. negotiations with wild leaders to try to salvage the 2015 nuclear deal are set to resume next week. but the u. a nuclear watchdog
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agency says it's inspectors have not been able to access surveillance footage of nuclear sides. now since february, how many european countries are facing an energy crisis as supplies, especially from russia, are declining as a buys on a major oil and gas supplier in the region wants to fill that gap, said m cost, the only reports now from back. the other bri john's economy is still why it's gas and oil production. the country now has that on europe's energy crisis. it says it has a supply to easier growing demand. we are already just substantial, if not very serious player in the turkish market in georgia and market in the u. markets of greece, italy, and bulgaria. but we have huge interest from the side of the others from the eastern european countries from the broken countries from central european countries. much of its natural gas supply is exported through what's called the
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southern gas cory door, which runs from the caspian sea through parts of ga turkey and then to europe. as our b, john's production is small compared to big players in the energy game. but with this gas corridor, it is ready to carry other resources like gas from madison to the you going after a bigger piece of the market. by increasing its energy production, other break, john could bring in more investments and gain political leverage in its region. but this could also threaten its relationship with russia, a major life, and one of the world's biggest energy suppliers. very john says it is not competing with moscow, but some, i don't say there could be geopolitical complication from the existing monopolistic supplier. also, as i said in the beginning users, it's supplies of energy to your for g o,
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political reasons for geo political inputs. we see that right now, right now when russia has not delivered gas to gas storage facilities in europe throughout the summer, and has decided not to do what it normally does, which is increase supplies to europe when you're asked for more. because gus problem in russia are trying to pressure the european union, their concerns russia dispute with ukraine and other european partners, could these stab allies in or just supply? russia provides about 45 percent of the european union, natural gas, ne, but demand is growing, and it appears russia can't or won't keep up. the look at what is happening in terms of energy, security and some fluctuations of energy. prepped prep provision of energy sources and just apply to some countries in europe for example. and as a bridge, i'm being able to deliver its natural gas to europe enables these countries,
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this consumers to access to alternative source of energy. european leaders fear the energy crisis may get worse before it gets better, as john hope it will turn into an opportunity that will secure its rule in the market. so, you know, sort of back to us or by john all a jury and the u. s. state of georgia has begun its deliberations and the highly charged on the debris mad. a tryon defense attorneys for 2 of the 3 white men charged with killing the black man. have tried to present him as the criminal demonstrates, has gathered outside the court. there on monday, calling for the men to be convicted on november is black conscience, month in brazil. it has the largest black population outside africa and was also the last country in the americas to abolish slavery. it's 1988 constitution pledge to amend wrongs of the past. now, 3 decades later,
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black brazilians are still battling for their rights, monarchy anarchy of reports. now from a guard sheba, this meeting takes place every november in the settlement of slave descendants. it's a moment to relive stories of brazil's dark and silence path. as you can go from a meal, missy slavery is over, but we're still feel its consequences can undergo a lot of pressure to leave the lens which are rightfully ours. 62 families live in this kulown. women got sheba, 130 kilometers from the city of rio de janeiro. it's one of the $5000.00 communities scattered around brazil, built by former slaves. many of them had run away, hiding from their masters. the 1988 constitution gave their descendants the right to claim their lands and keep their traditions like small scale farming. c that's easier said than done the munger. tobac kulown boy has been at the center of a battle with an investment company that wants to build
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a resort on it's lance isaac university on which will not negotiate our history, nor our rights were only here today because we resisted otherwise would have been kicked out until recently, people who live here, we're not allowed to win toward leave the settlement freely. they were stopped at the gate built by the company and force to hand over 50 percent of their projects that changed when they were put under state protection. most that are barley brothers, jo gillam ball, which stepped in because their lives were being threatened and are still at risk of the eco invest company. doesn't allow the electrical company to install electricity in the colombo. it evolved, philippe blames the lack of electricity for the death of his oldest daughter, olivia. she had leukemia and needed medicine which had to be stored in a refrigerator. but we couldn't have one because we had no light. earlier this year, the manga chiva columbus scored an important victory. the brazilian state finally recognized its plans,
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which include landmarks of the settlements difficult past. these are the ruins of one of many plantations in rio de janeiro that thrived until brazil became the last american nation to abolish slavery, in 1888. your zonal domingos takes her son to the places where their african ancestors were forced to work. slavery may have ended 133 years ago, and blacks in brazil now up number wise. but the struggle for equal rights, she tells him, is far from over monica and not give all jazeera margaret sheba. ah . hello there. this is al jazeera and these are the headlines. the white house says it's releasing 50000000 barrels of oil from its strategic reserves. it's a coordinated effort with several nations to stop soaring fuel prices.


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