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tv   [untitled]    November 27, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm AST

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windy indeed, across much of the mediterranean, with heavy rain for western parts of italy and greece, we could see some flooding over the next few days. with the latest news, as it breaks it in the brazilian rainforest means these areas are now emitting more carbon dioxide than there absorb with detailed coverage country like chile because of its geographic conditions as an enormous advantage from around the world. what's happening here is local farming communities, using simple methods to solve a complex environmental problem. in the country with an abundance of results with bar and walk indonesia whose firms for me, we move to grow and fraud. we balance for green economy, blue economy,
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and the digital economy with the new job creation law, indonesia is progressively ensuring the policy reform to create quality jobs. invest let to be part when denise is growth and progress in indonesia. now, lou ah, welcome back. you watching out as a reminder, on top stories this concerns over new karone of ours varian have shaken the world economy global stock market sound. the price of oil fellow as the news emerged on friday, the travel industry is likely to suffer as borders close around the world. a growing
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number of countries around the world are banning all restricting travel from southern africa. the restrictions come as the world health organization declare the new coven, 19 baron, to beat off, consign the bodies of 3 people had been found in a burned out building in the solomon islands capital, where there been days of rising protest as one prime minister, monsieur. so godaddy to resign. now let's get more on our top story. france is delaying making coven 19 vaccination. compulsory for health workers in its caribbean. overseas territories have been riots against the policy on the islands of guadalupe and martinique. situation is still tense on guadalupe where protesters are blocking roads out there is natasha. butler has this report from that. emily bell is saving what she can in what used to be a home in the city of plenty, pete in guadalupe. she still can't believe that a lifetime of memories could be destroyed in minutes in
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a fi that was started by looters during protests earlier this week. she was lucky to escape. now she's trying to pick up the pieces. and then for football quite, there are no photos left. not even a picture of my mother. demonstrations of shaken the french caribbean island for more than a week. emily says she understands people's frustrations, but not what has happened in her neighbourhood. sit back, i'm celestial. this isn't how the economic situation in guadalupe is going to improve. yes, there are problems, but it's not loading vandalizing and burning that are the solution. next door, a wedding shop run by this man's family for generations is ruined. i love. what can i do? what can i do? only my eyes could cry. the situation in guadalupe is tense, a strike that began more than a week ago of a mandatory cove. it vaccines for health workers has widened into a demonstration against the french government. and become entrenched as protest is
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continued to block the islands, major roads, there is a murphy tailback of calls on this road. and i've been speaking to some of the people in the cause and what they say they've been waiting for more than an hour. and what they're waiting for is for that blockade up there to be clear. and once it is the police will let them offer the ball 6 of suited review. we thought we could pass, but we have no information. we don't know if it'll open or not, but we don't want to turn back now or probably durham, however, it's a bit complicated, but we have to live with it and be patient near the islands main airport. these boat owners have started a new business, selling rides as a way of bypassing the blockades. this man just arrived from the mainland. he was worried about the situation. october bumper boss. by the moment we can't get home easily because it's a bit of a was in between the locals and police. we can't get past some blockades to we're forced to find a plan d like dyslexia both skis, alibaba,
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city by law. the french government is talking with authorities and guadalupe to find solutions to the crisis. meanwhile, people on the island are managing as best they can, as they try to keep things running, but with no end to the situation on the horizon. some people's patience may begin to wear thin without a butler, al jazeera, 20 feet wide loop. a dispute between sher lanka and china is escalating, and it all centers around organic fast. eliza shrunken government says a 20000 tons. shipment contains harmful bacteria and pathogens which could harm crops. the chinese manufacturer has rejected the complaint and is demanding payment . now fernandez has more from the city. a county members of agriculture trade unions took to the streets to protest a shipment of organic fertilizer ordered by she'll anchor from a chinese company. shall anchors nationally,
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plant quarantine service or in peak us. refuse to allow the ship carrying $20000.00 tons of organic fertilizer to enter columbia port and unload its cargo. after it said it found harmful disease causing bacteria in both samples provided for testing . the some grandpa to do bacteria for po. and did though, we may as well so steadily, the distort done at the it bigger. so this tift was fin, therefore we haven't had to short above point to the chinese manufacturer. ching thou see when biotech and the chinese embassy in colombo, rejected the findings song hi may a director of the company seen him arriving at the agriculture ministry, told al jazeera court. our products do not contain alina. she added that china customs technical testing center and should a group tested the same batch of samples using internationally recognized testing standards and methods, and also confirm that our products do not contain harmful bacteria. the company
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claim that the unscientific detection method and conclusion of shall anchors national plan quarantine service regarding fertilizer samples obviously do not comply with international animal and plant quarantine conventions. that's the judge dismissed by a number of sealant and scientists. the danger is that these microorganisms once applied to 3 lankin saw you few cannot pig them back so that if they become palm full, then there is no way that we could reverse the process. as a scientist, i wouldn't not curriculum and under any circumstance to ah, pick in this consignment of fertilizer. as the standoff continues with the ship anchored of the southern coast, the buys obtained a court order preventing a state bank from paying for the goods jane as embassy and colombo responded by
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blacklisting the bank. the shilling could minister of agriculture, who said the government would pay for a large part of the $9000000.00 shipment toward of me debriefing on wednesday, that there was a breakthrough. we have gave to understanding that they will big push it back and send the samples again, and then re, kendall dory besting and we can get the ship. but at the union's a warning, the government against any settlement there, now i get the money. we're telling the government don't pay compensation under any circumstances using money collected by taxing the people on the agriculture director general says the detected pathogens cause disease and wrought and can result in yield loss, while the chinese manufacturer and the government are fighting to have the shipment cleared scientist in shall anchor opposing that saying it's a biodiversity hot spot, and it's ecosystem must be protected. minute fernandez, audio 0 para dania central shall anchor protest as in bikini. faso are calling for
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the resignation of the president, roche cowboy, as anger against a worsening violence by armed groups. 3 burkina faso soldiers were killed during attack on wednesday. nicholas arc has reported extensively from booking of jose joyce b. now lie from dakota, senegal. nick, tell us more about why these purchases are so angry. they're not just angry. that's an understatement. they're furious at the security situation that's been deteriorating. 1.3000000 people are displaced. 60 percent of those are children. 2 3rd of the country are no longer in the control, or at least our areas where armed groups and security forces are fighting to gain control. and out to that the, the government has started arming civilians, villagers to try to protect their villages. but that has deteriorated the situation
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even further with arm groups attacking villages indiscriminately. we've seen brutal attacks this summer, where, where over a 100 people were killed, a killed the attackers were fighters as a link to a, the, i so affiliate. these were fighters that were age between 12 and 14 because of this deteriorating situation. and because of what is perceived as the lack of reaction from the government, young people in walker do are currently taking to the streets. the protest is officially band, according to the mayor of walker do group. now, of a security forces have been fighting tear gas to disperse the crowd for the last 96 hours for the last few, almost a week. now, the internet has been cut to a to ensure that the, that there's less communications between protesters. and just this past week, there was a convoy of french military convoy that travels through from ivory coast to new
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year. every month, while that convoy was stopped by protests that were angry at the french forces that were present in the country, there was a lot of anti french slogans being chanted. some of them accusing the french forces of being hand in hand with the arm groups that are that are, that are targeting villagers in the area. so many people in burkina faso are frustrated with the current security situation or, and specifically with the president himself for his lack of reaction to the deteriorating security situation. moline, nicholas hack. thank he nigeria is northeast and bono state is offering free vocational training in an effort to reduce youth unemployment officials. hope a scheme will keep young people from turning to armed groups and crime or born has been the epicenter of nigeria is more than a decade long conflict with bach. her arm faces. i'm address reports from the state
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capital. my degree isaac peter, has landed. his 1st job was still in the middle of training program to be a metal fabricate. the 25 year old has already started dreaming big. i want to be among der benuya and a wall. so doug, my name will be counting among those successful people in the world. isaac, along with 10000 other young men and women, whistled graduate from 15 of the st centers in barlow state open to solve their own businesses. for those in cutting, trina jonetta will match them. we turn plum being on pasadena, william fabrication ah, building construction and solar swollen, electric hello, do go to get i dont venture you to give them cassandra housing construction. if was, if you give them account, i would him a contact letter like 10 houses you did,
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you will commack liberty. 14 skills are taught in the centers and as soon as i said graduate, another is brought. a preacher told the few learned by young people in these training centers will keep them away from. the biggest concern is about them being used by a group like borum, which is conducting a large recruitment drive. at the moment, the i'm group has lost many fighters in confrontations with nigerian and regional armies. experts say illiteracy like of skills and poverty. are some of the reasons that pushed most fighters into joining the group. bar. no state which is hit hardest by the conflict says it's stepping up efforts to avoid rolling back recent gains against bo quorum. we are trying to create jobs a time to create well thought at, ah, the use him, but most it will be on the, on. this is the only without my vision is to see that 1st of all,
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but enough to it is when scott that's the number wanted, but in didn't exist between physically attended would have been many residency. they want to see more centers established as poverty and unemployment ruined high. after 12 years of bull caught on, bothers that they say could speed up recovery and stop young people from turning to cry. i'm a decrease al jazeera, my degree nigeria. let's get more in the story. we can speak to nah, serious. i do a donna who is senior special assistant on youth and students to president of hoary and he joins us from our buddha. many thanks for speaking to us on the program. tell us a bit more about this initiative that you've launched. who are you targeting and what are you training them to do? oh, thank you for having any of us. when we are dealing with the issue of you to comment or your development in any nation. it is
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a process that young people move into activities, economics and social, political activities of the nation. and that's why in the country like nigeria, we emphasize also create more jobs for the young people to like to speak in the economy activities of the nation. looking at the history of empowerment in nigeria and looking at the category of young people that we have, the skilled and on skills one. the only means always that we create more jobs in nigeria, agriculture and manufacturing. for them, how much of a highly graciously, diversify energy economy? because we depend on oil sector, but we'll, we'll move now to on or the sector. and agriculture is one of the key sectors that creates more jobs. second, one factor in the program, we learned the position you and scheme is
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a scheme that target on skilled on trade and on it. and i did a new in learning skills how you can operate kids and talk to how they can get items that can be distributed or just what for these young people, for the 1st time in nigeria, this initiative created or initiated by prison. i'm going to party is an initiative, but localize the local contents where niger can in both economy and the position empowerment scheme, the program it's so i get more than and 1000000 people or young people that can participate in the economy. it is ok so. so just to be clear, how many of these training centers are there available in this part of the country? and are you guessing a good response to them? are many people taking these opportunities out? yeah, of course. i mean, when you look at the history of intervention programs in nigeria and this
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intervention programs, the prism, how many people had initiated the 1st of these kind because we try to look at the jo, geographical aspect of nigeria as the political zones. and we'd categorize these young people with the skills are educated and unskilled, on skill with educated background. and at the same time, we try to look and lies and engage the community leaders look and level because those are the kind of areas that you can talk to real on in flight use. the sectors, i mean the centers that we have across the 700 on some local government, elijah really helpful in getting these young people. and we can see the outcome of how these young people are fabricating things that are there. they specialize on. so i mean, this program is sealed a result and create more jobs in nigeria at that many thanks for your time nasa site. do adama, senior special assistant on youth and students to president bush,
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hoary of nigeria, human rights groups in the democratic republic of congo. say chemical spills from cobalt mines are rooting. locals, livelihoods and wells demand for cobalt. a soaring as rich countries switch to electric vehicles, but use batteries that contain cobalt malcolm. web reports from lab, the province lizard wiki small loan servicing, kasan goes fish dead. he says he found them in this pool until acid leaked from a nearby mine here in a democratic republic of congo. why don't guess in one says it killed the plans and that he found the fish floating. it was a month ago. he says he can't afford to clean the pools and replace them though a move to. i feel pain, because this is how we pay school fees for our children. this is how we always lived. now they've done this. we have nothing to do. next to the poof therapy, guys, cabbages. but they're stunted and inevitable. he says the acid spoiled the soil.
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his neighbors say the same. community live near an industrial cobalt and copper mine called k c. c. most of the world's cobalt comes from congo. extracted it mind like this, the large quantities of acid to separate cobalt from rock rights groups say, spills are common and environmental regulation is almost nonexistent. this pipe is one of the places that the acid spilled out of the mind. the mines, just on the other side of this embankment surfin farm, is about 2 kilometers down this stream, and all of the people that we've spoken to in the communities here, whose fish pool farmed and livelihoods with spoiled se they still haven't being compensated. the mind belongs to swiss trading and mining giant glen call, which supplies cobalt to us. electric comic a tesla for its batteries. glen course at it accidentally spilled, electrolytes here
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a month after the acid. it's work as scattered limes and neutralize some streams and rivers. but activists say it was too little too late. there was a manual and pool as been researching the impacts of the spills. he says dawson's people's livelihoods have been destroyed, and he's documented cases of cough, headaches, and skin burns caused by the acid, which glen cough denies it, connected what we accordingly i'm going to do is to define our victim and to fund how truly been how to make compositions, glen cool, told al jazeera in a statement that it tested waterways after the spills and found their p, have level to be neutral. that fish likely died for an unrelated reason. and the conditions in vegetable gardens had not been impacted. emanuel doesn't buy it the good way to save the image to, to recognize the problem and to fix it is not to hide it. millions of dollars worth
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of cobalt a truck out of congo every day. clinical minds about a 5th of it. he recorded trading profits of more than 3000000000 dollars last year . sarah fin says he and his family have lost most of their income is a handful of big winners in congos, rapidly growing cobalt industry. sarah fins, not one of them. malcolm web al jazeera chairman than the democratic republic of congo still had on al jazeera in sports. we find out what's behind this. he said, a stain steering and an h l. game file. be him. that story coming right ah, in columbia, transforming urban waste to building blocks we use is still for a same for the waste blasted the war. we can finish the house in charge. the sheila in america just can use any single pole critical forms and living buildings. anything you do on land on the ground doesn't make sense to do that. i'll pile on
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the building. now can, we might have not just decorative, but can we make it biologically productive. earth rise? describe as cutting edge solution for sustainable city on al jazeera, setting, the discussions, what is green washing? it's when an oil company talked green, but at 30 unflinching journalism. are you committed to building a vibrant dealer graphic up got into sharing personal stories with a global audience. our ministers had no idea what happening on the shelf fuel, but i could see the body bag explorer, and abundance of world class programming climate change. another principle issue of survival on elegy 0. ah ah
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ah, he is far marlene. thank you so much. seems andy, a superstar lebron james is got himself into trouble again. the lakers forward has been fined $15000.00 for making an seen gesture during a game against indiana on wednesday. meanwhile, before time nb cannot expires, team to against the sacramento kings on friday. the lakers losing and triple over time. darren fall to court at 34 points to lead the king's 2 dramatic 141 to 137. when james had 30 points in the game and just his 2nd game back from suspension. the lakers losing for the 5th time in 7 games. we very frustrating when we come home, when games, no support again, that's roach rocher. but again, we definitely want. we are some mistakes. granted to hear some 12 shots credit to
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know no down of storage. while the ally clippers had no problems against the detroit pistons, reggie jackson scored 21 points as he led the clippers to 170 to 96 victory. the game also saw the return of detroit. isaiah stewart, who came back from his 2 game suspension after being involved in an altercation with le bron j. o, which was my last home address in all lost. and you know, i'm only partially, you know, i thought disaster. oh, but it's my last i'm addressing my main focus right now. so marty, my teammates and getting back bashful, i'm not gonna find who i, you know, i'm going to let you know what the truth drafted for the funding. why? you know, the way i play last rugby golf and crickets are the 1st major sports to be affected by the new coven. 19 very. and so, just as things were starting to return to normal,
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2 years into the pandemic with the afghan cup of nations coming up in january and cameroon, ahead of african football says a measured response is required. it is being assessed, it is been evaluated. some of the european countries, if responded by red listing some countries so we would be guided by the science will be guided by the findings. and we thought that the world was moving in the right direction. and that progress was been made concerning her opening up. our loaner coach, travis hernandez faces his 1st away test as the spanish giants get ready to take on villareal. on saturday, our son had a disappointing week. they were held to a new mil, drawn champions laying at home again spent feca are they continue to struggle in my legal sitting down in 7th place? 10 behind leaders rel madrid, spite winning his 1st match in charge last weekend. chevy says the club needs a quick turn around. the season will be over for them soon. we bought it under,
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but i, michelle, just respond. doesn't those 3 points very important for us. we're playing a tough stadium and against the to ricks rival. i think villareal could be fighting for place in the champions league. the be a turning point, but each game is like that right now, because we're in an urgent situation. we must win each game that so go, then we'll see steadily how we are and how we can pay. i get the idea is to go when those 3 points clearly said all 5 matches taking place in english. premier league on saturday, including liverpool, who take on south hampton roads. boss juergen club says the arrival of ralph rag neck at manchester. united just made his life more difficult. corpse fellow, german is set to be appointed as united inter manager until the end of the season. it follows the sacking ivoly gunnar soldier. the 63 year old to rag neck was a big influence on the generation of talented german coaches which includes club and shot chelsea's thomas to go either european champions, edlio christiano,
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rinaldo to portugal will miss out on next year. is woke up in qatar the teams were put on a collision course of the draw for the european playoff, semi finals, portugal plate, turkey and italy take on north macedonia. winners of those matches will face off in a game to decide who progresses to the finals. and the glove came off during an h l game between the boston bruins and the new york rangers, boston's brad marcia, who's known for getting under the skin of players did to rangers r t me potter in a both of them were slapped with a 10 minute misconduct penalty after the incidents marcia and brushed it off saying they were just talking about what they had for thanks giving okay, and that is all your support for now mailing back to you. thank you far. and that's it for me, molly. inside for this news, our lots for all our stories on our website out zera dot com. do check it out. come
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on, we'll be back in a moment with more of the day. see, stay with us. ah . if america held up a mirror to itself, what would it see in a sense, race is the story of america what's working and what's not. a lot of people were only talking about this. it wasn't at the top of the agenda. if america can handle multiple challenges on multiple fronts, we need to go back to school. the bottom line on al jazeera december on. and just either because our host, the fee for our upcoming
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a momentous event for the region and a glimpse of what's in store for the 2022 world cup people in power investigates the use and abuse of power across the globe. a world exclusive interview with joint nobel peace, lori if recognize the safeguarding freedom of expression as a pre condition for democracy and lasting peace from shore. documentaries to in depth explain portal showcases the best of al jazeera digital content. as the year draws to a close, we look back at the events that have shaped the news and look ahead to next year. december on a jesse europe discover the world of difference in determination. i'm. it's coming down with me. we are moving freedom shot. so just a 16 people in corruption and compassion
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al jazeera world, a selection of the best films from across our network of channels. oh, a new cove. 19 varian shakes global markets as governments ban all restrict flights out of southern africa. ah, hello again on come all santa maria here in doha. this is the world news from al jazeera. the us is calling for urgent negotiations to end. the conflict in ethiopia, our prime minister abbey med, is out on the front lines. also at least 3 people dead in the solomon islands after days of rioting against government.


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