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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2021 4:30am-5:01am AST

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a group of activists deep into the illegal fishing industry, demanding justice and freedom. go fleet, a witness documentary on al jazeera. ah, ah. hello again, peter will be into your headlines on al jazeera, the israeli government says it wants to band the entry of all foreigners for 2 weeks, once approved. this will be the toughest travel band and i'm anywhere in the world since a new highly mutated cobit 19 variant was identified in south africa. this week. harry faucet has worn out from west jerusalem will. it's the result of a late night emergency meeting of the corona virus cabinet, which took place late on saturday evening after a brief announcement from the prime minister, natalie bennet, that israel needed to act very quickly in the midst of all this uncertainty and not
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risk the progress already gained against the current of iris pandemic. and so the measures nascar extremely stringent, all foreign travelers into israel will no longer be allowed in that is quite soon after foreign tourism was allowed again towards the beginning of november. meanwhile, ami crohn has been detected in more parts of europe. the dutch government believe several cases or among travellers have been isolated. after arriving from south africa, many nations have imposed travel bands on south africa and its neighboring countries . the south african government is complaining about the way it's been treated since letting the world about the very end and says countries should be congratulating it, not punishing it. in other news, the reuters news agencies reporting 6 of these soldiers have been killed in an attack by ethiopian forces. it happened at a suit of these army posts near the border. the military said in a statement,
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groups of ethiopian army and militias attacked its forces in alpha shocker sugar, which resulted in death's sedans. prime minister, abdullah, hum dock has replaced the chief of police and his deputy. more than 40 people were killed and a crackdown on protest following the military coup last month. maddox accused the police of using live ammunition on the demonstrators, which they deny. the handoff was placed on the house arrest following the crew, but has not been reinstated. as the country's prime minister. well, the $400.00 refugees and migrants who waited for days to be allowed into a port of december to the italian town of augusta. they were rescued by the german humanitarian group. see, watch nearly half of those picked up with children. those are your headlines back now to the portal. i'll have more news in 30. see that? ah,
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ah hi, i'm sandra goldman, welcome to portal. i usually work on the digital side about a 0, that's our website, social media and podcast. we've got loads of great content and i'm here to show you some of our best stuff this week. it's all about the middle east. we've got a powerful short film out of palestine where we meet for people finding their own way to push back against illegal israeli settlements. and remember, last year's terrible explosion in beirut. well, they're still waiting for answers there. we've got a personal take on it all from our correspondent. a mother told me, i don't know how i wake up every morning and how i go on. why did my son die? there still a lot of trauma. but before we get to that, we're going to give you the back story on lebanon. that's what my team and i do
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every week on the online show. start here. we take a big story and break it down. so in this episode, we explain what's going wrong and lebanon, and why things are so hard to fix. ah, let's talk about what you might have heard that things are bad, but you probably don't realize how bad or out of 5 people are living in poverty. there are shortages of pretty much everything. people are fighting over fuel. and anyone who can leave is what the a lot of stop if i have only been out of a dozen or thought it is wrong. i know i've never learned lebanon, basically is a plane that's crashing what hasn't crossed yet. there's finally a new government after more than a year. but the thing is, in lebanon, the government is often part of the problem. it's the same political parties blamed for years of robson and mismanagement at the end of the day. it's not really about the government formation. is that it is really about what this government gun to do
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. lebanon is unraveling on so many fronts, and all the different crises are compounding each other. so what's happening, and why is it so hard to fix things were to give you an idea just how quickly lebanon has collapsing. you have to realize that it's even worse than venezuela, a poster child of devastated economies. it took lebanon less than 3 years ago, where, but ms rela was over 6 years after years of corruption, mismanagement and dysfunctional politics. lebanon's dealing with a huge currency crisis. and that's at the root of so many other problems right now . well, a lamp and i have a dad that shot the laden a good bit. magdalena beal comes in as with he look nib monday. everything is much more expensive. integration is very hard because you won't be there. got it. so here's what's going on. in the late 19 ninety's,
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the lebanese pound was pegged to the us dollar. exchange rate was fixed at $1500.00 pounds for $1.00. now the problem with that is lebanon's economy wasn't strong enough to really justify that value. it was sort of artificial. for a long time, the government and banks managed to prop up the currency to maintain that peg. but now they're at a point where they just can't do that anymore. and so the currency has crashed, losing up to 90 percent of its value in the last 2 years. and that means people savings and salaries have tanked. whatever you make you make about this 90 percent less of what you made before. unfortunately. yeah, everything revolves around the currency. your currency is worth less and makes importing things much more expensive for lebanon. that's a massive deal because it imports nearly everything including all its fuel. so now on top of the current crisis, there is a fuel crisis key. the government simply can't afford to buy enough and it's
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abandoned some of the fuel subsidies that helped make fuel affordable for ordinary people. so now you've got both shortages. i'm super high prices. appreciate but i'm for one other to bob represent me why she didn't of the long set off. and i'm a mom. i'm your judge to live. my mom was out of i've been trying to get to work. well, we'll go about that business boss running out some friends. clue, cook sharing. so the fuel prices is creating a domino effect. drinking water now cost 4 times what it used to. and the lights are literally going out because there's no fuel for generators, causal obstructions from. this is an example of the chrissy going off. you're talking about some places not getting more than a couple of hours of a pacific dates summer and when it comes to hospitals, when it comes to people where you have young children eldern, this is miss the health risk. so it only gets worse, because now you've got health crisis to hospitals are struggling. the you when is
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got involved, even supplying fuel to help keep generators running. and like other imports, medicine is become too expensive or hard to find. even ordinary drugs like paracetamol, let alone life saving ones for diabetics or cancer patients. so people like marina are stepping in, she set up a charity to coordinate donations of medicine from abroad. we crossed the red lines and our were really facing hard and harsh times. again, this is not our job isn't the job of the state, but since we don't have a state we're doing this, so that idea that the state is missing in action. well, that's why things have become so desperate. lebanon is definitely a rare case of a country with virtually no bible state services, or social services or social institutions. the government has been called it as an institution. that video, basic services, up concrete, digital. and this isn't exactly new. it's almost as if lebanon is in
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a permanent state of political crisis. and critics, a part of the problem is the system itself. now the way it works is that the 3 biggest sacks are guaranteed representation. that was the deal to keep the peace after the civil war. so for example, the president is always a man at christian. the prime minister is always sunny and the speaker of parliament as she em. but in reality, it's led to political gridlock in fighting and nothing really gets done. it's really about you know, who gets which government sponsored contracts. what kind of company affiliated with who are, when you're forming a government, for example, you know, it's not just about who is the best person to handle the ministry of economy. it's whether the president who is american should pick that minister, whether it's the prime minister sunnyville to pick up. and it becomes a horse trading situation. you end up with a lot of corruption and accusations that politicians are only serving their own
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interests not working for the good of the country. yeah. oh. a couple of years ago, hundreds of thousands of people protested to say as much ah . and after the horrific explosion in beirut last year, there was outraged, directed at politicians. and so far, no one's been held to account. a long labeled foot needed to let me alone with him . feel a good what's happened recently is that the political parties have finally agreed on a new government. after 13 months, lebanon's feuding politicians have now agreed how to distribute to power in
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a new uh, cabinets. but most of the faces are familiar. like billionaire prime minister now she's mccarty, who's had the job twice already lost the ma am delicately. what a good man i got when we hardly thought we should done going out feet. he's trying to manage expectations, but they're already rock bottom. i'm very pessimistic about this government. i think this as this is just, you know, like a morphine. those that was given to the people in order to calm them down. people just feel that because this is a returning prime minister, is this 3rd time most prime minister. they say, well, you know, it doesn't matter if they're calling the shots, then we can't expect that people have put us in this crisis to get us out of it. and there's a lot that needs doing priority number one is to get cash into the country. and the government's best bet is to secure a bailout from the i. m f. it's now planning to reopen talks with them after the
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last one stalled in 2020. but if the government wants money, it will also need to present a recovery plan that includes a bunch of reforms. we just get dollars from the rest of the work desperately in order to pump barbie new position or the population. but not only stops or perhaps this country has been very bodily managed or very, or we need to part of the current password merch. if there's any chance of that happening, it could start with parliamentary elections coming up in may. but that's a big if, just like fuel and medicine, hope that politicians will actually change things as an seriously short supply. now if there is a single event that helps explain why so many people in lebanon have given up on their politicians. it's that explosion that ripped through beirut support last year, killing almost 200 people. it was caused by warehouse full of ammonium nitrate that hadn't been stored properly. and lebanon is still feeling the effects out as they
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are corresponded zayna. hodder opens up about that in this episode of between us. it's an online series where reporters reflect on the big stories they cover. ah, it's been a very difficult year for those who survived the blast as well as the families who lost loved ones and families of the victims have repeatedly taken to the streets, demanding to know the answers, demanding accountability, but the whole add on other high on, on there's still no answers on who was responsible for bringing this ammonium nitrate to lebanon. many feel that justice will never will be served more questions than answers a year after that blast. i'm center for their senior correspondent for l. shahida. i've been reporting from lebanon for some time now and between us since the bay report explosion, the situation has only gotten worse. it was one
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of the largest non nuclear blasts in history. you talk to anybody in the city and a lot of people still talk about that day. people are still in shock. still picking up the pieces. hundreds of thousands lost their homes. ah, families are desperate. they want those who they believe are responsible to be held to account. they lost their children, they lost their husbands, they lost their wives. people feel that they haven't been given the answers. a mother told me, i don't know how i wake up every morning and how i go on. why did my son die? there's still a lot of trauma. there have been emotional scars of physical scars even myself. when all is quiet, i can still hear that blast, even my son, he was 3 years old at the time. he still will not walk down the street where we
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were when the blast happened. when there is a strong wind, he starts to panic because he too felt that pressure wave, that shock wave that pushed him to the ground. when the blast happened, lebanon was in the midst of an economic crisis. people were losing their jobs, businesses were closing, and the lebanese pound was already devaluing. on top of that, there was corona virus and they were locked downs, which also made worse the economic collapse. when the explosion happened, the authorities promised a transparent and swift investigation. the investigation has been slow, the lead judge and the case product guitar, as trying to initiate the process of process routing. those he believes are responsible for the blast, but he faced a fierce political backlash from those in power. he has a list of suspects and they are members of the political and security establishment . some of them are m p, 's. politicians are refusing to lift immunity. they're not allowing him to question
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these suspects. international and local journalists have done more digging than the authorities. they believe that in one way or another, this shipment was linked to 3 syrian businessmen who were linked to or who are linked to the syrian president, bashar assad. one of them has been sanctioned for procuring ammonium nitrate and the same here as 2013, when that ship docked at bay root port. was it really intended for lebanon because that ship was destined for mozambique? at least this was what shipping records show. but it made an unintended stop in bay route. so justice has not been served, nor has there been any accountability. ah, as the lebanese, it is hard to watch. this country collapse is falling apart and you're watching and falling apart. and yet, it doesn't have to be this way. these politicians are clinging on to power. so many people are asking, what are they fighting over? they're fighting over a corpse. there's nothing left of the state. the state has all but collapse without
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a new government. that is ready and willing to carry out reforms. it's hard to see how this country will be able to stand on its feet once again. okay, up next is a film out of palestine. it's from the all my documentary series fly on the wall. it's about 4 people and how they found different ways to fight back against illegal israeli settlements. take a look. ah. they feel they are fighting alone that. oh, because i thought a the, i saw the idea was more hurtful. messman, have i? yeah. my, your belief, lincoln, it was about the shadow of on shore dutton stock ribbon fiercely inman, duly, they're trying to install ethnic cleansing, trying to get rid of all the palestinians that have lived here for 10 years or even hundreds of years
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for them. awesome namo, alicia. yes. hello, could you to ma'am buffer around buffer my equity by the hotel. modern mother listen, aletha is muscle to me. jenny meffort venue have been a big room some numbers to let them get it in after 10. i think in the future on maybe in the i did your on month look the on from big enough so, but i would like to add but a lot to john and i me and then if adam al, it is about a balance of the had them can of problem solving, emailed or war? huh. the us senate in half and the less than a budget i was the last
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day on the middle, on my dresser. i had engine duplicate a lot of them based on the satin to let on how legislative fish must kill enter, man, honor can dana concealment and night. i shot whole full web store has a rare book from i am. can know me at the blown him. can your clue any fail month? i'll let him go. has it our i'll ala shit again. fee, hoff? asked mother martha loony kind of. i've been out about the show from special and just say shift in salt, an adventure i with them for i know, but there they found bit on me, i mean a mustache and um we can watch it on the engine, give us a phone bill at a little, much up. i believe. you just told me say, all right, i, i say to hm. messman, have a police like
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a shit in there. i love relief. not a big jump. i'm about to about a lean, my young god, martha america returning america. tonight a boy, i'm neither come to sleep. honestly it done this on the face of the name is my 60 hello sion muslim law on the 11th of on he and ness bill bill chic. a bad my miles that hail ha ha ha ha ha. event that to wait them on. if you haven't given that iowa deaf
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shondae, a green with ness bang tie, it's unique in its experience because of the fight. we doubt leadership, the youth, they have what we call it, a political awareness. they don't want to be divided and that's why the israeli authority, they are confused. how to deal with these kind of activities or to control it. oh like oh heck. oh of on before the movie channel occurred, little issue none available at the valley yet and had a bit of an ali yet from anything else at all? no. the time i'm in the bergen thanielle i'mma put i'mma. jo, what all, and i couldn't get my mood hit on was hopefully it'll just open up the chicken family, bought them to see if i'm going to be done on this unity. 7 on the top of the
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mountain, been among the palestinians come from the frustrations, frustrated for a month for straight from but option for straight from division. you see them taking the lead on the ground, but to participate every one. there's a kind of debate within about a senior in the within the top do we continue? they feel they and they are fighting and own where's people, where is the european union where it is that international organizations that support and promote a human rights leafy? keep silent, that's mean they accepted the occupation. but if they use the, the resistance and different way all they will use that to be a terrorist. if he's 90 percent of them, they want peace. but 3 and b 's build on justice. not beast with set, that meant not beast with occupation. they want life,
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they want to political rights, they want jobs, so on life they want to enjoy their life. they let like laser is ladies that kind of little of, of on their muscle. tony in barrack for subtle at all. they feel live, the fellow got to be a wealth of a book, collected a thought on moral to me. and i look for i was sort of could build out all the gum national bianca say when lackey this around month instead of having this family delay they should and i must ha, i lose a how much that he has a moment. a needs a moment. well, i love, you know,
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maybe though i see i see by imagine i m, i a adams irrelevant. that means it is, there will be with a couple to put it up in his hand. no, not a a. and i think that should because i'm ready when we re with it in. so we she called with a miami. well, let me let us wearily. we've been
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a white glove with a you've been a f, a know had them quite a bit and we've had a a how to get did you been sultani and a funny look, i'm headed to rockwood, hoping to helical i'm to put in 9. can i get the name that i've shannon? mm mm mm. when the misery i'd love to get even more like neither one of the month ago in a month to guy going to see if he's the guy i called you the last check. because in this area where we're going to use the launch,
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i put the rest of the shepherds in this area they, they will all they just all gave us would be a little know what i'm no, but they're persecuted so much by the settlers. i mean, we can half ago and had one of his cheaper and over by 4, by 4 running into the field where no dollar newborn over telegraph pursuant. and that's what they're trying to do. they're trying to frighten the people to leave it to go somewhere else. but the truth is that they've got nowhere else to go. and as soon as the settlers see us, they are far more reticent to come into contact their own. amongst the settlers. extreme factions which see us and we are even more of an enemy for them than the actual palestinians are now come with us with sticks and with violence. and we'll hold our ground does and we will start doing one. busy with adrian, alina von?
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no, that includes a month ago. the connection with the problem is that somebody at the moment somebody says, god told me to do something, you can't have a rational discussion with them. and they're trying to install, ethnically cleansing, trying to get rid of all the palestinians that have lived here for tenants or for you even hundreds of years. a missouri top level, not scanning. we do get a lot of support, you know, from the people who like to sit on the couches and writing facebook all. well don, thank you so much, bye, defacto. you can count us in the, in the tense. those are the little cindy enough. i will listen to the lady and i just remember sure, i get there with him the whole alone. that's at some portal this week. i hope you liked what you saw. remember there's lots more
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great video and audio content on our website and social media channels. i'll be back next week until then. see you online. ah hello, there. the weather's looking a very mobile across north america at the moment. banks of cloud a which was the eastern seaboard a scenario of canada, pushing across the plains all way down towards south and up towards the north west . i'm afraid we got more wet weather coming in here just around to washington state
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. british columbia. we got red warning in force that the b c at present. that was gonna be as bad as it was in the past couple of weeks, but looking at more rank coming in on that saturated ground. so that's gonna cause further problems. quite a winfrey mix to over the high ground as we go on into our monday things quite and down slightly. making way for the next system which will push in mid weeks of as something to watch out for still a when she makes a bit towards the lakes, eastern parts of canada, which was the far east of the canadian maritime. seeing some of that wintry weather before the south, it is generally fine and try with some pleasant sunshine coming through, which extends its way down intricate parts of the caribbean. got a few showers into central america. the wettest weather is likely to be just around the costa rica into panama, that western side of the caravan, or much of the caribbean, a slot he sent fat, petty of sunshine around lo, be a few showers just making the way through the eastern islands. but middle part of the week, ah,
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we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter when you call home, we'll put you can use in current falls that matter to years. ah, israel will buy and the entry of all foreigners making it the 1st country to seal its borders after the emergence of a new cobit 19 variant. ah, hello again line peach. adobe. you're watching al jazeera live from doha moore. guffman saw detecting their 1st cases of the army cron barian and imposing travel bands on southern african countries. also ahead fury and burkina faso protests was called for the president to go after a tax. they say.


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